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Join us at our Care UK monthly meetings
Monthly Carers Caf
Second Wednesday of every month 10.30am - 12.30pm
At our monthly carer’s café, you will have the opportunity to meet other people, share experiences, take part in our fun activities, and get advice and support.
Monthly Cinema Club
First Tuesday of every month from 10.30am
We show classic ‘feel good’ films in the comfort of our home’s cinema, providing a safe, social, and supportive environment for people living with dementia. Limited places available.
To book your place, call 020 3811 0806 or email paul.boyce@careuk.com careuk.com/sherwood-grange
Sherwood Grange care home 1a Robin Hood Lane, Kingston Vale, Greater London W15 3PU
Award winning care homes
We’re proud to be recognised for our excellence in care, winning more awards than any other provider in the last three years.
If you’re considering a care home, call 020 3797 2655 or visit careuk.com/smyth-lodge
Trusted to care
Smyth Lodge care home Sidcup