2 minute read

And finally...

Q What was your first job and what was the pay packet?

A My first real position was as a scuba diving instructor in the Seychelles, but this was unpaid. My first paid job was for Budgens supermarkets as a cashier at £2.40 per hour.

Q What would you do with your last pound?

A Whilst I would love to say I can find a way to cleverly invest for a greater return, with two young girls I can only imagine this being spent on a packet of sweets of some sort.

Q What is the biggest challenge facing your business?

A Uncertainty and economic downturn. Whilst corporate travel remains bullish, if you are unsure how costs are going to be from one day to the next, leisure spending is increasingly hampered.

Q If you were Prime Minister, what would be your first decision?

A I would look at the Historic England’s Heritage at Risk register, to identify which sites can be saved from neglect and decay. We’re so proud that our Grade II listed, Bromley Old Town Hall, was taken off this list after being sensitively restored to its former glory.

Q If you could do another job what would it be?

A I would love to be a carpenter. Once retired (or perhaps in the event of a lottery win) I would look to setup a workshop to create bespoke joinery.

Q What book are you currently reading?

A It would be disingenuous to say I have a current book on the go, reading is preserved for the occasional holiday by the pool. YouTube how to and craft videos fill the void before bed.

Restored to bring back its former glory

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