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WELLBEING within the Workplace
Whenan organisation is starting up their business the area which tends to be at the bottom of the to do list and least prioritised is Wellbeing.
This is sometimes because sole traders and SMEs are more focused on making their business a success rather than be concerned about their own mental health and those they are working with. This is not a criticism, simply a trend I have noticed with clients that I have been supporting. So, we ask ourselves what should be addressed regarding mental health and wellbeing when setting up a business and why is it important to ensure ourselves and our work team are in a good and positive mindset?
As a Wellbeing Therapist who runs her own multi award winning business, I always focus on the wellbeing of any colleagues who are in my employ. Yes, you may argue that because that is my business of course I am going to focus on health and wellbeing, but it’s such a simple thing to address.
The following are just some simple suggestions which can help to ensure that your work colleagues are aware that you are mindful of their mental health concerns.
Checking in with staff members…
It takes literally minutes to check in with work colleagues and ask them how they are? This may seem a trivial question to ask, but for some individuals you could be the only person that has asked them the question in a long time, and it will give your staff the understanding that you are genuinely interested in their welfare and that ultimately you care.
The appointment of a Mental Health
First Aider may be beneficial for your organisation so that staff are aware there is somebody they can be signposted to, should they feel they are in need.
Social gatherings are a good way not only to motivate staff, but to also recognise if there is any issue with members of your team. If it becomes evident that certain members of staff are not participating and are seen to be “busy” and unable to attend these events on a regular basis, perhaps speak with them on a one-to-one level to ascertain if there is a genuine reason for their absence or perhaps if there are other reasons which are more deep rooted, for example bullying within the workplace?
Regular meetings with staff members… This is a positive way to gauge how your staff behave with the interaction they display during these meeting.
Regular appraisals are also another way to monitor not only your staff members ability of working, but also how they are feeling on a personal level. This will also incentivise the member of staff that you are interested in their whole being.
Even with all these measures being implemented, staff may still be mindful not to rock the boat about how they are feeling for fear that they may put their job in jeopardy and that by speaking out they may cause uncertainty within their job role and may therefore continue to remain silent, however at least they have the option should they choose to approach a senior member of staff.