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Feedback welcome
We improve care by listening to where it has gone well and where we can improve.
The following link can be used to complete a short form which will help us: tinyurl.com/SomersetEOLfeedback

If you would like a paper survey, call 01823 342656 to arrange a survey and prepaid postage envelope to be sent to you.
Thank you in advance for helping us to give the best possible care to those at the time they need it most.
Funeral Directors from the region
Bridgwater & Burnham Area
Ilminster & Chard
If any of the information contained in this pack is incorrect, for example, contact numbers and/or details, please inform the Bereavement and Medical Examiner Office on 01823 343753.
Reference: Musgrove Park Hospital Paediatric Bereavement Book
Review Date: April 2025
Publication Date: April 2023