1 minute read

Supporting Children

WAY Widowed & Young

Provides a self-help network across the UK to those who are bereaved through losing their partner/spouse when aged 50 or under, offering peer to peer emotional and practical support. www.widowedandyoung.org.uk

Support for Children

Child Bereavement UK

A charity that has dual focus of training professionals who work with families and children affected by death which also produce excellent resources that can be used by those who are bereaved. 0800 0288840 www.childbereavementuk.org

Child Death Helpline

Helpline support for anyone affected by the death of a child irrespective of the age of the child, the relationship or the time since death. 0800 282 986 Freephone for mobiles: 0808 800 6019 www.childdeathhelpline.org.uk

Compassionate Friends

This is a nationwide self-help group for parents who have lost a child of any age, including as an adult. This is a befriending organisation rather than one offering counselling. Kilburn Grange Priory Park Road London NW6 7UJ 0345 123 2304 www.tcf.org.uk

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