141213 fablabmty crgs

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+ ·∙ Capture rainwater along the river. ·∙ Use the rainwater to service the Floa7ngFab during its journey.


+ ·∙ Establish loading and unloading sta7ons of water along the river. ·∙ Treat the waste water produced by the Floa7ngFab before returning it to the river.


+ ·∙ Use of wetlands and macrophytes to treat waste water.


+ ·∙ Make this water tanks available to the communi7es.


Under the Köppen climate classifica7on, Iquitos experience an equatorial climate (Af). Throughout the year has constant rainfall so that there is no dis7nct dry season, and has temperatures ranging from 21 ° C to 33 ° C. The annual average temperature is 26.7 ° C . Rainfall averages in Iquitos is 2616.2 mm per year. Rain uptake Because the seasons are not sensi7ve in the equatorial zone, Iquitos has only two seasons. It has a rainy winter, arriving in November and ends in May, March and April tend to include more humid climate. The rainfall is about 300 mm and 280 mm, respec7vely. In May, the Amazon River, one of the rivers surrounding the city, reaches its highest levels, constantly running about 9 meters or 12 meters at its lowest point in October, and then steadily increases cyclic manner. Summer: July and August are the driest months, reaching high temperatures of 30 ° C and 32 C. The average rainfall felt throughout the years are more abundant than those of Ayacucho, Cusco and Lime.

Amazonia: Lungs of the planet

Rain uptake

Wetland Vegeta@on – / M acrophytes of water in so many ways Waterwates in Amazonia Importance

Water Â


2005: Worst drought in 100 years in the Amazon forest

Water Intake and Storage

·∙ Water Intake 5 gallons per person per day = 100 gallons per day (drinking, showering, washing hands, brushing teeth, cooking, washing dishes)

·∙ Water Storage 100 gallons per day = .38m3 x (days of stay and travel)

Waste Water Calcula@ons

·∙ Intake 100 gallons per day ·∙ Toilets 160 gallons per day = 1.6 (gpf) x 20 (Fablab crew) x 5 (uses per day) ·∙ Kitchen sink 44 gallons per day = 2.2 (gpm) x 1 min (dura7on of use) x 20 (Fablab crew) x 1 (use per day) TOTAL per day = Consump7on 100 + Toilets 160 + Kitchen sink 44 = 304 gallons

Wetland Vegeta@on / Macrophytes

To Iquitos access is only through water

Water Sta@ons Loca@on


11 km/h

15 Sta7ons located along the river in a 350 – 550 km distance. All sta7ons are approachable in a two day trip maximum.

13 km/h DOWNSTREAM -­‐>

Water Sta7ons


Water Purifica@on

Water Purifica@on

Water Purifica@on

Water Purifica@on

Water Purifica@on

Water Purifica@on

Wetlands Waste Water Treatment



Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands



Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands



Floa@ng Wetland Principles

Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands ·∙ Floa7ng vegeta7on provides a biological filtra7on system for the removal of nutrients and other pollutants from water bodies. ·∙ The combina7on of plants and bacteria provide the means of conver7ng contaminants to forms that are benign in terms of water quality effects. ·∙ This is achieved by plant absorp7on and the ac7on of various types of bacteria that inhabit the panel and plant structure. The floa7ng structure itself and the root mass in the water column provide the range of micro-­‐environments that allow these processes to operate. ·∙ A square metre of Floa7ng Wetland has the capacity to process about 5 kg on Nitrogen(N) and 2 kg of Phosphorus (P) based nutrients per year. This is a typical nutrient loading in one megalitre of polluted water. In prac7cal situa7ons about 3-­‐5% coverage of the water surface is normally recommended.



Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands Benefits of Floa@ng Wetlands

·∙ Suppression of algal blooms and eutrophica7on ·∙ Absorp7on of dissolved heavy metals ·∙ Clarifica7on of water through the floccula7ng effect of bacteria ·∙ Removal of dissolved organic maler ·∙ Reduc7on of odours ·∙ Suppression of waves ·∙ Provision of habitat for aqua7c fauna and birds ·∙ Aesthe7cally pleasing effect of floa7ng gardens ·∙ Reduced evapora7on through the shading effect on water



Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands How do Floa@ng Wetlands work? ·∙ Floa7ng Wetlands are a micro eco-­‐system where plants and bacteria form a symbio7c rela7onship supported by our unique filler material and the plant roots themselves. ·∙ Some nutrients and heavy metals will be absorbed in the plant biomass but the majority of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic nutrients are converted by bacteria to chemical forms that escape as gases, or metabolites that are removed from the nutrient cycle. Bacteria also bind suspended par7cles together so they become heavy enough to sink, in a process called floccula7on. ·∙ The result is a very clear and clean water body generally free from algal blooms and excessive aqua7c plant growth that can cause the ecosystem to die. ·∙ Floa7ng treatment wetlands can be complemented with conven7onal BioHaven floa7ng islands, op7mizing the opportunity to provide a landscaped habitat for fish and wildlife while cleaning polluted water.



Floa@ng Wetlands Applica@ons

Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands ·∙ Nutrient reduc7ons in municipal lakes and ponds ·∙ Control of algal blooms in recrea7onal water facili7es ·∙ Water quality improvement in storm water harves7ng projects ·∙ Provision of bird habitat in environmentally sensi7ve areas ·∙ Effluent polishing in industrial and mining opera7ons ·∙ Farm dams and effluent treatment facili7es ·∙ Water cleanup in aquaculture opera7ons ·∙ Shore line erosion preven7on ·∙ Evapora7on reduc7on on water reservoirs ·∙ Hydroponic cul7va7on of food



Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands

Wetland Vegeta@on / Macrophytes



Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands

Wetland Vegeta@on / Macrophytes The stems and leaves of wetland macrophytes such as calail (Typha) has a specialized 7ssues by driving the oxygen in the air and the product of photosynthesis to the roots. Associated with rhizomes of these macrophytes live an abundant microbial flora using the oxygen supplied by the plant, degrades the organic maler naturally.



Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands



Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands



Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands



Waste Water Treatment / Wetlands

M.Arq.MAPE Ana Cris@na García Luna / M.Arq. Ana So[a Azcunaga / M. Arq. Rafael Garcia

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