Managing your pain Pain can be a warning sign that all is not well. Please tell the nursing staff if you are in pain. This includes pain when you deep-breathe, cough or move. The nurse will ask you if your pain is mild, moderate or severe. Please tell your nurse as soon as you feel pain as this is easier to treat. Preventing falls in hospital People often feel unsteady when unwell and can be at greater risk of falling. However, there are some things you can do to help reduce the risk of a fall and keep yourself safe. • Keep your nurse call buzzer within easy reach - ask your visitors to leave your call buzzer where you can reach it when they leave • Be careful of obstacles in your way. • If you bed, chair or toilet seat are too low, please let your nurse know. • Please use your own footwear to walk on the ward. Safe footwear should be firm-soled and well fitting. We can provide slipper socks as a last resort. • Please bring in your own walking aid or ask someone to bring it in for you. Always use your walking aid and please tell your nurse if you don’t have it with you. • Please being in your glasses and hearing aids and help us keep them safe in hospital. • Always tell your nurse or doctor if you have fallen recently or if you have a fear of falling. • Don’t be worried about asking ward staff for help or assistance. • Tell the nurse looking after you if you feel dizzy or unwell or are worried about going to the toilet. 25