1 minute read
Complex operation
The Cheshire Observatory is a complex, atscale research facility that will provide scientists, researchers and developers with the data that will help de-risk geoenergy technology.
The boreholes are just one piece of the puzzle.
“On the surface, pipes and cables will connect the boreholes to a heat centre and a data centre. Using this infrastructure, which was designed by scientists in collaboration with Ramboll, we will be able to modify groundwater flow and create thermal plumes in the aquifer, which can be monitored by the hundreds of sensors installed below ground.
The Cheshire Observatory is one of two facilities being delivered as part of the £31 million UK Geoenergy Observatory programme. The Glasgow Observatory is already operational and provides open-access data for scientists and researchers around the world.
To find out more about the Cheshire Observatory, visit www.ukgeos.ac.uk or contact ukgeosenquiries@bgs.ac.uk.