BENTO Issue 05

Page 20


I N S T A G R A M | @g l enn_b ruc k er T O O L S | A d ob e P hot oshop , Col Er a s e Pe ncil on Bris tol Boa rd

DESCRIPTION // This is a concept art from a graphic novel that I’m working on about being weird, being a kid and what being in love truly means, even when that love may not work out. The illustration is done in Col Erase Pencil on Bristol Board to preserve the raw energy of the ideas that inspired it. I want my work to inspire creativity and imagination if possible, this particular piece was inspired by a trip to the sea, the tides and just how much is hidden below the surface. DESIGN PROCESS // My design process consists of overthinking the word until an image makes it way into my mind. When the shadowy figure of a thought turns into a blur and starts to focus I pencil it into whatever unfortunate drawing surface is available. Once I have a rough composition, I put on my headphones and let things take shape. How would you describe your style? Whimsical, I’ve been told. What are your influences? Bill Waterson, nature and too many words bouncing around in my head… I come from an animation background and always love to watch the line tests from Movie Studios like Disney and Studio Ghibli. The finished products are always very beautiful, but the raw linework possesses an electric energy - like childhood and making new discoveries that were right in front of you all along, that really inspires me. If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why? A bear. Bears do whatever they want and inadvertently do good simply by digging or pooping. It’s a bit crass and self-indulgent but you asked! If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? “A Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler. I guess it makes me want to do Jazz Hands… is there any better reason?


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