1 minute read

What to do next

If your loved one has died at home:

If your loved one has had the involvement of the Community Care Team (District Nurses), please contact them. They will be able to provide support, information and guidance at this difficult time. Please contact the patient’s GP when the surgery is open. Out of hours: you can contact the on call doctors via 111. In Harrogate and Rural area, confirmation or verification of death is not routinely undertaken if the death was expected. If you are unsure, please speak to your GP, District Nurse or 111 and they will be able to advise you. You should contact your chosen Funeral Director directly to make arrangements to transfer your loved one.

If your loved one has died in a care home:

The staff in the care home will be able to advise you. They will contact the GP. They may communicate with the District Nurses if they have been involved (residential homes only). The staff in the care home will need to know the details of your chosen Funeral Director so that arrangements can be made to transfer your loved one.

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