PO-CHIN LI – VPM 2019/2020
I am Po-Chin Li. With utmost pleasure and honour, I hereby present to you my candidature for Vice-President for Members 2019/2020. Considered, hesitated, determined, postponed, and finally I have again decided to run for this EB position. After March Meeting, most of my work was about Regional Meeting preparation. Through this process, I have more contact with EB and seek more assistance as well as recommendation from VPM than any time in my first half of term. I felt lucky that I only have to face this when I am already familiar with most of my RD work. I thought of my fellow RD colleague, Parth for Africa, Gabriela for America, and Adonis for EMR, and thought of how an helpful VPM they would have needed when they are preparing for their Regional Meetings almost in the beginning of their terms.
I still would say that life as an IFMSA Team of Official member is not easy. Even with support from colleagues and friends, it is still hard. After my submission of candidature to March Meeting 2019, which election was later cancelled, I have again thought about the reason to run. What I have gained from the experiences, what I am proud of, and what I am afraid of, these three aspects are what I asking myself if I could assist future RDs and TOs to share or avoid in their upcoming one year career. I did earn a lot from IFMSA. Now, I want to pass on this fortune. It is time for me to contribute back to IFMSA and its enthusiastic members. And I am more than ready for this. Thus I have decided to apply for IFMSA Vice-President for Members, as it not only work with IFMSA officials, but also closely and actively linked to NMOs on all the crucial issues that define the fundamentals of IFMSA. Page 01 І Motivation Letter
PO-CHIN LI – VPM 2019/2020
MOTIVATION LETTER I believe that the main duty of VPM is to create and ensure a platform in IFMSA for all the NMOs to have same voices and presences in the ways they are comfortable with. Thus I have envisioned my plan of actions to include 3 pillars: VPM as an EB member, VPM as RDs coordinator, and VPM as NMOs Contact Person. There was someone told me that it might be rush for a new Official to run for an EB position only after few months of its inauguration. Indeed, it is difficult for me, at this point, to really get the full picture of all the tasks of VPM, further imagine what being an IFMSA EB requires, and how it would influence my daily life.
But there is one thing clear that I am still motivated to work with future Regional Directors and the entire Team of Officials to serve our NMOs, especially when this is the last term to realise IFMSA Strategy 2017/2020. Because it is IFMSA that makes me different, and it is members that makes IFMSA influencing. I am ready to serve as the bridge between NMO presidents and the IFMSA officials. Let’s get the awesome work done together. Last but not least, thanks for reading this candidature. I am more than happy to receive feedbacks and questions from you. And I wish you all the best!
Po-Chin Li Page 02 І Motivation Letter
PO-CHIN LI – VPM 2019/2020
PLAN OF ACTIONS My plan of actions is based on the inspiration of my service as the Regional Director as well as the IFMSA Strategy 2017/2020. I further divided my plan of actions into three pillars.
1. VPM: An EB Member Most of the decisions are made by EB. It is important that we always keep NMOs’ voices heard in all the decision-making processes.
2. VPM-RDs Coordination The connections and communications with NMOs lie mostly on Regional Directors. The coordination aims at the well functioning of the mechanism.
3. VPM-NMOs Communications The ideal capacity building is a circulation and the best way to see the result of capacity building is to apply it.
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PO-CHIN LI – VPM 2019/2020
VPM: An EB Member Executive Board members are in charge of making important decisions for IFMSA besides their respective duties per bylaws. Well cooperation thus is crucial for EB to balance the life and great amount of workloads.
1.1 EB Daily Tasks • • •
Ensure to include members’ perspectives in EB’s decision-making processes Work with relevant small working groups (SWGs) and Task Forces (TFs) on empowering NMOs and general members Follow-up on the outcomes of IFMSA Strategies, especially on the implementations and realisations of Pillar II & III
1.2 Cooperation among EB members • •
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Work with President on the engagement of alumni in each region and potential connections to them in our regional meetings Work with VPE on the strategies and guidelines to development and exploration of external representation as well as partnership at regional level Work with VPF on the review of membership fee formula and past financial plans of NMOs with debts to IFMSA Also Work with VPF on the review of past reconciliation and financial procedures related to Regional Meeting Organising Committees Work with VPA to evaluate the current programme systems on its benefits and attraction to enrolment from NMOs Work with VPCB on assessing possibilities and reviewing past examples of capacity building events within regions (e.g. ACTION ) Work with VPPRC on innovations and strategies to enhance outreaching to members in different regions Page 04 І Plan of Actions
PO-CHIN LI – VPM 2019/2020
VPM-RDs Coordination
2.1 Team Building of VPM-RDs Budd The coordination and cooperation of RDs is the most crucial part of the duties of VPM as the leading EB on membership affairs. Simultaneously, Regional Directors play important roles in VPM’s work. • • • • •
Establish a safe, open, and confident platform of communications among VPM and RDs Connect Directors of the five region to closely support each other on similar difficulties faced Regard the team to as the bridge between regional needs and EB Monthly Online Meeting for updates on work and private lives Provide capacity building for RDs on finances, NMO development, and Strategies development
2.2 Handovers of Regional Directors Of all the Official positions, Regional Directors are the group that is likely not coming from the Team of Officials or International Teams from the previous term, which makes the handovers even more important. • • • • •
Ensure the handover of preparations on Regional Meetings, especially for African region and American region Work closely with RDs, RD-elects, LWHO, and LWHO-elect on delegation preparation for WHO Regional Meetings, especially for Western Pacific and Eastern Mediterranean Regional Committees Contact RDs and LOs on the ongoing development of partnerships in the regions Standardise the contents of handovers, e.g. establishment of regional priorities and selection of regional team members Encourage RDs and RD-elects to assess the development, challenges, and focusing areas of each NMO in the region
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VPM-RDs Coordination 2.3 Regional Meeting Preparation Regional Meetings organisation is the most important task of Regional Directors as well as VPM since it is the realisation of localising IFMSA per bylaws. Of the five Regional Meetings per year, three are happening in the first half of the term.
• • • •
Establish timelines with EB contact person, RDs, and the Organising Committees at least six months prior to the Regional Meetings Work with VPE, LO, and RDs on the arrangement for theme events Assist RDs in establishment of regional priorities and selection of preRM workshops Guide RDs to construct agendas and discussions for President’ sessions in Regional Meetings Assist and support RDs as well as Regional Team in production of quality survival kits
2.4 Regional IOGs and Strategies Overview Regional IOGs and Strategies are currently under alignment process. As it will be the last term for IFMSA Strategies 2017/2020, the evaluation and future assessment of regional strategies will be an key tasks for upcoming VPM and RDs. • • • • •
Review on the establishment process of regional strategies Review on the alignment of regional strategies to IFMSA Strategies Assess the reports on the implementation of regional strategies Provide recommendations on points to be included in next IFMSA Strategies as well as regional strategies Keep replenish the IOGs after its standardisation in this term Page 06 І Plan of Actions
PO-CHIN LI – VPM 2019/2020
VPM-NMOs Communication 3.1 Empowering Current NMOs The NMOs are the basis of IFMSA, and providing platforms to NMOs and empowering NMOs are the key tasks of IFMSA Team of Officials. To encourage inter-NMO cooperation on not just Standing Committee topics but also internal management affairs is one of my main goals if elected the VPM. • • • •
Publishing the assessment reports on GA NMO reports one month after each GA Publishing the Need Assessment Reports of the five regions Closely connect to NMOs that are working on long-term issues in IFMSA for follow-up and support Ensure well introduction of issues before debating and voting to achieve informed-consent in our decision-making processes
3.2 Supporting Current Members There are some NMOs that are vulnerable to their membership or activities within IFMSA. Either due to financial or hand-over issues in NMOs, we could have more methods to prevent the worst scenarios. • •
Work closely with RDs and NMO Presidents of candidate members to assess up to 2-year internal plans for membership upgrade on structural improvement, NMO development, and financial plan, etc. Work actively with VPF and NMO presidents that possess NMO debts to IFMSA to come up with payment plans earlier before GAs
3.3 Strengthening the TO-NMO Buddies • • •
Check with NMOs on their preference on the fields of buddies Seek to organise joint programmes or mutual tasks within buddies Guide TOs to prepare in advance for TO-NMO buddy time in GAs Page 07 І Plan of Actions
PO-CHIN LI – VPM 2019/2020
VPM-NMOs Communication 3.3 Member Recruitment 3.4 Member Recruitment • • • •
Work with RDs on the process with instructions of Recruitment IOGs Work with our NMOs in neighbouring countries if they have private communications with applying organisations Evaluate the recruitment IOGs after each GA Ensure handing over the contacts of applying organisations between our and their terms in the process of recruitment
3.5 Preparation for Meetings and Events To improve the effectiveness of physical gathering of NMOs and also to achieve decision-making processes of informed-consent, the well preparation of such meetings or events will be an important part of my envision of VPM’s tasks. • Keep improving the functions of Submission Tracking Sheets for GAs • Provide neutral reviews on the history of previous discussions, decisions, and disputes if long-term issues are proposed to agenda • Detect potential topics that might be raised prior to the meetings • Provide summary on online discussions in NMO servers before the physical meetings kick off
3.6 Engagement of General Members • • •
Work with VPPRC and Regional Teams to explore Public Relations and Communication Strategies in different regions Enhance presence of IFMSA Team of Officials and International Team member in the events at regional and national levels Share the ongoing issues within IFMSA on social media to also collect inputs and ideas from general members Page 08 І Plan of Actions
PO-CHIN LI – VPM 2019/2020
CURRICULUM VITAE PO-CHIN LI +886-932-081777 704 Tainan City, Taiwan
NMO Experiences
School of Medicine National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)
September 2014 – present
Secretary General
National Tainan First Senior High School
September 2016 – August 2018
September 2018 – present
September 2010 – June 2014
IFMSA Experiences Regional Director for Asia-Pacific October 2018 – September 2019
Task Force on the United Nations November 2017 – September 2018
Other Experiences Supervising Council NCKU Students’ Association June 2018 - present
Speaker NCKU Students’ Council
General Assembly Plenary Team Member October 2017 – My 2018 Constitution Credential Committee Director of Students’ Rights MM2018 Egypt Students’ Association, NCKU Medicine AM2018 Montreal September 2017 – August 2018 Secretary Assistant MM2017 Montenegro Chairperson AM2017 Tanzania Taiwan WHO Simulation Conference Regional Meeting Plenary Team Member January 2017 Plenary Chairperson Director of Academics APRM 2018 Korea Students’ Association, NCKU Medicine Plenary Secretary September 2015 – August 2016 APRM 2017 Japan
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PO-CHIN LI – VPM 2019/2020
CURRICULUM VITAE IFMSA Meetings IFMSA Team of Officials Meeting Team of Officials Meeting 0 – 2018 Montreal, Canada Team of Officials Meeting 1 – 2018 Budapest, Hungary Team of Officials Meeting 2 – 2018 Wroclaw, Poland Team of Officials Meeting 4 – 2019 Beirut, Lebanon National General Assemblies IFMSA-China NGA – 2018 Changsha, China IFMSA-Japan NGA – 2018 Tokyo, Japan CIMSA-Indonesia National Leadership Summit – 2019 Pekanbaru, Indonesia FMS-Taiwan National General Assemblies – 2019 Taoyuan, Taiwan External Representation World Health Assembly 2019 Head of Taiwan Youth Delegation Western Pacific Association for Medical Education Board Meeting 2019, Singapore Student Representative, Jan. 12th 2019 Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference 2019, Singapore Head of IFMSA delegation, Jan. 10th- 12th 2019 WHO 69th Regional Committee for Western Pacific, Philippines Head of IFMSA delegation, Oct. 07th- 12th 2019 Confederation of Medical Association in Asia and Oceania 2017, Japan Student Representative, Sep. 13th – 15th 2017 World Health Assembly 2017 Taiwan Youth Delegation Global Conference on One Health 2016 Student Representative, November 10th – 11th 2016 Page 10 І Curriculum Vitae
See you in Taiwan!