2019 Women’s Invitational
Table of Contents
Page 1
Schedule of Events
Page 2
Tournament Format
Page 3-4
Rules of Play
Page 5-6
Page 7-8
The Americas Flight
Page 9
The Europe Flight
Page 10
The Australasia Flight
Page 11
Pairings & Starting Holes
Page 12
Contact Information
Page 14
Welcome On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Membership, and the entire staff, I would like to welcome you to the 2019 Women’s Invitational. Berkeley Hall is a very special place and we are very proud of the facilities and amenities we have to offer. We want you to get out there on the golf course and have a wonderful time over the next few days filled with competition, camaraderie, and new friends. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions. It would be our pleasure to accommodate your needs. Have a wonderful time!
J. Adrian Morris General Manager and Chief Operating Officer Welcome to all our participants to the 14th Annual Women’s Invitational. We are excited that you have joined us for what will be two days of great golf, great food and fun. Please refer to this booklet for tee times and general information concerning the tournament. If there is anything we can assist you with, please do not hesitate to ask. Please enjoy yourselves. Good luck and play well!
Adam Kushner Director of Golf
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Schedule of Events Wednesday November 6
Thursday November 7
From 7:30am
Lunch ~ Mixed Grille
Breakfast ~ Mixed Grille
1:00pm Shotgun Start ~ North Course 1 Best Ball on the Odd Holes 2 Best Balls on the Even Holes
9:30am Shotgun Start ~ South Course 1 Best Ball on the Par 5’s 2 Best Balls on the Par 4’s 3 Best Balls on the Par 3’s
Lunch & Awards to follow play on the Clubhouse Verandah
Cocktails ~ Verandah 6:30pm Players Reception & Dinner Back to Table of Contents
Tournament Format The field will be divided into three flights, which will be arranged by the aggregate total of the team’s handicaps There will be 18 holes on Wednesday, and 18 Holes on Thursday All players will play from the Burgundy Tee markers All players will play their own ball throughout the tournament 95% of Handicap will be used for both rounds A maximum of 36 strokes will be allowed Handicaps will be taken from the November 1st revision Round 1 The team will count the best net score on the odd numbered holes The team will count the two best net scores on the even numbered holes Round 2 The team will count the best net score on the Par 5’s The team will count the two best net scores on the Par 4’s The team will count the three best net scores on the Par 3’s
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Tournament Format
The Overall Champion will be the team that returns the lowest net total for 36 holes. All ties will be broken by a match of scorecards. If two teams are tied, the team with the lowest score for round two will be declared the champions. If the round two scores are the same, the match of scorecards will continue to the back nine of round two, and then the last 6, 3, 1 as necessary. Prizes will be awarded for the Winners & Runners-Up in each flight The scorecards will be marked with the individual handicaps as they have been previously certified by the Committee. All scorecards must be signed, attested and turned into a staff representative immediately following your round. The Berkeley Hall staff will be posting the scores, and so you should record your most likely score in the event that you do not finish a hole. Equitable Stroke Control will also be used when posting scores.
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Rules of Play USGA Rules shall govern all play and the following Local Rules shall apply: Holes #10 & 14 (South) Waste Areas: Sandy areas to the right of #10 and #14 are not a hazard and are to be played through the green. North Course Holes #4 & #17 the margin of the red penalty area will be defined by the edge of the cart path nearest the penalty area. In addition to the option prescribed in rule 17.1, ball drops have been provided as an option if the player chooses. Please use the drop area that would be the closest to the spot the ball last crossed the margin of the penalty area not nearer the hole. North Course Hole #8 - Blue stakes indicate the portion of the immovable obstruction (cart path) behind the green from which free relief may be taken by using the drop area near the blue tee on #9. The vegetation contained in the cart path is part of the obstruction. A ball which is 95% certain to be in the vegetation does not have to be found. Immovable Obstructions: In addition to rule 15.2, if a ball lies off the putting green but not in a penalty area and an immovable obstruction on or within two club lengths of the putting green and within two club lengths of the ball intervenes on the line of play between the ball and the hole, the player may take relief as follows: The ball must be lifted and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay that (a) Is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids intervention and (c) is not in a penalty area or on a putting green. The ball may be cleaned when lifted. Newly Sodded & Sanded Areas: Relief must be taken from all newly sodded or sanded areas. Please proceed under rule 16.1. Staked Trees: Protection of young trees is identified by stakes and rope. If such a tree interferes with a players stance or the area of their intended swing, the ball must be lifted, without penalty and dropped in accordance with procedure prescribed in 16.1 (Immovable Obstruction) Embedded Ball Rule: Rule 16.3 provides relief without penalty for a ball embedded in its own pitch-mark in the general area. Out Of Bounds: Defined by white stakes / posts. Yellow Penalty Area: Defined by yellow stakes / lines. Red Penalty Area: Defined by red stakes / lines. Rules Committee: Adam Kushner, Kieran Staunton, John Jacobs, Taylor Schmeck, Ashley Tewksbury
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Rules of Play Foul Weather Rules: A)
Total Rainout (Wednesday & Thursday) The Tournament will not be rescheduled.
Partial Rainout Round One, Wednesday - This round will be cancelled and Round Two will be played Thursday as scheduled. Times to be provided by the committee. Round Two, Thursday - In the event this round is cancelled, the Tournament will be based on the results from Round One. If needed, flight playoff will be determined by a chip-off on the 18th Green (South), weather permitting. Rules Committee: Adam Kushner, John Jacobs, Kieran Staunton, Taylor Schmeck, Ashley Tewksbury
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Jill Appel
Berkeley Hall Club Rhonda Demuth
May River GC
Linda Arns
Berkeley Hall Club Jan DiBattista
Berkeley Hall Club
Elaine Beringhause
Berkeley Hall Club Carol Dulude
Berkeley Hall Club
Zoe Bassos
Berkeley Hall Club Nancy Elliot
Berkeley Hall Club
Karen Bieck
Hampton Hall Club Sara Emlen
Sunnybrook Golf Club
Cheryl Boland
Charter Oak CC
Lynne Bucaro
Berkeley Hall Club Dorathea Foote
Kay Buckland
Belfair Golf Club
Terri Forde
Berkeley Hall Club
June Buggie
Bluffton SC
Nancy Franko
The CC at Mirasol
Deborah Cadogan
Charter Oak CC
Kim Gallant
Sun City Golf Club
Ellen Catelli
Jericho National
Missy Geddes
Jupiter Island Club
Cynthia Chase
Berkeley Hall Club Jeanne Gerace
Cheryl Farfour
Cleveland Country Club Chapel Ridge Golf Club
Hampton Hall Club
Heather Cherichella Wexford Golf Club Linda Gettings
Berkeley Hall Club
Michelle Cottrell
Coppinwood GC
Berkeley Hall Club
Karen Cram
Berkeley Hall Club Carol Giordano
Linwood Country Club
Carolyn Cubley
Dolphin Head GC Marian Green
Berkeley Hall Club
Janet Cutshall
Berkeley Hall Club Gayle Hall
Wacheshaw Plantation
Sandra Davis
Berkeley Hall Club Debbie Hengemuhle Moss Creek Golf Club
Jill Dee
Colleton River Club Elizabeth Johnson
Charter Oak CC
Lori Delaney
Berkeley Hall Club Harriet Jones
Hampton Hall Club
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Barbara Gill
Sharon Jones
Berkeley Hall Club Renee Rezzetano
Ann Judd
Old Tabby Links
Pat Kinnaird
Delray Dunes G&CC Terri Savoury
Kathy Labonte
Moss Creek GC
Ellen Schraeder
Berkeley Hall Club
Wanda Lukehart
Charter Oak CC
Ruth Sheak
GC at Indigo Run
Marj Lustig
Charter Oak CC
Jane Sibley
Westwood Country Club
Terri Mancusi
Berkeley Hall Club Marcia Skiba
Terri Rice
Hampton Hall Club Crescent Pointe Berkeley Hall Club
Cleveland Country Club
Andree Manheimer Belfair Golf Club
Louise Stejbach
Charter Oak CC
Lori Martinez
Cleveland CC
Maureen Stever
Berkeley Hall Club
Lynn McQuay
Berkeley Hall Club Susie Sutton
Berkeley Hall Club
Sue Mentis
Berkeley Hall Club Bette Taylor
Dolphin Head Golf Club
Vicki Mihalek
Charter Oak CC
Irene Miller
Berkeley Hall Club Alyce Van Wagner
Belfair Golf Club
Joni Morris
Callawassie Island Lydia Vaughan
Berkeley Hall Club
Lynn Newcomer
Long Cove Club
Barbara O’Connor
Berkeley Hall Club Christine Wiemels
Hampton Hall Club
Sharon Olsen
Berkeley Hall Club Janet Winterroth
Berkeley Hall Club
Amy Ray
Port Royal GC
Lori Witz
GC at Indigo Run
Karen Renshaw
Belfair Golf Club
Susan Yahn
Berkeley Hall Club
Jean Reynolds
Pinnacle Golf Club Lee Yarbro
Julie Trask
Trixie White
Charter Oak CC
Long Cove Club
Berkeley Hall Club Back to Table of Contents
The Americas Flight
Lori Delaney
Carol Dulude
Lynn McQuay
Lori Witz
Elizabeth Johnon
Lynn Newcomer
Susei Sutton
Julie Trask
Rhonda Demuth
Rennee Rezzetano 2.6
Wanda Lukehart
Jean Reynolds
Terri Savoury
Sandra Davis
Lee Yarbro
Michelle Cottrell
Nancy Franko
Marcia Skiba
Terri Rice
Pat Kinnaird
Lori Martinez
Linda Arns
Carolyn Cubley
Cheryl Farfour
Terri Forde
Jeanne Gerace
Doathea Foote
Joni Morris
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The Europe Flight
Jill Appel
Sharon Jones
Lydia Vaughan
Deborah Cadogan
Louise Stejbach
Sara Emlen
Susan Yahn
Cheryl Boland
Missy Geddes
Marj Lustig
Vicki Mihalek
Ann Judd
Linda Gettings
Sue Mentis
Elaine Beringhause
Gayle Hall
Kay Buckland
Heather Cherichella
Kim Gallant
Alyce Van Wagner
Irene Miller
Barbara Gill
Debbie Hengemuhle 20.9
Kathy Labonte
Ellen Schraeder
Andree Manheimer 26.2 Karen Cram
Karen Renshaw
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The Australasia Flight
Barbara O’Connor 25.6
Lynne Bucaro
Janet Cutshall
Christine Wiemels 17.1
Trixie White
June Buggie
Karen Bieck
Marian Green
Jan DiBattista
Zoe Bassos
Bette Taylor
Jill Dee
Sharon Olsen
Nancy Elliot
Maureen Stever
Amy Ray
Terri Mancusi
Carol Giordano
Cynthia Chase
Jane Sibley
Ellen Catelli
Harriet Jones
Ruth Sheak
Janet Winterroth
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Round 1 Pairings & Starting Holes Lori Delaney Lori Witz 1A Susie Sutton Renee Rezzetano Carol Dulude Elizabeth Johnson 1B Julie Trask Wanda Lukehart
Jill Appel Deborah Cadogan Susan Yahn Marj Lustig
Barbara O'Connor Christine Wiemels 13 Karen Bieck Zoe Bassos
Sharon Jones Louise Stejbach Cheryl Boland Vicki Mihalek
Lynne Bucaro Trixie White 14 Marian Green Bette Taylor
Lydia Vaughan Sara Emlen Missy Geddes Ann Judd
Janet Cutshall June Buggie 15 Jan DiBattista Jill Dee
Lynn McQuay Lynn Newcomer Rhonda Demuth Jean Reynolds
Terri Savoury Michelle Cottrell Terri Rice Linda Arns
Linda Gettings Gayle Hall 10A Kim Gallant Barbara Gill
Sharon Olsen Amy Ray 16 Cynthia Chase Harriet Jones
Sandra Davis Nancy Franko Pat Kinnaird Carolyn Cubley
Sue Mentis Kay Buckland 10B Alyce Van Wagner Debbie Hungemuhle
Nancy Elliot Terri Mancusi 17 Jane Sibley Ruth Sheak
Lee Yarbro Marcia Skiba Lori Martinez Cheryl Farfour
Elaine Beringhause Heather Cherichella 11 Irene Miller Kathy Labonte
Maureen Stever Carol Giordano 18 Ellen Catelli Janet Winterroth
Terri Forde Jeanne Gerace Dorathea Foote Joni Morris
Ellen Schraeder Andree Manheimer 12 Karen Cram Karen Renshaw
Round 2 Starting Holes will be based on the Round 1 Scores within the flights Back to Table of Contents
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We hope you enjoy your week with us here at Berkeley Hall If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the staff Director of Golf ~ 843.815.8440 Adam Kushner Golf Professionals ~ 843.815.8444 Kieran Staunton John Jacobs Taylor Schmeck Ashley Tewksbury Locker Room ~ 843.815.8449 Mario Doria-Medina David Gardner Concierge ~ 843.815.8422 Alex Carranza
Food & Beverage ~ 843.815.8428 John McAllister Ed Romano Kristi Adams Back to Table of Contents
Thank You for Playing! Safe Travels!