The Chamber, Surrey Chamber of Commerce, February 2015

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Voice&VisionofSurreyBusiness| January - February 2015 | ÂŁ3.95 (where sold)

The challenges of keeping it in the family with Charles Russell Speechlys Page 24 Spotlight on Elmbridge pg 12

Ask the Expert pg 39

Changing the face of the high street

3 ways to master the sales conversation

Big Interview pg 28

Member benefit pg 49

TWM The Surrey law firm that's 215 years young

We challenge you to Go Green in 2015

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Voice & Vision of Surrey Business

January - February 2015

Welcome to theChamber from our Chief Executive Louise Punter Lobbying the future government As 2015 begins Britain faces one of the most wide-open general elections in decades. Fulfilling our role as the voice of business, Chambers across the country are appealing to all political leaders to put forward their respective visions for a better Britain, with messages to alleviate the uncertainty faced by businesses. As businesses prepare for the opportunities and obstacles that 2015 will bring one of the greatest sources of challenge and uncertainty isn't the state of global markets, but home-grown UK politics. We want a UK with more devolved decision-making, but without artificial new barriers to business and trade. We want public spending based on prudence and long-term stability, not short-term giveaways and gimmicks. We want taxes based on success, not draganchors on risk-taking, investment, or the creation of jobs. A drive on reducing the crushing input taxes that dim businesses' ambitions before they turn over a single pound, and maintaining corporation tax at 20 %, would be a sound beginning. We are keen to see support for linking the world of education and the world of work, to improve both the career prospects of our young

people and the skills available to worried firms who are unsure where their future talent will come from. In Surrey we have some fantastic activities available to young people including Satro, Young Enterprise, EDT and Mosaic but these programmes need to be supported in a long-term sustainable way. We need to continue to empower and support companies brave enough to sell products and services across the world and at Surrey Chambers we will continue to drive this forward through ExportSurrey and our international trade services. There is a great deal of support available but we need to be better at reaching potential exporters to encourage them to take the plunge. A better Britain in 2015 is a nation that trades more confidently, recapturing some of the mercantile spirit of our past.

4 5 7 12 15 18 21 22 23 24

Introduction Chamber News Member News Spotlight On... Business Support Health and Wellbeing International Trade 24 Hours With... Legal Cover Feature

Editorial and General Enquiries Surrey Chambers of Commerce Unit 14a, Monument Way East, Woking, Surrey GU21 5LY Tel: 01483 735540 Fax: 01483 756754 Email:

28 32 37 39 40 43 46 49 50

Big Interview Skills Feature Patron news Ask the Expert Technology Showcase New Members Chamber Events Member Benefit Chamber Chat

Production Manager Mark Etherington Email:

Media No.

Chief Executive: Louise Punter Finance: Caroline Cherryman




Ella Parkes Tel: 01483 735545 Email:

The Chamber is published for the Surrey Chambers of Commerce and is distributed without charge to Chamber members in the county. All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor at Surrey Chambers. Views expressed in The Chamber are not necessarily those of Surrey Chambers of Commerce. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission of the Editor. Š 2015.

Publisher Ian Fletcher Benham Publishing Limited 3tc House, 16 Crosby Road North, Crosby, Liverpool L22 0NY Tel: 0151 236 4141 Fax: 0151 236 0440 Email: Web:


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Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in this journal, Benham Publishing and its agents can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributions in advertising or editorial content.

Karen Hall Tel: 0151 236 4141 Email:

Benham Publishing cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in web or email links supplied to us.

Published January 2015 Š Benham Publishing

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A word from our President

Police Commissioner

In favour of family businesses

The Government is making a 5% reduction in the funding it provides for police forces in the next year.

Family businesses are a critical part of the UK’s economy. They employ over 9million people in the UK, which is more than all of the FTSE companies combined. FTSE companies are driven by their shareholders and the demands of the market. Family companies, by contrast are driven by the needs of the business, by the owners, and by the dynamics of the family. Sometimes all of these elements combine harmoniously, but sometimes they don’t.

These companies are also careful to separate ownership issues from family issues. There are clear boundaries between the business, the owners and the family. Any discussion about ownership and family matters take place outside the boardroom.

An unhealthy conflict between family members, whether it’s a dispute about money or infighting when the business passes from one generation to the next, can spill over into the way the business is managed. The most successful family companies are those that are well aware of the conflicting pressures they could face and plan well to tackle them before they arise.

Family businesses have also been notable by their relatively low reliance on external financing as there is less pressure to deliver returns to stakeholders. This allowed many to not only to survive in a difficult economic environment, but to strengthen their foundations for the future.

They have robust governance procedures and they bring in outside directors and managers where necessary. They monitor the performance of relatives who are working for the business, just as they do the performance of outside directors and managers.

4 theChamber

Kevin Hurley

Government funding provides around half of Surrey Police's £207m budget, with the other half coming from council tax payers. In cash terms, this will be a reduction in the region of £5m in the money available to police Surrey. There is no other way to describe it - Surrey Police is facing a financial crisis. Accumulating cuts mean that over the next five years, we now face a £22 million budget gap, with this likely to be doubled with further cuts in future. We’ve already sold most of our police stations and we’ve already reduced the numbers of staff and officers helping to keep you safe. There’s only so much more we can do.

In the next three to four years, we will be losing more than 400 people from our headcount. I am currently consulting on whether to hold a referendum of every voter in Surrey on a 24% increase in our share of council tax – £1 per week more for a Band D household, taking the weekly amount you pay for policing from £4 to £5 - to counteract these cuts and help invest in more police for Surrey. If the public voted for the increase, it would raise approximately £24m of additional funds every year for policing in Surrey. However, a referendum would cost upwards of £1m to hold and I will not hold one if I am not certain that public support is there for it.

To find out more and take part in a survey on this proposal, please visit: Safety and order is essential for business to continue to thrive in Surrey. I am keen to hear the views of the county’s business leaders and encourage you to take a minute to tell me what you think about the proposals

Chamber News

Surrey Digital Awards Surrey Chambers of Commerce is delighted to have become a “Key Supporter” of an exciting new awards scheme.

There are ten categories for the SDAs including “Website”, “Blog”, “Use of Video for Business”, “Use of Social Media for Business”, “Mobile App”, “School, Education or Charity Website”, “Online Business”, “Small Business Website”, “Online Marketing Campaign” and “Responsive Website”.

The decision by Surrey Chambers of Commerce to back the scheme is indicative of our constant mission to move with the times and migrate effectively into the digital arena. Chief Executive Officer of Surrey Chambers of Commerce, Louise Punter, revealed she is “delighted” to get behind the SDAs. “I feel the time is right for us to recognise the significant strides

forward that businesses in Surrey have made within the online marketplace. “I’m very proud of our county and the appetite we have for embracing new technologies and innovative ways of reaching our customers. “One of the great features of the SDAs is its ethos. “The judges are looking to reward businesses, schools and charities who are demonstrating outstanding work online and not necessarily with the greatest resources at their disposal. “They are looking for the ‘X Factor’ not necessarily the product of huge marketing budgets.” The SDAs – which tags itself “The Benchmark for Online Business” is available to all businesses, charities and schools that have a presence online, rather than such organisations that exist solely on the Internet. The event will take place at Holiday Inn, Woking on March 5.

Surrey Chambers of Commerce 2014 Golf Champion declared! The final 2014 Surrey Chambers Golf Society (SCGS) day was held on 11 December at Liphook Golf Club. The sponsors of the day were 3Wise Internet Solutions, a website & internet solutions company based in Woking. 40 players competed in the competition for the golf day, and the winner was declared as Simon Cripps with 42 Stableford points off a handicap of 12. Also up for grabs on the day was the 2014 Order of Merit Champion golfer, sponsored by the CSL Partnership. The winner was declared as Tony Humberstone, who scored 97 points, with Simon Smith in second place with 94 points. The best 6 scores of any player goes towards the Order of Merit, an accumulate completion run throughout the year at the 12 SCGS golf days. Members benefit from networking with local business owners, directors and partners and have the opportunity to invite and entertain their business clients building bridges and relationships.

Amongst some of the courses being organised for the 2015 season are some of the best in the local area; St George’s Hill, West Hill, Woking, Worplesdon, Swinley Forest, New Zealand, Coombe Hill and others.

Surrey Chambers Golf Society is run as part of the membership of Surrey Chambers of Commerce and further details are available by telephoning 01483 735546.

Nominations sought for Top Business Women Award Surrey Chamber’s ‘Business Women in Surrey (BWiS)’ is calling for nominations for its inaugural 2015 Top Businesswomen in Surrey List. Introduced to highlight the varied talent prevalent in businesswomen across the county, those on the list are nominated and voted for by friends, family and colleagues. Nominations are now open and Surrey business people are invited to publicly thank and promote the women they feel have made a significant contribution to their local business community. Louise Punter, chief executive, Surrey Chambers of Commerce, said: “We want to celebrate everything good that is happening across the Surrey business world, thanks to the businesswomen of today, so we’re reaching out to you to nominate those you believe deserve recognition for all that they do.” Success can be defined in a multitude of ways, so nominations from all walks of life are welcome, from young entrepreneurs to mentors and business owners, innovative and forward-thinking staff, and those who relentlessly give back to the community. Nominations already on the list include: Sue Biggs, director general, Royal Horticultural Society; Helen Collins, detective chief superintendent, Surrey Police; best-selling author Adele Parks and editor of Surrey Life magazine, Caroline Harrap. For further information and to register your nomination visit before 30 January.

Left to right: Simon Cripps, with sponsor Steve Redden and Champion for 2014 Tony Humberstone.

Once all the names are in, voting will begin on 1 February to create the final inaugural BWiS 2015 Top Businesswomen in Surrey List, which will be announced in full in March at the annual BWiS flagship event in celebration of International Women’s Day.

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Member News

GTM unveils a business traveller’s best friend We’re in the Ahead of forecasts for another severe winter, British businesses will warm to a new app from Global Travel Management that aims to take the stress out of business travel.

business of youth clubs… Surrey Clubs for Young People is a charity that support’s voluntary youth clubs in a lot of ways we’re similar to Surrey Chambers of Commerce in what we do, - like them we have a network of members that we help thrive and survive.

Left to right: Lisa Gandon, Vanessa Alparone, Natalie Pawley, Leon Padachi, Scott Pawley, Michelle Page

The GTM App provides corporate travel clients with information to help keep them in control of their itinerary with essential updates. They can tap into it on a smartphone or tablet wherever they are.

“Time means money for business, which is why in a test run of the app clients welcomed it when flights were affected by fog.”

GTM Managing Director Scott Pawley said: “Corporate travellers welcome the app because it means they know exactly what is happening so that they can make sure they’re

GTM, which has just celebrated its 17th anniversary, has seen awardwinning success and is in the top 50 corporate travel management companies in the UK.

in the right place at the right time and plan ahead.

The app is an extension of the work it is doing within the Focus Partnership, an association of 70 independent Travel Management Companies. Scott, who chairs its Tech Panel, said: “We take a personal pride in making each journey as stress free as possible. As a part of that ethos we’ve been working on our app for about a year because we want to take our customer service to the next level.”

Travel SMART - Travel Fayre The Woking Travel Fayre took place on 17 October 2014 at the Holiday Inn Woking. The Travel SMART team together with the Surrey Chamber of Commerce hosted an insightful and informative breakfast meeting attended by 40 delegates from local businesses. Speakers included Lyndon Mendes from Surrey County Council who is the Surrey lead for the Enterprise M3 Local Economic Partnership; Lyndon informed the group of wider transport investment plans in Surrey. Karen Gravestock, Director of People and Place at WWF, spoke about the company’s move from Godalming to Woking and measures introduced to bring about a reduction of staff traveling to work by car from 61% to 22%. Roger Peters Sustainable Travel Programme Manager at Capgemini presented on the tools and techniques utilised in the Capgemini Travel Well campaign.

Attendees also learnt about the free travel initiatives available to businesses in Guildford, Redhill, Reigate and Woking, including: • Personalised travel planning for staff; • Travel planner coordinator training; • Cycle training; • Cycle parking grants; • Travel Roadshows; and • Eco driver training. Exhibitors included Sustrans, Global Action Plan, FleetDrive Electric, Cycling Made Easy, Woking Borough Council, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Surrey Travel SMART team. Should you wish to find out more how the Travel SMART team can help you, your business and employees then please contact or visit

The challenges our members face are a bit different, but again there a similarities between them and business, we help them meet those challenges the way the Chamber helps business. A volunteer led youth club will have a management board, a budget, need insurance, health and safety policies, it will need to find funding and have to plan its activities as well as having to train volunteers in their roles. At Surrey Clubs for Young People, we’ll attend management meetings as advisors work with youth clubs to plan the budget and work up funding bids. We supply all the policies and insurances they need. We’ll recruit and train volunteers for them and help them resource and equip their club. Although we don’t offer networking breakfasts, we do organise regional competitions for their members to participate in where the clubs can meet and compete against each other in sports like pool, angling, football, boxing, table tennis and canoeing. If they win they go onto south east regional and then national finals. We’re very proud to have 4 national boxing champions and 2 national pool champions this year. We are really grateful for the support that Surrey Chambers of Commerce offers us and want to work in partnership with its member to support our members, so if you think your business could help us with funding or volunteering we’d love to hear from you. For more information call Joyce on 07824 380221 visit or email

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Member News

Findings show that Board Meetings are very boring Workplace meetings are an important part of the corporate fabric. In fact meetings take up 40million hours each week. is to use an engaging speaker, keep it as short and concise as possible, and allow group participation where possible. We also find that bringing something fresh into the meeting can make a huge difference. Simple things like taking the workers away from the work environment can instantly engage them better.

On your Bike for Charity Are you looking for a challenge to kick start 2015?!

But a survey of 2,000 working adults by electronics firm Sharp showed that these meetings are far from effective in many cases. In fact 7.5million of those hours are deemed a waste of time. One in eight of us have fallen asleep in meetings, a third of us confess to drifting into a daydream, and four in five think they would actually be more productive if they stayed at their desks instead.

Then look no further, on May 10th why not put in a team or take on a personal challenge by signing up for the Kelly’s Charity Events Farnham Cycle Challenge for Challengers. Challengers are a local charity who provide play and leisure for disabled children and young people based in Farnham, Guildford and across Surrey & Hampshire. After the success of the event in 2014 (its first year) an extra longer route has been added giving participants the option to sign up for 23, 45 or 70 miles through the beautiful Hampshire countryside. 100% of all money goes directly to Challengers who currently support over 1,400 disabled young people aged 2 – 25. To sign up to this exciting event go to

8 theChamber

Causes Six in ten workers say the meetings drag on too long; more than half blame the speaker for being boring; a fifth claim they have wanted to contribute to the discussion but weren’t given the opportunity; and two thirds of us think meetings involve one person talking for too long. Solutions Companies are often looking for meeting ideas to create an excellent session but the key here

Rock & Roll Experience uses a variety of music based ice breakers and team building events to do just that. Whether it’s a short engagement session in the morning or after lunch, or a half day team building rock music event where everyone learns an instrument and performs on stage, our events provide an exciting and very effective event that creates an engaged and highly effective work group that is ready to face the challenges back at the office as a team.

You Film, we Edit Just Press Record is revolutionising the film industry with a 'you film it, we edit it' approach to film making. The process is simple and follows 3 steps:

lm te d a fi it n a w r e Ev ht t thoug to o u b e d a m e t a littl was jus money to m uc h justify? The collaborative method enables you to access high quality film, without paying the expensive costs of professional cameramen. If you've never recorded anything before, don't panic! The process is simple and you will be supported throughout by a dedicated account manager who will send

Step 1: CHOOSE YOUR PACKAGE Go to our website and choose the equipment package that suits you best. Step 2: YOU FILM IT We will deliver your chosen equipment to your door and support you with all the information you need to record some amazing footage. Step 3: WE EDIT IT We will collect the equipment and create a professional film for you to share with your colleagues, friends, family and online network. you videos which tell you exactly how to use the equipment and get the best possible results. They will also be available over the phone or by email to answer any queries you may have. Just Press Record is perfect if you want a video made for an event, special

occasion, video blog, SME's website or if you are thinking about using video as an engagement tool. For more information and to see some examples of previous videos please visit

We all know that successful organisations depend upon their people to deliver high levels of performance Those people need leaders and managers that will inspire them and ensure their talents and efforts are focused on achieving business success. Good leadership and management does not happen by chance. The most successful organisations can describe how they select, develop and monitor leadership at every level. Formed in 1991, Investors in People was established by the UK Government to help organisations get the best from their people. Two decades later, our standards are at the cutting edge of people management excellence, and our accreditation is proudly held by over 15,000 organisations across 75 countries. We optimise performance by championing best practice in people management and equipping all our organisations with the tools to succeed.

For more information on how Investors in People can assist you and your business please call us on 0808 178 9931 or visit our website

Member News

Advice and information available to all at the Target Business Expo For any visitor, one of the key advantages of attending a business exhibition is for the reams of free information and guidance on offer - and the Target Business Expo is no different. With a selection of informative seminars and workshops throughout the day covering subjects from export to networking, there will undoubtedly be a subject of relevance to you and your business. John Berry of TimelessTime, will be speaking on the subject of staff performance – every managers wholly grail. TimelessTime has been trading since 2010 and is one of the few consulting firms to be accredited under the international quality standard ISO9001. John has over 30 years experience in management and will be delivering this must attend seminar. With marketing so high on the agenda for many of us, Nicola Macdonald of Attractive Marketing will be telling us how we can get the most of our marketing. With a Post Graduate Diploma from the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a great deal of experience working with SME’s, Nicola comes very highly regarded amongst her clients. One client says ‘My business is growing and expanding thanks to Nicola sharing her wisdom with me’ For a full list of seminars and workshops including UKTI, Business Doctors and Stefan Thomas, Author of Networking for Dummies, please visit the event website at or follow us on Twitter at @targetbusexpo.

10 theChamber

Loseley Natural Photography Awards showcase extraordinary talents Seventy people celebrated the second Loseley Natural Photography Awards at the Tithe Barn at Loseley. Nearly 50 amateur photographers from Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire had submitted outstanding studies of The Walled Garden and Loseley’s park and farmland. On display were more than 100 photos, and actress Jenny Seagrove, herself a judge, presented the trophies and the winners were: • Wildlife: Mark Horton (A Syritta Pipiens hoverfly in the Flower Garden) • Landscape: Lucy Duveen Conway (aged 15), (Sunset across the fields from Conduit Farm House) • Walled Garden: Mike Elder (The Flower Garden) • Flowers: Terry Knowles (Caster Oil Plant) • People in Nature: Neil Wanless (A Loseley gardener pruning the vine) • Juniors (Under 16): Ethan Collumbell (“Quack Quack”). Runners-up: Matthew Unwin and Lucy Duveen Conway.

• Special Judges’ Prizes: Isobel Duveen Conway and Maria Peskett • Overall winner: Mark Horton’s hoverfly as above. Jenny Seagrove said: “I’m passionate about photography and these photos have so many textures and colours. I’m also a passionate lover of nature and there’s such joy in these photos. I get more and more pleasure sharing the beauty of the garden at Loseley.” Michael More-Molyneux, owner of Loseley Park and also a judge, added: “It’s been very hard to choose winners as there were so many different excellent photos.” Overall winner Mark Horton from Deepcut, who also won the Wildlife Category, said: “I’m astonished and extremely flattered. I’ve never won a photographic competition, bar the one in our local village hall.”

Website Legal Compliance - Selling on line There are many legal requirements for information that must be clearly visible on a business website, particularly if you are selling on line, be that business to business or direct to consumers.

Remember - If people or businesses can contract or buy direct from you through your website you must set out: • The electronic steps that must be followed to complete the contract and how the customer can then access it if it is to then be “filed online”. • The electronic steps the customer can take to check and correct orders before committing to an order and the language options. • If your customer is a consumer buying online, then the goods and services being sold must be described together with price, arrangements for delivery and the right to cancel under statutory cooling off periods.

The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 replaced the “Distance Selling” Regulations 2000 and the “Doorstep” Regulations 2008 for all contracts entered into after 13 June 2014. As before there, are certain exemptions relating to gambling, financial services, package holidays etc. If you are not an exempt business then note the increase in the cooling off period from 7 to 14 days. If you have not checked your website compliance recently – do so, if for no other reason than to make sure the 2013 Regulations are being met. One area that causes issues for business to business contracts made off-line is whose terms and conditions apply? Also were any terms and conditions supplied at all? Remove this problem for on-line contracts. Your website should include your terms and conditions and a means of requiring the customer to consent to them before concluding the purchase or order placement. For more information please do not hesitate to contact the Dispute Resolution team on 01276 686222 email

Member News

Surrey small business invited to Downing Street A small business from Surrey was one of less than 100 from around the country invited to represent the UK’s 5.2 million small businesses in Downing Street to mark the UK’s second Small Business Saturday in December.

Award winning Accounting4Contractors Ltd (A4C) deliver accountancy and payroll services to sole traders, partnerships and small limited companies. Owners Natasha Baker and Esther Guy attended a Small Business Saturday Christmas fair inside Downing Street attended by the

chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne. Small businesses around the UK planned events, promotions and other activities to attract clients and customers on December 6. National campaign director, Michelle Ovens, said: “This isn’t some abstract economic concept. This is personal. It’s about getting out and supporting your friends, your neighbours and your family members and reinforcing your local community and economy.” George Osborne said: “Britain's small business owners deserve our support. They are the ones who take the risks to create new opportunities and new jobs, that show off British ingenuity and innovation." Small Business Saturday UK attracted the support of leading business organisations including Chambers of Commerce, the Federation of Small Businesses, the Association of City and Town Management, Association of Convenience Stores, Northern Ireland Independent Retail Trade Association, as well as corporates like American Express, O2, Lloyds Bank and NatWest and prominent entrepreneurs Theo Paphitis, Karren Brady and Martha Lane Fox.

Air conditioning - not just for big businesses Many people think of air conditioning as simply a way of providing cooling to spaces but it is easy to overlook the fact that most systems also provide heating. As well as the obvious large commercial applications, simple split systems can be ideal for use in small business and domestic settings. In particular, suitable applications can be for heating a small office/retail space (estate agents, independent shops etc), conservatory or an outbuilding where there is no viable gas supply and which rely only on inefficient and poorly controllable direct electric heaters. Professionally designed and properly installed, air to air heat pumps can be 300-400% efficient, which means that 1kW of input gives 3-4kW of output. Larger air conditioning systems in commercial offices with heat recovery can realise efficiencies of up to 500600% at certain times of the year. As a comparison, direct resistance heaters

(such as fan heaters or storage heaters) are around 99% efficient. In terms of running costs heat pumps can reduce energy bills by around 3050% when compared to direct electric heating. Due to their high energy efficiency, businesses can claim Enhanced Capital Allowance when installing air source heat pumps. Domestic customers can benefit from a reduced rate of VAT (5%) when installed in a domestic property or other accommodation classed as residential or for a charitable purpose. Advantage Air Systems has designed and installed many air to air heat pumps for small businesses and homeowners. To find out more visit

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Spotlight On

Changing the face of the high street Elmbridge Borough Council continues to help small business change the face of the high street with approximately £1.35million in business grants distributed to local traders to improve shop fronts, raise business profiles and improve skills. The Elmbridge Civic Improvement Fund (ECIF) was set up in 2009 to support local businesses to improve the business environment and enhance the borough’s villages and town centres. It is a match funding grant scheme intended to fund projects within Elmbridge that benefit the local economy and attract people to use local businesses. Grants of up to 90% of the total eligible project costs are available and therefore applicants are expected to fund at least 10% of the total project costs themselves, in order to show their commitment to a long-lasting benefit to the local economy. The types of projects that are eligible are those that benefit the local economy by attracting people to local businesses within Elmbridge, such as: • Street furniture and street scene improvements; • Improvements to the use and appearanceof empty shops; • Improvements to shop fronts; • Promotions and marketing initiatives to attract the public to services and amenities available; • Learning skills and training initiatives; and • Initiatives promoting community improvement projects where there would be a significant benefit to the local economy; • Fat, oil and grease interceptors for restaurant and catering premises. Leader of the council, councillor John O’Reilly said the council was committed to supporting local business and that business grant schemes, such as ECIF, help attract more people to the local area, and in turn create a vibrant and thriving Elmbridge. “The ECIF grant scheme continues to be a vital part of the council's commitment to the Elmbridge economy. Which such a strong background of supporting local shops, I would encourage businesses in the area to take advantage of the help available,”

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Cllr O’Reilly said.“We commit many resources to ensure that Elmbridge is an attractive place to do business.” Surrey Hills Butchers recently received an ECIF grant to improve their presence both online and on the High Street. “We received funding towards a new awning and website,” butcher Simon Taylor said. “Not only have we improved our visibility on the High Street, but we’ve also enhanced our presence online. It’s a great scheme, and well worth local businesses applying for.’ While ECIF grants have traditionally been used to improve shop fronts, Cllr O’Reilly

explained that the fund was also available to support promotion and marketing initiatives, including events. “ECIF isn't just for shop fronts!” Cllr O’Reilly said. “The Medicine Garden in Cobham was provided with funding towards its summer party to thank the local community for its support. The money went towards marketing the event, as well as the children's entertainment and security for the event.” The council hosts monthly drop-in sessions to provide advice on ECIF applications. For more information visit

“The types of projects that are eligible are those that benefit the local economy by attracting people to local businesses within Elmbridge.”

Finding the support you need to grow your Business In the first six months of 2014, 664 new businesses started up in Elmbridge.

According to statistics 50% of these will fail within the first 18 months. There are a number of reasons why these businesses fail but one in particular is that many new entrepreneurs do not know what local support is available to assist the running of their business. The Digital Work Hub is a coworking space and business incubator that provides flexible work space solutions, business support and training, a collaborative community and virtual services for start-ups, entrepreneurs and SMEs. A vibrant, professional and welcoming co-working environment is provided where like-minded business people

work alongside each other, share experiences and reap the rewards of a thriving business community. A number of workshops and training events are run which are specifically aimed at providing the information and support that start-ups, homeworkers and freelancers need to keep their business moving in the right direction.

For those needing work space, we provide hot desks from as little as £4/hour or on a rolling monthly contract basis. Recent events held include ‘Business Start up Support and Mentoring’ and ‘6 Steps to A Better Business’. These free events concentrated on ways to increase business productivity by achieving ever more with ever less. Attendees were shown strategies and proven

techniques enabling them to spend more time working ON rather than IN their business. Our aim at The Digital Work Hub is to continue to innovate and become a vital business resource within Elmbridge and the wider Surrey business community. For information on The Digital Work Hub please go to

“Our aim at The Digital Work Hub is to continue to innovate and become a vital business resource within Elmbridge and the wider Surrey business community.”

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Members News

Global facilities services company brings in MGN events for series of Christmas themed events Fast growing event management and party planning company MGN events, won the contract with one of the world’s leading facilities services companies, ISS UK Ltd to run a series of in-house staff events last December. MGN Events were contracted to plan and organise a “Wild West” themed Christmas party for 200 staff at the firm’s global headquarters in Woking, Surrey. The team were responsible for the whole package right the way through from the creative concept design and production to organised entertainment and event management on the night. The all-staff event was followed by a top level management dinner and evening of entertainment off site for around 50 senior staff. The entertainment, which had been creatively produced and designed by MGN, who also ensured smooth running of the event during the

evening, included a professionally compared event included fun teambuilding tasks with a Christmas theme such as one handed present wrapping, co-joined Christmas tree decorating and blindfolded cup-cake making! Mike Walker, Managing Director of MGN Events said: “This has been a very exciting project to work on as it has allowed us to really showcase our flair for innovation and creativity through a series of bespoke events for two very different audiences. The team at ISS really bought into our concept from the start and that has meant that we have had the freedom to create something very special.”

Space Air’s Environmental Achievement Space Airconditioning plc, the Guildford based Daikin distributor and its renewable heating subsidiary Space Air Solutions Ltd. are delighted to announce that they have been re-certified to the ISO 14001 Environmental Standard for 2015. The QAS International external auditor commented that the companies maintained a truly excellent, combined environmental management system with everything in place and leading to a successful audit. Mike Nankivell, marketing Director and responsible for maintaining Space Air’s ISO Standards commented. “We are rightly proud of our ISO registrations and particularly pleased that, year on year, we have

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impressed the external auditors by exceeding our environment related targets and objectives. As suppliers of, Daikin based, energy efficient and comfortable indoor environment solutions, we recognise a synergy between our core business and the principles of ISO 14001. Careful management of the ISO 14001 standard has resulted in valuable operational cost savings as well as reducing our environmental impact, so it’s a win - win story.”

What is ISO 14001? ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised Standard, which is designed to help to reduce the environmental impact of businesses in their normal day-to-day activities. There are many procedures and processes involved in the environmental management system. The system is subject to regular review and audited both internally and externally each year. Procedures include assessing how the company manages recycling and energy saving measures. Targets and objectives are set each year and introduce new environmental measures where possible. This year Space Air adopted a zero landfill policy, which means that all waste materials are responsibly recycled.

Business Support

Navigating your way to business success Crossing uncharted waters while heading for a far flung destination can be hazardous and fraught with difficulty - which is why any sailors embarking on such a journey need a good navigator by their side to show them the way.

It is much the same for anyone starting up or growing their own business. They need a strong hand at the tiller to point them in the right direction and make their enterprise a success. Businesses in East Surrey now have a Business Support Navigator to get the help and guidance they need as they negotiate the choppy waters of setting up, running and growing their own business.

The Business Support Navigator was created specifically to help local businesses access the right grants, funding and support. Funded through the Regional Growth Fund, the Business Navigator Growth Hub service was put in place by Coast to Capital, a local enterprise partnership which aims to promote economic growth and help businesses grow. The Business Support Navigator service is free to use

and is delivered locally by Geoff Ranson who has more than 25 years’ experience in business administration, management, human resources and funding. In East Surrey the service provides signposting support to businesses based in Mole Valley, Epsom and Ewell, Reigate and Banstead and Tandridge. “We are looking to help businesses find out what they actually need to grow,” said Geoff. “Many people are daunted by everything they

have to do to set up and run their company, from tax and administration to employment and marketing. “What we aim to do is take a lot of the hassle and effort away from them so they can concentrate on the most important aspect of their business which is selling their products and services.” So far, over 1400 businesses and entrepreneurs across the Coast to Capital region have used the free service to seek support on a range of issues.

“What we aim to do is take a lot of the hassle and effort away from them so they can concentrate on the most important aspect of their business which is selling their products and services.” To contact Geoff Ranson please call 020 3747 4744 or email COAST TO CAPITAL REGION PARTNERS



One-to-one support to address your business needs Your local Business Support Navigator will guide you to the right local and national schemes, advice and support to help your business develop and grow. 5 To be put in touch with your local Navigator, call Coast to Capital on 01403 333840

Delivered on behalf of the Greater Brighton City Region

theChamber 15

Member News Michael Ball appointed Head Chef Michael Ball, 29, has joined Macdonald Frimley Hall Hotel & Spa, near Camberley, Surrey, as Head Chef responsible for the Linden Restaurant. He and his team of ten will also be looking after banqueting for both business and private events in the hotel’s function suites as well as the informal bar menu. Michael previously worked as Senior Sous Chef at Macdonald Bath Spa Hotel where he spent two years, and which also has two AA rosettes for its excellent cuisine. Earlier in his career Michael was employed as Senior Sous Chef at Thornbury Castle Hotel in Gloucestershire and at the Marco Pierre White Steakhouse Bar & Grill in Cadbury House Hotel, just south of Bristol. Michael said: “I’m currently looking at developing my passion for using fresh seasonal produce, changing the menu according to the season such as game for the autumn. Future plans include working with the local community to put the hotel back on the map as the place to dine.” Macdonald Frimley Hall Hotel & Spa is a classic Victorian manor house set within beautifully tended wooded gardens. The elegant function rooms can accommodate up to 200 guests for a sit down dinner or wedding breakfast and the hotel is also licensed for civil ceremonies.

Brian Blessed plays King Lear in Guildford 17 January - 7 February 2015, Holy Trinity Church, Guildford High Street.

Guildford Shakespeare Company, Guildford’s awardwinning theatre company, has actor Brian Blessed playing Shakespeare’s King Lear in their opening production of 2015. This is the first time that Brian has played this iconic role on stage. The production is also the first time that he has worked on stage with his actress-daughter Rosalind, who

playing one of Lear’s three daughters, Goneril. A Surrey-resident, Brian is one of this country’s best known and most highly respected actors. The production, staged in Surrey’s largest Georgian church on Guildford High Street, is Guildford Shakespeare Company’s 24th since their inception in 2006. The awardwinning company is led by the

actor-managers Sarah Gobran and Matt Pinches. King Lear has a strictly limited run (22 performances), and the intimate setting of the Georgian church means a strictly limited seating capacity. Booking details below: Box Office 01483 304384.

Find funding and support to help your business grow

555 So much on offer – no time to find out what’s right for your business?

01403 333840

Whether you are a new business or social enterprise, growing or looking to become more sustainable, there is support available to help make it happen.

The Business Navigator offers a small team dedicated to help you access grants, funding, and other practical support.

The service is free to use – all you need to do is get in touch.

Managed by Coast to Capital and Brighton & Hove City Council. Delivered by Worthing & Adur, Chichester and Brighton & Hove Chambers of Commerce, and Croydon Business Venture Limited.

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Member News

Deputy Prime Minister launches initiative to unlock £100m of finance for regional businesses This government is determined to help small businesses who have struggled to get loans in the tough economic climate. The British Business Bank was set up by the Government to get money flowing to small businesses as fast as possible to help them expand. • Six years on from the financial crisis, whilst conditions are improving, small businesses can still face barriers when borrowing the money they need to grow. • Businesses who can’t get the financial help they need too often find their success stifled. • This is compounded by a dearth of lenders outside of London and the South-East, once again accentuating the North-South divide. • Nationally, more than half of small businesses said availability of credit was ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’. • That is why Government established the British Business Bank. • With an urgent need for local lenders to be given the capital to lend more to local businesses, the Deputy Prime Minister is today announcing the availability of up to £50m for regionally-focused business lenders through the British Business Bank. • The initiative will ensure big banks aren’t monopolising lending and will help regional small businesses grow by funnelling more finance through local commercial lenders. Without the funding they need, businesses can’t grow and our recovery slows down. That’s why we are empowering small business owners who want to expand but haven’t been able to because of a lack of finance. The British Business Bank aims to ensure they have a broader range of options, including by providing money to local lenders. The British Business Bank is making up to £50m available to regionally-focused commercial lenders. Through private-sector matchfunding this is expected to unlock up to £100m of new lending for regional businesses through the likes of local banks and debt funds. How will this be done? Up to £50m will be available to any established commercial lender that

currently has - or is prepared to open - an office outside of London and the South East to serve the regional business community. Applicants would be provided with a dedicated contact in the Investment Programme Assessment Team. Networking events will be held with financial providers to promote the initiative. There is a minimum desired commitment per bid of £10 million, which will need to be matched by at least as much private commercial funding. The funding is part of the £400m made available to the British Business Bank Investment Programme. More detail can be found at British Business Bank Investments’ website:

How will this benefit you? Over the past year (October 2013-September 2014), the British Business Bank has already facilitated finance for over 21,000 small businesses across the UK, to the value of nearly £1.5 billion. Regionally, this equates to: East Midlands

£102m to 1413 businesses

East England

£83m to 1495 businesses


£346m to 4291 businesses

North East

£64m to 959 businesses

North West

£202m to 2892 businesses

South East (excluding London) £230m to 2145 businesses South West

£79m to 1627 businesses

West Midlands

£59m to 1795 businesses

Yorkshire and Humber

£151m to 1754 businesses

‘Britain’s economy isn’t built solely around big business. In fact, smaller businesses represent 99% of all businesses in the UK. Therefore recognising and supporting this country’s smaller businesses to succeed is integral to strengthening our economy whilst building a fairer society. I’m pleased to be unlocking this funding to ensure thousands of businesses aren’t held back by their size or location, helping smaller enterprises based outside of our capital city to grow, thrive and compete in the market.’ Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg

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Health and Wellbeing

Physiotherapy - our end-to-end approach Physiotherapy is a vital part of your recovery following orthopaedic surgery. At Nuffield Health Guildford your physiotherapy will continue as long as it is clinically required following your operation. The benefits of physiotherapy include: • Decreased pain and stiffness • Optimised muscle strength • Quicker return to full function and fitness • Helps to minimise the potential complications of surgery During your first meeting with your physiotherapist you will discuss your goals. An individualised rehabilitation programme will be tailored to your needs to allow you to achieve your maximum potential after your operation. Whilst in hospital your physiotherapist will challenge you each day with a set of exercises and short walks until you are safe to be discharged home. On discharge you will be referred to our local Fitness

and Wellbeing centre where you will continue your rehabilitation. With regular visits to the centre you will be put through your paces, not only on land but also in the 20m swimming pool where you can undertake specialised hydrotherapy exercises. These regular sessions with your physiotherapist will ensure you are increasing joint flexibility, muscle strength and overall fitness levels. And it doesn’t stop there. Our unique Recover Plus


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18 theChamber

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Managing long term Pain, a problem affecting up to 60% of the population.

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What is chronic pain? Pain is the interpretation of information about a particular sensation that the body is experiencing. The signals are sent to the brain via nerves and the way these are interpreted can be affected by many external factors. Usually pain acts as an ‘alarm bell’ warning of us of harm. The good news is that 90% of back pain resolves within 6 weeks with conservative management. However if the pain lasts longer than the healing process, typically 3 months, it has become chronic. What are the causes of chronic pain? Pain can originate from muscles, tendons, bones and nerves. Bony and muscular pain cause typically throbbing aching pain. Nerve pain is quite different and is experienced as shooting, burning or electric shock type sensations or even numbness. Sciatica is an example of nerve pain.

The treatment options for the distinctive types of pain can be quite different. What can be done to manage chronic pain? The aim of chronic pain therapy is to make the pain more manageable and to improve functioning. A multidisciplinary approach is used involving pain specialists, physiotherapists and if appropriate pain psychologists. Pain specialists can suggest appropriate medications and perform injections to alleviate the pain. Remaining as active as possible is key in aiding the management of long-term pain. To enquire about Pain Management Services at Spire Clare Park Hospital or to book an appointment please call 01252 895 490, email or visit the website

Health and Wellbeing

Knockout Results!

Surrey Chambers Business Breakfast 27 January Foxhills. Boxing and business are a great mix, they need the same dedication, determination and courage and, to be a world beater, that little bit of flair and vision. As part of the Surrey Chambers year of sport – we have been invited to bring along some of the county’s boxing community to talk about their experiences. We hope they’ll inspire you with their stories of the impact their sport has made on their lives. They did for Surrey Clubs for Young People vice president Peter Lee the High Sherriff of Surrey, who said “One of my themes during my year as High Sheriff is getting young people active; getting them into sport. Why? Because sport is inclusive. It is also a way of engaging young people in a positive way -positive for them and positive for their communities. And it has been proven that it can cut crime and anti-social behaviour. Boxing is an excellent example of this. I had the pleasure of visiting Guildford City Boxing Club where I watched a group of young lads spar, train and workout and I could see what they were getting out of the experience. It’s an activity which helps build self-esteem, confidence, discipline and personal achievement (not to mention fitness and

better health). It also teaches values like respect, enjoyment and sportsmanship. I saw on the walls photographs of the lads who have passed through the doors of the club. It gives them a sense of purpose and a sense of pride. I am very proud to support boxing in Surrey.” Surrey Clubs for Young People supports 24 boxing clubs across Surrey. This year we have produced 4 national champions and have two boxers in the team GB Rio squad. We are holding a Charity Boxing Dinner on Thursday 26th March 2015 at Denbies Wine Estate in Dorking. ( to find out more visit or email tel: 017824380121

Be involved in crucial work Have you ever struggled to help someone, perhaps a colleague or friend, who was suffering from anxiety or depression and wished your knowledge of mental health was better? Perhaps there is someone in your family who has a learning disability or is suffering from dementia and you think more could be done to help them? Or, you may simply be interested in taking an active role in helping to improve mental health, drug and alcohol and learning disability services in Surrey. If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you should consider becoming a member of Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Surrey and Borders is a leading provider of mental health, drug and alcohol and learning disability services for people of all ages – and it is keen to recruit new members to help strengthen and develop the crucial work it does. Mental health problems can affect anyone at any time. It is estimated that one in four people will suffer from mental ill health at some point in their lives. The annual cost to employers of people taking time off work due to mental illness is a massive £30 billion. In addition, nearly 200,000 adults seek treatment

from drug and alcohol problems each year while 2.5 per cent of the population has a learning disability. Membership of Surrey and Borders is free and anyone over the age of 14 can join. Members automatically receive the quarterly newsletter that keeps them up to date with news about services, events and developments within Surrey and Borders. They can attend any of the informative, educational member events for free which cover a range of topics. The next event, ‘Living with dementia’ will be held on 11 February. Members who wish to take a more active role in the work of Surrey and Borders can help to influence the way services are communicated and delivered. They can also stand for election as a trust governor. Members are also eligible for discounts and offers from high street retailers. For more information, please contact the membership team on 01372 216158 or email them at

Book a course

- before you need a course The first hour after an accident is the 'golden hour', when assisting a victim is most vital. first-aid-development trains people, who may be the first on the scene, to help and assist the patient before the emergency services arrive. This could mean performing lifesaving CPR, using a defibrillator or bandaging and splinting a broken arm for a child. • Are you a child minder, nanny or care worker? • Are you HSE compliant? We provide training in all aspects of First Aid. We provide paediatric courses, HSE 1 day and 3 day courses, Primary Care (CPR) and Secondary Care (First Aid) courses.

All of our courses include defibrillator training. We use top quality training products provided by Emergency First Response. We can bespoke the timing or your course and where we train, this can be in your work place as we will come to you! Volume discounts will be offered for groups of four or more people. At the end of the course you will have the skills and confidence to help people in need of First Aid. With our training and guidance you will be able to assist emergency services when they arrive at the scene of an accident.

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theChamber 19


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20 theChamber

Camberley, Esher, Farnham, Guildford, Molesey, Sunbury and Woking

International Trade

Doing business in India A very successful first event on ‘Why Trade with China’ was held on the 26 November at Farnham Castle. The next country specific event will be on Wednesday 11 February 2015 in Guildford and will look at ‘Doing business with India’. India's historical divisions are fading after 20 years of remarkable growth: economic liberalisation has created a national market and widespread access to technology - three out of four people own a mobile phone and there will be 330 million internet users by 2015 creating a transregional Indian popular culture. The World Bank predicts India's economy - a UKTI high-growth market - will grow over 6-7% each year in the near future. Concurrently, India's government is investing US$1 trillion to improve infrastructure. India is on track to being the world's third largest economy and largest middle class consumer market by 2030, further increasing demand for high quality goods - especially those made in the UK.

The British Government is committed to doubling bilateral trade from 2010 to 2015. Exports are on track to achieve this goal and British trade missions to India are furthering cooperation, especially in the healthcare sector. UKTI and UK India Business Council are establishing business centres throughout India to support UK companies, gain local understanding and contacts to succeed in this still diverse market. Surrey Chambers of Commerce and ExportSurrey are excited to announce further country specific events for 2015 which will include business opportunities with Mexico, UAE and more. Please contact Sarah for further information –

Cultural Tips for trading with India 1 Be punctual Greet the senior people first and expect to start with some small talk.

2 Be patient It can take a long time to complete negotiations, which will, at some point, involve the top team in a business as decision-making migrates upwards. It stands to reason that pressure tactics and hard sales techniques are not appreciated.

3 Take tea Bad news for those who like a strong black coffee at meetings, “You may be offered a sugary, milky tea, coffee or a soft drink. Don’t refuse.” And don’t be fooled into thinking you can down the drink and get it over with. “Your glass or cup may be refilled as soon as it is emptied.”

4 Don’t be too direct One benefit of being a Brit doing business in a Commonwealth country is that the indirect approach is

preferred. As in the UK, “no” – which is considered impolite – is replaced with “I will try”, or “let me consider and come back to you”.

5 Check the (local) calendar With seven major religions and many minor ones, plus six main ethnic groups, India enjoys countless holidays which change depending on the year, says UKTI. Arriving in India expecting to arrange business meetings during one of these festivals will probably leave you coming home empty handed.

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theChamber 21

24 Hours with

Rupert Trevelyan, Regional Director for the Jockey Club London Racecourses The day begins for Rupert when he wakes up at 5.30am and goes for a 4.3 mile run with his trusted beagle Lola, up on the North Downs near his home in the Surrey Hills. Lola is currently helping Rupert train for his first ever London Marathon in aid of a charity close to his heart, Caroline’s Vision. many race meetings hosted by one of the three racecourses. Rupert comes from a marketing background where his work ethos was, and still is, to try and involve everybody no matter what department they work in. He maintains that everyone has a contribution and should be valued for that. His particular passion is for customer service and each racecourse strives to deliver the best as a business.

Once his training is done, he drives to one of the three London Racecourses (Kempton Park, Sandown Park or Epsom Downs), where he has worked for six years, to be the first in the office around 8am ready to welcome his staff.

“When I arrive at work I make an effort to catch up with each of the teams so I am up to date with what is going on”. Rupert’s days are often varied, one day it might be an all day meeting, others he is at the Jockey Club’s head office in High Holborn or at one of the

“We have over 130 racedays across the three racecourses (making up 10% of the UK’s racing fixtures) which include the world famous Investec Derby Festival, family fun days, evening racing followed by live music and we also host conferences, exhibitions and other events such as weddings, so we are a 365 day per year event business (we even have staff working on Christmas Day in preparation for the racing on Boxing Day at Kempton), so every day is different.” Rupert manages a team of 110 full time staff, and up to 6,000 staff including temporary staff at the Investec Derby Festival.

“My job is not just about racing but there is also a strong area of business in the non-racing events, which range from antiques fairs, Christmas fairs and film locations to name a few. Each of our racecourses has the space to accommodate all types of events and Sandown Park is notable for being the location for airport scenes as seen in the films Love Actually and The Green Zone starring Matt Damon.” Away from work Rupert enjoys spending time with his family and now that his three daughters have left home he tries to meet up with them as much as he can. Rupert is also a big Harlequins fan so if he’s not racing at the weekends you might find him at The Stoop. For further information on racedays at Sandown Park (all year racing), Epsom Downs (flat racing and host of the Investec Derby Festival) and Kempton Park (all year/all weather racing) racecourses please visit, or

“We have over 130 racedays across the three racecourses (making up 10% of the UK’s racing fixtures) which include the world famous Investec Derby Festival, family fun days, evening racing followed by live music and we also host conferences, exhibitions and other events such as weddings, so we are a 365 day per year event business”

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The Future of the Computer Gaming Industry Charles Russell Speechlys, the South East’s leading corporate and private client law firm, hosted an exclusive event about the future of computer gaming at its new Guildford-based office in One London Square in November 2014.

The event, in partnership with Ukie (UK Interactive Entertainment), the pre-eminent trade body for the UK computer games industry, involved presentations from the UK’s leading gaming industry experts. It was attended by a number of representatives from the industry across the South East.

Speakers included Sony’s Simon Benson talking about the future direction of virtual reality; Unity games “evangelist” Oscar Clarke who shared his insight into the future sustainability of free-to-play versus paid games, and Nick Hurley, partner from Charles Russell Speechlys, who looked at staffing issues likely to impact developers and publishers in the future. Charles Russell Speechlys’ Jamie Cartwright also shared his thoughts on the future of mediation and dispute resolution, and how this will affect the industry in the future. Hot topics discussed by speakers and delegates also included the rise of eSports and its growing popularity in the UK by Michael “Odee” O’Dell of Team Dignitas, potential challenges for independent developers, and the opportunity for potential future collaboration of studios of all sizes. Nick Hurley comments, “Given Guildford’s position as the “Hollywood of Games” and the “Elysium of Electronics” (The Guardian, June 2014) we were absolutely delighted to host the

first conference of its kind for Ukie in the Guildford hub. We wanted to look at some of the key areas that both fledgling and established local computer games organisations needed to be alive to and, judging by the range and depth of industry talent in the area, there is a lot of interest in these issues.” Charles Russell Speechlys has headquarters in London and offices in the UK, Europe and the Middle East. Formed in 2014 by the merger of Charles Russell and Speechly Bircham, it aims to be the leading English law firm combining specialist business law and private wealth advice internationally. Charles Russell Speechlys, which employs over 130 people in Guildford, provides transactional, regulatory, advisory and litigation & dispute resolution services to major corporates, privately owned businesses and individuals. For further information, please visit

‘Common Sense’ investment management We’re Seven Investment Management - or 7IM - a ‘Common Sense’ investment management firm that helps businesses, individuals and their families manage their capital to meet their financial needs and aspirations and we are delighted to be joining the dialogue in your community. We have already met some of you at Chambers’ events and hope to get to know more of you through 2015. Over the coming editions we’ll be looking at a range of topical issues that we think are pertinent to the business community and their families; from pensions changes to crowd funding, there is so much going on. Equally we would also be interested to hear from you if there are particular topics on which you would like to hear our views. To begin our series here is a very brief synopsis from our investment team on how we see the economic backdrop against which your businesses will be operating in 2015: While the global recovery fell short of the hopes held by many – ourselves included – at the

start of the year, there seems little doubt that we end 2014 with the world economy in better shape than it started the year. Europe may have flirted with recession, Japan may have risked its recovery with an illtimed rise in VAT and Russia may have brought economic woe on itself as its actions invited stronger and stronger sanctions from the west. However, China has again avoided pessimistic predictions of a hard-landing, and the US has surprised on the upside, with clear evidence of a broad and robust recovery. Employment is growing, households are earning and spending more, and companies are becoming more confident in their outlook. We have lift-off – at last. The world economy may be flying along on one engine, but

when that engine is as large and powerful as the American economy, and is accelerating steadily, that may not matter for now. A key question for 2015 is whether strength in the US will lift the rest of the world. We expect that higher demand among American consumers and firms will lift global trade and support export growth in Asia and Europe, providing an important lift to those economies. Again if you have any requests please do get in touch, we will do our best, and, depending on the topics, you may hear from me in subsequent columns or from a member of the 7IM investment team. Call 020 7760 8777 or Email:

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Cover Feature

Lack of governance ‘stunts growth’ of uk family businesses, according to research 55 per cent of family businesses say succession is a barrier to future success; 62 per cent would consider selling up owing to difficulties handing on the business to children or relatives; 90 per cent of UK family businesses operate with no formal family governance structures in place, stunting their potential productivity and growth, according to new research published today by Family Business Place and law firm, Charles Russell Speechlys.

Sally Ashford, Legal Director at Charles Russell Speechlys

While two thirds of family-owned businesses have a board of directors, only 25 per cent have non-family board members and only 20 per cent operate with nonexecutive directors to provide independent insight and advice according to the research, launched today at Family Business Place’s National Conference in London.

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Despite an aversion to giving non family members senior leadership or strategy-setting roles, and a strong desire to keep business ownership within the family, more than half (55 per cent) say succession is a barrier to future success, with almost two thirds (62 per cent) admitting they would be prepared to sell up owing to difficulties handing on the business to children or relatives.

The two trends are linked, according to family business experts at law firm Charles Russell Speechlys, with a lack of formal governance leading to struggles with succession, complacency within the business, family disputes, and even damage to growth. Sally Ashford, legal director at Charles Russell Speechlys, commented: “It’s no coincidence that family businesses are revealing both a lack of formal governance and concerns or problems with succession – the two often conspire to stunt business growth. As they develop and mature – often across several generations - it’s essential that family businesses put the right professional, management and governance structures in place to ensure they stay on the right track. Without them, complacency, stagnation, and even major family disputes can result. “Family charters, manifestos, or councils can help get family members behind a shared vision or set of objectives, smooth negotiation and avoid arguments, and keep younger family members engaged by allowing them a voice in the future of the business. In today’s economy, where a job for life has all but vanished, younger generations entering the business will expect to have more variety and say in the development of their careers.

Cover Feature Working in the family business can offer all that and more, but career progression needs to be structured carefully and ambitions must be listened to. “There is a misconception that non-executive directors will be prohibitively expensive, and are only relevant to major corporates or public companies. But they’re a natural fit for family firms, given many don’t want to appoint non-family members to the board. A good non executive director can be incredibly valuable – from stopping a company from getting complacent, to helping to identify and head off potential problems or disputes before they start.” Anita Brightley-Hodges, managing dDirector of Family Business Place, said:‘Families who run businesses are inherently shy about blowing their own trumpet and recognising they have a brilliant and successful company. The great thing about bringing in the next generation is they are marketing-savvy; they know how to use new technologies, social media and digital marketing

platforms to showcase their ‘family factor’ and reach customers in a different way. However, in order to excite them about their potential career path in the family firm, there needs to be a defined role set out for them, one which they can take hold of and know they can have a real and meaningful impact on the business. This also means a commitment to setting out a professional leadership plan - perhaps some work shadowing or a board swap in another family business and networking with other next generation entrepreneurs. Charles Russell Speechlys will be holding a workshop for family businesses at their offices in Guildford on March 18th with talks from family businesses, NEDs and their legal experts looking at what options are available for family businesses to strengthen their governance and strategic direction. Further information from Virginia Cook on

“Family charters, manifestos, or councils can help get family members behind a shared vision or set of objectives, smooth negotiation and avoid arguments, and keep younger family members engaged by allowing them a voice in the future of the business.”

Family business reveal their biggest challenges Other findings in the Family Business Place and Charles Russell Speechlys report include: • Family businesses reported a variety of issues when it comes to planning for the future, with concerns centring on intergenerational conflict (24 per cent), succession problems and/or younger family members not wanting to join the business (29 per cent), dividend policies and remuneration of family members (10 per cent) and sibling rivalry (7 per cent) • Twenty-seven per cent of respondents cited ‘other’ issues, including long hours, recruitment, and disputes around the overall direction or purpose of the family business (ie growth and innovation versus using the business to support an comfortable lifestyle) as barriers to future success • There is widespread reluctance to broaden share ownership and responsibilities - family members own more than 75 per cent of shares in nearly all family businesses surveyed (87 per cent) • Family businesses are largely domestically oriented, with only eight per cent having offices or subsidiaries outside the UK • 64 per cent of family businesses are involved with philanthropy or charitable giving • There is a widespread aversion to relying on banks and debt, with many businesses preferring to self-fund expansion • 90 per cent of those surveyed have spent time working outside the family business, seen as critically important to develop a rounded perspective • Major success factors identified by family business owners include good communication between family members, and between family members and employees; sustaining some work life balance; and not being afraid to promote talented and loyal non-family members within the business • Of the family businesses surveyed, 19 per cent were in the professional services sector, followed by 16 per cent in retail and 14 per cent in manufacturing. Other sectors represented included construction (10 per cent), food and drink (8 per cent, and health and beauty (5 per cent)

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Cover Feature

The challenges of keeping it in the family Family firms are unique, held together by strong bonds which make them immensely powerful but which can also present some major challenges, particularly as they plan their futures.

Key among the issues they face is the handover of control from the older generation to the younger ones, according to a recentlypublished report which said that 55 per cent of family businesses cite succession as a barrier to future success and 62 per cent would consider selling up owing to difficulties handing on the business to children or relatives. Despite an aversion For their part, businesses in Surrey, while acknowledging the challenges, argue that the benefits of being a family company far outweigh the drawbacks. The recent research was published by Family Business Place and law firm Charles

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The company, a car, van, MPV and truck rental company operating throughout the South East offering daily and long term hire, was started by his grandfather in 1968. Shortly afterwards, his father took over but today Roger has less of a prominent role, having stepped aside to allow his son to become managing director. Roger remains one of six family members still involved, including Mark’s uncle, mother, sister and wife. Mark said: “The report did mention things that were familiar to me. One of the things that we did three years ago was bring in a non-executive director from outside the family. “He was able to stand back from things and has been able to help us tackle the challenges presented when I took over from my father when he took a step Paul Baker, Natalie Pawley and Scott Pawley side-wards. Russell Speechlys and said that Surrey family firms recognise the “The family and the business 90 per cent of UK family challenges. Mark Kendall, aged was affected by the process of my taking over. There were some businesses operate with no 35, Managing Director of cases of miscommunication and formal family governance Kendall Cars for the past five we have worked to put that right. structures. years, certainly recognises the difficulty of maintaining family “However, we are a tight knit The report said that, while two family, and remain so, and that is thirds of family-owned businesses relationships during times of change. one of the strengths of being a have a Board of Directors, only family firm. We can make 25 per cent have non-family decisions quickly without having board members and only 20 per to go to a board of directors. cent operate with Non-Executive I do think being a family business Directors, underlining an aversion is the right approach for us. to giving non family members senior leadership or strategy“There are many reasons to setting roles. remain a family business but certainly there can be According to family business challenges as well. Having experts at Charles Russell someone from outside the Speechlys, the lack of formal family has helped us deal governance leads to struggles with that. with succession, complacency within the business, family “One issue when I took over disputes and even damage was changing things, being told Mark Kendall. Kendall Cars ‘there is the company and here growth.

Natalie, Scott and family on holiday

is the way we have always done things’. For instance, we have just gone computerised. Thirteen hundred vehicles and ten branches and until recently we were using pen and paper. It worked but we needed to computerise. “Our customers certainly enjoy the ‘family run’ feel that we give to our clients that makes them choose us over the large corporate hire companies.” Another managing director juggling the demands of family and business life is Scott Pawley, managing director of Surrey company Global Travel Management, which helps clients with their corporate travel plans, particularly airline tickets, and trades in the UK and abroad. He and wife Natalie, the company secretary, set up the business seventeen years ago with support from Scott’s father. Today, the couple run it together and employ 32 people with a £26 million turnover. Scott said: “I have found running a family business mostly enjoyment. One of the things we have always done is draw a dividing line between our

business life and our home life. I may be managing director and sometimes someone has to take the decisions but you cannot take that home with you. “Another thing we did was bring in a non-family member onto the board, someone who can take a view of the company from outside. “Non-family members on the board and on the staff management means that they can take a view which will benefit the business as a whole. “There are benefits in being a family-run business, one of which is that as a company we have always followed family values.

We always say ‘imagine if it was your mother or grandmother getting onto the plane, are we treating our customers the way you would like to see them treated?’ “One of the thoughts that came to mind when I read the report is the phrase ‘family business’. I would not go to a client about a £10 million contract and say we are a family business. It makes us sound, and I do not mean offence here, like we are a corner shop so I prefer to promote our business as an SME. However, within the company we do take a family approach to how we run the business.”

Succession has not yet raised its head for Scott and Natalie. Scott said: “We have not really thought about succession. We are young enough not to need to worry about it at this stage. “Our children are eleven and fourteen and I did not know what I wanted to do when I left school so we will have to see how their ideas develop. Going into the family business is certainly not something I would force onto them.” For Clare Cross, of Raycross Interiors, a family business that has designed, supplied and installed kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms for more than 35 years, ensuring that all opinions within the company are heard is crucial. She said: “Working in a family business can often mean that you can live and breathe work 24/7 and it can sometimes be difficult to switch off and enjoy quality family time. “With four members of the family working at our Byfleet showroom, we’ve managed to each take on a role that enables us to bring our expertise to the table and deliver an outstanding customer service. “When it’s family, it’s personal and a high level of customer service is of paramount importance to us. “Business meetings can sometimes require the need for broad shoulders as differences of opinion kicks-in but a good sense of humour normally prevails and onward and upward we go.”

“Families who run businesses are inherently shy about blowing their own trumpet and recognising they have a brilliant and successful company. The great thing about bringing in the next generation is they are marketing-savvy; they know how to use new technologies to showcase their ‘family factor’ and reach customers in a different way.

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Big Interview

The Surrey law firm that’s Speaking to Matthew Truelove, of TWM Solicitors, there is a real sense of pride in the fact that the Firm of which he is Managing Partner is two hundred and fifteen years old. Despite this envious heritage, Matthew is animated when it comes to talking about the present and future prospects for TWM. Matthew, a commercial property lawyer was elected TWM Managing Partner in August 2013. TWM is a business which has grown steadily through the centuries since its formation in 1799 in Grays Inn, London, by solicitor Charles Addis. Matthew works alongside Finance Director, and fellow equity partner, Andrew Hayes and an Executive Committee charged with the management of TWM, and with moving the Firm forwards.

Matthew Truelove TWM Managing Partner “The Firm has grown to employ 200 people in seven offices across Surrey and London, and has 35 partners. Throughout its existence, those running the Firm have done so on the premise of growth but not at the expense of sustainability.”

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Today, the Firm has grown to employ 200 people in seven offices across Surrey and London, and has 35 partners. Throughout its existence, those running the Firm have done so on the premise of growth but not at the expense of sustainability.

TWM is a full service law firm – able to help people on personal matters such as Wills, moving house or divorce for example, as well as directors and owners needing commercial advice connected with the operation, ownership and growth of businesses. TWM’s largest team is Private Client, led by Partner, Allison Crossman who says one reason for the Firm’s increased work levels is the demographic change in society. She said: “Private Client is seeing growth and I think part of that is down to people living longer and becoming more aware of the need to protect their family wealth. With ever changing family structures they appreciate it is even more important to seek advice on lifetime estate planning measures and that Wills are structured to protect the family.

Matthew says: “That is very important to us. We have always been of the view that if you are not growing the business you are effectively going backwards, but we have not entered into mergers and acquisitions simply for the sake of it, or to produce a short-term increase in turnover. Everything that we have done has been carefully planned. You hear about too many law firms that have tried to grow quickly, then hit a crisis and ‘gone to the wall’. Our aim has always been to be a very stable business and we make sure that it always has cash available.” Andrew Hayes agrees. He said: “I have been with the Firm for eight years, and we were quite unusual in that as finance director I was also made an equity partner back in 2011. “Although we have seen growth, we have always ensured that the firm is cash positive.” That approach has worked well. Andrew said: “This last financial year was particularly strong with fees increasing by 24 per cent, but the story over time is of a gentle upward curve in the revenue line.”

Allison Crossman TWM Partner

Big Interview

215 years young “It is still the case that 60 per cent of the population die without making a Will. We are routinely seeing older and retired people realising the importance of making a Will and arranging for powers of attorney, especially as concerns grow about the effects of dementia and similar conditions. “We have eighteen specialists working in the field and they are advising more and more families as they plan for the future. Our approach is to find out as much as possible about clients and their family circumstances, and then help them as best we can as they seek to secure their futures. In addition to our team of specialist lawyers, Stephanie Sharpe, a Chartered Tax Advisor joined the team in August and her expertise is critical in enabling us to provide a full tax advisory service to our clients." That approach includes being able to react quickly to changes, such as the recent changes to Stamp Duty, announced in Chancellor, George Osborne’s, Autumn Statement in early December. Matthew said: “Across the TWM we had about forty clients who were close to exchanging on higher value property transactions and we had to work out in each case whether to push the deal through or defer. We worked until the midnight deadline to achieve an exchange for those clients where this was practicable, saving them a very considerable amount in Stamp Duty Land Tax.” “Much of our work is based around reacting to changes in legislation and advising our clients on the implications for them.”

Nowhere is that challenge more pronounced than in the world of business law where changes in legislation can have major ramifications for companies, especially SMEs that may not have their own legal departments. Business Law is a large and growing area for TWM, whose team advises on corporate, commercial and employment issues for clients ranging from international businesses to SMEs and entrepreneurs. Jamie Berry – Partner and Head of Business Law, said: “Increased confidence has been key to the corporate and commercial side flourishing.” “We offer a service which helps businesses in every aspect of the law. Private schools, golf clubs, hair & beauty and automotive are sectors where we are particularly strong. Family owned or owner managed businesses also approach us seeking to carry out effective succession planning. “We do hear of family businesses that do not plan for the future, maybe the eldest child does not wish to take over, and our role is to help these businesses find a solution and effectively plan for exit, retirement and succession.” For Matthew Truelove, successful as TWM has been, there remains capacity for the Firm to grow - but always adhering to the tried and tested mix of economic caution and commitment to a quality service that has served it so well for more than 200 years. He said: “We do not want to be the type of Firm that just takes a fee from the client and walks away. We want to work with

Jamie Berry TWM Partner them, take time understand their circumstances and any concerns they might have, and come up with the best solution for each client’s individual circumstances and outlook. We pride ourselves that we have clients who keep instructing us for generation after generation.”

“We have eighteen specialists working in the field and they are advising more and more families as they plan for the future. Our approach is to find out as much as possible about clients and their family circumstances, and then help them as best we can as they seek to secure their futures.”

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t 215 Years Years of heritage t 200 Employees t 146 In list of top 200 UK law firms t 15 Years Years since merger formed TWM Solicitors t 7 TWM office locations t 1 Focus; our clients

YYou ou can’t survive for over two centuries if you’re not giving people what they want. Our reputation is founded on enduring relationships, so people come back to us and also recommend us to others seeking legal advice. Thank you to all of our clients and contacts that have entrusted their work to us and we wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2015. TWM Solicitors has offices in Cranleigh, Epsom, Guildford, Leatherhead, London (Mayfair), Reigate and Wimbledon. www

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Members News

The future of aviation: connecting Britain. Faster. The UK is currently one of the best connected countries in the world, but many of our airports are full. As demand for air travel increases, politicians, business leaders and aviation experts have all argued that the UK urgently needs to expand its airport capacity.

In September 2012, the Airports Commission was established to consider how best to provide that capacity. The Commission reported back in December 2013, confirming a need for one additional runway in the South East of England by 2030 and listing a number of options. That was refined further in March this year leaving Heathrow and Gatwick as the only options left under consideration. The Airports Commission will recommend a new runway at either Gatwick or Heathrow after the General Election in 2015. The UK needs an aviation solution for the challenges of the

future. Without increasing airport capacity, the UK will lose out on business competitiveness. Surrey Chambers of Commerce is hosting an event with Gatwick Airport and the British Chambers of Commerce to explore the issues surrounding our countries airport capacity.

greater connectivity for UK businesses as well as share their opinions on how this debate affects their local business.

For more information and to book your place, visit the Surrey Chambers website or Tel: 01483 735540.

On 29th January 2015 delegates are invited to attend an informative seminar where they will be able to take part in an interactive Q&A with representatives from the Airport. They will also have the opportunity to learn how the aviation capacity issue has an impact on business, hear how Gatwick intends to deliver

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Skills Feature

Skills shortages restricts growth across all sectors The skills shortage, particularly in technical and engineering disciplines, is now well known and is starting to restrict the growth of specific industries and companies.

This is set against a back drop of high levels of youth unemployment and concerns that the level of unemployment is not just related to the economic cycle, but is increasingly structural. The number of young people undertaking STEM based qualifications beyond the mandated minimum level is insufficient to meet industry needs and a decline in the availability of entry level jobs which can lead “on to better things”. It makes eminent sense to engage with, and encourage, the rising generation’s enthusiasm in professional areas where their studies will lead to STEM based employment/careers, somewhere within the breadth of our professional span.

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The Engineering Development Trust mission is to help talented young people achieve their full potential, in particular, through careers in engineering, science and technology. Since 1984 they have worked with around 25,000 young people each year delivering genuine work-related learning programmes. Targeting 11-21 year olds, they bring companies and universities together with schools and students to give the young people a better

insight into the science and engineering related business world, offering them the opportunity to make more informed choices relating to subjects and courses that will enable them to follow a science and engineering career. Key life skills such as teamwork, problem solving, and communication skills are significantly developed alongside the technical resulting in greater understanding of, and preparation for, the world of work.

“The number of young people undertaking STEM based qualifications beyond the mandated minimum level is insufficient to meet industry needs and a decline in the availability of entry level jobs which can lead “on to better things”.

7 courses your business should know about The beginning of the year is a great time to think about the training you or your staff need. Surrey Adult Learning offers a range of work skills courses but also something for your leisure time. Here is our pick of classes starting in January 2015:

Social Media for Business Use Understand the principles of social media for business use and how to set up, customise and use various social media tools to engage with existing and potential customers.

Spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel Learn how to organise accounts and other numeric data easily and use formulas to make calculations. This course provides a general introduction to encourage confidence in the use of Excel spreadsheets.

French, Italian or Spanish - For Your Holidays Thinking of your summer break yet? Learn basic phrases for use on holiday. You will learn to greet people with confidence, order drinks and a snack and ask for tourist information, including basic directions.

iPad for Beginners Got an iPad for Christmas but not sure how to use it? Learn about the amazing things that your iPad/iPad Mini/iPod Touch has to offer on this four week short course!

Cookery - Around the World Inspired by Masterchef? Learn to make Thai fishcakes with a chilli tomato jam, Sri Lankan chicken or a French Apple Tarte with home-made sweet pastry. Pick up valuable cooking skills and simple tips to cook successfully time and time again.

Computer and Online Basics (COB) If you have work colleague who is new to computing or looking to brush up on the basics, then this course is for them. Demystify computer jargon and terminology, and learn how to use Windows, Microsoft Word, Internet and Email.

Digital Photography for D-SLR Cameras Familiarise yourself with the functions and features of your own D-SLR camera. Practise using automatic and manual settings to achieve different effects. Surrey Adult Learning offers hundreds of courses across north and south-west Surrey. To find out what is on near you, visit, call Customer Service line on 0300 200 1044 or pick up a brochure at your local library.

Why training is more important than ever Never has the need for training been more apparent for business. Many business and economic support agencies have identified training as playing a key role in helping them to take advantage of the opportunities presented to them as the economy recovers. They argue that well-trained staff are able to better support their employer as well as identifying new opportunities. A training session can sometimes spark an idea that develops into a new product or new ways of working. Training falls into two categories, the retraining of people who have lost their jobs and the training of those already in employment but who wish to develop their skills further. Retraining unemployed people is important because many will be keen to get back into work and learn new skills if that is what required. They may, for example, have worked in a company that made staff redundant but have skills that can be adapted to other businesses in similar sectors. That is where training comes in and encouraging such people is crucial in the drive to support new and existing businesses. Many specialist training companies and agencies take things a step further, not just helping people to adapt their existing skills but instead teaching them new entirely new ones so that they can find jobs in other fields if they wish. Gone are the days when someone did the same job for life, now people are accustomed to switching careers half way through their working lives and training allows that to happen. Another key role for training companies is helping those still in work to hold onto, and develop, their jobs by exhibiting more flexible skills. Training specialists point out that well-trained staff are better able to meet challenges and recognise opportunities. That could be anything from tapping into new markets to coming up with ways of making sure that their employer makes inroads into foreign markets. Sometimes, the opportunity to step aside from the day job and spend time in a training session can have dramatic outcomes. More and more businesses are seeing the benefits of such an approach as their staff use their new knowledge to take advantage of opportunities in the market place. It is a message that is more important than ever.

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Skills Feature

University offers help with skills and business development Skills and training can take many different forms. Many people’s idea of university education is a formal lecture from an academic, to a packed hall of students. strategically important project, and is supported by a university expert. The project is usually governmentfunded up to 67%, and on average leads to an annual increase of over £500,000 in net profit.

Keith Pordum, MD of Bon Appetit

But this is just one aspect. People now learn in a variety of situations and settings, frequently linked to their job, and throughout their whole lives. The University of Brighton offers a whole range of support and development opportunities for businesses from tailor-made courses delivered to employees at the company’s premises, to Knowledge Transfer Partnerships where a graduate works in the business on a

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The university’s business development programme Profitnet has been running for several years. Groups of business leaders and senior managers meet confidentially to share their ambitions and expertise, and develop new opportunities. Supported by the Regional Growth Fund, the programme is professionally facilitated and helps businesses to grow and develop through innovation. There are a number of Profitnet groups running in the Gatwick Diamond area which are organised according to the members’ location or sector. They currently include Sustainable Building and Energy, Manor Royal and East Surrey, and more groups will start up shortly.

Keith Pordum, MD of hot food vending specialist Bon Appetit, and long-term Profitnet member, has joined the programme this year for the third time. He said: “I came to speak to some new members, and realized how much I have been missing it. I’ve been in my current group for five months now and already I’ve taken various steps towards my main aim of achieving more business with the healthcare sector.” One of these steps has been to take on a graduate intern who is working with Keith’s digital marketing agency to develop campaigns targeting healthcare professionals. Students and graduates need experience of the workplace, so many of the university’s degree courses include a placement with a business or community organisation. Many businesses benefit from hosting placement students, and often become involved with shaping the degree course content to ensure that

students are developing the skills that employers need. Employers can also take on a graduate intern - many of the university’s internships are part-funded, giving a cost-effective way for employers to get used to having a graduate around, and shaping a job role which they might decide to make permanent. In addition to these routes, the University of Brighton offers contract research and consultancy to any business that needs expertise in a particular area. Stuart Brittle, MD of specialist clinical waste contractor Medisort, has embarked on a consultancy project with the university to assess whether the polymers in waste nappies could potentially be extracted and re-used. For more information about how your business could benefit from working with the University of Brighton, call the business helpdesk on +44(0)1273 643098 or email


News from Guildford College group High Achievers Reach for the Stars at Guildford College Group Graduation and Awards Ceremony.

Space scientist Dr Maggie AderinPocock MBE joined graduates and award winners of all ages to help celebrate their incredible achievements at the recent Guildford College Group Graduation and Achievement Ceremony at G Live. Guest of Honour, Dr Maggie AderinPocock MBE captivated the audience with tales of how she overcame challenges throughout her childhood to achieve her dream of becoming a space scientist. Dr Aderin-Pocock spoke

of how she graduated from Imperial College London with a BSc in Physics and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, despite being diagnosed with dyslexia at a young age. Her speech inspired the audience to reach for the stars and achieve their goals. Officially opening the ceremony, Mike Potter CBE, Principal and Chief Executive of the Guildford College Group, said that he viewed the event as “The pinnacle of the College’s performance and one which justifiably merits very special attention and

celebration”. He also talked about the College’s high success rates, including the fact that of those who gained an honours degree this year, 16% gained first class and 41% attained upper second. Those who had received Foundation Degrees, Higher National Certificates, Higher National Diplomas, Degrees and Professional Qualifications donned caps and gowns and processed across the stage to receive commemorative certificates from the Principal, Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock and the Mayor of Guildford, David Elms. Later in the event 21 individual students from Guildford, Merrist Wood and Farnham Sixth Form Colleges received special Student of the Year awards for outstanding academic achievement or for conquering adversity to succeed in their studies. The award-winning students were Alfie Broadbent, Harry Marshall, James Da Silva, Celestine Duval, Arron Welling, Claire Hack, Luke Treder, Katie Hunt, Simon Wroxley, William Burberry, Kayleigh Bond, Lisa Bolton, Bjorn Svard, Elizabeth Hall, Louis Medley, Helen Baker, Jasmine Wales, Sophie Storey, Annie Fairweather, Eloise Birch and Thomas Mousley. They were sponsored by OCS Group, Morgan Hunt, Merrist Wood Golf Club, Guildford Borough Council, the Old Farnhamians’ Association, ALPS, 96.4 Eagle Radio,

Baroness Margaret Sharp of Guildford, Big City Banners & Signs, Stevens & Bolton LLP, TG Media Group, Jon Treasure Tree Services, Baker Tilly, Surrey Chambers of Commerce, Rokers, SCL, Lloyds Bank, CIOB and the Guildford College Corporation members. The students demonstrated some incredible stories of achievement. Arron Welling was selected from hundreds of sea cadets to compete in an ocean yacht race across the Pacific. Not only did Arron complete the race in extremely dangerous conditions, but he obtained a distinction star overall in his Public Services Diploma. Whilst overcoming personal tragedy Jasmine Wales consistently achieved outstanding grades and managed to attain a first class BA (Hons) degree in Early Childhood Studies. Floristry student Elizabeth Hall achieved the highest mark in the country for her professional diploma exam paper, whilst traveling to the College weekly from her home in Devon. The ceremony was opened and closed with dance performances by the College’s Performing Arts students. For further information, please contact Guildford College Marketing Department on 01483 44 85 69.

University Centre aims to decipher the DNA of the digital world Surrey Business School has launched a centre devoted to exploring the future of business and society in the emerging digital economy. Retailers fitting shops with sensors to measure and analyse customer behaviour…manufacturers tagging their products to streamline their supply chains… healthcare providers developing mobile apps to monitor patients’ vital signs …digital technology is transforming every sector of the economy. How will it affect your company? Surrey Business School has launched the Centre for the Digital Economy (CoDE), whose aim is to understand, analyse, and optimise the impact of digital technology on businesses, the economy and society. Drawing on the University of Surrey’s track record in technology and innovation, its internationally recognized engineering activities and the growing reputation of Surrey Business School, CoDE is exploring the broad economic,

organizational, and behavioural changes brought about by the advance and spread of digital technology. Professor Alan Brown, a co-director of the Centre, said “The digital mindset is no longer the realm of the IT department, but impacts every area of the business including HR, Property, Finance, Strategy and Operations. Digital is not only transforming what can be done, but how it is done and by whom. We firmly believe the Digital Economy presents both threats and opportunities for local businesses right now.” The gap between swiftly emerging technology and the slower evolution of local organisations will only increase, as exponential improvements in artificial intelligence, robotics, networks, analytics and digitization affect all of us in ever more fundamental ways.

Designing effective organizations and institutions for the digital economy is the grand challenge for our time. Within this context, CoDE has three main goals: • To rigorously analyse the potential of digital technologies to transform whole industry sectors and the businesses within them, thereby reshaping society;

CoDE will be hosting an informal dropin session offering local businesses the opportunity to chat with researchers the impact of the digital economy from 4:00pm onwards on Wednesday 11 February 2015. You can drop in virtually over the internet or in person, to find out more and register, please email

• To engage local businesses with students and faculty in educational programmes and research relevant to the digital revolution, establishing Surrey Business School at the forefront of the management of digital technology; and • To make practical recommendations to business leaders and policy makers about the reality of operating in the digital economy.

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Industry Comment

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More than 100,000 employers use Apprenticeships to attract new talent, re-skill existing staff and tackle skill shortages. Why not join them and see the benefits for yourself?

For more information: Visit Call 01483 44 85 30 or Email 36 theChamber

Patrons News

Should you promote your business as being family owned? Following on from the biggest family holiday of the year, it definitely feels the right time to discuss the topic of family businesses – one that is very familiar to us, as FdK Design Consultants has a strong family presence with three members of the de Kretser family and a godfather on board.

According to the Institute for Family Businesses, there are around three million family firms in the UK, the oldest of which have been in business for almost 500 years.

They account for two jobs in five in the UK private sector and contribute £73bn of UK total tax revenues, so it’s safe to say they are very important to the economy.

This means that having the right branding is vital and in some cases, promoting the family nature of a business can prove very beneficial. Some brands do this subtly by discussing their family history on their website, while others like SC Johnson are more open and state that they are ‘a family company’ right in the logo. There are a number of studies that suggest consumers appreciate the notion of family and that their businesses stand for responsibility, sustainability and trust. A business that has been trading for a number of generations generally conjures up the notion of longevity and heritage, that can prove to be a great way to differentiate in a crowded marketplace. Sometimes it’s not only customers who see the appeal of a family brand but also stakeholders. Knowing a


business is family-run infers value and commitment, and including names and images of the owning family in communications can also help by showing they are willing to put the reputation of their family on the line as well as that of the company. It’s important to remember that family branding won’t work for every business and the key is to research your customers, your stakeholders and the market you are in. Without careful consideration, you could end up diluting the brand focus, creating an ineffective image and harming the future of your business. If implemented correctly, family branding can attract customers, strengthen stakeholder confidence and encourage greater family cohesion. But it is not something to be done on the fly, so consider it carefully and get all the family involved.

Exclusive Joining Fee Offer at Foxhills Come and enjoy our Country Club and Resort, a picturesque family run 400 acre estate just 20 minutes from Heathrow. Experience world-class golf courses, relax in our health spa, get fit with our gym and sports facilities including 11 tennis courts. Or unwind in our resort hotel and restaurants. Foxhills is very much a family-orientated club and our family-friendly atmosphere extends throughout the resort. We have a purpose built Children’s Clubhouse, a haven for tots to teens which boasts a family Indoor pool, a den for teens housing a pool table, table football, flat screen TV, air hockey, games consoles and an area to chill out. There is also a soft play area, an Arts & Crafts Room, a Nursery and a junior gym. Sounds tempting? Here is our exclusive joining fee offer to you. Join now and pay the subscriptions only until the 31st of March 2015. If you like us and you decide to renew in April 2015, pay the one off preferential joining fee plus your annual subscriptions by the 31st of March 2015 and we will return the whole joining fee to you to spend and enjoy at the club.

For further details contact: t: 01932 704450 e: We look forward to welcoming you to Foxhills

Offer expires 31st March 2015.

theChamber 37


Generating Cash Today Every business needs “working capital” (readily available money that enables you to buy goods or services to sell on). Life in business becomes difficult when there isn’t enough working capital.

Cash Flow

Because we’ve worked with hundreds of companies over the years and helped them to improve their cash position, we’ve noticed lots of similarities in the issues that restrain cash, and so we’ve put together this helpful guide to give you some practical and easy steps you can take to maximise your cash flows. In this article we are sharing what actions you can take today to turning up your cash inflow by focussing on being paid, on time, by clients who currently owe you money! Jennifer Raines is the CEO of Your Right Hand Finance Team. Her team of 30+ commercially focussed finance managers and financial controllers work part time within growing companies, where the business owners need and value financial information and control, but don’t need the time, or the expense, of a full time person.

38 theChamber

Asking your customers to pay you doesn’t have to have a negative impact on your relationship with them and can be used as an opportunity to build on your customer relationships (rather than harm them), and is an accepted and common place business activity. Adopting good practices around managing customer debt will reap dividends (often literally) for you. All it takes is a process, a habit and some simple tools. The reward is more money in the bank, visibility and confidence of what’s coming in in the future and a reduction of risk in your company. The business owners know that their YRH finance person, who may work with them from as little as one day a week, looks after the day to day book keeping and accounting tasks, and focuses on accelerating the cash coming in. And they have management information that is relevant, insightful and commercial valuable.

Here’s some practical actions for you to increase you bank balance and give yourself some choices: • Have a credit control process to follow for your nominated person for all the collection activities. Set collection targets and review progress. Make sure the whole company (especially the sales people) know how important getting paid is and that your credit controller has your full support. • Make calling customers and asking to be paid one person’s priority Make sure that is scheduled not just “squeezed in” around other work otherwise it won’t get done. Ps., not you or your sales team because it’s often harder for the person with the sales relationship to chivvy them up for payment! • Make it one of your weekly management tasks to be informed about who owes you money, what the current situation is, what’s been collected so far, and what’s been confirmed to be paid in the future. It’s important and you need to know about it and be taking action! • Make your payment terms very clear in the sales process with your customers, have them sign T&C’s and ask them what they need so that your invoices get paid promptly. Make sure your sales people are covering this in their sales process too – link sales commission to customer payment; that tends to make a big difference. • Make it really easy for customers to pay you, it seems obvious but are your bank details on your invoices and your statements? I’m surprised how many businesses still don’t do this and payment will get delayed if someone has to pick up the phone and ask for these. • Know your clients’ procurement process - many larger companies have quite specific instructions (need a PO number, must be emailed to a particular person in accounts, has to be submitted with a particular subject heading (I kid you not) and with a supplier account number quote ... don’t assume, ask. And get contact details of the person in accounts who pays the bills and call them and let them know who you are and ask what you can do for them to make their life easier to pay your bills. • Don’t just call customers (although that’s the ONE THING you can do to bring the money in faster), send monthly statements to them showing the outstanding items and the current balance. Make sure bank details are clearly shown on the statement. Understand that many companies have a financial control where they won’t pay you until they receive either a statement confirming the balance outstanding or a phone call. Other companies adopt a policy that if you aren’t chasing you don’t want to be paid – a sad truth!

If you want to talk about what information you want or should be looking at, and how you can easily get it, call me (Jennifer) or a member of my team on 01252 820002, we’re more than happy to help you get what you need.

Ask the Expert

3 ways to master the sales conversation One of my clients shared this insight with me recently. “We don’t buy products or services, we buy results. When we meet sales people who are interested in helping us improving those results, we engage with them. Meeting sales people who just want make a quick sale is not time well spent.” So, I share this quote because it is loaded with extremely helpful tips for sales professionals who want to master the sales conversation; here are three of them; 1. YOUR CUSTOMERS SPEND MORE MONEY ON TRANSFORMATION THAN ANYTHING ELSE! Everything we buy transforms us and/or our situations to some degree. Customers will hang onto what they have for fear of the new, until they can see a clear and apparent opportunity to transform into a better state. The biggest competitor you have is the opportunity for your prospect to do nothing.

Risk-averse buyers, who cannot afford to make bad purchasing decisions in this increasingly complex and competitive environment, are keeping business-to-business sales professionals at arms length. They no longer need sales people to inform and educate them, and sales are entering the buying process late in the game, giving sales professionals less time to influence the decision or direct the vision.

The role of sales is to help them see and buy into that better state, and then to evidence the value of transforming. We do this by focusing not on the ‘What’ (we do) and ‘How’, (we do it) but on the ‘Why’ (it matters) and the results/outcomes.

2. YOUR CUSTOMER ISN’T INTERESTED IN THE FEATURES OF YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE ONLY HOW IT CAN HELP THEM. Do you remember Robert Collier’s famous quote? "Always enter the conversation already taking place in the customer’s mind." Your products and services aren’t keeping your clients awake at night. Their challenges are related to their business, not your products. Change the conversation, move it away from your products and let it rest on how it enables your customers to progress and overcomes their problems.

3. YOUR CUSTOMERS WILL TRUST YOU IF YOU HELP THEM AVOID PITFALLS. Become an expert in your field and use your expertise to offer your customers valuable insights. Think long and hard about what you know that your customers do not, and then share insights with them that will help them avoid pitfalls and accelerate results. This will increase your value and engender trust. These 3 actions will improve sales performance and results, increase your sales credibility and help you uncover opportunities that both you and your customer didn’t know existed.

GWC helps companies whose sales performance is affected by long sales cycles to win business more quickly and profitably. Download our Whitepaper, “How Sales Can Permanently Reduce the Sales Cycle”, available at or email to arrange a ‘Sales Cycle Game Changer’ consultation Glen Williamson, Founder GWC

Get involved;; cr create eate a sense of community;

make a difference. Corporate Partnerships in 2014 have helped us to: • EXP EXPAND AND our Day Hospice facilities, giving patients and car carers ers a br break eak once a week. • GROW our Hospice Car Care e at Home service, giving car care e to terminally ill patients in the comfort of their own home. • DEVELOP further services for patients and ber bereavement eavement services for adults and childr children. en.

Thank you so much for your support!


31 A3



Join us on one of our Golf Days, or challenge your team to take on a skydive, bike ride or tr ek. Maybe trek. give us a % of sales fr om an offer offer from or just make a donation. Get your brand seen, through through event sponsorship, advertising, social media and pr ess. press.

Farnborough Far nborough


Guildford Guildfor d Aldershot A31 81 A2

Farnham Far nham


Godalming A3

1 A3

We W e have many opportunities for companies to get involved wth us in 2015.




We will work together to cr eate a create mutually beneficial partnership for you, your staff staff and customers.

Relationships with companies and stafff ar staf e unique, and key to our are success. So get in touch and find out how you can partner with a leading local charity charity,, get your team inspir ed and give them a sense of inspired ownership, rreward eward and fulfilment. Contact Georgi Robinson-W Robinson-Welch elch our Corporate Partnerships Manager 01252 729462 @PTHcorporate www

Haslemere Haslemer e

Phyllis T Tuckwell uckwell Hospice, W Waverley averley Lane, Far Farnham, nham, Surrey Surr ey GU9 8BL Register Registered ed Charity No. 264501

Make a difference in 2015, we promise you it will be worth it. theChamber 39

Technology Showcase

Step inside our panoramic world With four years development and planning room 360i has hit the ground running with its unique panoramic video technology.

Welcome to the Technology Showcase Welcome to the first Technology Showcase of 2015. To kick-start the New Year we are taking a look into the interesting world of application software by showcasing three great local companies. Each has different products and different stories to share. What they have in common, apart from the software connection, is their global reach, focus on adding value for clients and drive to deliver an excellent user experience.

The team based in Godalming is bringing to life a wealth of venues and areas of interest using their panoramic video tours and had a major breakthrough with the Access Everton App going live in 2014. The App allows fans of Everton Football Club to enter and explore Goodison Park with full panoramic video. Fans can walk down the tunnel and out onto the pitch; an experience that can be viewed anywhere around the world along with everything else Everton FC has to offer. This has been the ambition of Managing Director, Jason

McEachran since he originally imagined the concept. With the first App now in circulation, the room 360i team are in demand. Aspirations don’t stop at sport; the company is working across a range of sectors including tourism. Panoramic tours of Loseley House and Gardens in Surrey are near completion and will soon be available via iTunes. These additional opportunities and markets combined with continued approaches from several European football clubs mean room 360i’s future definitely looks bright. Jason explained, “It has been our ambition to open up areas of

So without further delay, please let me introduce you to room360i, Pierhouse and VENNCOMM. I hope you enjoy reading and if you have any interesting tech-related stories or news to share please drop me a line at Elaine Dr Elaine Hickmott is Creator of The Diamond Effect and Technology Ambassador for Surrey Chambers of Commerce.

40 theChamber

“Our heritage and sporting landmarks are important to us and we now have a platform that can be enjoyed by everyone.”

interest and venues with a global following by using virtual tours as it allows the world to see inside in a unique way. Our heritage and sporting landmarks are important to us and we now have a platform that can be enjoyed by everyone. The venues can benefit from additional revenue via advertising, in app purchases and fans can finally see inside the inner workings of places they have admired for decades.” To view examples of the team’s work please visit or, if you have an IOS device, download the free Access Everton App from iTunes.

All for the love of retail In today’s fiercely competitive retail marketplace, retailers must be relevant and reactive to ever-changing customer needs. Farnham-based Pierhouse helps solve these challenges by delivering smart in-store signage. Its NetTickIT® software provides sophisticated automation enabling staff to run in-store promotions quickly and simply using a flexible, dynamic framework This in turn drives customer conversions, increases sales by up to 30% and allows retailers to bring their marketing and data strategies alive at point of purchase. For over 40 years Pierhouse has been a champion for retailers helping them to manage publishing and production of effective in-store promotions and ticketing. The company has evolved with its clients’ requirements and was one of the first users of software to

improve creation, management and deployment of complex tickets and point of sale materials. The team know that a retailer’s ability to react to changing demands is dramatically increased by improving ease of integration and removing the need for expensive IT investment. Their software achieves this and more. High impact tickets across paper and digital formats can also be deployed including augmented reality, QR Codes, electronic shelf edge labels and product reviews, keeping retailers competitive and relevant to their customer base. With software installed in over 60 countries across various retail sectors including grocery, FMCG, electrical and leisure and with customers including Waitrose,

Robert Dyas and Harvey's, Pierhouse’s success is set to continue. “We love retail and are dedicated to helping retailers operate more competitively in a very challenging marketplace ”, says Managing Director, Ian Hook. ”NetTickIT® offers smart signage automation

through simple integration providing direct results to the bottom line. Smart in-store signage can unlock big data projects and make omnichannel strategies a reality without needing expensive additional IT investment.” To learn more please visit

BLAP: Welcome to Conference Call Heaven Taking part in conference calls has become an everyday business activity. They may be expensive and sometimes the process may be less than user-friendly. What if there was a cost-effective way to create and join conferences without dialling in or using a pin number? Enter BLAP, a mobile App from new Surrey Chambers’ member VENNCOMM, which provides users with a superior conferencing experience.

Functionality is not the only benefit. As the team recognises, businesses need cost-effective solutions too. “VENNCOMM has also built a network”, explains Philip Wride, Head of Operations and Digital, “which enables App-to-App calls to use contract bundled minutes while

calls to non-App participants are charged at a few pence per minute per participant. It works the same for international calls as well; call an App user in the USA and there will be no call charge, call a non-App user in the USA and it will cost 1.5p per participant.”

This is good news for businesses as it brings welcome savings, flexibility and ease of use for staff constantly on the move or working remotely. VENNCOMM is certainly delivering on its aim to deliver communication without boundaries. To learn more please visit

Once participants have been selected from a phone address book BLAP will call them all and instantly bridge them in to a conference with no pin required. This improved accessibility means participants, who can be anywhere in the world, only need to answer their phone when it rings. Based on a simple subscription model, call participation is free and only the call originator needs to be a subscriber. Once subscribed, users are able to record calls, create instant conferences as well as scheduled ones complete with agenda and automatic calendar invitations.

theChamber 41

We process process We your payroll payroll your so you you can can focus... focus... so

...on your your core core business business ...on ••• ••• ••• •••

Full or part part managed payroll payroll outsourcing service service Full Full or or part managed managed payroll outsourcing outsourcing service 31 years years of of successful successful HR HR and and 31 31 years of successful HR and Payroll implementations Payroll Payroll implementations implementations UK processing centres centres UK UK processing processing centres Successfully passed passed HMRC HMRC PAYE PAYE Successfully Successfully passed HMRC PAYE Recognition Scheme Recognition Recognition Scheme Scheme

0845 370 3210 3210 0845 0845 370 370 3210 Offices in Australia, Australia, India, Malaysia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Zealand, Philippines, Singapore Singapore and UK UK Offices Offices in in Australia, India, India, Malaysia, New New Zealand, Philippines, Philippines, Singapore and and UK

New Members

Surrey Chambers of Commerce welcomes its latest member companies: Peninsula Business Services Ltd Dennis Upfold 07966 112099 Legal ThinkersLive Simon Greenhill

02036 795716

Rock and Roll Experience Matt Dean 08432 898587 Matt Dean Leisure Wilkins Kennedy LLP (Guildford) Sarah Edwards 01483 306318 Legal Footprint App Development Ltd Simon Turner 02034 405866

The Samson Centre Jackie Payne 01483 459120 WWF-UK Amy Kobelis Charity

01483 412474

GWC Sales Training Glen Williamson 07760 475341 Business Consultants Holiday Inn Shepperton Wayne Mansfield 01932 899931 Hotels/restaurants Just Press Record Matthew Joblin 02037 577236 Marketing & PR

Bamaluz Ltd Alison Warren Business Consultants

01483 506572

University of Brighton Robbie Vella 01273 643098 Training & Education EDT Gennie Franklin BarrCo Solicitors Mags Trench Legal Surrey Digital Awards Iain Johnson

07946 370812

01737 833850

07875 681272

theChamber 43

Serviced Offices

High quality serviced offices in the centre of Epsom With the economy showing green shoots many companies will be looking at their office space requirements in the coming year and serviced offices have many benefits over traditional leases in terms of their flexibility and cost savings. hundreds of companies and continues to offer a flexible and cost effective solution to the general business community.

Global House provides over 30,000 sq ft of high quality office suites and could not be more centrally situated on Ashley Avenue, adjacent to the main shopping centre and only 5 mins walk from Epsom train station. There has been serviced offices within Global House for over 10 years and during that time it has been home for

44 theChamber

Serviced offices have been around for many years but their popularity has been steadily increasing and is now regarded as a viable and popular alternative to taking a lease. There are several advantages in fact which include greater flexibility, as you can take anything from 3 to 12 months and the fixed monthly cost which includes not only property costs but also phone and internet, daily cleaning and reception services. Also there is no up- front investment as the offices come fully furnished and you do not have to put down directors guarantees or large rent deposits as you would if you took a lease. In fact you could sign a licence on space at Global House and be up and running within days!

Whether you are starting out on your own and concerned about cash flow, an SME with ambitious growth plans or even a big corporate with short term overflow needs, serviced offices are an ideal and cost effective solution. James Hale Managing Director at City Skyline, who have been the operator at Global House since 2010, has 20 years’ experience in the industry and is excited by the prospect of the economic recovery and he sees increasing demand as companies look to expand and take on additional staff. “At Global House we offer flexible Licence Agreements from 3 months to 2 years or longer, whatever suits the client’s business plan. Our offices come fully furnished with phones and internet so you can literally sign up one day and be operating your business the next. There are no set up charges and your monthly fee includes property costs, office cleaning, general maintenance, phone answering in

your company name as well as our on-site staff who are here to assist you. The diversity of companies who take space with us at Global House could’nt be wider. We have web-designers, insurance companies, care workers, recruitment agents, sports managers and even a wine importer to name just a few. They all see the benefits of being in a business centre environment with other professionals and we encourage them to network amongst themselves which is another thing you do’nt have if you are in your own space.“ If you are currently looking for offices and have not seen what Global House Business Centre can offer please contact City Skyline and we can discuss the options with you and hopefully arrange to show you around call 01372 253 100 or email or go to our website

Members News

Do women need different financial advice to men? I’m a female IFA specialising in financial advice to women. A number of people (mostly men!) think this is sexist and suggest it’s unnecessary since women don’t need different advice to men. Most of the females I talk to think it are a great idea that someone specialises in this area. Financial advice is not gender specific. But what may be different is the approach women want. A number of women feel a bit uncomfortable with finances, and are lacking in confidence. They will often need a little bit more hand holding than men. This is especially true of women going through a divorce or separation where their husband/partner has dealt with the finances during their period together. These women need to feel they’re in a comfortable environment and able to ask any question without feeling they look foolish. Frequently women are more risk averse than men and their main concern is often to safeguard

themselves from the downside risk rather than chase for upside gain. For a women going through a divorce who hasn't been a major earner during the marriage her main concern is to protect any settlement from the downside risk rather than get double digit returns. So all in all, investment advice and pension advice is not gender specific. But....males and females will often want a different approach. Sometimes women feel more comfortable with a female adviser. The typical IFA is male, middle aged, grey hair and grey suit. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this, but if that’s not the person who you're going to feel

most comfortable with, have a look around and talk to a female adviser. Only about 10% of advisers are female. But we are there. You’ll recognise us since we look so different to the typical IFA! We all work very hard to earn money. make sure you are doing the most with that money so that the money’s working hard for you. Mary Waring is a chartered financial planner and chartered accountant specialising in advice to women, and particularly women going through a divorce. Her strapline is “A man is not a financial plan. Find out at

Is your business ready for the new Shared Parental Leave provisions? The Shared Parental Leave Regulations apply where a baby is due to be born or placed for adoption, on or after 5th April 2015. Employers should be prepared to start receiving requests from January 2015. • Eligible mothers will continue to be entitled to 52 weeks of maternity leave and 39 weeks of statutory maternity pay. • Mothers will have the choice to end her maternity leave early and opt for shared parental leave with her partner or the child’s father. • Mothers must give notice to curtail their maternity or adoption entitlements. • The other parent must be an employee and meet the employment and earnings tests. • Provided mothers have given advance notice reducing their entitlements, their partner can start to take shared parental leave, meaning they could both be off work at the same time. • Mothers must still take the compulsory leave after birth or adoption, leaving a pot of 50 weeks to jointly share, during the first year.

• Employees must provide a notice of entitlement at least eight weeks in advance. • Leave must be taken in complete weeks and either in a continuous period, which an employer cannot refuse, or in a discontinuous period (involving different periods of leave), which the employer can refuse and require that the total weeks of leave in the notice be taken in a single continuous block. • Eligible parents are entitled to shared parental pay. Although employers may feel they are facing a daunting task understanding and implementing the Regulations, spending a little time developing a policy and forms, will help both them and their employees understand the new rights and procedures.

Mags Trench, Employment law solicitor BarrCo Solicitors

theChamber 45

Chamber Events

Key events coming up in Surrey Chambers’ calendar

Open 18 Hole Golf Competition

27 January 2015 Hankley Common Golf Club, Tilford Member £52.50 Non Member £75.00

08.00 - 17.30hrs Sponsored by: Synergy Construction & Property Consultants

Knockout Results! Surrey Chambers Business Breakfast 27 January 2015 Foxhills Resort and Spa, Ottershaw Member FREE Non Member FREE

07.30 - 09.00am

Boxing and business are a great mix, they need the same dedication, determination and courage, and to be a world beater that little bit of flair and vision. As part of the Surrey Chambers year of sport – some of the counties boxing community will talk about their experiences and they’ll inspire you with their stories of the impact their sport has made on their lives

Be Inspired - Make it happen Women in Business 28 January 2015 Surrey National Golf Club, Chaldon Member FREE Non Member FREE 09.30 - 14.30hrs A free women in business event, sponsored by the Gatwick Diamond and Talent Gateway, supported by Tandridge District Council and Surrey Chambers of Commerce This event is for those of you who have already started your own business, are considering doing so or have reached a cross roads in your life and are in need of inspiration regarding what to do next. It is an opportunity to listen to women in business tell their stories, inspire you and help you to succeed. It is also an opportunity to network and to exhibit your business.

Chamber Connections Waverley Breakfast 29 January 2015 Waverley Abbey House, Farnham Member £12.00 Non Member £20.00 08.00 - 09.30am

Exclusive visit to Vodafone’s Headquarters 29 January 2015 Vodafone HQ, Berkshire

Member £30.00 Non Member £60.00 10.30 - 14.00hrs This exclusive Surrey Chambers event offers insights into Vodafone’s Better Ways of Working and Vodafone’s One Net technology. Not to mention a behind the scenes look at a tech fan’s dream workplace, full of some of the most brilliant brains in telecoms.

46 theChamber

Chamber Events

The future of aviation: Connecting Britain. Faster. 29 January 2015 Mercure Burford Bridge Hotel, Box Hill Member FREE Non Member FREE 08.00 - 09.45am The UK is currently one of the best connected countries in the world, but many of our airports are full. The Airports Commission will recommend a new runway at either Gatwick or Heathrow after the General Election in 2015. The UK needs an aviation solution for the challenges of the future. Without increasing airport capacity, the UK will lose out on business competitiveness. Surrey Chambers of Commerce is hosting an event with Gatwick Airport to explore the issues.

Explore how to get the best finance to meet your business needs with Sam Gyimah, MP for East Surrey 30 January 2015 Surrey National Golf Club, Chaldon Member FREE Non Member FREE 08.30 - 11.00am Getting the right finance in place to support your aspirations is one of the most important decisions facing every business, regardless of size or sector. This free event will explore the range of finance options available to your business, from traditional banking through to newer peer to peer models and other alternatives, and how to get the best deal for your firm’s needs. It will also be an opportunity to discuss further types of business support available.

Introduction to Export Procedures 02 February 2015 Export House, Woking Member £250 Non Member £350 09.00 - 16.00hrs This export training course is designed to provide an overview of the Terminology, Procedures and Documentation used in the export process and to promote awareness of the responsibilities and obligations of all parties.

Expand your online business overseas

Business Women in Surrey

03 February 2015 Radisson Blu Hotel, Guildford Member £12.00 Non Member £20.00 07.30 - 10.00am

03 February 2015 Pennyhill Park Hotel and Spa, Bagshot Member £24.00 Non Member £40.00 15.30 - 17.30hrs

Find out why you should invest in expanding your online business internationally. Learn how to grow your e-commerce sales in new international markets.

Join us for a delicious cream tea and indulge yourself in the totally relaxed, yet buzzy atmosphere of the Pennyhill Park Spa’s Themis restaurant.

Chamber Connections Spelthorne and Runnymede

Chamber Connections Elmbridge Breakfast

04 February 2015 Kempton Park Racecourse, Sunbury on Thames Member £12.00 Non Member £20.00 08.00 - 09.30am

10 February 2015 The Hilton Hotel Cobham Member £12.00 Non Member £20.00 08.00 - 09.30am

Brand new programme for 2015! Regular networking in your area with Surrey Chambers of Commerce. Get well connected!

Trading with India 11 February 2015 The County Club, Guildford Member £10.00 Non Member £15.00 17.00 - 19.00hrs Surrey Chambers of Commerce is delighted to be hosting a panel event in partnership with the UK India Business Council (UKIBC) entitled ‘Doing business with India’ The event which will be held at the County Club in the heart of Guildford and will offer delegates a fantastic insight into trading with India, the advantages of taking your business overseas, the importance of understanding cross cultural issues, case studies from businesses who have traded in India followed by an interactive Q&A session with our panel of experts.

theChamber 47

Members News

Hospice issues appeal Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice is making an urgent plea for stock donations to its charity shops.

Graduate Show at The Lightbox The Lightbox gallery and museum has welcomed back the University for the second year in a collaborative exhibition to showcase highlights from the Fine Art and Arts and Media summer degree shows. The exhibition, ‘Graduate Show Highlights: University for the Creative Arts, Farnham’ will be on show until February 1. It explores contemporary artistic expressions by artists who have graduated across the many media and art forms produced at UCA Farnham. The exhibition will show selected contemporary artworks from recent graduates Alison McFadden, Anna Garrett, Chris Neil-Griffin, DeborahLorraine Grant, Jake Davies, Janice Webb, Jayesh Sivan, Kerry Prescott, Olivia Walker and James Brown. The exhibition marks the continuing development of a relationship between the University and The Lightbox and enables recently graduated artists the opportunity to show their work in a professional gallery environment.

48 theChamber

A rapid reduction in textile prices, combined with a decline in stock donations, has left the charity in urgent need of more items to sell. Clothes, shoes, bric-a-brac, books and furniture are just some of the items that raise valuable funds for the Hospice, which cares for people affected by a terminal illness, in West Surrey and North East Hampshire. “Extremely difficult market conditions have forced the price of textiles down,

making it even harder for us as a charity to exceed the £15,000 we need to raise every day to care for patients and their loved ones,” said Barry Young, Retail Operations Manager at the Hospice. “The money we receive from textile recycling is 20% lower now than this time last year, and this has had a major impact on the income generated by our 18 shops. Without donations from our local community we simply would not be able to offer

such an exceptional level of care to our patients and their families, so if you are thinking of making a donation, please do get in touch.” Please take your unwanted items to your local Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice shop, or call 01252 710679 to arrange a free furniture collection. For more information on the Hospice and its shops please visit

ISO 9001 made easy Ever thought that standards certification is only for large companies with resources to handle the extra workload? Think again. T2 Consulting is a small business member of Surrey Chambers and we have enjoyed ISO 9001 certification for 9 years. Far from it being extra work, we have found that by buying into a scheme for small service providers we get not only the benefits of certification, but also a streamlined process for business administration. In short, it has made running our business easier, not harder – and we have the bonus of being on a level playing field with bigger companies when it comes to quality management. ISO 9001 provides assurance to your clients that you have processes in place for a consistent approach and that you use their feedback to continually improve those processes. By demonstrating that you learn from experience you prove to your customers that you take quality seriously

and as an internationally recognised standard ISO 9001 is also an acceptable proof of quality management often required for public sector tenders. Precisely ISO (trading name of Admin4QS Ltd) provides an ISO 9001 certification scheme for companies with 10 or fewer employees. It includes all mandatory documentation, an electronic business management system and all audit arrangements. T2 Consulting has joined forces with them to design and provision full

online training, also included in the scheme. We’ll be updating you soon on its official launch but in the meantime if you are such a service provider and would like to know more you can contact Mandie Bell at Precisely ISO or Tracey Torble at T2 Consulting

ISO 9001 certification is not as difficult or time consuming as you might think – and it could open more doors for your business.

“ISO 9001 provides assurance to your clients that you have processes in place for a consistent approach and that you use their feedback to continually improve those processes.”

Member Benefit

We challenge you to Go Green in 2015! Kick off the year and fulfil your new year’s resolution to get fit and healthy by walking or cycling to work AND being rewarding for doing so. Great benefits of the scheme are: • Financial Incentives for your employee, • Health Benefits for your employees, especially if they are cycling or walking to work, therefore improving staff efficiency and lowering absenteeism. • Reduction in traffic at peak times, reducing pollution and congestion in the area, • Reduction in traffic will also mean better public transport journey times, as well as reducing travel times for your business needs/deliveries. • Part of your CSR strategy for 2015 Eco Rewards is a new member benefit designed to reward green travel choices by employees of Surrey’s businesses. Whether you walk, cycle, bus, train or car share you could earn cash back rewards by leaving the car at home and reducing the amount of traffic on the road. Whilst regular and continual choices will obviously benefit the most, the scheme is also designed to encourage those that can only infrequently travel sustainably.

Leave the car at home one day a week, a fortnight, a month - and you still benefit. So far participants of the Eco Rewards scheme have made a total saving is 70.25 tonnes of carbon, which is equivalent to the weight of a loaded Airbus A320 or 10 male African Elephants! But we know you can do better. Join the scheme and earn up to £2.50 per day per employee which can be exchanged for free offers, discounted products and cash-back financial rewards from 1,000’s of big name online retailers.

The scheme is easy to use and is open to any business. We challenge you to see how much carbon, £££’s and lbs you can save! Contact the Surrey Chambers team at 01483 735540 or visit for more info.

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Chamber Chat

5 minutes with... Julianne Ponan Creative Nature What would you expect in the day in the life of Creative Nature?

We also tick all the boxes for Dairy, Soy, Wheat and GM Free, Vegan, Low Gluten and superfood packed.

With only 2 employees at the company, our days (including weekends) are non-stop.

What’s next for Creative Nature?

Before we’ve even got to the office we’ve had a superfood laden porridge to make sure were fully energised for the day’s activities. First thing is replying to emails, contacting buyers, and printing of the days orders, then Matthew pops out to the warehouse to pack up everyones deliveries, whilst I remain in the office dealing with numerous clients and finance activities.

Since the big win of Regional Chamber Awards and Great Taste, we have also just started to export to Sweden and Poland and we hope this continues to grow in the future with larger listings.

Then everything else associated with a small business, marketing, PR, social media, customer service, show preps, sampling is squeezed in as and when we get a chance.

Creative Nature has also just launched products into more Tesco stores after having a very successful Trial in the Lifestyle Food Fair.

What makes your bars and superfoods a cut above the rest?

Since winning the award we have been chosen as a finalist for three awards in the FSB Business Awards for Real Life Entrepreneur of the year.

What is the story of Creative Nature?

the nutritional benefits of our superfood range of powders and wholefoods.

All our superfoods are sourced from all around the world where the soil is most nutritious, we have packaging that is recyclable and keeps the product fresh in comparison to big bulky bags other companies use.

I finished Uni, and I was working in Investment Banking in Beijing. After coming back my journey started with Creative Nature as I bought into the company and became owner at the age of only 22, I changed the focus of the business with a clear direction on the superfood range.

As I have allergies to Nuts and many Additives, it was quite a passion that our superfoods and snack bars did not contain any and were 100% natural.

Our unique blend of snack bar flavors include our own distinctive antioxidant rich goji berries for our superfood range.

We then formulated our Superfood Snack Bars as I wanted something that was quick and easy to eat for the consumer but also had all of

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Our journey so far has been incredible and the feeling of seeing our products on shelf is just overwhelming. We are now available in Ocado, Selected Tesco’s Revital, Giraffe Stops, Nutricentre and many independent retailers.

We also have higher moisture and fruit content than most other cold pressed bars (you tend to find companies overloading their bars with dates, nuts/nut butters or syrups/additives).

We are also hoping to increase our online sales on with the refurbish of our website coming into play for Christmas.

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Expand Heathrow and watch Expand Heathrow and watch Expand Heathrow and watch British business take off. British business take off. British business take off. Building a new runway at Heathrow is by no means the Buildingconstruction a new runway at Heathrow is by no means the biggest in theisiscountry. Building a new at by Building new runway runwayproject at Heathrow Heathrow by no no means means the the biggest aconstruction project in the country. biggest construction project in the country. biggest construction project the country. But it will go a very long way in towards cementing Britain’s Butit itwill will recovery. go a verylong long waytowards towards cementing Britain’s business But But it will go go aa very very long way way towards cementing cementing Britain’s Britain’s business recovery. business recovery. recovery. business And here’s why. And here’s why. And here’s why. And why. Thehere’s world’s fastest- growing markets are in Asia and Theworld’s world’s fastestgrowing markets are in Asia and The fastestmarkets are in and South America. By growing 2050, nearly half of global GDP will The world’s fastestgrowing markets are in Asia Asia and South America. By 2050, nearly half of global GDP will South America. By 2050, nearly half of global GDP will be generated in these emerging markets. South America. By 2050, nearly half of global GDP will be generated in these emerging markets. be be generated generated in in these these emerging emerging markets. markets. Direct flights to long-haul destinations are a key factor Direct flights to long-haul destinations are abuild key factor Direct flights long-haul destinations aa key in increasing trade with them, and canare help up to Direct flights to to long-haul destinations are key factor factor in increasing trade with them, and can help build up to in increasing with them, help up timestrade more business thancan indirect flights. intwenty increasing trade with them, and and can help build build up to to twenty times more business than indirect flights. twenty twenty times times more more business business than than indirect indirect flights. flights. But, for that to happen, you need a hub airport: with But,for for that to happen, you need hub airport: with But, to you aa ahub with the critical of passengers, cargo and But, for that thatmass to happen, happen, you need needhigh-value hub airport: airport: with the critical mass of passengers, high-value cargo and the critical mass of passengers, high-value cargo and connections to make direct long-haul flightscargo to all these the critical mass of passengers, high-value and connections to make direct long-haul flights to all these connections to make direct long-haul flights to all these markets viable. connections to make direct long-haul flights to all these marketsviable. viable. markets markets viable. As a recent CBI report points out: “hub airports serve Asaaaverage arecent recentCBI CBIreport report points out: “hub airports serve As points airports serve As recent CBI report points out: “hub airports serve on nearly three timesout: as “hub many destinations as on average nearly three times as many destinations on average nearly three times as many destinations as on average nearly three times as many destinations asas point-to-point airports.” point-to-pointairports.” airports.” point-to-point point-to-point airports.” Britain has one hub airport: Heathrow. Britain Britainhas hasone onehub hubairport: airport:Heathrow. Heathrow. Britain has one hub airport: Heathrow. Right now, 4 in every 5 long-haul flights Right flights Rightnow, now,444in inevery every55Heathrow, 5long-haul long-haul flights Right now, in every long-haul flights from Britain fly from via from Britain fly from Heathrow, via from Britain fly from Heathrow, via from Britain carrying fly from Heathrow, 82 airlines, 73 million via 82 73 million 82airlines, airlines,carrying carrying million 82 airlines, carrying passengers a year. 7373million passengers a year. passengers a year. passengers a year.

Heathrow also carries £182 billion of exports and imports Heathrow also carries £182 billion of exports and imports each year: including 26% of all UK exports, and two thirds Heathrow also carries billion of and imports Heathrow also carries £182 £182 billion of exports exports and imports each year: including 26% of all UK exports, and two thirds of all air freight. each year: including 26% of all UK exports, and two thirds each year: including 26% of all UK exports, and two thirds of all air freight. of all ofThat’s all air air freight. freight. why 120 global companies have their European That’s why 120 have their That’s why their European headquarters inglobal the companies M4companies corridorhave (and why thisEuropean area has why 120 120 global global companies have their European That’s headquarters inemployment the M4 corridor (and why this area has headquarters in (and why this the highest full rate in the headquarters in the the M4 M4 corridor corridor (and whyUK). this area area has has the highest full employment rate in the UK). the highest full employment rate UK). the employment rate in in the the Ashighest Britain’sfullhub airport, Heathrow is aUK). magnet for global As Britain’s hub airport, Heathrow is a magnet for global As Britain’s hub airport, Heathrow is a magnet business; and a powerful engine As Britain’s hub airport, Heathrow is a magnet for for global global business; and a powerful engine business; and powerful of the British business; and aaeconomy. powerful engine engine of the British economy. of of the the British British economy. economy. The problem is, if we don’t expand it, we can’t The problem if we don’t expand it, take we can’t The problem ifis, expand it, can’t give British is, businesses chance to The problem is, if we we don’t don’tthe expand it, we we can’t give British businesses the chance to take give British businesses the chance to take advantage of all these give British businesses theopportunities chance to take advantage of all these opportunities advantage of in new destinations. advantage of all all these these opportunities opportunities in new destinations. in in new new destinations. destinations. The CBI describes the UK’s The CBI describes The CBI describes the UK’s lack of hub capacity as aUK’s The CBI describes thethe UK’s lack of hub capacity as lack of hub capacity as a lack of hubtime capacity as. a a “ticking bomb” “ticking time bomb” “ticking time bomb” . “ticking time bomb”. . And, if we don’t do something And, if we don’t something And, we don’t do something And, we don’t do do something about it,ififour competitors happily will. about it, our competitors happily about it, our competitors happily will. about it, our competitors happily will.will. France, Germany and The Netherlands have hub France, and The Netherlands have hub France, Germany and The Netherlands have France, Germany and The Netherlands have hubhub airports too.Germany They also have the ambition (and political airports too. They also have the ambition (and political airports too. They also have the ambition (and political airports too.toThey alsothem. have the (andlove political backing) expand Andambition they would to take backing) to expand them. And they would lovelove to backing) expand them. And they to take backing) to to expand them. they would to take take the growth that could – And and should –would be love Britain’s. the growth that could – and should – be Britain’s. the growth that could – and should – be Britain’s. the growth that could – and should – be Britain’s. As the Airports Commission recently confirmed, a new As the Airports Commission recently confirmed, aa new As Airports Commission recently aofnew Asrunway thethe Airports Commission recently new at Heathrow will bring up confirmed, to confirmed, £211 billion runway at Heathrow will bring up to £211 billion of runway at Heathrow will bring up to £211 billion runway at Heathrow will bring up to £211 billion of economic benefits to the UK (not to mention upofto economic benefits to UK (not to up to economic benefits to (not to mention economic benefits to the thethe UKUK (not to mention mention up up to to 180,000 new jobs). 180,000 new jobs). 180,000 new jobs). 180,000 new jobs). Every month we don’t do it costs the British economy Every month we don’t do itit costs the British economy Every month don’t it costs British economy Every month we don’t dodo costs thethe British economy £1.25 billion in we lost trade. £1.25 billion in lost trade. £1.25 billion in lost trade. £1.25 billion in lost trade. That’s why we think it’s time to stop talking. And get That’s why we think it’s it’s time to talking. And get That’s why we think time to stop talking. And That’s why we think time to stop stop talking. And getget down to it’s business. down to business. down to to business. down business. #TakingBritainFurther #TakingBritainFurther #TakingBritainFurther #TakingBritainFurther

Sources:Goldman GoldmanSachs Sachs Global Investment Research, 2012; Frontier Economics, “Connecting for Growth”, 2011; CBI, “Boosting capacity where it matters most –nub the nub is the, hub”, Sources: Global Investment Research, 2012; Economics, “Connecting for capacity where itit matters the Sources: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, 2012; Frontier Frontier Economics, “Connecting for Growth”, Growth”, 2011; 2011; CBI, CBI, “Boosting “Boosting capacity where matters most most –– the the nub isisCommission, the hub” hub”, September 2014;Official Official Airline Guide; HMRC; Civil Aviation Authority; Freight Transport Association; Companies House; ONS Annual Population Survey; Airports September 2014; Airline Guide; HMRC; Civil Aviation Authority; Freight Transport Association; Companies House; ONS Annual Population Airports Commission, Sources: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, 2012; Frontier Economics, “Connecting for Growth”, 2011; CBI, “Boosting capacity where it Survey; matters most – the nub is the hub”, September 2014; Official Airline Guide; HMRC; Civil Aviation Authority; Freight Transport Association; Companies House; ONS Annual Population Survey; Airports Commission, “Heathrow Airport Extended Northern Runway: Business Case and Sustainability Assessment”, November 2014; Frontier Economics, “Missing trade opportunities: The impact of “Heathrow Airport Extended Northern Runway: Business Case and Sustainability Assessment”, November 2014; Frontier Economics, “Missing trade opportunities: The impact September 2014; Official Airline Guide; HMRC; Civil Aviation Authority; Freight Transport Association; Companies House; ONS Annual Population Survey; Airports Commission, “Heathrow Airport Extended Northern Runway: Business Case and capacity Sustainability Assessment”, November 2014; Frontier Economics, “Missing trade opportunities: The impact of of Heathrow’s constraint on the UK economy” , November 2012. Heathrow’s constraint on ,, November 2012. “Heathrow Airport Extended Northern Runway: Business Casecapacity and Sustainability November 2014; Frontier Heathrow’s capacity constraint Assessment”, on the the UK UK economy” economy” November 2012. Economics, “Missing trade opportunities: The impact of Heathrow’s capacity constraint on the UK economy”, November 2012.

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