Training tips from the elite high school training group in the Midwest. Simple strategies to continue middle distance training when access to facilities is limited or non-existent due to COVID-19.
1 MAKE YOUR OWN HURDLES Having the hurdles themselves is a necessity if you are to improve your skills and racing preparation during this time off. If you don't have access to hurdles away from the track then it is time to get resourceful!
2 100/110 HURDLES hurdling requires precise technique to be successful. These drills can be done anywhere and will allow you to return to competition an improved hurdler.
3 300/400 HURDLES sprint hurdling is all about velocity and attention to details. You can improve these qualities through key workouts that will address these components even without a track.
DIY Hurdles Why it is essential: Nearly every other drill in this E-Book is pointless if you do not have something to hurdle over. You could look around and try to find multiple objects that match the hurdle height AND will be able to give way if you hit one while working out. Being innovative is a key part of the solutions in this book. If you are not willing to commit time to creating training necessities you will likely not be someone coming back to use this resource for the workouts. So if you are even slightly handy around the house you can make these with minimal effort.
Building Your Own Hurdles w/ PVC Pipe How To: Measure and mark the following lengths on a 10-foot (common length) piece of 1/2 inch PVC pipe and then use a hack saw or circular saw to cut them precisely: 1 x 40 inch piece 8 x 3 inch pieces 2 x 29 inch pieces 2 x 18 inch pieces 2 x 2 inch pieces Purchase the following ½-inch PVC pipe connectors: 2 x T connectors 2 x 90-degree elbow connectors 8 x straight connectors Put an 18-inch piece of pipe into one of the straight ends of the T connectors. Repeat for the other T connector. Take 2-inch piece and put it into the other straight end of the T connector. You now have the bases for your hurdle. Put a 29-inch piece into the middle of each T connector. You now have the 2 upright sides. Put a 90-degree elbow onto each end of the 40-inch piece of pipe. This will be your top crossbar for the hurdle. Connect the cross bar elbow piece to the ends of the upright pieces and you have a completed 30 inch hurdle. Make a taller hurdles by using straight connectors and additional 3 inch pieces at a time to add to the upright side pieces. This will allow you to have 33 inch, 36 inch, etc.
For those of you that prefer a visual option, here is a YouTube video of a similar method. Please note that this is produced by someone else and I have tagged it on here simply for your use if needed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JELwtlRFs0&t=1s
100/110 Hurdle Drills Why they are essential: Hurdle drills provide the foundation for proper technique and flexibility. Too many young hurdlers neglect to take the time to properly develop these components before launching into a hurdle session at full speed and hopping the hurdles like they are a kangaroo. Learning the techniques and warm-ups away from a track is not as complicated as one might think. These workouts below can provide a solid framework for which to build your workouts as you progress in your development.
Workouts 3-4 Times per Week Trail Leg Loop-De-Loops 5 x 20 repetitions alternating legs Find a box or chair (or the hurdle you made from the 1st page!) of approximately 30 inches. Slightly lower is better for beginners. Bring your leg in a "loop" from backwards to forwards. Start by bringing your trail leg behind your body and bend the knee. While keeping the knee bent you will drive the leg forward over the "hurdle" and then back down by the standing leg. Repeat 20 times on each side for up to 5 sets. If the box height is too high, remember to lower it until you are able to keep your form under control. Kick the Wall 3 x 10 repetitions alternating legs Find a wall or a fence. Preferably not one that will get you in trouble if you get it scuffed up. You will start two steps away from the wall. Stepping forward you will drive your lead leg into the wall/fence and push your body forward with a slightly bent knee on impact. The height of your foot when it reaches the wall/fence should be high enough to clear a hurdle if you were to place a hurdle next to where you do the drill. This drill will teach you the power needed to attack the hurdle with the lead leg and not get stuck with a straight leg that will ultimately cost you time in a race. Lead Leg Skip 3 x 10 repetitions alternating legs Moving forward while learning to drive the lead leg is the next step in the process. You can do this on any flat surface that allows you to do about 10-15 skips before running out of room. Choose one leg to be the first lead leg. You are going to skip forward and when that leg is coming up you are going to drive it forward like it is clearing an imaginary hurdle in front of you. Make sure you are getting good bounce on the skips and push that lead leg forward aggressively to teach the correct movement to the hurdle.
300/400 Hurdle Drills/Workouts Why they are essential: Building technique, speed, and stamina are all critical components for successful long hurdling. This is not an event where you can show up at the starting line and fake your way through it. It is essential to develop each of these components to the best of your ability throughout the entirety of the training phase. The workouts below can successfully be done in a manner that strengthens the athlete while also developing their ability to hurdle with both legs in an efficient manner.
Workouts 1-2 Times per Week Steeplechase Steady 20-30 minute run while hurdling randomly spaced hurdles This workout is meant to establish a strong stamina base while also working on the athlete's ability to prepare for a hurdle with either leg without stuttering. While elite long hurdling is typically scripted in step counts between hurdles, younger athletes often arrive at hurdles with different speed from race to race and must be able to adjust on the fly. In this specific case it is best to find a park where you can do a loop that you enables you to set down several of your pvc pipe hurdles. You will loop the course for 20-30 minutes at a steady pace without going so fast you need to slow down for rest, but still hard enough to be breathing heavy. At each hurdle you will build speed for 4-5 steps into and out of the hurdle to work on not "setting-up" the hurdle and not stuttering. Do not neglect the importance of developing stamina for this event. 4 Hurdle Minute 3 x 60 seconds out and back while hurdling 2 randomly placed hurdles in each direction with 5:00 rest between reps This workout becomes closer to a race pace effort. You will find a location where you can run for 30 seconds at a high rate of speed, roughly your 800 race pace. Mark the spot where you finish the 30 seconds. That will be your turn-around point. You will then place 4 of your pvc pipe hurdles on the out and back, 2 in each direction. It is not important that they be evenly spaced, just ballpark a normal distance between in a race. These should be run fast with good form into and out of each hurdle. Hurdle 1 6-8 x Full speed 10-second run-in and hurdling a single hurdle with 3:00 recovery between reps A true speed workout that allows the athlete to practice the skill of building top speed into the first hurdle. You may attempt to find a slightly curved area of about 50-60 meters. You will build to top speed and try to set-up your preferred 1st-hurdle lead leg. This is a common drill on a track to try to get an accurate approach velocity to the 1st hurdle. Away from the track you are simply working on bringing max velocity into an initial hurdle. This drill will keep you prepared for returning to action and not being intimidated by the 1st hurdle in the race.