p 5
Giulio Marzaioli, Inverted Arch, 2014 Benway Series, 5 Book Design & Composition: Michele Zaffarano Š Giulio Marzaioli Š Sean Mark (for the translation) ISBN 978-88-98222-08-7 Digital printing: Tipografia La Colornese Sas Publishing: Tielleci editrice via San Rocco, 98 Colorno (PR)
Giulio Marzaioli
INVERTED arcH Translation by
Sean Mark
Benway Series
Table of contents
p. 7
inverted arch Inverted Arch 1, p. 11 ‒ Inverted Arch 2, p. 13 ‒ Inverted Arch 3, p. 15 ‒ In the hottest hour of the day, p. 17 ‒ In the hottest hour of the day, p. 18 ‒ In the hottest hour of the day, p. 19 ‒ In the hottest hour of the day, p. 20 ‒ In the hottest hour of the day, p. 21 ‒ In the hottest hour of the day, p. 22 ‒ In the hottest hour of the day, p. 23 ‒ When the cicadas start to sing, p. 24 ‒ Inverted Arch 4, p. 25 ‒ Inverted Arch 5, p. 27 ‒ Inverted Arch 6, p. 29 ‒ On the earth, p. 30 ‒ He felt his weight, p. 31 ‒ He felt his weight, p. 32 ‒ She’d stood, so still, p. 33 ‒ When the cicadas start to sing, p. 34 ‒ When the cicadas start to sing, p. 35 ‒ He began to age, p. 36 ‒ Then was gone, p. 37 ‒ But then she’d stopped, p. 38 ‒ On the earth, p. 39 ‒ Her smell was sweet indeed, p. 40 ‒ «...», p. 41 ‒ Inverted Arch 7, p. 43 ‒ Inverted Arch 8, p. 45.
Author’s Notes
to L., it was meant to be a book of fairy tales
inverted arch
«In the hottest hour of the day, when the cicadas start to sing, he felt his weight fall clean away. I didn’t even make it here in time, and then was gone.
parole: ‘Non ho fatto neane in tempo’, poi scomparve.
tempo, poi scomparve.».*
* It was meant to be a book of fairy tales dedicated to L. then insomnia hit a house to live in the thing each time retrieved. 17
«In the hottest hour of the day, when the cicadas start to sing, he remembered he’d been faster, chased her longer in the past. But then she’d stopped. So still and plant-like. Her smell was sweet indeed. While in shadows a lizard hid, he felt his weight fall clean away. I didn’t even make it here in time, and then was gone.
tempo, poi scomparve».*
* It was meant to be a book but insomnia that we may ponder and weigh sleep that contemplates from below. 18
«In the hottest hour of the day, when the cicadas start to sing, he remembered he’d been faster, chased her longer in the past. But then she’d stopped. So still and plant-like. Her smell was sweet indeed, at times she seemed to bend in the wind. While in shadows a lizard hid, he felt his weight fall clean away. The cicadas’ song reached highest pitch and the lizard left the shadows, turned its eyes to face the sun. I didn’t even make it here in time, and then was gone.
tempo, poi scomparve».*
* Hefty weight of retrieving sleep that contemplates the force from below we say “height” held up when you feel weightless. 19
«In the hottest hour of the day, when the cicadas start to sing, he remembered he’d been faster, chased her longer in the past. But then she’d stopped. Hunting is instinct, even for a god. That was the first time he felt his weight, realized he was on the earth. But the earth envies the sky, suffers for its gravity. And since then she’d stood, so still and plant-like. Her smell was sweet indeed, at times she seemed to bend in the wind. He began to age, and on earth they soon forgot he was alive. Until one day, while in shadows a lizard hid, he felt his weight fall clean away. The cicadas’ song reached highest pitch and the lizard left the shadows, turned its eyes to face the sun. It whispered to the plant: I didn’t even make it here in time, and then was gone».*
* A book of fairy tales for L. but otherwise sleep for example once upon a time you say there was a lizard. 20