Beautiful Gardens Magazine 2024

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DRAMAWITHDAHLIAS Plantnow forsensational summercolour


Simple recipesfor instantimpact



RIGHTPLANT,RIGHT PLACE Expertplant solutions fortrickyspots Your FREE magazine fullof inspiration advice andideas SPRING 2024 AFAMILYBUSINESSGROWN FORGENERATIONS
Co ve rP ho to :J ohn Ben t( We eping As hG ar de n)

Springisour Thing!

Ourfamilybusinesshas grownfromaloveof gardening. Despitediversifyingovertheyears, creating adestination that offerssomethingfor everyone,this passionstill runs strong, with home grownquality plants at theveryheart of allwedo. Spring really is the time when thegardenstartstocome aliveand we’re bursting with ideasand allthe ingredientstohelpyou enjoyspendingyourprecioustimeoutdoorsagain.

Andthere’s so much moreto enjoywhilstyou’re here,withseasonalevents, deliciousdiningand high streetshopping,all delivered by ouraward-winning family of colleagues whostrivetodeliver theverybest customer service. So whynot take alookatwhat’son offer at BentsthisSpringand plan your perfecttrip, we promiseyou won’t be disappointed.








The Tillington Group is an association of some of the best independent garden centre businesses in the UK, co-operating in buying and marketing. ‘Exclusive’ in this magazine means plants and products that are exclusive this season to the Tillington Group. ‘New’ in this magazine means a plant or product that is new to the garden centres in the Tillington Group this year. It may have been trialled previously in other markets. Plants and products featured are seasonal, stock may be limited and is subject to availability. Dates and prices are correct at time of going to press.

isa registeredtrademarkofBeautifulGardensLtd whichiswholly ownedbytheTillingtonGroup.

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Creative containers How to ensureyear-round blooms
Brilliant flowersfor cutting Creatingdisplays for indoors andout
Dazzling dahlias Tubersplanted now for summerdrama
Designa drought-tolerant border Planta border fit forahot summer
Amazing alliums The ideal bee-friendly perennial
Spring begins at Bents Nobody does springlike us
Gatherround Tips for enjoying your outdoor space
Right plant, right place Perfectplants for tricky spaces
Homesforhouseplants A room guide to indoor plants
A bed of alliums (above)anda Dahlia Labyrinth (below)
Discovermoreinstore orshoponlineat

Happy flowers

Sparkling tri-coloured leaves anda compact,bushy shape made Hydrangea ‘Euphoria Pink’ runner-up in 2023’s RHS Plantofthe Year competition which wasannounced at the Chelsea Flower Show And we agree: it’s stunning Ideal for a container inlight shade.

H: 60cm Jun-Aug

Be wise with water

Elho Greensense Aqua Care pots have anintegrated reservoir to avoid water running straight out ofthe bottom ofthe pot, andanin-builtgauge to help reduce wasteful over-watering

Made from 100% recycled plastic, using windenergy,these pots are fully recyclable, too. AquaCare pots, from £39.99

Grow the best

Plants inthis magazine, and in store, labelled AGM have been given an Award of Garden Merit (AGM) by theRoyal Horticultural Society (RHS) becausethey perform particularly well.

This season’s hamust ves

Off the wall

Looking for flowers early inthe year?Perennial wallflowersarealways reliable andthis one bringsintense colour to pots and borders Erysimum ‘ColourVibe Red’ was launched at the 2023 RHS Chelsea Flower Show and we adore the upright velvety-soft blooms.

H: 50cm Mar-Jun

Hide and seek

Awarded ‘Best in Category’ at the 2023 New Plant Awards, Fatsia ‘Camouflage’ deserves all the attentionit gets The evergreen leaves are happiest in dappled shade wherethey’ll add a tropical flavour all year round.

H: up to2m Sept-Nov

We love… Euphorbias

Everygardenneedsa Euphorbia andthesearethreeof our favourites. Idealfor a sunnyspot, the leaves providea kaleidoscope of colour all year round,andthe lime-yellow spring flowers attract early pollinatinginsects.

H: 60-90cm Mar-July

‘Ascot Rainbow’ (AGM) ‘Glacier Blue’ ‘Miners Merlot’ NEW
BEAUTIFUL GARDENS | 3 Annual Perennial/biennial Floweringshrubs
WHILESTOCKSLAST. OFFERENDS12/05/2024 Garden essentials Creating thebestfoundationsfor growth ANY3FOR £16 ANY 3 FOR Quality and consistency in everybag, everytime 28 Litres RRP: £6.99 50 Litres RRP: £5.99 30 Litres RRP: £5.99 40 Litres RRP:£6.99 Create acolourfulhavenforwildlifein yourgardenfromseed, it’s OhSowSimple. Choosefrom SIX Mr Fothergill’sRHS flowermix themes RRP£6.99 OURPRICE£5.99 your garden from seed, it’s Oh Sow Simple... OFFERENDS9th May2024 GROW YOUR OWN WITH CHILD&PET FRIENDLY Offerends12thMay2024 *GfK2022.Miracle-Gro®is atrademarkofOMSInvestments, Inc.andisusedunderlicensefromOMSInvestments,Inc. AND SPECIAL OFFER £5.49 800ml RRP£7.49 SPECIAL OFFER £9.99 2.5L RRP£14.99 COMPOST SPECIALOFFER 2fBuyany or£12 40L -RRP£8.99 42L -RRP£7.99 RRP£89.99 OURPRICE£69.99 RRP£249.99 OURPRICE£199.99 RRP£149.99 OURPRICE£99.99 RRP£89.99 OURPRICE£69.99 RRP£129.99 OURPRICE£99.99 RRP£54.99 OURPRICE£44.99 RRP£39.95 OURPRICE£29.99 RRP£99.99 OURPRICE£89.99 Traditional Garden Furniture, Handcrafted InTheUK SustainableOutdoorProducts


Cr contaıners

The prettiest seasonal pots can

seasonalpotscan beachievedwith justthreeplants –simplycombine contrastingleaf coloursandplant shapesformaximum effect.Thenswap plantsinandout, throughoutspring andsummer,to increasetheimpact of yourdisplay

Bee-friendly beauty


Sugarglazed pot,37cm Dia. £39.99

the dainty flowers will attract pollinating insects from late spring

Thiscontemporarycombinationis perfectforasunnycornerwhere thedainty flowerswillattract pollinatinginsectsfromlatespring

rs in d by the coconut-scented blooms

and the airy purple sprays of ‘Lollipop’.

ascentedalternative to ‘Lollipop’

Verbena ‘Lollipop’ Heuchera ‘BlackPearl’ ‘Wisley Vanilla’

Bee magnet

Verbena ‘Lollipop’



Anothereasy-carefoliage plantwithaslenderuprightshape, isEuonymus‘WhiteSpire’.

Nemesia ‘Wisley Vanilla’

Astylishcontainerplantedwith evergreenfoliageplantswillgive youawhole yearofinterest,and now’stheperfecttimetoputit together.Startwithanupright plantlikethislemon-scented conifer, Cupressus ‘Wilma’ (AGM), thenaddtheglossy-leavedfern, Aspleniumscolopendrium (AGM). Now, all youneedistexture–we’veusedastripeygreen and yellowgrasscalled Carex ‘Evergold’ (AGM) butothergrasses willcreateasimilareffect.

Carex ‘Evergold’ (AGM)

Cupressus ‘Wilma’ (AGM)

Asplenium scolopendrium (AGM)

Heuchera ‘Boysenberry’ Heuchera ‘Huckleberry’ Heuchera ‘Paris’ (AGM) VibiaCampanasquare potinLivingConcrete, 37cmDia. £23.99

Allabout alpines

Idealforcourtyardgardens andbalconieswhere growingspaceislimited, succulentsandalpinesare nowahugehorticultural trend.Thesepetiteplants lovegooddrainagesoa shallowcontainerandlots ofgritinthecompostwill keepthemhappy.Here, we’vecombinedthreeof ourfavourites: Armeria maritima,withitspretty rose-pinktufted flowers;the scramblingpurpleblooms of Campanulamuralis, andthezingylimefoliageof Sedum ‘YellowCushion’


Whenplantingupalpinesand succulents,createagritty compostmixbycombining 1partgardensoil,1partpeatfreemultipurposecompost and2partsalpinegrit.Then topyourtroughwitha thicklayerofgrit.


Alpinesarehotrightnow, and thesedaintyplantsallthrivein ashallowpotorplanttrough.

Clockwise fromright: Aubrieta, Saxifrage,Campanula garganica ‘MrsResholt’ and Veronicaumbrosa ‘Georgia Blue’ (AGM);Below: Sempervivum ‘Hippie Chicks’

Armeria maritima Campanula muralis Sedum ‘YellowCushion’ Grindcircularbowl, 41cmDia. £34.99. Othersizes available


Youdon’tneedanallotmentora dedicated vegpatchtogrowtasty edibleherbs–alargepotdoesthe jobinafractionofthespace.

We’vecombined Chives, curlyParsley, silverThyme andtwodifferent Sages –regular andvariegated–withedible Violas inavarietyof charmingcolours.

RHSterracottacroppot, 17cmDia. £6.99;48cmDia. £34.99. Othersizes available


Howtoplant a peat-freeseasonal container

Peat-freecomposts are thebest they’ve ever been. Followthese experttipsforgreat results.

1 Choosetherightcontainer –threeormoreplants needapotmeasuringat least30-40cmindiameter.

2 Selectthecorrectpeatfreecompost–there arelots ofdifferent types available, including ericaceousfor acid-lovingplants likeblueberries, andsoil-based recipeswith addedJohnInnes forpottedtrees andshrubs.

3 Addhomemadecompost if youhave it–thisadds beneficialsoilorganisms andhelpstoretainmoisture.

4 Feed your planted containers–eitheruseslowreleasegranules when youplantthe containerforthe first time,oraliquidfeed laterintheseason.

whenthewoodbreaksdown,ithelpsto Blueberry‘Alvar’.

If inapot,coyoudecidetogrowablueberrybush verthecompostwithamulch layerof woodchips.Notonlydoesthe woodmulchhelptoretainmoisture, whenthe odbreaksdown,ithelpsto maintaintheacidiccompostconditions thatblueberryplantslo varietyis

5 Gently firm yourplants intothecompost–thishelpstherootsto establishandabsorbmoisture.

6 Leave spaceforwatering –ideally,a6-8cmgap betweenthecompost andthetopof yourcontainer.

7 Addamulchtohelp suppress weedsand conserve moisture–use alayerofgravel,grit, hydroleca claygranulesorbarkchips.

8 Waterregularly–but checkthecompostbelow thesurface first. Peat-free compostcanoftenfeeldryon top,butstillfeelmoistbeneath. Onlywaterifthecompostlower downfeelsdry.

Chives Curly Parsley Common Sage Purple Sage Viola SilverThyme


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CONTAINERS from Offerexpires31/05/2024
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MASTERGARDENERLITE GARDENTIDYBAGS CLOGGIES® Theperfect waterproof backdoor shoe Greatforcollectingyourgardenwaste AvailableinSmall, Medium &Large 2-IN-1KNEELER STOOL Versatilecushionedkneelerand stool thatcanbefoldedaway ROUNDFLEXITUBS HighqualityUV resistanttubs forusearound thehome orgarden. Available in 3colours and3 sizes in 3 colours NEW Madefrom recycled bottles TRIPLE PACKS ValiduntilMay31st2024orwhilststockslast BUY 1GET1 FREE £5.99 ECOFRIENDLYGLOVES SAVE£5 RRP£19.99 OURPRICE£14.99 SAVE£5 RRP£14.99 OURPRICE£9.99 RRP £19.99 Large Small resistant tubs for use around SAVE£2 RRP£9.99 OURPRICE£7.99 RRP £9.99 15L SAVE£2 RRP £11.99 OURPRICE£9.99 25L SAVE£2 RRP£14.99 OURPRICE£12.99 40L SAVE£7 RRP£16.99 OURPRICE£9.99 SAVE£9.98 RRP £17.97 OURPRICE£7.99 LadiesTriple SAVE£8.98 SAV RRP £17.97 OURPRICE£8.99 LadiesRigger Triple SAVE £8.98 SAVE£8.98 RRP£18.97 OURPRICE£9.99 RRP £18.97 MensRigger Triple Ultra Comfort SAVE £1 SAVE£1 RRP£7.99 OURPRICE£6.99 SAVE £1 SAVE£1 RRP£6.99 OURPRICE£5.99 OUR PRICE £5.99 OUR PRICE £6.99 Pro Finesse SAVE£1 RRP£8.99 OURPRICE£7.99 SAVE£1 RRP£5.99 OURPRICE£4.99 OUR PRICE £4.99 OUR PRICE £7.99 SAVE£5 RRP£29.99 OURPRICE£24.99 FRUIT &FLOWERSNIP RRP£13.49 OURPRICE£9.99* GLOVES**(S/M &M/L) RRP£8.49 OURPRICE£6.99* KNEELO® KNEELER** RRP£17.49 OURPRICE£14.99* HANDFORK RRP£15.49 OURPRICE£9.99* SECATEURS RRP£23.49 OURPRICE£17.99* HANDTROWEL RRP£15.49 OURPRICE£9.99* POCKETPRUNER RRP£21.49 OURPRICE£14.99* OfferendsMay19th2024.While stockslast.RRP =Recommended RetailPrice. Selected ToolsOnly. *Eachitemsoldseparately.Forthefull rangeseein storefor details.**GlovesandKneelo® Kneelerarenotendorsed by TheRHS High-visibility,highperformancetools High-visibility,highperformancet thatwillneverbelostinthegarden Availableinyelloworpink ®The RoyalHorticulturalSociety.Trademarksof TheRHS(RegisteredCharity No222879/SC038262)usedunderlicencefromRHSEnterprises Ltd. NEW

Brilliantfoflowers r cutting

Growing your owncut flowers is sustainable andfun, and you get the satisfaction of creating your own unique flower displays indoors


The globe-shaped blooms last more thana week in a vase, andthe stems dry beautifully, too

Witha little planning, you can have blooms for cutting throughout late spring and summer. And once you start creating flower displays from your own garden, you’ll always be looking for chic new combinations.

The best flower displays combine blooms ofdifferent shapes – try mixing spikes and globes with dainty sprigs or daisies

Peonies Cut peonies just as the buds start to open forthe longest display


Charming flowers with anintense fragrance. May-Aug


Flamboyant blooms with layers of silky-soft petals Jun-Jul

Stylish spikes

These flowers give your displaysa modern twist.

Follow these simple tips for the best results:

Cut some foliage stems to enhance your display– evergreen shrubs likeeucalyptus, griselinia and choisya all work well

Cut flowers inthe morning or at dusk

Placeinto deepbucketsof clean, fresh wateraftercutting

Leaveina cool darkplace for a few hours to rehydrate, before creating your vase display Remove anybuds and leaves that willsit belowthe water-line, thentrimthe bottom of each stem

Start witha frameworkof foliage,then add flowers with the largest heads; airy stems withsmall flowers can be slottedin at theend

Dahlias make wonderful cutflowers,too–turn

‘Timeless Charisma’
stunningvarieties BEAUTIFUL GARDENS | 13 More alliumson page21
pagefor seven
Thalictrum ‘Black Stockings’ (AGM) Jun-Jul Salvia ‘Fashionista Evening Attire’ May-Jul Salvia ‘Caradonna’ (AGM) May-Jul Allium ‘Purple Sensation’ (AGM) May-Jun ‘TickledPink’ (AGM) ‘Passion’ ‘Memories’ ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ (AGM) ‘Shirley Temple’ (AGM) ‘Timeless Purple’ ‘Timeless Cream’ ‘Timeless Pink’ ‘Lemon Vaza’ ‘Ingrid Bergman’ (AGM) ‘Madame Calot’ ‘Bowl ofLove’ ‘Inspecteur Lavergne’ ROSES Amust-have flower inany vase. Jun-Sept Compact size

Dazzling dahlias

Few plants bring more drama to your pots andborders in late summer than dahlias, and they’refabulous as acut flower, too. Here’s how to grow them successfully

Mixeddahliasina garden,including ‘Labyrinth’and ‘Rebecca’s World’


‘Rebecca’s World’ Colour-changing blooms in cherryredand white. H: 90cm

‘Bishop ofLlandaff’ (AGM) Simple scarlet flowers that are popular with bees. H: 1.1m reme De Cassis’ llent cut flower with rple centres. H: 70cm
Supportwithplantstakes orcanes
andstring. Wheninflower,feedwith Miracle-GroAll-purpose solubleplant food. Deadheadfadedflowers regularly.
‘Creme Cas

‘Tartan’ Magnificent flowers withdramatic white tips. H: 100cm

‘Black Touch’ Crimson-black flowers with fringed petals H: 90cm

‘Dazzling Sun’ Goldendinner-plate flowers that glow inthe sunshine. H: 90cm

‘Labyrinth’ A riotofpetals in shades ofapricot-pink.H: 90cm

Plant now

You’ll find multipacks or single dahlia tubers in store now, and you can get them started straight away. Either plantinto pots of peat-free compost under cover, or in a very shelteredspot ina border Your pre-potted dahlias can then go into the groundin May. Water your dahlia tubers when green shoots appear, but only if the compost orsoil feels dry.

Feed your dahlias when in flower.

Start off dahlia tubers in pots now (above) for colour in late summer Offerends 12thMay 2024 *BHT2022.Miracle-Gro®is atrademarkofOMSInvestments,Inc. andisusedunderlicensefromOMSInvestments, Inc. CHILD &PET FRIENDLY SPECIAL OFFER 2fBuyany or£12 40L -RRP£7.99 40L -RRP£7.99 40L-RRP £8.49 40L-RRP£8.99 50 Bags madefrom recycled plastic KEEP GROWING WITHTHE UK’s BESTCOMPOST BRAND* BEAUTIFUL GARDENS | 15

Design a border to beat drought

Find more garden mirrors and pavingstones in store

Cistus x pulverulentus ‘Sunset’ (AGM)

H: 90cm Jun-Jul

Callistemon laevis H: 1.5m

May-Jun; Sept-Oct

Cistusx obtusifolius ‘Thrive’ (AGM)

H: 1m Jun-Jul

Lavandula ‘Hidcote’ (AGM)

H: 60cm


Cistus x purpureus (AGM)

H: 1m Jun-Jul


If climate change means hotter, drier summers in future, a garden border filled with drought-tolerant plants is a smart place to start


Jun-Sept Good for

H: 1m Jun-Jul

H: 1m Jun-Jul

fyour garden faces south or west, you may have found the last two summers a challenge. Traditionally, British gardens have a mild, temperate climate but environmental changes are bringing higher temperatures anddrier summers. To help conserve water, one solutionisto plant open,sunny borderswith drought-tolerant plants. Many of these plants originallyhail from theMediterranean sotheir leaves andflowers haveevolvedtocope with longperiods without rain. Mulchingwith gravel can help, too, asitprevents soil moisture from evaporating tooquickly. Here, we’veselecteda collection of plantsthatwon’t complain when temperatures rise. Many are also evergreen – like the dwarf fan palm (Chamaerops), Ceanothus and the bottlebrush plant (Callistemon) – so your border will look beautiful all year round.

H: 3.5m Bo rder visua fo r il lu strati ve pu rp oses on ly , showin g ho w th e pl ants wo ul d lo ok mi d-su mm er No t al l th e pl ants wil l fl ow er at th e same time. v isua f or i ll ustrati p ur po ses o nly, s ho wi ng h ow t he p la nt s w ou ld l ook m id-summ . N ot a ll t he p lants w il l o we r t he s ame t im e.


humilis (AGM)

More plants and theborder plan over the page

Halimium lasianthum Halimium libanotis Lavandula ‘Munstead’

Plants & border plan

When creating your border, plant large shrubs andtrees first,then position other plants aroundthem. Place low plants at the front,and remember to leaveenough space for everything to grow.

1,9 Lavender 2 Halimiocistus 3, 11, 17 Thyme 4 Pittosporum‘Bannow Bay’ 5 Cytisus praecox ‘Allgold’

6 Rosemary 7 Chamaerops humilis 8 Cistus 10, 12 Convolvulus cneorum 13 Callistemon laevis

14 Trachycarpus fortuneii 15 Euphorbia ‘Silver Swan’ 16 Ceanothus ‘Skylark’


H: 30cm Jun-Jul

THREEOFTHEBEST Decorativegravels

Perfectforfinishingoffadroughttolerantborder,orcreatinga Mediterraneangravelgarden

Trachycarpus fortunei (AGM) H: Up to 10m Jun-Aug Pittosporum ‘Bannow Bay’ H: 90cm May-Jun Rosemary H: 0.5-1m May-Jun Convolvulus cneorum (AGM) H: 60cm May-Jul Cytisus praecox ‘Allgold’ (AGM) H: 1.5m May-Jun Ceanothus ‘Skylark’ (AGM) H: 1.5m May-Jun Euphorbia ‘Silver Swan’ H:75cm May-Jul Italian Rose Cotswold Stone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 15 17
Candy Fusion


DECORATE YOURGARDENwithaggregates E UR GARDEN with aggregates OFFERSEND 31st May2024 RRP £9.99 Our price £7.99 £6.99 eachor 3BAGSFOR £16
eachor 2BAGSFOR £15
each or 2BAGS FOR £9
RRP: £6.99 NOURISH HEALTH ADVANCEDNUTRITION FORHEALTHYPLANTS FLOURISH LONGER LASTINGMORE FRAGRANTFLOWERS BUILDSDISEASE RESISTANCE Superiorresults WHILE STOCKS LAST.OFFERENDS12/05/2024 OURPRICE £4.99 RRP:£5.99 resul Perfected for peat free compost All bedding& ericaceousplants All flowers,fruits &vegetables Specialist feeds 2FOR £12


Great for adding a splash of colour to containers,beds or borders, alliums are easy to grow and bees love them

There’s anallium in bloom from mid-May until July, and you’ll find them instore now.Inshades of mauve, violet or white, alliums complement many otherplants and canbe cut and displayed in a vase.They ‘pop’against limegreen and orange, or gentlyblend with pastel pinks andsilvery-greens. You cangrowshorter alliums in containers of peat-free compost, orslot taller varieties among other border plants, where they’ll re-flower every year. When the blooms fade, the pretty seedheads can either be left in place over winter, or dried and brought indoors.


Starry flowers up to 20cm across. H: 80cm


Perfect spheresof ivory stars. H: 90cm


Elegant dome-shaped globes H: 80m


Compact height and bold colour.H: 40cm

What alliums like

A sunny position Moist, well-drained soil or compost

Liquid plant feed after the flowers fade, to nourishthe bulbs fornext year

An autumn mulch, with compost or well-rotted manure

A. schubertii

Huge, starry blooms on shorter stems H: 40cm




Find cut flowertips on page12 BEAUTIFUL GARDENS | 21
‘Gladiator’ (AGM) Huge blooms and tall stems.H: 1m June (AGM) ‘Mount Everest’ (AGM) ‘Violet Beauty’ (AGM)
COATING SEED AQUAGEL Improvesgermination andestablishment Worksforthe wholeseason Waterisgradually releasedto theseed Aquagelcoatingabsorbs availablewater Thelawnseedthat’s guaranteed to grow! WHILE STOCKS LAST.OFFERENDS12/05/2024 OURPRICE £17.99 RRP:£19.99 On Smart Lawn Seed 40m2 RRP: £14.99 SAVE £2 On anySmart Lawn Seed 20-25m2 orSmartPatch (25patch)20-25m2 OURPRICE £12.99 EACH PEAT FREE NEW 30 LITRESIZE 2FOR £12 RRP:£6.99 RRP:£8.99 Create anew lawn with multi-purpose & fastactinglawn seed OURPRICE £6.99 EXTRA FREE 30% 10m2 +30% ExtraFree
BY APPOINTMENT TO HERMAJESTYQUEENELIZABETHII SUPPLIEROF HORTICULTURALPRODUCTS MELCOURTINDUSTRIESLIMITED,TETBURY ®TheRoyalHorticultural Society.Trademarksof TheRoyalHorticultural Society (Registered CharityNo222879/SC038262)usedunderlicencefrom RHS Enterprises Ltd. KEEP GROWING WITHTHE UK’s No1 LAWNCARE BRAND* Offerends12thMay2024 *BHT2022.Miracle-Gro®EverGreen®Complete 4in1containsMCPA,mecoprop-pandferroussulphate. Useplantprotectionproductssafely.Alwaysreadthe labelandproductinformationbeforeuse. Miracle-Gro®is atrademarkofOMSInvestments,Inc.andisusedunderlicensefromOMSInvestments,Inc. OUR PRICE £11.99 80m2 RRP £14.99 OUR PRICE £24.99 360m2 RRP £34.99 OUR PRICE £14.99 80m2 RRP£17.99 ONLY £7.99 1kg OUR PRICE £9.99 1L RRP£11.99 OUR PRICE £64.99 RRP £74.99 GREENBASICS GROWHOUSEXXL& GROWTABLEXXL VIBIACAMPANA EASYHANGER VIBIACAMPANA ROUND VIBIACAMPANA TROUGHALL-IN-1 VIVONEXT OTHERSIZESAND COLOURS AVAILABLE OFFERS VALID UNTILTHE 31ST OFMAY2024 30CM RRP £12.69 OURPRICE £9.99 40CM RRP £26.89 OURPRICE £19.99 ALGARVE CILINDRO MEDIUM RRP £12.19 OURPRICE £9.99 LARGE RRP £14.69 OURPRICE £11.99 50CM RRP £25.49 OURPRICE £21.99 40CM RRP £19.99 OURPRICE £14.99 70CM RRP £33.29 OURPRICE £29.99 48CM RRP £29.99 OURPRICE £22.99 LONG 80CM RRP £107.99 OURPRICE £94.99 LONG 60CM RRP £60.49 OURPRICE £49.99 SQUARE 40CM RRP £60.49 OURPRICE £49.99 SQUARE 30CM RRP £42.99 OURPRICE £36.99 GROW HOUSE XXL & OUR PRICE Do something green today drainage holes water reservoir maximum railingwidth 6cm drainage holes maximum railingwidth 6cm growhouse stimulatesplant growth matching saucer available easyto move in-and outdooruse overflow pipe matching saucer available integrated saucer drainage holesinlegs GROW HOUSEXXL RRP £25.49 GROW TABLE XXL RRP £38.49 SETPRICE £54.99

Spring Begins at Bents

From colourful containers andpotsto sweeping bedsand borders, creative planting cantransform your springtime garden.You’llfind ourfabulousrange of qualityplantsteamedwith stunningdesignideas in ourOpenSkies Glass Houseand ourexperts areheretoadviseonthe rightplantsfor theright places,helping achieve thelookyou desire.

Whynot shareyourpicturesand experiences with ususing#Bents.

Guaranteed to Grow

So confidentare we withtheirquality that we areabletooffer afive year, no hassle guaranteeonall ourhardy plants,whichisextended to 10 years as oneofour be inspired members.


If you’vegotalook in mindbut notsurehowto achieve it, ourexperts in our ContainerBoutiquecan work their magicand create abeautiful, plantedcontainer to meet your exactspecification.

Late NightOpeningisback

OurOpen SkiesGlassHouse istheperfectplace to browse our extensiveplant collection,shop allthingsgardenandhome and dineintothe evening with our late-night openinghoursstarting on Monday 4thMarch

Askthe Experts

Ourexperts canadviseonhowto combine ourplantsintobeautifulcontainersand basketsorstunning designsfor yourbeds andborders,ready to be transferred into your owngarden.


Over 60%ofour plants aregrown, nurturedandcared foratour on-site nurseriesbyour very ownteamof horticulturalexperts so we canensure theutmostqualityand freshness.

We Deliver

It canbetrickygettingthoselarger itemshome whichiswhereour Home Delivery servicemight be just the thing.Let us helpmakeyour shopping experience as easyas canbe.

Homegrown byus, lovedbyyou

Nobody does Spring like Bents

Springisthe season whereour senses areawakened, andBents is theplace wheretheyreallycome alive. Afeast forthe eyes with vibrantcolours andinspirational displays;wonderful fragrancefromour flowers andplants; anddelicious taste sensations in ourextensive Food Hall.

Addtothatour many family friendly attractions, inspiring shopping environment anda choice of dining destinations andwe hope we’vecreatedsomethinga littleout of theordinary. Andwithour late-night openinghours youcan take your time and enjoythe Bents’ experience into theevening.

Whynot shareyourpicturesand experienceswithususing #Bents.

We’replanting greatprices everywhere

Lookoutforourgoodvalue productrangethroughout thestore. 26 | BEAUTIFULGARDENS



Acontinentaldeli counter, bakery and patisserie, Honeywell’sbutchers, fresh produce andReserve Wines,tick them all offthelist in our extensiveFood Hall before movinginto ourCookShop whereyou’llfind alltheequipment and accessoriesyou’llneed to getcreativein the kitchen.

…Outdoor Enthusiasts

Maybeyou’relooking foranew pair of walking bootsorperhapsyou just wantto take awalkwith your fourlegged friend. Then look no further. Our Trespass|Nevisportstore haseverything you’llneedforyouroutdoor adventure andour PetPlace,withitsdedicatedPet Caféis the perfectstarting pointforour 3mileWindyBankWoods Walk.


Whether it’s funatour covered beach, golfing with dinosaurs or making adventures of your ownatour outdoorplayarea, we’ve gotchoicein abundancefor amemorableday out. Andadd to allofthatourbeautiful Children’sBoutiquewhereyou’llfinda wholehostoffun,games andfashion forthe littleones.

…Stylish Shoppers

You’ll be spoilt forchoicewith our wide-rangingshopping experience,with leading brandsthroughout the store, from Barbour andSeasalt to Jacuzzi and Lakeland.Gifts, soft furnishings andfashion canall be foundin our many departments andall combined with freshideas andfirstclassservices, making Bentsashopping heaven.

Homegrown byus, lovedby you
OurOn-SiteRetail Partners

Fabulous focalpoint

Asthe weather warmsupand the eveningsstretchout, thegardenbecomes the focal pointofthe home. We start tospend more time outdoorssoit’simportant our outdoorlivingenvironment isready for any occasion.

At Bents we’ve been experts inoutdoor livingfor decades andunderstandall the elementsinvolvedincreatingastylish spacethatsuits yourneeds. Whether it’saspace toentertain or somewheretosimplysit backand relax,we’ve goteverythingyou need to make youroutdoor livingroomaspecialplace tobe.

Take aSeat

This year’s extensiveoutdoor furniturecollectioncombines beautiful design withallweatherappeal and superb affordability, with choicesfor all typesofoutdoor entertainment.

Cooking Alfresco

Discover thefull rangeof WeberBBQ products in our Weber WorldDepartmentand budding ‘pizzaiolos’can get creative with pizza ovens from Ooniand Gozney.


Don’tforgettofinish offyour lookwith afew accessories. Everythingfromgardenlighting andheating solutions to colourfulplanted containers we’vegotitcovered.

Get ourFREEapp andenjoy so muchmore! DownloadtheFREEBents beinspired apptodayandgetaccesstoexclusive memberbenefits. OurFREEappnotonlyshowcaseseverything ‘Bents’with ahandystoreguide,diningmenusand allourlatestevents,butitwillalsohelpyoukeep trackofexclusivememberbenefits,yourpersonal rewardsandyourstorereceipts. Plustheappisyour beinspired card,so you’llneverleavehomewithoutit! Downloadthe FREEapp fromtheApple AppStore orGooglePlay Discovermoreand shoponlineat 28 | BEAUTIFULGARDENS
DON’T FORGET FOUNTAIN CARE To clean &maintain yourwaterfeature SNOWDONIA MONOLITH RRP £249.99 OUR PRICE £229.99 ILLUSION FALLS RRP £249.99 OUR PRICE £229.99 WINCHCOMBE CASCADE RRP £299.99 OUR PRICE £279.99 FLOWINGJUGS RRP £299.99 OUR PRICE £289.99 COMOSPRINGS RRP £229.99 OUR PRICE £189.99 OFFERSEND 31ST MAY2024 EXCLUSIVE WATERFEATURE OFFERS (Mainsoperated) AZURE COLUMN RRP £119.99 OUR PRICE £99.99 £3.99 £7.99 £5.99 £7.99 Lemon Leaf Trellis (180 x90cm) RRP£49.99 OurPrice£34.99 Save £15.00 Pansy Pourri RRP£39.99 OurPrice£29.99 Save £10.00 Otherstyles available OFFERS AVAILABLE UNTIL 31STMAY2024 STUNNING FauxDécor •ATTRACTIVEFEATURE FORANY GARDEN •NOWATERINGREQUIRED Readytogo! io Topiary Tree RRP £69.99 Our Price£49.99 Save £20.00 Other sizes available Cypress irl Tree RRP £79.99 Our Price £30.00 piary Twirl Tree (120cm) RRP £99.99 Our Price£69.99 Save £30.00 Other sizes available Other colours Regents Rose PinkPerfection (120cm) RRP£69.99 OurPrice£49.99 Save £20.00


Increase the joy you getfrom your garden,frombrunch around the table to luxury lounging at sundown

Create a modern chill-out zone

Comfort is the key word in this luxurious weave collection

The generousarm-rests and plumpcushions make the Oakham range perfect for entertaining and relaxing Andthis furnitureis highly sustainable, too: the synthetic rattan weave is made from recycled plastic and paired with with renewable acacia wood. The result is a rangeof stylishand durable outdoor furniture, with excellent weather resistanceand protection from UV-light.

Oakham deluxe lounge set with 110 x 70cm coffee table £3,299 Recommended minimumarea 2.2m 4.5m


Comfort and style

Bringindoor comfort to your garden, with our fantasticselectionof outdoor cushions in store. ExtremeLounging cushions plain £14.99each patterned £19.99 each

Scatter cushions sold separately See instore for more
(Top) Oakham‘in-between’ lounge set withside table (2.7x 1.1m) £1,799 (Above) Oakhammini-modular lounge set with 90cm square adjustable table (2.7 x 2.7m) £2,999

Entertain in any weather

Seamlessly extend your livingspace withthe superbly versatile Belfort pergola. Features include a waterproof louvred roof with a uniquelyengineered drainage system, four textilene blinds builtinto thesmart alumnium frame, and remote-controlled LEDlighting aroundthe roof beams. It really is the ultimate patio pergola. Belfort pergola (3 x 4m) £3,999

(Below) The smart louvred roof, open and closed; (below left) colour-changing LED lightingand the drop blinds to provide shade

Fu rni tu re no t inc luded

Scatter cushions sold separately. See instore for more designs

Classic comfort with a twist

The Wentworth collection cleverly combines classic good looks with modern design credentials. It featuresa rust-freealuminium frame, weatherproof synthetic weave, andcushion covers made from recycled plastic bottles. There’san extra feel-good factor to this range, too: its maker, Bramblecrest, will plantatreefor everyset sold, inpartnership withits climate action partners Ecologi.

(Left) Wentworththree-seat sofa set with adjustable ceramic table, armchairs and stools (3.8x 2.65m) £1,799; Truro square side-post grey parasol with granite base,built-in lights and protective cover (3m) £649

(Below left) Wentworth modular sofa set with adjustable ceramic casual dining table and two stools (2.3 x 2.3m) £1,799

(Above) Wentworth circular table (1.2m Dia.) with four armchairs,parasol and base £1,199

(Below) Wentworth elliptical table (2.2m Dia.) with lazy Susan, eightarmchairs, parasol and base £2,299


Scatter cushions sold separately See instore for more designs


Light, bright and beautiful

Cleanlinesand boldshapesmake our LIFE outdoor furniturethe most contemporary ofthis year’s summer collections. Easy-care aluminiumand sustainably sourced teak combine to create an all-weather collection, ina fresh ivory colour scheme, that is just as luxurious and comfortable as your lounge indoors. Perfect forany modern garden.

(Top) Pull-overlounge set with low table (2.8x 2.8m) £2,999

(Above) Jasmine side-post parasol (3m) withgranite wheeled base,and wood-effect aluminium frame £999

(Below left) Mixx dining table (1.5mx 2.2m) withsix dining chairs £2,499

(Right) Summer lounger and teaktoppedside table £549 (Below right) New Orleans corner set with dining table (2.5x 2.5m) £2,199 Stools sold separately


For alifetimeoutdoors

Atforest,weknowthejoyofgardens.Everythingweproducehas beendesignedtohelpyoucreate agardenthatyou’llenjoyforyears tocome.Frombeautifullycraftedtraditionalclassicstocontemporary decorativefeaturesandstructures -everythingismanufacturedto lookgoodandlast.

Wisley Trellis



Slatted Trellis












HeavyDuty Trellis






Domed Top BorderEdging






Available in3 sizes

Available in3 sizes

Available in4 sizes

Available in4 sizes

Available in3 sizes

Available in6 Sizes

Available in3 sizes

Available in3 sizes

ContemporaryPicketFencing RRP.£140.49 OURPRICE.£114.99
KendalSquarePlanterSet DeepRootPlanter1.8m
RRP.£129.99 OURPRICE.£119.99 RRP.£119.49 OURPRICE.£89.99 RRP.£155.99 OURPRICE.£114.99 RRP.£166.49 OURPRICE.£114.99 SlattedArch £199.99 OUR PRICE. RRP.£249.99 ClassicDome TopArch LyonArbour £129.99 £299.99 OUR PRICE. OUR PRICE. RRP.£159.99 RRP.£360.99 LivingScreenPlanter £134.99 OUR PRICE. RRP.£159.49 UltimaPergolaArch £349.99 OUR PRICE. RRP.£396.99 UltimaPremiumPergola2.4m £589.99 OUR PRICE. RRP.£699.99 DurhamRectangularPlanterSet RRP.£158.99 OURPRICE.£139.99 RRP.£749.99 PremiumRadialPergola £629.99 OUR PRICE. NEW NEW VenicePlanter RRP.£324.99 OURPRICE.£299.99 Priceshownisforthe30 x180cm Priceshownisforthe30 x180cm Priceshownisforthe30 x180cm Priceshownisforthe30 x180cm Priceshownisforthe30 x180cm Priceshownisforthe30 x180cm Priceshownisforthe15 x102cm Priceshownisforthe23 x180cm Priceshownisforthe15 x184cm







Gasand/orcharcoalallinonebarbecue! We


barbecueexperience. We
providing youwith ultimatecontrol over yourbarbecue
takeprideinsimplifying thegrillingprocess,
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Grillstreamsystem:ourpatentedBBQtechnology isdesignedtoprevent
ADVER TO RIAL Exclusive Classic3-Burner withsideburner RRP£579 Ourprice £499 Double-skinnedhood withbuilt-inthermometer Underthehood:stainless steelwarming rack Side burner Side burner Sidetable Sidetable Removable fatcup Integrated removable fatcup LEDlight-up controls LEDlight-up controls
away fromtheheatsource.
yourcookingwiththe flexibilityofsearingorregulatingataperfecttemperature. Extraheightdouble-skinned
stainlesssteel warming rack Toolkit RRP £70 Cover RRP £60 Legacy 4-Burner RRP£819 Bundle promo Legacy4-Burner, ToolSetandCover RRP£949 Ourprice £699
INSPIRING Spring OFFERS OFFERS AVAILABLEUNTIL 31STMAY2024 1 2 Rainbow Flaming Balloon RRP£14.99 OurPrice£9.99 Save £5.00 Fiesta Flaming Balloon RRP£14.99 OurPrice£9.99 Save £5.00 1 2 1 2 GloBulbs (Setof20) RRP£29.99 OurPrice£19.99 Save £10.00 Balloon Rainbow String Lights (Setof10) RRP£19.99 OurPrice£14.99 Save £5.00 Deluxe Welcome Planter RRP£34.99 OurPrice£24.99 Save £10.00 Jumbo Rock Light RRP£14.99 OurPrice£9.99 Save £5.00 Magic Mushroom StakeLight RRP£6.99 OurPrice£5.99 Save £1.00 1 2 Maris Lantern RRP£14.99 Our Price£9.99 Save £5.00 Terra Lantern RRP£14.99 Our Price£9.99 Save £5.00 Other colours available Abbey Silvergris Mirror RRP£39.99 OurPrice£29.99 Save £10.00 Plantsnot included
CONNECTABLE GARDEN LIGHTING Forindoor &outdooruse,all year round, whateverthe weather •Affordable gardenlighting •Easytoinstall •Timerfunction •Supersafelowvoltage •Low energyconsumption Offerends 31st May2024 makingyourgardenglow 10Edison festoonlights Connectupto 8sets £19.99 OURPRICE RRP£27.49 10Bulb festoonlights Connectupto 8sets £22.99 RRP£29.99 10Largehanging Edisonfestoonlights Connectupto 8sets £26.99 RRP£37.49 Classic aluminium borderlight -setof2 Connectupto 4sets Maxifrosted stainlesssteel bollard-setof2 Connectupto 4sets Deco stainlesssteel borderlight -setof4 Connectupto 4sets £15.99 £24.99 £29.99 RRP RRP RRP £21.99 £34.99 £39.99 OURPRICE OURPRICE OURPRICE OURPRICE OURPRICE 10Jute ropefestoonlights Connectupto 8sets £14.99 RRP£24.99 OURPRICE Midiprism stainlesssteel borderlights -setof4 Connectupto 4sets £19.99 RRP £24.99 OURPRICE GardenCutting Essentials BYPASS PRUNER& DEADHEADINGSNIP OURPRICE£11.99 1/2 PRICE 1/2PRICE RRP£23.99 OURPRICE£14.99 SAVE£10 RRP£24.99 HEDGESHEARS DELUXEBOXED BYPASS PRUNER LONGHANDLED EDGINGSHEARS ULTRALIGHT LONG REACHPRUNER OURPRICE£14.99 SAVE£10 RRP£24.99 REACH PRUNER UPTO 50% LIGHTERTHAN STANDARD SAVE£10 RRP £34.99 2-IN-1T &H 2-IN-1 TREE LOPPER & HAND SAW BOXEDPRUNER TWIN PACK New ValiduntilMay31st2024orwhilststockslast OURPRICE£39.99 SAVE£5 RRP£44.99 Extendsto2.4mfortall branchesordetachesto useas ahandsaw OURPRICE£24.99 SAVE£18 RRP£42.99 OURPRICE£17.99 RRP£32.99 SAVE£15 OURPRICE£24.99
Your bestever lawn awaits... Withthe UK’s No.1 lawn feed brand* Maintain Enhance WHILE STOCKS LAST.OFFERENDS12/05/2024 *Lawnfertilisers, lawn feed only GFKpanelmarketJan-April2023. Useplantprotectionsafely.Alwaysreadthelabel andproductinformationbeforeuse. ONLY £12.99 80m2 ONLY £9.99 80m2 ONLY £9.99 80m2 OURPRICE £9.99 80m2 RRP:£12.99 OURPRICE £14.99 150m2 RRP:£16.99 5 Offersavailableuntil31stMay2024whilestockslast. BasicSprayerSet •Theperfecthoseaccessorykit togentlywateryourgarden BasicHoseReelSet 20m •Includes20mbasichose, connectionsandnozzle •Integratedcarryhandle Micro-DripTerraceSet •Waterirrigationsetforupto30pottedplants •Saveswater,timeandmoney •Quickandeasytoinstallwithfreeset-up guidesavailableviaQRCodes •Includesmasterunit,pipeline,connectors, pegs,valvesanddripheads ComfortSprayLance •Softsprayorbubblejetspray •Idealforwateringhanging basketsandpots •Length90cm CleverRoll SSet30m •Includes30mclassichose, connectionsandspraynozzle. •Heightadjustablehandle ClassicMulti-Sprayer •3 differentspraypatterns •Integratedfilterandsoftplasticspray nozzlesmakethesprayereasytoclean •Locktrigger -keepwateringyour gardenwithoutyourfingeronthe spraytrigger RRP£79.99 Ourprice: £69.99 RRP£34.99 Ourprice: £24.99 RRP£49.99 Ourprice: £39.99 RRP£17.99 Ourprice: £11.99 RRP£21.99 Ourprice: £15.99 RRP£74.99 Ourprice: £54.99 Free sprayer worth£13.99

Rightplant, rightplace

Withtherightgrowing conditions, you’llhave stronger,healthier plantsthatresistpests anddisease.Hereare ourfavouriteplant recommendationsfor sometypicallychallenging gardenspaces

Whetheryou’re gardening in the ground or in containers,you’ll get the best results ifyou grow the right plants in the right place– that means givingyourplants the amount of lightand water they need, in the kindofsoil that they like. But this can be tricky in a shady spot or in a small space, or ifyour garden has awkwardareas where nothing seems to grow. Read on for our expert recommendations onwhat to plant where.


Damp shade

Gardeningindampshadeisn’t astrickyasitsoundsbecause therearemanybeautifulfoliage plants–likelacyfernsand handsomehostas–thatlove the combinationofmoistsoiland dappledlight.Lotsofspringfloweringplantsappreciate thesegrowingconditions,too, providingmoundsofcolour earlyinthegardening year.

Early colour

Mulchingshade-loving plantsinspringandautumn withalayerofleafmould orbarkchipswillkeeptheir rootsextra-cool,andreduce theneedtoweed,too.

Rhododendron ‘HorizonMonarch’ (AGM) H: 1.5m May Pieris ‘ForestFlame’ (AGM) H:2m Apr-May Athyrium filix-femina H: 1.2m Brunnera ‘SilverHeart’ H:40cm Apr-May Rhododendron ‘Graziella’ H: 1.2m May-Jun Helleborus ‘Glenda’s Gloss’ H:40-50cm Dec-Mar Polemonium ‘Bressingham Purple’ H:60-70cm Jun-Jul Helleborus ‘Anna’s Red’ H:40-50cm Dec-Mar Hosta ‘PrayingHands’ (AGM) H:40-50cm Jul-Aug Annual Perennial/biennial Floweringshrubs *Holdsan AwardofGardenMerit(AGM) fromtheRHS

Ground cover

thegroundquicklyarereally usefulundertrees,along thebaseofwalls,inaside return,oratthebaseofa hedge.Manyofthesehardworkingplantsproduce colourfulsummer flowersor autumnberries,andthey’ll thriveinavarietyoflocations –forexample, Ajuga and sedumslove asunnyspot, whilehardy geraniums, Vinca and Pachysandra will happilygrowinshade.

Right plant,right place Spreadingplantsthatcover
Cotoneasterhorizontalis H:1m Rosa ‘CharmingCover’ H:80cm May-Sept Vincaminor ‘Illumination’ H:15cm Apr-Sept Sedum‘BlueCushion’ H:20cm Jun-Sept Pachysandraterminalis H:20cm May-June Ajuga ‘Rainbow’ H:15cm Apr-Jul Geranium ‘AzureRush’ H:45cm May-Oct Vinca plantsthrive atthebaseofa shadywall


Dry, shadyconditionstypicallyoccurbeneath evergreentreesorbelowatallnorth-facing wall.Butalthoughanareaofdryshadecan, potentially,betrickytogarden,ferns,hostas andanumberofcolourful flowering shrubswillsoon settleinand provideinterest yearafter year.

BEAUTIFUL GARDENS | 43 Hypericum ‘Hidcote’ (AGM) H: 1.2m Jul-Sept 8KG TUBS •Bigbucketsforlarge areas •Watertightstorage OURPRICE £14.99 RRP: £19.99 SAVE £5 WHILESTOCKS LAST.OFFERENDS12/05/2024 Feed on these specialoffers Greatfor soil conditioningaroundthe garden RRP:£9.99 OURPRICE £7.99 SAVE £2 4KG/5KGBOX 5KG BOX •Reduce •Reuse •Recycle Refill your bucket with our 8KGREFILL BAG SAVE £2 OURPRICE £12.99 RRP: £14.99
Too muchsun? Turntopage16for ourtipsonplanting adrought-tolerant border Viburnumtinus ‘Eve Price’ (AGM) H:2m Jan-Apr Pyracantha ‘OrangeGlow’ (AGM) H:3m Jun-Jul Dryopteriserythrosora (AGM) H:60cm Hosta ‘Halcyon’ H:40-50cm Jul-Aug

Right plant,right place

Small spaces

Choosing therightplants is especiallyimportantwhen you’re gardeninginasmallspace,to avoid themoutgrowingtheir location.Many popularplants now have specially-bred compact versions– fromsmall rambling rosestolow-growingJapanese maples –so youcancreate theeffect youwant,without compromise.Simplycheckthe labelbefore you buy,to find out howtalla plantwillgrow,and howfarit’slikely tospread.


Selectcompactordwarf varietiesof yourfavouriteplants. Pruneregularly:remove old stems,andshortennewstems toapairofleavesor flowerbud. Growtreesandlargeshrubsin containerstolimittheirgrowth. Growshrubsagainstafence orawall,andpruneregularly –this works wellfor evergreen shrubslike Euonymus, Choisya and Pittosporum.

Theseprettyramblingroses canbegrowninpots,orina narrowgardenborder. Siluettacompactpatio ramblingrosesH:1.8-2m Jun-Sept

Rhododendron ‘GoldenGate’ H: 1.2m May Hebe ‘Celine’ H:40-50cm Jun-Sept
Grow Acer‘Dissectum’ inacontainertolimit thesizeitwillgrowto Acer ‘Garnet’ (AGM) H:2m Hebe ‘RhubarbandCustard’ H:40-60cm Jul-Sept Hebe ‘Margret’ (AGM) H:40-60cm Jun-Sept (Fromtop)‘Crimson’, ‘Purple’,‘Romantic’, ‘Sweet’, ‘Sunny’ and ‘Lavender’ Azalea ‘Johanna’ (AGM) H:75cm May (From top) ‘Crimson’,
With extraordinarytools, anything is possible Hand Tools FOR £12 2 Smooth double rivets FSC® certified ashwoodhandle Extras welding High carbon steeltempered formaximum strength ry SurecutLop ndShearisour newpat flex videsagentlerebound for A precise cleancut Surecut Lop d Shear is our new pa di eflex ovides a gentle rebound comfort and minimum effort. Bi-material microhex grip Adjustable hand size Supremely comfortable& ambidextrous Integrated string cutter Integrated wire cutter
RRP:£28.99 *Border spades and forksalsoincluded OURPRICE £24.99* SAVE £4 OURPRICE £14.99 RRP:£19.99 SAVE £5 SurecutSingle HandledGrass Shears OURPRICE £14.99 RRP:£19.99 SAVE £5 RRP: £29.99 ma mum clean cut every time emely SurecutAll Purpose Bypass Loppers RRP: £29.99
Hand Transplanting Trowel RRP:£6.99 Hand Weeding Knife RRP:£6.99 Hand Daisy Grubber RRP:£6.99 RRP:£6.99 Cultivator RRP:£6.99 WHILESTOCKSLAST. OFFERENDS14thMay 2024 nial RPRICE 4.99 :£19.99 SAVE £5 t Perennial Hand Shears OUR PRICE RRP: £19.99
PurposeExtra PowerBypass Loppers
SPECIAL OFFER 2 for £12 25L£7.99 ONLY £24.99 OURPRICE £24.99 66m2 RRP£25.99 OURPRICE £12.99 33m2 RRP£15.99 OURPRICE £12.99 33m2 RRP£15.99 OURPRICE £24.99 66m2 RRP£25.99 OURPRICE £49.99 200m2 RRP£64.99 OURPRICE £15.99 1.5kgRRP£21.99 OURPRICE £49.99 200m2 RRP£64.99 KEEP GROWING WITH THE UK’s No1 LAWNCARE BRAND* CHILD &PET FRIENDLY Offerends12thMay2024 *BHT2022.Miracle-Gro®is atrademarkofOMSInvestments,Inc.andisusedunder licensefromOMSInvestments,Inc. £8.99 each 2 Sets For£15 PlantHalos (Setof3) RRP£14.40 PerSet Buy 1Get 1Free £9.99 ValueGrow Bag Tray Black 100cm Lx40cm Wx5cmH OurPrice £14.99 Jumbo PatioPan &Brush RRP£28.50 Offers Validuntil31stMay2024 OurPrice £2.99 each 25cm Cloche Cover RRP£5.15each OurPrice £9.99 28 CellDeep Root Success Kit RRP£16.70 Setof3Only £5.99 25cm Square TomPots RRP£8.99 Save £24 £49.99 100ltr WaterButt Kit incl Tap, Lid,Stand& DiverterRRP£73.99 OurPrice £9.99 10ltr Watering Can 3Colours Available 10ltr(2.2 Gallon)RRP£15.75 Save £25 £69.99 200ltr WaterButt Kit incl Tap, Child Safety Lid, Stand &DiverterRRP£94.99 Madein GreatBritain Allplants,growbags,canesor productcontentsarenotincluded Availablein Blackor Sage Green
BEFORE AFTER Pet,Bird& Plant Friendly The UK’sBestSelling Stone Restorer £69.99 £69.99 £69.99 £59.99 £29.99 £29.99

Choosetheideal placestodisplay themand your houseplants willthank you



Houseplantscanhelptopurify theairin your bedroom,andthis trioofleafylovelies willappreciate bright,butindirect light,during daylighthours. We especially likethe Ctenanthe whichhas theelegantlooksofa Calathea butiseasier togrow.

If you want to introduce houseplants into different rooms, knowing the conditions each plant prefers, and how much light they need, makes all the difference. Happy plants mean bigger leaves and healthier roots. Here, we’ve chosen ten ofour best-loved houseplants to display in your favourite rooms where they’ll give your wellbeingaboost. Research has shown that houseplants can improve your mood, lower your blood pressure and reduce stress, and all you have to do is keep the roots cool and moist, dust the leaves occasionally and give them a feed in the growing season.


Theseundemandingplantsallenjoythebrighter lightandwarmertemperaturesthatkitchens typicallyoffer,andanymoistureintheairwill beanaddedbenefit.They’realsocompactand slow-growingso youcaneasilypopthemona spareshelforawindow-sill. Potitup Addapotcovertoprotect

you’llfind plentyofchoice

furnitureandkeeproots cool.Selectionmayvary instorebut
Ctenanthe (never-neverplant) H:50-90cm Dendrobium orchid H:40cm Asplenium (fern) H:50-90cm Vriesea (flamingsword) H:60cm Echeveria (hen-and-chicks) H:10cm Haworthia (zebraplant) H:10cm Cactus H:10-30cm


We love

TheOceanCollectionfrom Elho(shown above andtopleft) turnsmaritimewaste,including abandoned fishingnetsand ropes,intobeautifulmarbled pots. Availableinvarioussizes, andtwocolours, every potis completelyunique. From£6.99


Largerplantslookamazing whenthey’redisplayedonthe floorinastatementpotcover, sothelivingroomistheideal locationforthesethreedrama queens.Theseplantsallenjoy lightshade,butthey’llalso tolerateabrighterlocation–especiallytheyucca.

made with green energy


This watering indicator isideal if you’renotsure whentowater yourhouseplants, orhowmuch watertheyneed.

Phalaenopsis orchid H:40cm
recycled plastic Philodendron (sweetheartplant) H: 1.2m Dracaena (dragontree) H:1-2m Yucca (Spanish bayonet) H:1-2m



Justscattertheseedandwatch it grow Thousandsofflowersfromonebox Each200gboxcovers7sqmetres 8speciallydevelopedmixes to encourageandattractwildlife SealedwiththeThompson &MorganQualityGuarantee WILDFLOWER SCATTERGARDENS 3 3 3 3 3 SCATTER GARDENS OUR PRICE £7.99 RRP£8.99 Nature ina Box! Offerends09/05/2024 Save £3 offRRP sterling FEEDERS RRP£12.99 OURPRICE £9.99 PREMIUMQUALITY, MADE FROM HARDWEARING ALUMINIUM,32CMHIGH ALLHENRYBELLPRODUCTSCOME IN100%RECYCLABLEPACKAGING *Offerends31/05/2024.Subjecttoavailability.
£10 Specialist blends 1.8kg rrp£6.99 each high Nutritious blends packed with energy.Suitablefor feeders,birdtables
Save £10 offRRP heritagesquirrel resistant feeders rrp£24.99 OURPRICE £14.99 stylish, durableand hardwearing.Easyto refill andclean SEED PEANUT FATBALL SUNFLOWER NYGER fatball peanut seed
getone free

Coming up in 2024

Springisspringing,the weatheriswarmingand there’sfun andentertainmentonthe agenda. Oureventsand activities come in allshapesand sizes so you’resuretofind somethingfor everyone to enjoy in themonthsahead.

Make adate in yourdiary forsome ofourkey events andtakea look online at even more newand exciting initiativesplanned forSpring2024.


Saturday 2nd -Sunday3rd March2024

Join us forour ‘pawfully’brilliant Bark Fest,wherewe’ll be celebrating all things dogandpuppy related. Plus our MiniCruftsreturnswith prizesfor our canine competitors.


Saturday 9th-Sunday 10th March2024

IndependentStreetArtisan Market is returning to Bents. This exciting eventshowcases the best in local artisanfood, drink and crafts.


Thursday 28th March2024

Celebrate the startofthis beautiful season at ourSpringFashion Show whereour modelswillbe showcasingthe latest collections.

fyou’venot alreadyjoinedour socialnetwork then whynot become afan on Facebook, check us outonInstagram,followusonTikTokand be inspired by ourideas on Pinterest.

T&Cs:Instore only. be inspired card and voucher mustbepresentedatpointofpurchase. Whilststocks last.One percustomer. T&Cs:Instore only. be inspired card and voucher must be presentedatpointofpurchase. Whilststocks last. Oneper customer. T&Cs:Instore only. be inspired card and voucher mustbepresented at pointofpurchase. Whilststocks last. Oneper customer. Sunflower Hearts 12.55kg Usually £44.99 EACH Member Price £34.99 EACH Folding Kneeler Seat Usually £34.99 EACH Member Price £19.99 EACH Exclusively for be inspired members Exclusively for be inspired members Exclusively for be inspired members
Pleasebeawarethatoureventsmaybesubjecttochangecheck formoreeventsanddetails. Spendover£20 online we’lldeliver forFREE! UsecodeBGFREEDEL at checkout T&Cs:Freestandarddeliveryonly, one percustomer. Excludes products witha furnituredeliveryoptionand click&collect items. MainlandUKonly. Validuntil 31.05.24
GGSESS0447 BICFOO0369 Greenhouse GroZoneMax Usually £149.99 EACH Member Price £99 EACH MEMBERS SAVE £50 MEMBERS SAVE £10 MEMBERS SAVE £15 BEAUTIFULGARDENS | 51

Achoiceofdining destinations allunder oneroof

Weofferachoiceofdeliciousdiningdestinations, each alittlebit different and beyond the ordinary. Fresh, locallysourced ingredientsand home cookedfoodtake centre stageatthemall.

Ourbrigade of20 chefs use their skillsand expertise to create everythingin-housefromour daily specials andexquisitepatisseries toanauthentic taste ofthe Mediterraneanatour Tapas Bar.

Whateverthe occasion,whether it’safamilygettogether atThe Fresh Approach Restaurant(perfect for anafterschool home-cookedmeal), aquick coffeeand cake withfriends in Caffé nel Verde oracatch upwithaglassofwineand atapas or two…we’ve gotadestination for you.

Andwithevery destination comesaview, whether it’s lookingout ontothe distant hills ofRivington orthe colourful backdropofOpen Skies, there’s alwaysabeautiful placetoenjoy yourmeal.

Newfor 2024

OuriconicAirstreamtrailer will be returningthis Spring serving ourhome-made fish and chips. Open at Weekends andduring School Holidays!

MondaytoFriday8.30am -8.00pm**

Saturday8.30am -5.30pm

Sunday 10.30am -4.30pm***


**LatenightopeningfromMonday4th March2024

***Our FreshApproachRestaurantopensonSundays at 9.00am

EastLancsRoad PRESTON Wigan Bolton Bury Leigh Warrington Stockport MANCHESTER Glazebury LIVERPOOL 22 23 11 14 M6 M61 M66 M60 M60 M56 M62 M6 M62 M602 M60 A579 A49 A574 A579 A573 A577 A574 A578 A572 A579 A580 A572 A580 WEARE HERE FREE PARKING Discovermoreandshoponlineat
BentsGarden &Home, WarringtonRoad,Glazebury,CheshireWA35NT.
onlineshopping visit
01942266300.Checkonlineforseasonalopeningtimes. Forthelatesteventsand
ThePet Café Golf Café TapasBar TheCaféBar Caffénel Verde
TheFresh Approach Homemade by us, lovedbyyou
WINNERS Catering Excellence Award 2022/3!*

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