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The Berlin

Cit itiz ize en Volume 13, Number 28

Berlin’s Only Hometown Newspaper

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Art exhibit highlights scenes of Berlin

Summer heats up

By Olivia L. Lawrence Associate Editor

Citizen photo by Olivia L.Lawrence

Children at the Discovery Center Preschool and Camp took advantage of hot weather last week to play in the sprinkler. The program is located at 103 Hotchkiss Street and serves youngsters five to 11 years old. Co-directors Marilyn Flecha and Lisa Hall said there are still openings for the summer session.

Police release annual report By Olivia L. Lawrence Associate Editor Berlin Police Chief Paul Fitzgerald recently released the department’s annual report for 2008. The report shows a significant increase in calls for service in the past two years. In 2008, there were 34,457 calls for service an increase of 3,348 calls over the prior year. In 2006, there were 30,646 calls for service. Deputy Chief John Klett said there are a number of reasons for the jump. The main reason “is due to an increase in calls for an ambulance” as a result of an increase in senior and over 55 housing. Police are first responders and the increase in calls for an ambulance has been “significant.” Also adding to the increase are building checks and calls for motor vehicle enforcement. Besides detailing police enforcement ac-

tivities, the report also highlights the department’s community activities and ways it has worked to save the town money through grants and reimbursements. The department’s budget for 2007-2008 was $6,331,555. There are 41 full-time officers, nine civilian dispatchers, and four staff who serve in various support positions. Fitzgerald, appointed in 2003, is the town’s sixth chief. BPD is a state and internationally accredited law enforcement agency. Adult criminal arrests rose slightly from the previous year. There were 1,182 in 2008 compared to 1,107 in 2007. In 2006, there were 1,474 adult criminal arrests. Juvenile arrests were down. In 2008 there were 32 compared to 51 in 2007. In 2006, there were 37. Narcotics incidents for 2008 were 45 comSee Police, page 5

The Berlin Historical Museum is exhibiting paintings from nine of Berlin’s premier artists from now until the end of the year. “It’s showing parts of Berlin that no longer exist,” said Lorraine Stub, a member of the museum board of directors, discussing certain works on display. Many of the paintings are from a time when Berlin was largely a farming community and depict activities like haying fields. As much of the land in the old days had been cleared, the vistas are quite different from what is seen today. This gives visitors to the exhibit a new perspective on familiar places. Featured in the exhibit are: Dr. John Fitzsimmons, Vermadel R. Griswold, Francis Pulito, Robert Boiling Brandegee, Janice Jacobs, Dave Contino, Nelson Augustus Moore, Claude W. Stevens and Isaac Porter. The museum is located at the corner of Peck and Main streets and is open Saturdays from 1 to 4 p.m. now until the last weekend in December. Stub said Berlin’s most famous artist is probably Edwin Moore. “He painted so much of Berlin.” This includes old mill sites and apple orchards. He lived in a stone house on High Road and “just love walking around Kensington.” He’s buried in West Lane Cemetery. The museum has numerous Moore prints displayed but not original work. However, most of the other featured artists do have originals in the exhibit. The biographical information about these artists was provided by the historical

museum. Dr. John Fitzsimmons is a former Berlin resident and retired optometrist who has painted for over 50 years. He “always felt that you did not have to leave this area to find natural beauty.” His paintings have been exhibited throughout New England including the New Britain Museum of American Art, the Slater Museum in Norwich and the Mystic Museum in Mystic. His work hangs in many private homes and corporate offices as well as Kensington Cafe and the New Britain/Berlin Probate Court offices. Vermadel R. Griswold moved to Berlin from Vermont after her marriage to Dr. Matthew H. Griswold in 1916, and she spent the rest of her life here. An eager artist from her early teens on, she studied briefly on Cape Cod. Once in Berlin, her interest in painting intensified as she found a community of likeminded artists who she welcomed to her studio. Her status turned professional when the Milch Galleries in New York City undertook to represent her. Her work was exhibited at the National Academy in 1933, the Salons of America in 1934, the Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts in 1937 and 1938, and the Springfield Arts League in 1940. In 1948, one of her paintings was awarded the Howard Penrose Prize. Francis Pulito, born in Kensington, began painting in his early teens. His exposure to art was increased during his service in World War II when he traveled throughout Europe and Africa. While taking in different styles and techniques

See Artists, page 4


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, July 9, 2009

Exchange student has big plans By Ani Hovanesian The The Berlin Citizen

Berlin Briefs Berlin VFW Scalise-Mayer Memorial Golf Tournament August 12

Save the date, August 12, for the 23rd Annual Berlin VFW William B. Scalise-William J. Mayer Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament will again be held at Timberlin GC in Berlin with the dinner to follow at The Aqua Turf Club in Southington. Tee times begin at 7 a.m. and continue until 9 a.m. in the a.m. block. The tee times resume at 11:30 a.m. and continue until 1:30 p.m. The championship dinner will start at

7:15 p.m. The entry fee is $125 and includes greens fees, carts, lunch, dinner at The Aqua Turf and all on-course contests. There will again be an incredibly large raffle. Proceeds from the tournament go to the Berlin VFW, a scholarship in the name of William B. Scalise and the Hospital of Central Connecticut Dialysis Unit. Signup to play or become a sponsor on the event website located at http://www.tournevents.com/Scalise. You can also contact tournament director Bob Mayer at (860) 8296805 or rpmayer11@sbcglobal.net.

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LEGAL NOTICE TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE All persons liable to pay taxes on Real Estate, Motor Vehicles and Personal Property in and to the Town of Berlin, Connecticut, are hereby notified that taxes on the Grand List of October 1, 2008, are due and payable in full by August 3, 2009. Said taxes become delinquent if not paid on or before August 3, 2009. Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month shall be charged from July 1, 2009, on all taxes not paid on or before August 3, 2009, subject to a minimum interest charge of $2.00. Any and all unpaid back taxes, interest and other charges must be paid in full before payment may be made on the 2008 Grand List taxes. Any person liable for these taxes who does not receive a bill or bills, should contact the Tax Collector ’s Office at once, by phone at 8287023 or in person at 240 Kensington Road, as failure to receive a bill does not relieve one from the liability therefrom for payment. Collection Place: Tax Collector’s Office Room 22 Berlin Town Hall 240 Kensington Road Berlin, CT 06037 Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Thursdays 8:30 am - 7:00 pm Fridays 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Caroline M. Glabau Collector of Revenue Town of Berlin


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a lot of differences between here and South Korea. In Korea, they are all about studying. I went to dormitory school and I would get up at 7 in the morning and study until 12 a.m. There was also school on Saturday and Sunday. There were not a lot of sports or clubs, and if you stay in the dormitory you have to study all day. There are some good things to do in the dormitory—it is a good way to make a lot of lifelong friends because we talk a lot and spend all of our time together.” At Berlin High, NuRi went to the junior prom, the spirit dance, homecoming, and was a cheerleader in the fall. She hopes to return to America next fall, finish high school in Oregon, and attend college in America. “She has a lot of ambition.

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NuRi Jeong

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Stay in touch with Berlin


On Aug. 13, 2008, NuRi Jeong flew 18 hours from South Korea to the United States in hopes of learning a new culture and making lifelong friends. NuRi, a junior at Berlin High School, is an exchange student who has spent the entire school year with a host parent, Denise Roberts of Berlin. “She wanted to learn instantly. She picked up the language here and wanted to know how school was in America and our culture as a whole,” says Roberts. NuRi worked through an exchange organization that pairs each student with a host family. Roberts lives alone, so she has plenty of room and time to give someone the opportunity to come to America and experience the life here. “I wanted to give her the best experience she could have. “This is the first time she has been away from her family for a continued period of time, and I think she’s adjusted immediately to me and my household. At that time I had two dogs, and she’s never had pets so that was very different for her.” NuRi, who spends most of her time studying and hanging out with her friends, says she came to America because, “I wanted to try the new culture here. There are

She knows that if there is a movie she wants to see and she has to study for something, she will choose studying over watching the movie. She’s taking Spanish this year, and I am in awe of what she has been able to accomplish,” says Roberts, “I give her so much credit because for someone who is 16 years old, she has so much of her life planned out.” Roberts took NuRi to see Harvard University, something that she had always wanted to see. She has trouble understanding people sometimes because of the rate at which they speak. “There are times when she will be like…‘people are talking too fast, I don’t understand them,’” adds Roberts. “It was hard to talk in English every day and understand at first, but I tried to open my mind, and I made a lot of friends,” says NuRi. “I am looking for ways to find scholarship money for college. I want to be a biologist. My family supported me coming here, and they believed that I was going to be okay.” Her newly found freedom in America has set the stage for what she wants to do with the rest of her life. “I might live in America after college,” she adds, “The only negative thing about America was the 18 hour plane ride here.”


Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Bard hired as HR director office in Plainville. Bard has a Bachelor of Science in business management from Central Connecticut State University and a Master of Science in organizational behavior from the University of Hartford. She also earned her Certified Professional in Human Resources certification from the Human Resources Certification Institute, Society for Human Resources Management.

Berlin Briefs Chamber BBQ and baseball The Berlin Chamber of Commerce has scheduled a barbecue and baseball game Wednesday, July 22 at the New Britain Stadium. The Rock Cats will host the Portland Sea Dogs. Picnic begins at 5:35 p.m.; game at 7:05 p.m. The event is open to Berlin Chamber members along with their employees, friends and family members. The all-you-can-eat menu includes burgers, hot dogs, barbecue chicken, side dishes, drinks and desert. Tickets, available at the Berlin Chamber of Commerce, are

$20 per person, ages 4 and under are free. Children under 12 receive a free baseball. For more information and reserve rickets, call the Chamber of Commerce at (860) 829-1033.

Republicans sought

By Olivia L. Lawrence Associate Editor Synthetic Cinema International LLC, in Rocky Hill, will begin shooting a movie in Berlin July 12. Titled the “Opponent,” it will feature actors Jeremy London of “Party of Five” television fame and Rowdy Roddy Piper, a former professional wrestler who has recently moved into a film career. A one time foe of, among others, Hulk Hogan, Piper recently starred in the science fiction movie “They Live.” “Opponent” involves scenes that will be shot at several area locales, including two in Berlin: Pandolfe’s Auto Parts on Christian Lane and Centerfolds, a strip club, on the Berlin Turnpike. Other scenes will be shot at Makris Diner in Wethersfield and at an abandoned mill property in Rocky Hill. “The owners of these places have been very accommodating,” Gernhard said. “The guys there (at Pandolfe’s) are very cool.” He said all of the locales have been used in movies before and that the diner had been used in three movies in just the past year. The line of movies Synthetic Cinema produces are typically “direct to television and DVD” Gernhard said. Genres such as monster, aliens and chillers are its main focus. Movies run on the Sci-Fi channel and similar networks and then are distributed through Blockbuster, Red Box and other outlets. It takes about a year from the shoot to distribution. This is the first time Synthetic Cinema is using “name

Berlin Citizens interested in seeking the municipal offices of Town Council, Board of Assessment Appeals, or Police Commission for the Republican Party in this fall’s elections should contact Matthew Beatman, (860) 829-8080 or Dave Evans, (860) 828-4555.

See Movie, page 11

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A new director of human resources has been hired by the town and the Board of Education. Denise P. Bard will start the job July 27. The new position was created as a way to consolidate duties of the human resources director for the school district and some of the duties of the assistant town manager. The $110,000 salary was set by the town and the BOE. According to Superintendent of Schools Michael Cicchetti the cost-sharing of the position is still under discussion with Town Manager Denise McNair. Cicchetti said “We recognize that Mrs. Bard will spend a bit more time on the board side due to the fact that we have significantly more employees and bargaining units than the town. Having said that, we will work to define the position as the coming weeks and months unfold. She will maintain offices in both locations so that she will have a confidential space to meet with employees.” The previous BOE human resources director, Joe Costa, was hired in August 2007 for approximately $123,000. He resigned this spring shortly after the school board and the Town Council came to an agreement for the town and school district to share the position. The assistant town manager was created in 2006 at a salary of about $70,000. The assistant town manager position was eliminated earlier this year. A June 26 press release from Cicchetti and a letter to school and town staff announced Bard’s appointment. Bard worked at the human resources department at the University of Hartford since 1995 and is currently the director of human resources. In that position, she oversaw all aspects of human resources for more than 400 employees, including recruitment, orientation, benefit administration, labor relations and ne-

gotiations, and retirement counseling. She also was a member of the university’s benefits taskforce, co-chair of the Wellness Committee, and coordinator of a career development program for staff. In previous positions at the university, she served as associate director of human resources, assistant director of human resources, and as a human resources manager. Prior to the University of Hartford, Bard was employed in the town manager’s

the spirit is here

By Olivia L. Lawrence Associate Editor

Movie to shoot in town


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, July 9, 2009

Artists Continued from page 1 of famous artists, he learned a complete artist must be original, creative and singular. Pulito’s paintings have been exhibited throughout the world. His work can be found in commercial galleries throughout the East, including Rockport, Cape Cod, New Jersey and Philadelphia. During the mid-winter season he is involved as a professional touring artist with a leading group of professionals. Previously, he taught classes at the Kensington Art League. Robert Boiling Brandegee, 1849-1922, was born and raised in Berlin. His father was a physician, descended from a family of merchants who had come to Berlin from New York in the mid 1700s. He attended the Berlin Academy on Worthington Ridge and Hart’s School for Boys in Farmington. Later, he studied art in

New York with Thomas Farrar. In 1872, he went to Paris, where he stayed for eight years. He returned to Farmington and began teaching art at Miss Porter’s School. Some of his portraits and landscapes are housed at the Farmington Historical Society. Janice Anderson Jacobs is a lifelong Berlin resident who attended local schools and graduated from St. Thomas Aquinas High School in 1967. She is a graduate of Central Connecticut State College. She and her husband Gary own a nineteenth century house in East Berlin which they have restored. They have three children. Born into an artistic family, she is mostly selftaught. She started painting early in life and began painting old house portraits, covered bridges, pets, and children. She works in media such as fabric, glass, wood, and acrylic, as well as oil on canvas. She was a member of the Berlin Art League and won many awards. She often creates murals for historical society exhibits. She also

helps her husband with their antiques business and works as head librarian at the East Berlin Library. Isaac Porter, 1858-1936, was a resident and landowner in Kensington. He was town clerk in New Britain for a brief time. Porter married Alice Bauer and they had two sons, Oliver and Lawrence. Among his real estate holdings, he acquired the Matthew Hart house on Glen Street, Kensington in 1863. Not much is known about Isaac Porter’s life as an artist and his art may have been more a hobby rather than a profession. He was a friend and extended family to artist Nelson Augustus Moore and spent many summers with the Moore family on Martha’s Vineyard. Porter worked in both oil and charcoal. His paintings are seen from time to time selling at auction. Nelson Augustus Moore, 1824-1902, was born in Southington. His father, Deacon Roswell Moore III moved the family to High Road in Kensington when

Nelson was around six years old. Moore attended local schools, including West Lane, Pond, and Berlin Academy in Worthington. He was accustomed to the farm life and also worked in the mills. He described Kensington as “One of the most picturesque places in New England.” At the age of 22 he began to study with Thomas Cummings and later with Daniel Huntington. He soon changed from portraits to landscapes, many of them pastoral scenes of Kensington. His works are considered part of the Hudson River School, and Lake George was a favorite location. He also was a noted photographer. He opened a studio in New Britain in 1850, and later moved to Hartford. He documented newsworthy topics such as the fall of the Charter Oak tree in 1856, and collaborated with his brother Roswell and Rev. E. B. Hilliard to photograph the remaining veterans of the American Revolution, in “The Last Men of the Revolution”, published in 1863. He

designed the brownstone Civil War Monument at the Kensington Congregational Church. Claude W. Stevens 19061981 Claude Webster Stevens Jr. was born in Kensington, the third son of Claude W. Stevens and his wife Josephine Maisonville. His father was an executive at Stanley Works in New Britain, and was a six-term state senator in the Connecticut General Assembly. Stevens was born in the home built by Dr. James Percival on Percival Avenue and lived his entire life in Kensington. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College and worked at the Berlin Savings Bank for 40 years. One of Stevens’ paintings was the basis for Davis Grey’s series of prints that were used by the Berlin Savings Bank in a bank promotion one year, and it proved to be the most popular. His last painting was displayed at the New Britain museum of American Art in

See Artists, next page



Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Man suffers heart attack while trying to stop fire A Berlin man suffered a fatal heart attack June 29 as he tried to contain a fire that began as family members packed for a camping trip. According to an incident report from the Berlin Police Department, Ronald Ahern,

Artists Continued from page 4





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pared to 39 in 2007. In 2006, there were 86 narcotics incidents. An incident may involve an arrest, investigation or other call regarding a narcotics concern. Driving under the influence arrests for 2008 totaled 117 an increase of 15 from 2007. Officer Ryan Gould received the Jeffery G. Casner award for making the highest number of DUI arrests in 2008. Gould made 16 DUI arrests which represents 13 percent of DUI arrests for last year. In 2008, Berlin officers issued 4,960 motor vehicle misdemeanor infraction citations and written warnings. This included: 117 DUIs; 93 arrests as a result of active patrol; 24 arrests from motor vehicle accidents investigations; 460 red light violations; 210 stop sign violations; 478 seatbelt violations; 134 cell phone violations; 14 reckless driving and 519 speeding citations. The number of motor vehicle crashes for 2008 was 572 down from 599 in 2007. The department provided nearly $130,000 worth of additional programs and services to the town for a cost of approximately $50,000 due to re-

Send us your news:


ISSN 1525-1780 USPS 017-666 Published weekly by RecordJournal Publishing Co., d/b/a Berlin Citizen, 979 Farmington Ave., P.O. Box 438, Kensington, CT 06037-0438.

Continued from page 1

imbursements from grants and federal funds totally nearly $80,000. These include activities such as the “Click It or Ticket” program and Secure our Schools as well as DUI enforcement. The department participates in several community relations activities. In the spring of 2008, it held a 10week citizen’s academy attended by 11 residents. Other activities include: participating in two active block watch organizations — one in the Fairview Drive area and the other in the Sun Meadow Drive neighborhood. Also: the Special Olympics Torch Run, Stuff-aCruiser to benefit the Prudence Crandall Center which serves domestic violence victims, and school safety visits. In 2008, the department conducted a citizen survey sending a survey to approximately 10,000 households. The results were “very favorable” and improvements were implemented based on comments from the public. “We revised the way we follow-up and get back to people so they know the status of their case,” Klett said.


New Britain. Stevens was an active member of the Ragged Mountain Fish and Game Club. He and his wife Marjorie operated the Vermont Shop on Chamberlain Highway for many years. He was also an accomplished photographer. Dave Contino is a self taught artist who grew up in Kensington and attended local schools, graduating from Berlin High School in 1967. He served in the army during the Vietnam War and was wounded in action, for which he received the Purple Heart and was hospitalized for two years. Despite severe injuries, including to his right hand, he began painting and developed techniques using eye control, even though he could not feel the brush. He married Sandra Corvi, and has two daughters. He continues to live in town, and has painted a number of local scenes.

46, was stricken at his home, at 73 Robbins Road, shortly before midnight. A flurry of activity occurred when a fire started in a Jeep Grand Cherokee that was being loaded for a camping trip planned by Ahern’s son and his son’s girlfriend. According to Deputy Fire Matt Odishoo the fire was an accident as a result of metal kerosene can arcing across battery terminals. A marine battery was part of the gear. Ronald Ahern rushed to remove a small propane tank in the Jeep in order to keep it from exploding and also to move his car which was parked nearby. He collapsed shortly thereafter. Emergency personnel worked for several minutes at the scene to revive Ahern. He was then transported to the New Britain hospital where he was pronounced dead. According to his obituary, Ahern was devoted to his family and enjoyed cooking and entertaining his friends with dinner parties. He was described as an avid sportsman who loved the outdoors. He leaves behind his wife Josephine and two sons, Chad and Craig. -Olivia L.Lawrence




The Berlin Citizen Thursday, July 9, 2009

Faith Briefs Kensington Congregational

The Kensington Congregational Church offers an early Summer Service at 8:30 a.m. in the “Chapel in the Woods”, behind the Reeves Education Center. The 30-minute service is held weekly beginning July 5 through Sept. 6. Dress is very casual and children are welcome. In case of rain either on Sunday morning or any time on the preceding Saturday evening, this service will be held in Parish Hall. The Traditional Service will continue to be held at 10 a.m. every Sunday throughout the summer. Crib room

Interior Decorating

for children up to age 4, and summer story hour for children ages 5 and up will be provided. For more information, call the church office at (860) 8284511.

Wellspring Wellspring, with other area congregations, co-sponsor weekly gatherings at Wellspring for worship, intercession and opportunities for ministry. The summer Wednesday night worship service is scheduled for 7 p.m. at the church at 222 Lincoln St. These are not preaching or teaching meetings, though there may be an occasional




Berlin Congregational The Berlin Congregational Church is seeking artists for the annual craft fair scheduled for Nov. 21 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Applications are on a first come, first serve basis. Spaces were sold out last year. Space is $30 and includes an eight-foot display table and chair. Only handmade crafts are permitted at the craft fair. For more information and an application, call Tina at (860) 284-9782.

Taize service The Kensington United Methodist Church offers a Taize service Tuesdays at 7 p.m. A Taize service combines silent meditation,


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Holy Grounds Coffeehouse, 146 Hudson St., has scheduled live music from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the second Friday of each month. There is no charge to attend. Various artists are featured each month, along with a variety of free coffees, refreshments, snacks and home baked treats. For more information, call (860) 828-3822 or holygrounds@ymail.com.

Healing Hands of Jesus Healing Hands of Jesus has scheduled Bible study every Thursday at the church office, 120 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin. Home cooked dinner is at 7 p.m., study immediately follows. Services are held Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. at the Gris-

Send us your news: news@theberlincitizen.com


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woldville Chapel, Griswold Street in Wethersfield. Children’s ministry is available during services. For more information, call (203) 982-9227.

Shawl ministry The Kensington United Methodist Church prayer shawl ministry meets the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. Call the church, (860) 828-4222, for the meeting location. While most shawls are prepared independently, the group meets once a month for fellowship and prayer. Knitters and crocheters of all faiths are welcome.

Prayer group The 13th of the month prayer group at St. Paul Church, Kensington, meets at noon on the 13th day of every month to pray the 15 decades of the rosary. The prayer services begin with a personal consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the immaculate Heart of Mary. Within the rosary, the verses of the Fatima song are sung in remembrance to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. For more information, call John Simeone at (860) 8280794.

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prayer and simple music. Silence is a central part of this service and is a gift to those leading busy, hectic lives. It provides an opportunity to commune with God through the heart and bring a measure of peace to one’s mind and spirit. The service is open to everyone seeking spiritual refreshment and renewal.

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Berlin Citizen distribution boxes The Berlin Citizen has distribution boxes for the weekly newspaper at various locations in addition to our regular mailed home delivery. There is no charge for the newspaper at these boxes. Two locations are in place: On Brook Street, next to the U.S. Post Office in Kensington at the A&P Foodmart at Webster Square Road. Customers can continue to pick up newspapers at Roger’s Marketplace and at The Citizen’s office at 979 Farmington Avenue.


Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Obituaries Ronald R. Ahern

Kristie B. Duke, 22, of Berlin, died June 30, 2009. She was the beloved daughter of Wayne and Kathleen (Marchewka) Duke of Berlin and granddaughter of Joseph Marchewka of Fairport, N.Y. and the late Dorothy (Smigel) Marchewka and the late Stanley and Dora (Fasanelli) Duke. Born in Hartford, she was a lifelong Berlin resident and attended St. Paul Church. She graduated from Berlin High School Class of 2005 and was attending Central Connecticut State University. She worked at Chili’s Restaurant in Newington and had a love for all animals especially her golden retriever “Bailey”. She also leaves her sister Jennifer L. Duke of Berlin; her aunts and uncles Richard and Mary Ellen Marchewka of Fairport, N.Y., Robert and Regina Marchewka of Easton, Mass., Ronald Duke of Newington, Stanley and Laurie Duke of Berlin, Roseanne Musso of Newington, Diane and Thomas Butcher of Newington, Marie and Richard Bielak of Wethersfield, Theresa and Eddie Villanueva of Columbia, as well as many cousins and her boyfriend Stephen Meassick. A Mass of Christian Burial was held July 3, 2009 at St. Paul Church. Burial was in West Meadow Cemetery, Newington. Memorial donations may be made in Kristie Duke’s name to the Connecticut Humane Society, 701 Russell Rd., Newington, CT 06111. Newington Memorial Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. To share a memory with her family, please visit www.newingtonmemorial.com.

Ronald R. Ahern of Kensington, 46, died suddenly June 29, 2009. Born in New Britain on March 15, 1963, he is survived by his loving wife of 24 years, Josephine Ahern and his son,s Chad and Craig. He was the son of the late Robert F. Ahern Sr. and is survived by his mother, Alice Ahern as well as sisters Sharon and husband David Crandall of Southington, Colleen and husband Robert Piersaniti of Mass. and Tracey and husband Randy Rametta of Southington and a brother, Robert and wife Stacey Ahern of Kensington. He is also survived by his mother and father-in-law Salvatore and Pietrina Crisafulli of Berlin; a sister and brother-in-law Maria and Jim Pennell of Berlin; a brother-in-law Carmelo Crisafulli of Berlin; a brother and sister-in-law Salvatore and Beverly Crisafulli of Berlin and many nieces and nephews. He also leaves his future daughter-in-law, Janelle Stoe and his special friends, Billy Naples, Tracy Lambertson, Bob Raineille and Don Yensen. He was a graduate of E.C. Goodwin Tech and a member of St. Paul Church of Kensington. Starting in 1996, he worked for Big Y supermarket, most recently as store director in North Branford. He had a passion for cooking and loved to have dinner parties with family and friends. He

was an avid sportsman who loved the outdoors. He never missed an opportunity to share his passion with his two sons during their many fishing, camping and hunting outings. Ronald was known for bringing a smile to everyone’s face and never turning down someone in need. He loved his wife dearly and couldn’t wait to come home each day to spend time with her and his sons. Services were held July 2, 2009 at New Britain Memorial, New Britain. Burial with a Christian right were at Fairview Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to an educational fund for his sons Chad and Craig. To share a memory with the family please go to www.mem.com.

Igino Ruscito I g i n o Ruscito, 78, of Berlin, loving husband of Margherita (Quasini) Ruscito, died peacefully July 3, 2009 at home with his family at his side. Born in Pontecorvo, Italy, the son of the late Fortunato and the late Maria Elisa (DiMugno) Ruscito, he was employed at G. Fox Company until his retirement. He was a member of St. Paul Church. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters

and sons-in-law, Lisa and Jim Dolan of Kensington and Linda and Paul DiTommaso of Farmington; four brothers and two sisters-in-law, Giovannino and Lucrezia Ruscito of Pontecorvo, Italy, Joseph and Anna Ruscito of New Britain, and Stefano Ruscito and Mario Ruscito, both of Kensington; a sister and brother-in-law, Clementina and Frank Catucci of Rocky Hill; five grandchildren, Christopher and Nicole Dolan, and Jordan, Paul, and Jessica DiTommaso, and several nieces and nephews. Services were held July 7, 2009 at Porter’s Funeral Home, Kensington with a funeral liturgy at St. Paul Church. Burial was in Maple Cemetery in Berlin.

Berlin Brief Hungerford summer classes The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park is accepting registration for summer programs at Hungerford. Classes for children in pre-school through third grade are offered various days, times, and topics. For more information, call (860) 827-9064.

Applications are available at the Berlin Assessor’s Office for a tax exemption on one motor vehicle registered in the state of Connecticut for eligible active duty service members of the armed forces. The exemption is applicable to July 1, 2009 motor vehicle tax bills if filed with the Assessor’s Office on or before Dec. 31, 2009. Effective July 1, 2008, Section 3 of Public Act 08-121 expands exemption eligibility under Connecticut General Statute 1281 (53) and makes available the full exemption of one motor vehicle registered in Connecticut to active duty service members of the armed forces regardless of the location of the motor vehicle. Armed forces is defined as “the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Air Force and any reserve component thereof, including the Connecticut National Guard performing duty as provided in Title 32 of the United States Code.” The exemption is applicable to an owned, leased to or held in trust for an active duty service member of the armed forces.

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Kristie B. Duke

Berlin Brief




CitizenOpinion Bob Dornfried

The Berlin Citizen Thursday, July 9, 2009

Letters to the Editor Hear the voters

The Berlin

Cit itiz ize en www.berlincitizen.com The Berlin Citizen 979 Farmington Ave. Kensington, CT 06037 Managing Editor – Robert Mayer Asst. Managing Editor – Robin Michel Associate Editor – Olivia L. Lawrence Sports Editor – Nick Carroll Advertising Director – Brian Monroe Sales Consultant – Annemarie Goulet

CONTACT US Advertising: ........................(860) 828-6942 advertising@berlincitizen.com News and Sports: ...............(860) 828-6942 news@berlincitizen.com sports@berlincitizen.com Fax: .......................................(860) 829-5733 Marketplace:.......................(877) 238-1953 Published every Thursday. Delivered by mail to all of the homes and businesses in the two ZIP codes serving Berlin – 06037 and 06023. The Berlin Citizen is published by the Record-Journal Publishing Co. General Manager – Michael F. Killian

Government Meetings Thursday, July 9 Planning & Zoning Commission, Town Hall Council Chambers, 7 p.m. Parks & Recreation Commission, Community Center, 7 p.m. Public Building Commission, Town Hall Room 8, 7 p.m. Monday, July 13 Economic Development, Town Hall Room 7, 7 p.m.

Tuesday, July 14 Conservation Commission, Town Hall Room 8, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 15 Police Commission, Berlin Police Station Conference Room, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 21 Town Council, Council Chambers, 7 p.m. Thursday, July 23 Planning & Zoning Commission, Town Hall Council Chambers, 7 p.m.

To the editor: Well, the Town of Berlin is making headlines once again. This time it’s over our trash collection. It seems like we may go back to the old, old way of getting rid of our trash, burn it. Well, we all know that we cannot do that. Let’s examine the problem just a bit closer. I guess we have to go back to the town ordinances which states what we can and will put our trash out by the curb in our own bought and paid for containers. That is very plain and clear. Now it seems like our refuse collectors contract was coming due so he sent a new contract to the town. Our mayor got hold of this contact and living in the beautiful area that he does, even though most of not all of the area resident property taxes went down, he must have thought it would look nice of all his neighbors had the same container placed by the road like little plastic soldiers. So what did he do? Why, he signed the contact for the new automatic pickup. At the same time, he did have several other options open to the town at the time. Apparently, there was some thought on the part of the majority party of the council that if they say so, it is so. We can see that this is not the case. A referendum took place. As could plainly see by the vote, the people do not want the new automatic system at this time. Maybe someday, who knows? Now a committee was formed and funded by the citizens of the town. They expressed their concern at the meeting which was attended by town executives as well as one councilor of the majority party. I did attend that meeting where nothing was really answered. I also attended the council meeting on June 30. That was a complete waste of time. The mayor spoke and the meeting was over. My questions are who posted and paid for the signs all over the Legion property that read NO? How does the mayor feel he has the right to over-ride an ordinance of the town? More people came out to vote on the trash collection than did on the 63 million dollar budget. There must be a reason. Richard A. Rampone Kensington

Trash item was already in budget

To the editor: It’s a great feeling living in the only town in the country with a budget surplus. What? We don’t have a surplus? There must be. We couldn’t care less if we back out on a contract. We have enough lawyers to battle this out in court? All over trash service? What are we thinking? First of all let me start by saying I did not vote “for” or “against” the trash service. The reason is simple, it was too late. The contract and deal had already been done, and now I’m going to cost the town more money by voting for something after the fact? Have we lost our minds? I scratch and claw every week to live in this great town (34 years to be exact) and now I read every week how people oppose the “new” trash service? It’s a great feeling to know that our opinions matter. What? They really don’t? This vote should have happened way before the contract was even signed. We need to know what the ramifications are going to be if we do back out, or if we stay with what we have. We also need to put our priorities in order as well. We just need to think! I had my nice new trash can by the curb July 6. In the future, our town government needs to really think with the people of this town in mind. Brian Morrell Berlin

See Letters, page 9


Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Letters Continued from page 8

Kudos to Council To the editor: I am writing to commend our Democratic Council members in regards to Berlin’s latest fiasco, “trashgate”. Once again a brouhaha has been orchestrated by the few who deign themselves to be the Republican leadership of the town. Always on an election year, these people stay awake nights concocting various trouble-making scenarios. Again they have proven their total disregard for the people of Berlin. This was meant to create chaos and an issue to hone in on (for lack of any bona fide one) for the coming election. And yet again they demonstrate their forte, politics at its worst. Kudos to the Democrats on the council for reacting swiftly, professionally and without thwarting the will of the townspeople. Once again, these Democratic leaders have proven they could rise above the “garbage” consistently thrown at them by these few Republicans who give their party a bad name in our town. Christine Fairwood Kensington

Blames the paper To the editor: The morning after the Town Council’s emergency meeting to discuss our town’s trash dilemma, I find myself a bit dazed and confused. I spent this morning seeking out clarity for this situation. My first mission was to follow the timeline of how (everything) transpired that led us to this dilemma. These are my results acquired from the Town Clerk’s office: February 3, 2009: Town Council approves contract with Trash Away for automated service. (Little if no input from citizens.) April 1, 2009: Official initiation of petition with Town Clerk’s office April 1 – April 30, 2009: Collection of signatures

May 4, 2009: Enough names were certified by the Registrar of Voters to allow referendum. May 19, 2009: Submitted to Town Council at regularly scheduled meeting (submission at regular meeting as per town charter) June 23, 2009: Referendum (Requires 30 days prior notice to newspapers.) From this information, make your own assumptions. I have. I now ask myself, how could this type of situation be avoided in the future. First of all, I think the most important action the citizens of Berlin can take is to be proactive at election times. We elect folks to office to act on our behalf. It is virtually impossible for our Town Council to present all information and decisions to the people. There has to be some level of trust that our elected officials are making sound decisions. This brings me to my next concern—I believe it is the responsibility of the Town Council to keep the people informed. The minutes from the meetings and other documentation is indeed public knowledge and is available to all who seek this out at town hall. This is simply not practical. I don’t believe the average voter has the time to pour over all town meeting minutes. As a registered voter, I still await something in my mailbox from the town outlining the options or plan. Shouldn’t that be standard prior to a referendum? So my conclusion here is that we do not have an effective means of communicating factual data. Our local newspaper provides an array of information for us. This information is delivered in many forms— letters to the editor, articles split up across several pages, random inserts of town meetings/happenings, etc… I sit down with the Berlin Citizen and have to sift through the articles about graduations, scouting events, some national briefs, lay-folks’ opinions in the (often biased) op-ed section and advertisements to collect the relevant data. Then I am left to surmise what the actual facts are?? It seems the pri-

mary purpose of having a town newspaper is to inform the people of important town news and information. As a suggestion, I would like to see the first 2-page spread (pages 2 & 3) of our newspaper dedicated to factual town news—focusing on financial decisions that affect us all. All information published on these pages should be verifiable by a trip or phone call to town hall. In this situation, I would have liked to know that the Town Council was going to vote in regards prior to their vote. I would have also liked to know what our options were. I would have liked to know that Trash Away was the only company that offered bids for trash removal, that the automated bid was only 20k higher than the manual bid, that these bids were time limited and needed to be accepted or denied by a specific date, that after paying off the cans over a 5 year period this cost would drop where the manual would not. I would have loved to know that when voting on June 23, we simply do not have any viable options in the timeframe that we are working with. In conjunction with a ‘front and center’ factual information section of the paper, all departments of Town Hall should (widely) open the lines of communication by having designated feedback email addresses and/or phone lines. I realize I can pick up the phone and call Town Hall whenever I like— but the “feeling” projected is that the council is going to do whatever they like and do not want to be bothered by the people’s opinions. The facilitation of continual open discussion between all sides of all issues is going to lead us to the ‘best’ solutions to these issues. This should be maintained as a standard— not just as a vehicle for a town rebellion. If the Council had maintained such communication prior to the February 3 decision, we would simply not be in this position right now. I am tired of the unrelenting bickering between the political parties in this town. Trash pick-up is not a Democratic or Republican issue.

We all generate trash and I think it is safe to say we all want our trash collection handled in the most efficient and cost effective manner. Opinions on the means to accomplish this obviously vary—but we all have the same goal! It seems 80% of last night’s meeting was focused on blaming the one Republican Council member, Joan Carey, for this entire situation. I don’t believe anyone should have to justify their personal vote, nor is Joan responsible for the 1,964 folks who did vote “yes” on Tuesday. To imply that Joan’s brief op-ed in June 11 Citizen is the primary cause of this outcome is accrediting her with way too much power. I regress, if Council had effectively informed the people, we would not be in this situation. Joan made a point at last night’s meeting that she had suggested putting this issue before the people back in February, yet her plea was ignored then and last night as well. At this point, the solution for using ‘dumpsters’ is simply not viable or cost effective—- period. I am not feeling very confident that we are going to have many (if any) bids for manual service come forth. This will again leave us with Trash Away— and our new automated services—and possibly a followup bid that is higher. I personally voted “yes” only because I believe Town Council acted in a presumptuous manner. I was also under the impression that we still had the option for manual service! As a property manager, dealing with trash service in a dozen cities and towns, I do believe the automated services can better serve our needs. This can only be coordinated/executed effectively if the leg work is done to include the people’s specific needs. Please, I urge you to contact Mayor Salina and our Town Council and let them know why you voted “yes.” What are your apprehensions/trash needs that might not be met with the automated services. Please allow our officials the opportunity to ease these apprehensions and to initiate any adjustments to accommodate all of

our trash needs. At this point, our options are significantly limited and our best shot at resolution will be with effective communication! Thank you to our Council members and Mayor in advance—in the anticipation of your focusing on the issues at hand and effectively communicating factual data with the public. I am confident a more than satisfactory and cost-effective solution can be attained. Christine Mazzotta Berlin

Hubbard thanks

To the editor: The parent volunteers for the Hubbard 5th Grade YearEnd Celebration would like to thank the following businesses who donated services/items/food to make the year-end celebration a success on June 12. Thank you to the UpBeat Program, McDonalds, Price Chopper, Village Pizza, Steve’s Place, Fred’s Deli on Main, Bounce Around Inflatables, Berlin Fire Department, Dairy Queen, Pralines Ice Cream, Knights Quest, Berlin Free Library and Hospital for Special Care. 5th Grade Parent Year End Committee Hubbard School

A perfect fit

To the editor: I heard of an idea of using the old Saturn dealership as a police station which I feel would be a perfect fit due to its central location near the two major routes thru town! Beside all they’ll have to do is work from the inside rather than overspend on the planning, building and layouts! Also it wouldn’t really be near population as in family though it would be close to the movie theater which could also be a plus since officers patrolling there could walk! Saving town money. Jay Ritter Berlin

Not so simple

To the editor: While there are, unfortunately, no established rules See Letters, page10


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, July 9, 2009

Letters Continued from page 9 for pontification, ideally one might have expected Ms. Rzewnicki to display a modicum of manners herself in her July 2, 2009 letter she found so lacking following the minor league’s championship game. If she is so concerned with upholding good manners and advancing a positive message for our tender youth, how about starting with a sincere thank you to the league, particularly its president, for an extremely well run season. The time and effort required to maintain the fields, stock the concession stand and coordinate the schedule of games and practices are no small feat to be sure. The obvious commitment put in by all team managers, coaches and league officials undoubtedly warrants a heartfelt thank you from all participating families. To have singled out the league president’s failure to throw a ticker tape parade following the game is, well, preposter-

ous. Furthermore, I will go out on a limb here and speculate that no player had his thrill of victory tempered in the least by this perceived slight. Remember parents, it’s not about you. This game we all love is to be played by the kids for their enjoyment. The surest way for adults to quash this objective it to live vicariously through our kids with each at bat. Indeed, if manners and good examples are just some of the laudable goals of little league baseball, how about mentioning that “other team” by name: The Cardinals. The Cardinals’ accomplishments during the season and their effort in the championship game deserve the same acknowledgement as the winners. Don Murphy and his entire coaching staff did a remarkable job all year. So kudos to the Giants. Their players and coaches executed flawlessly and rightly deserved their hard fought victory. And to all those who selflessly volunteered their time— from the league president, right on down to the kids who kept the score-

Way off base To the editor: The letter writer who complained about the Little League President couldn’t have been more off base in her criticisms of the Little League president. First of all, the Giants team she speaks about is in the minor league division where teaching the kids fundamentals is suppose to be the priority not winning “championships”. If her team’s win was such a great gift to the “fathers” on father’s day then what about the fathers on the other team? They had a bad day because their sons lost a minor league baseball game? If the letter writer had any experience at all coaching kids in team sports she would know that those players, especially at that age, care about winning and losing for about three minutes after the game and then it’s on to the concession stand and off to play with friends, which is as it should be. The players coach introducing the boys as champions is his choice and privilege because he is the parent volunteer that spent

countless hours developing a relationship with that team throughout the season. That is not the responsibility of the league president at this level. The league president was at the game working in the concession stand so parents could watch their children and not have the added responsibility of working concession. The greatest gift we can give our young people is our time. Mr. Petit, who has been league president for over 25 years, has given a lifetime of hours to young baseball and softball players in Berlin long after his boys were out of the league. Because of rain games needed to be scheduled on the July 4th holiday this year per Little League Officials from the District 5 headquarters. Mr. Petit put off a family function so he could help with running the games so other


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boards flickering and fluctuating all season long— thank you. Dennis F. McCarthy Kensington

families could enjoy their boys playing in the games. The position of league president is very demanding and just keeping up with the logistics of running the league is a daunting task. Had the letter writer volunteered just once at a Challenger division event for example, she would have seen first hand the dedication Mr. Petit has for all the players in this league. He personally attends and participates in all the Challenger games in our town and when they travel to play in other towns. He has done these games for many years with these very special players. Communities need strong and committed volunteer leaders like Mr. Petit to insure that our children have organized, structured, well run youth sports leagues.

See Letters, page 11


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Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Continued from page 10 People such as Mr. Petit who dedicate their lives to youth activities come along very seldom in life and should be celebrated not “chastised” as the letter writer states. Decades of Mr. Petit’s self sacrifice and his determination that the Berlin Little League be successful deserves nothing less than gratitude from the parents and players who participate every year. Kellie Tralli Berlin Little League Women’s Auxiliary President

Criticism ridiculous

Continued from page 3 talent”, Gernhard said. The crew on site is small, around a dozen people. Gernhard described how Pandolfe’s created the perfect setting for a script written by John Doolan of Waterbury. He’d heard about the place and as the concept of the movie came into focus, Gernhard knew “it was always going to be at Pandolfe’s.” The crew will spend about a week filming there and a day at Centerfolds. The story revolves around an alien that accidentally crash-lands in a junkyard. The seven-foot alien is smooth and shiny and somewhat dinosaur-like. Gernhard said “He’s streamlined and that (image) opposite the stacks of cars and engines is just so visual.” Unfortunately for the alien, the local “swamp Yankees” — a pack of rednecks — can’t understand that the visitor comes in peace and they proceed to attack. Piper $AVE • $AVE • $AVE • $AVE • $AVE



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Berlin Brief


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plays a “priest who uses a huge machine gun” to do battle. To defend itself, the alien creates robots out of spare parts found in the junkyard and ultimately “walks out from between the stacks of cars with the machine guns and it looks cool,” Gerhard said. At Centerfolds, Jeremy London’s character is introduced. London is playing against type as “Brooklyn” a “slime ball,” Gernhard said.

He’s out to use anyone he can in order to get what he wants — even more so when he learns there’s a bounty to kill the alien. “The girl character” will also be introduced at this time and although the specifics were short on her role, she will emerge as a hero.

Stay in touch with Berlin www.berlincitizen.com

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To the editor: I would like to publicly defend Mr. Bill Petit and commend him for what thousands of kids and parents benefit from every single spring for the past 25 years. I played and benefited from the Berlin Little League when my parents signed me up in 1978. Back then; Bill Petit was a coach for his kids that played until 1986. Twenty-three years later, Mr. Petit is still involved volunteering as the league president. As a member of the board, I can tell you there is no one that cares more about the kids or spends more time throughout the whole year making the league the very best it can be. In last week’s Citizen, Ms. Madelyn Rzewnicki criticized Mr. Petit for failing to

congratulate the kids on the field. What Ms.Rzewnicki failed to mention or maybe did not realize in that I, as the minor league commissioner, was on the field congratulating the coaches and the kids. What was also left out was that Mr. Petit was down getting those very same fields ready with me so games could be played in the afternoon and on weekends. He also made time to go in the concession each day so parents could be in the stands watching their kids. I would like to agree with Ms. Rzewnicki about kids learning by what they live. I would hope that my kids along with other kids in the league that benefit from Mr. Petit’s time and effort would learn that in life that volunteering your time to a cause is truly rewarding. What I hope they do not learn is to publicly criticize a volunteer through an editorial, especially a volunteer who spends hundreds of hours a year, which the author’s family benefits from. Under his presidency, Berlin Little League has built and maintained new fields, expanded divisions to include girl’s softball, donated thousands of dollars to local families in need and most importantly, developed the Challengers Team. So for the entire board, the coaches, the families of Berlin and especially all the kids you have helped for the past 30 years – thank you for your time and efforts. Vin Biscoglio Berlin Little League BOD

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The Berlin Citizen Thursday, July 9, 2009

Senior Happenings July programs

Healthy Ways to Deal with Stress - Monday, July 13 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. This program will discuss natural, holistic ways of keeping stress levels down, from aromatherapy to exercises and special foods that can boost your mood. Presented by the Newington Healthcare Center. Sign up at the Senior Center. Berlin Senior Center Blood Drive – Friday, July 10

from 1:15 to 6:15 p.m. The Senior Center has scheduled its annual blood drive. For more information or to make an appointment to donate blood, call 1-800-GIVE LIFE (448-3543).

Senior Center Picnic The Senior Center has scheduled its 14th annual picnic for Wednesday, July 15 at noon. Menu includes hot dog or hamburger, chips,

coleslaw, dessert and coffee or tea and punch. Entertainment is provided by Carol Birch, Connecticut’s premier storyteller. She is scheduled to present Lou Gehrig: The Story of a Great Man. The picnic is free and limited to 84 people. Sign up at the Senior Center.

Movies Movies are scheduled for 1 p.m. at the Senior Center. Tuesday, July 14 – “The

Changeling.” Inspired by actual events in 1920s era Los Angeles, the story of a woman who said goodbye to her son, Walter, and departed for work never anticipating her life would be forever changed. Rated R. Tuesday, July 21 – “Confessions of a Shop” A Manhattan shop-a-holic whose buying sprees have buried her in debt lands a columnist gig dishing out financial advice. Tuesday, July 28 – “The Pink Panther 2” The worlds most valuable treasures are being stolen, including the Pink Panther diamond.

Whacky Whist Whacky Whist card games are scheduled for Friday, July 17 and 31 at 12:45 p.m. at the Senior Center. It’s easy and fun to play. Score sheets and directions are provided. Prizes are awarded and refreshments will be served. Sign up Thursday, July 16 for the July 17 games (July 30 for the July 31 games). At least 12 people are needed to play, why not give it a try? To sign up, call the Senior Center at (860) 828-7006 or stop by

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the front desk.

Health clinics The Berlin Visiting Nurse Association and Central Connecticut Health Center offer monthly health clinics at the Senior Center. The clinics are free of charge and no appointments are necessary. The schedule for July is as follows: Tuesday, July 14 – 12:45 to 1:45 Blood pressure screening. Tuesday, July 21 – 12:45 to 1:45 Blood pressure screening. Tuesday, July 28 – 12:45 to 1:45 Blood pressure screening. For more information, call the Berlin VNA at (860) 8287030.

Foot care Low cost foot care, provided by a specially trained registered nurse, is scheduled for Thursday, July 16 and Friday, July 17 by appointment only at the Senior Center. Services are provided by Catherine Brennan, RN, and include general assessment of the feet and lower extremities, trimming, filing, and cleaning toenails, reducing of corns and calluses, massaging, lotioning and powdering of feet. Referrals are made to a doctor or Podiatrist when necessary. The fee is $28. Call the Senior Center at (860) 828-7006 to schedule an appointment.

Send us your news:




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Kensington Hearing Services 211 New Britain Rd. Kensington • (Next to McDonald's)

U.S. mail: The Berlin Citizen 979 Farmington Ave. Kensington, CT 06037 Fax: (860) 829-5733 E-mail: news@ theberlincitizen.com


Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Senior Bowling Results of the Senior Bowling League from July 3: Mike Koval, 225; Ferd Brochu, 191; Laura Brochu, 178; Charles Snetro, 172; Stan Dziob, 171; Irene Willametz, 169; Walt Wallace, 167; Joe Sytulek, 161; Ed Picard, 154; Al Pollard, 152.

Senior Calendar Monday, July 13 Mahjong, 10 a.m.; Exercise class, 10 a.m.; Healthy Ways program, 10:30 a.m.; Bridge tournament, 12:30 p.m. Setback drop in, 1 p.m. Tuesday, July 14 Painters drop in, 9:30 a.m.; Exercise class, 10 a.m.; Blood pressure screening, 12:45 p.m.; Movie 1 p.m. Wednesday, July 15 Ceramics class, 9:30 a.m.; Crafters group, 10 a.m.; Picnic, noon. Thursday, July 16 Country/Western line dancing, 10 a.m.; Bingo, 1 p.m.; Foot care (by appt. only); Renter Rebate (by appt. only). Friday, July 17 Yoga class 9:30 a.m.; Wii Bowling, 11:15 a.m.; Whacky Whist, 1 p.m.; Foot care (by appt. only).

Senior Menu Senior meals are provided by CW Resources. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance. To order or cancel a meal, call Perry at (860) 670-8546 between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Requested donation is $2. Following is a list of lunches for the week of July 13 at the Senior Center. Monday, July 13: Whole grain penne pasta with sauce and meatballs, Capri blend vegetables, green salad, Italian bread, fresh fruit. Tuesday, July 14: Honey Dijon chicken breast, cranberry sauce, mashed sweet potato, chopped spinach, corn muffin, topped strawberry mousse. Wednesday, July 15: Senior Center annual picnic. Thursday, July 16: Kielbasa with sweet and sour cabbage, boiled new potatoes, green beans, rye bread, mandarin oranges and pineapple. Friday, July 17: Baked salmon with dill sauce, corn and pimento, broccoli florets, rye roll, iced apple cake

Senior Happenings Renters Rebate program Residents, who rent and are 65 or older (by Dec. 31, 2008) or are totally disabled, must be under the income limits to qualify for the Renters Rebate program. Applicants must bring documented proof of income, rent and utility payments for the calendar year of 2008. Residents who qualify will receive a financial rebate form the State of Connecticut. The program began May 15 and the deadline for applications is Sept. 15. Income limit is $30,500 per year for a single person; $37,300 per year for a married couple. Appointments are required. Call Tina or Jane at the Senior Center at (860) 828-7006 to schedule an appointment.

Senior trips The Senior Center has scheduled the following trips. For more information and to sign up call the Senior Center at (860) 828-7006. July 22 — Newport and lunch cruise. Aug. 18 — Hu Ke Lau Restaurant and dinner theatre. Sept. 23 — “Big E” Con-

necticut Day. Oct. 6 — Radio City, New York City. Oct. 16-18 — Indian Head Resort. Nov. 13 — Radio City, New York City. Dec. 2 — Williams Inn Christmas.

equipment free of charge. A sign-up sheet is posted on the wall next to the computer. Call (860) 828-7006 to schedule computer time.

AARP trips

Seniors are welcome to borrow two books per visit (on the honor system) from the Senior Center library. The books may be kept as long as needed, then returned to our library. Library hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The following is the current trip schedule for the Berlin AARP. For details and reservations, call Phyllis Fecteau, (860) 828-4934. July 18 — Whale Watch, Boston. July 26 — “Goodbye Charlie” at The Newport Playhouse and Cabaret Restaurant. Aug. 13 — Ricky Nelson tribute at the Aqua Turf. Sept. 13 — “Sheer Madness” at the Charles Playhouse, Boston. Oct. 15 — Lilly’s on the Pond. Nov. 15 — “Mame” at the Thomaston Opera House.

Computer use


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The key keeper program is sponsored by the Senior Center in cooperation with the Berlin Police Department. This free program provides assistance when seniors misplace or lose their house and/or car keys. For more information and an application call the Senior Center at (860) 828-7006.

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Send us your news: news@theberlincitizen.com


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The Berlin Citizen Thursday, July 9, 2009

Health and Wellness Briefs Peer support group

A Peer Support Group for chronic illness/pain, invisible disabilities and undiagnosed is forming. Informal gatherings in a private home will share experiences, coping strategies, discussion of available resources and phone support. Caregivers and all ages welcome. For more information, call (860) 378-0234.

Alzheimer Support at Andrew House Healthcare

MS support groups

An Alzheimer’s Support Group meeting is scheduled for every fourth Tuesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. at Andrew House Healthcare, 66 Clinic Drive, New Britain. For more information, call Kathy Mulrooney at (860) 826-2812.

Join Our Support Group Beginning July 20, 2009

Lyme disease The Greater Hartford Lyme Disease Support and Action Group, which includes Berlin, meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Farmington-Unionville Community Center, 321 New Britain Ave., Unionville. For more information, call Christopher Montes at (860) 673-8759; Randy Sykes at (860) 658-9938 or Tammy Szczepanski at (860) 793-1764.

Informal Gatherings, Share Experience & Discuss • Chronic Illness & Pain • Invisible Disabilities & Undiagnosed Caregivers, All Ages Welcome For Further Information 1120314

Please Call 860-378-0234 Southington

The Southington MS Support Group meets at Bradley Memorial Hospital located at 81 Meriden Ave., in Southington, Conn., at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. For more information, please contact Jennifer at (860) 426-0010. For more information on multiple sclerosis and the many ways you can help make a difference, please visit www.ctfightsMS.org or call the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Connecticut Chapter at (800) FIGHT MS.

Glaucoma exams EyeCare America sponsors a national campaign to prevent blindness by offering free glaucoma eye exams to eligible people. The Family Glaucoma Snapshot campaign is intended to raise awareness among African-American communities about the risk factors for glaucoma. EyeCare America encourages people to call its Glaucoma EyeCare Program at 1-800-391-EYES (3937) to find out if they are eligible for a free exam.

Red Cross Wheels Red Cross Wheels, a transportation program, is looking for volunteers who will use their own vehicle to help transport the elderly and disabled who don’t drive. For more information, call Michele Sweet, American Red Cross, at (860) 229-1631.

Free mammograms Free mammograms are available to women in the central Connecticut area who are over 40 and have little or no insurance. The program,

VNACC Breast Health Project: A Multicultural Approach is funded by a grant from the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Connecticut Affiliate. For more information, contact program supervisor, Shonya Harrison at (860) 826-4516.

Hospice volunteer

The Connecticut VNA Partners is looking for volunteers to become hospice volunteers. Many opportunities are available depending on participants’ abilities and interests, such as companionship, respite, spiritual or bereavements volunteers, animals assisted therapy, clerical work and helping with special events. Volunteers may choose what best fits their interests. Training will cover the history and philosophy of hospice, the role of the volunteer, clinical aspects of dying, communication skills, family dynamics, issues of spiritually and religion and grief and bereavement. For more information , call Volunteer Coordinator, CT VNA Partners at (860) 5285195.



P.S. According to the National Safety Council, the fatality rate among drivers and their passengers is three times higher at night than during the day, probably due to compromised vision.

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Drivers should be aware that poor vision can compromise their safety as much as poor road conditions and drunk driving. According to one survey, “Shedding Light on Driving in the Dark,” 38% of respondents complained of eyestrain, 34% of dry/tired eyes, 25% of fatigue, and 18% of the inability to focus while driving. More than 11 million Americans are living with uncorrected vision, which can significantly impair their driving ability. With these statistics in mind, the Vision Council recommends that drivers enhance their vision by getting regular eye exams. Drivers are also urged to wear prescription lenses and eyeglasses while driving and to wear antireflective lenses that eliminate glare. Driving safety is dependent upon good vision. At VISUAL PERCEPTIONS EYE CARE, we are forward-thinking and use the latest technological breakthroughs. Routine eye health exams are an impor tant par t of maintaining good overall health. Call us at 860-8281900 to schedule a comprehensive eye health exam that includes a review of your general medical history and dilation of the pupils for examination of the retina, blood vessels, and optic nerve. Our practice is located at 369 New Britain Road, Kensington, next to the Animal Hospital of Berlin.

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Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

School News Dean’s list

al.net. Plainville High School Class of ‘84 is planning a 25th class reunion for Friday, Nov 27. If you are from the PHS class of ‘84 or know others from the class of ‘84 please contact us via our Facebook group Plainville High School Class of ’84 or Danielle Coulombe Blanchette at (860) 828-1272 (dcblanchette@comcast.net) or Lisa Laferriere Perrotti at (860) 747-3560 (lperrotti@hotmail.com). St. Thomas Aquinas High School class of 1959 has been planning their 50th

Graduates Colby College, Maine — Talia A. Savic of Berlin. Messiah College, Pennsylvania — Martha Hall of Berlin. Roanoke College, Virginia — Tammy Guile of East Berlin.

reunion Of the 94 surviving members of the class, all but four have been located and informed about the reunion. Responses from contacted classmates are enthusiastic with over 50 members have indicated that they plan to attend reunion events over September 18-20. Reunion festivities begin with an informal gathering on Friday, Sept. 18. On Saturday, classmate Robert Colaresi, O.Carm., will celebrate Mass for the class at St. Andrew’s Church. The reunion dinner is at Angelico’s Restaurant. A Sunday brunch at the Stonewell Restaurant will conclude the weekend.

Scholastic achievements Kimberly Spring of Kensington has been named to the honor roll at Kingswood-Oxford for the second semester marking period.

Reunions New Britain High School, Class of 1949, is planning its 60th reunion on Saturday, Oct. 3 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Shuttle Meadow Country Club. For more information, call (860) 828-3870 or email NBHS1949@sbcglob-

American Legion scholarship

American Legion Post 68 announced its 2009 scholarship the recipients. Seated, from left: Francesca Pedemonti, Katherine Vandrilla. Standing: John Hackett, senior vice commander; Vin Trigila, commander and Peter Beaucar, adjutant and scholarship chairman.

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Bentley University, Massachusetts — James Stachelek of Kensington. Bucknell University — Jaime Rasmussen of East Berlin. Central Connecticut State College — Elise Binge, Casey Casserino, James Catalano, Kaitlin Deliman, Elaine Fargo, Jonathan Fiorillo, Daniel Fortuna, Robert Johnson, Kelly Jones, Eggie Jovaisa, Taylor Kosakowski, Jillian Kusek, Ashley Lanza, Eric Lunt, Kristina Mattera, Katherine Mayer, Nathan Mildrum, Kristen Niedzwiecki, Samuel Perduta, Michelle Pirruccio, Jennifer Riccio, Samantha Root, Kathryn Sanderson, Damek Spacek, Lindsay Swiatek, Kelley Tevlin, Tiela Thibeault, Jennifer Trigilio, Melissa Trigilio, Eric Wicklund, Jessica Zengou of Berlin; Christian Ayala, Beverly Kissane, Marissa Shaw of East Berlin; Barbara Beblowski, Daniel Brown, Mary-Katherine Colburn, Sandra DiCicco, Molly Greco, Michael Hill, Michael Imundo, Kristen Kusek, Christina Meagher, Sarah Revoir, Brian Rogan, Richard Soderburg, David Sylvester, Stephanie Wurtzel of Kensington. Colby College, Maine — Talia A. Savic of Berlin. College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts — Andrew DeVivo of Kensington. Providence College, Rhode Island — Thomas Quinn of Berlin. Tunxis Community College — Marcin Bakula, Brooke Barbero, Dale Bernucca, Lisa Calvo, Shara Camosci-Rocco, James Cassidy, Piotr Drozdzowski, Michele Fischer-Paul, Pamela Graves, Michelle Hartel, Terry Jensen, Tanya Kazak, Jolanta Kolc, Kate McCloskey, Karalyn McKeon, Anesa Mrvoljak, Eric O’Neill, Charles Pagano Jr., Jitendrakumar Patel, Michael Putnam, Danielle Sarra, Kaitlyn Schaller, Thomas Sparks, Scott Thomson, Lucian Vinci, Jennifer Wyllie, Amy Zera, Katherine

Ziegenhagen of Berlin; Brandon Gonzalez, Amanda Hamilton, Matthew Marrero of East Berlin; Tiana Caruso, Robert Chase, Maria Colangelo, Kevin Devery, Deirdre Iliadis, Alyson Milardo, Edyta Wolanin of Kensington. University of New England, Maine — Eric Cruanes of Kensington.



Market is scheduled every Saturday through Sept. 26 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the American Legion, 154 Porters Pass. Berlin Historical Society Museum – The Berlin Historical Society Museum, 305 Main St., (at the corner Thursday of Peck Street), is open every Saturday from 1 to 4 Boy Scouts — Boy Scout p.m. New collections inTroop 24 meets Thursdays clude vintage bridal gowns, from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. in antique dolls and art work rooms 1–3 at the community by noted Berlin residents. center. Troop 24 enjoys acAdmission is free. tivities and camping Kayak program – Subthroughout the year. Call urban Sports offers a kayak Joe Tedone at (860) 828-0255. rental program at Crescent Boys Scouts — Boy Lake in Southington on SatScout Troop 41, sponsored urdays from 10 a.m. to 5 and chartered by Bethany p.m. through Labor Day Covenant Church, meets weekend. For more inforThursdays from 7:15 to 8:30 mation, call (860) 828-5808. p.m. at Bethany Covenant. Recycling Center – The Boys 11 years and older are Town of Berlin Recycling welcome to join Troop 41. Center on Town Farm Lane For more information, call is scheduled to be open Scoutmaster Joe Greco at every Saturday from 9 a.m. (860) 828-8579 or email to 1 p.m. in July and August joe@betterbooksltd.com. (excluding July 4). The center continues to be open Monday through Friday from 7:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Friday Items that may accepted are large appliances, A/C units, non-combustible metal Meeting — The Berlin items, leaves, grass clipConnection Exchange Club pings, car and rechargeable networking meeting is batteries, tires (off the rim), scheduled for every Thursused motor oil, antifreeze day morning from 7:30 to and empty propane tanks. 8:30 a.m. at Route 72 Diner, East Berlin. Join local busi- For more information, call the Public Works Departness owners in exchanging referrals and building their ment at (860) 828-7022. businesses. For more information, call (860) 680-2972.

July 9





Pet Meet & Greet — Friends of Berlin Animal Control has scheduled a Meet & Greet on Saturday, July 11 from 1 to 3 p.m. at A.S. Labieniec, 945 Farmington Ave. You are invited to meet the friendly, beautiful cats and kittens that are in need of loving, permanent homes. Please bring vet and/or personal references. FOBAC will accept applications for new foster homes and food donations. For more information, call (860) 828-5287. Berlin Farmers’ Market – The Berlin Farmers’


Kayak program – Suburban Sports offers a kayak rental program at Crescent Lake in Southington on Sundays from noon to 5 p.m. through Labor Day weekend. For more information, call (860) 828-5808.



Boy Scouts — Boy Scout Troop 256, chartered by the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, meets Tuesday evenings at the Kensington firehouse and camps monthly at a variety of

places. For more information, call Ed Alicea, Scoutmaster, (860) 828-8693. Boy Scouts — Boy Scout Troop 44, chartered by the Berlin Lions, meets Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at Bethany Covenant Church. Boys 11 to 18 are eligible to join. For more information, call Troop Committee Chair Ed Como, (860) 829-1258.

The Berlin Citizen Thursday, July 9, 2009

Eagle Status Earned



Grandparent-grandchild golf outing – The annual grandparent-grandchild golf outing is scheduled for Wednesday, July 29 at Timberlin Golf Course. The event is open to grandparents and grandchildren ages 8 to 18. The format is not a tournament, but an opportunity for grandparents to play golf with junior family and friends. For more information, call Bob Stein at (860) 828-6112.


Matthew A. Dutkiewicz, son of Matthew J. Dutkiewicz and Deborah Dutkiewicz, has earned the rank of Eagle Scoutthe highest achievement in Boy Scouts. To be awarded, a scout must fulfill requirements in leadership, service, out-

door and life skills. Dutkiewicz’s Eagle Project involved the solicitation and collection of books and toys for the patients of Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. Through the support of community members and fellow scouts, he collected over 3,000 books, toys and games for the children receiving treatment at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. Altogether, the project took 23 volunteers and over 100 hours to complete. Dutkiewicz, a Berlin High School graduate, is currently a sophomore at Bryant University. He is a member of Bryant Student Programming Board and Bryant Helps, as well as an Assistant Scoutmaster in Troop 44.



Golf tournament — The 23rd Annual Berlin VFW William B. Scalise-William J. Mayer Memorial Golf Tournament is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 12 at Timberlin Golf Course with dinner to follow at The Aqua Turf Club in Southington. Entry fee is $125 and includes greens fees, carts, lunch, dinner and all on-course contests. Proceeds benefit the Berlin VFW, a scholarship in the name of William B. Scalise and the Hospital of Central Connecticut Dialysis Unit. Signup to play or become a sponsor on the event website at http://www.tournevents.com/Scalise. You may also contact tournament director Bob Mayer at (860) 829-6805 or rpmayer11@sbcglobal.net.

Matthew Valletta, grandson of Julius and Josephine Bordonaro, was acknowledged for his achievement of the Eagle Scout rank at a Court of Honor on June 20 at W. Alton Jones Environmental Education Center. Valletta’s achievement is recognition of his perseverance. He has been active in scouting since first grade and remains active in Troop 152 North Kingstown, R. I. For his Eagle Scout community service project, he collected over 600 cleaning products for an emergency shelter for the homeless.


Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Buzz Around Berlin New Citizens

Mural created for Hubbard Elementary School fifth grade class Local artist Sarah Burns was commissioned to design and paint a mural for the 2009 fifth grade class at Hubbard Elementary School. The mural incorporated book titles created by the class, their names, their teachers names and rays of sunshine.

Olivia Rose Valuk Richard and Marcie Valuk of Kensington announce the birth of their daughter Olivia Rose on May 11, 2009 at The Hospital of Central Connecticut New Britain. Olivia joins her sister, Rachel Nicole, 2 years old. Her maternal grandparents are Gayle Frank and Thomas Boose of Myrtle Beach, S.C. Her paternal grandparents are Daniel and Geraldine Valuk of Kensington. Olivia’s maternal great-grandmother is Esther Frank of Pittsburgh, Pa.

Stay in touch with Berlin www.berlincitizen.com

Shea Baleigh Carlson Drew and Leslie Carlson of Kensington announce the birth of their daughter Shea Baleigh on April 25, 2009 at Midstate Medical Center. Shea joins her sister, Charlotte, 22 months. Shea’s maternal grandparents are Karen and Lawrence Dunn, Jr. of Southington. Her paternal grandparents are Richard and Paula Carlson of Kensington. Her maternal great-grandparents are Aldine and Lawrence Dunn, Sr. of Southbury.

Pinewood Derby champ Dylan Yoder, a first grader at Hubbard Elementary School, placed first at the District Pinewood Derby for the Tiger Division.


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, July 9, 2009


July 31, August 1, 2, 2009 Mountain Ridge Resort 350A High Hill Road Wallingford, CT 06492 www.greatctjazz.org

The 23rd Great Connecticut Traditional Jazz Festival Dates:


J. Leo and Diane Gagne of Kensington announce the engagement of their daughter Carissa to James Conner, son of James and Mary-Anne Conner of Shelton. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Berlin High School. She is employed at KPMG LLP. Her fiancé is a graduate of Shelton High School. He is employed as an accountant. The couple met at Fairfield University where each earned a Bachelor of Science and a M.B.A. degree in accounting. A September wedding is planned.

Friday, July 31 - 3 pm to 11:30 pm

Sat., Aug. 1 - 11:00 am to 5 pm and 6 pm to 11:30 pm Sun., Aug. 2 - Gospel Service 9:00 am, Antique Car Display 11:00 am, Bands start 11:00 am to 5 pm New Orleans style, blues, swing, big band sounds. New festival grounds just 4 minutes from I-91 Air-conditioned indoor venues, a large tent & pool side. Large swimming pool, tennis and games for the kids Dance lessons and dancing in all venues.

BANDS: Louis Ford and his New Orleans Flairs (LA) • Igor’s Jazz Cowboys (AZ) • Cornet Chop Suey (St. Louis, MO) • Ivory and Gold (CT) Blue Street (Fresno, CA) • JAS’M (CT) • Midiri Brothers (NJ) • Heartbeat Jazz Band (CT) • Jeff Barnhart All Starts (CT & Beyond) Sugarfoot Jazz Band (TGCTJF Youth Band) • Galvanized Jazz Band with Jane Campedelli (CT & FL) • Sarah Spencer (UK) Triple Play (CT) • The Festival All Stars (CT and beyond) • Wolverine Jazz Band (MA) • Freight Train (CT) • The Blue Lights (CT)

At Gate: $95/weekend pass, $45/session, $60/all day Sat., Children 6 Before July 24: $90/weekend, $40/session, $50/all day Sat. Special Sponsor: Be a Jazz Angel $160/3-day pass, special seating Call 1-800-HOT-EVENt (1-800-468-3836) see: www.greatctjazz.org Festival sponsors Horns for Kids www.hornsforkids.org 1119732




Patricia Lutkus Miller and Richard Miller of Berlin and Robert and Deborah Cabelus of Southington announce the engagement of their son, Stephen Joseph Cabelus to Erin Margentino. Erin is the daughter of Peter and Deborah Margentino of Unionville. A September wedding is planned.


The Berlin Citizen Thursday, July 9, 2009


More than 60 girls turn out for Lady Redcoat basketball clinic By Nick Carroll Sports Editor This past season, the Berlin High School girls basketball team claimed the Northwest Conference title and advanced to the state championship game at Mohegan Sun Arena. Last week, numbers were at an all-time high for the Lady Redcoat Basketball Clinic. Is there a connection? “We’d like to think so,” BHS coach and clinic director Sheila King said with a laugh. Energized perhaps by the high school team’s magical run, more than 60 local girls age 6 to 14 converged on BHS June 29 to July 2 for the third annual clinic. Helping King oversee the 3.5-hour daily sessions were members of her coaching staff and several BHS players, including

“I know a lot of them went to the state championship game and watched us play. So I think for them, they really enjoy getting to know us on a personal level.” – Kim Rasmussen point guard Kim Rasmussen. “It’s actually really fun. I enjoy it a lot,” Rasmussen said of working with the youngsters. “It’s not all about basketball; they like being around each other. And the high school coaches

NAB surprising everyone including their own coach By Nick Carroll Sports Editor Certainly, some members of the Jaycee-T.D. Banknorth baseball league hoped the powerhouse Berlin NewAlliance Bank team would fade away when its founding father and coach, Bill Baccaro, stepped down following the 2008 season. But no such luck. NewAlliance got itself a new head coach, added 10 players to its roster, and is eyeing a fifth straight league championship this summer. NewAlliance rattled off eight straight victories to start its 2009 campaign. “When I put the team together, I certainly had no aspirations of winning the league title,” first-year coach Rick DeGroff said. “If we could, that would be great. But the main goal is to get better every game, and that’s

what we’re trying to do.” Powering NewAlliance at the plate this summer have been Anthony Pascuzzi (.533), C.J. Ziegler (.478) and Ryan DeGroff (.418), among several others. DeGroff (3-0), Jim Marzi (2-0) and Jack Cooper (1 save) are NewAlliance’s top pitchers. NewAlliance’s defense has been shaky at times, but second baseman John Guzze, outfielder Eric O’Neill, Mitch DeLorenzo, a shortstop, and Ziegler, a catcher, have been consistent with the glove. Rounding out the roster are John Bergman, Cameron Johnson, Teddy Rosol, Bobby Ford, Scott O’Neill and Mike Spyros. NewAlliance is comprised of a hodgepodge of athletes, See NAB, next page

and players like interacting with them and getting to know them, as kids and as players.” The clinic-goers enjoyed the one-on-one time, as well. “I know a lot of them went to the state championship game and watched us play,” Rasmussen said. “So I think for them, they really enjoy getting to know us on a personal level … I hope they see us as not just players.” Ally Schulz, for one, learned some important lessons from the high school players/clinic staff. “They always tell us to keep trying and that you should put your team first and yourself second,” she said. This was Schulz’ first time attending the clinic, and she walked away from the expeSee Clinic, next page

Citizen photo by Nick Carroll

The third annual Lady Redcoat Basketball Clinic was held last week at Berlin High School. Sixty local girls age 6 to 14 took part.


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, July 9, 2009

NAB Continued from page 19 including college baseball and football players, former high school basketball players, and others. “It’s a pretty good mix,” Rick DeGroff said, pointing out that his team’s light schedule is enticing to non-hardcore baseball guys. “A lot of them don’t want to play baseball every day. Three games a week is perfect for them. And most teams are in the same boat.” As for the NewAllianceBerlin Post 68 “feud”, Coach DeGroff indicated that’s a thing of the past. “That was more when Billy (Baccaro) started the team” in 2004, he said. “Those are great kids and a great team,” DeGroff said of the Post 68 American Le-

“A lot of them don’t want to play baseball every day. Three games a week is perfect for them. And most teams are in the same boat..” – NAB Manager Rick DeGroff gion club, which draws players from the same age group as does NewAlliance. “I

played Legion. There’s certainly no rift with me.” DeGroff is assisted by John Guzze Sr., Adrian Johnson and Dave DeGroff. The NewAlliance staff urges their players to savor the summer. “For these players, and former NAB players, I think they see it as the last chance to play organized baseball for most of them, and really want to make the most of it,” Rick DeGroff said. “Some have had a few years off, and you can see how much fun they are having playing again, and playing with guys they played with seven, eight years before. It’s a great tradition that Bill Baccaro started with Tom Reid, and one we want to continue. “Berlin has always had plenty of kids that love baseball. I hope they all play as long as they are able.”

THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 2009 AREA BUSINESSES The Berlin Citizen is pleased to announce the edition of DESIGNAN-AD, the award-winning special section showcasing ads designed by the Berlin Parks & Rec. Dept. Children’s Summer Program!

Design an Ad 1118810

2009 Special Advertising Supplement

Published: Thursday, August 13, 2009 SPACE RESERVATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2009

HOW IT WORKS You simply tell us which size ad you wish to buy (full page, half page or quarter page) and fill out a brief information form describing your business. We do the rest. This is an opportunity for you to give our children a fun, creative summer project and give exposure to your business.

The Berlin


Call (860) 828-6942

Citizen photo by Nick Carroll

More than 60 girls attended the Berlin Lady Redcoat Basketball Clinic last week.

Clinic Continued from page 19 rience a more well-rounded player. “We learned a lot about playing good defense, man-to-man. And I did a lot of work on my free throws and my other shooting. And lots of dribbles,” she said. Alicia Maule was back for her second year at the clinic, and once again, she picked up several tips from the high school players and coaches. “It’s good because they can teach us many things that may happen during the season,” she said. Maule one day hopes to play for BHS. “That’s my goal,” she said. Like Maule, Olivia Dellaquila is a clinic veteran. “It’s really good because it teaches me how to become a better player, and how to get better skills,” she said. And if she had trouble with a certain part of her game, Dellaquila said the clinic staff was right there to help. “I’ll ask them, they’ll show me how to do it cor-

rectly, and it’s all good,” she said. Certainly, a portion of the clinic-goers realized last week that basketball was not their cup of tea. Others will continue in the sport for awhile before calling it a career. But some clinic-goers will one day play for the Lady Redcoats. “I think it’s important for the program across the board,” Coach King said of getting to know the up and coming players, and vice versa. “We want them to aspire to come here and that’s what we hope they do. We’re looking to motivate them and keep them playing.” But whether they continue pounding the hardwood or not, King hopes all the youngsters take heed of the motto emblazoned across the back of their clinic tshirts: “Believe deep down in your heart that you’re destined to do great things.”

Click on www.berlincitizen.com


Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

Pay to Play turns into Hit-a-thon And continues to grow By Nick Carroll Sports Editor

Looking to get youngsters more involved in the day, this year, the town’s annual Pay to Play softball tournament fund-raiser morphed into a Hit-a-Thon for local Little League softball and baseball players. Event organizer Bill Mayer indicated that the change paid off in a big way. “I think everyone was kind of shocked how much money we raised,” Mayer said. The Hit-a-Thon, held June 6 at the Bill Petit Complex, brought in more than $12,000. By comparison, the past three Pay to Play tournaments generated $13,000, combined. Not surprisingly, the Hit-aThon will return in 2010. “Definitely, this will be the new formula,” Mayer said with a laugh. “It went off great. I’ve received a lot of good feedback.” Continuing the mission of the Pay to Play tournament,

proceeds from the Hit-a-Thon will go to help local people facing steep medical bills, or other hardships. Last year, some of the funds went to pay for an elderly couple’s heating oil. “We’ll gladly give it out to anybody who needs help,” Mayer said. Mayer oversaw the Pay to Play tournament from 2006 to 2008. With Pay to Play, adults comprised the teams, while youngsters served as coaches, umpires, scorekeepers and announcers. Although it raised a lot of money, Mayer felt that the near decade-old Pay to Play tournament had run its course, and soon, the idea for a Hit-a-Thon — where kids are in the spotlight — was born. Players from Berlin Little League solicited “per-foot” donations leading up to the Hit-a-Thon and got three swings on the day of the

event. Total donations were based on their longest hit. More than 300 young ballplayers stepped to the plate at the Hit-a-Thon. Mayer and Berlin High School student Frank Germano took care of the pitching duties, while Little League coaches rounded up the hit balls. Mike Bacon was the top individual fund-raiser, bringing in a hefty $400. For his efforts, Bacon earned the right to throw out the opening pitch at a New Britain Rock Cats game. The Berlin Little League Giants were the top fund-raising team with $1,000. “I’d like to thank the sponsors,” Mayer said. “They’re what got us started; the kids took it from there.” To inquire about receiving Hit-a-Thon funds, contact Mayer at 202-9873; or via email at tyredsox@comcast.net.

Sports Briefs Volunteers Needed for Trojanowski Junior Golf Tournament

The 8th Stan Trojanowski Northern Junior will be held at Timberlin Golf Club on Aug. 5 and 6, and the tournament committee is looking for volunteers of all ages. With players from six states, this will be one of the largest junior golf tournaments in New England. Volunteers are needed both days as standard bearers, ball spotters, and live scoring assistants. All volunteers will receive lunch and an official tournament players towel. Please join us in making this a championship that the town of Berlin can be proud to host. For more information and to sign-up, please visit http://www.northernjr.com or call Tournament Director Brent Paladino at (860)-690-7696.

Soccer camp

The Redcoat Soccer Clinic will be held July 20-23 at Sage Park. The cost is $75 and includes t-shirt, certificate and drinks. Players age 4 to 7 will meet 9 to 11 a.m. Players age 8, to those entering grade 8, will meet 5 to 7 p.m. For more information, contact Berlin High School soccer coaches Dave Francalangia or Steve Yanosy: dfrancalangia@berlinschools.org; syanosy@berlinschools.org.

Send us your news: news@theberlincitizen.com



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The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, July 9, 2009

Legion team remains on top of Zone III By Jim Bransfield The Berlin Citizen

Berlin’s American Legion team is holding on to first place in Zone 3, by not by much. Coach Rob Manzo’s club entered the weekend with only one loss, but doubleheader splits to Middletown and Madison have brought Berlin back to the pack. In Zone 3 standings published online at ctalbb.com as of Monday morning, Berlin led at 9-3, followed by Meriden at 7-3, Middletown at 9-4, East Haddam at 7-4 and Cheshire at 7-5. Perhaps the biggest win of the season so far came in the second game of the twinbill at Middletown Saturday night. Berlin rebounded from a 3-0 loss to Middletown and 15-year old pitcher Tom Ryan in the first game, to beat Middletown 8-2 behind Matt Carasiti in the nightcap. “It wasn’t Matt’s best game, but he was able to make big pitches in big spots,” said Manzo. “I was absolutely happy to get a split. We were shutout in the first game and left seven on base over the last four innings, then we fell behind 1-0 in the first inning of the second game. “The kids were playing

tight and we just told them to relax and they did. Then in the third we got to [Nick] Neumann and that was the difference.” Middletown’s strength all season has been its pitching. The team entered the night’s action with an earned run average of 1.18 and lowered it with the first game shutout. But Berlin opened the third inning with three straight hits, the big one being a two-run double by Joe Balowski. Berlin took advantage of some bad Middletown defense to score three more times. Carasiti was in trouble all night as he walked seven, hit a batter and gave up five hits. But his defense threw two Middletown runners out at the plate and he struck out eight, the big one coming in the fifth when he fanned Eric

Hewitt with the bases loaded. “That hit by Balowski was a big one,” said Manzo. “He’s been struggling, so we moved him up to the two spot hoping he’d see more fastballs.” Middletown coach Tim D’Aquila lamented the lost opportunities. “I think we let Matt off the hook,” aid D’Aquila. “But he could be a Major League pitcher one day; he’s very good. But when we have men on, we have to come through.” Twice Middletown did that, but the two outs at the plate were killers for Middletown. Middletown had 14 base runners and left 10 on. Jake Matuszak, Balowski, Adam Romegialli and Pat Dornfried each had two hits for Berlin in the win. In the opening game, a

Senior golf The Timberlin Senior Golf Association will hold its monthly league tournament, July 13-14. Portland Golf Club will come to Timberlin for an 18-hole round, July 15. The Tournament of Champions is scheduled for July 22.

The annual GrandparentGrandchild outing will be held July 29. For more information, contact Bob Stein at (860) 828-6112.

Golf tourney Save the date, August 12, for the 23rd Annual Berlin

VFW William B. ScaliseWilliam J. Mayer Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament will again be held at Timberlin GC in Berlin with the dinner to follow at The Aqua Turf Club in Southington. Tee times begin at 7 a.m. and continue until 9 a.m. in

the a.m. block. The tee times resume at 11:30 a.m. and continue until 1:30 p.m. The entry fee is $125 and includes greens fees, carts, lunch, dinner at The Aqua Turf and all on-course contests. Contact tournament director Bob Mayer at (860) 8296805.

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dletown is one of them. The schedule is very tough.” Berlin has 12 games to play before July 19, the last day of the regular season, a season shortened by the National Legion moving up its regional tournaments and World Series a week, and the state’s insistence on holding a play-in tournament July 21 and 22 for those teams with records of better than two games over .500 that did not win a zone title. Berlin’s frantic final two weeks began Tuesday with Meriden at home. Berlin plays at Madison Thursday at 5:30 p.m., is home with East Haddam Friday at 7 p.m., is at Wallingford Saturday at 11 a.m. and is at Cheshire Sunday at noon. Berlin also has two makeup games to squeeze in. Looks like it will be a wild ride to the finish.

Sports Briefs



game that was suspended from Tuesday, June 30, Balowski was the losing pitcher. He was replaced when the game was resumed Saturday by Mark Bordonaro and Middletown immediately got two runs. Bordonaro got himself in trouble with two walks and a wild pitch. Then, with two outs, Kevin Sinagra hit a roller between first and second for a soft single and two runs. Ryan got the win with two outs of relief help from Brian Santangelo, who recorded his fourth save. He has yet to give up a run this season in six relief appearances. On Sunday, Berlin won the opener over Madison, 4-1, but lost the nightcap 4-2. “We have the talent to win the zone,” said Manzo. “But there are a number of good teams in the zone and Mid-

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Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

27-1 (09)

release dates: July 4-10

© 2009 Universal Press Syndicate

from The Mini Page © 2009 Universal Press Syndicate

Step Into the Middle Ages

Come Ye to the Faire! photos by Ron Lutz, courtesy Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

Have you ever dreamed of living in the time of knights, lords and ladies? This time is known as the Middle Ages. Renaissance (reh-nuh-SAHNTS) fairs and tournaments give modern people a taste of life in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. To learn more about Renaissance fairs, The Mini Page talked to an expert from the Society for Creative Anachronism* (uh-NA-kruh-ni-zum), or SCA. *An anachronism is something out of its proper time or place. For example, if you were watching a movie about American pioneers and somebody pulled out a cell phone, the phone would be an anachronism.

SCA brings something from the past into the present. It calls itself “creative” because certain modern conveniences, such as modern plumbing, can be at their events. Renaissance fairs (sometimes spelled “faires”) are re-enactments of town festivals that would have occurred during the Middle Ages, usually to celebrate a holy day or the harvest. A queen walks a greyhound during a tournament.

Knights engage in team combat in a battle at an SCA Renaissance festival. For most of the Middle Ages, knights promised to serve in the king’s army for a certain number of days each year. In the late Middle Ages, knights paid a tax to get out of military service. This was better for the king because knights were around only during wars. With the money paid by unwilling knights, the king could keep an army of trained fighters all the time.

The Middle Ages

The Renaissance

Experts disagree about the exact dates of the Middle Ages. This era, or time period, lasted about 1,000 years. It is the time in European history stretching from about the fall of the Roman Empire, around A.D. 400, to the end of the reign of England’s Queen Elizabeth I, in 1601. During the Middle Ages, people lived under a feudal (FYOO-duhl) system of government. This meant kings, and sometimes queens, had the most power. Lords and ladies, or nobles, were under the royal rulers. They owned large areas of land. The people who worked the land were under the rule of the lord of the land, or the landlord.

The Renaissance arrived at the end of the Middle Ages. It began in about the 1300s in Italy, and in about the 1500s in France and England. After the fall of the Roman Empire, trade between countries shrank. People weren’t well educated, and they grew poorer. During the Renaissance, things got better again. “Renaissance” means “rebirth.” People began trading more, which allowed them to learn from other cultures. Scientific study and art grew important again. More people began living in cities. Business people, artists and educated people gained more power and respect.

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The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, July 9, 2009


27-2 (09); release dates: July 4-10 from The Mini Page © 2009 Universal Press Syndicate

Knights in Combat During parts of the early Middle Ages, knights were regular soldiers. They stopped being knights as soon as they left the wars. Later, knights kept their rank even after the wars were over. They began to gain their own castles and land. Often they earned this land by their deeds on the battlefield. Slowly, they began pulling themselves out of the peasantry, or lower class. They became part of the aristocracy (ah-ruh-STAH-kruh-see), or ruling class. Although most knights were men, women could be knights too. In the 1300s, the Order of the Garter in England accepted women and men as knights. In Spain, the Order of the Hatchet was founded just for women going into battle. A female knight engages in hand-tohand combat with another knight at a Renaissance tournament.

photos by Ron Lutz, courtesy Society for Creative Anachronism




There are two types of Renaissance fairs. In one kind, actors perform for the public. The knights already know who will win the tournaments. They may charge each other on horseback. Because the combat is being staged, the actors can make sure that no horses or people will be hurt. In SCA festivals, people act as if they were in the Middle Ages. Knights engage in real matches. No one knows who will win ahead of time. Knights engage only in hand-to-hand combat so no horses could accidentally be hurt.

A joust (jowst) is a competition between two knights with long lances, or spears. At the beginning of the Middle Ages, jousting was basically war with rules. There were many deaths. By the late Middle Ages, it had become more of a sport. If someone got killed during a match, the king’s officials investigated it as if it were a murder.

from The Mini Page © 2009 Universal Press Syndicate

Mini Spy . . .

Two polearmsmen battle at a tournament.


Mini Spy and Basset Brown enjoy dressing up for the Renaissance fair. See if you can find: • letter C • dog • snake • tooth • sock • pig’s face • bell • word MINI • number 7 • letter A

from The Mini Page © 2009 Universal Press Syndicate

Brown Basset ws The Ned’s Houn


Renaissance Fair


Words that remind us of Renaissance fairs are hidden in the block below. Some words are hidden backward or diagonally, and some letters are used twice. See if you can find: MIDDLE, AGES, RENAISSANCE, KNIGHTS, LADY, LORD, WAR, JOUST, HORSE, ARMOR, KING, QUEEN, FEAST, JUGGLER, EAT, FESTIVAL, SAFE, TOURNAMENT, EUROPE, MERCHANTS, ART, LITERACY. COME ALL YE LORDS AND LADIES!












Please include all of the appropriate registered trademark symbols and copyright lines in any publication of The Mini Page®.






CitizenReal Estate

The Berlin Citizen Thursday, July 9, 2009


Parks and Recreation News trieval from seven to10 feet water (this is now a timed test, time TBD). Use of an AED will also be taught. Classes will be held in the morning at Percival Pool and the Community Center, Monday through Friday, July 27

through August 7. A complete schedule will be available upon registering. The fee, which includes a textbook and resuscitation mask, is $100 for residents and $110 for non-residents.

A Release Agreement form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian for participants under the age of 18. For more information, call the Parks and Recreation Department at (860) 828-7009.



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The Park and Recreation Department has limited openings in several swim classes for the second session, scheduled for Monday, July 13 through Friday, July 24. Demore, Dinda, Bittner Jr. Memorial Pool: 9-9:25 a.m. — Level 5 — Stroke Refinement 9-9:25 a.m. — Level 6 — Personal Water Safety 9:30-9:55 a.m. — Level 4 — Stroke Improvement 10-10:25 a.m. — Level 3 — Stroke Development 10:30-10:55 a.m. — Level 2 — Fundamental Aquatic Skills 11-11:25 a.m. — Level 1 — Introduction to Water Skills Percival Pool: 9-9:25 a.m. — Level 2 — Fundamental Aquatic Skills 9-9:25 — a.m. — Level 4 — Stroke Improvement 9:30-9:55 a.m. — Level 5 — Stroke Refinement 10-10:25 a.m. — Level 6 — Personal Water Safety Participants must be members of the pool pass programs to sign up for swim lessons. Participants who have completed the first session may register for the second session on Friday, July 10 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation Department office. Registration will accepted in person for the first hour and in person or by phone for the second hour, Anyone who has not participated in the first session may register anytime. All participants in Level 1, Introduction to Water Skills classes and higher must be at least 5 year old. For more information, call the Parks and Recreation Department at (860) 828-7009.

Class has a minimum of six and a maximum of eight participants. Prerequisites: must be at least 15 years old, swim a 300 yard swim (front crawl and breaststroke) and swim a 20 yard swim and brick re-




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Kensington Crystal Falls Subdivision. Lot for sale $192,900.

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Lifeguard training course The Parks and Recreation Department is accepting registrations for the American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Course.

Just listed this affordable Ranch Just listed lot in Berlin located with newer roof, siding and furnace, on quiet side street, $85,000. first time buyers get your $8000 tax Call Steve for all the details. credit. 6 rms., 3 BRs on .93 acs.




This 3 BR, 2.5 BA home has a fenced-in back yard, 12x12 sunroom & 11x17 deck, new carpeting in fireplaced living room, hall and family room. Must see for $237,900. Call Judy x15.

Ranch style Contemporary home located next to Shuttle Meadow Country Club. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with vaulted great room, and finished walkout basement to fenced-in back yard. Must see! Not a drive-by. Call for showing. $294,900.


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, July 9, 2009


place 203.238.1953

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LOST Or Found. The Berlin Citizen will run your lost or found ad FREE in our Classified Section! Call 203-238-1953 for details.

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TAG SALES NEW BRITAIN-39 Cornwall Rd. Sat 7/11, 8am-2pm. Giant Tag Sale! 50 Years of Accumulation.


ROCKFALL- Tag Sale/Estate Sale. 12 Cedar St. Sat 7/11, 8am-2pm. Everything must go! Large selection of glassware, housewares, furniture, toys, sporting goods, books, holiday items and collectibles.

CALL 203-238-1953 FOUND Set of keys vicinity of Pratt Street & Johnson Avenue, Southington. Owner may call 203-537-0695 to identify. FOUND- Black & tan male Rottweiler near Southington Reservoir Rogers Orchards on Monday, July 6 around 12:30pm. Call Fran (days) 860276-5386; (eves) 860-620-0297

LOST- Green Amazon Parrot w/ yellow head on Wednesday, March 25 from 156 Sherman Avenue, Meriden. Responds to Kelby, speaks English & Spanish. Reward if returned. Call (203) 440-1551

FOUND- Parakeet, Yellow & green on July 4. Found on Cliffside Dr, Wallingford. Please call (203) 269-2872 FOUND: Pet rescued July 4 @ Meriden Target Store. Call Meriden Humane Society. 203238-3650 and identify. FOUND: Small Black and White Cat with collar. Call to identify. 203-752-7501. LOST Beagle in Wallingford. Name: Marcel, tricolor- 8 years old. Has a red collar with a town registration tag. Please call 203-464-1125. Thank you. LOST KITTEN APPROX 9 WKS OLD TIGER DBL FRNT PAWS MERIDEN-CONVERSE AVENUE VICINITY THURS 7/2 APPROX 6PM PLEASE CALL 203-213-1915 LOST My precious 9 year young Kitty went missing on Sunday, June 28th in the vicinity of State Street Extension, Meriden. MacKenzie Lee is a large Orange and White Tabby with a bent tail. MacKenzie is very shy and may not respond to you immediately. Please contact Jennifer at 203.213.6810 if you have seen her. MacKenzie’s sister is heart broken and very lonely without her. Thank you LOST On July 1st - Silver and gold bracelet watch on Southington Rails to Trails walking path. REWARD. Call (860) 426-1912


TAG Sale signs are free, when you place & pay for your Tag Sale ad at The Berlin Citizen office, 979 Farmington Ave, Kensington

LOST- Long Hair Silky Terrier Last seen on 7/2 vic. of Brookside & City Park, Meriden. Lives on Prescott St. Answers to “Bailey”. Please Call (203) 235-3072 or 203-537-8526 LOST-14K gold invidual shells bracelet. 50 year old anniversary gift. Sentimental. Call 203-949-9474

TO Place your Marketplace ad today, call 203-238-1953, anytime 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday.

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You name it. With Marketplace, anything goes.

This newspaper makes every effort to avoid errors in advertisements. Each ad is carefully checked and proofread, but when you handle thousands of ads, mistakes do slip through. We ask therefore, that you check your ad on the FIRST day of publication. If you find an error, report it to the MARKETPLACE DEPARTMENT

IMMEDIATELY by calling before 5pm Mon-Fri We regret that we will not be responsible for more than ONE incorrect insertion and only for that portion of the ad that may have been rendered valueless by such an error.

2002 ACURA TL-S FWD Silver, 5-Spd Auto, 93,800 miles. Excellent condition, new tires & brakes, looks and runs like new! Heated leather seats w/memory, moonroof, Bose 6CD, HomeLink, steering cntls, HID headlamps, remote entry. $8500 Orig owner 860635-2477.

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The Berlin

Cit itiz ize en

TRUCKS & VANS FORD F-8000 1993 Dump Truck w/plow. Diesel, weight 35,000lbs. $6,000. Call 203237-3378 TRUCK cap 8ft bed. As is. $100 or best offer. Call 203-269-4254

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NISSAN Exterra SE 2002 - V6, 3.3L, AT, AC, alloy rims, running boards, remote starter, CD player. Excellent condition. $6000. Call 860-209-2739



This was the paper that sold the house that Jack built.


OLDSMOBILE Achieva 1994Runs well. 125,000 miles. $800 or best offer. BUICK Century 1999 - Needs engine. $500 or best offer. Call (203) 237-0771

HONDA Accord 1997 DX 5speed. Parts or whole. 106K. Private owner. Clean title. You tow. $800 OBO. Call Joe 860-301-4045

LOST: BORDER COLLIE/KING CHARLES MIX “Charlie” 7 years, white body with black spots. Face is tan, black and white. Not familiar with the area, timid and afraid. He likes to ride in the car. Vicinity of Chimney Hill Rd in Wallingford. Please call 203-265-1606, family is desperate to find him. SPOTTED: White Cockatiel with orange on top. Vic. of Yale Ave, Wallingford. Call (203) 265-6879






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Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen 1115808



BLACK & DECKER 10” Radial Saw. $90. Call Steve 203-269-0153

FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 2 AIR CONDITIONERS- $50 each. 5000 BTU. (203) 237-9235 2 PC LIVING RM SET- Sofa w/2 recliners and loveseat. 4 matching pillows. Cranberry. Like brand new. $400. (203) 915-7837 3 PC. bedroom set, dark pine $100 203-464-9085 ACCENT antique table $25 860-426-1214 AIR CONDITIONER $50 Works great, 7800BTU Call 203-634-8478 COMPUTER Station Oak & Black Finish, Ex Cond. Assembled. $100. 203-265-5576 COUCH Large Dark blue $45 can deliver. 860-682-4435 COUCH-blue with white stripes. Asking $40.00 or B/O. Call 203-238-4265. DESK wood 5’x30”x30.5”.6 drawer w/slide outs $50 203235-8674 DREXEL Heritage Sofa- excellent condition, floral pattern $700.00. Paid $2000 new. Call 203.248.5982 FOR SALE: Solid Oak Dining Room Set, Queen Anne Style, China Cabinet 64”W 80”H 19”D, Matching Table 2 Leaves and 6 Chairs, Table Pads, Ex. Cond. $500 or B/O. 203-2135442.

Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators & Stoves CLEAN Will Deliver (203) 284-8986

10 STEEL POSTS 6ft each. $25 takes all. Call (860) 628-4496 2 COLLEGE TEXTBOOKS for CNC Blueprint and Math. $20 for both. Call (203) 843-6270 2 PAUL MCCARTNEY Tickets Floor Seats-11th Row July 17th at Citifield $1000.00 or B/O 203-887-7183 ADVERTISE your product or service nationwide or by region in up to 12 million households in North America’s best suburbs! Place your classified ad in over 1000 suburban newspapers just like this one. Call Classified Avenue at 888-4862466 or go to: www.classifiedavenue.net BALLY 8 ball Champ pinball machine, reconditioned, $1,350. Ms. Pac Man video game, $750. Donkey Kong video game, $500. AMI CD junkbox, $900. 860-223-0936 BREADMAN machine Like new. $60.00 Call 203-237-6052 CRAFTSMEN 16”Scroll saw and table. Used once. $90. Call 203-630-0841


CAMPER & TRAILERS 22 GAL. portable waste tank w/hitch, hose, new wheels $70 or BO 203-235-3769.


YAMAHA DIRT/trail. TTR 125LE 2006 - Elec Start garage kept low miles/hours - excellent condition - 3 "standard" performance mods - JDjetting kit, airbox & muffler $2,200 obo 860-518-6963

BOXERS-Purebred, reverse sealed brindle, fawn & white. Males and females Reg. 1st shots, dewormed. Cert of health avail. AKC & ACA pedigree. Championship bloodline. $750 203-464-4779 BULLDOGS, Beagles, Boxers, Poodles & Cockapoos, Shi-poos. Chihuahuas, Mini Bulldogs, Rotts, Yorkie, Labs, Puggles, Boston Terrier. $350+ 860-930-4001. COCKER Spaniel pups (5) 1 male, 4 females. 1 black, 1 brown, 1 black/silver, (2) brown/white spotted. 9wks old. $300/ea. 203-887-9767


LARGE Bird Cage (black). 13Lx18Wx22H, Easy Clean. $25. Call (203)238-3529 PET CARRIER for cat or small dog. Excellent condition. $12 Call 203-237-7070 YORKIE-BIJON Spayed. 9 months old. 10 lb female with many accessories. $600 or best offer. Call (203) 238-0410


48” EAGLE STAR Walk behind Mower. $800 or best offer. Call after 4pm (203) 379-6163 HOSTAS, $3.50/pot, 2 plants per pot. Call 860-621-2928, leave message.


FUTON Full Size All wood frame, great condition. $100 (860) 828-1761

Call 860-346-3226

LAZY Boy Recliner Chair. Burgandy color. Ex. Cond. $50.00 (203) 630-2851

FREE-CINDER blocks. You haul away. Gregg 203-623-1988 Wallingford

MOVING! Full bed w/mattress, box spring, headboard, 2 sheet set, comforter, like new, $250. Refrig, good cond, $100. 30in TV, like new, $150. Dining hutch, $250. Stove, good cond, $100. Detachable dishwasher, $100. Outside furniture set, 6 chairs, 2 glass tables, 2 ottoman w/cushions, good cond, $250. Maternity rocking chair, $75. Elliptical machine, paid $400, sell $175.....much more! Call 203752-7841 after 5pm NEW QUEEN Mattress set in original plastic. $240.00 Call 860 584-5298 OAK ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 30w, 47h, 18d. Shelf and 2 doors. $75. (203) 237-7646 QUEEN/KING Headboard. Oak. Ex. Cond. $75.00 (203)630-2851 SOLID Oak Entertainment Center Excellent condition. Originally cost $600. Asking $200. Call 203-237-6497 SONY Kid’s Clock AM-FM Radio. In Original box. $20.00. (203) 238-1610 WET BASEMENT? Plastic Pallets 39 x 47 - $10 each. (203) 715-5689

You Found It! S a g e Po n d P l a c e


FREE Large computer desk and FREE Refrigerator - runs fine. Call (203) 265-5910 FREE Patio bricks. Covers 400 sq. ft. Red/black. Excellent condition. Call (203) 238-4410

Looking for the perfect new home for your Mother, Father, Aunt, Friend or Yourself?…….

JONAS BROTHERS- July 18th. Banknorth Garden, Bal 316. $99 or best offer. (203) 440-3610

LAMINATING Service. Let us help you preserve your most precious moments. From $2.50 to $4.50 per piece. Call 203238-1953 for info. LAMPS: 5 battery operated stick up lights for dark areas. $1.35 each. (203) 237-2117 MOVING SALE! 9 piece pine DR set 1987 30ft Allegro RV, 17 1/2ft boat w/trailer & motor, jet ski w/trailer, misc items. 203-237-2963 or 203-213-5036 RUTH Morehead plates. Set of 8. $50.00 Call Lori 203-265-3680 WALKER Free. Only used once. Also, free cane. For more info, call (203) 265-9461 WOMEN’S Open cut dress shoes, Hush Puppies, New 8W, black & bone $15 pair. (203) 634-0548

CLOTHING WOMAN 30W Black Leather jacket, 3/4 length $50 or b/o. Call 203-235-6290

Nestled off the road in a quiet, wooded setting!

Brand New Beautiful 1 Bedroom Apartments in Berlin For Active Adults 55 and better

Only $950 Heat, Hot and Cold Water Included Central air! Intercom system! Fully applianced kitchens On-site laundry! with frost free refrigerator, Library with computer range with self cleaning oven, workstation! dishwasher, garbage disposal! Ample on-site parking! Community room with fireplace Picnic area with grill! and full service kitchen! 24-hr. maintenance! Secure three-story building with elevators!

Call Now!

(860) 828-3958 also accepting applications for Affordable Units Income Restriction Apply Merit Properties, Inc. Financed by CHFA SPORTING GOODS & HEALTH EXERCISE CSA alpine tracker aerobic trainer $15 860-628-8811 GOLF balls $4 doz, all great, major brands. U-pick. Call 860-632-8666 TRAIN at home! Multi-use home gym barely used.$100 203-4403859

ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES GLASS SHOW National Depression Glass Association Convention Show and Sale. July 11 & 12. O’Neill Center, WCSU, Exit 4 off I84. Saturday 10am-5pm. Sunday 11am - 4pm. $8. Info 516-4760155 or cupboard@optonline.net

SWORDS DAGGERS Flags, Helmets, Fighting Knives, Bayonets, Medals, etc.

203-238-3308 SWIMMING POOLS & SPAS FREE 21’ POOL You take down/haul away. 203-237-1242

COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT A NEW COMPUTER NOW. Brand Name laptops & desktops. Bad or NO Credit - No Problem. Smallest weekly payments avail. Its yours NOW. 800-6183765 COMPUTER complete; Win 98; Office 97; modem. $75. Call 203288-8790 after 6pm DELL Flat Panel w/XP, tower, keyboard & mouse-Runs. $80 203-294-1872


DTV Digital to Analog Converter. Never used. $10 203 269-6117


1-2 ITEMS Silverware, china, glass, furniture, 50’s items, whole estates.

203-238-3499 ALWAYS BUYING Old, used & woodworking, machinists & misc handtools & tool chests. Honest offers made at your home. Please write this number down and call Cory 860-345-8539 .

$ ALWAYS BUYING! $ 1 item to entire estate! Call or stop by Frank’s, 18 South Orchard St. Wallingford. Mon-Sat. 9:30-4:30.

203-284-3786 ANTIQUES WANTED - 1 Item or an Estate. Estate sale service provided. Seeking: Meridenmade items, lamps, paintings. Call Todd Shamock 203-237-3025

CASH PAID FOR ALL COSTUME JEWELRY Especially Napier. 203-530-8109 ESTATE LIQUIDATIONS Pottery, oil paintings, clocks, jewelry, toys, silver, anything old. (203) 639-1002


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, July 9, 2009 1118321





All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, revised March 12, 1989, which makes it illegal to advertise any 203-235-8431 preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orienFISHING TACKLE. Local coltation, handicap, or familial lector looking for old or new status or intention to make rods, reels, lures. Highest any such preference, limiprices paid. Call Dave anytime 860-463-4359 tation or discrimination; and is also subject to the State of Connecticut General Statutes Sections 46aMUSICAL INSTRUMENT 64c which makes it illegal & INSTRUCTIONS to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, 20” BASS drum. Red sparkle. creed, color, national oriOnly $25. 203-634-0809. gin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS. age, lawful source of Many different instruments income, familial status, or offered. Exp’d. music teacher. physical or mental disabiliCall Miss Sarah at 203-235-1546 ty, or an intention to make Summer openings avail. any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate or for the sale or rental of residential property which is in violation of these laws. Buying Silverplate, Glass, Furn, music instruments, china, art, collectibles. 1 item to estate.




Tag Sale Signs Are

FREE! When you place and pay for your Tag Sale Ad at

R 11 Crown St., Meriden


WLFD- Judd Square- 1BR, No pets. $730. Call Quality Realty, LLC 203-949-1904

WLFD-Upscale Condo 3 full baths, granite & tile, custom window treatments, patio & deck. Perfect for home office. No pets. $1,800/mo + utils. 203-671-6979

APARTMENTS FOR RENT BERLIN- 1BR, heat & HW incl. All appls. Enclosed porch. Large yard. $800/mo. (860) 828-8114

HOME SWEET HOMES Offers Meriden - 4BR, 1st flr, recently renovated, 2 full baths. $1275 + utils & sec. Avail. immediately. 230 West Main St. 203-938-3789

HOME SWEET HOMES Offers Meriden - Studio apts From $650. Heat & HW incl. + sec. 3BR apts from $850 + utils & sec. Avail. immed! 203-938-3789 MERIDEN - 4BR, 2nd flr, 1 mo. sec. + 1 mo. rent. References, no pets. Section 8 or other programs approved. $1175. (203) 464-6273 MERIDEN - 815 Broad Street Studio $575. HT/HW included No pets. 860-246-0613




WALLINGFORD 2BR, 1 bath, unfurnished. 1-yr lease. Washer/dryer. Cable TV hookup. Available now. $1,000/mo. plus security deposit. Ken (203)4102733 WLFD 3-4BR. 2 full baths. Hdwd flrs, WD hkup, DW. Nice loc., double driveway. No pets. 203- 284-2077 or 203-654-6190


MERIDEN 1 bdrm, 1 bath Ranch style 1-car garage. Owneroccupied. $875.00 per month, heat included. No pets. Call (203) 430-7341 MERIDEN Eastgate Commons 2 BR, completely remodeled. $800/month. 2 months security. (203) 605-8591

MERIDEN - CLEAN 1 ROOM EFFICIENCY $450. Utilities included. 2 mos security. Credit check req. No pets. Call 203-284-0597 MERIDEN 1 LG BR 4 Rms 3rd flr, Broad St. Newer kit & bath. Painted, new carpet, off st. parking, balcony. $650 + utils. Rob 203-639-9238

MERIDEN 1 or 2 BR Stove, heat & hot water incl. Lease, sec & refs. No pets. (203) 239-7657 or 203-314-7300

MERIDEN 108 Maple St,2 1/2 bdrm., 2nd flr, recently rennovated. W/D hook-up in base't. $900/mo incl Heat/HW 888-5206786x101

visit us online at

www.TheBerlinCitizen.co www.TheBerlin Citizen.com m www.TheBerlinCitizen.com Stay in touch with Berlin


Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen

STORAGE SPACE We have 3,800 square feet of storage space available for short or long term rental. Centrally located in Meriden and convenient to all major highways. 12’ ceilings with heat and air conditioning. Tractor trailer access with a covered dock. 24 hour access, security camera for extra protection, office and bathroom. Plenty of parking.




MERIDEN 1BR Apt. New St. Nice and quiet. WD hookup, off st parking. Hardwood floors, porch. Cats OK. $550 per month plus utils. (203) 237-6575

MERIDEN- 2BR, 1st flr, w/appls. Excellent condition. Off st. parking. No pets. $900 + sec. & utils. (860) 663-1229

MERIDEN 2 bdrm., 1 1/2 baths. Center St. Townhouse. Fully applianced. A/C Deck. $875 month plus util. 2 months sec. No Pets. Call Brian 203-9803117

MERIDEN- Renovated Apartments

MERIDEN 2 Bedroom Apartment. Brand new. Security, 1 1/2 months. Credit check. Must See! 2nd flr - $850. 216 Hobart Street. (203) 265-5980 Lisa

Meriden 2 BR $700 Sm Studio-$525 Fully renovated, secure bldg. HW incl. New appls, on site laundromat & off st parking. Close to train station. Sec 8 Approved. Property Max 203-843-8006

MERIDEN 32 Cook Ave.

Studio & 1 BR Apts. $600/Studio & $650+/1 BR New owners. Remodeled. Heat & Hot water incl. 203-886-7016 MERIDEN 433 Center Street 3 BRs, 1st floor. Off street parking. No pets. $850 plus security. Call (203) 213-9896 MERIDEN EFFICIENCIES - $650 1BRs - $750 2BRs - $850. Heat & HW incl. ACs. 24 hr maintenance. Sec. guard. Laundry Rm. Off street parking. 203-630-2841 MERIDEN Extra lge Furnished Room in private home. All utilities including cable. Share kitchen & bath. $150 week plus security. 203-440-0825 MERIDEN Great 4BR, lge kit incl DW. W/D included, quiet neighborhood, off-st park, yard. No dogs. Near school. $1,450. Sect 8 approved. 860-982-6585 MERIDEN Spacious 2 BR. East Side. Elevator building. Great condition. 2 mos sec. Credit check & refs required. No pets. $875. Call (203) 284-0597. MERIDEN Studio - $580 & 3 BR w/WD hookup- $930. Sec 8 approved. 1st month, Sec & Refs. (203) 927-6827 MERIDEN- 1 & 2BR apts. 657 East Main St. Call (917) 4683909 MERIDEN- 1BR $725/mo. Heat, HW & Electric incl. Private balcony, off st parking, laundry facilities, management & maintenance on site. Section 8. approved. No dogs. Cat w/deposit. For info 203-639-4868

2 BR - $750, $850 & $950

MERIDEN-2BR, modern, nice area, prvt yd, driveway, W/D hkup. Absolutely no pets. $775. Sec & dep. Refs. Gas heat. Avail 8/1. 203-634-0576

MERIDEN-2RM Efficiency. $525 mo + 1 mo. sec. & refs. Call 203213-5153 or 203-631-0105 MERIDEN-Free Rent 1st month. 1BR $575/mo + utils. On busline downtown. No pets. Sec & refs. Call 203-907-8688 MERIDEN. 5 RMS in duplex, private bsmt, stove, refrig, w/d avail. Immed occup. $900. Call 203-887-8805; 860-347-2992; 860-632-2800 ext 31 or 10 PLAINVILLE 1BR units Starting at $515/month. One months security required. No pets. MBI 860-347-6919 PLANTSIVLLE Mansion- 1BR Apt, priv porch. Newly renovated. Small Pet Ok! Cheap Util. Huge Yard, Bike Path, Parking. Clean, Quiet. $800/mo. 203910-4349 WALLINGFORD 1st Flr, 2 BR, Lg rms. Clean. Laundry Rm, Trash Pick-Up. Security deposit. 1 1/2 mos, credit check. No pets. $900/mo. (203) 265-5980 Lisa WALLINGFORD 2 bedroom Judd Square. Central Air. No Pets. $925/mo. Call 203-265-3718

WALLINGFORD. 1BR apt, nice location, off st parking. No pets/smoking. $700/mo+sec. Call 203-284-2103

WLFD- NORTHRIDGE Commons, spacious 1 & 2BR units. $725 - $875 & up 203-269-5770 WLFD. 2 BR, no pets, no smoking, off st parking, w/d hookups in bsmt. Call (203) 269-5733

SOUTHINGTON 55+ complex at Spring Lake; Open House Sun 7/12 1pm-3pm; Gorgeous rarely avail. 3 bed 2.5bath att garage; 2 gas fp; stunning location off main road on annex st. go to: www.27VillageRoad.com $199,900 Linda Edelwich, 860-818-3610

WLFD Cute, immaculate & affordable! Freshly painted 6rm, 3BR, 1BA Cape, built in 1989, form DR opening to EIK, full bsmt, paved driveway. All for under 200K. Kathy 203-265-5618


WALLINGFORD Nearly 2 acres with street to street access. Come see before owners list. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Move in ready. 941 N. Farms Rd. $314,000. Call for details 941-223-0213



MERIDEN-Priv/bath, kitch, entrance, utilities incld, prkg, $175/wk. Avail. Call 203-912-4579


CHESHIRE $429,900-below market value, orig $629,000. Must see 4BR, 2 1/2 ba, rem kit, LR/DR, fam rm. ingr pool, koi pond, 1.8 acres, level lot. Florals abound, southern wrap porch, horseshoe drvwy, laundry on first. P. Lane (203) 272-1234.

Meadowstone Motel- Off I-91. Sat. TV, furn’d. Daily/Wkly On Bus Line. 203-239-5333

MERIDEN 230 Williams St. MOTIVATED SELLER. 1340 sq ft Cape. 2 car det gar w/27X15 wkshp. 2/3 Bdrm, 1 bath, FDR, HW flrs. New siding, roof, windows, oil tank. 200 amps. Immaculate! $219,900 Gerry Winters Prudential CT Realty 860-371-0900

MERIDEN Awesome Condo, 5 rooms. Featuring 2BRs, kit, LR, family room in lower level, bath and a half. Beautifully landscaped park-like setting. Priced to sell at $159,900. For details, call Sue Farone (203) 235-3300

MERIDEN HOMES $279,900-Newly built 1700 sq.ft. Colonial plus an additional 700 sq.ft. fin. walk-out bsmt. 3 bdrms, 2 1/2 baths, formal DR, central air, 1 car garage.. $375,000-2,275 sq.ft. newly built Elevated Ranch on a 1/2 acre. 3 bdrms., 3 full baths, central air, formal DR, hdwd flrs., plus a fin. bsmt.


$379,900-4,000 sq.ft. Ranch incl 1800 sq.ft. fin. walk-out fin bsmt w/2nd kitchen. 3-4 bdrms, 3 full baths, formal DR, central air, 2 car gar., all on 1.15 acres

LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE- Weirs Beach, N.H. Channel Waterfront Cottages. 1,2 & 3BR, A/C, Full Kitchens, Sandy Beach, Dock Space. Walk to everything! Pets Welcome **Wi-fi! 1-603-366-4673 www.channelcottages.com SELL/RENT YOUR TIMESHARE NOW!!! Maintenance fees too high? Need Cash? Sell your unused timeshare today. No commissions or Broker Fees. Free Consultation. www.sellatimeshare.com 1-866-708-3690

PLAINVILLE $439,900 Settle your family comfortably into this custom 3-4BR, 4 full bath home in neighborhood. 2BRs have private baths. Perfect for older child or parent. Open floor plan. Call Linda (203) 235-3300.

$410,000-Gorgeous Colonial with Victorian flair. 2,284 sq.ft., 4 bdrms., 2 1/2 baths, plenty of upgrades incl hdwd flrs, granite wrapped fp., wraparound porch, fin. walk-out bsmt., 2 car gar., all of 1 acre CALL FOR DETAILS GALLERIA REAL ESTATE 203.671.2223 www.galleriahouses.com

MERIDEN Gorgeous 7rm Condo. Everything new within 4 years. Features 3BR, LR, kit, DR, 1 full bath, 2 half baths, finished lower level, first flr laundry. Too many extras to list $194,900. Call Sil Sala for details (203) 235-3300


YALESVILLE In Loring Court, an over 55 adult park. 3 homes for sale. New 20x36, 1 BR - $94,900. Used 14x68, 2 BR - $69,900. Used 12x44, 2 BR - $46,900. Call Bill Loring, Broker for more information. 203-269-8808

MERIDEN- Storage space for boxes, medical records, etc. No cars. Call (917) 386-3630


WLFD $689,000 “Magnificient view & privacy”. Cust Cape on 2AC, 4+BR, 3.1BTH. 9’ ceils, Crown molding, French drs galore! Granite, marble. Many more amenities! Must see! Mins to I91/I95, town, country club. Dee (203) 265-5618

WALLINGFORD 2 BR Townhouse end unit. Beautiful area, yard. Granite counters, DW. WD hookup, garage, porch. No pets. $1075/mo + sec. (203) 631-6057 MERIDEN 30 Village View Terr. 1600sqft. 8rm 2BR/2 bath. Sat. & Sun, 10-4 $179,900. 1-car garage. Robert 860-462-8857


GREEN $$$ Postion Yourself With Environmentally Friendly Franchises. Opening New territories in Your Area. Solar Power- Natural Lawn CareNon Toxic Cleaning Services. 1888-835-1472 edwills@wfafc.com

WLFD. OVERSIZED Tri-level, applianced kitchen, lots of storage & closet space. NO PETS. $1195. Call J.J. Bennett, 203-2657101.

WALLINGFORD 2 BR Townhouse Apt. LR/DR Combo. W/D Hookup. Deck. Sec Dep $925 Available July 1st 203-535-3487

WALLINGFORD- 2nd flr, 5 rms, freshly painted & updated. W/D hookup in basement. $1000/mo. + sec. No pets. Call (203) 2843561 or 203-640-5249


WALLINGFORD-4 Rms, newly painted, Hardwood flrs re-done. $800/month + utils & sec deposit. No smoking. No pets. 203-269-1426

Heat & Hot Water Included Secure building. Off st. parking. Call 203-886-7016 MERIDEN- Wallingford line, Large, Luxury 1 & 2BR condo. Laundry. Rent - $630 & $850 + utils, no pets. 203-245-9493 x 2.


WALLINGFORD- 4 rm, 2BR apt, 2nd flr, stove & fridge, 1 car garage. No pets. (203) 2657026

Call today for more information and tour.



WLFD Move right in! 3BR, 1 1/2BA Split in Cook Hill area. HW floors, updated kitchen w/stainless appliances. Large level lot. Great for summer picnics. $315,000. Call Fred 203-265-5618


NEW ENGLAND APPLE COUNCIL Is recruiting workers for temporary agricultural crop work in New England. The names and location of each member of the association can be obtained through your local State workforce agency. Jobs starting 7/1/09 end 12/19/09. 40 plus hr week, Plant, cultivate, and harvest various crops such as, but not limited to, vegetables, fruits, horticultural specialties, and field crops. Use hand tools such as but not limited to, shovels, hoes, pruning shears, knives, and ladders. Duties may include but are not limited to, tilling the soil, applying fertilizer, transplanting, weeding, thinning, pruning, applying pesticides, picking, cutting, cleaning, sorting, packing, processing, and handling harvested products. May set up operate and repair farm machinery, repair fences and farm buildings, also may participate in irrigation activities. Work is usually performed outdoors, sometimes under extremely hot or cold conditions. Work is physically demanding requiring workers to bend, stoop, lift, and carry up to 50 lbs. on a frequent basis. Duties may require working off the ground at heights up to 20 ft using ladders or climbing. Work tools, supplies, equipment provided without cost to worker. Housing will be available without cost to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day. Transportation reimbursement and subsistence is provided upon completion of 15 days or 50% of the work contract. Work is guaranteed for 3/4 of the workdays during the contract period. Wage offer $8.42 hr up to $11 hr. Report or send resumes to nearest local State workforce agency.

SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Wanted for upcoming 2009-2010 school year. Must have STV Endorsement on driver’s license. For info, call 866-986-8942 or email info@ecstransportation.com


NOW HIRING!! Entry level customer service telemarketing, warehouse and general office. $425$515 depending on position/per company agreement. No experience necessary. Lots of room for advancement. Fun work environment.

Call for an interview!

860-329-0316 NC MOUNTAINS. NEW! E-Z Finish Log Cabin Shell Financing Available!! With Loft & Full Basement. Includes acreage. $99,900 Warm Winters/Cool Summers 828-247-9966 code 45

MERIDEN-comm/res bldg, 6000sq ft, new roof, elect, heat, street lvl grg dr, near dwntwn, $135,000 neg. poss rental income. 203-912-4579

TELEPHONE Sales Self motivated energetic people wanted for Community Service Organization. Weeknights 5:30-8:30, Sat 10:00-2:00. 3-5 days. Hourly & bonuses. 203-774-4916


The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, July 9, 2009


MEDICAL CAREERS Adults Wanted! Come join our fast growing team of adult newspaper carriers for the Record-Journal! It's an excellent way to supplement your income during early morning hours without interfering with day jobs, family and other obligations. Looking for carriers in all areas, Meriden, Wallingford, Southington & Cheshire

Those interested should call 203-634-3933

$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ HELP WANTED EDUCATION

CHESHIRE PUBLIC SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL INTERIM ENGLISH TEACHER (2009/2010 SCHOOL YEAR) Exciting opportunity for individuals who posses excellent interpersonal skills, high energy level, creativity and the ability to work with all levels of students. Must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of, and the ability to teach all students reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in a heterogeneous, teamed academic environment. The ability to create a positive, enthusiastic, dynamic classroom atmosphere implementing cooperative learning and participation in classroom activities is necessary. QUALIFICATIONS: Connecticut Teaching Certificate or the ability to qualify, with appropriate endorsement(s), and expertise in curriculum. (CERT. # 015) CLOSING DATE: July 24, 2009 - 4:00 p.m. TO APPLY: Call Job Opportunities Line at 203-250-2411. Leave your name, address and the EXACT title of the position for which you are applying and an application will be mailed to you. EOE HELP WANTED WAREHOUSE/DELIVERY DRIVER Automotive parts Distributor is seeking two sharp, responsible people to learn all aspects of running a warehouse. Shipping & Receiving, packing orders, scheduling freight pickups & deliveries if necessary. $10 to start. Must be able to lift up to 70lbs. Previous applicants need not apply. Apply in person at Northeast Imported Parts, 20 N. Plains Industrial Rd., Suite 10, Wallingford M-F 9am-4pm. Bring current Motor Vehicle Report.


IT’S SO CONVENIENT! Pay for your RecordJournal subscription with your credit card. For your convenience we accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover & American Express. Call (203) 634-3933 to order your Record-Journal subscription today.

WAREHOUSE Local Importer requires an experienced, self-motivated and responsible person whose experience has been in traffic and warehouse activities. Must be proficient with computers, detail oriented and capable on analyzing data. Candidate will be required to assist the daily tasks of planning work, analyzing customer order requirements and routing shipments. This is a hands-on operation in a multitasking, fast paced environment. At present, this is a part time position, 3 or more days per week. Fax resume to: Attn Ray: 203-284-0886

CAREER TRAINING & SCHOOLS ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. Medical, Business, Paralegal, Computers, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. Call 800-4880386 www.CenturaOnline.com

BARTENDING 1 or 2 week course Job Placement Assistance

203-754-6000 Bartenders Academy 663 Lakewood Rd, Wtby, CT

CNA/HHA Ft/pt top $, benes. Mgmt. opp. exp/mature caregiver w/good comm. skills. 860-829-4500 info@bowerhc.com

Operators are ready to take your ad now

Call 24 Hours-a-Day 7 Days-a-Week (203) 238-1953 or 1-800-228-6915 x2393 It’s About Time

RN Sub Acute Nurse Manager State of the Art Continuing Care Retirement Community 30 beds - Full Time Responsible for administration of the nursing program within the sub acute unit in accordance with professional practice standards, policies and procedures, local, state and federal regulations. Very active unit - organization skills a must! Mon - Fri - 7-3 every 5th weekend requirement. 2 years in a long term care environment or related subacute experience. Excellent rate and benefits including medical & dental, tuition reimbursement, free membership to wellness center, free life insurance policy. Come join our mission of service to the elderly! Email resume to: CWalker@ elimpark.org, fax 203-2717794, apply in person M-F 87p.m., weekends- 10a - 3p at 140 Cook Hill Road, Cheshire, CT. A/A, EOE, M/F, D/V

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The Berlin

Cit itiz ize en

One call does it all. Siding, Roofing, Additions, Windows. Fully insured. (203) 379-0064 CT Reg #607116

HOMETECH Carpentry, repairs. No job too small or large. Member BBB.


COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Upgrades, installs, repairs & viruses fixed at your home. DMT Computer Services. 203599-1097. After 5 - 860-424-1177 FREE ESTIMATES Garages, Attics, Basements, Brush, Pools, Decks, etc. Senior discounts. 203-238-0106

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REMOVAL. Free est. Call Ed.

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CNA/HHA NEW ENGLAND HOME CARE is seeking CNAs and Home Health Aides with a minimum of 6 months experience for a pediatric group home in Meriden. Previous experience in a group home with physically and emotionally challenged children preferred. All shifts available.


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REPAIRS Additions, Sunrooms, Finish Bsmnt, Decks & Porches 203-238-1449 #578107 Free est. www.marceljcharpentier.com

15 & 20 Yard Roll-Offs. Home, Business or Job Site We do clean-outs too! Empire Construction, LLC 203-537-0360 www.EmpireLLC.biz


Thursday, July 9, 2009 — The Berlin Citizen


T.E.C. Electrical Svc LLC All Phases of Electrical Work 24 hr. Emergency Service




A-1 HANDYMAN PLUS CT Reg #606277. GIVE us a call, we do it ALL. Free est. 203-631-1325

Shamock Roofing All types of remod. 30+ yrs exp. No $$ Down. CT Reg 523804. Ins

203-237-4124 an LLC co. EXCAVATING

Neighborhood Handyman, LLC. Specializing in smaller jobs. Indoor/outdoor. CT Reg #611858 Matt 860-877-2549


DON’T Sweat It this Summer! Call Duane, Plumbing, heating & cooling. Quality work. Low rates. 203-3798944 Lic. #0389224. Offers complete excavation services, drainage, underground utilities. 50+ yrs exp. 203-237-5409 CT Reg #503554

GRADING, Drainage, Foundations, Trucking, Retaining Walls, Pavers, Water/Sewer/Septic. Lic. #1682. Cariati Developers, Inc. 203-238-9846 MC/Visa Accepted


CORNERSTONE FENCE & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237-GATE CT Reg #601060


House Wash/Pressure Washing Deck Restoration & Refinishing Lic, Ins. Certified 203-675-8710 or 860-267-4843 CT #0616406

S & H MASONRY & CONSTRUCTION LLC All home improvements needs & masonry. Free est. Lic/Ins. #607639. Wlfd Cell-203-376-0355

ALLEGRO Professional Services, LLC Office, House & Condo Cleaning Services. Real Estate property maintenance/photography. Experienced & insured. Free estimates. 203-687-1347


On Complete Bathroom Remodeling or Bath Liner Systems-installs over your old tub!

GUTTERS DON’T WORK IF THEY’RE DIRTY For gutter cleaning, call Kevin at (203) 440-3279 Fully insured. CT Reg. #569127.


GREAT PRICES! Full service landscaping & property maintenance. Irrigation srv avail. Call Presise Now

HEDGES RICK’S AFFORDABLE Comm/resid Mowing, bagging Spring clean-ups, hedge trim, brush, tree & pricker removal. 11 yrs exp. 203-530-4447.

MIRKEL PAINTING Int./Ext. Popcorn ceilings. Interiors from $125 Exteriors from $899 CT Reg #569864. Ed 203-824-0446 HALLMARK PAINTING Pressure Washing. Int/Ext Res & Comm. Fully Insured. CT REG HIC #0560720. 203-269-3369


203-272-4216 BILL RUDOLPH Landscaping Paver walkways & patios, retaining walls, landscape design, water features, planter bed renovations, drainage work backhoe work. Est 1972. Free est. #563661 (203) 237-9577 EL SOL Clean-ups, Hedge Trimming, Mowing. Accepting new clients. Comm/Res. Free est. Walter 203-619-2877

JACK Biafore, LLC Masonry Chimneys, brick, block, stone walls, patios. In business over 50 yrs. CT# 623849 (203) 537-3572


BILL RUDOLPH Landscaping paver walkways, patios, retaining wall. Free estimates. #563661 . Call 203-237-9577

POWER WASHING IS Spring cleaning on the outside. FREE ESTIMATES. Call Kevin 203-440-3279

ROOFING Empire Construction, LLC Your Professional Roofer New Roofs, Reroofs, Tearoffs. We fix leaks too! 203-269-3559 CT Reg#565514 www.EmpireLLC.biz

C&M CONSTRUCTION To ensure a quality job at a fair price. Call 203-630-6459 CT Reg #608488


Shamock Roofing


LAVIGNE’S TREE SERVICE IN BUSINESS 28 YRS. Tree removal. Stump grinding. Crane Srv. Free Est. Fully insured. 203-294-1775 GARY WODATCH LLC Tree Removal, All calls returned Reg #0620397. Quick courteous service. Office 203-235-7723 or Cell 860-558-5430 VILLA’S TREE REMOVAL We save everybody money! Fully insured, free estimates. (860) 777-7914 CT Reg#709285

PRICKER REMOVAL RICK’S AFFORDABLE Spring clean-ups, hedge trim, brush, tree, pricker & underbrush removal. No job too big or small. 11 yrs exp. 203-5304447.

All types of remod. 30+ yrs exp. No $$ Down. CT Reg 523804. Ins

Fully insured & licensed Free estimates CT Reg. #573871

DRIVEWAYS BUILT TO LAST Reasonable rates. CT Reg 575852 203-238-1708

ROOFING SPECIALISTS & SNOWPLOWING QUALITY, EXPERIENCE & AFFORDABILITY ● New Roofs ● Restoration Work ● All Types of Repairs ● Emergency Repairs

Ziggy Kacperski Berlin, CT 06037 Tel. 860-829-8212

203-237-4124 an LLC co SERVICES OFFERED MOONWALK Rentals, Junk Box Rentals, Pinball Rentals, Arcarde Games for your next party or event. 860-223-0936

ZK Construction


JT CONSTRUCTION Driveways/parking lots/ concrete. Free estimates. 50+yrs exp. 203-237-5409 CT Reg #503554

Siding, Roofing, Additions & Windows. 25 yrs experience. Fully insured. (203) 379-0064 CT Reg #607116


JT’S LANDSCAPING, LLC Grass cutting, hedge trimming, full lawn maint. Top quality work. Ins’d. Free est. 203-213-6528 CT Reg #616311 GARY Wodatch Landscape Svs. Hedge/tree trim., trimming over grown properties. Est 1985. All calls returned. Lic ins. #0620397. Office 203-235-7723 or Cell 860-558-5430

MASONRY CASCIO Mason. Chimney repair, sidewalks, walls, brick work, etc. CT Reg #611774. 203-265-7826 or cell 860-398-1223

S & H MASONRY LLC StoneWalls*Steps*Chimneys Retaining Walls *FPs*Patios Walkways*Concrete Free est. Lic/Ins. #607639. Cell 203-376-0355

Spring Clean-ups, mowing, landscaping, stone work. WWW.QLSLLC.COM CT Reg #620306 Jim 203-537-2588 or 860-349-2118

A&D MASONS, LLC - Brick, block, stone. Chimney repair, sidewalks, patios. Free estimate. Call 860-573-8091 Ct. Reg#611930


JIMMY’S MASONRY Stonewalls, steps, patios, chimneys, all types. Lic. & Ins’d. 25 yrs exp. Call for free est. 860-2744893 CT. Reg. #604498

No Hedge/shrub too big, small or tall. Fully Ins. Free estimates. Quality Landscaping, LLC. WWW.QLSLLC.COM Jim 203-537-2588 or 860-349-2118

WE WEED GARDENS 800-890-8638 Ct Reg#569528 www.cthandiman.com


Siding, roofing, windows, decks, sunrms, additions. 203-237-0350. CT Reg. #516790

EAGLE COMPANY 45+yrs exp & cust. satisfaction. Brick walls, stairways, blue stones, roofing & more. 203-982-8508 . #0621290


SAVE $300 Over 25 years experience. Call today for free estimates. Call 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887

To ensure a quality job at a fair price. Call 203-630-6459 CT Reg #608488







A2Z GARAGE DOOR SERVICE Installation & Repairs CT #600415 203-235-9865



AQUA-CLEAN INC., K & A ENTERPRISES Water & sewer lines, inground tank removal, drainage, grading, additions, pavers. Insured. Reg# 571435 203-379-0193


Norm the Gardener’s 3-man crew is only $65/hr. CT Reg#571339 (203) 265-1460

Always a sale in Marketplace

PLUMBING PLUMBING & Piping Contractor Specializing in small jobs. Capable of doing new & large jobs. Lic# 204060. John 203-284-9744 or 203-500-5224 cell. AFFORDABLE PLUMBING No Job Too Small. Best for Less! Fully licensed & insured. Free estimates. Phil 203-630-9415 DON’T Flush money down the drain, call Duane Plumbing, heating. Quality work, low rates Major credit cards accptd. 203379-8944 lic. #283401 #389224



Siding, roofing, windows, decks, sunrooms, additions.

203-237-0350 CT Reg. #516790

TOP SOIL SAND & FILL HAZELWOOD EXCAVATING Dry farm screened topsoil and colored mulch.

203-269-0135 BEAUTIFUL FARM FRESH Screened Top Soil. Fill, Sand & Stone. Picked up or delivered. No minimum. Cariati Developers, Inc. 860-681-3991


DOW GUTTERS Seamless gutters/leaders. GUTTER cleaning. Free est. #612964 Steve 860 426-0045

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House Wash/Pressure Washing Deck Restoration & Refinishing Lic, Ins. Certified 203-675-8710 or 860-267-4843 CT #0616406

75ft bucket truck. Precise Tree CT Reg #562159.

T HE P O W E R W A S H I N G K I N G S CALL FOR JULY SPECIALS Others Wash - We Clean! 203-631-3777 or 860-839-1000 thepowerwashingkings.com

YARDLEY TREE SERVICE.com Fair, reasonable. Free estimates. Reg. Insured. 203-440-0402 or 860-595-4159


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The Berlin Citizen — Thursday, July 9, 2009


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