2015 Wine Gala & Auction Catalog

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Wine Gala & Auction 2015


gala program schedule

THursdaY, JuNe 25, 2015

5:30 P.M. Wine, Food, and Fun at hotel on north a celebration of all things Burgundy complemented by the cuisine of Chef Brian alberg Remarks by Special Guest Denis Toner

frIdaY, JuNe 26, 2015

7:00 P.M. Wheatleigh dinner with Guest of Honor John Kolasa

saTurdaY, JuNe 27, 2015

5:00 P.M. Wine & hors d’oeuvres reception silent auction second floor Galleries

6:30 P.M. silent auction closes

6:45 P.M. live auction Theater Live Auction of fine and rare wines, travel, and lifestyle offerings by Skinner Auctioneer Marie Keep

8:15 P.M. celeBratory Wine dinner ellen Crane Memorial room catered By

cheF peter platt oF old inn on the green featuring selections from Château rauzan-ségla Margaux & Château Canon saint-Émilion 1er Grand Cru Classé


welcome letter On behalf of those we serve, thank you for participating in the Berkshire Museum’s 2015 Wine Gala and Auction events that benefit our education programs. Since our last Wine Gala two years ago, the Museum has exploded with new opportunities for learning. We are now delivering more than 16,000 experiences each year to students from nearly 60 public and private schools, preschools, daycare centers, and youth organizations, drawn from 30 school districts in four states. Along with the sheer volume of children served, we hope that you will also note the quality of our educational services as described on page 11. We are making a difference by nourishing children to be “world ready” and this drives our zeal to succeed. Based on the rising demand for our programs, the community agrees. None of this would be possible without friends like you who are investing in our work as members and supporters, and by contributing to this year’s Gala events. Educational programming for adults and children is also a key component of our major new exhibition Immortal Present: Art and East Asia, on view through September 7. The show is already acclaimed by our community audience. “A most enjoyable and enlightening experience,” was noted by an appreciative reader in the Berkshire Eagle, who continued, “I would hope that many will avail themselves of this visually and intellectually stimulating local attraction.” In July. we will unveil our new Imagination Playground, a collection of custom-designed, oversized blue foam parts that children use to constantly build and re-build play spaces inspired by their ingenuity and made possible by a recent grant. Please join us in thanking our Gala volunteer chairs, Wendy and Peter Gordon and Heidi and Jim Nejaime, and their dedicated volunteer committee, who made this year’s events so memorable and fun. And finally, we thank YOU, the many individuals and businesses who made Gala 2015 a success in raising much needed funds for our work. We deeply appreciate all that you do #forthechildren and we hope to see you @berkshiremuseum in the coming months!

Board of Trustees William M. Hines, Jr. president and chairman

Donna Krenicki vice president

Elizabeth McGraw vice president

Lydia Rosner secretary

Carol J. Riordan treasurer

Michael Addy Stephen Bayne Jay Bikofsky Howard J. Eberwein III Ursula Ehret-Dichter Nancy Edman Feldman David Glodt Wendy Gordon Charles Kittredge Ethan S. Klepetar Eric Korenman Suzanne Nash Jeffrey Noble Jonathan Prince Stacey Gillis Weber

William M. Hines, Jr. Van W. Shields President and Chairman, Board of Trustees Executive Director


gala contents Welcome from executive director and President and Chairman Board of Trustees, Berkshire Museum

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Letter from Gala Chairs

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Committee and sponsors

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Guest of Honor, special Guest, and auctioneer

Page 6

Bidding Procedures and Conditions of sale

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Berkshire Museum education Programs

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Live Auction Lots

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Silent Auction Lots

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letter from chairs Welcome to the 2015 Berkshire Museum Wine Gala and auction celebration. We are thrilled to be co-chairing the Gala which this year has been expanded to include three nights of festivities. Whether you are joining us at Hotel on North, Wheatleigh, the Wine auction and dinner or we hope at all three – your participation supports the Berkshire Museum education programs and the 16,000 educational experiences provided annually. Every moment of the three nights is #forthechildren and we thank you for helping us raise these vital funds. We would like to thank the people who helped make these events possible. our Gala Committee members have all done a superb job. each has contributed in some important way, and we sincerely thank all of them for their hard work. special acknowledgments must be made to renee erenburg for her help with décor, Carol rabin for her hours of work on the chocolates you will receive when you leave the Gala (a delicious Berkshire Museum Wine Gala tradition!), eric Korenman for his masterful photography of our auction lots, and Mike addy for his tremendous assistance securing wine lots and with the descriptions in this catalog. We also appreciate the hard work and dedication of the Berkshire Museum staff members who contributed to the success of these events. our wonderful friend George Berry, a great supporter of past Berkshire Museum Wine Galas and auctions, who sadly passed away last year, is also in our thoughts. We want to personally thank our Guest of Honor John Kolasa, Managing director of Chanel-owned Château rauzan-ségla Margaux and Château Canon saint-Émilion 1er Grand Cru Classé, for providing us with spectacular wines for the Wheatleigh and Gala dinners, as well as a wonderful auction lot. To our special Guest denis Toner our heartfelt thanks for his gracious auction donations as well as his knowledge and sense of humor, and for helping to make this Wine Gala and auction that much more special with his presence. In addition, we are pleased to welcome back to the Berkshire Museum and extend a special thanks to our auctioneer Marie Keep, from skinner Wine auctions – we look forward to another spirited and successful live auction. again, #forthechildren, we thank you. Please bid often, bid high, and bid over your limit! Most of all, enjoy the celebration and help us make this Gala a successful and fun series of events for all. Wine Gala and auction 2015 Chairs Wendy and Peter Gordon Heidi and Jim Nejaime


committee & s ponsors GaLa CHaIrs Wendy & Peter Gordon Heidi & Jim Nejaime

CoMMITTee Courtney & Mike addy • Bonnie & Joel Berman • ursula ehret-dichter renee & steven erenburg • Nancy edman feldman & Mike Chefetz Marcia & Jonathan feuer • Jim finkel • Isannne & sanford fisher • audrey & ralph friedner alexandra fuchs & Gideon argov • elizabeth & aristides Georgantas • Marita & david Glodt Joshua Greene • Hannah & Mark Gross • Jennifer & William Hines, Jr. • sandra Krakoff donna & John Krenicki • arlene & Jerome Levine • Lynn & Michael Mazzeo elizabeth & robert McGraw • Karin & david Mcshane • Mary Mullen & Larry oberwager suzanne Nash • Marianna Poutasse & eric Korenman • Carol & sheldon rabin Camilla smith & robert Hillson • Marilyn sygrove & dennis Greenstein Jacqueline & albert Togut • stacey Gillis Weber & Jeffrey Weber • Marc Wilhelm

sPoNsors sommelier sponsor Wendy & Peter Gordon

BalthaZar sponsor Marcia & Jonathan feuer

JeroBoam sponsors Berkshire Magazine Hill-engineers, architects, Planners, Inc. donna & John Krenicki elizabeth & robert McGraw donald C. McGraw foundation/Black rock foundation Heidi & Jim Nejaime/sPIrITed Wines

magnum sponsors Courtney & Mike addy • Laura & frank Crowl • renee & steven erenburg Nancy edman feldman & Mike Chefetz • Isanne & sanford fisher audrey & ralph friedner • alexandra fuchs & Gideon argov • Marita & david Glodt arlene & Jerome Levine • Mary ann & Bruno Quinson • Carol & sheldon rabin Martha sauer & david rosenthal • Melissa & Matthew scarafoni • Lynn & Kenneth stark Jacqueline & albert Togut • Marie & rick Wackenhut • stacey Gillis Weber & Jeffrey Weber

BeneFactors elizabeth & Jay Bikofsky • Blue Q • Bonnie & Terry Burman • ursula ehret-dichter elizabeth & aristides Georgantas • Jennifer & William Hines, Jr. • susie & stuart Hirshfield suzanne Nash • Bernadette Patynski & stephen Bayne • Carol & Michael riordan • Joan & Michael salke Camilla smith & robert Hillson • Mary ann & Louis Yarmosky • Cheryl & Michael Zaccaro


guest of honor John Kolasa Managing director, Château rauzan-ségla and Château Canon John Kolasa is the Managing director of Château rauzan-ségla in Margaux, france and Château Canon in saint-Émilion, france. Born in scotland, John’s love of france and first career as a french teacher brought him to Bordeaux in 1971. Interested in starting a new adventure, he met englishman William Bolter and american steven schneider, who owned a wine company. His career in wine began with work on the quays in Bordeaux and weekly studies of oenology for a year following this introduction. after four years with the company, John began looking after properties belonging to the Janoueix family in saint-Émilion and Pomerol followed by two years with the union des Producteurs in saint-Émilion. In 1987, John was asked to take over the commercial manager position at Château Latour in Pauillac. remaining at Latour until 1994, John’s new challenge began when Chanel acquired Château rauzan-ségla and he was brought on to oversee the operation at the château and


rebuild the reputation of what was known in the 19th century as the best of the second growths. Indeed, in the 1855 classification, rauzan-ségla was situated right behind Mouton rothschild, which is now a first growth. following this initial acquisition, in 1996 Chanel decided to purchase Château Canon, a first Growth in saint-Émilion on the right bank of Bordeaux. John Kolasa has overseen the extensive renovation program that was undertaken to reveal the finesse and elegance of its terroir and bring back the great wines of Château Canon. In 2011, Canon purchased Château Matras, Grand Cru Classé to add to the production of its second wine, Clos Canon. John Kolasa is a member of the Commanderie du Bontemps de Médoc et des Graves sauternes et Barsac and was most recently inducted as a member of the Jurade de saint-Émilion. John lives in Margaux with his wife, delphine, and has four children, Claire, Helene, elise, and Victor.

special guest auctioneer Marie Keep founder and director of fine Wines at skinner

Denis Toner founder, Nantucket Wine festival & President, Bâtard et fils Imports denis Toner, one of the foremost experts on Burgundy wine and cuisine, has spent his life in the wine and food industry as a chef, caterer, wine distributor, and sommelier. He founded the Nantucket Wine festival and the Tanglewood food and Wine Classic; and through Toner Ventures Inc. provides personalized guided tours of the finest wineries in france, Italy, and the united states. He is the president of Bâtard et fils Imports, representing and importing the fine wines of Burgundy. denis is a freelance wine writer and a radio and television personality. He is the producer, with Plum TV, of a number of video documentaries about wine, including Dukes of Burgundy, 1994; A Brush with the Vine, 1995; Seven Days in Burgundy, 2004; Vintage Bordeaux, 2005; The Tuscan Way, 2005; Harvest: Napa and Sonoma, 2006; and Spain: Coming of Age, 2007. denis, who resides in Beaune, in the heart of Burgundy, has been named Commandeur of the Commanderie de Bordeaux; Chevalier of the Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin; and awarded the Merite agricole in 2005 by the french government.

Marie Keep is the founder and director of the fine Wines department at skinner. In spearheading this strategic business effort, Marie was instrumental in establishing skinner as the only major auction house in New england to offer fines wines at auction. Her personal knowledge and passionate appreciation for the finest producers and vintages have quickly made skinner a viable venue for the consignment and purchase of fine wines. actively involved in Boston’s growing food and wine community, and a long time wine connoisseur, Marie launched skinner’s fine Wines department at the close of 2006. she also established skinner’s collaboration with its retail partner, Lower falls Wine Company, a third generation wine seller based just west of Boston. Marie also plays a key role operationally at skinner as senior vice president and managing director of its two galleries. In this capacity she manages day-to-day operations at skinner, oversees 60 auctions and events annually, and manages more than a dozen staff members. Marie joined skinner in 1998.


bidding procedures When you arrive at the museum on June 27, 2015, go directly to register or confirm registration and receive a bidder paddle for use during the auction. the number of this paddle will be used for both the silent and live auctions. you cannot bid without a paddle number. Silent Auction Bidding for all silent auction lots opens on saturday, June 27, 2015, at 5:00 p.m., and closes at 6:30 p.m. silent auction lots are displayed in the second floor galleries. for silent auction lots, a clipboard holds a bidding sheet with a space for paddle number and bid amount below the previous entry on the bidding sheet. The bid amount must exceed the previous entry by at least $10. The final digit of each bid must be either ‘5’ or ‘0’ in whole dollar increments. at the close of the silent auction at 6:30 p.m., the clipboards and bidding sheets for all lots will be collected by Wine auction staff and volunteers. The highest bidder for each lot will be considered to have purchased that lot. Live Auction The Live auction will be held in the Berkshire Museum’s theater beginning at 6:30 p.m. on saturday, June 27, 2015. Marie Keep of skinner, Inc. will conduct this auction. Consortium Bidders several items in the catalog are suited for group bids, and such bidding is encouraged. If a group has been assembled for the purpose of bidding on an item, the lead winning bidder shall be considered the purchaser.


conditions of sale for auctions 1. The property offered in this sale will be offered and sold by Berkshire Museum. any questions should be directed to the Berkshire Museum and not to the auctioneer or to skinner Wine auctions. 2. all property is sold as is, and neither Berkshire Museum nor the auctioneer assumes any risk, liability, or responsibility for the authenticity of any property offered at this auction. The Museum is not responsible for the correctness of any catalog or notices or descriptions of property, and does not make any representations or warranty of physical condition, size, quality, rarity, importance, genuineness, attribution, authenticity, provenance, or historical relevance of the property. 3. all bids are per lot as set forth in the catalog unless otherwise announced by the auctioneer. The Museum may divide or combine any lot or lots at its sole discretion.

7. on the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, the highest bidder shall be deemed to have purchased the offered lot subject to all of the conditions set forth here, and (a) assumes the risk and responsibility for the lot (b) will sign a confirmation of purchase and (c) will pay the full purchase price. 8. any checks should be payable to Berkshire Museum. 9. Bids that are submitted to the Museum in writing or by telephone prior to the sale for execution at or below a specified price are entertained and executed for the convenience of the bidders, but the Museum shall not be responsible for failing to execute such bids or for errors relating to the execution of such bids. 10. The Berkshire Museum reserves the right to refuse admission to or attendance at the auction.

4. any property may be withdrawn by the Berkshire Museum at any time before the actual sale without any liability therefore.

11. all gift certificates and trips must be utilized within one year of purchase (June 27, 2016) unless otherwise specified.

5. Berkshire Museum and the auctioneer reserve the right to reject a bid from any bidder. The highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer shall be the purchaser. In the event of any dispute between bidders, the auctioneer shall have sole and final discretion either to determine the successful bidder or to reoffer and resell the article in dispute. If any dispute arises after the sale, the Berkshire Museum’s sale records shall be conclusive in all respects.

12. all wines sold herein are subject to the provisions of Massachusetts laws related to alcoholic beverages and are offered and sold subject to such laws. any offer or sale shall be governed and interpreted by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

6. If the auctioneer determines that any opening bid is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, she may reject the same and withdraw the article from sale, and if, having acknowledged an opening bid, she decides that any advance thereafter is insufficient, she may reject the advance. some lots may be offered for sale subject to a reserve as indicated in the catalog. This is the minimum price below which the lot will not be sold.

for federal income tax purposes, the Berkshire Museum is classified as a tax-exempt corporation under Internal revenue Code section 501(c)(3). each bidder should consult his or her tax adviser regarding deductibility for state and federal income tax purposes.


conditions of sale for auctions Financing all payments shall be in cash, certified or cashier’s check, credit card (american express, discover, MasterCard, or Visa), or company or personal check. Proof of identity will be required. full payment, in united states dollars, must be made at the conclusion of the auction. any sums not paid within seven days after the sale shall bear interest. Pick-Up and Delivery If you are unable to claim your items immediately after the auction on saturday, June 27, 2015, staff will be available by appointment during the week of June 29, 2015, for pick-up. The Berkshire Museum will deliver in the local area if requested, at the expense of the purchaser. Purchaser must furnish proper shipping address and instructions at the time of purchase. all goods will be insured by shipper at the declared value based upon sale price indicated by the auction invoice. all property shall be removed from the Berkshire Museum’s premises by the purchaser at his/her expense no later than one week following the sale. for delivery and pick-up arrangements please contact William Blaauw at wblaauw@berkshiremuseum.org or 413-443-7171 ext. 313. Bottle Specifications Bordeaux


Bottle sizes

Half bottle

Half bottle

3/8 liter (375 ml.)



3/4 liter (750 ml.)



2 bottles (1.5 l.)

double magnum


4 bottles (3.0 l.)

Marie Jeanne


6 bottles (4.5 or 5 l.)



8 bottles (6.0 l.)



12 bottles (9.0 l.)



16 bottles (12.0 l.)

Abbreviations: (nv) = non-vintage


this gala supports Berkshire Museum Education Programs @berkshiremuseum #forthechildren We know you have heard that the Berkshire Museum is the area leader in cultural and science education for local schools, serving 30 districts and providing more than 16,000 individual student experiences annually. What exactly does that mean? The Museum’s educational programs prepare “world ready� students through programs that incorporate the 21st Century Learning skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. students gain firsthand experience solving science problems, building robots, exploring the natural environment, interacting with live animals, creating art, writing, doing original research, and working directly with artists and scientists. This year Berkshire Museum served: 4,737 children in educator-led classes in the museum 6,286 children in outreach programs at 9 different schools 5,662 children in self-led tours in the museum 76 teachers in professional development opportunities that is a total oF 16,685 children and 76 adults our WeeMuse initiative prepares young children to enter Kindergarten ready to learn and succeed. specially designed programs teach vocabulary, simple math, and fine motor and social skills. every child who enters school in Berkshire County receives a copy of the book In Kindergarten, an interactive orientation for children and their parents written and published by the Berkshire Museum. Berkshire Museum education programs focus on serving students from low income households with little or no cultural exposure or educational support at home. Programs are offered free or at a very low cost to ensure maximum access for all schools and students. Your support tonight is #forthechildren. The young people served through the Berkshire Museum experience new worlds of science, art, and history that expand their imaginations, give them new aspirations, and introduce skills that will stay with them throughout their lives.


1. Grand Cru Gem An original wood case (12 bottles) of 2000 Château Quinault L’Enclos Saint-Émilion Grand Cru. Only the fourth vintage for proprietors Françoise and Alain Raynaud, this wine comes from an old vineyard (the vines are among the oldest in Saint-Émilion). “The powerful, multi-layered 2000 ... a gorgeous concoction of crushed blackberries, blueberries, and black currants intermixed with violets, licorice, and subtle smoky oak. It cuts a broad swath across the palate … it is remarkably light on its feet.” (94 points, Robert Parker). Anticipated maturity: 2006-2018. Donated by Carol and Sheldon Rabin Value: $1,000

2. Two Legendary Wines from Guigal and Bordeaux, 5 bottles 1982 Château Montrose, St. Estèphe, 2 bottles The pleasures of fine wine are never more profound than when one is fortunate enough to sample old Bordeaux from a great vintage. “I had never tasted richer, more concentrated, more promising wines than the 1982s,” Robert Parker raved, “I believe unequivocally that these are the most exhilarating wines of this generation.” Here’s a rare opportunity to acquire 2 bottles of Château Montrose, one of the best of this vintage: “round, sweet entry, medium to full body … thick, juicy finish.” 2002 E. Guigal Côte Rôtie La Turque, 3 bottles

Wine Rating Source Key WS = Wine Spectator W&S = Wine & Spirits WE = Wine Enthusiast RP = Robert’s Parker’s Wine Advocate ST = Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar V = Antonio Galloni, Vinous


E. Guigal’s single vineyard Côte Rôties are the superstars of the Rhône. Guigal came to international fame in the 1980s when Robert Parker and other wine critics raved about the “La La” wines. “The 2002 La Turque … reveals a deeper ruby/purple color along with a sweet bouquet of graphite, acacia flowers, black currants, and notions of meat and truffle. Fruity, soft, round, and substantial.” (91-93 points, Wine Advocate) Donated by James Finkel and Domaney’s Liquors and Fine Wines Value: $1,500

live auction 3. Dinner at Home – Deluxe Edition

4. Wheatleigh Elegance

Leave the shopping, preparation, wine selection, and dinner service to the professionals! A selection of hors d’oeuvres and a four-course dinner (paired with wines) for eight will be prepared right in your home by Culinary Institute of America-trained William Blaauw, the Berkshire Museum’s Event Manager. He will select meat and seafood from the fine folks at Mazzeo’s Meat and Seafood accompanied by seasonal and local ingredients. Chef Blaauw will consult with the winner on menu preparation for this special dinner. (Menu items, wines, floral items, and dates are subject to availability.)

Treat yourself to a memorable retreat in the refined elegance of Wheatleigh in Lenox, Massachusetts. Two people will enjoy one night in a Deluxe room including dinner and a French breakfast. Savor the sophisticated cuisine of Chef Jeffrey Thompson served flawlessly by the European trained staff. Wheatleigh’s hotel and dining rooms were awarded 5 stars in 2015 by Forbes Travel, one of only three establishments in the Northeast to achieve this honor. (Offer is not valid July and August, Saturdays or holidays; subject to availability.)

Donated by Mazzeo’s Meat & Seafood; William Blaauw and Berkshire Museum Value: $1,500

Donated by Wheatleigh Value: $1,575


5. Les 5 Stars of the Millennium Extremely rare (try to find another … we cannot!) 5 magnums, a custom New Year’s Eve 2000 celebration set of leading Bordeaux producers. Each wine is from the very successful 1995 vintage, and all rate 90-95 points. This set was made for a select group of revelers as a “thank you” from the owners of the five vineyards. All the specially designed magnums were meant to be poured that night … yet this full set survived! Each bottle was custom blown for this package, with matching gilt, raised starbursts… a very distinctive set, indeed. 1995 Château Canon La Gaffelière (RP95) 1995 Château Branaire-Ducru (RP93) 1995 Château Gazin (RP90) 1995 Château Smith Haut Lafitte (RP94) 1995 Château Pontet Canet (RP92) Donated by Courtney and Mike Addy Value: $2,000

6. Mets vs. Red Sox at Citi Field – August 28, 2015 New York fan or Boston fan, it won’t really matter with this package! Enjoy five VIP tickets for the Mets versus Red Sox at Citi Field on Friday, August 28, 2015 at 7:10 p.m. in Flushing Meadows, New York. You will be close to all the action in the first row off the field just slightly to the left of home plate. The Boston Red Sox players will be on deck just feet from your seats. Delta Sky360 Club Access is included with free food and soft drinks as well as a parking pass – all you have to do is get yourself to the field in time for the fun. Donated by Carol and Sheldon Rabin Value: $925


7. Wondrous Week in the Heart of Burgundy Wake up, smell the coffee, relax, eat, and, of course, drink the wine! Enjoy six days and five nights at a private home in Beaune for four (two couples) in a beautiful, 19th-century country home. Beaune is the historic center of the Burgundy wine trade and one of the most beautiful ramparted cities in all of France. The 2,300-square foot house fronts on a gated gravel courtyard with a small private patio. The house has a two-room wine cellar and is a short four-minute walk from Place Carnot in the center of town. The winning bidder will enjoy the ground and top floor of the home during the stay, as the owners live in the separate entranced apartment on the middle floor. The house can be booked through 2016 directly with the owner, who is here tonight so you can start talking about your upcoming trip now. For an additional fee, the winner can experience a customized tour of Burgundy by the man, the myth, the legend … Denis Toner! Donated by Denis and Susan Toner Value: $2,500+

8. Direct from our Special Guest Denis Toner Tonight’s special guest Denis Toner is one of the foremost experts on Burgundy wine and cuisine and tonight you can own some rare treasures from his private collection, including some personal favorites from his cellar. Do not miss out on this lot! White 2001 Corton Charlemagne Grand Cru, Vincent Girardin The wine of kings – the king of wines! 2006 Heritage Domaine Michel A true rarity--a dessert wine from Burgundy! This beauty will age wonderfully and you’ll be the first in your crowd to offer a sweet wine from Burgundy. 2009 François Villard Condrieu De Poncins Aromatic and complex wine from one of the star winemakers of the northern Rhône Valley. 2009 Pouilly-Fuissé Hospices de Beaune Elegant, racy wine from a single vineyard donated solely to the Hospices de Beaune. 2011 Pouilly-Fuissé Les Perrières Ferret-Lurton By acclimation, the finest Pouilly-Fuissé in the world! 2011 Chassagne-Montrachet Les Chenevottes, Pierre-Yves Colin From one of the finest winemakers in the village of Chassagne-Montrachet--a real star! 2012 Chablis Grand Cru Les Clos, Benoit Drouhin Arguably the finest grand cru vineyard in Chablis. Red 2009 Chambolle-Musigny Les Vieilles Vignes Vincent Girardin Outstanding wine from the great 2009 vintage. 2009 Chambolle-Musigny Les Vieilles Vignes Geantet Pansiot A rich, concentrated wine from old vines (“vieilles vingnes”). 2009 Saint-Émilion Grand Cru Château La Reverence A rich, aromatic wine from Saint-Émilion, often called “the Burgundy of Bordeaux.” 2009 Volnay Santenot Hospices de Beaune An outstanding wine from the legendary Hospices de Beaune. 2009 Clos de la Roche Grand Cru Roche de Bellene Magic wine from an illustrious grand cru vineyard. Donated by Denis and Susan Toner Value: $1,200


9. Wine, Tapas, and Views Forever A reservation for six that is only available here tonight! Experience a private dinner with wine pairings on the rooftop of the Greystone Building at 440 North Street, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, catered by Mission Bar + Tapas. Travel up the stairs for a one-of-a-kind dining experience that is yours alone for the evening. Enjoy food and wine with a Spanish flair against the backdrop of a spectacular view of the Berkshire Mountains -- as Herman Melville writes, “The bloom of these mountains is beyond expression delightful.” Date of dinner to be coordinated with Mission Bar + Tapas at a date mutually agreeable. Access to the roof is only available by stairs, no high heels allowed. Donated by Mission Bar +Tapas and Whaling Properties Value: $2,000

10. Zulu Nyala – South African Photo Safari Zulu Nyala Private Game Reserve provides a unique bush experience in the heart of one of South Africa’s most diverse conservation regions. Nestled between wilderness reserves, this lush stretch of paradise is home to magnificent birdlife and over 40 different species of animal, from the majestic elephant to rhino, buffalo, hippo, giraffe, the secretive leopard and cheetah, and the shy Nyala antelope that are native to the region. The South African Photo Safari package includes: • 6 days and 6 nights accommodation for two people at your choice of three venues: Zulu Nyala Game Lodge, Heritage Safari Lodge or Hemingway-style Tented Safari Camp. • All meals, with gourmet breakfasts and buffet dinners. • 2 game viewing activities per day on Zulu Nyala Game Reserve in open Land Rovers with an experienced ranger. • A personal ranger who will assist in arranging activities. Experience the magic of Africa! Valid through June 27, 2017. Airfare, transfers, side trips, drinks, telephone calls, laundry and gratuities not included. Donated by Zulu Nyala Value: $5,950


11. Dinner for Four at The Old Inn on the Green An unforgettable meal awaits you and three guests at The Old Inn on the Green in New Marlborough, Massachusetts. In the candlelit dining room, enjoy a carefully crafted eightcourse tasting menu, customized to your liking and prepared by Chef Peter Platt with wine pairings carefully overseen by restaurant manager James Stahl. As you will taste at tonight’s Gala dinner and hopefully when you win this lot, “Chef Peter Platt masterfully flavors his food in a simple, clean, and balanced manner, and the results are sublime.” Gratuity not included. Donated by Chef Peter Platt, The Old Inn on the Green Value: $800

12. Beautiful Bordeaux Twelve bottles of top red Bordeaux in a wood case from an impeccable cellar. 1996 Château Lynch-Bages, Pauillac, 6 bottles Among the best vintages from one of the most cherished names in Bordeaux wine today. Rated 94 points by Robert Parker of the Wine Advocate: “ … this wine stood out for its absolute purity of crème de cassis, ripe fruit, medium to full body, wonderful sweetness, massive richness on the mid-palate, and abundant power, density, and ripeness. Anticipated maturity: 2004-2025.” 1995 Château Smith Haut Lafite, Pessac-Léognan, 6 bottles Rated 90-92 points by Robert Parker of the Wine Advocate: “Since the acquisition of this estate by the Cathiard family, this property has become one of Bordeaux’s success stories, producing elegant, flavorful, complex, very complete wines. The deep ruby/purple color is followed by scents of roasted herbs intermixed with sweet black currant fruit, truffles, vanilla, and minerals … graceful, smoothly textured, beautifully made Bordeaux. Anticipated maturity: 2001-2018.” Donated by Ursula Ehret-Dichter Value: $2,250


13. The Magnificent Twelve from 4 Châteaux, 3 bottles each 4 amazing dinner party red Bordeaux, including some 100 point perfection. 1990 Château Montrose Saint-Estèphe, 3 bottles Rated 100 points ‘PERFECTION’ by Robert Parker of the Wine Advocate: “This wine has an incredibly complex nose of spring flowers, blackberry and cassis liqueur, scorched earth and barbecue spice. It is full-bodied, majestic and opulent, with low acidity and fabulous fruit. The wine is absolutely magnificent, broad, savory and mouth-filling. This is one of the all-time modern legends from Bordeaux as well as Château Montrose! Anticipated maturity: 2007-2037.” 1990 Château L’Angélus Saint-Émilion Grand Cru, 3 bottles Rated 98 points ‘Extraordinary’ by Robert Parker of the Wine Advocate: “This blockbuster, blue/purplecolored wine boasts an exceptional nose of subtle licorice, menthol, creme de cassis, blackberries, and hints of coffee and charcoal. Full-bodied, flamboyant, and opulent, with low acidity and sweet tannin … It should continue to drink beautifully for years. Anticipated maturity: 2009-2034.” 1985 Barton Phillipe de Rothschild Château Clerc Milon Pauillac, 3 bottles Rated 91 points ‘Outstanding’ by Wine Spectator: “The 1985 Clerc Milon is a gorgeous wine, deep colored with a complex bouquet of black currants, minerals, and smoky oak. On the palate, this wine is rich, full bodied, powerful, and surprisingly structured and long for a 1985. It is one of the surprises of the vintage. Mature now.” 1985 Château Le Bon Pasteur Pomerol , 3 bottles Rated 92 points ‘Outstanding’ by Wine Spectator: “The 1985 Bon Pasteur shows rich, luscious chocolate, cherry and plum flavors hung on a soft, fleshy tannic framework. The finish is lush and full, carrying on with the chocolate / mocha finishing flavors. Mature now.” Donated by Ursula Ehret-Dichter Value: $4,725


14. Small Ship Cruise Tour The Rivieras: France, Italy, and the Isles, round-trip airfare included Brightly hued harbors, winding medieval paths, and inviting fishing villages beckon you to The Rivieras: France, Italy, and the Isles. On this Small Ship Cruise Tour—newly enhanced for 2015 with walking tours of Porto Venere and Portofino, and a guided walking tour in Cannes—you’ll also enjoy free time for independent discoveries in several ports including Nice and Bastia. Begin with three days in picturesque Cannes before heading aboard the award-winning M/V Arethusa—ranked #2 in Condé Nast Traveler’s “Top 20 Small Cruise Ships in the World” 2014 Readers’ Poll. You’ll also enjoy exclusive events, including a pestomaking lesson—and feel the warmth of an Italian welcome during a home-hosted visit in Elba. Enjoy guided tours and ample time to make your own discoveries in Santa Margherita Ligure, Florence, and more. This 15-day tour for two includes all meals and complimentary wine at dinner, and first-class hotels in Cannes and Florence. Round trip airfare for two also included. Donated by Alan Lewis and Grand Circle Corporation Value: $14,000

15. Finger Lakes Wine Region Experience The Finger Lakes has become known as the pre-eminent coolclimate wine region in the United States with spectacular Riesling, aromatic whites, and Cabernet Franc. Your party of four is invited to spend a weekend exploring and discovering the Finger Lakes wine region. Includes accommodations at Villa Bellangelo’s guest Villa overlooking Seneca Lake. Eight VIP tastings with a winery owner or winemaker will be scheduled for you at Villa Bellangelo, Herman J Weimer Vineyard, Keuka Lake at Dr. Konstantin Frank Winery, Domaine Leseurre Winery, Seneca Lakes at Red Tail Ridge Winery, Fox Run Vineyards, Seneca Lake at Lamoreaux Landing Wine Cellars, and Chateau LaFayette Reneau. Enjoy special meals including dinner hosted by Finger Lake wine growers at Veraisons Restaurant, Glenora Wine Cellars; lunch at the Village Tavern Restaurant and Inn, Hammondsport; a visit to Microclimate Wine Bar in Geneva with dinner hosted by winemakers; and lunch at Dano’s Heuriger on Seneca Lake. This exceptional package also includes a formidable case of Finger Lakes wines. To be scheduled on dates mutually beneficial to the winners and hosts. Donated by Finger Lakes Wine Alliance Value: $2,000


16. Movie Night Done Right

17. John Stanmeyer Print

Nestled in the heart of the Berkshire Museum, Little Cinema has been presenting the best in independent, art house, and foreign films for over 60 years. This neverbefore offered opportunity allows you to choose a favorite film and bring 100 of your nearest and dearest to Little Cinema. Comedy, horror, adventure or even a love story – you set the tone for the evening and the Museum will take care of the refreshments. You and your guests will enjoy freshly popped popcorn (a special treat not usually offered and courtesy of Carr Hardware) and beers courtesy of Craft Brewers. Date of movie screening to be coordinated with Museum staff on a mutually agreed upon date.

Berkshire-based John Stanmeyer is an American photographer and Emmy-nominated filmmaker who specializes in distilling the complex issues that define our times and presenting them in poetic and compelling narratives. Stanmeyer previously worked for Time, producing 18 covers for the magazine, and since 2004 he has worked almost exclusively for National Geographic magazine, where he has produced more than 14 stories. He has worked in 100 countries and received numerous awards in photography and film including being named Magazine Photographer of the Year. In 2014, Stanmeyer received the prestigious World Press Photo of the Year Award for his photograph, Signal.

Donated by Berkshire Museum, Carr Hardware, and Craft Brewers Value: $1,500


This iconic Stanmeyer print was photographed in Japan and measures 42” x 28”. Donated by John Stanmeyer and Museum Facsimiles Value: $4,250

18. Instant California Cellar Build a superb wine cellar with 26 bottles of some of the best from Napa and Sonoma. Chardonnay 2008 Aubert Ritchie Vineyard Chardonnay WS96/RP95 Wine Spectator: #27 in the Top 100 of 2010. “Bold, rich and expressive, layered and complex.” 2008 Aubert Larry Hyde & Sons Vineyard Chardonnay WS93/ RP96 2009 Aubert Reuling Vineyard Chardonnay WS95/ V94 Wine Spectator: “Firm, tight and concentrated … unfolding with layers of complexity.” 2009 Aubert UV-SL Vineyard Chardonnay WS95/ V94 2009 Kistler Hudson Chardonnay WS94/V96/ST94 Wine Spectator: “lots of dense flavors … the richest and most concentrated of the 2009 Kistlers.” 2009 Kistler Cuvee Cathleen Chardonnay ST95/ V95 2009 Kistler Durell Chardonnay WS93/V95/ ST93 2009 Kistler Vineyard Chardonnay V96/ ST95/ WS91 Vinous (Antonio Galloni):”Bursts onto the palate … a marvelously complete, stunning wine.” Pinot Noir 2002 Sea Smoke Cellars Southing Pinot Noir WS93/ RP92 2008 Sea Smoke Cellars Southing Pinot Noir WS92/ ST90 2009 Sea Smoke Cellars Southing Pinot Noir RP91/ ST91 2010 Sea Smoke Cellars Southing Pinot Noir WS92 2006 Kistler Vineyard Pinot Noir ST92 2007 Kistler Vineyard Pinot Noir RP91-93 2006 Kistler Cuvee Natalie Pinot Noir RP94-96 2007 Kistler Cuvee Catherine Occidental Station Pinot Noir RP95-97 “Rich, full-bodied, multi-dimensional, with superb depth and length, and a remarkable finish.” 2006 Martinelli Zio Tony Ranch Pinot Noir RP94 2009 Martinelli Zio Tony Ranch Pinot Noir WS93 2009 Martinelli Bondi Home Ranch Pinot Noir V95/WS92/ST92 Vinous (Antonio Galloni): “A powerful, masculine Pinot.” 2009 Martinelli Lolita Ranch Pinot Noir RP94 “Tremendous density and richness in a medium to full-bodied style that is immensely appealing.” Cabernet 1997 Caymus Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon ST93 “The finest vintage for this wine in a long time.” 2002 Caymus Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon RP96/ WS93 Wine Advocate: “Full-bodied, opulent, and irresistible … should last for another two decades.” 1990 Silver Oak Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon RP91 1992 Silver Oak Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon RP92 2010 Joseph Phelps Insignia RP95/ WS94 Wine Advocate: “Stunning … this beauty is one of the top Insignias produced over recent years.” 2011 Joseph Phelps Insignia ST94/ RP93

Donated by Arlene and Jerome Levine Value: $3,350


19. A Private Invitation from Chanel, Wine Included “Luxury is a relaxation of the soul.”— Coco Chanel From our guest of honor, John Kolasa, an extraordinary opportunity – a private invitation offered only to a select few. Two guests will enjoy one night in the home of one of the owners of the Chanel fashion house in the heart of Bordeaux wine country. Choose between two magnificent châteaux: the Château Rauzan-Ségla in Margaux or Château Canon in Saint-Émilion. Both have been luxuriously renovated by renowned architect Peter Marino. Enjoy private visits and tastings at both estates and explore Margaux and Saint-Émilion, exquisite medieval villages classified as world heritage sites. To cap off this once-in-a-lifetime experience, travel to the “City of Light” for an exclusive visit to Coco Chanel’s apartment in Paris. This rare privilege is usually reserved only for haute couture customers. Prepare for your trip by taking home two very special Jeroboams: 2009 Château Rauzan-Ségla in Margaux with a Karl Lagerfeld label (95+ points, Wine Advocate) “Very fruity warm black currant and blackberry preserve nose over hints of lilacs, cedar, cloves and cinnamon stick. Full bodied, rich and seductively fruited in the mouth, it has a solid foundation to support with a high level of velvety tannins and refreshing acid, finishing long. A classic Margaux ... the 2009 Rauzan-Ségla will provide enjoyable drinking over the next three decades.” 2009 Château Canon in Saint-Émilion Grand Cru (93-95 points, Wine Advocate) “This is the best Canon since 1982, and it is possibly capable of eclipsing that legendary vintage. Dense ruby/purple and full-bodied, with terrific blueberry and raspberry fruit intermixed with spring flower garden scents, with extraordinary density, purity, and a multi-layered texture, this is a prodigious Canon with sweet tannins and lots of viscosity. It should drink well for 30 or more years. Bravo!” Donated by John Kolasa, Château Rauzan-Ségla, and Château Canon Value: $10,000 but truly priceless!


20. A Few of Their Favorite Things A magical evening you will not soon forget. Mark Tarlov, former Hollywood producer and proprietor of Chapter 24 Vineyards in Oregon’s Willamette Valley, along with Joshua Greene, editor of Wine & Spirits Magazine, will welcome six guests to dinner at The Simone in New York City to share personal favorites from their cellars. The Simone is a classic New York restaurant with “the kind of textured, lived-in, analog warmth that has become rare in Manhattan’s increasingly corporatized, professionalized restaurant scene” according to last year’s rave New York Times review. Chef Chip Smith cooks in the French tradition but infuses it with an innovative personal style that makes every dish seem inspired. With only 11 tables in an intimate townhouse dining room, you will feel more like a guest than a customer. Chef Smith will design a menu to complement these legendary bottles from Burgundy and the Rhône: 1998 Henri Jayer Echezeaux Grand Cru A highlight of your evening will be the chance to savor this very rare Grand Cru Burgundy, valued at $3,300. 1998 Coche-Dury Puligny-Montrachet Enseignères 1998 Château de Beaucastel Châteauneuf-du-Pape Hommage à Jacques Perrin 1998 Domaine Henri Bonneau Châteauneuf-du-Pape Cuvée Spéciale 1998 Domaine Emmanuel Rouget Echezeaux 1998 Krug Champagne Brut 2000 Domaine François Raveneau Chablis 1er Cru Butteaux 2001 Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair Vosne-Romanée La Colombière 2012 Chapter 24 Willamette Valley Last Chapter Pinot Noir Restaurant gratuity and possible corkage fee not included. Dinner to be scheduled in advance with Mr. Tarlov and Mr. Greene on a mutually agreeable date. Donated by Mark Tarlov and Chapter 24 Vineyards, Joshua Greene and Wine & Spirits Magazine, The Simone Value: $6,900


21. A Night at the Metropolitan Opera

22. Dining at the Museum – A Night to be Remembered

You and a companion will experience the magic of one of the greatest opera houses in the world. See the opera of your choice from the Metropolitan Opera’s 2015-2016 season from prime center orchestra seats. Following the performance, meet and talk with members of the cast backstage for a truly memorable evening.

Dinner in the Ellen Crane Memorial Room at the Berkshire Museum – what a treat! On this special night, you and seven guests will dine with Berkshire Museum Executive Director Van Shields in Berkshire County’s only Art Deco space. A three-course gourmet meal prepared by Chef Michael Roller, owner of Savory Harvest Catering, will be paired with wines selected by Jim Nejaime, owner of SPIRITED Wines, and an anonymous donor known for his exceptional wine cellar. Before dinner, sample delicious hors d’oeuvres, and sip some “bubbly” while you visit the latest exhibition on view in the galleries with Van and hear insider information about what’s new and exciting at the Museum. Chef Roller will consult with the winner to design the perfect repast using the freshest local ingredients – meats, produce, cheeses and herbs. This remarkable opportunity must be held on a mutually agreed upon date during the off-season.

The upcoming Metropolitan Opera season features some exciting productions and celebrated artists, including: a new production of Puccini’s Manon Lescaut with soprano Kristine Opolais (wife of the BSO’s new maestro Andris Nelsons) and superstar tenor Jonas Kaufmann; a new production of Strauss’s Elektra with the acclaimed Swedish soprano Nina Stemme (who rarely performs in New York); Verdi’s Il Trovatore with Anna Netrebko; and Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra with the legendary Placido Domingo and conducted by James Levine. (Date subject to availability.) Donated by Isanne and Sanford Fisher Value: $700 tickets; backstage with the artists – unique and priceless


Donated by Chef Michael Roller and Savory Harvest Catering, SPIRITED Wines, Anonymous, and Berkshire Museum Value: $3,500

23. The Ultimate Napa Experience The incomparable natural beauty of Napa Valley, California, is yours to enjoy in person and at home with this incredible package. Spend three luxurious nights at Meadowood, a 250-acre resort where the pace of life moves with the seasons; and where the traditional values of simple pleasure, physical well-being, and cultural enrichment are part of every day. Accommodations are for one couple and include breakfasts. During your stay enjoy a private VIP Tour and Tasting at Francis Ford Coppola Winery and a Pahlmeyer wine tasting at Ma(i)sonry Napa Valley, an art, design, and wine gallery set in a landscaped sculpture garden in Yountville. Finally, extend your Napa Valley experience with a year-long subscription to Sonoma Magazine and 12 bottles from some of the region’s most respected winemakers. 1993 Tom Eddy Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon (RP 88) 1996 Chateau Montelena Estate Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley (WS 92) 2006 Tom Eddy Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, Meteor Vineyard (100 case production) 2001 Shafer Vineyards Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon (WE 94) 2002 Shafer Vineyards Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon (W&S 92) 2001 Heitz Cellar Bella Oaks Cabernet Sauvignon (WS 87) 2005 Silver Oak Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon (ST 91) 2007 Anderson’s Conn Valley Vineyard Estate Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon (RP 94) 2009 Anomaly Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley (WE 92) 2009 O’Shaughnessy Estate Cabernet Sauvignon, Howell Mountain (ST 92) 2009 Staglin ‘Salus’ Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 Gemstone Vineyard Estate Red (ST 89) Winner must have the gift certificate available when making reservations and at check-in. Lodging is available Sunday through Thursday, November through July only. Donated by Meadowood, Pahlmeyer, Courtney and Mike Addy, Michael Zivyak and Sonoma Magazine Value: $4,300


24. Dominus Supersize! This is an auction lot for those with divine taste and a commodious cellar. This imperial of 1997 Dominus Napa Valley Bordeaux Blend is the equivalent of 8 bottles! The wine is medium to full-bodied, very concentrated, and silky-textured. “… an opulent wine with a gorgeous nose of roasted herbs, coffee, jammy black cherry and plum-like fruit.” (94 points, Robert Parker) Donated by Courtney and Mike Addy Value: $2,900

25. 2016 Nantucket Wine Festival VIP Package Over the past 19 years, the Nantucket Wine Festival has become one of the most celebrated wine and food events in the country. Be a part of the 20th Anniversary Nantucket Wine Festival, May 18-22, 2016, where leading winemakers, renowned chefs and wine and food enthusiasts on the island of Nantucket gather for more than 50 prestigious events. Your VIP package includes two tickets to each of the following events: Opening Reception on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Culinary Marketplace on Friday, May 20, 2016 Food and Wine Seminar on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, May 19-21, 2016 Wine Seminar on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, May 19-21, 2016 Grand Tasting Session 1 on Saturday, May 21, 2016 Donated by Nantucket Wine Festival Value: $1,100

26. Intimate Wine Dinner and a Place to Spend the Night Welcoming guests for more than two centuries, the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, has a reputation for outstanding food and genuine New England hospitality. This lot allows you to enjoy both! Begin with a private wine dinner for four at The Red Lion Inn, featuring Executive Chef Brian Alberg’s cuisine and wine parings from the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence wine list, presented by Sommelier Dan Thomas. After dinner, retreat to your two rooms for two. This special package is perfect for two couples to enjoy together. (Available January thru May 2016, some black-out dates do apply). Donated by Red Lion Inn Value: $2,000

27. Up Close at the US Open The US Open Tennis Championships in Flushing Meadows, New York, is one of the premier sporting events in the world. This package includes four evening session tickets for the US Open’s opening day match play, Monday, August 31, 2015. These are no ordinary seats. You’ll have an unparalleled view a few rows up from center court in Box 19F, Seats 1-8, in the Arthur Ashe Stadium. Don’t miss this spectacular seeand-be-seen event! Tickets also provide access to mingle with players and celebs at the premier dining locations inside Arthur Ashe Stadium, Aces and Champions Bar & Grill. And to top it all off ... park with the players in prestigious Lot A! Donated by GE Capital Value: Estimated $2,000-3,000 but you can’t buy these tickets!


28. A Florida Theme Park in First Class

29. Design Your Own SoCo Ice Cream Flavor

If waiting on lines or standing in packed trams is not your idea of fun then this auction lot is for you. Enjoy a six-hour park excursion for a group of up to five people at the Orlando theme park of your choice with Suntastic Services. A Park Pilot will customize your experience, tailored to the specific dynamics and needs of your family including priority seating, dining reservations, arranging transportation, assisting in ticket purchases, obtaining Fast Passes (if applicable) and making recommendations about every aspect of your trip. The Pilot knows the rides, crowd flow, and the most efficient ways to utilize your time and maximize your enjoyment. An efficient plan is charted before you even arrive in the park and while Suntastic expertly navigates the day, you may focus solely on making memories with your family!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for SoCo Ice Cream! You and 5 guests will consult with Matt Scott, SoCo Creamery’s Flavor Master, and design your very own SoCo ice cream flavor. Your consultation will include a guided tasting of existing SoCo ice creams, gelatos, and sorbets in their store on Railroad Street in Great Barrington, Massachusetts (just to get the creative juices flowing). Matt will then guide you through the process of designing your own, unique, all-natural, super premium SoCo flavor at the production facility on South Main Street in Great Barrington. SoCo will produce up to 7.5 gallons of your special ice cream to share with friends and family. Experience must be scheduled in advance to take place during non-peak hours for the creamery.

Attractions available include: Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Sea World, Universal Studios, and Legoland. Reservations must be made in advance, and blackout dates apply. Attraction tickets, transportation costs, and a minimum gratuity for Park Pilot not included.

Donated by SoCo Creamery Value: $1,000 (but really it’s priceless)

Donated by Suntastic Service Value: $1,200


30. A World of Special Gems to Share with Great Friends, 60 bottles (10 cases of 6) Veuve Clicquot Champagne Brut (Reims, France) With structure, elegance, and finesse, this perfectly balanced Champagne reflects the superb vineyards and consistency of Clicquot. 2000 Domaine Bonneau du Martray Corton Charlemagne Grand Cru (Côte D’Or, Burgundy, France) “White Burgundy Grand Cru … There is exceptionally good harmony here as the balance is impeccable … a reference standard for classic Corton-Charlemagne. Drink 2014-2020.” (Burghound) 2009 Louis Jadot Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru (Côte D’Or, Burgundy, France) “Bright and unusually expressive … notes of warm earth and ripe red currants that give way to detailed, intense and medium-weight flavors. Drink 2017-2025.” (Burghound) 2012 Château Beaucastel Châteauneuf du Pape (Rhône Valley, France) “What I think might end up being the best Beaucastel since the 1990 or 2001… a full-bodied, decadent style … it should still be alive and kicking after two decades.” (96 points, Wine Advocate) 2003 Château Magrez-Fombrauge St. Émilion Grand Cru (St. Émilion, Bordeaux, France) “This full-bodied, opulent … a savory, expansive mouthfeel. It can be drunk now and over the next 15+ years.” (94 points, Robert Parker) 2011 Chartreuse de Coutet Sauternes (Sauternes, Bordeaux, France) “The palate is round and generous, with both power and freshness … Outstanding.” 2007 Mastrojanni Brunello di Montalcino Schiena Vineyard Reserve (Montalcino, Tuscany, Italy) “The estate’s flagship wine … wraps around the palate with serious depth in its layered, expressive fruit. A big, broad-shouldered wine … but also with hits of rusticity and gaminess. Drink: 2017-2032” (94 points, Vinous) 2010 Catena Alta Cabernet Sauvignon, original wood case (Mendoza, Argentina) “A fresh and balanced vintage … with very intense flavors and the aromas are really more about the terroir … A superb wine. Drink 2015-2020.” (92+ points, Wine Advocate) 2011 Continuum Proprietary Red (Napa Valley, California) “A dark, brooding beauty … somber, intense personality … made from virtually all estate fruit …” (95+ points, Antonio Galloni, Vinous) 2001 Ken Wright Pinot Noir Shea Vineyard (Willamette Valley, Oregon) “From top Willamette Valley Winemaker, Ken Wright….Ripe in flavor, open in texture, nicely packed with currant and blackberry flavors wrapped in a layer of fine tannins.” Donated by Heidi and Jim Nejaime and SPIRITED Wines Value: $6,000


31. Incomparable Napa Red Gems, 12 bottles 2007 Peter Michael Les Pavots Napa Valley Proprietary Red, 2 bottles “The Bordeaux varietal blend of 70% Cabernet Sauvignon, 17% Cabernet Franc, 10% Merlot, and 3% Petit Verdot, is brilliant … A thirty-year wine, its impeccable balance and the sweetness of its tannins make it accessible already.” (97 points, Wine Advocate) 2006 Shafer Hillside Select Napa Cabernet Sauvignon ‘Stag’s Leap District’, 2 bottles “A stunningly rich effort displaying notes of licorice, cassis, camphor and subtle toast along with a full-bodied, powerful texture and richness … It should drink well for 25+ years.” (96 points, Wine Advocate) 2007 Joseph Phelps Insignia Napa Valley Proprietary Red, 2 bottles “Aged 24 months in new French oak … this full-bodied, classic Insignia reveals fabulous depth, ripeness, texture, viscosity and richness … it should evolve for 25 or more years.” (99 points, Robert Parker) 2004 Beringer Private Reserve Napa Cabernet Sauvignon, 2 bottles “Beautiful aromas of toasty oak, white chocolate, crème de cassis, and blackberries, sweet tannin, an opulent mouthfeel … It should be delicious young, yet age gracefully for 12-15+ years.” (94 points, Wine Advocate) 2007 O’Shaughnessy Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon, 2 bottles “An exquisite bouquet of black raspberries, blueberries, camphor, crème de cassis, smoke, and crushed rocks … followed by sweet fruit, gorgeous density … This flawless wine should drink well for 20-25 years.” (95 points, Wine Advocate) 2004 Chateau Montelena Estate Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, 2 bottles “100% Cabernet Sauvignon, all from their old vineyards in Calistoga. This is a dense, ruby/purple-tinged wine with full body … sweet tannin in a broad, flavorful, concentrated style … beautifully textured.” (94+ points, Robert Parker) Donated by Wendy and Peter Gordon Value: $2,500

32. @berkshiremuseum #forthechildren The young people served through the Berkshire Museum education programs experience new worlds of science, art, and history that expand their imaginations, give them new aspirations, and introduce skills that will stay with them throughout their lives. For more about the impact of our programs please read page 11. Thank you for raising your paddle #forthechildren.


101. Saint-Émilion Six Pack Six bottles of 2010 Sanctus de la Bienfaisance Saint-Émilion Grand Cru. Wine Spectator notes, “Smoky tobacco and ganache notes are out front here, with a lightly chewy edge to the plum, black currant and black cherry fruit flavors. There’s a broad, muscular feel through the finish, and this is solid, though with more oomph than purity. Best from 2014 through 2024.” (89 points) Donated by Christopher Imports Value: $570

102. Luscious Sauternes Magnum I 103. Luscious Sauternes Magnum II 104. Luscious Sauternes Magnum III Acclaimed “an extraordinary wine of profound and complex character” and rated 96 points by both Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate and the Wine Spectator, this magnum of 2005 Château Rieussec Sauternes Grand Cru will be the showpiece for a pleasurable evening. “Full-bodied, very sweet and thick, with honey and caramel flavors. Long and rich, oozing with sweet, ripe fruit, this is like liquid candy!” (Wine Spectator) Donated by Carol and Sheldon Rabin Value: $300 for each lot

105. 2011 Domaine Jacques Prieur Meursault Clos de Mazeray “An expressive and very fresh nose of pear, white peach and lemon peel leads to detailed and vibrant middle weight flavors that possess a hint of sweetness on the juicy and succulent finish.” (90 points, Burghound) Donated by Peter Daunis Value: $110


106. 2009 Torbreck Descendant Shiraz-Viognier “Deep garnet-purple in color, the 2009 Torbeck Descendent Shiraz Viognier has 8% cofermented Viognier in the blend which lends lovely floral, peach blossom and violet aromas to complement intense blueberry preserves, dark chocolate and star anise aromatic core. Very full and rich, it has a lovely acid vibrancy alongside medium to firm, very fine tannins and a long finish. Drink it from 2015 to 2025+.”(97+ points, Robert Parker) Donated by Peter Daunis Value: $100

107. 2010 Clos Saint-Jean Châteauneuf-du-Pape, 12 bottles This twelve-bottle lot of 2010 Clos Saint-Jean Châteauneuf-du-Pape “ … has rocking midpalate depth and length on the palate. Giving up ample dark fruit, kirsch, pepper, leather and big minerality, this beauty will see its 15th birthday in fine form … this tasting confirmed what Robert Parker has been saying for some time now; Clos Saint-Jean is at the top of their game and producing some of the most singular, hedonistic , and brilliant wines in the world.” (93 points, Wine Advocate) Donated by Hannah and Mark Gross Value: $720

108. 2009 Domaine du Pegau Châteauneuf-du-Pape Réservée “Deeply-colored with crimson highlights. Expressive, ripe nose mingling red fruits, stone fruits, and note of leather. Generous, opulent, melted palate with jammy accents.” (98 points, Robert Parker) Donated by John Grange and Grange Wine Value: $120

silent auction 109. Rosé from Provence, France

112. Sonoma Large Format

A case of six 1.5L bottles of 2014 Miraval Rosé. Château Miraval Winery is a joint venture between the Perrin family and Hollywood A-listers Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. As described by the winemaker, “The Miraval Rosé has an attractive, soft blush color and is beautifully bright. On the nose, there are delicate notes of raspberries, peaches, and white flowers. Great balance, good length, and character.”

Since 1985, Ferrari-Carano has been a leading producer of world class, nationally acclaimed wines. Vintage after vintage, the wines exhibit a remarkable consistency of style and elegance. This 3L 2011 Ferrari-Carano Trésor will be a treat with vibrant aromas and flavors of boysenberry, cedar, baking spice, vanilla, and toasted oak.

Donated by Martignetti Companies Value: $360

110. 2014 Domaines Ott Bandol Rosé ‘Romasson’, Magnum

Donated by Ferrari-Carano Value: $350

113. Classic Cabernet Vintage from Napa Valley

Bandol makes some of the most serious wines of Provence, and this is just as true for rosé as for the reds. The superb Château Romasson is a pale pink rosé with eglantine highlights. In the mouth, there is a fine balance between freshness and liveliness, with aromas of white fleshy fruits. The 2014 vintage is typified by a sharp texture – fresh, silky and long-lasting.

“Classic” and “perfect” are just two accolades bestowed upon the 2012 Napa Valley growing season and harvest. Taste for yourself with this magnum of 2012 Bartolucci Vineyard Cabernet rated 92 points by Wine Spectator. “Blackberry, cherry, and spices wrapped in vanilla and toasty oak. Round, silky-rich midpalate, cocoa powder and black tea textures on the finish.”

Donated by Devin McGarry and MMD USA Value: $100

Donated by Honig Vineyard and Winery Value: $240

111. 2009 Stonestreet Alexander Mountain Estate Christopher’s Cabernet Sauvignon

114. A Celebratory Cuvee

Rated 94 points by both Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate and the Wine Enthusiast, the 2009 Stonestreet Alexander Mountain Estate Christopher’s Cabernet Sauvignon “is a huge, wonderfully complete wine. It boasts considerable inner sweetness and perfume, but has more than enough fruit to match its tannic heft. Black cherries, blackberries, mint, menthol, mocha and spices are all woven together in this exceptional, refined Cabernet. Anticipated maturity: 2014-2024. ” (Wine Advocate) Donated by Peter Daunis Value: $100

The 2010 Iron Horse Summit Cuvee is a limited production, one time only, vintage brut, celebrating the unprecedented free-climb of the Dawn Wall of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, California - the realization of a dream and an inspiration. It is a special toast to climbing partners Kevin Jorgesen and Tommy Caldwell. The winemaker notes that the wine, “shows wonderful complexity that is rich, nutty, and toasty with a hint of fruit.” Donated by Iron Horse Winery Value: $70


115. 2012 Caymus Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, 3 bottles

118. 2010 Barolo-Mario Marengo, 12 bottle case

Three bottles of 2012 Caymus Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon for your enjoyment! Rated 96 points by Robert Parker, Wine Advocate, who notes, “a spectacular 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon 40th Anniversary offering. Its dense purple/black color is followed by copious quantities of crème de cassis and blackberry fruit, silky tannins, a voluptuous texture and stunning purity as well as length. This full-bodied effort is a fabulous example of Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon as well as a tribute to this amazing family. It is so good now, why wait? However, I’m sure that like most vintages of Caymus, it will last for 20-25 years. Amazing!”

Twelve bottles from an estate known for making tiny quantities of modern-style Barolo from old vines in their small cellar. “The 2010 Barolo is beautifully perfumed in the glass. Fine tannins support a core of sweet red berries, mint, flowers and spices melded together in a layered Barolo bursting with class and personality. The long, generous finish and sweet tannins are going to make the 2010 impossible to resist young. Marengo’s Barolo is one of the highlights of the vintage.” (91 points, Antonio Galloni of Vinous)

Donated by Liquors, Inc. Value: $240

119. 2009 San Felice Campogiovanni Brunello di Montalcino, 1.5L

116. 6L 2011 Steele Cabernet Sauvignon Signed by Winemaker This 2011 Steele Cabernet Sauvignon has pretty soft black cherry and dark plum notes with integrated vanilla spice. The wine was aged for a year and a half before bottling and will cellar for decades. The bottle is signed by winemaker, Jed Steele, who has been involved in the wine industry in California for over fortyfive years. Donated by Jed Steele and Steele Wines Value: $240

117. 2008 Marchesi di Barolo Cannubi “The 2008 Marchesi di Barolo Cannubi displays remarkable textural depth and sweetness. Freshly cut flowers, spices and dark raspberries are some of the nuances that take shape in the glass. Silky, finessed tannins round out the finish. This is a beautiful vintage for Marchesi di Barolo’s Cannubi bottling. Anticipated maturity: 2016-2026.” (92 points, Wine Advocate)


Donated by Peter Daunis Value: $110

Donated by Arborway Imports Value: $660

This 1.5L bottle of 2009 San Felice Campogiovanni Brunello di Montalcino is rated 92 points by Monica Larner, Wine Advocate, “an impressive wine with an upfront style and few hidden secrets. It presents its bountiful fruit, ripeness and suppleness with confidence and follows up with rich consistency and a long finish. The close is slightly sweet with shadings of almond marzipan and hazelnut but there is enough of a tannic backbone to keep the wine compact and firm. It needs a few more years of bottle aging. Drink: 2016-2024.” Donated by Vineyard Brands, Martignetti Companies, and San Felice Value: $125

120. “Kings of Italy” Wine Basket with Decanter Enjoy the “Kings of Italy” with this basket of all 90+ point wines and a decanter. Decant each wine for two hours to reveal its full potential. 2008 Monte Faustino Amarone della Valpolicella “Monte Faustino’s 2008 Amarone della Valpolicella Classico is gorgeous. Beautifully perfumed and layered, the 2008 flows with the essence of black cherries, violets, licorice, cloves, new leather, and rose petals. Hints of tar, savory herbs, and game linger on the close.” (92 points, Antonio Galloni, Vinous) 2001 Canalicchio di Sopra Brunello di Montalcino “The medium to full bodied 2001 Brunello di Montalcino is rich, plump, and bursting with flavor, showing subtle, delicately woven notes of earthiness, tobacco, smoke, minerals, and plenty of dark cherry fruit supported by firm yet fine tannins.” (91 points, Antonio Galloni, Vinous) 2004 Valdicava Brunello di Montalcino “From the founder of the Brunello Consortium: this wine has reached iconic status. The 2004 Brunello di Montalcino is simply beautiful. Firm but silky tannins frame a core of ripe dark fruit as this powerful yet elegant Brunello opens up in the glass.”(94 points, Antonio Galloni, Vinous) 2006 Pelissero Barbaresco: Vanotu “This is the epitome of Barbaresco. Everything falls perfectly into place in this opulent yet beautifully balanced Vanotu. The expressive, balsamic aromas meld into a rich, expansive core of fruit. The wine continues on the palate, showing exceptional length and fine overall balance.” (94+ points, Antonio Galloni, Vinous) 2005 Rinaldi Barolo Brunate-Le Coste “The most traditional, rustic, expressive Barolo on the market … presents a darker shade of red fruit along with a more muscular, dense personality … the wine offers compelling balance and harmony.” (94+ points, Antonio Galloni, Vinous) 1994 Fontodi Flaccianello “The 1994 Flaccianello della Pieve is beguiling. It possesses lovely inner perfume and sweetness.” (93 points, Antonio Galloni, Vinous) Donated by Toan Dinh of Vinifera Imports Value: $880


121. 2001 El Coto ‘Coto de Imaz’ Gran Reserva “The 2001 Coto de Imaz Gran Reserva (from a superb Rioja vintage) … is a complex, restrained, sophisticated offering featuring a bouquet of dried fruits, incense, and floral notes. Smooth-textured, still fresh … and impeccably balanced.” (90 points, Robert Parker) Donated by Peter Daunis Value: $55

122. Rioja x 6 Bottles This spicy, rich, tasty, and complex 1995 Marqués de Cáceres Rioja Gran Reserva is from a great Spanish vintage! And six bottles are yours to enjoy. The attractive, deep garnet red color has an intense bouquet combining notes of blackberries, sweet almonds, and vanilla spice with a slight depth of coconut. This wine is powerful but elegant. Donated by Vineyard Brands and Martignetti Companies Value: $550

123. 1.5L 2006 Nosotros Malbec from Argentina Rated 94 points by both Robert Parker and Wine Spectator. Parker notes, “The limited production 2006 Nosotros Malbec was sourced from a 50-year-old ungrafted vineyard and aged for 18 months in 100% new French oak prior to bottling without fining and filtration. Dark ruby/purple in color, it delivers a fragrant bouquet of pain grillé, pencil lead, black cherry, black raspberry, and licorice. This leads to a full-bodied wine with layers of flavor, succulent fruit, excellent balance and structure. Drink this complex effort from 2012 to 2026.” Donated by Brad Rubin and Ruby Wines Value: $200


124. Magnum Porto It’s difficult to match the pleasure of ending a great meal with a glass (or two) of rich, fullbodied Port. For a magical end to your next dinner party consider this magnum of Broadbent Auction Reserve Lot 1 Port NV, signed by Bartholomew Broadbent, of which Wine Spectator writes, “Supple and ripe, with loads of rich dark fruit and spice flavors. The long finish offers dark chocolate and raspberry, as well as hints of espresso. Balanced and well-crafted.” The wine was created as a tribute to Michael Broadbent, the first wine auctioneer at Christies (the first lot of wine he auctioned was Port). Donated by Broadbent Selections Value: $150

125. 2011 Fonseca Vintage Port This 3L bottle is a sweet red Port wine from Portugal. Robert Parker gave a near perfect 97-99 rating and declared, “The 2011 Fonseca Vintage Port … is very well-defined, very focused and direct. The palate is silky smooth with not a rough edge in sight ... a tincture of salted licorice on the aftertaste is very attractive. So much potential, and just 6,000 cases were produced.” Donated by Horizon Beverages Value: $500

126. Scotch Whisky Worthy of Royalty Johnnie Walker King George V Scotch Whisky 750 mL was created to celebrate the Royal Warrant given in 1934 to the Walker family to mark the exceptional qualities of their whiskies. It initially shows a profound smoky aroma followed by a smooth palate with rich, fruity sweetness. It is warming with subtle flavors of sandalwood and smoke. Treat yourself like a king or queen and enjoy this special Scotch whisky! Donated by Donna and John Krenicki Value: $600

127. Great Wines from Around the World, 6 bottles

128. Perfect for an Italian Dinner Party!

France - 2012 Chapoutier La Bernardine “High-pitched red berry and floral scents are complemented by notes of allspice and woodsmoke … offering gently sweet raspberry and cherry flavors and a hint of floral pastilles … finishing with impressive clarity and length.” (92 points, Stephen Tanzer’s International Wine Cellar)

This 5L in wood box 2009 Agricola Querciabella Chianti Classico “floats on the palate with layers of sensual red fruit, flowers and spices. It remains a wine graced with exquisite finesse and class … Floral notes reappear on the finish, adding lift and harmony. Full credit must go to proprietor Sebastiano Castiglioni for his vision and unwavering commitment to quality.” (90 points, Wine Advocate).

Italy - 2011 Roberto Anselmi I Capitelli A sweet wine richly textured with concentrated aromas of honey, candied lemon peel, tropical fruits and sweet spices. Italy - 2012 Gaja Ca’Marcanda Vistamare The wine imparts complex and fresh aromas of citrus, ripe melon, and mineral notes. The freshness of Vermentino embraces the roundness of Viognier and Chardonnay. Italy - 2010 Gaja DaGromis Barolo DOCG An intense red in color, this Piedmont red offers rich aromas of florals, berries, licorice, dried herbs and spices on the nose … structure, smooth texture and a long, lingering finish. California - 2010 Terlato Episode “Terlato has mastered the art of crafting Bordeaux-style red wines that scream Napa Valley … you’ll find deep flavors of blackberries, mocha, black currants, olives and toast. It’s ready to drink now, and should develop in the bottle for at least 10 more years.” (94 points, Wine Enthusiast) Australia - 2010 Two Hands Sexy Beast “Very deep purple-black in color, the 2010 Sexy Beast Cabernet Sauvignon is profoundly scented of creme de cassis, cloves and cedar with underlying nuances of baker’s chocolate, mint and pencil lead. Very full bodied and packed with taut, dense cassis flavor, it has a solid foundation of firm grainy tannins and crisp acid, finishing long and clean.” (91+ points, Robert Parker)

Donated by Corbin Kinne Value: $300

129. Cooking with Anna Gershenson Anna Gershenson, gourmet caterer, educator and food consultant, with more than twentyfive years of experience, will lead an interactive cooking class and demonstration for six students in her home kitchen in Pittsfield’s Clock Tower Condominiums. Working with the auction winners, Anna will compose a menu that incorporates their personal favorites with her principles of “healthy-gourmet cooking,” which focuses on creating delicious meals using the best local ingredients and healthy preparation methods. Believing that people and especially families can be brought together through cooking, her class will culminate in a shared dinner to be enjoyed by all. Participants are invited to bring a favorite bottle of wine to accompany their culinary triumphs. Donated by Anna Gershenson Value: $600

Donated by Martignetti Companies Value: $355


130. Experience Chinese Cuisine at its Best at Shun Lee Shun Lee is a New York City institution. No one quite matches Shun Lee for its visually striking and mouth-watering gourmet fare. For an absolutely divine culinary experience, indulge in their popular Beijing Duck served tableside with pancakes, hoisin sauce, and scallion brushes. Or try the tangy Chan Do Chicken with Five Spice, the Dry Shredded Crispy Beef, and Grand Marnier Prawns to enjoy rich and flavorful Chinese cuisine cooked to precision. The winning bidder will receive a $250 gift certificate, good at Shun Lee East or West. Donated by Shun Lee Value: $250

131. A Bundle of Goodies from the Berkshire Museum Shop Take home a delightful gift package inspired by the Berkshire Museum’s summer exhibition, Immortal Present: Art and East Asia. Master the art of living in the moment as you paint on your Buddha Board and charm your correspondents with notecards inspired by Japanese haiku poetry and art. While away the hours with a jigsaw puzzle based on a Japanese woodcut and playing the Sushi Go! card game. Give an Oriental touch to your next summer party with luminary lanterns, coasters, fans, and an origami wine bag. Donated by the Berkshire Museum Value: $150


132. Design Consultations for the Inside and Outside of Your Home Two great design firms are joining together to make this lot something truly special for you and your home. Enjoy a two-hour interior design consultation with Sara Alberti of Alberti Design Studio and a two-hour landscape design consultation with Robert Akroyd of Greylock Design Associates. A Lenox native, Sara Alberti has a keen eye for style, color, pattern, and scale that was honed early in the fashion industry, working on projects for companies such as J. Peterman and Talbots. She believes strongly in articulating a client’s own aesthetic and vision, listening closely, and then guiding and navigating the design process. Ms. Alberti creates original, beautiful, and inviting spaces that reflect a homeowner’s personality and lifestyle. Robert Akroyd and Greylock Design Associates incorporate physical, environmental, and horticultural sciences with a sustainable approach to land planning and design of space. His professional dedication to the practice of creative place-making builds practical and harmonious relationships between people and their environments. Donated by Alberti Design Studio and Greylock Design Associates Value: $800

133. Ultimate Berkshire Cultural Experience From Becket to Williamstown, enjoy some of the Berkshire’s best cultural attractions! This package is chock full of opportunities to enjoy dance, theater, history, and art. Included are: Two Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival tickets that can be used for any performance in the Doris Duke Theatre during the 2015 Festival Season. Four ticket vouchers to any Berkshire Theatre Group presented show. (May not be used for a guest presentation, or the BTG Annual Gala. No expiration date.) Family/Dual Membership at The Clark. Benefits include: unlimited year-round complimentary admission for two cardholders, members-only hours, Inside the Clark newsletter, invitations to members-only exhibition previews, and more. Full Circle Membership at The Mount, Edith Wharton’s Home. Benefits include: unlimited admission to The Mount for four people, invitation to programs and special events, free admission to Wharton on Wednesdays, private library tour for four people (scheduled in advance), and more. Donated by Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, Berkshire Theatre Group, The Clark, The Mount Value: $890

134. Blue Q Bonanza! The Blue Q team believes you should always “take the time to make it super bad-ass, that love is power, that when someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go, and that a cat is a lion to a mouse.” Put simply, Blue Q just wants you to be happy and this bag of products will certainly do that. You will smile, giggle, and perhaps even have one of those big deep belly laughs enjoying the bounty of goodness. Why ask why? Just bid. Donated by Blue Q Value: $165

135. Philip Maberry 1991 Ceramic Vase Phillip Maberry, ceramic sculptor and installation artist, has created one-of-a-kind ceramic sculptures for over twenty-five years. Utilizing color and design, articulated in the artist’s characteristic playful manner, the work is infused with an optimistic spirit. Maberry’s work has been shown on a regular basis at the Garth Clark Gallery in New York City and currently at Dean Project in Long Island City, New York. Notable museum collections include: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Victoria and Albert Museum in London, and the Museum of Art and Design. Maberry currently lives and works in Southern California. Donated by Jane Braus Value: $700


136. Special Tour of Hancock Shaker Village and More The Shakers once called this community “The City of Peace.” Now, Hancock Shaker Village is a welcome retreat from today’s hectic pace that offers much to see and do. You and 3 guests can enjoy admission for the day plus a private 60-minute guided “Choose Your Own Shaker Adventure” tour during the 2015 season. You can choose 2 topics for 30 minutes each or spend one hour on an in-depth tour. Topics include: Attics and Basements; Introduction to Hancock Shaker Village; Shaker Spirituality; Architecture; or Shaker Sustainability. Also included is an exclusive #5 Steve Grasselli Oval Box with lacewood top and black walnut sides. (Advance reservation required for the tour, season runs through October 2015). Donated by Hancock Shaker Village Value: $242

137. Take a Class at the Art School of the Berkshires Unleash your creative talents at IS183, the Art School of the Berkshires. The winner will receive a $75 gift certificate to be used on the class or workshop of your choice. IS183 offers a wide variety of courses including drawing, painting, ceramics, photography, fiber arts, writing, jewelry making, and more. (Excludes afterschool programs; good until March 31, 2016). Donated by IS183 Value: $75


138. Tickets and a Parking Pass for SOLD OUT James Taylor Concert at Tanglewood Is there anything more patriotic than listening to James Taylor at Tanglewood on July 4? The experience can be yours! JT is returning to the Koussevitzky Music Shed with his All-Star Band for one night only and the evening has been sold out for months. The performance promises to include many of Taylor’s iconic songs as well as new original material from his latest album, just released. After the concert you will also enjoy a spectacular fireworks display over the Stockbridge Bowl in celebration of the Independence Day holiday. These tickets are too good to pass up - two prime seats (Section 1, Row E) in the Tanglewood Shed plus an Oak Lot Parking Pass (the closest to the Shed). Donated by Arlene and Jerome Levine and Tanglewood Value : $206 (but really priceless because tickets are no longer available!)

139. FreshGrass at MASS MoCA FreshGrass is a wonderland of traditional and cutting-edge bluegrass music, held annually at MASS MoCA in North Adams, Massachusetts. Two people will enjoy the 2015 Festival which will take place on September 18-20, 2015. FreshGrass is family-friendly and brimming with the brightest talent not just on the Festival’s four stages, but also in MASS MoCA’s galleries, brick-lined courtyards, and grassy fields. Donated by MASS MoCA Value : $178

140. Exceptional Jewelry for the Exceptional Woman

142. Weekend at Snow Farm: The New England Craft Program

Sienna Gallery represents innovative artists who, using traditional and non-traditional materials, push and pull the boundaries of studio jewelry and adornment. Enjoy the opportunity to splurge on yourself or the special woman in your life with this $250 gift certificate.

Glassblowing, African batik, wood inlay, plein air painting, pottery, and more – you can do it all at Snow Farm in Williamsburg, Massachusetts! Your overnight stay will be an immersive experience where you can nourish your creativity while Snow Farm feeds you fresh homemade meals with decadent desserts. Most classes do not require previous experience; beginners welcome! This gift certificate is good for any two-day workshop or can be applied to a longer class.

Donated by Sienna Patti and Sienna Gallery Value: $250

141. Painting with Peggy Peggy Rivers, professional artist and art teacher, offers four drawing or painting lessons (each one and a half hours). Peggy’s own work is full of energy. “Like a fully charged battery waiting to be plugged into the brain, the power in a Rivers painting is simply waiting to be released by the viewer,” says York County Magazine. Catch that creative energy yourself through some one-on-one time with Peggy. All materials will be provided and the lessons will take place in either Peggy’s studio or your home. Arrangements regarding dates, medium, and subject matter can be made with Peggy in advance of the lessons. Donated by Peggy Rivers Value: $500

Donated by Snow Farm Value: $250

143. Spa Renewal Day for Two Grab your best friend or your spouse for a spa renewal day at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, Massachusetts. Discover the exhilarating joys of the world’s premier health resort. Your day will include full use of Canyon Ranch for one day, including a healthy gourmet lunch, participation in all complimentary professional fitness classes and programs, and a $145 credit toward the Canyon Ranch service of your choice. Valid until June 27, 2016, and available Monday through Thursday, based on availability. Donated by Canyon Ranch Value: $700

144. J. McLaughlin Large Sailcloth Duffle This ultra-durable J. McLaughlin carry-all is constructed of authentic sailcloth, with tanned handles and sharp brass hardware to enhance its timeless nautical appeal. Roomy interior with top zip plus a detachable webbed shoulder strap expands your traveling options. Donated by J. McLaughlin Value: $285


145. A Month of Spa

147. Dinner in The Library

Combining the natural beauty of the Berkshires with the historic and cultural background of Lenox, Massachusetts, the Spa at Cranwell provides guests with a unique and unsurpassed spa experience. Enjoy one month of unlimited access to the spa facility including the whirlpool, sauna, steam room, locker room, lounge, fitness center, fitness classes, and indoor pool. Passport is valid daily for one month starting the first day of using the spa facility for the years 2015 or 2016 (excludes July and August.)

Enjoy dinner for two at The Library at Wheatleigh. Wheatleigh, one of the most luxurious small hotels in the world, combines the grandeur of a European palazza and 21st century comfort. The Library is a sophisticated lounge bar that serves contemporary American interpretations of classic French cuisine in a relaxed setting. (Offer is not valid July and August, Saturdays or holidays; subject to availability.).

Donated by Cranwell Spa and Resort Value: $125

146. Namaste – Enjoy a Kripalu Retreat You and a friend are invited to enjoy a two-night Signature R&R Retreat at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. The package includes accommodations, meals, daily yoga classes and workshops, use of sauna, whirlpool, fitness room, walking and hiking trails, evening events and other Kripalu amenities. We are certain you will return home renewed from the inside out. Reservations required. The package can be used midweek, for two consecutive nights, Sunday through Thursday, providing Sunday is not part of a holiday weekend, and based on availability of space. Not available during the months of July, August, or October Donated by Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health Value: $1,025


Donated by Wheatleigh Value: $150

148. Family Equine-Assisted Teambuilding Workshop If texting has taken over the dinner table and relegated the kids to a sedentary and uninspired life ‌ consider building stronger bonds and enhancing family relationships at Berkshire HorseWorks with a 90-minute Family Equine-Assisted Teambuilding Workshop! Re-engage with your family while interacting with horses in a 27-acre bucolic compound in Richmond, Massachusetts. There is NO RIDING required, just a sense of adventure, creativity and commitment to having a good time and learning a bit about yourself and your family. Berkshire HorseWorks offers a fun, interactive, and experiential way to navigate family dynamics in a non-threatening, playful environment. Run with the horses and re-engage, connect, and discover positive solutions to real life demands. Donated by Berkshire HorseWorks Value: $525

149. Berkshire Fishing Club Expedition What’s better than the thrill of catching a largemouth bass? Through this certificate you can experience five hours of great largemouth bass fishing at the Berkshire Fishing Club on a private lake. No houses, no jet skis, no water skiing - just quiet serenity. Massachusetts fishing license not required. Three adults, or two adults and two kids, fit comfortably in the 16 ft. boat. Fishing gear is included, no live bait allowed, and everything is strictly catch and release. Expires October 1, 2015. Guide is not included, but can be arranged for an extra fee. Donated by Berkshire Fishing Club and Renee and Steven Erenburg Value: $250

150. Ramblewild Fun for 8

151. Two Personal Trainer Sessions Fitness training is for anyone who wants to eat well and exercise properly. Package includes 2 one-hour sessions with J.D. Reber of Personal Body Precision. J.D. will work with the winner to personalize a fitness plan, providing specific examples of the right foods, eating plans, and exercise workout routines. Learn how you never have to diet again to lose body fat! J.D. has worked professionally in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years, assisting hundreds of women and men achieve their unique fitness goals. He has consulted on topics of exercise and nutrition, and instructed age groups ranging from 6 to 100 years. Donated by J.D. Reber and Personal Body Precision Value: $150

Forty-five feet above the earth you will discover perspective as you search for a foothold. Reexamine your limits as you reach up for the next rung. Fly between trees and glide through branches in ways you never thought possible. Explore the earth by leaving it below. Touch the treetops. Feel the forest. You and 7 guests are invited to experience the amazing world of Ramblewild in Lanesborough, Massachusetts. Package includes 8 tickets, each good for 3 hours of adventure. (Expires December 31, 2015, winner must call to make reservations. Cannot be redeemed online.) Donated by Ramblewild Value: $552


152. 3 Golf Courses x 4 Golfers (Country Club of Pittsfield, Stockbridge Golf Club, Wyantenuck Country Club) Enjoy three of the Berkshires finest golf courses for four people including carts: Country Club of Pittsfield in Pittsfield, Massachusetts This private club’s lush, rolling par-71, 18-hole course will challenge your skill and delight your eye. (Tee time must be scheduled in advance, and is based on availability of the course) Stockbridge Country Club in Stockbridge, Massachusetts Beautiful private club nestled on the banks of the Housatonic River with views of beautiful Berkshire mountains. (Subject to availability, valid until September 30, 2015) Wyantenuck Country Club in Great Barrington, Massachusetts A great New England course, opened in 1900. (Tee time must be scheduled in advance, good for use Monday through Thursday only) Donated by Stockbridge Country Club, Wyantenuck Country Club, Bill & Adam Kirby of Kirby Investment Strategies, LLC Value: $1,400

153. 1994 Fonseca Vintage Port – 100 Point Superstar! Wine Spectator: 100 points!!!! “Hold on to your hat. This is the best Fonseca since 1977, and it’s probably even better than that classic vintage—more like the breathtaking 1948. Mindblowing, with masses of color, aroma and fruit flavor. Smells like fermenting berries, boasting loads of crushed grape, violet and berry character. Big, full-bodied and very sweet, with tons of tannins and a sweet finish. Tannic and huge, it’s a long-term, great Port.” Robert Parker: “One of the most spectacular 1994s, this opaque purple-colored wine is an exotic, flamboyant, ostentatious port. This wine will drink fabulously well at age 10, but keep for up to 30 years.” (97 points) Donated by Anonymous Value: $200

154. 2003 Château Kirwan Margaux, 3 Bottles “This estate has been producing impressive wines since the mid-1990s, and much of the credit goes to the talented proprietress, Sophie Schyler. The 2003 Kirwan is a beauty and gets my vote as the finest Kirwan made in the last quarter century. A beautiful bouquet of forest floor, plums, licorice, crème de cassis, and smoke emerges from this opaque ruby/purpletinged effort. Medium-bodied with plenty of sweet tannin in addition to low acidity, it leaves a beautiful tactile impression that is concentrated yet fresh and lively.” (93 points, Robert Parker) Donated by Anonymous Value: $250


155. Pair of Beau Vigne Napa Cabernet Sauvignon, Romeo and Juliet Romeo – “The 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon Romeo exhibits a dense purple color, a fullbodied, rich mouthfeel, and abundant notes of espresso roast, white chocolate, crème de cassis and spice box. It spent 16 months in 50% new French oak, but there is little evidence of wood in this rich, full-bodied, evolved, forward Cabernet. Drink it over the next 10-15 years.” (93 points, Robert Parker) Juliet – “The 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon Juliet (96% Cabernet Sauvignon and 4% Petit Verdot) is slightly better. Its dense ruby/purple color is followed by a floral nose, revealing notes of blackberries, black currants, licorice and a touch of graphite. Full-bodied and rich with low acidity and sweet tannin, it is on a fast evolutionary track, so drink it over the next decade.” (94 points, Robert Parker)

156. 4 Bottles of Bordeaux 2002 Magrez Tivoli Médoc, 2 bottles – “A wine that completely transcends its class, and blows away many of its more renowned competitors, the deep ruby/purple-hued 2002 Magrez-Tivoli boasts copious amounts of rich, tobacco-infused crème de cassis fruit offered in a medium to full-bodied, savory style. With loads of complexity, impressive purity, and a long, layered, concentrated finish.” (91 points, Robert Parker) 2004 Grand Chenes Médoc, 2 bottles – “A blend of 50% Merlot, 45% Cabernet Sauvignon, and 5% Cabernet Franc, the 2004 is a sleeper of the vintage.The wine’s opaque ruby/purple color is accompanied by fruity aromas of black currants and tobacco-infused cherries. Medium-bodied, with sweet tannin and a spicy finish.” (88-90, Robert Parker) Donated by Anonymous Value: $180

Donated by Anonymous Value: $150


acknowledgments Courtney and Mike addy alberti design associates arborway Imports assembly Coffee roasters Be our Guest Berkshire HorseWorks Berkshire fishing Club Berkshire Theatre Group Blantyre Blue Q Jane Braus Broadbent selections Canyon ranch Carr Hardware Château rauzan-ségla Margaux Château Canon saint-Émilion 1er Grand Cru Classé Christopher Imports The Clark Country Club of Pittsfield Craft Brewers Cranwell spa and Golf resort Peter daunis Toan dinh domaney’s Liquors and fine Wines ursula ehret-dichter renee and steve erenburg ferrari-Carano Vineyards & Winery finger Lakes Wine alliance James finkel Isanne and sanford fisher Ge Capital anna Gershenson Wendy and Peter Gordon Grand Circle Travel Joshua Greene and Wine & spirits Magazine Greylock design associates Hannah and Mark Gross Hancock shaker Village Honig Vineyard and Winery Horizon Beverages Hotel on North Iron Horse Winery


Is 183 J. McLaughlin Jacobs Pillow dance festival John Grange Corbin Kinne olivia Kinne adam Kirby, Bill Kirby and Kirby Investment strategies John Kolasa eric Korenman donna and John Krenicki Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health arlene and Jerome Levine Liquors Inc. Martignetti Companies Mass MoCa Mazzeo Meat and seafood devin McGarry and MMd usa Meadowood Napa Valley Mission Bar + Tapas The Mount Museum facsimiles Nantucket Wine festival Heidi and Jim Nejaime Pahlmeyer sienna Patti Gallery Chef Peter Platt and old Inn on The Green Carol and sheldon rabin ramblewild J.d. reber - Body Precision red Lion Inn Peggy rivers Brad rubin and ruby Wines richard sands savory Harvest Catering shun Lee The simone snow farm soCo Creamery sPIrITed Wines John stanmeyer Jed steele and steele Wines stockbridge Country Club

suntastic services Tanglewood Mark Tarlov and Chapter 24 Vineyards Terlato Wines denis Toner Whaling Properties Marc Wilhelm and Wheatleigh Wyantenuck Country Club Michael Zivyak and sonoma Magazine Zulu Nyala

special thanKs to those Who provided Wines served at various events: Mionetto Wines USA Mionetto Brut Prosecco doCG Livio felluga ‘esperto’ Pinot Grigio Castello di Monsanto Monrosso Chianti Devin McGarry and MMD USA Louis roederer Champagne Brut NV roederer estate sparkling Brut NV Monsieur Touton Wines domaine durand sancerre Blanc Carol and Sheldon Rabin Ch. rieussec sauternes Grand Cru Mark Raymond and Wildman Champagne Pol roger Brut Brad Rubin and Ruby Wines Ch. La rame Bordeaux Blanc Eric Solomon Michel Gassier Cercius Blanc






Berkshiremuseum 50

39 South Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201

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