1 minute read
Sleep helps healing (Shh
from Airedale BSF
Extra protein for people aged 65 and over
If you are aged over 65 years then your protein requirements are higher, especially if you are malnourished. Protein can be found in meat, fish, eggs, milk, yoghurt, cheese, nuts, seeds, beans and pulses.
Staying hydrated in hospital is very important
• Drink small amounts often • Have water/drinks earlier in the day so that you do not have a worry about using the toilet at night • Eat hydrating foods such as soup, custard and high water fruits.
Clean hands
We encourage all patients to wash their hands before eating. Please ask a member of staff if you need any assistance. A hand wipe will also be provided prior to the arrival of your meal.
Need extra help at mealtimes?
We operate a red tray system which indicates to staff which patients require assistance with their meals.
If at any time you need extra help please let a member of the ward team or a meal time assistant volunteer know.