Lets Talk Business September 22

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talkbusinesslet’s the official business magazine of hounslow chamber of commerce and west london chambers: ealing and hammersmith & fulham ISSUE 11: September 2022 The Big Interview Kathryn Smith General ChiswickManagerCinema INSIDE: Spotlight Focus - Hammersmith & Fulham turn to young blood to drive borough initiatives forward | International Trade - Chamber of Commerce - helping international trade in testing times | 5 minutes with Felicia Biekarck of Vivenda.space



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Welcome to our latest edition. As summer wanes, we are pleased to present our autumn edition of Let’s talk we congratulate Shan, to his friends, our new leader of Hounslow Council. We will be rolling out a series of events to help and support business through this winter of energy cost driven dramatic price increases. We celebrate our success during the COVID lockdown years of getting a record amount of Kickstarters into employment and we offer some autumn cheer at the shops and international opportunities as we travel to Issy-les-Moulineaux in Paris and receive a mission from Libya. Finally, our major conference on trade with India is taking shape for October 14th so we hope to see you at one of our events coming to your part of the three boroughs soon. by 2022. note that submitting every effort is made to ensure the and of its Benham Publishing cannot be held responsible for any or links supplied to

24 Contents 16 2137

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Enquiries Hounslow Chamber of Commerce Spring Grove House, West Thames College, London Road, Isleworth TW7 4HS Tel: 07879 813817 Email: sallysmith@hounslowchamber.org.uk Web: www.hounslowchamber.org.uk

Alan Rides MIEx (Grad) CEO Contents & welcome let’s talkbusiness 3 4-5 Feature- New leader of Hounslow Council 8-9 Tourism & Hospitality 14-15 Skills & Training 16-17 Big Interview 19 Top Tips 20 News 21 Patron Focus 24-25 Spotlight HammersmithFocus-& Fulham 28 Ask the Expert 29 News 30 Regeneration 31-33 International Trade 34 Technology 37 Director Focus 38-39 Health & Wellbeing 41 Chamber Events 42-43 New Members 44-45 News 46 5 Minutes with… 08 31 Disclaimer: let’s talk business is published for the Chamber of Commerce and is distributed without charge to Chamber members. All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor at the Chamber of Commerce. Views expressed in let’s talk business are not necessarily those of the Chamber of Commerce. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except

material published in this journal, Benham Publishing and


permission. ©

Advertising Sales Karen Hall Tel: 07801 788880 Email: karen@benhampublishing.com




Thepressures.council has made every effort to help local residents where they can. “We are one of the few boroughs to offer 100% discount on council tax and those on Universal Credit are automatically assessed for this support. We also make the process simpler to apply for this support,” Cllr Rajawat explains. During Covid, in his role as Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services, Cllr Rajawat oversaw the distribution of £70m worth of grants, and the introduction of the Shop Local vouchers, which saw great sign up from retailers. The £20 Shop Local voucher saw over £1m distributed back to local retailers. It was encouraging that the biggest usage was not in the more affluent areas of the borough but in Feltham. The council’s partnership with SaveTheHighStreet.org also helped deliver tailored support to existing businesses needs, providing new opportunities for start-ups to grow and make it exciting for residents to shop local again. Help when it matters The Innovate and Grow business support programme, is a recent council initiative funded by the Government’s COVID-19 Additional Restrictions Grant that Cllr Rajawat is particularly proud of. The programme offered a wide range of free courses and masterclasses for different-sized businesses and sectors. The support included small business grant funding; green business grant funding; specialist support for towncentre businesses and one-to-one mentoring.Thethinking behind the programme, Cllr Rajawat explains, was to enable businesses to innovate and grow beyond the constraints of the pandemic. To help re-establish confidence within the local economy, while protecting jobs for local people. businessHeathrow-linked The hospitality and travel sector was hit especially hard by the pandemic and with so many people in the area employed either directly by Heathrow or indirectly (via a service provider or retailer reliant on the airport) the impact on the borough of lockdowns was and still is being felt heavily. “We acted as a centre-point during this time, identifying ways to help local businesses recover. We did get some extra support from central government but it was not enough and the sector is still struggling,” Cllr Rajawat

Levelling up is something that you can’t argue against, according to Cllr Rajawat, but saying it is very different to achieving it.

“Hounslow is one of the lowestfunded boroughs in London. And while London is said to be in a bubble, there is without doubt deprivation in the capital and also in this borough”. To make up the shortfall in funding, the council has few options but to increase council tax.

“Funding is going to be a key thing or us, “ Cllr Rajawat admits. “We are ambitious as a borough to be cleaner, greener and healthier but that costs money. We want to protect our services and support local business. We will continue to press the government for greater support but also make sure the

“Westresses.hear about unemployment rates being lower but the rates of pay are low and the cost of living is making it hard for business and individuals to get by”.

Rising cost of living In 2022, the same challenges are there – years of austerity have put a pressure on local services and deprivation within the borough has only been exacerbated by Covid and the rising cost of living. Local businesses still struggling to recover post pandemic are now having to deal with inflationary

Cllr Shantanu Rajawat was elected the new leader of Hounslow Council back in May, by Hounslow Labour Party membership.

feature let’s talkbusiness4 A seasoned local politician and born and bred in the borough, Cllr Rajawat has taken over the reins of Hounslow Council at a challenging time. It is over a decade now (2010) since he first became a councillor at the tender age of just 25. He explains that he had first been interested in politics while a student at Heston Community School. A few years later Shantanu graduated from the University of Kent at Canterbury with a degree in Politics and International Relations and went on to complete a Graduate Diploma in Law at BPP University. Back in London as a 25-year-old councillor, Shantanu says that he was one of a number of new young councillors elected at the same time. “Back then council positions were often seen as the preserve of those retired from work. The first few years as a councillor was a real challenge as many of us wanted to do things differently. We pushed for innovation and change and frequently asked ‘why is this acceptable?”

Innovation and targeted support key to borough’s bright future

Striving for a Green economy In terms of a greener future, Hounslow Council is leading a city-wide plan to give London’s green economy a big boost. London’s Green Economy is currently valued at £48bn and accounts for five per cent of the city’s jobs, but an ambitious new report sets out how the city could double the size of its Green Economy to £100bn by 2030.

The Green Economy Action Plan, promises to bring the council’s ambition to life, accelerating the transition to a low carbon economy, whilst boosting jobs growth.


We are ambitious as a borough to be cleaner, greener and healthier but that costs money. We want to protect our services and support local business. We will continue to press the government for greater support but also make sure the money we do have is used as productively as possible money we do have is used as productively as possible.”

Entitled Building the Green Economy, the report outlines how local authorities and partners across London, can work together to stimulate green innovation and enterprise, support small businesses and help residents gain skills to pursue new career Theopportunities.planalsomaps out how traditional industries will be supported to embrace the kind of technological change that will help reduce the carbon they produce.

let’s talkbusiness 5

Why does your business place importance in gaining knowledge about how technology works? I’ve been in telecommunications for fifteen years now. As a child, I was a technology nerd since my father gave me a computer so I was always interested in technology and how it worked. It was a coincidence that I was headhunted by a telecommunications company


Your Comms Group is the telecommunications company offering an umbrella of bespoke solutions to keep your business tech-savvy. Unique in their ability to offer a variety of solutions, from mobile to broadband, connectivity to remote device management, the Your Comms expert telecoms team can help. YCG have experience with serving thousands of UK companies including everyone from your local Home Care providers to the largest UK unions. YCG believes every business should be looked after in the same way, offering the most comprehensive product portfolio, unbeatable prices, unrivaled personal service, and expertise to a variety of industries Joshua Tatiah, the Head of Communications at Your Comms Group, speaks about how his business journey in telecoms began with a keen interest in technology as a young boy. He explains the necessity of keeping updated with the newest technologies given the constant flux of the industry and how VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) can save businesses time and money. What is your role at Your Comms Group and what does this involve? I am the Head of Sales & Unified Communications which involves supervising a group of sales staff: I train them on the products & services, help with company growth and manage customer’s accounts. Keeping the team updated on the newest innovations in technology is important as there’s always new changes and features. It’s my responsibility to make sure the team is welltrained and knowledgeable to provide the best service for our clients. What does your client base look like? Our client base ranges from SMEs, government contracts, UK embassies to estate agents, so it varies. Anyone can be a customer, especially in telecommunications. Also, everyone needs a telephone line, so we’re the first point of call for that. It’s the right time for businesses to move towards new technology and keep updated with innovations that will ultimately help them in the future.

What makes the business stand out from the competition? Our company is one of the top suppliers in the UK as our prices are very competitive. Furthermore, we introduce our clients to each other so that they can do business with each other and create a mutually beneficial business relationship which is unique to our business.

even though I studied hospitality management and was working at a five star hotel at the time. After giving it a try I never looked back. Fifteen years down the line, I’m fully fledged in telecommunications and am always keeping up to date with what’s new in the technology market. Everything is based on the Cloud now so our priority is updating our knowledge on this new era of tech. It’s the right time for businesses to move towards new technology and keep updated with innovations which will ultimately help them in the future.

Our client base ranges from SMEs, government contracts, UK embassies to estate agents, so it varies. Anyone can be a customer, especially telecommunications.in

Do you have any success stories from the business to share with us? The pandemic affected a lot of businesses with many being forced to close because they couldn’t function like they used to. My staff were trained on VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) solutions which means that they are able to work anywhere in the world and still do the job effectively. I have a client who was spending £50,000 on building rent per month. With VoIP solutions, staff are able to work from home as if they were in the office. Now, he saves money on office space, they’re more proactive and there’s no problems with lateness. This is proof of savings and productivity in business simply by having the latest technology. What are you hoping to expect from the business in the future?

We’re expecting to double our turnover in the next 2-3 years as business is going really well with the team and company growing massively. It’s a good time to do business at the moment as a lot of people are being made aware of what’s out there so it’s easier to provide our services to other companies.


Just one example of a company which suffered is Booking.com, a leading online travel company.

As a result, hospitality businesses are, and remain, more vulnerable to income disruption than other parts of the UK economy Industry body UKHospitality estimated that 640,000 jobs were lost across the sector during 2020 despite government support, including the furlough scheme and access to loans and grants, to ease lockdown pain.

In the fourth quarter of 2020, its sales were also down over 60% as reservations plummeted.

Businesses in this sector tend to operate on very small margins and with low cash holdings, partly due to a high level of fixed costs.

hospitality and tourism let’s talkbusiness8

The grim reality is that by last summer, when venues were allowed to serve indoors unrestricted, thousands of business in the sector had already gone to the wall. There were almost 10% fewer restaurants to choose from, compared to before the Manypandemic.barsand restaurants had closed for good before the end of 2020.

Remember the rule of six people being allowed to meet at an indoor restaurant, café or bar? Or the stipulation that any number of people could meet up on the proviso that they were from a maximum of two households? Pubs with outdoor areas were able to open at one point but those without beer gardens had to keep their doors closed.

Despite its brand being exceptionally well-positioned and with a presence in over 220 countries in the first quarter of 2020, its travel bookings fell by over 50% from the previous year and its revenue by almost 20%.

Whether it was global business like Booking.com or local bars or B&Bs the pain was being felt. And the sector continued to suffer through 2021 as restrictions remained in place and customer numbers stayed low. Holiday bookings and restaurant and bar trading did pick up markedly last summer when most restrictions were lifted though most overseas tourists stayed away. New challenges Fast forward to Summer 2022 and after all restrictions were lifted in February, the sector is fully open.

The main problem now is not virus related but economic – the UK and

And even when restrictions were eased a little, business volumes were so limited it was hard to turn even a small profit.

It is hard to think of sectors in business harder hit by the Covid 19 pandemic than hospitality and tourism.

From airlines and travel agents to wedding venues and B&Bs, for large chunks of 2020 and 2021 there was complete shutdown.

The future of travel and tourism post-pandemic

The rules changed in line with Covid infection rates and while government efforts to help the hospitality and tourism industry were wellintentioned – think ‘Eat out to help out’ - the desired result was not always achieved.

The Eat Out to Help Out scheme in August 2020, which encouraged people to visit restaurants by offering discounted meals, has been blamed in some quarters for being ill-timed and raising Covid infection rates. Business casualties of the pandemic

There are of course positives – tourism plays a vital part in London’s social and economic life - it supports as many as one in seven jobs in the capital and contributes almost 12% of London’s GDP. The city with its unique attractions will always appeal to visitors. And there has been a marked pick up since 2021 in tourist numbers to the capital resulting in greater spending in bars and restaurants. But this needs to be taken in context, as 2021 was a year impacted by Covid. According to the office of the Mayor of London, tourism in London may not return to prepandemic levels until the middle of the decade, It is estimated that it could take until at least 2025 for domestic and international visitor overnight numbers to return to the levels seen in 2019, with spending predicted to take until 2026 to surpass pre-pandemic levels. What the future looks like Without the ability to physically serve customers, many restaurants relied upon technology to survive during Covid through delivery apps and ghost Itkitchens.mayhave been a steep learning curve to embrace tech to such an extent, but restaurants at least know now how to turn an eat-in business into a delivery service. The option to run these services in tandem may provide an expansion opportunity – assuming they can find the staff. Due to these recruitment pressures the industry will have to offer higher pay and better working conditions to attract hospitality workers. This will mean rising costs for businesses which they will either have to absorb or pass on to customers already feeling the pinch.

9 most other countries are feeling the impact of rocketing inflation. The cost-of-living crisis due to the war in Ukraine and subsequent energy price hikes, means that spending on non-essentials like eating out, theatre, weekend breaks and family holidays are being examined. Even if consumers do not forego their customary treats, they may scale back on their frequency. A week abroad rather than a fortnight; staycation rather than a package tour, self-catering rather than a hotel; picnics rather than meals out. The other concern for tourism and hospitality sector is recruitment. The newspapers have been filled with stories of airlines having to cancel flights due to shortage of flight crew and baggage handlers. Bartenders, waiters, hotel porters, cleaners and chefs are also in high demand. The impact of Brexit and Covid (when overseas workers returned home) has resulted in huge numbers of vacancies across the industry. At times this has meant hotels reducing the number of rooms available for booking (due to cleaning staff shortages) and reducing catering options for Afterguests.years struggling with a pandemic the sector is having to adapt to another major challenge.

Matthew Merrick | Director of Sales | Holiday Inn London - Brentford Lock let’s talkbusiness

It is no secret that the hospitality sector suffered greatly through the pandemic, here at the Holiday Inn Brentford Lock, we kept open as long as we could, and when we were able to re-open we helped accommodate essential workers, including the NHS. We are now returning to normal, hotel bookings are coming in and corporate bookings are beginning to return. We are looking forward to the build up to Christmas …

Business travel is a huge moneyspinner for the sector and it still remains substantially below 2019 levels. Zoom and Team meetings during the pandemic have highlighted how meetings and seminars can be conducted efficiently remotely and at a fraction of the cost. Can a flight (with its carbon footprint) from Cape Town to London really be Corporationsjustified? are likely to lower their travel expenses partly from a sustainability perspective but also as result of cost-cutting generally during an economic downturn. Will events at hotels and conference centres be on the same scale as they were before? Perhaps they will have to adapt, concentrate more on local business meeting/events – maybe even becoming hubs. With more companies letting employees work from home, extended-stay hotels could benefit. For instance, offering day passes, allowing guests to work in the hotel from 6am to 6 pm or stay pass, where guests can extend the day pass with an overnight stay. Offering quiet, comfortable workspaces with excellent connectivity and in some cases on-site gyms and pools, this may be just the ticket for the nonoffice-based worker.

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Let your hair down with your friends or colleagues and celebrate on a fun night filled with festive magic. Enjoy a delicious three-course meal and live band entertainment, followed by dancing to classic party tunes from our resident DJ.

Welcome drink: 6.30pm Bar opens: 7.00pm Dinner served: 7:30pm Carriages: 1.00am Dress code: Dress to impress Price & Availability £55.95pp Thursday 15th December 2022 Formal 3 course sit down Christmas Menu Inclusions: Arrival drink, three course meal, 1 drink voucher, live band followed by DJ, dancefloor/ disco, photobooth, cash bar available

Joiner Christmas Party Nights

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let’s talkbusiness 13 HCUC


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skills let’s talkbusiness14

Hounslow Chamber heard of the scheme, and we applied to be a Gateway organisation, enabling us to help the smaller companies, who wanted just a small number of KS young people. Those businesses who wanted more than 30 Kickstarters could apply directly to DWP. We were very proud to be amongst just a handful of London Chambers to be approved. Initially, the scheme was onerous but as it progressed and both DWP and Gateways began to understand it better, it worked well. Through working with the scheme, we built relationships with our local DWP personnel, and also many companies across London. A business could use any Gateway, there was no compulsion to use the one closest to you. One of our most successful companies was Heartbeat in Camberwell, who we went to visit in the summer of 2021.

Dimple Matharoo, director of DQS, was also impressed with the “Thescheme:support Hounslow Chamber, especially Sally, provided as a gateway was excellent, from the application process through to placement, they were always available to answer our queries which made the whole process seamless.”Allthehard work was worth it - it is gratifying that we have helped so many young people on their career path.

Kickstart Success Story

Back in September 2020, there was little information about the scheme. Initiatives of this size usually take the DWP 18-24 months to implement, the KS scheme was up and running within six months! So, there were initial teething problems.

March 1st. Kalai showed us from day one a desire to work hard and learn, becoming a valuable member of the technical team, as such we have just offered Kalai a full-time role and he has accepted! It is so pleasing to see this scheme go full circle, with both the business and Kalai benefitting, it works, as such we have just applied for a further two kickstarters. Our thanks to DWP and HCC for both the scheme and support from start to finish.” Another of our Kickstart young people was placed with DQS, a certification and audit company, and Fahad was offered a fulltime position, responsible for business development and digital marketing, when his KS term ended. In his words: “Working with DQS has given me a new perspective when it comes to my career. It is an opportunity which I am grateful for as I have learnt many new skills and tried new things which I would not have before. I consider myself lucky to be able to work with and see Dimple and my co-workers each day, as they are an amazing group of people that I now cannot imagine life without.”

Hounslow Chamber has placed just under 250 young people into work with 54 companies, ranging from roles in social media to visitor assistants for Paws in Work, puppy therapy specialists. Their sessions provide a chance to ‘switch off’ from mental stressors. Hounslow Chamber itself has taken on two Kickstarters. Ina Morisson is a graduate from Brunel University with a firstclass honours degree in Business Management. Ina started with us in November 2021 and owing to severe illness within the Chamber management team, she had to learn very quickly. Ina is now employed full-time by the Chamber as Project Lead Manager. Ina says: “During Covid it was extremely difficult for graduates to be placed into work as times were very uncertain, the Kickstart scheme completely changed my life around and I was able to progress from an intern to a manager within months. I am so appreciative of the scheme, and so grateful to have been placed with such an amazing employer. I am constantly developing, learning from fantastic role models and have been able to kickstart my career!” We also have Abdi Yussuf with us, who is learning a great deal about office at“AsAndytheirofferedcompaniesAVhisgrowingweCRMus,timestartformanagement.administration/businessAbdi,whoiscaringhisgrandmother,hopestore-hisstudiesattheendofhiswithus.DuringhistimewithAbdiisbecomingproficientin&datamanagement,andseehisincreaseinconfidencedaybyday.Wewillfollowprogressclosely.RentalswasoneofourearlierandinAugust2021theyapermanentroletooneofKickstarters.InthewordsofHornfromAVRentals:withanyschemeintroducedpace,wewereexpectingittobeaslowprocess,howeverthiswasnotthecase.AfterinitialconversationsandsupportfromHounslowChamberofCommerceonhowtheprocessworked,wewerequicklyreceivingnumerousapplicantsforboththeroleswewereadvertising.FromtheinterviewsweheldinFebruary2021IwasdelightedtobeabletoofferajuniortechnicianroletoKalaiSivayokarajahstarting

The Government launched the Kickstart scheme back in September 2020, to help young people to get into work. The scheme provided funding to employers to create new six-month job placements for young people, aged 16-24, who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. The scheme ended in March 2022, with the final payments being made to the young people in September 2022.

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let’s talkbusiness 15 Contact Andrew Billson Email: brentford@ubcuk.com Tel: 0800 169 www.ubcuk.com/office-space/brentford9822

Far from reducing the need for office space, the impact of the pandemic has strengthened demand for flexible workspace. Business leaders are less confident in traditional fixed, long-term leases, and are using serviced offices to help their companies adjust to the ever-changing business landscape and create a more robust platform for future growth.

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We offer the full range of flexibility, including virtual offices for remote entrepreneurs, coworking, day passes, serviced offices for hybrid teams, and managed offices for established businesses.

2. October 27,2022: Meeting Talks,” is a training event which addresses conversation etiquettes and presentation styles in group arenas such as the board rooms, staff meetings, hustings, networking groups, forums, panels and seminars, debates and interviews. It will help you lead a successfully lead and manage group meetings, increase the professionalism, productivity and profitability of the meetings, and improve your public speaking skills.

Flexible office space can accommodate any business with a workspace requirement, whether for a full-time team, or for remote workers who only need a desk for a few hours per month.

3. November 24, 2022: “The Art & Power of Silence in Leadership,” This leadership development training event is design with the increase in productivity through constructive listening in mind. It is for bosses to fine-tune their listening skills across all areas of their workforce, as well as knowing when and how to respond. There will be theory & practical aspect to the training to help cement these skills. Good listening and response skills can be the factors to covert your hard work into a profitable margin.

Interested in learning more about flexible workspace? Chat with our friendly team and pop in to see us at our Brentford office at The Mille


Chiswick gets the Hollywood treatment

the big interview let’s talkbusiness16

Visitors to Chiswick High Road may have spotted a stylish new boutique cinema of late. Opened in Summer 2021, the Chiswick Cinema, located in the old Ballet Rambert buildings is actually the first cinema to open in Chiswick since 1934.

Parents can watch movies on a big screen without having to worry about making a noise or the inevitable nappy changing breaks! And for those who are hard of hearing, there are regular showings of subtitled new releases Dog-friendly and inclusive, relaxed screenings are also on the way in the future.

So, what does a boutique cinema offer to entice viewers away from Netflix or Sky box sets from the comfort of their sofa? “Plenty”, is the immediate response from Kathryn Smith, General Manager at Chiswick Cinema. “The food we serve is all fresh produce; the wines are specially chosen and our cocktails are expertly made to order.” The thinking behind the Chiswick Cinema is that it is a place where people should feel comfortable staying many hours and enjoying some of the best new films and productions available. “You hear people talk about coming together again after enforced distancing due to Covid and cinemas allow you to share thoughts and ideas and talk about what you have just seen” Smith explains. And what Chiswick Cinema provides is far more intimate than what a multiplex can offer. While there’s an option to eat and drink in the restaurant and bar, in-screen dining is also available - simply arrive for the advertised start time of the film and a member of staff will take your order and deliver it to your seat before the film begins. Alternatively, there is an option to hire a private screening and dining room for 16 people and choose from a carefully selected menu or arrange bespoke offering with the venue’s former Michelin star chef Redmond Hayward. The cinema has even been used for meeting and networking space outside of events related to film screenings. We are proud to boast that we have hosted nearly a dozen Q & A’s to support locally produced movies up to Blockbuster Hollywood Hits, something that is rarely achieved outside of the West End. For Founder members, there is an upstairs restaurant and bar for their exclusive use – though Gold and Classic Members are welcome for walk-ins from Monday to Thursday. challengesCovid-related The planned opening date for Chiswick Cinema was put on hold due to Covid. Finally opening in summer 2021, the team have faced no shortage of challenges as Smith explains. “We had to take account of social distancing, at times we had staff shortages but we still had to open the doors and look after our guests. We have also had to deal with supply issues – for instance wine deliveries as a result of Brexit”. She adds: “The team here has done a fantastic job in often difficult circumstances and one year on, the cinema has really attracted a lot of interest and strong membership numbers.” In addition to showing the latest cinema releases, the venue also presents either live or recorded theatre shows from the West End - a prime example being Jodie Comer’s performance in Prima Facie for the National Theatre. One of the hottest tickets in town, visitors to Chiswick Cinema can for a fraction of the price, see sell out shows like this on their doorstep. For a boutique cinema, location is a vital element and in this instance excellent tube, bus and overground rail links make it easy for film lovers wanting to leave the car at home. The building itself, Ballet Rambert a former dance studio, is ideally situated on Chiswick High Road. It fitted the bill in terms of size but required an extensive refurb to include five screens, restaurant/ bar areas and a state-of-the-art kitchen facility.

“We want local people to see it as an ideal place for everything from a coffee to a special occasion. We’re here to support the community and other local businesses across Hounslow. Our emphasis is on a personal approach and an enriching experience, something that a boutique, independent cinema is able to do far easier than a larger venue.”Despite its high-profile official opening by Oscar-winning producer David Puttnam and Vice President of BAFTA Greg Dyke( and the fact that the cinema complex boasts an exclusive member’s club with a private 16-seater screening room) the management team at Chiswick Cinema go out of their way to stress that the facilities are for all local residents of all ages and means to enjoy. The most important thing after a first visit is to plan a return and also tell others all about it! let’s talkbusiness 17

For instance, every Monday there is the Silver Screen group, ideal for the over 60s, with a flat ticket price of £8. There is the Kids Club (up to age 14 accompanied by an adult) and Parents and Baby Screenings solely for parents and guardians with babies under one year old.

Community spirit Being situated on the high street, Chamber member Chiswick Cinema is right in the heart of the local community and the venue prides itself on being a focal point for locals. “When the cinema project was first mooted, we had a lot of local backing,” Smith Thisreveals.support from borough residents has continued and by way of a thank-you when Chiswick Cinema celebrated its first birthday in June 2022, it offered tickets for £5 tickets and 10% off food and drink. The day saw a cinema high of over 1,000 admissions in one day across shows from Elvis to Top Gun: Maverick.

We want local people to see it as an ideal place for everything from a coffee to a special occasion. We’re here to support the community and other local businesses across Hounslow. Our emphasis is on a personal approach and an enriching experience, something that a boutique, independent cinema is able to do far easier than a larger venue.

As for target markets, Smith insists it is about trying to appeal to as broad a group as possible but also responding to specific preferences.

A NEW COMMUNITY HOTSPOT FOR HOUNSLOW @chiswickcinema @chiswickcinema


The Chiswick Cinema, 94-96 Chiswick High Road, Chiswick, London, W4 1SH /thechiswickcinema

The Chiswick Cinema is a five screen independent cinema from Trafalgar Cinemas, a subsidiary of theatre enterprise Trafalgar Entertainment. Situated on the Chiswick High Road, the cinema boasts a café-bar, a Members’ restaurant and terrace, a living wall installation and five screens equipped with state-of-the-art Christie laser projectors. With a plethora of facilities built into the old ballet Rambert; the cinema is the perfect place for everything from a conference to an exhibitors’ screening, from a school trip to a post-film Q&A, from a private screening to a birthday party.


The Chiswick Cinema Founder Membership Club originally sold out prior to opening in 2019, with incredible support in the community for the cinema as it neared opening. Now celebrating over a year of successful operation, the cinema management team have opened additional spaces in the club hoping to welcome new Members from the Borough. Unlimited free tickets for the named Member is just the start, as the cinema team are challenging themselves to deliver a quality package not seen elsewhere in the exhibitor community. With wine tasting events with guests from the Hattingley Valley, a celebration of beer with a family brewery flying over from Austria and close partnerships with Chiswick-businesses like Hogarth Health Club and Metropolis Studios; the Members Club celebrates independent business while offering an experience across the senses for guests. Founder Membership is £450 a year and enquiries can be made to membership@chiswickcinema.co.uk

Former Michelin-starred Chef Redmond Hayward heads the kitchen team, carefully crafting a fresh produce orientated menu that offers modern interpretations on cinema classics while also catering for fine dining options. Events enquiries can be made to events@chiswickcinema.co.uk

5 SCREEN CINEMA www.chiswickcinema.co.uk

Where things do not go as planned, learn from it to further develop your public speaking skills. Forgive yourself, grow and have a fulfilled public speaking journey.

It is key to have some knowledge of the audience to whom you will be presenting your speech. E.g., at a board meeting, you will know who to expect, what information to offer, and how best to present it. On the other hand, the audience may be unfamiliar e.g., delegates at a seminar. Hence do your research, then tailor your speech accordingly. Attending the venue early to observe and interact with the audience may give you an idea of who they are. It may reassure you and thus lessen your anxiety.

Practicing your speech includes:

• use of simple language and imagery

TIPS 0203

917 8328 (+44)7951 798 308 | https://bempowereda1.com 5 Top Tips for Public Speaking

3. Preparation

by Claudia Welsh

• noting vocal ranges and intonations which if varied can encourage listeners’ engagement. That way flat monotones which can be disengaging are avoided • checking the timing of your speech • hearing how the speech flows from one point to the other, as well as the word choices used to express a sentiment • enjoying your speech thus showing your personality. This will put the audience at ease, perceiving you as relatable

Research your topic thoroughly. Speak to the experts. Read widely for an improved information base and broader vocabulary thus expressing your thoughts effectively. Knowing your topic will educate you, and improve your self-confidence leading to great public speaking.

To conclude, in addition to the above tips, ensure that you are rested, well-fed, and in a good frame of mind. Dress appropriately and comfortably to boost your self-confidence thus setting others at ease. Be prepared for unforeseen circumstances, e.g., there may be a change in the line-up of the presenters.

Public speaking is an essential part of communication in the world of business and life in general. Glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, affects even leaders and persons of authority. Effective public speaking can lead to trust, sound relationships and rewarding outcomes. Here are five tips on how to be successful at public speaking.

2. Know Your Audience

Knowing and understanding your topic is paramount. Look what is to be said and why. Look at its appropriateness and relevance to the audience, and the occasion. Look into how the speech can be presented in keeping with your personality style while being understood by all.

4. Practice Practice makes perfect and is good for building your confidence and lowering your anxiety levels. This can be done by using audio/video recordings and then reviewing and adapting your speech as required. A live practice/ sample audience made from co-workers, family members, friends, or a combination of all three are good sources for feedback. Practice at the venue and do sound checks if possible.

• noting your body language, facial countenance, and habits so that they can be adjusted • checking vocal range to ensure that you are consistently audible

Your speech will need a logically signposted structure that both you and your audience can follow. All good speeches hang on the framework of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. An introduction lays the foundation of the speech. It says: • what the topic is • what aspects of the topic will be focussed on in the body of the speech (usually done in three parts) • how it will be delivered • its relevance to the audience and • the timing

let’s talkbusiness 19

The body is the main portion of the speech and •should:Expound on the topic areas outlined in the introduction • acknowledge any changes or diversions to keep the audience informed • break the information into receivable portions, usually three main topic areas • engage the audience through anecdotes, storytelling, relatable examples, interactive questions, and varying the tone of your voice to avoid monotony and boredom

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• use of statistics and references where appropriate • keep to time Your conclusion should address the main points raised in the introduction, saying how they were fulfilled in the speech. Key points from the speech should be raised to re-establish focus on the topic, and to remind the audience of what is important in the message. Your conclusion may have a call-to-action, Q&A, and signpost to more information. Remember to thank your audience before closing your speech.

5. Review & Adapt After practicing your speech, review feedback, and reflect on your performance. Be open to constructive comments. Note that not everyone is skilled in giving feedback, so listen to what is being said. Ask questions for clarity of feedback and reflection. Adapt accordingly. Remember that your audience only knows what you have presented to them. You have the bigger picture. Feedbacks heighten your awareness of self and audience.

1. Know Your Topic

Coworking gives employees the option to work in a coworking space near home, rather than travelling to a central office. It’s ideal as an overflow space for busy days, and it’s also handy for those who prefer to spend more time in an office than at home, especially when the home becomes too disruptive (for example, during school Ultimatelyholidays). it comes down to choice and flexibility. And in Hounslow, one thing you’re not short of is flexible workspace!


• Hourly meeting room rental for private teamwork or quiet, focused work. Why not try UBC’s workspace for free? Come and visit us on Wednesday 21st September for our open day. It’s a great opportunity to try out different types of workspace options and discover the best fit for your business. Get full details and reserve your free place at ubcuk.com

Since the onset of the pandemic, many people have come to appreciate that while working from home is convenient, it lacks the valuable in-person interaction we get from working in an office. By adding a little face-to-face time during the week, companies can improve team collaboration and cohesion, while also ensuring more effective onboarding, increased access to support, stronger working relationships, and of course, more social time. There are different ways to implement hybrid work. Based on what we are seeing in UBC workspaces, most of our clients give staff the ability to choose which days they want to work in the office, and which days they are at home. This way, they can make the most of collaboration time by being in the office at the same time as other key project or team members.

• Day passes on a simple pay-as-you-go credit system (no membership required)

After more than two centuries, in 2019 the Ministry of Defence announced that it would be moving out of the Cavalry Barracks in Hounslow West.

• Serviced office space with short or mid-term agreements and office share options

Inland Homes, a specialist brownfield developer with an established trackrecord of delivering outstanding schemes on former Ministry of Defence sites, is proud to be working with the London Borough of Hounslow and local community to unlock the potential this unique site presents. Following extensive consultation, Inland Homes has submitted plans to create 1,577 new homes, more than 2,600 square metres of business and community space, an expansive public park and sports fields, and much more. All this will be achieved whilst retaining, refurbishing, and celebrating all Grade II listed buildings on site. Visit www.cavalrybarracksconsultation.co.uk to find out how our shared vision for the Cavalry Barracks is set to unlock Hounslow West’s potential.

CAVALRY BARRACKS let’s talkbusiness20

Why More Companies are Choosing Hybrid Work, and How to Get Started

UBC’s workspace in Brentford offers a variety of flexible options to support hybrid work, including:


With lockdowns and social isolation now thankfully behind us, most companies are settling into ‘new normal’ working patterns. For around 46% of adult workers, this means resuming a daily commute to work, according to an ONS study (May 2022). However, many other companies are adopting a flexible mix of inoffice and home-based work. In the same study, the number of working people opting for hybrid work has risen to 24%, while the proportion of those exclusively working from home has dropped to 14%. Why are more people choosing hybrid over home-based work?

Some of our clients use UBC coworking desks to support their hybrid work model.

Unlocking Hounslow West’s Potential

Inland Homes has exciting plans for the Cavalry Barracks

• Coworking with dedicated desks on a full-time or part-time basis

There are so many diverse business sectors within Hounslow, such as aviation, logistics and food. They’re all working within the manufacturing and service industries and with over 60 accredited certification schemes we are able to support all of these sectors. The fact that business is so mixed here means that companies can work together as suppliers and partners to support one another.

let’s talkbusiness 21 patron DQSfocus takes up

To support local businesses, network with the community and build relationships. Whilst we have contacts and business all over the globe, we felt that we were missing opportunities locally. Once we were introduced to the Chambers, we realised the opportunity that they could bring with their vast network of contacts and members. We felt that the organisation were very proactive in their work. What benefits do you hope to get from this arrangement?

Chamber Patron status

Local Chambers has opened up a host of networking opportunities… DQS recently became a Patron of the Chambers. Why did you sign up?

We’ve previously worked with the Chambers, in particular with Sally Smith, and have found her and the team to be both friendly and supportive. We have benefited from the Kickstart programme as well, which was led by the Chambers. In your view, what are the key benefits of doing business in Hounslow? What are the main strengths of the business community there?

Dimple Matharoo explains how becoming a Patron of Hounslow Chamber of Commerce and West London

We can support businesses by certifying them to international ISO standards. This would help them prove to their customers that they have verified systems and processes in place that meet internationally recognised standards such as ISO 9001 quality management systems and ISO 14001 environmental standards, as well as ISOs pertaining to food, health and safety and cybersecurity to name a few. Describe your relationship with the Chambers? What are they like to work with?

To get more visibility of DQS and our services within Hounslow and the local business community. One of the services we’d like to promote within west London is to support the UK government’s commitment to be carbon-neutral by 2050. One such scheme we have introduced to help companies show their adherence to carbon neutrality is DQS Zero, which is a simplified version of the international environmental standard which concentrates on the core values, making it much easier for SMEs to show their commitment to this goal. What benefits can DQS provide other members of the Chambers?


and latest news,


business and would like to know more about new apprenticeships, and how they can improve your business

The Employer Engagement team were nominated in the Best Work with Supply Chains and/or Local Businesses to Create New Apprenticeships category of the London Borough Apprenticeship Awards 2022. This nomination recognises the borough’s commitment towards working with local businesses and contractors, and improving uptake rate of apprenticeships in SME workforces locally, by use of the apprenticeship levy transfer. Work Hounslow have been nominated alongside London Boroughs of Islington and Camden for the award. London Councils invited all shortlisted nominees to attend the awards ceremony, due to take place on 16 September 2022 at Plaisterers’ Hall in the City of London. To find out more or register, talk to one of our advisors. Email skillsescalator@hounslow.gov.uk or call 07790359392. would Hounslow find out more or talk to one of our Email skillsescalator@hounslow.gov.uk or call 07790359392. opportunities please visit the Work Hounslow website at www.workhounslow.co.uk you are a Hounslow based please email Deborah Adams, Employer Engagement Coordinator Deborah.adams@hounslow.gov.uk


like to reskill or upskill for work, to one of our Information sessions to find Visit the website to register Find out how Work

can help you re-skill your employment prospects at one of our information Our interactive information sessions take place once Register onto an information session to find out yourTo


WORK HOUNSLOW If you would like to reskill or upskill for work, to one of our Information sessions to find out Visit the website to register onto an information session: Findwww.workhounslow.co.ukouthowWorkHounslow can help you re-skill or your employment prospects at one of our information Our interactive information sessions take place once a Register onto an information session to find out your Work Hounslow nominated To find current

advisors.work, come along out more. WORK up-skill to improve information sessions. aoptionsweek. with us today. Woodwork photo created by pressfoto - www.freepik.com

Emma Apthorp Mayor of Hammersmith & Fulham

Emma Apthorp became Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s youngest ever Mayor in May this year.

Hammersmith & Fulham turn to young blood to drive borough initiatives forward

spotlight focus let’s talkbusiness24

She was head of the legal department of the Ministry of Women and headed the violence against women court. Amini has a degree in Law and a Master’s degree in Criminology, and has spent more than 20 years working in Afghanistan’s Supreme Court. She is currently living in temporary accommodation in the borough with her husband and four daughters. Each of her daughters, along with all other school aged Afghan refugees living in temporary accommodation, were given a suitable school place within the borough. Local connections Mayor Apthop was born and raised in Hammersmith before going off to study at Cambridge University.

The council is keen to stress that 50% of the new homes delivered as part of the White City Central project will be affordable, with a mix of social rented and shared ownership homes. The other half will be available to buy on the open market. The money raised by their sale will help fund the new affordable housing, accessible community facilities and landscaped outdoor areas. Much-needed affordable homes According to the Borough Council, the project will deliver the greatest number of genuinely affordable homes in a decade.

let’s talkbusiness 25 At the tender age of just 22, Apthorp was appointed to modernise the role, encourage more young people to engage in democratic public life, and make improving the world for women and girls the cornerstone of the next mayoral year. H&F Leader Cllr Stephen Cowan who nominated Mayor Apthorp said: “Emma is smart, committed and really cares about making a difference. As our new Mayor, she will not only help revitalise our local democracy for future generations, but she will also craft new ways forward that improves life for women and girls”. Cllr Cowan pointed to Sir Michael Marmot’s ground-breaking report two years ago which found that, over the previous decade, life expectancy had actually fallen for Britain’s poorest women. Meanwhile, violence against women and girls had increased, and women would bear the brunt of the worst cost-of-living crisis since records began. “None of this is acceptable to us. Our message to everyone facing these challenges is: we’re on your side. I’m delighted Emma will help lead this fight.” Mayor Apthorp added: “I’m grateful to have this opportunity to make a difference and that in this Mayoral year, improving life for women and girls, will be the centrepiece”.Hammersmith & Fulham Council ongoing support for women under threat is evidenced in its backing of Fawzia Amini, a leading Afghan women’s rights judge who fled Afghanistan when the Taliban seized control.

As an undergraduate between 2017 and 2021, she actively supported local causes, for example, campaigning for the university to pay its employees a living wage. She has also fought for penal reform through the charity Sing Inside and fundraised for several breast cancer charities. In response to the pandemic and educational inequality, she provided free mathematics GCSE tuition for teenagers. Mayor Apthorp is not the only 20-something brought in to provide new ideas and perspective. Working alongside her is 23-year-old Councillor Trey Campbell-Simon who represents the Walham Green Ward. Cllr Campbell-Simon has been appointed as the borough’s lead councillor for youth advancement and will work with the council’s cabinet and mayor to improve wellbeing for young people and help make sure they have the best possible life chances.

It is an exciting time for Mayor Apthorp and Cllr Campbell-Simon to be involved with new projects in the Hammersmith & Fulham borough. For instance, the council is set to deliver more than 250 homes in the heart of White City. The council is working with residents to redevelop the central area between India Way and Canada Way. No existing social housing on the estate will be demolished and no private developers will be involved.

Heusen Corp (PVH) the parent company to fashion brands like Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger is the latest arrival in the White City Innovation District.

The fashion giant will be moving into a brand-new office space at White City’s new-look Television Centre in early 2023.

The redevelopment of BBC’s old Television Centre is creating a thriving hub for the artistic industries and is part of a larger £8bn regeneration of the White City area. White City is fast turning into a global hotspot not only for creative heads, but for makers and entrepreneurs in science and tech.

Rather than being priced out of the local market, the cornerstone of the council’s development strategy is to share the prosperity of a booming White City with local residents to ensure that the next generation can also call Hammersmith & Fulham home. In addition to the new housing, the area will boast a large new community hub – featuring a café and teaching kitchen. Also, a new nursery, community garden and an outdoor gym. Father Richard Nesbitt, 55, local resident and chair of the White City Residents Advisory Panel, wholeheartedly supports the project. “This is a once in a generation – or rather, once in several generations – opportunity to provide truly affordable housing for local White City “Itresidents,”isatruly resident-led project specifically designed to bring long-lasting benefits to our community. Let White City shine brightly for all to see!”

I’m grateful to have this opportunity to make a difference and that in this Mayoral year, improving life for women and girls, will be the centrepiece

But it is not just residents that are set to benefit from new development projects – the are also great opportunities for businesses to establish themselves in a regenerated Phillips-Vanarea.


We are unfortunate that part of the legacy of Fulham is the disappearance of Suzy Lamplugh, a local estate agent who disappeared over 35 years ago. The BID board has recently approved the initial purchase of 500 personal alarms which will be offered to employees working in the BID area. We will also be working with the local police force to add advice as to what to do if you feel you are being followed – particularly late at night.

Chamber member, The BID recently secured funding in partnership with Hammersmith and Fulham Council and the Government Additional Relief Grant Scheme to install three defibrillators with businesses through the BID area. To supplement the defibs, we are also offering Emergency First Aid Training to all businesses within the BID area, making sure there are enough people on the High Street trained in using the defibs should the need arise. So far we have over 50 people who work in the area trained in Emergency First Aid, and we will continue to offer this service to our businesses. Carrying-on the heart focused theme, we have secured a date early in the New Year where we have partnered with the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (www.cry.co.uk), to carry out two-days of heart screenings to identify any underlying conditions which could put an individual at risk. This will be offered to employees who work within our BID area.

Following a request from some of our pubs whose patrons had been victims of drink spiking, we also offer foil tops to the pubs which provide reassurance to visitors to our establishments, that they are being looked after.

We are fortunate that a number of our business owners live, work and shop in the local area, making our businesses the real heart of the community.

Safety on our High Streets is something that has been brought into focus following the global pandemic. Fulham Broadway Business Improvement District (BID) feel that it is vital to encourage residents, business owners and employees that we are working to make our area as safe as possible. Whether this be in the form of social distancing stickers during the pandemic, to developing a crime reporting network for our businesses and a relationship with our local police and PCSO.

We are currently in the process of partnering with the Safer Business Network who will manage our crime reporting network, making sure businesses are working together to make sure any crime in the area is reported and descriptions of the perpetrators are shared to try and stop them targeting multiple businesses within our area. An additional part of the partnership will be the increased awareness of WAVE and Ask For Angela training which was originally targeting pubs, but we believe can have a great impact in different industries such as coffee shops, cafes and restaurants where people may meet. This will further reinforce our aim of making Fulham Broadway a safe place for people to visit, and a place where criminals think twice about targeting.

fulham broadway BID

let’s talkbusiness26

SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 10am - 5pm • Fulham SW6 Autumn FESTIVAL www.lbhf.gov.uk/nerfestival northendrdmrkt/ NorthEndRdMrkt northendrdmrkt/ 150+ STALLS • LIVE MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT TRAFFIC-FREE FOR THE DAY

The coronavirus pandemic was undoubtedly one of the toughest times we have faced in recent years. Our National Health Service was stretched beyond its limits with a lack of resources and understaffing. There were unfortunately sad losses that affected everyone in some way. Despite the countless negativity that the pandemic put on businesses, health services and people in general, there were industries that were shown a silver lining. The Golf industry is a great example of this, with what is now referred to as the ‘Covid Boom’. Golf Business produced an article in early August of this year stating that rounds of golf played have increased by 73% when compared to 2019. This demonstrates the huge growth in the popularity of the sport and provides an explanation as to why so many private Golf Clubs are now at full capacity with waiting lists in place. Some waiting lists are estimated at 3+ years! Although Golf as a sport is in a prosperous position now, it wasn’t always plain sailing throughout the pandemic. Golf Clubs had to meet the same requirements as the rest of the hospitality industry when re-opening after lockdowns.

Wyke Green Golf Club

The challenges faced meant that staff had to constantly adapt and overcome various hurdles to provide the same, excellent service to members and visitors.

let’s talkbusiness28

The format in which Golf was played changed, there were restrictions on how many people played together, and it became ‘non-contact’. Here at Wyke Green we implemented handles on our flag sticks which allowed players to remove their ball from the hole using a putter. The number one priority was always safety.

Now, as we look back with lockdowns and restrictions (hopefully) in the rear-view mirror, as an industry we have been very fortunate. The most important question now is regarding membership retention. How do golf clubs ensure they keep the new members that flooded in as a result of the ‘Covid boom’? The answer is simply to provide an excellent service both on and off the golf course. Listen and take onboard members opinions and views to ensure we are maximising both enjoyment and value for money. And finally, to properly integrate every new member into the club by introducing them to new playing partners or answering any questions they may have about their membership or our sport as a whole.

How the Coronavirus Pandemic Played an Integral Part in Revitalising the Golf Industry ask the expert Here at Wyke Green, we do still have a limited number of Golf memberships available. Our traditional clubhouse offers the perfect environment for parties, work functions, networking events & plenty more. If you are interested in pursuing a Golf membership or hiring our venue, please contact us by calling 020 8560 8777 or email golf@wykegreengolfclub.co.uk

During the event, staff went head to head playing games including a high striker, coconut shy and speed football cage, raising money for the charity. Managing Director Ray Singh also presented the Mulberry Centre a donation of £2,100 to kick start the ‘21 Challenge’.

This was an excellent event marking the Jubilee and raising money for local charity, The Mulberry Centre. Russell Finex would like to thank all those that attended and congratulate the Queen on her 70 year reign.

Little Village baby bank comes to Hounslow

The event also launched the start of their summer fundraising for local cancer support charity, the Mulberry Centre. Based on the grounds of West Middlesex Hospital, The Mulberry Centre offers free support and information for anyone affected by cancer.

Little Village CEO Sophie Livingstone said: “We are looking forward to being able to help local families and support some of the other local services, many of which tell us they are at capacity. “Now we really need support from the local community in terms of donating items, or volunteering as individuals or as part of a corporate team.” Little Village needs lots of volunteers including drivers, sorters and packers. It also offers corporate volunteering and team-building opportunities as well as itemsVillageThereFriday,oftodonateforprams,donationsThefundraisingwelcomingsupport.charityurgentlyneedsofcots,mosesbaskets,toys,booksandclothing0-5s.Ifyouwouldliketoitems,pleasebringthemLittleVillage,onthefirstfloortheTreatyCentreonMondayto10am-2pm.isinformationontheLittlewebsiteonhowtodonateorbecomeavolunteer: www.littlevillagehq.org

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Event

Local MP for Feltham and Heston Seema Malhotra joined the event and said “Russell Finex is a world class business - a true story of global Britain which has also been recognized in Parliament for its commitment to its workforce and to sustainability. I was very proud to join this event celebrating HM the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and to see Russell Finex’s commitment to responsible business still remains core to its continued success.”

With the charity celebrating its 21st anniversary this year, staff were encouraged to create their own personal challenges around the number 21. They already have staff completing challenges including a 21-mile walk along the Thames and 21 bakes! In total, £2,300 was raised on the day which will be combined with money raised by staff through the challenge 21 later in the year.

let’s talkbusiness 29 news Children’s charity and Chamber member, Little Village, has launched a brand-new baby bank hub in the heart of Hounslow, breathing new life into the former Debenhams department store in the Treaty Shopping Centre. Little Village runs a network of baby banks across London to support families facing financial hardship. It accepts donations of pre-loved clothes, toys and equipment for babies and children up to the age of five and passes them on to families going through tough times. The charity expects to support over 7000 children across London this year and has seen a huge increase in the number of families needing its help since the pandemic hit in March 2020. It is thought that around 41 per cent of children in Hounslow live in poverty, which is above the London child poverty rate of 37 per cent.

June 1st saw Chamber Patron Russell Finex mark the Queen’s Jubilee, celebrating 70 years of the queen’s reign. The event saw 170 people at Russell Finex’s headquarters in Feltham, celebrating the occasion with a great selection of food and celebration cakes, fun fair games, and speeches from special guests. The speeches focused on the Queen’s service to the country and Russell Finex’s continued focus on serving their customers and community.

Ray Singh, Managing Director of Russell Finex remarked on the event “It was a great occasion to reflect on the service HM the Queen has provided the country. At Russell Finex, we pride ourselves in service to our customers and our community.

It’s why we’re still supporting 30- and 40-year-old machines for customers, why we’ve donated over £109,000 to good causes since 2014 and why our new partnership with The Mulberry Centre is so important to us”.



let’s talkbusiness30 regeneration &REGENERATIONREGROWT

The Regeneration and Regrowth Conference took place on 16th June at Holiday Inn Brentford Lock, where several west London developers took stands. The afternoon presentations were opened by Peter Matthew, Executive Director Housing, Planning and Economic Regeneration at London Borough of Hounslow. This will be Peter’s last engagement with the

The afternoon was followed by a drink’s reception, and there was then a three-course meal in the evening. Our keynote speaker at the dinner was Ross Baker, Chief Commercial Officer at Heathrow who spoke of the many opportunities opening up at the airport, following the easing of lockdown and the importance of Heathrow 2.0, their sustainability strategy. We were so pleased that the newly appointed Leader of Hounslow Council, Cllr Shantanu Rajawat, could be with us as one of his first engagements as Leader. We very much look forward to working with him. In the words of Sally Smith, ‘We would like to thank our sponsors, Hounslow Council, Segro and Weston Homes for their help with the event. The afternoon and evening were a great success, giving the developers the chance to meet the newly appointed Councillors.’ Including Cllr Tom Bruce, who has been appointed Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development. The date for the event in 2023 will be announced shortly. Scan the QR code to view the event

Essentially, the goalposts have been moved but this is nothing new for businessestrading restrictions have been tweaked or completely overhauled at various times over the Businessescenturies.will inevitably still look for trade opportunities regardless of changing regulations that is the nature of competition; but they will need to adapt. This is where your Chamber via the west London Export Club champions international trade and plays an important role in providing advice and support at times when it is needed. Your Chamber is a BEIS National Award winner delivering Best Support for Exporting For more information contact Alan Rides alanrides@hounslowchamber.org.uk

Businesses that identify a gap in the market, or invent an energy-saving technology, or develop a service to help other companies become greener and more sustainable, will all prosper in a world of international trade.

Chamber of Commercehelping international trade in testing times

Accredited Chambers of Commerce in every region of the UK are trusted to help British goods reach customers overseas. By certifying the origin of goods, Chambers help ensure the smooth passage of UK goods across international borders. Last year alone, more than 600,000 shipments were supported in this way.

international trade let’s talkbusiness

Whether we are talking about a firm established for decades or a start-up of a fewyears’ standing, there are usually opportunities to expand from local and national trading partners to overseas ones. Of course, trading in a new territory brings with it new challenges as well as opportunities.

Your Chamber has qualified specialists in the Chamber Network, available every working day, to help business and international trade flourish.

Expanding overseas Chambers of Commerce provide crucial support and receive over 1,500 enquiries every week from businesses seeking advice – whether they want to expand overseas or bring parts and goods into the EachUK.Chamber knows its local economy inside out and can provide the advice, training, support and encouragement needed for any firm new to the world of exporting. It aims to help businesses expand and diversify the number of exports from the UK across the world. Its expertise means it can save businesses time and resources by dealing with their customs declarations; simplifying the process.

Covid and Brexit

COVID related transport restrictions, increases in transportation costs, destination countries changing their border restrictions, and closure of infrastructure all impacted export trade levels. While lockdowns may be a thing of the past now, the impact will have left a lasting Withimpression.regard to Brexit, EU data reveals that exports to the bloc declined by nearly 14% in 2021 compared with 2020. Even with the impact of the pandemic being factored in, the EU insists, the increase in red tape since the transition period ended in January 2021 has taken its toll on trade in goods and services with the UK. The return of a customs border between the EU and Great Britain is a reality. This means paperwork for virtually every product being shipped between markets, and daily checks on thousands of goods being exported.


These are testing times. The combined impact of Covid-19 and Brexit means the challenges for businesses which export are the most significant in Accordingdecades.to the Office of National Statistics, at the height of Covid in April/May 2020 the majority of exporting businesses, 72% reported that they were exporting less than normal. Similarly, 59% of importing businesses reported that they were importing less than normal.

Tech world vector created by liuzishan - www.freepik.com

A trade deal between UK and India will reduce import barriers and increase travel. India will then be a serious rival to China, with equally low costs, but better international rule of law and IP.

In 2020, the Commonwealth represented 8.7% of UK trade, with British exports worth £56.3bn (source: House of Commons Library). With post-Brexit trade agreements in place or being negotiated with several Commonwealth markets - including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and India, which is the largest of these economies, a trade agreement is due to be signed with India in November 2022.

international trade let’s talkbusiness32 UK India ConferenceTrade

We will be inviting UK Export Finance, Department for International Trade and will also have a local case study, from a company which has opened a branch in India. There will also be presentations on law, mediation & arbitration and accounts & finance. If you are interested in attending this event, please email an expression of interest to alanrides@hounslowchamber.org.uk

Are you interested in attending a UK India trade conference on 14th October 2022, which we have been asked to arrange by UK India Business Council?

West London Chambers announce MOU signing with Northern Iraq Federation of Chambers of Commerce

West London Chambers is proud to announce another MOU signed with our new friends from a Federation of Chambers of Commerce from Northern Iraq. This agreement was the conclusion of many years of visits resulting in a large group of businessmen led by Mr Dara Al Khayat. Will should, now see regular visits to increase bilateral trade in both directions and business management training will be the focus of this growth. For more information, please contact CEO Alan Rides or International Trade Director Samar Whitticombe.


The delegation will hold a meeting with the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry at its headquarters where it will meet business counterparts.

Key speakers include • Libya Business Business Council ChairPeter Millett - (Former British Ambassador) Confirmed DIT • PM Trade Envoy British Arab Commercial Bank SKS - West London Exporter of the year ABC Bank London The Tripoli Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture is to lead a business delegation of members to London on 16 September. talkbusiness

The visit, the Chamber says, follows on from the cooperation agreement concluded between the two Chambers in in December 2021. Why Libya • Africa’s richest country Heavily reliant on imports Prime markets that they import from are Europe and USA • UK exports to Libya were £500m pa


2018 Winner Support for Exporting From Dept of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Enterprising Britain

We live in an ever increasing, uncertain world and most business owners are aware, without risk there is no reward. Change is the only constant and uncertainty is not far behind.

Top 5 Examples of Uncertainty our clients have faced and how Timeless IMS have solved them!

2. Insecure email systems when WFH/anywhere Working from anywhere is part of today’s ‘hybrid’ working solution. Most business users have work emails on their phones and a percentage of staff working in a hybrid model. You must have protocols in place to safeguard data –whether that’s yours or your client’s.

• Reputational damaging data breaches

To survive and thrive, in today’s world, problems need to be solved at an accelerated pace with agility and clarity.

Being connected to the internet is vital in today’s business world, with most organisations adopting a cloud-based model. Staying connected to the internet allows business communications to continue. Which means business continues without interruption.

3. Reputationally managing breaches at any moment Any data breaches need to be reported to the International Compliance Office (ICO) by law.

4. Theft of goods and protection of employees from abuse Whilst HR policies protect employees and the business, we have found it very useful to keep a secure video record as well, so any incidents are automatically recorded for everyone’s safety. Thereby protecting staff as well as goods.

In summary, the last 3 years have shown us that we can work from anywhere, and technology has helped play a large part in addressing the challenges of uncertainty and change. As always, the answer is in the preparation and planning. With no contingency plans, business life is a roller Technologycoaster.isan enabler to make your business as strong and resilient as it can be and to reduce uncertainty as much as is possible. If technology isn’t part of an actively considered business plan, sadly, it’s likely the business will not survive, let alone thrive.

• Lost or corrupted data

Protecting the network is critical to most organisations and any breaches to the systems can result in business-critical data loss.

“The biggest challenge for business leaders is how best to embrace the challenges we face around business uncertainty and how to evolve in business to survive and thrive.”

Timeless Tip: To preserve data integrity, we offer IMS Cloud - Enhanced 365 Security, which includes Multifactor Authentication (MFA) across our email platforms to secure access on mobile and office devices. We also subscribe our clients to IMS Security – DarkWeb, which monitors their domains and informs us if any email has had its passwords compromised.

• Theft of goods, and protection of employees from abuse

1. Unpredictable or connectionbroadband/internetflaky

Timeless Tip: We have recommended a second broadband connection with our clients. This means if one broadband connection fails, you can continue to do business.

Timeless Tip: To make sure an office network is secure and constantly protected, we install IMS Security – Network Firewall, which constantly monitors and protects the network incoming and outgoing traffic. (We think of it as the drawbridge to the business castle)

5. Lost or corrupted Data Business data is critical to the business and whilst it is secure, it is also vital that all important client data is reliably backed up to a trusted place and if an incident occurs, there are pre-defined protocols to recover it.

let’s talkbusiness34

“Change is the only constant and uncertainty is not far behind”

Timeless Tip: We recommend IMS Cloud–Managed 365 Secure backup, and Online Backup solutions. Data is backed up and secured either locally or in the cloud using: We provide constant backup solutions for Microsoft 365 and data, stored locally or in cloud solutions. We can recover data and solutions.

Using our IMS Security – CCTV suite solution, we install high quality cameras that store the data in the cloud, providing very useful features to analyse and share the data seamlessly.

If you want your business to thrive Contact Chamber Patron Timeless IMS, Reena or Michael at: Email on sales@timelessims.co.uk

-Michael Ramlakhan, Managing Director, Timeless IMS

Timeless Tip: Video surveillance is especially important for our retail and highprofile business location clients.


• Unpredictable or flaky broadband • Insecure email systems when WFH/anywhere

Dealing With Business Uncertainty

| 01923 777988 Bell

Located in the heart of Hounslow, it is going to provide 127 new homes for the local community. We build desirable homes that people are proud to live in and our reputation is built on the highest quality and attention to detail. If you would like to know more, get in touch with our team. 40 years in business

4O 19822022 4O 19822022 Celebrating

As an award-winning, family owned property developer with 40 years industry experience, you know a Bugler home is a high quality home. We have developed a trusted relationship with the people of Hounslow, and our years of experience in the area mean that we know what works for the local community. Our most recent Hounslow-based development on Bell Road will mark the start of a new chapter for many, when it completes in 2023. bugler.co.uk Road, Hounslow

I would like to see a bit more variety in our High Street – there are very few options if you want to buy clothing or gifts, and although we are not landlords, we want to do what we can to add these kind of ‘destination’ venues to the profile of our High Streets.

A key achievement, for me, would be seeing an immediate benefit to joining the West London Chambers – we recently joined forces and have seen an immediate opportunity for one of our businesses to tender for some work that would not previously have been available to them.

What improvements have you seen and would you specifically like to see in the Fulham Broadway business area?

Andy Bell Manager

The residual effects of Covid have been an obvious challenge. I took over in November and there was a lot of uncertainty as to what government guidelines were going to dictate over the Christmas period. A majority of our businesses are within the food and beverage sector, and they were planning on hosting Christmas parties and celebrations, which were either cancelled at short notice or a number of people just didn’t turn up.

at Fulham Broadway BID


Within Fulham Broadway BID area we have had the additional challenge of the Government restrictions which were placed upon Chelsea FC. Outside of match-day crowds, over 3 million visitors a year visit Stamford Bridge either for conferences, stadium tours, visiting the megastore etc. The restrictions took these visitors away overnight, and again hit hospitality businesses the Thishardest.meantthat when we are visiting businesses and making new contacts, the levels of uncertainty were palpable.

It has been very enjoyable, its nice to have a bit more freedom from the restrictions of working for a Local Authority. Representing an area that relies heavily on F&B and hospitality, the support we could offer them was limited during the pandemic, and so we needed to re-build the relationship with a number of businesses.

let’s talkbusiness 37 related challenges during this period – more difficult to make new links/relationships?

We are one-year out from our reballot which comes around every five years for BIDs, so the main focus for the coming year is to make sure businesses see the work that we are doing and feel compelled to vote for us to continue to have a positive influence over the coming five years. An immediate focus for us is on crime and safety within our area. We recently secured some funding from Hammersmith and Fulham Council to install three defibrillators within businesses, and a series of emergency first aid training sessions to make sure businesses know how to use the defibs.

It was a bit of a career change, although I was working with the 2 BIDs in Richmond so saw the work that they had done over the years.

You have five-years experience working in business engagement, mainly within Richmond and Hounslow boroughs. This was something of a career change at the time - how have you enjoyed it? What would you pick out as key achievements?

What are your challenges/ priorities going forward?

The start of the football season, and crowds coming back to the area will have a massive impact on our businesses – the consistency of having 40,000 fans coming to the area on a fortnightly basis will really help.

health and wellbeing let’s talkbusiness 39

Cook and Eat programme participant


We run free weekly health walks which anyone can attend. These walks help people to get fresh air and exercise as well as get to know new people where they live in a friendly atmosphere.

Healthier Me programme participant STOP PROGRAMMESMOKING

Stop Smoking programme participant

One You Hounslow is the local health and wellbeing service for Hounslow and there are many different elements to the service. Below you will find some examples of the many satisfied people that have used our services.

“May I take this opportunity to thank Lavina and everyone in her team for the great support they put into helping me quit smoking. I can personally say from my heart Lavina has saved my life and stopped my lungs progressing and getting worse from smoking. Without Lavina and her support I probably would still be smoking and causing further damage to my lungs.”

For more information about One You Hounslow services please visit www.oneyouhounslow.org or call 020 8973 3530

This 4-week programme helps people to learn about changes they can make to what they eat and teaches people about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet.


Man jogging photo created by cookie_studio - www.freepik.com



“After my husband and I retired from work – we were looking at doing some activities together. We came across the health walk at our local green area on Facebook and decided to see what that was all about. There was no looking back – I managed to lose two stone in weight and my husband managed to get off his cholesterol medication. We are now members of the National Trust and go on walking holidays with family and friends.”

Walker at Bedfont Lakes health walk

Our Healthier Me programme is a weight loss programme with a difference! Our Dietitian and Nutritionist help you to work towards sustainable weight loss and show you small, but effective changes, but don’t take our word for it: “I would just like to say how much I am enjoying the programme as being part of a small team gives motivation and encouragement. The information has been extremely well explained and very informative and useful. It is really helping me to make the smallest of changes advised by the team but are having an impact.”

“The Cook and Eat sessions helped me gain valuable information about what I should be looking for in foods, what I buy, what I should be adding to my meals, what quantities I should have and how I can incorporate more healthier versions into my meals. I gained a lot of knowledge of what mistakes I make when buying food products and it made me conscious of my shopping habits. Thank you for this programme.”

Our stop smoking service can help you stop smoking for good through one-to-one support and medication. It often takes people several quit attempts before they are finally able to Go Smokefree for good, but it is possible!

Past Events

On Wednesday 14 July, Riverside Studios were pleased and proud to host the West London Local Chambers Business Breakfast. It was a wonderful opportunity to re-introduce our friends and neighbours to our building and our work and to gather together as part of the West London community, and to hear from our MP, Andy Slaughter and his latest thoughts on both local priorities as well as the latest news from Westminster. As ever with events such as this, new and existing networks were forged and built and friends and colleagues were able to enjoy an early morning coffee and pastry in the sun, with one of the best views in town to accompany them.

Riverside Studios is a terrific place to not only enjoy great art and entertainment but is also a great place to hold events, meetings and more. Please do drop by or get in touch on events@riversidestudios.co.uk

West StudiosatBreakfastBusinessChambersLondoneventRiverside

We recently hosted our second West London Chambers Charity Golf Day event! Alan Rides Chamber CEO said “Thank you so much to all the golfers who competed and dinner guests who attended! I hope you all enjoyed your evening at the Wyke Green Golf Club who are the only Golf club in Hounslow and first golf club going west from central ILondon.wouldlike to especially thank our lead sponsor Russell Finex plus Oasis and Radanks. This year, with double the Golfers we raised three times the amount from last year currently, at nearly £3500 for our two Ukraine supporting charities: Little Village and NishkamSWAT, your donations will make a huge difference! I would also like to thank our Kickstarter Abdi for all the hard work he put in to this year’s event!”

For over 45 years, Riverside Studios has been the home of an extraordinary mix of new and innovative theatre, film, comedy, art, dance, music and television. It is a cultural hub that has attracted some of the world’s best creative talent including Samuel Beckett, David Bowie, Benjamin Zephaniah, Amy Winehouse, Yoko Ono, Lenny Henry and Michael Clark to name but a few. Today it’s the home of a scrappy new hit musical, based on the Operation Mincemeat story, a plethora of ’scratch’ theatre performances, blockbuster and arthouse cinema, an exhibition on the site’s long history with the BBC, two restaurants, an airy communal space and a dalek guarding the front door!

chamber events

let’s talkbusiness40

A massive thank you to everyone for attending our Charity Golf Day!

We have booked 29th June 2023 for our third annual Golf Charity afternoon so please add it to your diary now and looking forward to setting new records next year Scan the QR code to thereviewday’s play

Forthcoming contact Sally Smith on sallysmith@hounslowchamber.org.uk visit www.hounslowchamber.org.uk for more Spring Grove House, West Thames College, London Road, Isleworth TW7 4HS are

Events Please

or 07879 813817 or

let’s talkbusiness 41 Libya Trade Reception 16 September 2022 10.30 am – 2.30 pm Spring Grove House, West Thames College, London Road, Isleworth TW7 4HS Charges are applicable Ealing Business Breakfast 20 September 2022 8:30 am - 10:30 am West Middlesex Golf Club, Greenford Road, Southall UB1 3EE Charges are applicable Mediation & Arbitration Webinar 22 September 2022 10:00 am Zoom Cost of Business/Living Seminar 29 September 2022 10.00 am -12.00 noon Chiswick Park Enjoy-Work, 566 Chiswick High Road, London W4 5YA Free of charge Police / Police/Safer Business Hounslow meeting 5 October 2022 8.30 am – 10.30 am Food Court, Treaty Centre, High Street, Hounslow TW3 1ES Charges are applicable Chiswick Business Breakfast 12 October 2022 8:30 am - 10:30 am Chiswick Cinema, 94-96 Chiswick High Road, London W4 1SH Charges are applicable Tech Webinar 13 October 2022 10:00 am Zoom University of West London Evening 13 October 2022 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Paragon House Ealing Business Breakfast 2 November 2022 8:30 am - 10:30 am Ealing Project, 1 High Street, Ealing Charges are applicable Procurement/supply chain Webinar 3 November 2022 10:00 am Zoom Business Awards 2021/2022 24 November 2022 6:30 pm - 11:30 pm Clayton Hotel, 626 Chiswick High Road, Chiswick W4 5RY Gala Dinner, Black tie event - three courses with pre dinner drinks reception. Award winners will be announced at this event, costs Involved. For anyone wanting to book a full table (10 places) please send us an email.


information. India Trade Conference 14th October 2022 10:30 am TBC


new members Welcome to our Khalil Arouni OAK Media Solutions Ltd 736 Kenton Lane www.oakmediasolutions.comkhalil@oakmediasolutions.com07377HA3Harrow6AD455530 Raman Khandpur RJP Properties Ltd 69 The Grove www.rjpproperties.co.ukray@rjpproperties.co.uk07956W5Ealing5LL475748 Ezra Gill https://w12together.org/seid@w12together.org07940HA9WembleyEmpireSEIDsW12TogetherHubWay0RJ035826 Gillian Stafford Social Etcetera 59 Haslemere Avenue https://linktr.ee/SocialEtceteragillian@socialetcetera.co.uk07870W13London9UH185857 Jo Brianti JLB Business Consulting 53 Gunnersbury Ave jlbbusinessconsulting.co.ukjo@jlbbusinessconsulting.co.uk07713W5London4LP054195 Gwen Brewer Gwen Brewer Fire Engineering 114 Power Rd www.gwenbrewer.com/aboutgbrewer@gwenbrewer.com07555W4Chiswick5PY992809 Dimple Matharoo DQS UK Unit 5 Wallbrook Business Centre, Green www.dqsglobal.comdimple.matharoo@dqs.de0845TW4HounslowLane6NW4670126 Mohammed Al-Shibibi Thames Times Group Limited - Trading as Signature Interiors 661 Fulham Road www.signatureint.co.ukmshibibi@signatureint.co.uk07599SW6Fulham5PY897943 MP Bharj DL Business Clubs 5 Alderney Avenue dlbusinessclubs.co.ukdlbcheston@gmail.com07766TW5Hounslow0QN108585 Kate Moon Little Village- Hounslow Little Village, Treaty Shopping Centre TW3 www.littlevillage.orgkate@littlevillagehq.org077841ES238702 Jass Bolina Major Linkers 556 London Road jassbolina@aol.com07747TW7Isleworth4EP697171 Raman Sharma Stylus Networks Office Gold Building 3 566 Chiswick Business Park www.stylusnetworks.comraman.sharma@stylusnetworks.com07411W4London5YA410720 Chandeep Khosa 992ToucansWoodland Gardens www.2toucans.comchandeep@2toucans.com07962TW7Isleworth6LU382442 Kash Mueller 155KashMuellerBrunswick Road kashika116@gmail.com07384W5London1AH962194 Simon Power Reconvert Scotland Ltd Summit House 4-5 Mitchell Street Simon@recoscotland.com07399EH6Edinburgh7BD911066 Mohsen Hosny London Green Bridge Unit 1, Concord Business Centre Concord Road W3 www.londongreenbridge.orgmohsen4london@gmail.com074560TJ560555 let’s talkbusiness42

let’s talkbusiness 43 New Members Rizwan Shahad GFM Consultancy Ltd Newbank 2 320 Hook www.gfmcons.comrs@gfmcons.comKT91NYChessingtonRoad Andy Bell Fulham Broadway Business Improvement District Ltd Fulham http://fb-bid.co.ukandy.bell@fb-bid.co.ukSW6HammersmithBroadway&Fulham Hal Miran 8Mselectcarlton road www.mselect.comhal@mselect.com07455W5Ealing2AW922510 Javid Khan Hounslow Town Centre Policing Team 3-5 Montague Rd TW3Hounslow1LB Felicia Biekarck www.vivenda.spacecontact@vivenda.space0207W4Chiswick13VIVENDA.SPACEFauconbergRd3JZ1930696 Joshua Tatiah Your Comms Group The Charter Building www.yourcommsgroup.comjoshua@yourcommsgroup.com07852UB8Uxbridge1JG500186 Niddhi Chhibba Heston Community School Heston Road 0208TW5Heston0QR572 www.hestoncommunityschool.co.uknchhibba@hestoncs.org1931 Ragtwinber Singh Siddu SZ 502SolicitorsGreatWest Rd rs@szsolicitors.co.uk0208TW5HounslowOTC5711118 Marie Stirling Gunnersbury Estate (2026) CIC Gunnersbury Park House Popes www.visitgunnersbury.orgstirlingm@visitgunnersbury.org0203W5LondonLane4NH9610291 Andrew Carruthers Ealing Project 1 High St, London W5 www.ealingproject.co.ukandrew@ealingproject.co.uk079625DB112218 Sam Liu Webfx Emea Limited 146 New s.liu@webfx.co.uk0208CM2ChelmsfordLondon0AW1232690 Tania Lewis Citizens Advice Hammersmith and AvonmoreFulham Library 14 North End Crescent www.cahf.org.uktania.lewis@cahf.org.uk07971W14London8TG238769 James O’Meara 210BarclaysHigh james.o’meara@barclays.com07500TW3HounslowStreet1DL783004

Leading beauty player supports local charities

Street Art brightens up local area

news let’s talkbusiness44

No doubt many of you may have already seen the exciting street art that has popped up the hoarding panels in Laurance Road, Hounslow. The artwork was design by a local artist Henry Jiver and his team and has so far received positive feedback from the

Brand Architekts has a rapidly growing portfolio of innovative, added-value brands which are marketed and distributed to leading retailers in the UK and Internationally based in Teddington. Established in 1993, and acquired in 2016, Brand Architekts is one of the top 25 biggest beauty players in the UK, with a portfolio of brands spanning Skincare, Haircare, Bodycare, Bathing, Men’s, Gifting and Accessories. Each brand answers the specific needs of the consumer through a unique combination of nature, science and years of experience. Our brands are available on the high street in leading pharmacy and drugstore chains; in national grocery stores; on the platforms of global e-tailers; and through our own e-commerce websites. BA’s Charity contribution Over the years, Chamber member Brand Architekts has supported many local charities big or small by donating many beauty products and have worked in collaboration with Hounslow and West London Chambers of Commerce in order to find local charities. As a company there are numerous charities that we continue to support:

The Hygiene Bank in TwickenhamRuils Independent Living in Teddington and more recently Richmond Carers Centre - Royal Marsden Cancer Charity - The Mulberry Centre (based at West Middlesex Hospital) -

ToMamaHavenfindoutmore about Brand Architeks visit www.brandarchitektsplc.com

Mama Haven was grateful to receive this wonderful array of beauty products for our mums. A chance for them to feel pampered and special which we distributed at our annual summer party. Products that were left were handed to our three children’s centre partners so all mums could benefit. A big thank you!

For further information visit https://queensgreencanopy.org/ and www.barrattlondon.com

The QGC is a tree-planting project to commemorate Her Majesty’s 70 years of service. The campaign was kickstarted by the Queen and The Prince of Wales over a year ago in March 2021, when the first Jubilee tree was planted in the grounds of Windsor Castle. Since then, a range of individuals and community groups have all been encouraged to “Plant a tree for the Jubilee” which can then be logged on the QGC online map where it is publicly available to view.

areabrightens local community. Not only does the artwork brighten the area and support local artists but prevents unsightly tagging which plagues some areas.

The street art project is now looking for additional locations around Hounslow, if you have any areas which you feel would benefit and want to be part of this initiative, please get in touch with Henry who would be more than happy to chat to you or visit www.mrjiver.com

let’s talkbusiness 45

Email: henry@mrjiver.com

Plant a tree for the Jubilee!

In honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Barratt London has planted 982 trees across its developments in the capital, including 112 trees at its High Street Quarter development in Hounslow. The trees were planted as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) which aims to benefit future generations by enhancing and protecting our environment.

To commemorate the 112 trees that were planted at High Street Quarter, Barratt London has placed a plaque next to one of the newly planted trees, highlighting to passersby the significance of the tree and its link back to the wider campaign. Ed McCoy, sales and marketing director for Barratt West London, said: “As well as celebrating HRH and her incredible 70 years on the throne, this campaign is a way for us at Barratt London to highlight our commitment to sustainability. In addition to this campaign, we’ve also pledged to become the first housebuilder to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, to building net zero carbon homes by 2030, and to purchasing 100% of our operational energy from renewal sources.”

Sporting Hero? My friend Robert Scheidt, one of the most talented sailors out there. But beyond his impressive medal collection, I admire him for his level of focus and dedication to the sport, where to be a winner you need to work with nature 100%. Biggest tip for success?

My favourite quote by Ellie Wiesel Mankind must remember that peace is not God’s gift to his creatures; peace is our gift to each other. Philosophy in Business? To empower people to make the best of life. Conflictive situations are part of anyone’s life. Theoretically, conflict can have a positive side and help you evolve and mature. But in realty, to be stuck in conflict will inevitably drain you of resources, at a financial and human level. The overall cost of unresolved conflict is rarely justifiable, and there are tested ways to bring closure to unhelpful situations. People should be more aware of these options. They are fast, inexpensive and effective.

Relationships! Look after and nourish good relationships. Relationship with clients and suppliers, obviously, but especially with the people that surround you on the everyday basis (at work and at home). When relationships are nourished, they’ll cherish with you in good times and be there for you in challenging ones. Peace is not a privilege. Peace is Health VIVENDA.SPACE is a new Chamber member.

I am a Peacebuilding Agent, specialised in Conflict Resolution and Emotional Health. I help people navigate challenging situations, be it in business, professional or personal life. I know peacebuilding sounds idealistic, but in actual effect Peace is efficiency! Just think of how much time and energy is spent on every day’s arguments, instead of actually being spent doing what was intended? What is your business all about? It’s all about making life flow. Helping people navigate the hurdles of disagreement and empowering them to design solutions that are tailored to the situation they are in. Mediation is a fantastic tool that allows for a very bespoke process that attends to individual needs. Three words to describe yourself? Committed, problem-solver.multicultural, Ideal Customer? Anyone stuck in a dispute, and all people who wish to improve on emotional health and EQ. Biggest achievement? I believe deeply that less is more. I had big moments in my professional career, but today improving the “every-day” life quality of my clients, is my biggest goal. Biggest gripe? That the public knows so little about the efficiency and effectiveness of conflict resolution alternatives like mediation, for example. For the most part, we are still living in the adversarial mindset, people need to know more about win-win, it’s proven even scientifically to be the best way ahead. Your inspiration?

Felicia Biekarck VIVENDA.SPACE

I believe deeply that less is more. I had big moments in my professional career, but today improving the “every-day” life quality of my clients, is my biggest goal

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