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Volume 19, Number 15


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Community speaks out on charter changes The biggest upset among attendees was the proposal By Ashley Kus to switch the Board of EdCitizen staff ucation from non-partisan to partisan. Several former More than a dozen board and present members of members, educators, and the board disagree with the community members packed change. the Town Council chambers “For the nine years that I was Monday night for a public on the board of ed., we never hearing concerning proreally talked about our party posed revisions to the town affiliations and, in fact, none charter.

of us really cared to know our party affiliations. It never really came into the discussion,” said former board member Julie Erickson, who explained that boards from surrounding towns envy Berlin’s board because of its non-partisanship. Current board member JoAnn Angelico-Stetson also spoke to the high-quality of

the non-partisan board. She voiced her concern that the switch to partisan may be “dangerous” in the outcome. Anne Reilly, Republican Town Committee Chair, disagrees, saying that the switch would benefit the town. Reilly compared Berlin’s board to other successful school boards that are partisan, such as ones in

The two-year term proposal for board members See Charter, A18

BHS valedictorian takes high school lessons to college

Resident starts mental health conversation By Ashley Kus Citizen staff

By Ashley Kus Citizen staff

Rachel Prior is on a mission to spread awareness about mental health.

Michelle Grieco believes in failure. It took two cuts from her elementary and middle school soccer teams for the Berlin High School valedictorian to work her way up to the varsity team as only a freshman.

“It affects everyone in some way,” she said. The Goodwin College student is organizing the first Mental Health Walk in Berlin. Because May is recognized as Mental Health Month, the event will be held in May 2017. She is considering two locations, Pistol

West Hartford and Simsbury. “They sometimes, unfortunately, have better student achievement results, but, never the less, those boards also have the ultimate goal to make education better for our students,” she said.


Berlin resident Rachel Prior (third from the left) is working with Mental Health Connecticut on a mental health walk next May. Prior and other volunteers attended Memorial Day events at the American Legion post in Berlin.

See Mental, A12

| Rachel Prior, contributed

“In order to succeed in life you have to be willing to fail and if you don’t put yourself out there to take risks and to fail, then you’ll See Grieco, A2

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A2 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

>> Grieco

“She’s a role model and inspiration to all students,” he said.

Grieco will be joining her older sister at UConn and has already gotten a peek at what’s to come.

As valedictorian, Grieco has the highest grade point average among her peers. However, the number represents a lot more than just her exceptional grades. Grieco’s classes have prepared her to pursue her economic major at UConn, along with her dream of becoming a lawyer.

Her activities outside the classroom have helped shape who she is today. It is one of the reasons why BHS

From AP English, Grieco says the class encouraged more writing and reading, skills essential for becoming a lawyer. Her AP Psychology class challenged her to ask questions and see things from a different perspective. She credits her AP teachers Mr. Rush and Mr. Pires as getting her to where she is now, among other great teachers along the way.

The Berlin

Citizen ISSN 1525-1780 USPS 017-666

Published weekly by Record-Journal at 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450.

“I learned to motivate myself to do well,” Grieco said.

Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Record-Journal, P.O. Box 915, Meriden, CT 06450

She attributes a majority of her high school success to her parents. Growing up with three siblings Grieco never saw her parents as strict but rather as wanting their kids to do well. “They taught us the value of working hard in school

Grieco plans to check out the college’s club fair and get involved in something related to community service. She also hopes to get back into soccer. As excited as she is for the next adventure though, Grieco is still having a hard time believing that her high school life is over. “I remember being a freshman and hearing all the seniors say how high school flies by, and rolling my eyes in the audience,” she said. “But now I’m here, and it’s crazy that college is starting in a few months.” Grieco will be giving her valedictorian speech at the BHS graduation ceremony, Sunday, June 19. reporter@theberlincitizen.com (203) 317-2448 @KusReporter on Twitter


Press Releases – Marsha Pomponio CONTACT US www.berlincitizen.com P.O. Box 915 Meriden, CT 06450 News Editor – Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor – Olivia L. Lawrence News Reporter – Ashley Kus Executive Vice President – Liz White Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer – Shawn E. Palmer Senior Vice President and Editor – Ralph Tomaselli Multimedia Sales Director – Jim Mizener Digital Ad Manager – Marcie DePalma Advertising Sales – Kaitlin Horn


(203) 317-2324 Fax (203) 235-4048 advertising@theberlincitizen.com News and Sports: (203) 317-2256 Fax (203) 639-0210 news@theberlincitizen.com sports@theberlincitizen.com Marketplace: (203) 238-1953 Circulation: (203) 634-3933 Published every Thursday by the RecordJournal Publishing Co. Delivered by mail to all of the homes and businesses in the two ZIP codes serving Berlin – 06037 and 06023.

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“It forces you to speak up and get out of your comfort zone,” she said.

“This encompasses all the things that I have worked for,” she said.

“My older sister took economic classes last year and I skimmed her book a little, looked around to see what it actually was and she explained it to me,” she said. “I just kind of found it interesting how it’s more of an application instead of just a straight up math concept.”


Drive and ambition is only a fraction of what the class of 2016’s valedictorian will be taking with her when she attends UConn in the fall as an economics major. She believes her leadership skills, which she gained from her four-year involvement in Upbeat, will play a role in her college success. From helping out at the middle school, to volunteering at Worthington Manor, Grieco has learned to be a leader.

and not just being complacent with doing okay,” she said. “So, for me, that led me to motivate myself in high school.”

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never know what you really could accomplish,” she said.

Principal Francis Kennedy says Grieco encompasses the qualities that, not only a valedictorian should have, but also a BHS graduate.



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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Calendar Thursday, June 9 Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 24 is scheduled to meet Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Community Center, 230 Kensington Road. Stop in or call Mike Neault, Scoutmaster, at 860-828-3611. Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 41 meets Thursdays, 7 p.m., at Bethany Covenant Church, 785 Mill St. For more information, call Scoutmaster K.C. Jones at 860-829-1148 or email jones327@comcast. net. Storytime - A free storytime and craft session is scheduled for Thursdays, 9 to 10 a.m., at The Sloppy Waffle, 2551 Berlin Turnpike. For more information, visit thesloppywaffle.com.

Friday, June 10 Racing show - Racing Action Today, hosted by Berlin native Larry Mongillo, airs every Friday, 8 p.m., on Comcast cable channel 5.

Saturday, June 11 Festival on the Hill - Kensington Congregational Church, 312 Percival Ave., has scheduled “Festival on

the Hill’ for Saturday, June 11, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., rain or shine. The event includes food, Lobster Loop 5K run, music, entertainment, vendors, artisans and more. For information, call 860-828-4511. Historical society - Berlin Historical Society Museum, 305 Main St., corner of Peck Street, is scheduled to be open Saturdays, 1 to 4 p.m., free admission. View exhibits on Berlin tin and brick, Simeon North’s pistols, Berlin Iron Bridge, dairy farms, needlework, Berlin artists and many local treasures. For more information, call 860-828-5114. Clambake - VFW Post 511, 41 Veterans Drive, New Britain, has scheduled its annual clambake for Saturday, June 11, 1 to 5 p.m., on the picnic grounds. A fee is charged. For more information, call 860225-1107. Tickets are available at the Canteen during normal business hours. Scraptivity - Scraptivity, 1020 Farmington Ave., has scheduled CT open house day, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free. Meet the artists and make a craft. 860828-1311. www.Scraptivity. See Calendar, A4

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A4 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

>> Calendar From A3 net. Theater - The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre, 31-33 Webster Square Road, has scheduled a production of “No Sex Please, We’re British” for Saturday, June 11, 8 p.m. A fee is charged for tickets. For more information and tickets, call 860-829-1248 or visit www.ctcabaret.com.

Friday, June 10 Theater - The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre, 31-33 Webster Square Road, has sched-

uled a production of “No Sex Please, We’re British” for Friday, June 10, 8 p.m. A fee is charged for tickets. For more information and tickets, call 860-829-1248 or visit www. ctcabaret.com.

Tuesday, June 14 Flag Day - American Legion Post 68, 154 Porters Pass, has scheduled its annual Flag Day Ceremony for Tuesday, June 14, 5 p.m. The public is welcome. Drop off unserviceable American flags prior to June 14. Concert - Farmington Bank

Community Concert series has scheduled Simply Swing, a 10-piece swing orchestra, concert for Tuesday, June 14, 7 p.m., at Veterans Park. For more information, visit www.farmingtonbankct. com/CommunityConcertSeries.com or www.simplyswingmusic.com. Auxiliary meeting - The Auxiliary of Berlin, Post 10732, is scheduled to meet Tuesday, June 14, 6:30 p.m., at the Post Home on Masserio Drive. All members are invited to attend. Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 256, chartered by the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, 880 Farm-

ington Ave. For additional information, call Scoutmaster Ed Alicia at 860-828-8693. Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 44 meets Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Bethany Covenant Church, 785 Mill St. For more information, call Tony deRito at 860-829-9879. Playgroup - The Kensington Congregational Church schedules a children’s playgroup for Tuesdays, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., 185 Sheldon St. Sunrise Rotary Club - The Sunrise Rotary Club meets Tuesdays, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., at Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road. For information, call Amy Carroll at 860-829-4900 or visit www.kensingtonrotary.org.

Surgical Weight Loss Sessions

Police offer seminar on ‘active shooter’ situations By Ashley Kus Citizen staff

Police will offer a seminar later this month to help the public deal with an “active shooter” situation before officers arrive. Deputy Chief John Klett said it could take officers at least three to five minutes to arrive at an emergency situation. “That can feel like an eternity if you’re in that situation,” he said. Berlin officers train twice a year on responding to an active shooter. The seminar will give the public a basic understanding of how to act if confronted by an active shooter. The three actions that will be explained are: run, hide and fight. Klett says “fight” is the last resort, while running away is the first option. If a person cannot run away, the next best option is to hide, he said.

These FREE 90-minute sessions cover information about obesity and treatments. Meet the team and learn about steps toward surgery. Family and friends welcome. Presented by Dr. Edward Hannoush

Wednesday, June 15th

Tuesday, June 14 • 6 pm

Thursday, June 16th

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The June 29 seminar starts at 6:30 p.m. in the community center’s multipurpose room, which can accommodate up to 100 people. The community center is located at 230 Kensington Road. The deadline to register is June 24, by 4 p.m. Call Marlene Way at 860-828-7093.

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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Author to discuss Middlefield’s Lyman Family

As seating is limited, reservations must be made by calling the museum at 860-828-5114. The society’s annual business meeting is scheduled from 6 to 6:30 p.m. before the featured program. The public is welcome to attend. The seeds of the grassroots dynasty that flourishes to this day at Lyman Orchards in Middlefield were planted when John and Hope Lyman began life on a small farm in 1741. Here the first five gen-

erations of Lyman men and women built and maintained a family homestead, facing challenges large and small, with courage and conviction. Even as the Lymans sank roots deep into New England soil, they were active in charting the course of the nation’s history from colonial times to after the Civil War. They fought for American independence, crusaded against slavery, advanced industry, and more. McCain provides an overview of the events of the turbulent decades of the novel’s time period between 1741 and 1871 that transformed a handful of American colonies into a young nation on the cusp of the modern industrial era. She will discuss how “Thy Children’s Children” conveys the realities, often harsh and unforgiving, of daily existence for the Lymans and other Connecticut families during this era, and

Library Briefs

the role some Lymans played in critical movements that had an impact far beyond Middlefield.

Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Tuesday, June 14 - Taking Care of the Caregiver and Care Options.

McCain is the author of several non-fiction works of history, including “It Happened in Connecticut,” “Mysteries and Legends of New England,” and “Connecticut Coast.” She lives in Durham.

Wednesday, June 22 - Legal and Financial. For more information and to register call the CT Cen-

— Press Release

ter for Healthy Aging at 1-877-424-4641.

East Berlin Library The East Berlin Library, 80 Main St., is open Mondays and Thursdays, 3 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. See Library, A6



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“The Lymans of Lyman Orchards: Historical Fiction as a Portal to the Past,” is scheduled to be the topic of a program by Diana Ross McCain, author of the new historical novel “Thy Children’s Children,” based on the true story of the first five generations of the Lyman family of Middlefield, on Tuesday, June 21, 7 p.m., at the Berlin Historical Society Museum, 305 Main St.




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A6 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

>> Library

Relay for Life inspires hope in Berlin

From A5

By Sebastian Gronback Special to The Citizen

Berlin Free Library

Nearly 200 runners and 18 teams participated in Relay for Life at the Berlin Lions Fairgrounds, Saturday, May 21.

The Berlin Free Library, 842 Worthington Ridge, is open Mondays and Fridays, 2:30 to 5 p.m.; Wednesdays, 9 to 11:30 a.m. and 7 to 8:30 p.m. The library hosts a book sale every Wednesday, from 9 to 11 a.m.

Taking place during the spring and fall each year, the event occurs across Connecticut and throughout the United States, with donations put towards helping those with cancer and furthering cancer research. The event is largely organized and run through leadership and volunteers from the surrounding area, with assistance from the American Cancer Society.




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“The volunteers do and make the success of the Relay,” said Lynn Kipphut, the ACS manager for the Berlin Relay for Life. “The event brings so many aspects of the commu-

nity together, different people and organizations, and that’s what makes each Relay so unique.” Among this year’s entertainment was opening music from the Griswold Pep Band, desserts from The Cupcake Brake cupcake truck, displays from the Kensington

Spring into a Fall whole newinto look.

Garden club, and arts and crafts from Home Depot. Events continued onward into the night, culminating in the emotional candle-lit Luminary ceremony in honor of those who still fight and in memory of those who have passed on. See Relay, A10

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Lynn Addamo and her son Mark work the booth for Ava’s Mom, the highest fundraiser at the Berlin Relay on Saturday, May 21. | Sebastian Gronback, Special to The Citizen

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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, June 9, 2016



Berlin Citizen news deadlines The deadline for news submissions is Friday, by 5 p.m., for consideration for the following edition. Send to news@theberlincitizen.com or by mail to: The Berlin Citizen, 500 South Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450. Call 203-317-2256.

Support sought for cemetery group The re-instituted Berlin Cemetery Commission’s purpose is to preserve, protect, maintain and oversee the town’s 11 historical cemeteries.

Due to the lack of funding, the commission needs help to preserve the history, gravestones and burial grounds of the town’s founders and veterans of yesteryear.

Donations, perpetual funds and sale of gravesites can be accepted by the Berlin Cemetery Commission, 240 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT 06037.


Frankie, above right, and Peeps, above left, are adorable eight week old kittens that were rescued when they were just three weeks old. They have received their first set of shots and are now ready to be part of a family. Hearts United Cat Rescue is a foster home-based, no kill, non-profit rescue group with foster homes in Berlin, Plainville and throughout the central CT area. For more information and an online application, visit http://www.hucatrescue.org./, call 860-479-5173, heartsunited.catrescue@yahoo.com.


A8 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Religion Briefs Local ordained as deacon James Blanchette of Berlin was recently ordained by Archbishop Leonard P. Blair as a permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Hartford. Blanchette is a member of Sacred Heart Church, East Berlin.

Berlin Congregational Blessing of the animals The Berlin Congregational Church has scheduled its first annual pet show and blessing of the animals for Saturday, June 11, rain or shine. Outdoor spaces are available for rent. The blessing is planned for 9 a.m., pet show follows until 1:30 p.m. Call Tina at 860-261-4321.

Vacation Bible School The Berlin Congregational Church has scheduled free Vacation Bible School, “Camp Discovery,” for Monday, June 26, 2 to 5 p.m., for kindergarten through grade 5. Registration is appreciated, walk-ins are welcome. For more information, call the church at 860-828-6586.

Sweet Hour of Prayer The Berlin Congregational Church has scheduled open prayer in the sanctuary on the fourth Tuesday of each month, 7 to 8 p.m. Stay as long as you like, and listen to soft, meditative music and prayer. Written, anonymous prayer request may be submitted. Call 860-828-6586.

is scheduled for noon to 3 p.m. Download a registration form from www.bethanycovenant.org. For more information, call 860-828-3637 or email colleen@bethanycovenant.org.

Vacation Bible School June 20 through 25, 9 a.m. to noon, for children 4 years old and up. A fee is charged. Register at www. kensingtoncong.org or call 860-828-4511.

Sunday Worship - 8:30 and 11 a.m. Life Together Classes for all ages at 9:45 a.m.

Worship - Berlin Congregational Church schedules Sunday worship for 10 a.m., with communion on the first Sunday of every month. Nursery care is available. Call 869-828-6586.

Tot time - Free Tot Time, 10 to 11:30 a.m., featuring play session, crafts, snack and more. Drop-in.

Kensington Congregational

Outdoor worship in the Chapel in the Woods is scheduled for Sundays, 8:30 a.m., beginning June 26.

Choir, bell ringers - The Berlin Congregational Church invites anyone interested in joining the choir or bell ringers to call 860-828-6586.

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Festival on the Hill - Kensington Congregational Church, 312 Percival Ave., has scheduled “Festival on the Hill’ for Saturday, June 11, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., rain or shine. The event includes food, Lobster Loop 5K run, music, entertainment, vendors, artisans and more. For more information, call 860-828-4511.



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Prince of Peace The Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 1103 Chamberlain Highway, schedules Sunday worship service at 10:15 a.m. Call 860-828-5079 or visit princeofpeacelutheran06037.

Kensington United Methodist Church



Clue: F = C Answer on page A20


Children’s playgroup is scheduled for Tuesdays, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., 185 Sheldon St.

Saint Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, 68 Main St., East Berlin Sunday Eucharist, 9 a.m.


--- B P X P C Y P J L 3:26


The KCC Bereavement Support Group meets the third Monday of every month, 7 p.m., in the parlor. All are welcome.

Saint Gabriel’s Episcopal Church

Kensington United Methodist Church, 103 Hotchkiss St. Sunday worship, 9:30 a.m.

United Methodist Church of East Berlin The United Methodist Church of East Berlin, 139 Main St., East Berlin, schedules services for Sundays, 10 a.m.

Sacred Heart Church


Services are scheduled for Saturdays, 4 p.m., and Sundays at 8 and 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., at 48 Cottage St., East Berlin, 860-828-0154.

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Summer Camp - Bethany Covenant Church Summer Camp is accepting registrations. Vacation Bible Camp, for pre-K through fifth grade, is scheduled for June 27 to July 1, 9 a.m. to noon. Team-building camp, for first through eighth grade,

Sunday worship - 10 am.

E K A H L N S I N L Q Y C M F M H Y L C. ---



Bethany Covenant

Bible study is scheduled for Wednesdays, 11 a.m., in the parlor. All are welcome.

Mass schedule - Saturdays, 4 p.m.; Sundays, 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m. and noon. 485 Alling St. 860-828-0331.

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Obituaries Lisa Marie Andreana BERLIN — With profound sadness we mourn the passing of our dear daughter, Lisa Marie Andreana, 22, who entered into eternal peace on Wednesday, June 1, 2016, due to a heroin overdose after a long and courageous battle with addiction. While we are deeply saddened to see her go, we are relieved that her struggle has ended and she is now at peace. She grew up a happy spirited child with a love for family, the beach, soccer, running, reading, writing poetry, quilting (a love she shared with her Mema) and was an accomplished pianist. She was a very spiritual girl with a kind and caring soul. She touched so many people and always encouraged them to do their best even in her times of great struggle. She was quick to laugh and loved her family with all her heart. She was a 2012 graduate of Berlin High School and was a student at Southern Connecticut State University before her illness took hold. She leaves behind her mother, Amy Andreana; her father, Robert Andreana; her beloved brother, Bobby Andreana; and her half-brother, Nolan, all from Berlin; her grandparents, Raymond and Ginger Rondini, of Newington, and Eloise Andreana (Grand El,) of Berlin. She also leaves her special aunt, Pam Lavery, of Berlin; and cousins,

Obituary fee

Helen (Januszewski) Tomasaitis Raymond and Samantha, BERLIN — Helen (Ja- enjoying ballroom danc- Crandall, of Madison, Daher sister-cousin. She is nuszewski) Tomasaitis, of ing lessons. She loved to vid Tomasitis, of East Beralso survived by her aunt, Berlin, passed away on cook and entertain and lin; and close friends and Heather Andreana and Monday, May 30, 2016. eat her favorite chocolate neighbors. She was predeuncle, Rob O’Connor, of She was the desserts. She loved seeing ceased by her four sisters, Chicago, her uncle Jeff, of beloved wife her nieces and nephews, Mary Kaminski, Lucy Wilks, New London; her Mom’s of Edward grandnieces and neph- Irene Tomasitis and Sophie partner, Jay Toner and his Tomasaitis ews and their families. Her Januszewski. two daughters, Megan and A Mass of Christian burifor over 71 greatest joy was spending Madison, of New Hartford; time with her great grand- al took place on Friday, years. and a loving supportive exJune 3, at Sacred Heart Born in nieces and nephew. tended family with many Along with her husband, Church, New Britain. She New Britain, aunts, uncles and close daughter of a loving sister and aunt, was laid to rest in Sacred cousins. the late Adam and Rozalia she leaves her brother, Heart Cemetery, New BritIt is the family’s hope (Sobiech) Januszewski, Stanley Januszewski; her ain. The Burritt Hill Funeral that the cruel disease of she was a longtime Berlin many nieces and nephews Home, 332 Burritt St., New addiction will trend toward resident and a member of including her Godchildren, Britain, has been entrusted a broader degree of accep- Sacred Heart Church in Kathleen Norton and her with the arrangements. To tance and de-stigmatiza- New Britain. Helen and Ed husband, Timothy, of Nian- share a memory with her tion and a sense of urgency were inseparable, travel- tic, Claudia Blanchette and family, please visit us at will be brought to this bru- ing the world together and her longtime partner, John www.burritthill.com. tal health crisis affecting so many families. Lisa was a Mariann (Stifel) Vigilante strong willed young lady MIDDLETOWN — Mar- and a brother-in-law, Greta 467 Alling St., Kensingwho tried to fight addiction iann (Stifel) Vigilante, 54, and Karen Stifel, of Berlin, ton. Burial will be at the her way but ultimately lost of Middletown, previously and Lisa Stifel and Brian convenience of the famithe battle. We will love and of Berlin for Skupa, of Albuquerque, ly. Porter’s Funeral Home, miss her for the rest of our many years, N.M.; three grandchildren, 111 Chamberlain Highway, lives. p a s s e d Thomas and John Roberge, Berlin has been entrusted Funeral services for Lisa away sud- and Angelina Rizzo; sever- with the arrangements. In Marie will be held Thursdenly Sun- al aunts, uncles; and cous- lieu of flowers, donations day, June 9, at 9 a.m. from day, May 29, ins; and her beloved pets, may be made to the Marthe Newington Memorial Vienna, Valentino, Coco, iann C. Vigilante Memorial 2016. Funeral Home, 20 Bonair Fund, c/oprotection Webster Bank,through and Mango. was preBorn in Ask aboutShe better insurance Ave., Newington, followed New Britain, deceased by her beloved 346 Main St., Kensington, by a Mass of Christian Auto & Homeowners Insurance CT 06037. Directions to the son,AARP® Justin Longo. d a u g h t e r the burial at 10 a.m. at St. funeral home can be found A Mass of Christian buriof Vilma (Piatek)Ask Stifelabout and better insurance protection through Paul Church, 461 Alling The Hartford – now available at: al was held from Saturday, June the late John M. Stifel, she Program St., Kensington. She will the AARP® Homeowners Insurance www.portersfuneral.com 4, Auto at your St. & Paul’s Church, graduated from Berlin High from local Hartford independent agent. be laid to rest in St. Mary School, and was a memProgram from The Hartford – now available Cemetery, New Britain. ber of St. Paul’s Church. A ARE YOU AREindependent YOUA ASAFER SAFER DRIVER? DRIVER? Relatives and friends are from your local Hartford agent. most extraordinary baker AARESPONSIBLE RESPONSIBLE HOMEOWNER? HOMEOWNER? invited to call Wednesday, and cook, she was also a Ask about better insurance protection through June 8, from 4 to 9 p.m. at Ask about better insurance protection through talented make-up artist for the AARP® Auto & Homeowners Insurance Newington Memorial. Methe AARP® Auto & Homeowners Insurance Jafra Cosmetics, savings loved to of $375* for drivers Program The ––now • Average who switch. Programfrom from TheHartford Hartford now available available morial donations may be from paint and draw, and was fromyour yourlocal localHartford Hartfordindependent independent agent. agent. made to the Walter Hoving “Bundling” you insure your home and cars together. • Average savings ofDiscounts $375* drivers who switch. an • animal and nature lover. forwhen Home, 40 Walter Hoving In addition to her moth• “Bundling” Discounts when you•from insure yourconvenient, home and cars together. • Personalized service our local office. Road, Garrison, NY 10524. Average $404* • Averagesavings savingsofof$375* $375*for fordrivers driverswho whoswitch. switch. er, she is survived by a son To share a memory •with • “Bundling” Discounts when you insure your home and Personalized service from convenient, local office. • “Bundling” Discounts when you insure your home and cars cars together. together. and daughter-in-law, Jo- our• Personalized Lisa Marie’s family, please • Personalizedservice servicefrom fromour ourconvenient, convenient,local local office. office. To request your free, no-obligation quote, call or stop by TODAY! seph and Alaina Roberge, visit us at ToTo request your or request yourfree, free,no-obligation no-obligation quote, call orstop stop by by TODAY! TODAY! To requestofyour free,three no-obligation quote, call or stopquote, bycall TODAY! Sterling; sisters 860-225-4694 www.newingtonmemorial.com 860-225-4694





The Berlin Citizen charges $50 for an 8-inch obituary, and $5 for each additional inch. To place an obituary, call 203-317-2240.

860-225-4694 Steve Bruno Steve Bruno Steve Bruno INSURANCE m MILDRUM-BRUNO MILDRUM-BRUNO INSURANCEASSOCIATES ASSOCIATES INSURANCE ASSOCIATES Steve Bruno 74MILDRUM-BRUNO Vine Street, 74 Vine Street,New NewBritain BritainCTCT06052 06052 Steve Bruno 74 Vine Street, New Britian, CT 06052 mildrumbruno@snet.net mildrumbruno@snet.net ASSOCIATES Auto & Home MILDRUM-BRUNO mildrumbruno@snet.net I MILDRUM-BRUNO love you. INSURANCE Sharon INSURANCE andASSOCIATES *Savings amounts *Savings amountsarearebased basedononinformation informationfrom fromThe TheHartford’ Hartford’ssAARP AARPAuto Auto Insurance Insurance Auto Auto Insurance Insurance Program fromand Program customer policyholders between Program customerwho whobecame becamenew newauto autoinsurance insurance policyholders between7/1/11 7/1/11 and 6/30/12 6/30/12 through love you,New and all CT 06052 74 Vine John Street, New Britain CT 06052 74 Vine Street, Britain traditional AARP AutoInsurance InsuranceProgram Programand andprovided provideddata dataregarding regardingtheir theirsavings. savings.Authorized Authorized agents thethe traditional AARP Auto also provide coverageunder underthis thisProgram. Program.Your Yoursavings savingsmay mayvary. vary. your many friends love cancan also provide coverage mildrumbruno@snet.net mildrumbruno@snet.net AARP Automobile& &Homeowners HomeownersInsurance InsuranceProgram Programfrom fromThe TheHartford Hartfordisisunderwritten underwritten by Hartford TheThe AARP Automobile and miss you. You will 108320 108320


*Savings amounts are based on information from The Hartford’s AARP Auto Insurance Program customers who became new108320 auto insurance

Insurance Company and affiliates, OneHartford Hartford Plaza,Hartford Hartford CTprovided 06155. CA license license number FireFire Insurance Company and itsitsaffiliates, One CT 06155. policyholders between 7/1/13 and 6/30/14 through the traditional AARP AutoPlaza, Insurance Program and data CA regarding their savings.

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Program customer who became new auto insurance policyholders between 7/1/11 and through to agents AARP for use of intellectual property.These These feesare areused used for royalty the6/30/12 general purposes of itsAARP. AARP AARP for thethe use ofand itsits fees for general purposes AARP or brokers. AARP itsintellectual affiliates are notproperty. insurers. Paid endorsement. The Hartford paysthe fees to AARP for the useofof AARP. intellectual Lisa M. Larom membership Program eligibility most states. are7/1/11 individually underwritten and property. These feesrequired are usedfor forfor the general purposes of AARP. membership isApplicants required for Program eligibility in most states. Applicants Program customer who became newtomembership auto insurance policyholders between and 6/30/12 through is is required Program eligibility ininAARP most states. Applicants are individually underwritten and Insurance Company. The Home Program is underwritten by Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. AARP does not employ or endorse

the traditional AARP Auto Insurance Program andsome provided data regarding their agents are individually underwritten and some mayfeatures, not qualify. credits, Specific features, credits, and discounts may vary andmay may not available in all states some may qualify. Specific andsavings. discounts mayAuthorized vary and notbebe be available in all all notnot qualify. Specific features, credits, not in 1/24/53 - 6/11/07 in may accordance with state filings and applicable law. You have the and option discounts of purchasing amay policyvary directlyand from may The Hartford. Youravailable price, however, m

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The AARP Automobile & Homeowners Insurance Program from The Hartford is underwritten by Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates, One Hartford Plaza,Program Hartford from CT 06155. CA license number by Hartford The AARP Automobile & Homeowners Insurance The Hartford is underwritten


A10 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com



Jan Lawrence Sayko BERLIN — Jan Lawrence Sayko, 70, of Berlin, passed away peacefully at home on Saturday, June 4, 2016, surrounded by his loving family. He was the husband of the late Christine Marie (Normandin) Sayko, who died March 23, 2003. Born in Springfield, Mass., he was the son of the late John and Wanda (Zielonka) Sayko. Jan grew up in Chicopee, Mass., and lived in West Springfield, Mass., before moving to Berlin over 40 years ago. Before retiring, he spent his entire career working at Northeast Utilities in various positions, including program manager in the energy conservation department. Surviving are his son, Joshua Sayko, his wife, Sarah (Szczepanik), and their daughter, Isla Christine Sayko, of Washington, D.C.; his daughter, Rachel Sayko Adams, her husband, Dave, and their

children, Ruby Christine Adams and Mabel Jane Adams; his sister, Joyce Stone, and her husband, James, of Eastham, Mass.; and many nieces and nephews. In addition to his wife, Christine, he was predeceased by a sister, Patricia Mercure. He will be remembered for his sense of humor and storytelling, his unending devotion to the love-of-his-life Christine, and the love and pride he felt for his children and granddaughters. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, June 11, at 1 p.m. at Erickson-Hansen Funeral Home. Calling hours will be held on Saturday from 11:30 a.m. until the time of the service. A private burial will take place in Maple Cemetery at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Masonicare Hospice, (P.O. Box 70, Wallingford, CT 06492) or to the National Pancreatic Cancer Foundation. Please share a memory of Jan in the online guest book @ www.ericksonhansen.com.

Obituary fee The Berlin Citizen charges $50 for an 8-inch obituary, and $5 for each additional inch. To place an obituary, call 203-317-2240.

National Junior Honor Society members at St. Paul School: Meaghan Bertolami, Jacob Cink, Mari Cormier, Nick Dighello, Janessa Gonzalez, Michael Kalinowski, Madeline Kurnik, Maliya Ouellette, Francesca Pokorski, Katherine Rigsby and Alexis Tierpack.

Torch Run coming to town The 2016 Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Connecticut, scheduled for June 8, 9 and 10, is the 30th year Connecticut has participated in the Law Enforcement Torch Run. The run through Berlin is scheduled for Friday, June 10 and will cover approximately seven miles. Officers planning to participate in the run are Lieutenant James Gosselin, Lieutenant Christopher Ciuci, Sergeant John McCormack, Detective Ted Fuini, Detective Dave Cruickshank, Officer Aimee

Krzykowski, Officer Richard Schreiner, Officer Scott Schreiner, Officer Jeff Scoppetto, Officer John Flynn, Officer Mike Locastro and Officer Tyler Cyr along with Berlin Police Dispatcher Phyllis Campanella. In addition, State of Connecticut Department of Corrections Officer John McCormack will participate in the Berlin leg. Special Olympic Athlete’s Kelly Johnson, Christine Amaro and Savannah Tyler are scheduled to participate in the Torch Run, with local Berlin Police Officers.

Over 3,500 Law Enforcement officers will carry the “Flame of Hope” in Connecticut. The torch will be carried around all 50 states and 35 nations and 12 Canadian provinces in 2016. To donate or to sponsor a specific officer, contact Sergeant John McCormack at 860-828-7080. Checks should be made to Connecticut Special Olympics and may be mailed to the Berlin Police Department, 240 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT, 06037.

>> Relay From A6

Berlin Relay for Life was spearheaded by the three-person leadership committee of Laura Karoll and Shari Garrison of Berlin and Carol Reed of New Britain. Karoll began Relay eight years ago in honor of her three aunts and an uncle who fought battles with cancer, while Garrison began around the same time, for her mother, a survivor of breast cancer. Over the years,

the Relay for Life has become journey. a family event for Garrison. “It used to be that people “It’s a great time for family wouldn’t talk about cancer. bonding,” she said. They called it ‘The Big C’,” she said. “Now there’s so much Carol Reed, the captain for support, especially through Team Irish, began attending the American Cancer SociRelay for Life nine years ago ety, offering hospital rides, in honor of her friend Mary free wigs, make-up.” Ellen before being diagnosed with cancer herself a few Alongside Reed was her years later. Now a seven-year longtime friend Pam Mansurvivor, Reed says that the gan, a six-year survivor of Relay was an important part breast cancer and fellow of helping her deal with her member of the Irish Club of

New Britain for which Team Irish is named. Mangan and her husband helped organize the Lyman’s Orchard corn maze last year, one of their biggest fundraisers with over $7,000 raised. Over the years, Reed and Mangan have supported each other through tough times and worked in remembrance of the members of Team Irish both past and present. Thanks to the fundraising at the event and throughout

the year, the Berlin Relay for Life was able to raise some $55,000 for the American Cancer Society. The slogan of the Relay, “Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back,” was exemplified in the survivors and supporters who participated Saturday. “Great strides are being made in research,” said Keith Adams of New Britain. “Now survivors are going on for 10, 15, 20 years.”

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, June 9, 2016


School News Mr. BHS

Nick Naples, Alec Rich and Jared Zima. Alec Rich was crowned Mr. BHS 2016. Jake Harris and Jared Zima were first and second runner up. Proceeds from the event benefited the 2016 All Night Grad Party.

Ten senior students competed for the title of Mr. BHS 2016 recently. Contestants included Nate Baretta, Matt Bardon, Brian Chant, Evan Cornwall, Charlie Esposito, Ethan Hansen, Jake Harris,

Dean’s list Bucknell University, Pennsylvania - Jason Corriveau of Berlin. Connecticut College - Lauren Baretta, Nathan Giaccone of Berlin.

Eastern Connecticut State University - Kenneth Fisette, Kamila Nowak, Caroline Scarrozzo, Trafford Underwood of Berlin; Alicia Maule of East Berlin. Fairfield University - Patrick W. Carroll of Berlin; Leah F.

Pawelczyk of Kensington. Fordham University, New York - John Stepensky of Berlin. Lehigh University, Pennsylvania - Daniel Dunham of See Schools, A12

Government Meetings Thursday, June 9

Youth Services Advisory Board, Town Hall, 4 p.m.

Commission for Persons with Disabilities, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. Parks & Recreation Commission, Community Center, 7 p.m. Planning & Zoning, Town Hall, 7 p.m.

Monday, June 13

Police Commission, BPD Conference Room, 6:30 p.m.

Board of Education, Town Hall, 7 p.m.

Worthington Fire District, 1400 Wilbur Cross Hwy., 5:30 p.m.

Kensington Fire District, 947 Farmington Ave., 5 p.m.

Monday, June 20

Tuesday, June 14

Public Building Commission, 238 Kensington Road, 7 p.m. Conservation Commission, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.

Commission of the Aging, Senior Center, 7 p.m.

Public Building Commission, 238 Kensington Road, 7 p.m.

Thursday, June 23

Monday, June 27

Planning & Zoning, Town Hall, 7 p.m.

See Meetings, A18

Coping with lymphedema

Tuesday, June 21

Polka Music, Kielbasa, Pierogi, Golabki and much more

In this FREE educational seminar, learn more about:

Saint Stanislaus Parish’s


r This common condition of limb swelling r The symptoms, causes and treatment r Answers to your questions from a licensed

Friday June 10th 6:00 pm 10:00 pm Saturday June 11th Noon to 10:00pm

lymphedema therapist

Tuesday, June 21 | 6–7:30 pm

Traditional Polish & American Food Polish Music, Bounce Houses, Face Painting, Kids’ Games, and more!

Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at The Hospital of Central Connecticut 183 North Mountain Road, New Britain Conference Rooms A-C


Presenters: Ruth Satterberg, OTR/L, CLT-LANA Occupational Therapist Certified Lymphedema Therapist

Other prizes include: 2nd: $750; 3rd: $500, 4th: $250, 5th: $250, & 6th: $150

Linda Hodgkins, MS OTR/L CLT-LANA Occupational Therapist Certified Lymphedema Therapist

(winner need not be present)


Town Council, Town Hall, 7 p.m.


Friday 6/10: Chris & Ronnie Polka Band Saturday 6/11: The Rich Bobinski Orchestra

Join us at: St. Stanislaus Church 82 Akron St., Meriden, CT 06450 All Proceeds Benefit St. Stanislaus Church

Registration is required. 1.855.HHC.HERE (1.855.442.4373) thocc.org/events



Wednesday, June 15

A12 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

>> Mental health Creek or the Berlin Lions Fairgrounds. “We need to let people know that it’s OK not to be OK,” said Prior. Originally from Newington, the Berlin resident has had a passion for the mental health field since she was a

teen and hopes to become a psychologist. The idea for a walk started as a school assignment and grew. “I watched a lot of videos on these different walks and wondered if there were any mental health walks,” she said.

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Prior found few in her own area. She decided to create a walk with the support of Mental Health Connecticut (MHC), a non-profit organization in West Hartford. Suzi K. Craig, MHC senior director of Advocacy & Development, was thrilled to see Prior take the initiative. “It’s really important, especially for the younger generation to really take up this work,” she said.

“Our bill requires insurance companies to cover more treatments,” he said, “It starts to marry together the physical health system and the mental health system, creating one system to treat people.”

Quinnipiac University Aneta Chorzepa, Samantha DeFrancesco, Daniel Lojko, Jenna Lynch, Guilherme Vieira of Berlin; Shayna Zuk of Kensington; Shane Garfi of East Berlin.

Craig says that MHC has also been working on legislative reform.

“It’s awesome for her to have that commitment and passion,” said MHC Executive Assistant Jacquilyn Davis.

“We’ve come a long way, especially in Connecticut,” Davis said, “But in terms of the stigma, I think we still have a long way to go.”

“We have a long way to go, but finally there’s research out there,” she said. Davis will be in Washington next week for the Mental Health America conference.

Berlin. Muhlenberg College, Pennsylvania - Molly Majewicz of Berlin.

Western Connecticut State University - Robert Reis, Alyssa Zipadelli of Kensington.

Scholastic achievements Kelsey Dornfried, Ariana Kelly and Mary Wood of Berlin were all inducted into the Spanish Honor Society at Northwest Catholic High School.

Mercy High School Local students named a graduates of Mercy High School, Middletown. See Schools, A13

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From A11

Prior’s event is a year away but she has already started promoting it on social media and in other ways. The college student handed out flyers around town before Memorial Day events, as well as spreading the word at the Veterans Hospital in Newington where she volunteers.

Prior’s efforts to change the way that people view mental health, coincide with recent

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bills and government action. Recently, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy spoke at a community event in Plainville about a mental health bill that he supports.

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From A1

>> Schools

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, June 9, 2016



Boy Scout Troop 24 of Berlin recently took a 15-mile bike tour of Block Island. The scouts also worked on merit badge and rank requirements. The group was made up of 27 scouts and 12 leaders. Troop 24 meets at the Community Center on Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. For more information on Troop 24, call Scoutmaster Mike Neault at 860-828-3611.

In Brief Flag Day Ceremony set for June 14 American Legion Post 68, 154 Porters Pass, has scheduled its annual Flag Day Ceremony for Tuesday, June 14, 5 p.m. The public is welcome. Drop off unserviceable American flags prior to June 14. For more information, call the Post at 860-828-9102.

>> Schools From A12

Emily DeVivo, Leila Gallupe, Madeline Jenkins (Valedictorian), Sarah LeDuc, Emma Sokolowski, Haley Vanty of Berlin; Ashley Getsie, Cynthia Reinert, Megan Welch of Kensington. Berlin High School class of 1964 has scheduled a “70th Birthday Bash Reunion� for Saturday, Sept. 17, 4 p.m., at Timberlin Golf Course. All former classmates are welcome. For more information, contact Betty Caliandri Jutras at donat-bettylouj@att.net.



A14 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Welcome to On The Menu. Let us help you find the perfect place to eat.

Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste buds.

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A16 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Memorable spring for girls track team


Greensboro, North Carolina. By Nick Carroll Record-Journal staff

The 2016 Berlin High School girls track and field team put together quite a season. Among their accomplishments, the Lady Redcoats finished first in the CCC South White Division, placed second at the Class MM state meet and had several athletes qualify for the upcoming New Balance Nationals in

The locals were powered by 11 all-conference performers, and four All-Staters. “They worked really hard but also kept the atmosphere light,” Berlin coach Steve Soucy said of his troops. “There was a great mix of freshmen, sophomores and upper-classmen, so hopefully we keep everything moving in the same See Track, A17

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Dog obedience classes offered

Classes meet at the former Pistol Creek Golf Course, 600 Spruce Brook Road, East Berlin.

7 p.m., June 23 to Aug. 4; Basic Dog Obedience, for dogs at least 6 months old, on Tuesdays, 6 to 7 p.m., June 21 to Aug. 2 and Obedience Challenge Course class, dogs and handlers will navigate a course of varying obedience exercises, Wednesdays, 6 to 7 p.m., June 27 to July 20. Dog handlers should be at least 16 years old.

Classes include Kindergarten Puppy training, for puppies aged two and a half months to six months, on Thursdays, 6 to

Registration forms are available at www. town.berlin.ct.us. For more information, call 860-828-7009.

The Berlin Parks and Recreation Department is accepting registration for summer Dog Obedience Classes. A fee is charged.


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Molly Jordan, a fifth-grader at Richard D. Hubbard Elementary School, broke her own 50-yard dash record recently with a time of 6.4 seconds. As a fourthgrader, Jordan clocked a record time of 6.5 seconds. Jordan’s current time is tops among all elementary school girls in town and is tied with the boys’ record-holder.

DENTURES UPPER OR LOWER Dentures available Extractions and Relines and in 24 Dentures at same Repairs while hours. appointment! you wait.

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Unions boycott fundraiser in protest of budget

>> Track From A16

“Labor is angry with the Democratic party,” said Julius Preston, a captain with the state Department of Correction and president of the Connecticut State Employees Association’s Corrections Supervisors Council.

Some politicians in attendance urged the two sides to come together, raising concerns that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump could win in November if

Democrats and labor are divided. “We often have fights and bitterness inside our party, and what I’m going to say to both groups is ‘it’s my hope we can find a way to come back together,’” said U.S. Sen. Christopher Murphy, D-Connecticut, who stopped to shake hands with some protesters on his way into the See Fundraiser, A19


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Jody DiCicco (Sr.) - CCC South champion 1600, 800, 3200. State runner up Class MM 1600, 800, 3200. Set school record in 3000 and 3200. Qualified for New Balance Nationals in 2 mile and in the 1600 sprint medley relay.

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4x100 relay, Nikki Xiarhos (So.), Taylor Budney (Sr.), Hanna Schulz (Jr.), Sarah Daddario (Jr.) - CCC South champions, Class MM champions, All-State, qualified for New Balance Nationals.

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Soucy added, “If someone had asked me five or six years ago if I thought we would be able to make five straight trips to a national level meet I would have thought they were crazy. These girls have been incredibly motivated and dedicated to making that a reality and they deserve a ton of credit.”

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4x800 relay, Madison Monroe (Fr.), Lisa Grieco (Jr.), Natalie Couceiro (So.) and Alexa Monroe (Fr.) - CCC South runner up.

Preston said lawmakers usually seen as friends of labor — he specifically named House Majority Leader Joe Aresimowicz, D-Berlin — were “wrong” to support the budget.


HARTFORD — Union members voiced displeasure with state Democratic leaders last week, boycotting the annual fundraising dinner that they usually help fill.

The package included $820 million in spending cuts, including changes that will result in state employee layoffs and reductions in municipal aid.


By Mike Savino Record-Journal staff

As many as 200 protesters, largely from public sector unions, stood outside the Democrats’ annual Progressive Dinner, held Thursday, June 2 at the Connecticut Convention Center. Protesters said they wanted to show their disapproval of the budget fix that Democrats approved during a special session last month to close a $960 million deficit in next year’s budget.

A18 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

>> Charter From A1

was also a topic of disagreement Monday night. Current board member Julia Motte explained that the learning curve for board members is enormous and that she was still learning in her first year as a member. “I couldn’t imagine having this year under my belt and going into

next year, with having something to contribute, and then having to start over or just not being reelected and having someone new come in,” Motte said. Having the school budget as a separate vote from the town budget at referendum also received mixed reviews from attendees. While some

talked about wanting to keep the budgets consolidated, others said there would be more transparency if they were separate. Another big change that stirred up some controversy Monday night was the idea to split the Planning and Zoning Commission into two commissions. Economic Development Commission Chair Dave Cyr spoke about the possible consequences of going forward with such a big change.

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“What will happen if the two commissions have different interpretation or disagree?” he said. “That will make the process more difficult and uncertain for applicants.” Term limits were also discussed for the Planning and Zoning Commission. With term limits, board members, like Cyr, say that experienced participants would have to leave a board even if they were doing well. The Town Charter Revision Commission reconvened afMORE WAYS TO MOVE YOU >>

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Congratulations to our Agents of the Month Mary Jean Agostini and Sarah Smedick

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From A11

Board of Education, Town Hall, 7 p.m. 40182-01

261 Stony Mill – $239,000 Rarely Available - 4 bedroom - 2 1/2 bath unit. First floor master w/full bath, breakfast bar in kitchen. The light filled unit has a dinning room area open to sunken living room. Basement could easily be finished for additional living space. A must see!! Call Patty 860.558.1455

BERLIN - Move in condition. Freshly painted. 2 Bdrm 2 full bath ranch style condo in Kensington Woods. Eat-in-kitchen w/breakfast bar which is open to living room w/cathedral ceilings, skylights and fireplace. C/A, washer/dryer in unit and included, Car port and storage space..This unit is located at the end of the cul-de-sac. $139,900 Angie Santoro 214-6384

BERLIN - Beautiful and private 13.11 acre bldg. lot at the end of Heritage Dr. Potential to divide for 2 bldg. lots or build your dream home & enjoy it all. Level topography. Potential for horses or gentleman farmer. $249,900 Derek Jutras 883-7091

SOUTHINGTON - Lots to love in this 1816sq.ft. Cape. 3 bdrms 1.5 bths. Large eat-in kit.Open flr. pln.LR w/gas logs. Spacious bdrms w/built ins. Mostly fin LL w/pellet stove. Dry bar & Workshop adds apprx 400 sq. ft. Updated mechanicals. New Buderus boiler 2007. windows 2010. roof approx 7-10 years old. Oversized 2 car gar w/heat..29acre. Hot tub 2 driveways & outbuilding. $249,900 Derek Jutras 883-7091

TREE SERVICE Call Dave Cyr (860) 828-9953 CT Lic# S-4240

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BERLIN - Outstanding Oversized Cape. Beautiful inside & out. 4 bdrms 3 bths, 2,874sq.ft.1st flr. Master. Wood flrs, Newer windows, siding & Buderus boiler. 75x30 Barn/garage. 96x30 Greenhouse. 6 garage bays. in-ground pool. Horses permitted. Private country setting across from reservoir. $499,900 Derek Jutras 883-7091

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Kensington Fire District, 947 Farmington Ave., 5 p.m. Inland/Wetlands & Watercourses Commission, Town Hall, 7 p.m.


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The Town Charter Revision Commission will meet again to make final changes Monday, June 13, before submitting the charter draft the next day. The Town Council will have the draft on its agenda for its June 21 meeting.

>> Meetings

Leslie Blaser Bajorski and Mary Gurrieri of The Blaser Selling Team are ready to help you this Spring in making a move!

48 Patterson Way – $259,900 Large Colonial home 3 large bedrooms, Master with office suite and huge double closets, 2 full sized baths – partially finished basement with tons of storage, Eat in kitchen, Trex Deck, huge fenced in yard & C-Air – walk to school! Motivated Sellers! Centrally located! Call Amy 860.508.5626

ter the hearing for a meeting to talk about the arguments presented. The biggest discussion revolved around whether to make the BOE partisan. Chairman Paul Argazzi explained that, the way the current board stood, voters do not have a way to really change things.


The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, June 9, 2016


>> Fundraiser fundraiser. “We’re going to need each other this fall.” Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, the dinner’s keynote speaker, focused on that point throughout her address, saying it’s “time to suit up in this battle to be clear and be proud of the contrast with that other party.”

She asked Democrats to rally around former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, but also urged the party to “turn every state Connecticut blue.” Prior to her speech, Malloy and Lieutenant Gov. Nancy Wyman touted a number of the policies they helped usher through the legislature, See Protest, A20

A Red Carpet Awards Event

Honoring the 250+ Record-Journal Athletes of the Week for the 2015 – 2016 School Year Platt | Maloney | Wilcox | Lyman Hall Sheehan | Southington | Cheshire Please celebrate with us on

Sunday, June 26, 2016 10:30am – 1:00pm The Aqua Turf Club

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From A17


Scripture Bits

A20 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

C M H K A Bnues M to D balance PYCM EKA PHN the budget.

>> Protest From A19

Brought to you by the Meriden YMCA

Lori Pelletier, president of the

AFL-CIO, P S S F M Ystate SG H N J said K Dunion BKG YJ

members were also frusincluding paid sick leave, an trated the budget forced muof K whom increase in the minimum F M H Y L C nicipalities, O N L A many L. D H PSS KD already approved their own wage and allowing home healthcare workers to union- budgets, to either cut spending or ize. While MalloyEdidn’t KA QMK Q raise N Hproperty N X Ptaxes R CtoY T N G account for last-minute cuts directly address the protestin municipal aid. ers during his speech, he seemed to defend the budget Y J saying C K F MShe H said Y L unions C M wanted P I N to FSKCMNG that he helped craft, send a message to Dem“it would be great if every ocrats that they can’t just day was sunny. E K A H L N assume S I N LtheQsame Y Clevel M ofF M H Y L C. --support from labor going “If there were no hard choices to make, it would be into November’s elections. a lovely life,” he added. --- B P X P C“We’re Y P Jtaking L 3:26 CLUE: F = C a step back, we’re taking a pause and The budget relies on the rewe’re saying, ‘you know duction of 2,500 state jobs through attrition, retirements what, we need to support candidates who are going to and layoffs, despite calls from unions to increase reve- support our issues,’” she said.

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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com Automobiles

Thursday, June 9, 2016







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A22 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

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Music By Roberta Perform + Instruct Voice lessons - all ages +levels,piano beginnerinterm. (203) 630-9295.

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NEW LISTING! OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 12–2 133 Hillside Road, Kensington $249,000 Location Location! 1.38 acres of beauty and tranquility describes the property of this Kensington home. Price reflects updates needed. 2000+ square feet of living space offers some great entertaining opportunities – a 16x33 foot family room with fireplace overlooking 21x12 foot sun room to name just a couple. Also offering 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, eat-in kitchen and a second level “artist or craft studio” or office. Partially finished walk-out basement also poses some nice opportunities for additional living space. Bring your ideas that will allow this home to once again be as bright and inviting as the property it sits on. View with Heather 860-202-9055. Directions: Lincoln to Moorland and left onto Hillside.

Wendi Zuk • Homes Plus of CT, LLC

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OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 12–2 • $289,000 21 Vineyard Drive, Kensington Lovely well maintained and cared for colonial situated on half acre lot. Two car attached garage connects to cozy breezeway and connects to rear deck overlooking patio and stone fire pit for those pleasant summer nights. Interior boasts beautiful hardwood throughout entire home. Eat in kitchen, separate dining room, front to back living room with pellet stove, 3 bedrooms and 1 ½ baths. The lower level features a nicely done, fully finished walk out basement. Additional updates feature a 2008 architectural roof, 2013 new driveway. View with Wendi 860-836-8022. Directions: Chamberlain Highway to Vineyard Drive

Wendi Zuk • Homes Plus of CT, LLC

wendihomesplus@aol.com Cell: 860-836-8022 Office: 860-828-0060 Direct Fax: 203-413-7365

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Requirements include CONSIGNMENT standard shop equipproven craft ability on industrial and civil con32 North Colony St ment such as lathes, struction projects, strong awareness of safety Wallingford, (203) 269-9341 break presses, band in the workplace, pre-employment drug 2flrs-1800sf Consigned Home saws, hand and air screen, and a provable history of reliable atDecor, furniture, jewelry & tools, deburring and tendance and strong work ethic. handbags. Daily disc. given. $5 riveting equipment. off $25 purchase, $10 off The Secondary MachiTo arrange an interview, call Harold Skelton at $100 purchase. 30 day laynist needs to be able (800) 734-8946 or email contact information to away avail. New merchandise to read and work from hskelton@bancroftcontracting.com. daily. Ample prkg in our lot. Mblueprints and engiBancroft offers competitive wages and a comF, 9:30-5, Sat., 10-5, Sun, 11-4 neering sketches. prehensive benefits package including travel Like us on facebook Interested individuals pay, medical, dental, life & disability insurance, may submit paid holidays & vacations, and 401-k. SUPPLE LEATHER resumes to: COUCH - tan, 92" humanresources@agcin Bancroft Contracting is an Equal Opportunity long, 6 months old, corporated.com or to Employer.We make a continuous effort to inPlainville, $350.00 obo AGC Acquisition LLC, crease diversity in our workforce.Qualified wom860-747-2184 106 Evansville Avenue, en, minorities & veterans are encouraged Meriden CT. 06451 to apply. Lawn and Garden AGC is an Equal Opportunity Employer Maintenance AUTO TECHNCIAN Committed to CUB CADET – 48” 0 Mechanic RICHARD CHEVROLET Diversity/M/F/D/V Turn Rider: Bob Cat, AGC, an Aerospace Immediate opening for 48” walk behind; Component Manufacexp. GM Tech. Busy TEACHER Looking for Wheel Horse Tractor turer and FAA, service dept. with cona fun, energetic person 312-8 mower / NADCAP approved sistent work flow. to work at a NAEYC Snowblower; Gravely Repair Facility is seekState-of-the-art equip, center, full-time and C-12 mower Snow ing an experienced immaculate shop. Expart-time positions plow rotary plow; Toro Maintenance Mechanic cellent pay w/benefits. available, please call CR20 snow thrower; for our facility in MeriPlease apply to Jamie (203) 574-2892 for Giant Vac leaf blower, den. The successful Gray at (203) 272more information. 8hp. (860) 961-0232. candidate will repair 3000, or email: jamie@ and maintain machirichardchevy.com TEACHER’S Livestock nery and mechanical ASSISTANT equipment such as Landscape ConstrucSchool Readiness Prg., machine tools, hytion, Maintenance & F/T + benefits. CDA or HORSE CARE - Some draulic and mechanical Design Firm looking for equiv., AA in ECE AM/PM hours in expresses, production the following positions: pref’d. Send resume change for riding, etc. machines and equipMasons, Horticultural to info@womenfamilies Exp. preferred, but will ment, service all vital Expert, Lawncare, .org or mail to WFC, train. 203-213-8833 factory systems in& Mowers Attn: HR Mgr., 169 cluding plumbing, *Pd vacation & holidays* Miscellaneous Colony St., Meriden electrical, hydraulic, Christensen CT 06451 AA/EOE For Sale heating and support Landscape equipment. www.christensen AVIATION BOOKS, illusLost and Found Interested individuals landscape.com trated and encyclopemay submit 203-484-0424 dia books, $75.00 and resumes to: IMPOUNDED under. Call (203) Grey/white cat, vicinity 213-0003 MACHINE OPERATORS humanresources@agcin corporated.com or to of Oxyoke Dr, Ken- Back shifts, $15/hr. AGC Acquisition LLC, sington CT. Call Berlin MOVING SALE Apply at Accel, 508 N 106 Evansville Avenue, Animal Control (860) Champion 7000 wt Colony St., Meriden. Meriden CT. 06451 828-7055 Generator $480; Sofa, AGC is an Equal Loveseat & Chr, $850; Opportunity Employer Sofa, Coffee & End Appliances Help Wanted Committed to tbl., $350; DR table Diversity/M/F/D/V w/6 chrs, $375; 6pc full size BR set, $525. AFFORDABLE MFG. INSPECTOR Supervisor Please call Perez at Washers, Dryers, Aerospace mfg. co look(2nd Shift) 860-816-5879. Refrigerators & Stoves. ing for quality control Appliance Repairs inspector. Knowledge OLDTOWN Canoe Bridgeport Fittings, a Will Deliver of inspection techniw/oars & life jackets, leading manufacturService calls available. ques & gauges who gd condit., $700; BJ er of conduit & ca(203) 284-8986 can perform first piece, swing set, assem., ble fittings since in process & final in$450. 860-919-3432 1925, seeks 5 - 10 FREE STOVE - Whirlspections of aircraft years’ of experience pool, gold, super ca- THERMASPA HOT TUB engine parts. Please for a generalist with pacity, self clean oven. send resume to walter – Good cond., 4 persome maintenance (203) 265-9395. @bnaerospace.com or son, teal blue, comes talent. Pay is comcall (860) 665-0134. with chemicals for mensurate with exmaintenance, $2,000. perience; 2nd shift Furniture VAN DRIVER-SUB (203) 634-0176. differential offered. & Appliances of Cheshire invites Please contact Jim Town qualified applicants to Music Instruments Connor, Human Reapply for the position 2 youth dressers, good & Instruction source VP, Bridgeof substitute van driver condition, both for port Fittings, 705 for the Town’s senior $95.00. 203-508-0426. HOWARD SPINET Lordship Blvd., Stratadult/disabled resident PIANO – By Baldwin, ford, CT 06615, Fax: transportation system. must sell, sheet music BURGUNDY 203-378-9818, EStarting rate $15/hr. storage bench includUPHOLSTERED Refer to Town’s web mail: ed, pickup necessary, site www.cheshirect. STORAGE OTTOMAN, jimc@bptfittings.com $300. (203) 235-1061. very good condition, org to learn more EOE $99.00, 203-235-8229 about position & appli-

Help Wanted

3 Darling Street, Southington, CT Studio & One Bedroom Apt. Homes Includes Heat/Hot Water, Appliances Computer & Fitness Center Free Meal Program & Activities Free Shuttle Bus Service Affordable Apartments for Qualified Applicants 50 years of age of older. For more info call 860-621-3954 TTY 711 FlanderswestBC.com

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EAST WALLINGFORD 3 rooms, 1 BR, 2nd floor, prkng on premises, no pets. $800/mo + sec. Call (203) 284-1853 MERIDEN1BR avail. Stove & fridge, H & HW Incl’d. Lease, Sec & Refs. 203-239-7657 / 203-314-7300 MERIDEN - 2BR, 3rd flr, 800/mo + sec, off street pkg, no pets, gas & elec inc, avail 7/1. (203) 537-0848

MERIDEN - Sm. 1 BR in quiet 4 family, 2nd fl., new paint, carpet, vinyl flrs & appls., No pets. $700 mo + 2 mo.sec.(860)663-1229.

K&A Enterprises Water lines, sewer, septic,inground tank removal, pavers, sidewalks, drainage & additions. Lic #571435, Ins, refs 203-379-0193

Fencing CORNERSTONE Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237GATE. CT Reg #601060.

Garage Doors

Thursday, June 9, 2016 Home Improvement

***CALL TODAY*** Yalesville Construction, LLC. Roofing, siding, kitchens, baths, additions, decks, doors windows, power washing, flooring Insured Free est. 203-535-2962 HIC#0631937 CORNERSTONE Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237GATE. CT Reg #601060.

House Cleaning By Kathy, Professional, Thorough, Reliable, & Trustworthy. 24 years exper. Many long-term refs. 203-494-7758


Gary Wodatch Landscaping. Hedge/tree trimming. Trim overgrown properties. Calls returned. #620397 860-558-5430

20% OFF IF YOU Mention This Ad SPRINGYard Clean-Ups Brush, branches, leaves, storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc WE CAN REMOVE ANYTHING Entire house to 1 item removed! FREE ESTIMATES Sr. Citizen Discount LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218


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Gutters GUTTERS DON’T WORK IF THEY’RE DIRTY For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 4403279 Fully ins. CT# 569127

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ED’S JUNK REMOVAL WE HAVE DUMP TRUCK Quality Overhead Door, LLC Reg. Ins. Free on-site est. Installation, Srvc & Repairs, Spring replacements, Openers. Attics, bsemts, garages, appl. & more. Any QuesHIC# 0639076 203-537-8299 tions? Ed (203) 494-1526

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FREE ESTIMATES LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218

DB Painting & Powerwashing 20 yrs exp/Inter/exter/free est. 203-537-0406.


FERRAUOLA LAWN CARE now accepting new mowing accounts at a reasonable rate. 203-804-5779

PETE IN THE PICKUP JUNK REMOVAL GUTTERS PLUS 25+ yrs Residential, multi family, commercial No Job Concrete & Cement exp. Call today for free too Big or Small We Do est. 203-440-3535 Ct. it All (860) 840-6202 Reg. #578887 NILES CONSTRUCTION LAWN MOWING Specialist in concrete Com/Res, lot sweeping, Landscaping work. Garage, shed, gutters, prickers, brush Handypersons room addition foundaremoval, mulch, hedge tions. Fully insured. 50 trim, top soil. BBB, Anyrs in business. (203) Remodeling, Carpentry, gie’s List. Rick’s Af269-6240. fordable Lawn. 23 yrs plumbing, odd jobs. exp. Doing Business in Family run for 60 yrs! WE WEED GARDENS List Your Items To Over Meriden/Wallingford. CT#640689 Home NORM THE GARDENER 300,000 Local Readers. 203 530-4447. Doctor 203.427.7828 (203) 265-1460

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Plumbing George J Mack & Sons Servicing the Meriden area since 1922. Toilet, faucet, sink & drain repairs. Water heater replacements. 25% Sr citizen disc. Member of BBB. 203-238-2820

Power Washing POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning ON THE OUTSIDE FREE Estimates #569127 Call Kevin 203-440-3279

Tree Services V. Nanfito Roofing & Siding Inc Windows, Decks, Remodeling Gutters CT Reg#570192 (203) 639-1634

Gary Wodatch LLC TREE REMOVAL All calls returned. CT#620397 Quick courteous service. Office 203-235-7723 Cell 860-558-5430 LAVIGNE’S Tree Service In busi. 36 yrs. Tree removal. Stump grinding. CraneService. Free Est. Fully insured. 203-294-1775 lavignestreeservicellc.com

Yalesville Construction Specializing in all phases of residential roofing. Senior citizen disYARDLEYTREESERVICE.COM count Insured Free est. Fair, Reasonable Rates. 203-535-2962 203-440-0402, HIC#0631937 860-438-7359.


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A24 Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com


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