3 minute read

We need your feedback

Across the Harrogate and Rural District area we are constantly trying to improve the quality of care we deliver to dying patients, and the care given to their families and friends. To find out more about this, we ask for the views of people who have been close to someone who has died, about the care the patient received in the last days of life, and the support their family and friends received. If you wish to provide such feedback, please follow the link below to the Harrogate and Rural District Bereaved Relatives Survey: www.hdft.nhs.uk/survey. All information entered is sent to Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, the organisation running the survey, and will be strictly confidential. No one will be identifiable in the report produced. There is absolutely no obligation to complete the survey; it is entirely voluntary, or you can ask someone else who may be better placed to complete it if you prefer. Should you have any questions or concerns about the care you or your family member or friend received and would like to speak to someone, please contact a member of the organisation or healthcare team which looked after them, or call the Harrogate District Hospital Patient Experience Team on 01423 555499 and they will be able to direct your call appropriately.

Ref: Harrogate District Hospital Bereavement Book Published Date: June 2020 Review Date: June 2022

in Memory Donate

A donation in memory of a loved one to Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity is an amazing way of your loved ones legacy being continued. A donation, however big or small will be used to help fund new equipment, training and to improve the environment for patients and their families across the Harrogate & District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the wider community.

This is a generous way of remembrance as their legacy continues to create a positive impact for many years to come. We can offer guidance to suit your needs — We are here to help you at this difficult time.

For more information or to make a donation, please visit: www.hhcc.co.uk or call 01423 557408.

www.hhcc.co.uk @harrogatehcc @harrogatehospitalcharity @harrogatehospitalcharity

The Hospital would like to thank RNS Publications for publishing this information and the following pages contain some features from local services o ering their help at this time.

Whilst the Hospital is grateful of their support it does not endorse or recommend any of the services that they provide.

Probate Matters

You may need help, support or advice on what to do when someone dies in relation to probate.

We o ffer free guidance and advice on t he l egal and f inancial a spects of bereavement including your responsibilities and whether probate is required.

Freephone: 0808 168 5181 Mobiles: 0333 240 0360

Calls are free from most land lines, some calls may be monitored for training purposes and all calls are confidential.

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