1 minute read
New Normal, Through a Screen
my feet, they still, my hands on the window sill, my eyes, they see
oh, would you look at Her? It is Her; it is She
my one forbidden love . . .
. . . Hershey
My Savior – Asha Mohapatra
My Savior
5’1” on a good day, yet so intimidating, She tolerate like no other. We bicker like an old married couple, Smiling the whole time. We have the same Myers-Briggs personality type, Yet are complete opposites. I am always late, while she is always early. Days at school without her, I am lost. I see her all day at school, on the weekends, after school, The only person I don’t get sick of, my platonic soulmate, my person. Her house is my home, I drive over when I need a hug and am met with open arms. My picture is on the mantle, next to Jackie and Alex. She is pretty, She is my rock, My savior, Jackie Smith.