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A Bull Ride, But Not a Full Ride, The Endless Rainy Day
Grad Year – Jackie Reagan
The thing about time Is that there will never be enough. It tricks us, saying, “Here, enjoy me, But not too much.”
It moves so smoothly Like silk, slipping away Through our fingertips, friendships, fantasies— And yet it constitutes our day by day.
And now, it seems to be moving, slipping More quickly than ever As the days left till we depart dwindle down, Time really is so clever.
And yes, this poem is cliche: “High school truly does fly by.” It’s what the seniors told us when we were freshmen And now we understand why.
Because just when we’ve started To resolve our doubts And grown closest and fondest Time interjects, “You know, imma head out.”
My best friends and I, We’ve already cried And we know we should be making the most of our time left. Believe me, we’ve tried.
And we succeeded, we did, Under the restraints placed before us But when you love other people Leaving will never be glamorous.
That being said, I’m proud of our efforts To beat time in the way we could, By building relationships that will last forever.
And yes, things will change It’s inevitable; time isn’t fair But at the same time, it’s what makes that event special— Tossed caps in the air.
The thing about time Is that there will never be enough But when it brings you people that make it mean something Live it up.