How to Sell Yourself and Your Listings

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MLS COPYWRITING • Tips to enhance your MLS copywriting skills • Writing exercises to get you thinking outside the box

TIPS TO ENHANCE YOUR MLS COPYWRITING SKILLS Along with photography, the property description for a listing is one of the first impressions for buyers who are looking for a home – especially when searching online. Use these tips to enhance your MLS copywriting skills and get your listings noticed.

Be descriptive. Paint a picture. Start with a conversation between you and the seller and explain that you are asking these questions so you can write outstanding copy for their listing. Ask them about the vibe of the home and their favorite part about living there and incorporate that information into the copy. Show the prospective buyer what life would look like if they lived in this home. Don’t just tell them the home has a patio – paint a picture by saying it has “an expansive patio, perfect for entertaining guests and al fresco dining.” Remember, you are writing this copy for the buyers, not the agents. Keep it concise. Don’t be redundant. Remember, there are character limits for listing descriptions and the bedroom & bathroom count, square footage and age of the home are all in the listing information – so there’s no need to reiterate that in the description. That space is better used to describe the type of flooring or countertops the home has. Highlight the best features of the home. What makes this home special? Does it have highend appliances? Brand new hardwood flooring? A sprawling yard surrounded by greenery? Is it on a popular lake or in a highly desired neighborhood? Convince buyers why they should take the next step and set up a showing of this home.


Avoid overused adjectives. Use synonyms or descriptive one-liners as a replacement for overused adjectives such as gorgeous, luxury, and updated. If you get stuck, use a Thesaurus. Be conscious about not using phrases that might raise fair housing red flags. Phrases such as family-oriented, exclusive, family-friendly, & walking distance all seem harmless, but can trigger a red flag when thinking in terms of fair housing. Use numbers where appropriate, and abbreviations sparingly. Use numbers only when appropriate, for the number of levels or the distance to nearby amenities. While using abbreviations allow you to use more characters, it can be cumbersome to read and detracts from the description. Stick to using abbreviations only when necessary. If using abbreviations, keep them consistent. Ie: don’t use “bdr” and “bdrm” for “bedroom” in the same description. Add a call to action. Even though it seems common sense, a call to action helps the buyer to wrap up their exploration of the listing and orients them toward the thing you want – contacts and showings! Use things like “Schedule a showing today” or “Call for a private tour” to give them direction on what to do.



Start writing every day. Whether it’s a personal journal, or creative writing prompts from the internet, writing each day will only expand your vocabulary.

When writing your listing copy: write it, then leave it alone for 30 minutes and come back with fresh eyes to proof it.

Pick a listing online that is not yours, write MLS copy for it. Afterwards, go through and rewrite it using new adjectives or one-liners in place of your original describing words.

Write MLS copy for a haunted house, really selling the features of this home to potential buyers. This simple exercise will get you thinking of new ways to describe a home in the best light.

WRITING A BIO • Key components of an effective bio • Bio examples

KEY COMPONENTS OF AN EFFECTIVE BIO You are in the business of selling real estate, but you’re also in the business of selling yourself. A strong bio is key to sharing your story, your experience, and your accolades. This portion of your website should establish a personal brand and connection with your visitors. Include some of the key components below to get your future clients excited about working with you.

Honesty is the best policy, right? If you’re honest about your skills and personality, it will attract the type of clients you will work best with, ensuring all parties have the best possible outcome. It is so important to be transparent when you’re aiming to guide people on one of the biggest purchases they’ll ever make. If your bio isn’t truthful, how can they trust you with the sale or purchase of their home? Identify your personal brand values and convey those in your messaging. As a Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices agent, you also have a well-respected brand name with strong core values to align yourself with – strength, integrity, trust, and universal respect.


Sources: & real-estate-marketing-academy/how-write-agent-bio-10-knockout-examples/

As with your MLS copy, brevity is key here. Most people do not want to read the entirety of your life story. Stick to the key points that are pertinent to clients getting to know you. Humanize yourself with a bit of history about and personal facts about yourself, but remember, they are here to learn about you as a real estate agent, not about you on a personal level. Two to three paragraphs are generally a good length to keep your bio. As Allan Dalton tells you to ask yourself: “What do I do that others do, but I do better? And what do I do that no one else does?� Now take the answers from those questions and work them into your bio.

Be authentic and tell them about yourself, and what you do best. Don’t get too caught up in explaining your process, that will come at a later time. Your bio space is better utilized to tell potential clients about yourself, rather than sell your services.

BIO EXAMPLES Jamie Bates Realtor® BHHS TR

Born and raised in Lansing, MI and a DeWitt resident since 2002, I am passionate about my community and feel privileged to help people buy and sell here. With several years of Real Estate experience, an extensive construction background (previously co-owning a large local construction company), vast marketing knowledge and a BA in Management and Marketing, I know what it takes to find the perfect home for you or find someone perfect for your home. Leading a team of talented REALTORS® and administrative staff brings me nothing but joy and excitement! Together, our team provides the very best services to our clients who can rest easy knowing that there are always multiple people working to accomplish their homeownership goals. When I am not in the office or out with clients, I love spending time with my husband and three wonderful kids. Our time is spent traveling, exploring nature or participating in service outings. I am very active within the community donating time to local charities, volunteering within the schools, sports and as a Girl Scout leader.

Mark Brace Realtor® BHHS MI

#1 Real Estate Team in Grand Rapids (source: Wall Street Journal -Realtrends 2019)! Born & raised in Forest Hills, my passion for Grand Rapids started long before I began my career in Real Estate. I am deeply involved in our local community & love meeting new people on a daily basis! I am extremely tech savvy and consistently change my marketing strategy to stay ahead of the ever-changing real estate market & also the competition. I have 2 business degrees from Western Michigan University (Go Broncos!), one in Finance with an emphasis in Real Estate, and the other in Computer Information Systems. As any successful Realtor, I have current market knowledge and excellent negotiating skills. I’m a full service Realtor and my goal is to exceed your expectations & serve all of my clients to a level that they want to refer me to all of their friends and family. I am currently the only Realtor in West Michigan who has been asked to serve on the Forbes Real Estate Council, an invite only nationwide organization for Real Estate professionals. I am also the only Realtor who belongs to Entrepreneur’s Organization West Michigan, a network of highly successful small business owners. Lastly, I am a designated member of the Berkshire Hathaway Luxury Collection for the amount of luxury homes that I sell each year.


BIO EXAMPLES With over a decade of experience in communication, marketing and design, Alicia offers a unique approach to the home buying and selling experience. With a strong foundation in the Grand Rapids community, knowledge of design and a unique marketing approach, Alicia understands what it means to have optimal selling results and get individuals into a home that suits their needs and lifestyle. Highly driven with an attention to detail, trust your next real estate buying and selling experience to Alicia.

Alicia Fisher RealtorÂŽ BHHS MI

I have been in the housing industry since I was too young to even realize it! As a kid, my favorite pastime was building homes - I started off with Lincoln Log cabins and soon worked my way up to towering tree forts. In high school, my favorite class was architecture, and as I came of age the summer jobs I picked up were always in construction and lumber yards.

Bill Pearl RealtorÂŽ BHHS MI

Is it any wonder I would one day become a Realtor? Since 1995, I have been a licensed Realtor in the business of helping clients buy and sell homes. Of course, this career path has always been about more than just simple transactions - being a Realtor means helping people build their families, build their equity, build their community and build their lives. My philosophy for selling real estate? Do not sell at all. A home will always sell itself - as a Realtor, my job is to provide clients with straightforward, accurate and relevant professional advice to help them find that one perfect home that meets their needs while also helping them negotiate the deal and navigate the transaction from contract to close. Having the opportunity to to help people achieve one of the greatest American dreams - homeownership - is such an awesome blessing.

WRITING CONTENT FOR YOUR WEBSITE • Importance of keywords & blogging • Incorporating your business & personal story • Identifying your style

KEYWORDS & BLOGGING What are keywords? You want your website to “speak the same language” as your potential visitor base. Keywords are what help connect searchers to your site and are one of the main elements of SEO but be careful they can hurt you instead of help you if you use them the wrong way on your site. Keywords should be an important part of your content and should appear in natural context. That means no more loading a webpage with random keywords to manipulate your site ranking. Google is able to see beyond what a user types into a search box to understand what they are really looking so in turn they want you to “focus on creating useful, informationrich content that uses keywords appropriately and in context.” In other words, write what you know, make it relevant and you will be rewarded. If you write valuable content that will be useful to your potential clients then your keywords will occur naturally, and Google will reward you with a higher search rank! Blogging Drives Traffic to Your Website: Blogging gives you the opportunity to create relevant content for your clients and should be used as a foundation for all your social media platforms. Posting blog links on your social sites gives your social followers a reason to click through to your website which in turn will drive traffic! Increases your SEO: By continuing to post fresh content on your site that is relevant to your business you are putting yourself at and advantage for beating out your competitors in the search engine results page. Positions your brand as an industry leader: By posting topics that resonate with your client base and show your knowledge, you are marketing your skills for your business. Your clients will look to you as their resource of knowledge on the industry and that in turn builds trust. The more you show how well-versed you are in the field, the more likely your client will go to you for what they need.

YOUR BUSINESS, PERSONAL STORY, & YOUR WEBSITE As we always say, “People like people.” This applies to your professional website as well! Although your first thought when it comes to creating your website, may be too share all of your accomplishments and skills as an agent, you should also position yourself as relatable and personable to your cliental.

Start with The Important Stuff: How do you provide value? The first question most potential clients will have is, “What will you do for me?” It is important to share your skills such as: years of service, awards, certifications, etc. in your “about me” section or blogs, but keep in mind to mix in how you add value because of your personal experiences as well. For example: Did you recently buy your first home and know about all the struggles that come with the process? Do you have a family of your own and are very knowledgeable of the best school districts in the area? Did you or do you currently have marketing experience that will benefit your clients tremendously when selling their home? Do you have a love for unique coffee shops and are always able to provide a new recommendation? As you can see, when it comes to providing value because of your personal experiences, the possibilities are endless! Your clients will be attracted to you because of your unique experiences as a person and the value that you can provide over someone else.


Share Your Experiences with Blogs You may already be creating blogs for your business website but what kind of content are you sharing? Your blogs should not only consist of real estate news and advice, but also allow readers to get to know you as a person and your lifestyle. In Marketing, the 80/20 rule tells us that 80% of your posts should inform, educate, and entertain your audience, while only 20% should directly promote your business. That being said, it is always encouraged to personize your website with blogs about your favorite locations around town, weekend activities, local events, etc. A Photo is Worth a Thousand Words If you do not already have your professional headshot on the main page of your website, we strongly recommend making the addition. The real estate industry is highly personal when it comes to clients deciding on the agent they want to rely on to help them buy or sell their home. If they can put a face to your name, they are more likely to understand your personality better and make a connection. Like we said, “people like people.” If you currently feature your headshot on your website but you don’t believe it accurately portrays you as a business professional, take a new one! This photo may be someone’s first impression of you, so you want to make sure you get it right!

IDENTIFYING YOUR STYLE Although you are part of a larger brand, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, you should also consider establishing your own personal brand style to help yourself stand out. One of the most helpful ways to think about personal branding is to take a step back and consider this; What do you stand for? What makes you different? And what do you want people to say about you when you’re not there? The tips outlined below will help you get a start on identifying your brand and style.

Ask your friends, family and colleagues to describe you in three words. Reflect on these words and decide how those fit into your brand style. Keep your end goal in mind. Take some time to think about your end game, and where you want to be. There is some consistency required for establishing your personal brand – so keep an open mind and really consider what you want to represent. Determine and prioritize your values and passions. Your core values will help you establish your mission statement. Determine your mission statement. With your goals and objectives established, come up with a short mission statement that encompasses your goals and traits. Use words and language that you would normally use. A great way to ensure that your content is reflecting your personal brand and style, is to make sure that you’re using language you would typically use when talking to clients and colleagues. If you change your vocabulary, your content won’t quite emanate your brand.



DIGITAL VS. PRINT • Digital and social media advertising • Print materials • What is best for your business?

DIGITAL & SOCIAL MEDIA Set yourself up with Social: Social media provides a way to further connect with your local clients and support your real estate marketing efforts. A good social media presence and campaign helps build trust and extends your reach to people who may have not met you otherwise. That is why being on one social network is not enough if you want to reach your ideal clientele because most people don’t live on just one platform. That means not only having a Facebook account but an Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube accounts as well. By having accounts on multiple platforms you’re able to get in front of those potential clients by hitting them through multiple touch points. Each platform also offers you a different way to sell yourself and your listings as well as the potential to cross promote. Boost your marketing strategy with Adwerx: Building awareness of your real estate business is key to winning more referrals and selling homes! Adwerx enables you to target and follow prospects with digital ads based on their behavior or zip code as well as stay in front of your most important contacts.


PRINT MATERIALS Print pieces help establish a relationship between potential clients and your brand. Along with social media and internet marketing, you need the solid foundation of print advertising like brochures, flyers, direct mail, to promote your business. Creating a digital marketing presence is vital to your success, but not everyone buying or selling a home is tech-savvy, and most people still love picking up informational brochures posted outside a home for sale or will refer to a business card they were given. Print pieces like brochures and postcards are great to handout to prospective buyers and are vital part of a good direct mailing campaign. The best thing about direct mail is that you know the recipients are interested in your offer so there is a greater chance for them to not only read the content, but also act on it!

Š2020 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity.

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