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Volume 19, Number 25


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Voters to decide on revised charter By Ashley Kus Citizen staff

Residents will get to vote on several town charter changes in the November election. Deputy Chief John Klett says there’s a lot to be done if the current police facility ends up being renovated. The proposal for a new station was voted down by the Town Council. | Ashley Kus, The Berlin Citizen

The revised document passed with a 4-2 vote by the Town Council Tuesday night, Aug. 9.

Police look to renovate station

All councilors agreed to put it on the fall ballot.

The town is now looking at renovating its 40-year-old police department on Kensington Road, but the project is viewed as a “bandage” on a bigger problem. “At the end of the day we still need a bigger facility,” said Deputy Police Chief John Klett.

The charter revision commission and the council held several public hearings on the changes. The final draft was recently completed with further edits by the commission.

A public hearing was held beforehand in which police officials expressed the need for a new station. Police Chief Paul Fitzgerald said at the hearing that the See Police, A6

The lobby of the Berlin Police Department.

The most recent revisions included, keeping the Planning and Zoning Commission together and not separated as originally proposed, further duties between the council and Board of Finance, and the keeping of the proposal to make the Board of Education partisan.

| Ashley Kus, The Berlin Citizen

See Voters, A4

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By Ashley Kus Citizen staff

The option of improving the current building came after a plan to build a new $16 million station was voted down by the Town Council last month.

“We’ve gotten a lot of public input,” said Mayor Mark Kaczynski.

I don’t know what an “innovative curriculum” means—I just know it’s FUN! EDUCATIONAL PLAYCARE Childcare and Schools for Young Children





A2 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Calendar Thursday, Aug. 18 Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 24 is scheduled to meet Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Community Center, 230 Kensington Road. Stop in or call Mike Neault, Scoutmaster, at 860-828-3611. Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 41 meets Thursdays, 7 p.m., at Bethany Covenant Church, 785 Mill St.

The Berlin

Citizen ISSN 1525-1780 USPS 017-666

Published weekly by Record-Journal at 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices.

Storytime - A free storytime and craft session is scheduled for Thursdays, 9 to 10 a.m., at The Sloppy Waffle, 2551 Berlin Turnpike. For information, visit thesloppywaffle.com.

Friday, Aug. 19 Theater - The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre, 31 Webster Square Road, has scheduled a production of “The Fantasticks” for Friday, Aug. 19, 8 p.m. A fee is charged. For more information and tickets, call 860-829-1248 or visit www.ctcabaret.com. Racing show - Racing Action Today, hosted by Berlin native Larry Mongillo, airs every Friday, 8 p.m., on Comcast cable channel 5.

Saturday, Aug. 20 Historical Society - Berlin Historical Society Museum, 305 Main St., corner

of Peck Street, is scheduled to be open Saturdays, 1 to 4 p.m., free admission. View exhibits on Berlin tin and brick, Simeon North’s pistols, Berlin Iron Bridge, dairy farms, needlework, Berlin artists and many local treasures. For information, call 860-828-5114. Theater - The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre, 31 Webster Square Road, has scheduled a production of “The Fantasticks” for Saturday, Aug. 20, 8 p.m. A fee is charged. For more information and tickets, call 860-829-1248 or visit www.ctcabaret.com.

Sunday, Aug. 21 Pet in Park - Hearts United Cat Rescue has scheduled Pet in Park for Sunday, Aug. 21, 1 to 4 p.m., at Watrous Park, Geer Street, Cromwell. For more information, call 860-479-5173. Armenian Festival - The Armenian Church of the Holy Resurrection, 1910 Stanley St., New Britain, has sched-

uled its annual Armenian Festival for Sunday, Aug. 21, noon to 6 p.m., rain or shine. Admission is free. The event features Armenian foods, music, dancing and more. For more information, contact Gary at 860-690-5959 or garyhov@aol.com.

Tuesday, Aug. 23 Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 256, chartered by the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, is scheduled to meet Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., See Calendar, A3

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Moped found The Berlin Police Department has found a moped in the area of Wilcox Cemetery. To claim the moped, contact Officer Aimee Krzykowski at 860-828-6120. Must supply the make, model, color and VIN number.

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Advertising Sales – Kait Horn Press Releases – Marsha Pomponio

Executive Vice President – Liz White Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer – Shawn E. Palmer Senior Vice President and Editor – Ralph Tomaselli Multimedia Sales Director – Jim Mizener Digital Ad Manager – Marcie Fitzmaurice

Berlin Public Schools’ bus schedules are posted at berlincitizen.com. The first day of school is Wednesday, Aug. 31.

Enjoy more time and savings for the little Enjoy more timethings. and savings for


www.berlincitizen.com P.O. Box 915 Meriden, CT 06450 News Editor – Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor – Olivia L. Lawrence News Reporter – Ashley Kus

Bus schedules


POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Record-Journal, P.O. Box 915, Meriden, CT 06450

For more information, call Scoutmaster K.C. Jones at 860-829-1148 or email jones327@comcast.net.



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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Graduates Southern Connecticut State University - Tom Dzierlatka of East Berlin (December graduate).

Dean’s list University of New Hampshire - Kathryn Scheer of Kensington.

Reunions Berlin High School class of 1964 has scheduled a “70th Birthday Bash Reunion” for Saturday, Sept. 17, 4 p.m., at Timberlin Golf Course. Contact Betty Caliandri Jutras at donat-bettylouj@att.net.

In Brief

Hungerford is accepting donated tag sale items through Aug. 31 during business hours. Call prior to dropping off donations. Hungerford reserves the right to refuse any item deemed unsuitable for resale. No electronics, exercise equipment or upholstered furniture will be accepted. A preview sale is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 9, 1 to 4 p.m. A fee is charged for the preview sale. For more information, call 860-827-9064 or visit www.newbritainyouthmuseum.org.

News deadline The deadline for news submissions is Friday, by 5 p.m., for consideration for the following edition.

Theater - The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre, 31 Webster Square Road, has scheduled a production of “The Fantasticks” for Friday, Aug. 26, 8 p.m. A fee is charged. For more information and tickets, call 860-829-1248 or visit www.ctcabaret.com.

at the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, 880 Farmington Ave. For additional information, call Scoutmaster Ed Alicia at 860-828-8693. Boy Scouts - Boy Scout Troop 44 meets Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Bethany Covenant Church, 785 Mill St. For more information, call Tony deRito at 860-829-9879.

Tuesday, Sept. 6 Pasta supper - American Legion Post 68, 154 Porters

Sunrise Rotary Club - The Sunrise Rotary Club meets Tuesdays, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., at Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road. For information, call

Theater - The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre, 31 Webster Square Road, has scheduled a production of “The Fantasticks” for Saturday, Aug. 27, 8 p.m. A fee is charged. For

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Send to news@theberlincitizen.com or by mail to: The Berlin Citizen, 500 South Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450. Call 203-317-2256.

Friday, Aug. 26

From A2

more information and tickets, call 860-829-1248 or visit www.ctcabaret.com.


The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park, 191 Farmington Ave., Kensington has scheduled its annual tag and bake sale fundraiser for Saturday, Sept. 10, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., rain or shine, free admission.

Amy at 860-829-4900 or visit www.kensingtonrotary.org.


Tag, bake sale for youth museum

>> Calendar



School News

Thursday, August 18, 2016


judy@thekitchentableberlin.com thekitchentableberlin.com

A4 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

>> Voters to decide on revised charter From A1

proposing to eliminate the current form of government.

The two changes that generated the most controversy were the Board of Education and the Board of Finance.

With the new charter, the town would still operate under a Town Manager and Town Council setup. A change in the format would be that the mayor would be elected separate from the council.

“I don’t think it’s broken, rather, I think this is an attempt to undermine our charter and return to the archaic form of government which we had just 20 years ago,” Councilor Peter Rosso said. “And if I remember correctly this is the third attempt to do so.”

Dave Evans, councilor and budget committee chairman, said that a Board of Finance could potentially add more strength and a different outlook to the budget process. The police station project, recently voted down by the

Paul Argazzi, chair of the charter revision commission, said the commission is not

council, was also brought up as an example of financial outlook.

In Brief fair,” she said. In regards to the Board of Education, Campanelli said she believed that the change to a partisan board would make children “political pawns.”

“I would have loved to have five other finance board members to spend a little time helping me get through that, to demonstrate to all of Kaczynski said the voters you financially where we sat,” should have the final say. “That’s not our decision,” the Evans said. mayor said. “That’s the votCouncilor Kristin Campaner’s decision. elli said that the police staThe council still has to decide tion was an example of not what questions will be listed letting the voters decide on on the ballot pertaining to one aspect of the town, but select charter changes. having them decide on another, like the charter. The questions will be chosen by Tuesday, Sept. 6. “We can’t pick and choose which things we want to put to the voters and what things we don’t. I don’t think that’s

Fire departments seek volunteers The Berlin, East Berlin, Kensington and South Kensington Fire Departments are looking for volunteer firefighters. Volunteers must be at least 18, of good moral character, reside or work in Berlin and be physically capable. Contact Mike Blais at mikeblais@hotmail.com or 860-329-7738.

Further information can be found at http://www.town. berlin.ct.us/


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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, August 18, 2016

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A6 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

>> Police look to renovate station From A1

town needed to look toward the future. The police union said it was not in favor of the new station as detailed in an email sent to the council to be read at the hearing. Fitzgerald said he believed it was due to a stalemate over a labor contract. A new station was a priority for the new year in Fitzgerald’s annual list of goals.

ing for rejecting the proposal by a 4-2 vote was uncertainty in the budget moving ahead.

He said that several aspects of the building cannot wait on improvements.

“It’s been a very difficult budget year,” Mayor Mark Kaczynski said. “Going forward next year I only see worse figures from the state.”

“Right now if an adult is in the jail, and if we detain a youth we have to put the youth in the classroom,” he said. “We have nowhere to put them because they have to be kept out of sight and sound of the adults.”

Klett said he understands the town needing to be fiscally responsible, but worries about the building’s limitations and the department’s ability to meet its needs.

“It’s been in discussion for all 13 years that I’ve been here,” “I don’t know where we’re going to find the space,” Klett he said. said. The council’s overall reason-

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“We have to be aware of that threshold,” he said.

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The council mentioned at a recent meeting that the town could fund $2 million in renovations as an alternative to a new building. The funding was included as an option in the capital improvement

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“This building was built before a lot of these mandates came down,” he said. And since the department is in the same building as Town Hall, any improvements greater than 50 percent of the appraised value of the overall building would require code updates throughout, according to Tom Reid, chairman of the public building commission.

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Klett said the lack of the detention area means the department is not meeting a mandate.

plan in case the new station wasn’t approved.

to the council that showed debt structure and inflation.

“I don’t know how that’s going to play out. We’re at the early stages,” Klett said.

With everything currently bonded, annual debt service would be close to $7 million by next year. With the addition of the police station, annual debt service would reach nearly $9 million by 2019.

The department has already received approval to replace its 31-year-old radio system. Klett said that process will begin at the end of the month. A number of residents criticized the decision to reject a new station in comments on social media. Town Councilor and budget committee chairman Dave Evans also commented on the subject. “Transparency is there. I presented to the entire council the financial reality of moving forward with a new police station at this time as well as if we were to plan it for one or two years from now. More transparent priority planning council discussion is going to occur,” he said in response to a commenter expressing concerns about a perceived lack of transparency and accountability on the part of the council. At a recent meeting Evans discussed the financial outlook of delaying the station project. He displayed graphs

With a one-year delay in the project, and an estimated five percent rate of inflation, debt service would be $8.5 million with some paid off by 2020. Evans said it was a rough estimate of where the debt would be, not including other potential capital improvement projects. Under Town Charter, residents can still petition for a referendum on the plan to build a new police department. The petition would need to have signatures from five percent of voters whose names appeared on the last voting list. “It’s not just ‘Do we have adequate space for now?’ It’s ‘Do we have adequate space going forward?’” Klett said. “That building isn’t being built for now, it’s being built for 20 to 30 years from now.”

Memorial Golf Outing benefits children’s hospital The Memorial Golf Outing, to benefit St. Jude Children’s

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All this talk about essential oils, but what are they really? Where do they come from and what benefits do we get from them? How do we use them? What are they used for? If you are interested in finding out the answers to these questions, please join us for a free introduction to essential oils presented by Anna Marshall, Oiler’s Academy from Belleville Illinois. Everything you want to know about essential oils: Thursday, August 25 at 6pm Berlin-Peck Memorial Library 234 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT 06037


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Research Hospital, is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 1, at Hunter Golf Club, 688 Westfield Road, Meriden. Shotgun start is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. A fee is charged.

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Gerratana looks ahead after winning nomination “Running on experience and leadership is very valid and By Mike Savino particularly applicable in the Record-Journal staff times we’re in,” Gerratana said Wednesday, Aug. 10 afSen. Terry Gerratana said she ter winning the nomination plans to continue touting her as a result of last Tuesday’s experience after she won the primary. Democratic nomination for the 6th Senate District, which Gerratana, a three-term senator from New Britain, easily includes Berlin. defeated New Britain School


See Paonessa, A11





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Ahead of the primary, Gerratana said she wants the legislature to increase the state’s She said she agrees that the revenue stream by reexaminstate needs to make changes ing some of the tax exempAs Gerratana now shifts her with its budget, and she tions, credits, and breaks focus to Republican nominee knows how to accomplish it offers. She also wants ofCharles Paonessa, a member that goal. Gerratana also said ficials to do a cost-benefit of the Berlin Town Council, that voting against an incum- analysis for expenses. she said she plans to appeal bent strictly for the sake of to voters by saying she has change “is one of the worst the experience needed to get things you can do.” See Gerratana, A11

Sunday through Friday

cilor is hoping that message resonates with voters of the By Ashley Kus 6th District, which covers Citizen staff all of New Britain and Berlin and part of Farmington. In a three-way race for state Paonessa is running against Senate, Berlin Republican two Democrats – incumbent Charles Paonessa’s campaign Sen. Terry Gerratana and is focusing on the economy. petitioning candidate Sharon Beloin-Saavedra, president “The current representative of the New Britain Board of has followed the governor off Education. a financial cliff,” he said. Seeking a fourth term, GerThe community came out ratana recently won the to support the Republican Democratic primary over nominee Friday night at his Beloin-Savvvedra, who subfirst meet-and-greet at the mitted enough signatures to Spartans Veterans Club in appear on the ballot. ElecKensington. tion officials have until Aug. 23 to certify those signatures. “This is make it or break it,” Paonessa said to a hall of This will be Paonessa’s first supporters. “We’re in a lot of bid for a state office. He is in trouble here.”


the state out of its current financial difficulties.

Summer SpecialS

Republican challenger critical of incumbent’s economic record

The sitting Berlin town coun-

Board President Sharon Beloin-Saavedra, winning roughly two-thirds of the votes cast.

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. The balance transfer rate is good only on balances transferred from non-Achieve credit cards. The rate for new purchases and cash advances will have the standard credit card program fixed rates and can range from 9.90%17.90% APR and will be based on personal credit history. Balance transfer offer subject to change. Your billing due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. Qualification restrictions apply. Rates effective 6/30/16 and subject to change. A basic savings account with a minimum of $5.00 is required to establish membership at the Credit Union.


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A8 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Conn. gets high rank in running elections By Mike Savino Record-Journal staff

A recent Pew Charitable Trusts analysis ranked Connecticut fifth in terms of election administrations, the state’s highest placement since the foundation’s first ranking in 2008.

The report found that Connecticut outperformed the national average in 10 of 15 factors, and also received positive marks for having online registration and post-election audits, two other indicators of the evaluation.

ahead,” Secretary of the State Denise W. Merrill said. “We will look to best practices to learn from and ways to break new ground in Connecticut. We are determined to make registering and voting as easy as possible for voters in the state.”

“This represents enormous progress and we’ll continue to try to improve in the years

Merrill said the ranking, which analyzed Connecticut’s administration of the

2014 election cycle, is the result of a number of measures put into place in recent years. The state ranked 10th in 2012, 7th in 2010, and 19th in Pew’s first ever ranking in 2008.

as additional online tools that allow residents to check their registration status or find their polling place.

Significant factors in Connecticut’s favor are its move to allow online voter registration and Election Day registration, Merrill said, as well

Alexis Schuler, who oversees election initiatives at The Pew Charitable Trusts, agreed, saying Connecticut is

State develops emergency app The state Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection developed the program, called “CT Prepares,” in conjunction with CT Innovation to help residents respond to emergencies, Malloy said.

By Mike Savino Record-Journal staff

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy announced Tuesday, Aug. 9 the launch of a smartphone application that allows users to receive emergency alerts and tips, as well as communicate with family and friends during a crisis.

“We are constantly planning and constantly preparing to remain one step ahead of potential emergency situa-

House Majority Leader Joe Aresimowicz (D-Berlin/Southington) achieved a 100 percent, voting record for the 2016 Regular Session, May 2016 Special Session, and June 2016 Veto Sessions, according to statistics provided by the House Clerk’s office.

The application, which can be downloaded for free on Android and Apple devices, See App, A13

An image of the homescreen of the new “CT Prepares” smartphone application.



See Connecticut, A11

Perfect voting record for state representative

tions,” he said in a statement. “This is yet another tool in our goal to be as resilient as we can be as a state. As we have seen in past storms and emergency situations, communication is critical.”

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During the 2016 Legislative, Special and Veto Sessions, Aresimowicz voted on all 313 bills that came up for consideration on the floor of the House of Representatives. He is serving his sixth term representing the 30th Assembly District of Berlin and Southington in the Connecticut General Assembly.

BEST OF... AWARDS 2 0 1 6

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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, August 18, 2016




Jet, left, and Benny, right, are rambunctious, irresistible brothers. The boys are 16 weeks old and are scheduled to be fully vetted so they will be ready to go to their forever home. They are excellent with other cats (they can be adopted together or apart and will adapt quickly). For more information, visit www.hucatrescue.org, call 860-479-5173 or email hucatrescue@gmail.com. Plan to attend Pet in Park, Sunday, Aug. 21, 1 to 4 p.m., at Watrous Park, Geer Street, Cromwell.

Zora was abandoned on a quiet road and left very frightened. She has come a long way and with a little patience and kindness, she will continue to bloom into a nice companion. Zora is learning her manners and still jumps on people, therefore, a home without small children would probably be best. For more information and to find an online application, visit www.fobac.org or call 860-828-5287.

Pet Photo Contest returns to Berlin Fair

Parks & Rec offers dog obedience classes

Friends of Berlin Animal Control has scheduled its 12th annual Pet Photo Contest at the 2016 Berlin Fair.

Basic Dog Obedience - Tuesdays, Sept. 6 through Oct. 18, 6 to 7 p.m., for dogs 6 months and older. Covers basic commands for the family dog.

Entry forms are available at local Berlin animal hospitals, the Berlin Municipal Shelter, 600 Christian Lane, or call 860-828-5287 to have a form mailed. Fair attendees can vote Friday, Sept. 30 through Sunday, Oct. 2, at the FOBAC booth at the Berlin Fair. One dog and one cat will be chosen as winners.

The Berlin Parks and Recreation Department is accepting registration for fall dog obedience classes at the Berlin Parks and Recreation Office, 230 Kensington Road. Classes are scheduled at the former Pistol Creek Golf Course, 600 Spruce Brook Road. Dog handlers should be at least 16. A fee is charged, class space is limited. Kindergarten Puppy Training - Thursdays, Sept. 8 through

Oct. 20, 6 to 7 p.m., for puppies aged 2½ months to six months.

Session 2 - Tuesdays, Nov. 1 through Dec. 13, 6 to 7 p.m. Better Basic Dog Obedience - Wednesdays, Sept. 14

through Oct. 19, 6 to 7 p.m., for handlers and dogs that have completed the basic class. Emphasis on improving skills learned in the basic class. Intermediate Dog Obedience - Wednesdays, Nov. 2 to Dec. 7, 6 to 7 p.m., for handlers and dogs that have completed basic and better basic class. Registration forms are available at www.town.berlin.ct.us. Call 860-828-7009.





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A10 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com


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Berlin Pack 41 Cub Scout troop, of Griswold Elementary School and St. Paul Catholic School, recently attended summer camp at Deer Lake Scout Reservation. From left: Mark Wojcicki, Den leader; Devin Wojcicki, Nolan Cameron, Jason Cameron, Den leader; Timmie and Michael Bober, Chris Bober, Advancement Chair; Ryan Markey, Jack Markey, Cubmaster; John Platt, Rob Platt, Den leader, Matthew Sein.


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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, August 18, 2016


>> Connecticut gets high rank in running election a “high-performing state” because of the efforts by Merrill and other public officials to improve the state’s elections administration. “The state was above the national average in most of the election indicators we track

and improved in several other areas,” Schuler said.

above average on its handling of such ballots in 2012.

Merrill also said her office has made a push to ensure election officials do a better job tracking military ballots mailed from overseas, an area cited as a problem in the past. Connecticut scored

Merrill said she also expects that the implementation of automatic registration at Department of Motor Vehicle branches, which launched this week, will help Connecticut improve its performance in the future. The so-called “motor voter”

>> Paonessa From A7

his third year on the Berlin Town Council. Paonessa believes that it’s time to “stop following the governor.” “I want to learn from the people and hear what they want,” he said. Gerratana wants to look at inequality on the revenue side as well as the budget. “We’re looking at the process being fairer,” she said. Gerratana says that she’s continuing to contact voters and is concentrating on a win in November. Several Republican candidates from around the state have publicly voiced their support for Paonessa. Dan Carter, State Representative for the second general assembly district and nominee for U.S. Senate, as well as Sen. Joe Markley attended

Gerratana was one of three Senate Democrat incumbents to hold off challengers from within their own party. Marilyn Moore and Ed Gomes, both of Bridegport, also won nominations.

Department of Justice notified the state of its intent to file a lawsuit for failing to adequately use its DMV to register voters.

Merrill proposed a bill to make the change through legislation, but the bill failed to get out of the General Merrill and the DMV reached Assembly’s Transportation n agreement in May to begin Committee. the program after the U.S.

the town councilor’s event Friday. “He’s one of you and that’s what we have to start focusing on when we have these opportunities to support candidates,” Carter said. “I hope you get a chance to talk to him and support him.” Several Berlin residents also expressed their support. “I think he’s an honest guy,” said Pat Spring. It was Berlin resident Lisa Labarre’s first time meeting Paonessa at the gathering. “I like how the community comes together here,” she said. “He seems like a good people person.”


Paonessa, originally from New Britain, is now looking at getting his name out further in the communities.

New Britain: Lincoln, Vance, Smalley,

“Hopefully people go out and spread the word,” he said. “I want to do the right thing.”

Willard Elementary Schools

Gaffney, Northend, Chamberlain, Holmes, Smith, and Jefferson.

Berlin: Griswold, Hubbard and Vacation Fun Day and Snow Day Care is available. Half Day Care until 6:00 p.m. Half day only package available for Berlin.

>> Gerratana From A7

system, which automatically registers customers at the DMV, produced 150 new registrations and 159 address changes Monday, Aug. 8 through transactions at AAA offices, Merrill said. DMV branches are closed on Mondays.

Hamden, Joshua Elliot won the Democratic nomination for the 88th House seat, despite House Speaker J. Brendan Sharkey, who is retiring from the seat, nominating Elliot’s opponent.

The two GOP incumbents, Jason Perillo of Shelton and Other notable primary reJay Case of Winsted, each sults included New London successfully fended off fellow Democrat Chris Soto, a Coast Republicans. Guard Academy graduate, defeating Rep. Ernest Hewett, who had been in the Information from the Associated Press was used in this state House since winning story. his first election in 2005. In

We also offer Vacation Fun Days and Snow Day Care programs. Registration:

New Britain YMCA, 50 High St., New Britain or Berlin YMCA, 362 Main St., Berlin Care 4 Kids is accepted. Please call Donelle Daigle for more information at 860-828-6559.



From A8

A12 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Wall of Remembrance making in-state stop The non-profit organization Rear Area Support Foundation Inc. and the Connecticut Friends of Veterans, Inc. are scheduled to escort the Global War on Terror Wall of Remembrance traveling memorial and set it up for display at West Hartford’s Town Hall front lawn, 50 South Main St., Thursday, Aug. 25 to Sunday, Aug. 29, to honor veterans, families of fallen and those presently serving the nation. The memorial is 116 feet long and 6 1/2

feet high with two sides. Side one is a full color timeline education about the Global War on Terror spanning from 1983 to current day. The second side bears the names of all the military, heroes and victims from Beirut, Gulf War, 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ft. Hood, Boston, Chattanooga, Paris and San Bernardino totaling almost 11,000. First displayed 9/11/2001, the memorial has traveled over 100,000 miles and See Wall, A13

Scripture BitsBits Scripture

Religion Briefs Armenian Festival



H T C, O N B H, P X T



healing, music, and prayer for the third Thursday of month at 6:30 p.m.

Tot time - Free Tot Time, 10 to 11:30 a.m., featuring play session, crafts, snack and more.

The Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 1103 Chamberlain Highway, schedules Sunday worship service at 10:15 a.m.

Bethany Covenant

Call 860-828-5079 or visit princeofpeacelutheran06037.

Sunday Worship - 9:30 a.m.

Kensington Berlin Congregational Congregational Church Sunday worship - 10 a.m.

D B Y C O K X P Y D X R X B Y F D. ----- N I D Y K X T I

The Armenian Church of the Holy Resurrection, 1910 Stanley St., New Britain, has scheduled its annual Armenian Festival for Sunday, Aug. 21, noon to 6 p.m., rain or shine. Admission is free. The event features Armenian foods, music, dancing and more. For more information, contact Gary at 860-690-5959 or garyhov@aol.com.

long as you like, and listen to soft, meditative music and prayer. Written, anonymous prayer request may be submitted. Call 860-828-6586.


Clue: D = T Answer on page A22


Worship - Berlin Congregational Church schedules Sunday worship for 10 a.m., with communion on the first Sunday of every month. Nursery care is available. Call 869-828-6586. Choir, bell ringers - The Berlin Congregational Church invites anyone interested in joining the choir or bell ringers to call 860-828-6586.

Solve the Puzzle

Sweet Hour of Prayer The Berlin Congregational Church has scheduled open prayer in the sanctuary on the fourth Tuesday of each month, 7 to 8 p.m. Stay as

Scripture Bits Solution

Chapel in the Woods outdoor worship is scheduled for Sundays, 8:30 a.m. The KCC Bereavement Support Group meets the third Monday of every month, 7 p.m., in the parlor. All are welcome.

Kensington United Methodist Church

Kensington United Methodist Church has scheduled a service for a special time of

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Masses are scheduled for Saturdays, 4 p.m., and Sundays at 8 and 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., at 48 Cottage St., East Berlin. 860-828-0154.

St. Paul Church

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Ron Lindgren and Peg Porter

The United Methodist Church of East Berlin, 139 Main St., East Berlin, schedules services for Sundays, 10 a.m.

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Sacred Heart Church

Kensington United Methodist Church, 103 Hotchkiss St. Sunday worship, 9:30 a.m.

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Saint Gabriel’s Episcopal Church Saint Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, 68 Main St., East Berlin Sunday Eucharist, 9 a.m.


Glorious things are spoken of you, Mary, who today were exalted above the choirs of angels into eternal triumph with Christ.---Antiphon

Prince of Peace


The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, August 18, 2016


>> App

Obituaries Russell J. Skinner

From A8

BERLIN — Russell J. Skinner, 80, formerly of Berlin, died Thursday, Aug. 11, 2016, at a local convalescent home. Born in New Britain, son of the late Grant and the late Catherine (Hummison) Skinner, he graduated from Berlin High School, served in the U.S. Army, and was most recently employed at Morande Ford. He loved his dogs as if they were his children, and was often seen walking them at Grove Hill Clinic. He is survived by a niece, Lisa Ricciuti, of Bristol, her husband, David, and their sons, Joseph and Anthony. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by a sister and brother-in-law, Frances and Joseph Krystof. A graveside service in Rose Hill Memorial Park, Rocky Hill, will be at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Connecticut Humane Society, 701 Russell Road, Newington, CT, 06111. Porter’s Funeral Service in Kensington is assisting his family.

allows users to view alerts for emergencies, weather, and traffic. Users can also access the state’s online emergency management information system and send “I’m safe” messages by text or email their contacts. The program allows users to post the message to social media accounts as well. It also provides access to emergency management contacts, weather forecasts and preparedness guides.

LVCC volunteers.

Volunteers honored at Celebration of Learning The Literacy Volunteers of Central CT recently hosted its annual Celebration of Learning and Pot Luck Dinner in New Britain. With more than 50 guests in attendance, including students from countries across the world and their volunteer tutors, the event celebrated LVCC and the people who have made it successful.

Sue Ferland of New Britain was recognized at the event as “Volunteer of the Year.” Ferland serves on LVCC’s volunteer Board of Directors and provides administrative help at its main office located in the New Britain Public Library. New Britain-based Gaffney Bennett Public Relations was recognized as the “Business Volunteer

See LVCC, A15

• Average savings of $375* for drivers who switch. • Average savings of $375* for drivers who switch. • “Bundling” you insure your home and •drivers “Bundling” Discounts when you insure your home and carscars together.together. • Average savings ofDiscounts $375* forwhen who switch. • Average savings of $404* $375* for convenient, drivers who local switch. • Personalized service from our office. • “Bundling” Discounts when you insure cars your home and cars together. • “Bundling” Discounts when you insure your home and together. • Personalized service from our convenient, local office. Area Support Foundation formances are planned to To request your free, service no-obligation quote, call or stop TODAY! • Personalized from our convenient, local by office. Inc., the Connecticut Friends honor all veterans and those • Personalized service from 860-225-4694 our convenient, local office. To request your free, no-obligation quote, call or stop by TODAY! of Veterans, Inc. and dis- To request presently serving thefree, nation.no-obligation your quote, call or stop by TODAY! 860-225-4694 Steve Bruno tinguished guests from all To request your free, no-obligation quote, call orASSOCIATES stop by TODAY! MILDRUM-BRUNO INSURANCE On Saturday, Aug. 27, at 8 Steve Bruno military branches will be on 74MILDRUM-BRUNO Vine Street, New Britain CT 06052 ASSOCIATES INSURANCE p.m., a candlelight vigil and hand for this event. mildrumbruno@snet.net 74 Vine Street, New Britain CT 06052 ceremony is scheduled. ClosSteve Bruno mildrumbruno@snet.net MILDRUM-BRUNO INSURANCE ASSOCIATES In addition to the ceremo- Steve ing Bruno ceremonies are planned *Savings amounts are based on information from The Hartford’s AARP Auto Insurance Auto Insurance Steve Bruno customer who became auto insurance policyholders between 7/1/11 and 6/30/12 through nies, programs and perfor Sunday, Aug. 28, at 1 p.m. Program 74 Vine Street, Newonnew Britian, CTfrom 06052 *Savings amounts are based information The Hartford’s AARP Auto Insurance Auto Insurance





the traditional AARP Auto Insurance Program and provided data regarding their savings. Authorized agents MILDRUM-BRUNO INSURANCE ASSOCIATES customer who became new auto insurance policyholders between 7/1/11 and 6/30/12 through MILDRUM-BRUNO INSURANCE ASSOCIATES mildrumbruno@snet.net canProgram also provide coverage under this Program. Your savings may vary. Auto & data Home the traditional AARP Auto Insurance Program and provided regarding their savings. Authorized agents can also provide coverage under this Program. Your savings may vary. Program The AARP Automobile & Homeowners InsuranceInsurance Program from The Hartford isfrom underwritten by Hartford 74 Vine Street, NewStreet, BritainNew CT 06052 74 Vine Britain CT 06052 FireTheInsurance Company&and its affiliates,Insurance One Hartford Plaza, CT 06155. CA license number AARP Automobile Homeowners Program fromHartford The Hartford is underwritten by Hartford 5152. In Washington, the Auto Program is underwritten by Trumbull Insurance Company. Thenumber Home Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford CT 06155. CA license mildrumbruno@snet.net mildrumbruno@snet.net Program is underwritten by Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. AARP does not employ or endorse

Berlin Memorial FUNERAL HOME INC.


On Friday, Aug. 26, at 7 p.m., the four-day event will officially commence with an opening ceremony. The Rear


the AARP® AutoHartford & Homeowners Insurance from your local independent agent. Program from The Hartford – now available from your local Hartford independent agent.

5152. In Washington, the Auto Program is underwritten by Trumbull Insurance Company. The Home agents or brokers. AARP and affiliates are not insurers. PaidCompany. endorsement. The Hartford pays royalty fees 108320 Program is underwritten byits Hartford Underwriters Insurance AARP does not employ or endorse to AARP the use ofAARP its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general of AARP. AARP agentsfor or brokers. and its affiliates are not insurers. Paid endorsement. Thepurposes Hartford pays royalty fees areits on information Thefees Hartford’s AARP Auto Insurance Program customers membership required forbased Program eligibility inThese most states. Applicants are individually underwritten and to *Savings AARP forisamounts the use of intellectual property.from are used for the general purposes ofAARP AARP. AARP who became new auto insurance policyholders between 7/1/13 andmay 6/30/14 through the traditional Auto some may not qualify. Specific features, credits, and discounts vary and may not be available in all membership is required for Program eligibilitytheir in most states. Applicants are individually underwritten and Insurance Program and provided data regarding savings. Authorized agents can also provide coverage aunder states in accordance with state filings and applicable law. You have the option of purchasing policy some may not Your qualify. Specific features, credits, and discounts may vary and may not be available in all this Program. savings may vary. directly The Hartford. could vary, have of thepurchasing advice, counsel or statesfrom in accordance withYour stateprice, filingshowever, and applicable law.and Youyou havewillthenotoption a policy services yourAutomobile independent agent.price, however, The of AARP & Homeowners Insurance could Program underwritten by counsel Hartford or directly from The Hartford. Your vary,from andThe youHartford will notishave the advice, Fire Insurance and agent. its affiliates, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford CT 06155. CA license number 5152. services of yourCompany independent In Washington, the Auto Program is underwritten by Trumbull Insurance Company. The Home Program is


*Savings “Caring amountsService are based information from The Hartford’s AARP Auto Insurance Auto Insurance with aon Gentle Hand” information *Savingswho amounts based from Thebetween Hartford’ s AARP Insurance Program customer becamearenew auto on insurance policyholders 7/1/11 andAuto 6/30/12 throughAuto Insurance Program customer who became new auto insurance policyholders between 7/1/11 and 6/30/12 through the traditional AARP Auto Insurance Program and provided data regarding their savings. Authorized agents Carolyn Smith, Owner the traditional InsuranceYour Program andmay provided can also provide coverageAARP underAuto this Program. savings vary. data regarding their savings. Authorized agents underwritten by Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. AARP does not employ or endorse agents or brokers. 1279090

On Thursday, Aug. 25, at approximately 11 a.m., motorcycle riders (many of them veterans) plan to escort the traveling memorial to West Hartford Town Hall. After the wall is set up, it will be available for viewing 24 hours a day through Sunday, Aug. 28, at 3 p.m.

“With just a keystroke, anyone can download the CT Prepares app to their mobile devices and in a matter of a minute, be better prepared for any disaster or emergency they may face,” Schriro said.

Ask about better insurance protection through Program from The Hartford – now available ARE YOU A SAFER DRIVER? the AARP® Auto & Homeowners Insurance Obituary fee from your local Hartford independent A RESPONSIBLE HOMEOWNER? agent. ARE YOU A SAFER DRIVER? Program from The Hartford – now available The Berlin Citizen charges $50 for an 8-inch obituary, Ask about better insurance protection through A RESPONSIBLE HOMEOWNER? and $5 for each additional inch. To place an obituary, the AARP® Auto & Homeowners Insurance from your local Hartford independent agent. Ask about better through Program from The insurance Hartford –protection now available call 203-317-2240.


been on display in 35 states. Founder Richard JR Nichols made a promise that he would get this memorial within 50 miles of each fallen person whose name is inscribed on it.

The event recognized several other tutors who have volunteered for five years or more. Additionally, new board members were voted in during the organization’s annual meeting, and new “Ambassadors of Literacy” were also inducted. Ask about better

ARE YOU A SAFERinsurance DRIVER? protection through msavino@record-journal.com A RESPONSIBLE HOMEOWNER? the AARP® Auto & Homeowners Insurance

>> Wall of remembrance From A12

of the Year.”

DESPP Commissioner Dora Schriro said the launch is especially timely as the peak hurricane season approaches.

AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. Paid endorsement. The Hartford pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of Casso, Director can also provideJames coverage under this Program. Your savings may vary.

its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP membership is required for The AARP Automobile & Homeowners Insurance Program TheApplicants Hartford is underwritten bynotHartford Program eligibilityfrom in most states. are individually underwritten and some may qualify. Specific features, credits, and discounts may vary and may not be available in all states in accordance with state filings and 96 MAIN STREET Phone (860) 828-4730 applicable law.Plaza, You have theHartford option of purchasing a policy directly fromCA The Hartford. Your price, however, could Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates, One Hartford CT 06155. license number The AARP Automobile & Homeowners Insurance Hartford vary, and you will not haveProgram the advice, counselfrom or servicesThe of your independent agent. is underwritten by Hartford Kensington, CT 06037 www.BerlinMemorialFuneralHome.com FAX (860) 829-6509 5152. www.BerlinMemorial.net In Washington, the Auto Program is underwritten by Trumbull Insurance Company. The Home InsurancebyCompany and its affiliates, OneCompany. Hartford AARP Plaza,does Hartford CT 06155. CA license number Program isFire underwritten Hartford Underwriters Insurance not employ or endorse 5152. InAARP Washington, the Auto Program underwritten by The Trumbull Insurance Company. agents or brokers. and its affiliates are not insurers.isPaid endorsement. Hartford pays royalty fees The Home is its underwritten Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. AARPofdoes employ or endorse to AARP forProgram the use of intellectual by property. These fees are used for the general purposes AARP.notAARP

A14 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Letters to the Editor Station options To the editor: It may be a topic that has been discussed or one that got overlooked, but if a large part of the Berlin police presence is needed on the Berlin Turnpike to address robberies, traffic violation, drugs and alcohol related issues, couldn’t a satellite office on or near the turnpike be an option?


I see tons of potential in moving the Board of Education into the underutilized Community Center or empty building at the base of the Municipal Complex to help expand the existing police department also, but if more room is needed for police presence on the turnpike, why not consider a second location at the direct source? Suzanne Helm Kensington

Government Meetings Monday, Aug. 22 Kensington Fire District, 947 Farmington Ave., 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 23 Water Control Commission, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 25 Public Building Commission, 238 Kensington Road, 7 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6 Inland/Wetlands & Watercourses Commission, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Veterans Commission, American Legion Post 68, 7 p.m. Town Council, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 7 Board of Assessment Appeals, Town Hall, 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 8 Commission for Persons with Disabilities, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. Parks & Recreation Commission, Community Center, 7 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Public Building Commission, 238 Kensington Road, 7 p.m.

Youth Advisory Board, Town Hall, 4 p.m. Monday, Sept. 12 Board of Education, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Economic Development Commission, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Historic District Commission, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Kensington Fire District, 947 Farmington Ave., 5 p.m. VNA, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13 Conservation Commission, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14 Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, Board Room, 6:30 p.m. Housing Authority, Marjorie Moore Village, 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19 Commission for the Aging, Senior Center, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20 Town Council, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21 Police Commission, BPD, 6:30 p.m. Worthington Fire District, 1400 Wilbur Cross Hwy., 5:30 p.m.

Letters Policy Email letters to news@ theberlincitizen.com; mail to 500 South Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 or fax to 203-639-0210. The Citizen will print only one letter per person each month. Letters should be approximately 300 words. We reserve the right to edit letters. Letters should be on topics of general interest to the community. We do not list names of people, or-

ganizations and businesses being thanked. Names of businesses are not allowed. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so The Citizen can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday to be considered for publication the following Thursday.

The temperature was high, but that didn’t stop folks from coming out to the Berlin Volunteer Fire Department’s 3rd Annual Car Show Saturday, Aug. 13 at Sage Park. | Photos by Lee Roski, Special to the Citizen

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Senior Menus Senior meals are provided by CW Resources. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance by calling Doretha Dixon at 860670-8546, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. A donation is requested.

roasted potato wedges, salad, rye bread, oatmeal cream pie.

Monday, Aug. 22: Orange juice, spaghetti with meatballs, Italian blend vegetables, Italian bread, apricots.

Thursday, Aug. 25: Cranberry juice, roast turkey with gravy, herbed stuffing, squash medley, dinner roll, fresh pear.

Tuesday, Aug. 23: Grape juice, unbreaded veal cutlet, peppers and onions,

Friday, Aug. 26: Beef barley soup, chunky seafood salad, spinach pasta salad, fruit cocktail.

Wednesday, Aug. 24: Lemonade, long hot dog, potato salad, cucumber salad, watermelon.

Senior News Depression program Hartford HealthCare Services has scheduled a program on depression in older adults for Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1 p.m., at the Senior Center, 33 Colonial Drive. Facilitator Valerie Walton plans to discuss warning signs, helpful be-

haviors and skills to manage feelings and how to address the stigma of being older. Space is limited; RSVP is requested. For more information and to RSVP, call 860-828-7006. See Senior, A16

LVCC students.

>> LVCC From A13

Founded in 1978, LVCC provides small group and one-on-one literacy tutoring to over 400 adults in the communities of New Britain,

Middletown, Bristol, Berlin, Burlington, Cromwell, Durham, East Haddam, East Hampton, Haddam, Kensington, Marlborough, Middlefield, Plainville, Portland, and Southington. Tutors are

all volunteers and receive training, free of charge, prior to becoming a Literacy Volunteer. For more information, call 860-229-7323 or visit www. literacycentral.org.



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A16 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Study faults Connecticut’s paid sick leave mandate A study published earlier this month blames Connecticut’s paid sick leave mandate for a drop in work hours and pay for younger employees since the law took effect in 2012.

tion that paid sick leave mandates are cost-free policies,” said Michael Saltsman, research director at EPI. “Due to their role in reducing job opportunities, and their apparently minimal workplace benefits, mandatory paid sick leave policies may be a cure worse than the disease.”

“This study counters the fic-

The Connecticut Business and Industry Association said the study should give pause to lawmakers who have been talking about expanding mandated benefits, including paid family and medical leave and raises in minimum wage. “We are always so quick to be the first to adopt these mandates,” said Eric Gjede, CBIA assistant counsel, but legislation like the paid sick leave requirement “just reminds businesses” of higher costs and stricter regulations in Connecticut. The study drew criticism from Lindsay Farrell, director of the state Working Families Party, though, noting employment in Connecticut’s service sector is up since the law’s passage. The law requires that employers of 50 or more workers give paid sick leave

“We are always so quick to be the first to adopt these mandates,” but legislation like the paid sick leave requirement “just reminds businesses” of higher costs and stricter regulations in Connecticut. Eric Gjede, assistant counsel for the Connecticut Business and Industry Association

to “non-exempt service workers,” accruing at a rate of one hour of leave per 40 hours worked. The EPI study, conducted by University of Kentucky professor Thomas Ahn, also did find that roughly one-fifth of 86 businesses surveyed reduced staffing levels, another one-fifth raised prices, and one-third reduced employee benefits. The study largely bases its criticism, though, on its finding that employees in Connecticut have lost work time and pay since the law’s implementation. The study, which relied on census data, also said the study largely affects younger employees, hypothesizing that this is because older, more skilled workers tend to have jobs where paid leave is already offered.

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Ahn also writes that “there is a lot of noise in the estimate, and it is difficult to say with much confidence that employers are cutting hours,” making it difficult to make a broader analysis of the law, however. Farrell and Christine Palm, spokeswoman for the Commission on Women, Children, and Seniors, both noted the remark, and instead point to a 2014 study from the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a left-leaning think tank, that found little to no impact from the law. Palm also referenced a 2015 study from the professional services firm EY that found that 74 percent of workers surveyed in eight countries identified work schedule flexibility as being among the top things they look for in a job.

Senior Bowling

Senior Bowling results from July 29: Joe Sytulek, 169; Gene Lemery, 168; Sam D’Amato, 165.

Aug. 5: Irene Willametz, 165; Gene Lemery, 162; Rockwell Roberts, 151.

>> Senior News From A15

Renter Rebate

Kensington Hearing Servicesprogram Kensington Hearing Services

211Britain New Britain 211 New Rd. Rd. Kensington to McDonald's) Renter Rebate applications Kensington • (Next•to(Next McDonald's)

be accepted Tuesdays, 860-826-6450will 860-826-6450 Aug. 23 and 30, 9 a.m. to


By Mike Savino Record-Journal staff

The report, commissioned by the conservative Employment Policies Institute, said the law has resulted in the loss of 24 hours and $850 in salary annually for employees between the ages of 20 and 34 when compared to the rest of New England.

p.m., at the Senior Hearing evaluations.12:40 Hearing evaluations. Center. Hearing fittings,The Renter Rebate program Hearing aid aid fittings, repairs batteries.runs from April 1 through repairs andand batteries. Medicare, HMOs, Oct. 1. All documentation Medicare, HMOs, must be available the day Medicaid Claims of the appointment. If not, Medicaid Claims

it may be necessary to reschedule. Appointments are required. For more information, to schedule an appointment and for a list of required documentation, call Jane at 860-828-7006.

Senior happenings Wii Bowling — Fridays at 12:45 p.m. Fun and easy exercise. For information, call Tina or Jane at 860-828-7006.

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The annual mini-golf outing to benefit the Ryan T. Lee Foundation was held Saturday, Aug. 6.


| Photos by Sebastian Gronback, Special to The Citizen

Mini-golf outing celebrates life of Berlin athlete By Sebastian Gronback Special to The Citizen

Dozens of people converged on Safari Golf in Berlin on Saturday, Aug. 6, for the 5th Annual Ryan T. Lee MiniGolf Classic, organized by the Ryan T. Lee Memorial Foundation.

the Berlin native’s memory through charitable events across the state. Sports were one of Lee’s passions. He played varsity basketball and golf at Berlin High School and continued his golf career at Long Island University.

The mini-golf event served Formed in 2011 after the as a fun and light-hearted tragic loss of Lee, the founda- lead-up to the larger scale tion remembers and honors Ryan T. Lee Golf Classic,

which was held Aug. 12 at Timberlin. Jim McNair, who serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the foundation, noted the friends and family who came to play at Safari Golf. “It’s all people that knew about Ryan, that cared about Ryan; there’s always some connection back to him,” he said.

ing is shared between two courses on the Berlin Turnpike, Safari Golf and Putter’s Paradise, both owned by families that have a connection to Lee.

One of the spaces is donated to the foundation for the day each year, with Safari Golf being the spot this summer. See Mini-golf, A20

Personalized care in a comfortable environment

The annual mini-golf out-


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A18 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

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Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste buds.

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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Welcome to On The Menu. Let us help you find the perfect place to eat.

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Find great local eats - MenusCT.com Green Olive Diner and Pizzeria Restaurant Town Line Square Shopping Center 477 S Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 (203) 379- 0927 greenolivediner.com Green Olive creates a memorable dining experience for each guest. This comes from great cuisine, fine wine, comfortable ambiance and impeccable service.


179 Center Street Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 793-1782 jakes1pub.com Casual pub style dining. Nightly dinner specials, craft beer on tap, signature martinis. New dining room. See website for nightly entertainment schedule.

Hard Hat Cafe 181 N. Colony Road Wallingford, CT 06492 203-626-5190 hardhatcafect.com 15 beers on tap, 12 large screen TV’s, happy hour, drink specials and world famous wings.

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Enter to win a $100 gift card to a participating restaurant each month! - MenusCT.com

A20 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Carasiti makes it to the major leagues Carasiti was recently pitching at Triple-A Albuquerque after getting promoted to the Pacific Coast League last month. At the time of his promotion from Hartford, he was leading the Eastern League with 29 saves and

22 games finished. He went 0-2 with 29 saves and a 2.31 ERA in 38 relief outings at Hartford.

University, Carasiti, 25, had never reached the Double-A level before this season and made the Yard Goats Carasiti was one of club out of spring six Yard Goats to be training. He recorded named to the 2016 the Yard Goats first Carasiti Eastern League Allever save on Opening Star team. Day 2016, April 7 at Richmond. He recorded 29 saves A star at Berlin High School in 33 save opportunities from before going on to St. John’s April 7 through July 21.

Carasiti recorded saves in eight consecutive appearances, June 17 through July 8 and 12 of 13 outings from June 17 through July 21. The right-handed reliever converted on saves in 12 of his last 13 save chances since June 15. He was promoted to Triple-A July 25, where he pitched seven scoreless innings with two hits, two walks and five

Redcoats tackle cancer

>> Mini-golf outing

The Berlin High School football team will be hosting a Redcoats Tackle Cancer fundraiser during its first home game of the season, Sept. 16. All fans are encouraged to purchase a Redcoats Tackle Cancer T-shirt and wear it to the game. All proceeds benefit the Nick

From A17

Zuk Memorial Scholarship Fund and Pediatric Cancer Research. For donation and T-shirt information, contact John Paul Demko; 860-828-3286, JPDemko@spectransport. com or Doug Lojko; 860-8367720, Dlojko@allstate.com. MORE WAYS TO MOVE YOU >>



After playing through the muggy morning heat, attendees cooled off with drinks and snacks. The outing ended with a raffle. “It’s a fun time for people to get together before the re-

The Life Center 203-239-3400 www.aarct.com Fast, Safe, Effective

The Aug. 12 Lee golf classic at Timberlin is one of the largest events for the foundation. The day of golf is capped by a charity dinner at the Aqua Turf Club in Southington. Both events draw large crowds.

“You know when you’re pitching well in the upper minors that there’s always a chance you will get called up,” Carasiti told the Denver Post. “I jut tried to keep my head on straight and keeping throwing the ball well, so If they called on me I would be ready. Thankfully they did. I’m excited.”

out the year, from a leadership conference for area schools in April, to a food drive for the local food shelter in July, to a blood drive for the American Red Cross in October.

Dan Lee, Ryan’s father, said, “In the beginning we just wanted to do something in his memory, and each “It’s like a wedding every year we’ve just added more year, but we have so much and more. It’s a way for us help each year and we’re so to give back to the comfortunate,” Theresa Lee said. munity, but they give back The foundation contributes to us in the time that they to the community through- spend.”

Health News




Tee signs decorated by families were placed around the mini-golf course. Four rounds of golf and a donation to a charity were the prizes for the first player to notch a hole-in-one on the 13th hole.

ally busy week ahead,” said Theresa Lee, Ryan’s mother.

strikeouts in six appearances.

Volunteers needed Comprehensive website development.

The American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery program is looking for volunteer

drivers throughout Connecticut to transport cancer patients to and from treatments. Some treatments will

not allow cancer patients to operate machinery, including a motor vehicle. Other See Health, A21


Berlin High School alumnus Matt Carasiti has been promoted to the Major League’s, joining the Colorado Rockies Friday, Aug. 12.

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, August 18, 2016

In Brief

>> Health From A20

East Berlin Library The East Berlin Library, 80 Main St., is open Mondays, 3 to 5 p.m., and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.


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Chris Morelli, Republican candidate for state representative for District 30, will hold a coffee hour at Starlight Diner in Berlin Saturday, Aug. 27, 9 to 10 a.m.



The Berlin Free Library, 842 Worthington Ridge, is open Mondays and Fridays, 2:30 to 5 p.m.; Wednesdays, 9 to 11:30 a.m. and 7 to 8:30 p.m. The library hosts a book sale every Wednesday, 9 to 11:30 a.m.



Sit & Knit - Thursday, Aug.

Movie Matinée - Friday, Aug. 26, 1 p.m. “Miracles from Heaven.” Rated PG.


patients do not have family members they can rely on for support, or their family may simply not be able to take time away from work. Volunteers should be available once a month or once a week, be age 18 to 85, have a valid driver’s license and reliable vehicle with insurance. For information, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345.

Movie Matinée - Friday, Aug. 19, 1 p.m. “Dear Eleanor.” Rated PG-13.

Berlin Free Library


Mileage for volunteer drivers is reimbursed. For more information, or to volunteer to drive, call 860-224-7117, or contact seniortransportationservices@yahoo.com.

Sit & Knit - Thursday, Aug. 18, 6 p.m.

25, 1 p.m.

40560-01 1281635

The service provides seniors transportation to out-of-town medical appointments. The program is open to all community residents, 55 years and older, that are fully ambulatory, regardless of financial status. Seniors Transportation Services’ drivers are volunteer-based and new volunteer drivers are needed for several towns.

Berlin-Peck Memorial Library


Senior Transportation Services, Inc., a nonprofit transportation service for citizens age 55 and older is in need of volunteer drivers willing to commit to two hours a week to meet the needs of their community and aiding seniors to “age in place.”

Meet the candidate

Library Briefs


Volunteer drivers are sought


A22 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Library on strict deadline to raise elevator funds elevator. “There’s no way for patrons to access the downstairs from inside the building currently,” said Helen Malinka, director of the library.

By Ashley Kus Citizen staff

Berlin-Peck Memorial Library has only a couple more months to raise funds for an

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Malinka said the cost of the elevator is approximately $250,000. She credited the community as a significant factor to now having only $10,025 left to raise.

The state awarded the library $125,000. However, the funds need to be matched by Nov. 1, in order to keep the grant.

More than $16,000 was donated by patrons. The Friends of Berlin-Peck Memorial Library organization, Board of Trustees, and




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“We’re just trying to get the word out,” Malinka said.

Barbara Gombotz, chair on the Commission for the Aging, has heard several concerns from elderly residents who have trouble accessing the library. “How can you ask someone to park, and then walk with their walking device?” she said. The library is on a hill, which makes handicap parking difficult. Senior citizens, disabled residents, and even families with strollers have problems making it safely to the door. If they want to visit the botSee Library, A23

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Recently, the library received a $36,000 grant from the Marjorie Moore Charitable Foundation which assists the people of Kensington and Berlin.

An elevator has been talked about for years, but Malinka said this is the first year that the library is attempting to bring the project to fruition. “It has to be done now,” she said.


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smaller state grants have also contributed to the project.


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The process to construct an elevator in the library building attached to the Community Center began last fall when the library applied for a state grant.


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H T C, O N B H, P X T

D T G N H PThe U Berlin B U Citizen U V |N EDUG theberlincitizen.com

>> Library needs elevator

For all your home mortgage

From A22


tom floor of the library, where the weekly book sales D B Y C O K are X held, P Y patrons DX R X Btravel Y F D. --must down the hill and enter from the first floor Community --- N I D Y K Center X T I entrance. CLUE: D = T “You gain momentum down that grade, even a stroller is difficult,” said Gombotz. These challenges result in the library being ADA non-compliant. But with access to an elevator, patrons could Currently, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library patrons must walk simply park at the handicap down a steep hill to access the bottom floor of the library

Solve the Puzzle

See Library, A28

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through the Community Center. Library Director Helen Malika says an elevator is crucial. | Ashley Kus, The Berlin Citizen


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Glorious things are spoken of you, Mary, who today were exalted above the choirs of angels into eternal triumph with Christ.---Antiphon Puzzle on Page A12

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A24 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

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The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com Automobiles

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Work Your

Diesel Mechanic needed for Fleet of Tractors and trailers. Experience Required, must have own tools. Full time position with benefits. (203)484-9918.

Macy’s is hiring!

DIESEL TRUCK MECHANIC Busy manufacturing plant is currently looking for a diesel truck mechanic. Welding/hydraulic experience a plus. Overtime required. Min 5 years experience required. Must have own tools. Full-time positions avail. Email resume: macampora@ unitedconcrete.com or call 203-678-0569. EthosEnergy Component Repair is a turbine blade and vane overhaul facility with immediate openings for the following positions: INSPECTOR: Knowledge of Gas Turbine & Power Turbine Blades and Vanes preferred. Experience with gages, micrometers and calipers required. Mircrosoft Office experience helpful. INSPECTOR-FPI: Level 2 FPI inspector INSPECTORTRAINEE: Detail oriented individual who can work with hand held measuring tools. Microsoft Office experience helpful. POLISHER: Duties include blending and deburring. Good hand-eye coordination required. Apply at EthosEnergy Component Repair, 34 Capital Dr., Wallingford, CT 06492 EOE M/F/D/V

Competitive pay and Flexible schedules Choose from a wide variety of positions Warehouse associates Human Resources admins

HVAC SERVICE TECHS/INSTALLER Immediate opening. Residential. Min. 5 yrs exp. required w/ B, D or S license. Excellent wages, benefits. Send resume to:

oilsix@bchvac.necoxmail.com No phone calls please.

Forklift drivers Temperature controlled fulfillment center Overtime available

FULL SERVICE TREE & LANDSCAPING CO. Seeks PT, FT exper’d, reliable professionals w/ CDL 203-272-4216.

Apply at macysJOBS.com


DATTCO, CT’s largest private school bus company is looking for the industry’s best SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS for our Middletown, Cromwell & Durham locations. If you currently have a valid CDL-PS we are looking for you! CDL is not a must. We will provide all of the free training you will need to be successful! At DATTCO you can bring your children to work with you! Please apply in person at 131 Tuttle Road, Middletown or call DATTCO today 860-635-8234 Ext 5600. You can also apply online! www.dattco.com DATTCO is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer



i sh

Automobiles Wanted

Help Wanted

he C

1998 Hyundai Accent 2DR, hatch, GS, $1,800 or best offer. 203-634-9148

Thursday, August 18, 2016

YOUTH PROGRAM ASSISTANTS Cheshire Youth Services seeks applicants to apply for PT (15 hr/wk) positions of Program Assistant to staff Yellow House programs. See the Town’s web site at www.cheshirect.org for additional information. Deadline for applying 9/2/16. Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. Town of Cheshire is an EEOE, M/F/D/V.

SET-UP/OPERATE Must have experience in set-up, maintenance & troubleshooting of Davenports and have good communication & training skills and be focused on product quality. OPERATORS Preferred candidate will have manufacturing experience and knowledge of tool maintenance and inspection practices. We will train the right candidate. An ISO certified company offering very competitive wages and benefits including health, dental, life and short term disability, 401K with matching, profit sharing, vacation, uniforms, room for growth through tuition assistance and more. Mail or fax resume to: Tri-Star Industries, Inc. 101 Massirio Drive Berlin, CT 06037 Fax: 860-828-7475 or online at: tristar-inserts.com /contact.htm Employment Opportunities No calls please. Scheduled appointments only TAILOR/SEAMSTRESS Part Time/Full Time Experienced preferred. Call Lina. 203-245-9381

WAIT STAFF & SHORT ORDER COOK- Immediate openings, experience preferred. Breakfast a plus. Apply in person New Guida’s Restaurant, (Route 66, Middlefield) WAREHOUSE F/T Rocky Hill 4 day week, 1 weekend day off Benefits w/401k match & pay up to $24/hr. Burris Logistics Apply: burrisjobs.com


A26 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Classifieds Antiques & Collectibles

Two Motorized Handicapped Scooters one @ $400, one @ $300; w/hood WANTED – HALL Snowblower BROTHERS HATCH- $400. 203-265-2990 ERY memorabilia. Call Music Instruments Jude at (203) 725-498

& Instruction

Appliances AFFORDABLE Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators & Stoves. Appliance Repairs Will Deliver Service calls available. (203) 284-8986

Furniture & Appliances

List your items to over 300,000 readers. Call us today 203-238-1953.

Apartments For Rent DEE’S ANTIQUES Buying Collectibles, Jewelry & Silver. China, Glass, Military, Musical. Anything old & unusual. Single item to an estate. 203-235-8431.

Apartments For Rent

Apartments For Rent

FLANDERS WEST APARTMENTS 3 Darling Street, Southington, CT Studio & One Bedroom Apt. Homes Includes Heat/Hot Water, Appliances Computer & Fitness Center Free Meal Program & Activities Free Shuttle Bus Service Affordable Apartments for Qualified Applicants 50 years of age of older. For more info call 860-621-3954 TTY 711 FlanderswestBC.com

Wood / Fuel & Heating Equip

Music By Roberta Perform + Instruct Voice lessons - all ages PRE - SEASON FIRE- 1500+S/F Loft apts 1 & +levels,piano beginner- WOOD SALE Ends 2 BR avail. All newly Aug. - Cleanest in CT, interm. (203) 630-9295. renovated. Prime loc., $200 per cord delivright off hghwy., close ered. Discounts over 2, Sporting Goods to mall, hospital and all over 4, & picked up. & Health transportation. Avail. Mike, (203) 631-2211. WLFD-cent. loc., quiet immed. 917-566-6672 area, 2 BR, 4 rms, 2nd PISTOL PERMIT Or fl, stove/refrig, hkups, Long Gun Certificate Tree Length Berlin/Kensington area - MERIDEN - 3 BR, 1st fl., storage, off st prkg, no & 1BR, 2nd fl., $1000/ Required for Connear Main St, spac smkg/pets, $895mo + Firewood $650 mo + sec. Judy necticut Residents. 1 2BR, 1 BA, 1st fl, W/D sec. 860-575-4915 Class, Small Groups & water inc., $950. + 203-927-8215 Call for Details $110. 203 415-1144 util., 860-628-4907 MERIDEN - Nice 1BR203-238-2149 Houses For Rent MERIDEN1BR avail. $700mo. Appls., prkg., Stove & fridge, H & dep. & refs. No pets! Pets For Sale HW Incl’d. Lease, Sec 72 N. 1st St. 203-675- WLFD– A MUST SEE! & Refs. 203-239-7657 0171 or 203-317-7222. Open 7 days a week, Modern 3 BR House / 203-314-7300 24 hours a day. w/ deck off KIT, 2 full Meriden Studio, 2nd flr, Call Us. BAs, priv. prkg, cenMERIDEN – 2 BR, 1BA, $500 incls utils. With 203-238-1953 trally loc. 2036546190 2nd flr, Sec required rent incentive, sec & Call 203-213-4507 app fee. MAIER PM, (203) 235-1000. Wanted to Buy


Cindy’s Unique Shop CONSIGNMENT

1,2,3 Items or an Estate ûûûCA$Hûûû 203-494-1695 ESTATE SALE SERVICE Costume Jewelry, Antiques, paintings, Meriden-made items, toys, lamps

32 North Colony St Wallingford, (203) 269-9341 2flrs-1800sf Consigned Home Decor, furniture, jewelry & handbags. Daily disc. given. $5 off $25 purchase, $10 off $100 purchase. 30 day layaway avail. New merchandise 1-2 ITEMS daily. Ample prkg in our lot. M- Silverware, China, Glass. F, 9:30-5, Sat., 10-5, Sun, 11-4 Furniture, 50’s Items. Like us on facebook Whole Estates

FREE FURNITURE owner moving, would like to give away furniture, please call 203-630-2705 Sofa (82") & Xlg Power Recliner - Sofa $400., Recliner, $400., midnight blue, 4 wks old. 203-238-2133

Lawn and Garden PREMIUM SCREENED TOP SOIL - $25 per yrd delivered. 4 yrd minimum, Larger quantity discounts available. Call Jim, (860) 982-4819.

Miscellaneous For Sale 3 Handi. Scooters/need batteries, $200 each obo; Wheelchair $40; Walker/xlg seat $40. Call 203-715-1873

203 238-3499

AARON’S BUYING Old Machinist Tools, Lathes, Bench Tools Hand Tools, Much More. (203) 525-0608 ALL CASH FOR

MILITARY ITEMS 203-237-6575

ALWAYS BUYING CASH PAID Vintage Electronics, Musical Instruments, Amps, Ham Equipment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Guitars, Audio Equipment, Antiques. 860-707-9350 ANTIQUES - Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, musical instruments, signs, arcade games, cameras, pre 1970 sports memorabilia, plus more. One item or entire estate contents. Call 860-718-5132.

FOR SALE, Air Conditioner, good for 1 BR Apt. $35. Call 860828-5972 and leave Auction it TODAY Online msg. EBAY Consignment FRAMED PRINT, STEBusiness in Berlin. We VEN CRYAN, of train in sell your items online. Meriden railroad staCall for free evaluation. tion. $55. Call (203) www.aitct.com 634-0720 860-828-4400

English + French Bulldog Puppies, 950+; Yorkies, Shih Tzu’s, Bengal Kittens, Pugs,Bostons , 450+. (860) 828-7442

MERIDEN - 2 BRs starting $800 H & HW incld. Off st prkg. Avail immed. 203-886-7016. MERIDEN-4BR,1BA, just renovated, 2nd flr, off street pkng, $1175/mo + sec & utils. Call (203) 938-3789

Rooms For Rent

MERIDEN VERY SMALL Studio. Walk-In. All utils. incl. No smkg/pets. $475/mo +sec+ app fee. Call 646-345-2636

Meadowstone Motel Off I-91. NEWLY UPDATED ROOMS! Daily. Weekly. $175 weekly & up + sec. On Bus Line. New Management. 203-239-5333

WALLINGFORD 3 rooms, 1 BR, 2nd floor, MERIDEN- Clean, Safe 2-family house, Room. 203-605-6522 Kondracki Ln, no pets. Utils & fridge incl. $850 / mo + utils. Call Share kitchen/bath. (203) 284-1853 $125 per week + sec.

Wanted To Rent SEEKING 2BR or 4Rms. Sect. 8 in Meriden. 1 person & 1 cat. Move in by Sept. 1st. Call 203-440-4123

Tag Sales BERLIN - 56 North Colony Rd., Sat., 8/20, 9am-3pm, lots of items, tools, books, collectibles, etc. BERLIN - 88 York Rd., Fri., 9am-5pm & Sat., 9am-3pm, furn., HH, tools, kids stuff, albums, misc. & more

GROW YOUR BUSINESS Advertise with us. 203-317-2312

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Businesses & Services Attics & Basement Cleaned

Garage Doors

Junk Removal

GARY Wodatch Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430

Cleaning Services I CAN CLEAN YOUR House or Office with a sparkle. Ask for 2nd cleaning 50% off. Call (860) 299-6611.

Driveways DURAbleSEALcoatLLC 400º hot crack repair free est. lic.#0622386 durablesealcoat.com 203-697-0880

Electrical Services All Systems Electric LLC Electrical Wiring & More! Generators, Security & Fire Alarms, Data Wiring, Roof De-Icing FREE ESTIMATES! CT# 0187714-E1 Visit us at www.ase-ct.com 860-436-4957

ED’S JUNK REMOVAL Quality Overhead Door, LLC WE HAVE DUMP TRUCK Installation, Srvc & Repairs, Reg. Ins. Free on-site est. Spring replacements, Openers. Attics, bsemts, garages, HIC# 0639076 203-537-8299 appl. & more. Any Questions? Ed (203) 494-1526

Gutters GUTTERS DON’T WORK IF THEY’RE DIRTY For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 4403279 Fully ins. CT# 569127


Bob’s Electric Service changes, old GUTTERS PLUS 25+ yrs house wiring, trouble shoot. Veteran. Lic/Ins. exp. Call today for free est. 203-440-3535 Ct. 203-376-7888 Reg. #578887

Electrical Services T.E.C. Electrical Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work 24 hr. Emergency Service Small Jobs Welcome 203-237-2122

Excavating K&A Enterprises Water lines, sewer, septic,inground tank removal, pavers, sidewalks, drainage & additions. Lic #571435, Ins, refs 203-379-0193

Fencing CORNERSTONE Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237GATE. CT Reg #601060.

JUNK REMOVAL & MORE 25% OFF WE REMOVE Furniture, appliances, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more.

AVALLONE CONTRACTORS Total Remodeling, 35 blessed years. Kit, BA, Siding, Roofing, windows, gutters, addtn’s. Credit cards accepted (860) 582-0712

***CALL TODAY*** Yalesville Construction, LLC. Roofing, siding, kitchens, baths, additions, decks, doors windows, power washing, flooring Insured Free est. 203-535-2962 HIC#0631937 CORNERSTONE Fence & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237GATE. CT Reg #601060.


20% OFF IF YOU Mention This Ad SPRINGYard Clean-Ups Brush, branches, leaves, storm damage **JUNK REMOVAL** Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc WE CAN REMOVE ANYTHING Entire house to 1 item removed! FREE ESTIMATES Sr. Citizen Discount LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218

Power Washing

Masonry A&A MASONRY 20 yrs exp. Specializing in sidewalks, stairs, patios, stonewalls, chimneys, fireplaces & much more! Call Anytime 860-462-6006! Free Est! #HIC0616290

A-1 Quality Powerwashing Hot water, low rates Call Dennis 203-630-0008

A pressureless house washing system can save you money The Powerwashing Kings Others Wash - We Clean! (203) 631 - 3777 (860) 839 - 1000 thepowerwashingkings.com

POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning ON THE OUTSIDE FREE Estimates #569127 Call Kevin 203-440-3279


ALEX MASONRY 30 yrs. exp. Patios, Ret. Walls, Steps, Brick, Stone, Chimneys. #580443. 203-2320257 or 203-596-0652

FREE ESTIMATES LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218

Home Improvement

Get Listed. Get Calls. Get Results.

BILL RUDOLPH LANDSCAPING Cert. Installer- Paver Walkways, Stairs, Replace / Repair Patios,Ret.Walls, Shrub Replace, Landscape Design , Mulch , Stone, Lawn Repair & Install. No Mowing Expert Drainage & Back- Mulching, plantings, hoe Work. In Bus. 30 + edging, cleaning out yr We’re on Angie’s beds, topsoil work, List! Free Est. HIC# pruning, treework & 0563661 2032379577 all your landscaping needs. STUFF TO SELL? JT’s Landscaping, LLC Top quality work. Call Us. Com & Res. 203-238-1953 Lic.# 616311 Fully licensed & insured 203-213-6528

*SPRING YardClean-ups*




Comm. & Res. Cleanups, lawn mowing, hedge trimming, mulching, retaining walls & walkways, & much more. Free Est. 203-687-0936.

Mowing,Shrubs,Mulch Spring & Fall Cleanups Green Thumb Landscaping (203) 525-2618


O+E MASONRY - chimney repair and brick work pavers, etc. Masonry & side walks. Lic & Ins. 203-600-0726.

PAUL’S MASONRY Stonewalls, arches, chimneys, sidewalks, fireplaces. Free est. New & Repairs. 203-706-9281 W. BOOBER MASONRY 25 Years Experience All Types of Masonry CT #626708 203 235-4139

Painting & Wallpapering

Siding.Roofing.Windows Decks.Sunrooms.Add’ CT Reg#516790. 203-237-0350 Fiderio & Sons www. fiderio.com

V. Nanfito Roofing & Siding Inc Windows, Decks, Remodeling Gutters CT Reg#570192 (203) 639-1634

Yalesville Construction Specializing in all phases of residential roofing. Senior citizen discount Insured Free est. 203-535-2962 HIC#0631937


Roofing. Siding. Windows. More. Free Est’s. Ins. # 604200. Member BBB. Harmony.(860)645-8899 Dynamic Home Improvement Roofing, siding, chimney & skylight repair, gutters, gutterguard. #0642115. Full lic. & ins. 203-235-9944

Roofing, siding, windows, decks & remodeling.


V. NANFITO, Inc. Siding, Roofing, Windows, Decks, Remodeling Gutters CT Reg#570192 (203) 639-1634

LAWN MOWING PAINTING SERVICES Com/Res, professional. Tree Services Int/Ext. Powerwash. rototilling flower bed 203-639-0032 25 yrs experience! edger, gutters, HIC# 0624158 prickers, brush removGary Wodatch LLC info@ gonzalez al, mulch, remove junk, Call Tom 203-715-5906 TREE REMOVAL constructionllc.com top soil. BBB, Angie’s All calls returned. Fully Lic & Ins List. Rick’s Affordable CT#620397 Reg #577319 Lawn. 23 yrs exp. Quick courteous service. Plumbing Doing Business in Office 203-235-7723 Meriden/Wallingford. Cell 860-558-5430 George J Mack & Sons 203 530-4447. LAVIGNE’S Tree Service Servicing the Meriden Gary Wodatch LandIn busi. 36 yrs. Tree rearea since 1922. Toilet, scaping. Hedge/tree moval. Stump grinding. faucet, sink & drain reRoofing. Siding. trimming. Trim overCraneService. Free pairs. Water heater reWindows. More. Free grown properties. Calls Est. Fully insured. placements. 25% Sr Est’s. Ins. # 604200. WE WEED GARDENS returned. #620397 203-294-1775 citizen disc. Member Member BBB. NORM THE GARDENER 860-558-5430 of BBB. 203-238-2820 Harmony.(860) 645-8899 lavignestreeservicellc.com (203) 265-1460


List your items to over 300,000 readers. Call us today 203-238-1953.

A28 Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Berlin Citizen | theberlincitizen.com

New England Knights prevail >> Library The New England Knights 18 baseball team beat the CT Capitals 3-1 to claim the 2016 East Shore 18U Wood Bat League championship. Bristol Eastern’s Zach Marquis pitched 6 1/3 innings of one-run baseball, and Post University incoming freshman Ty Boisevert shut the door on the CT Capitals for the final out in the

seventh. Marquis racked up seven strikeouts and allowed no earned runs on five hits and one walk. Berlin High senior Jared Reimer knotted the game in the sixth with a two-out RBI to bring in Torrington High senior Tim Latosek. Boisevert subsequently doubled and drove in Reimer. Southington High

senior John Gray then doubled to give the Knights an insurance run. Bart Simone took the loss for the CT Capitals. He lasted just 4 2/3 innings, walked one, struck out four, and allowed three runs.

During the Sales Tax Holiday Week, most individ-

Department of Revenue Services Commissioner Kevin B. Sullivan said, “The ‘tax holiday’ has become a staple of Connecticut’s back-to-school shopping

parking area down the hill at the Community Center. They could then get a lift up to the main floor of the library.

Gombotz and Malinka will be discussing the project and asking for further assistance at the Town Council meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 6.

The CT Capitals scored its only run on an RBI single by Jake Zawisa in the fourth.

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season. Many retailers schedule sales to coincide with sales tax-free week, which helps shoppers save even more money because sales tax is applied after the use of any coupons or discounts. So while the price of an item may start above the $100 taxable threshold, after discounts are applied, it becomes less than $100 and is not subject to sales tax that week.”





533 S Broad St



$ 99

each + tax

Valid 8/11/16 to 8/31/16. Must present this card to redeem.

“It’s so critical to match the grant,” Gombotz said. “It’s a beautiful library and people want to attend.” Malinka can be reached at 860-828-7131.


ual items of clothing and footwear priced under $100 are exempt from Connecticut Sales and Use Tax. For items costing $100 or more, sales tax is calculated on the full purchase price.

in, but no elevator.

The elevator would be situated in the lobby of the library entrance where there is currently a wall display. Gombotz said there is already an elevator shaft built

‘Tax-Free Week’ is coming up August means back-toschool shopping, and, once again, many items of clothing and footwear can be purchased without paying Connecticut sales tax during “Tax-Free Week.” The event, now in its 16th year, is scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 21 through Saturday, Aug. 27.

From A23



$ 99

each + tax

Valid 8/11/16 to 8/31/16. Must present this card to redeem.


240 Indian River Rd. Bldg A


140 Samson Rock Dr. Unit D


846 Washington St

DELIVERY SPECIAL 2 Medium Two-Topping Pizzas


$ 99

each + tax

Valid 8/11/16 to 8/31/16. Must present this card to redeem.



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