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Limb-art: King’s Award for Enterprise - Innovation

Limb-art was founded in 2018 by former Paralympic Medallist Mark Williams PLY and his wife Rachael. It designs and manufactures the worlds coolest prosthetic leg covers for amputees all over the world.

Mark discovered many amputees felt their prosthetics didn’t represent their personality and style, leading to feelings of self-consciousness. In the UK, there are approximately 500 new amputees every month, and in the USA, 500 every day. Research showed that 10% of amputees regularly didn’t wear their prosthetics or never wore shorts or skirts. They felt their leg was ugly, wasn’t part of them, or invited negative comments.

After making a cover for his prosthetic to get a leg shape under trousers, the founder customised it to look “cool” by spraying it to match his car. Many amputees commented on his social media posts and asked to make them one. Realising there was a market, the company was founded and now offers customised decorations.

Mark Williams PLY Founder and CEO of Limb-art: “This is a tremendous honour not only for Limb-art but all the companies, individuals and customers that have helped us along the way”

Ruth Lee: King’s Award for Enterprise - Innovation

Ruth Lee Limited, a North Wales manikin manufacturer, has been recognised for its excellence in innovation with its Pool Rescue Training Manikin.

Ruth Lee Ltd is dedicated to improving rescue and safety training around the world by creating manikins which accurately represent a casualty in specific training scenarios including water rescue, emergency evacuation, technical rescue and patient handling. Back in 2016, Ruth Lee Ltd received a request from a Canadian lifeguard, who was frustrated with the traditional training method, which she felt was ‘disjointed’ and did not accurately replicate a real emergency rescue, Ruth Lee set about creating a manikin which lifeguards could use to complete a full simulated rescue. The result was the Pool Rescue manikin, which lifeguards can recover from the bottom of the pool, tow to the side and perform a safe extrication from the water.

Ruth Lee Ltd.’s Managing Director, Paul McDonnell:

“We are absolutely thrilled and proud that we have been successful in winning the King’s Award for Enterprise; indicating that the Pool Rescue manikin is considered to be an outstanding innovation. Drowning prevention and the role that effective water rescue has to play in this is a core foundation of our business.

We are delighted to be awarded one of the highest business accolades in the country and will continue to bring innovation to rescue training communities.”

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