Bermuda Magazine 2020 Spring

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TABLE of contents 4 On The Covers 6 Hand Crafted in Bermuda - Alexandra Mosher 8 Do You Know - Horst Augustinovic 11 National Museum of Bermuda Top 3 12 Embracing Bermuda Style - Rebecca Singleton 14 Calendar of Events 23 Experience Spring in Bermuda 24 Pull Out Island Map 26 Spring Shopping Guide 32 Explore Bermuda 36 City of Hamilton Map 38 Dockyard and St. George’s Map 40 Local Fish: The Ocean’s Bounty 42 Eat and Drink Guide

App: Bermuda Facebook: /BermudaDotCom Twitter: /BermudaDotCom Instagram: @BermudaDotCom

Publisher: Limited General Manager: Horst Augustinovic Advertising Manager: Julia Darby Sales Manager: Alison Outerbridge Accounts: Equilla Rawlins Design: Candice Dickinson Distribution: Juliet Wilkinson Contributing Writers: Horst Augustinovic, Rebecca Singleton - TABS, Elena Strong - National Museum of Bermuda, Printer: Bermuda Press Limited Office Address: 13 Addendum Lane, Pembroke Mailing: P.O. Box HM 937, Hamilton HM DX, Bermuda Telephone: 441 295 1189 Website: Email:

Disclaimer We have made every effort to ensure the information in this publication is as accurate as possible at press time. We apologise for any inconsistencies or inaccuracies. Kindly advise the Editor of any changes in schedules, times, dates or names.

© 2020 Limited Reproduction of any part of this book without written permission is forbidden.

WHITE SAILS . LONGTAILS . Get a whole new view of Bermuda

Your Dockyard Destination for History & Culture

2 . Spring 2020



the covers

April: Bermuda longtails return every spring for nesting season. Photo: Pierangelo Lanfranchi. Visit:

May: Stewart Hall, Queen Street, St. George’s, is home to Lili Bermuda Perfumery and owned by the Bermuda National Trust. Visit:

Bermuda Floating Dock


Bermuda Floating Dock


Bermuda Floating Dock


Bermuda Floating Dock


June: Perfect weather for family fun at the beach. Visit:

Bermuda Floating Docks

Bermuda’s location as a half-way point of call between British colonies in the Western Atlantic and Great Britain itself, was considered an important location for a Dockyard, especially a dock capable of lifting large war ships. This issue commemorates the July 1869 arrival of the HM Floating Dock Bermuda and later the July 1902 arrival of the Admiralty Floating Dock 1 (AFD 1). Upcoming releases include 170th Arrival of Golden Rule – Nov. 2019, Bermuda Bridges Pt 1 – Apr. 2020 and 400th Anniversary Parliament – Aug. 2020 For more information please e-mail



150th Anniversary H.M. Floating Dock 1 . Spring 2020

8/30/19 11:12 AM

Handcrafted in Bermuda With Love Alexandra Mosher Studio Jewellery

before. Her celebrated pink sand pieces are her interpretation of a bespoke Bermuda gemstone; the original idea having come to her in a dream about a frozen rock pool. All of her handcrafted jewellery reflects the natural elements found in the island’s clear blue waters and lush tropical gardens. Alexandra’s fine jewellery collections incorporate diamonds, precious stones and birthstones into her truly unique designs; her one of a kind rings are offset by finely sculpted bands that reflect Bermuda textures, and her engagement rings are show stoppers. Alexandra is known for her innovation, passion and lighthearted design whimsy. She leads an energetic team of Bermudian women and loves that “we are all very friendly and industrious – we make beautiful

Hoping to take a little piece of Bermuda home with you? Look no further than Alexandra Mosher’s award-winning Flagship Store & Studio located in the chic west end of Hamilton, opposite the ferry terminal - a picturesque sanctuary filled with tiny, fascinating pieces of

things happen around here!” You can explore over 500 pieces of jewellery in her sun-drenched Flagship where every piece is elegantly made by hand. The store features Alexandra’s best-loved designs as well as some oneof-a-kind collectors’ pieces that are only

Bermuda is a magical place, and I am dazzled by its beauty! My jewellery investigates tiny, beautiful details found on this island and transforms them into lasting treasures handcrafted jewellery. She and her team are dedicated to helping guests find a little bit of magic and inspiration to remember their amazing stay in Bermuda. The shelves at Alexandra’s Flagship Store are bursting with original jewellery unlike anything you’ve seen


available until someone snaps them up. “I’m always working on something different, often with unique stones or experimental design elements,” she explains. When you visit, don’t hesitate to ask for a glimpse inside the Studio to see . Spring 2020

Alexandra Mosher Studio Jewellery

Alexandra and her team handcrafting each piece. In this day and age – with so much jewellery on that market that is mass produced – it’s a rare opportunity to see behind the scenes into a bustling workshop. This year marks Alexandra’s sixteenth year in business and to celebrate she

has recently launched the Bermuda Birthstone Collection. Inspired by the iconic silhouette of our island and cast in 14 karat gold, it is tiny and delicate enough to layer into your everyday look. Never has it been easier to take a little piece of Bermuda with you everywhere you go.

take a piece of bermuda with you everywhere you go.

Flagship Store & Studio ~ 5 Front Street, Hamilton ~ 441-236-9009 ~ ~

alexandramosherstudio app - free download


Do you know

… That per mile, the Bermuda Railway was the most expensive railway ever built? BY HORST AUGUSTINOVIC

Getting about Bermuda has always been somewhat of a problem, due mainly to the extremely elongated geography of the many coral islands. With public transportation limited to a few ferries plying their trade between the islands, and horse-drawn carriages providing a rather uncomfortable and unreliable service along the narrow and twisting roads, Bermuda’s land transportation problems were the cause of many debates during the late 19th century.


In 1875, keeping the islands’ defences and other military considerations in mind, the Governor, Major General John Henry Lefroy, asked London to provide a light railway for Bermuda. This project was eventually abandoned because the causeway was considered too narrow and flimsy to accommodate the tracks. By 1904 the Bermuda Electric Light, Power and Traction Company, Limited was formed and granted a concession to not only provide electric power, but also a transportation system. The buses, meanwhile, operating whatever route they wished, without timetables and unregulated by Government, caused much resentment amongst both Bermudians and tourists. Several petitions were soon presented to the Legislature, urging the prohibition of all automobiles. One of these petitions, presented by 112 American guests of the Princess and Hamilton Hotels, drafted by Woodrow Wilson and signed by Mark Twain, undoubtedly carried much weight. Against the backdrop of banned buses . Spring 2020

Do You Know...

and the introduction of electricity, the Bermuda Trolley Company made its appearance in 1910. Proposing an electrified tramway system that would link Hamilton to both St. George’s and Ireland Island, the scheme was devised by Canadian railway mogul Sir William Mackenzie. At a cost of £200,000, the system was to basically follow the existing roads, which were to be widened, thereby minimizing the impact on land holdings. Opposition to the proposed trolley system was swift. Arguing that the technology was inappropriate, spoiling the quiet life which drew tourists to the island; and above all against the “audacity” of a company organized in Quebec calling itself a Bermuda company, the opponents soon defeated the proposal. In 1912, a Government-sponsored report on the inland transportation problems recommended that a railway, built along its own right-of-way, would “best serve the demand for rapid and frequent communication between the extremities

of the island.” No action followed this report until 1924, when a proposal was finally made to build such a railway. By then there were some 1,000 carriages and 7,000 bicycles on Bermuda’s roads. The population was about 32,000. Opponents of the scheme promptly submitted a proposal to form a motor bus system and the debate centered around the relative merits of both schemes. Although a variety of vehicles such as ambulances, fire engines, tractors, and mobile stone crushers were allowed on Bermuda’s roads, various petitions for motor cars were consistently refused - in 1928 a petition from doctors, in 1929 a petition from the Post Office to import four mail vans, and in 1931 a petition from the Governor to import and use an automobile. The petition to build a railway was finally approved, and Bermuda Traction Limited was formed. After untold delays in purchasing land for rightContinued on pg 10

The route of the Bermuda Railway is indicated in red on this Railway Map of the early 1930s. The railway’s primary rolling stock consisted of 6 Motor Coaches, 2 Motor Freight Locomotives, 2 Double Motor Truck Locomotives, 6 1st Class ‘Pullman’ Chair Cars, 6 Covered Passenger Cars and 2 Trailer Box Cars. app - free download


Do You Know Continued...

The Bermuda Railway made up for any shortcomings by providing passengers the most spectacular vistas of Bermuda. Here, the train is seen on a trestle at Bailey’s Bay.

of-ways, construction commenced in 1926. Difficulties were immediately encountered because of the rolling contour of Bermuda, and the many road and water crossings that had to be spanned. In all, some 10% of the track was spanned with 22 steel bridges and 34 timber trestles The Hamilton-Somerset section was completed first, the maiden voyage taking place on Hallowe’en in 1931, when 150 local dignitaries, including the Governor, boarded the train in Hamilton for a trip to Somerset. On an upgrade, the train stalled and half the passengers had to walk up the hill – the beginning of a rather checkered career! When the Hamilton – St. George’s section was completed in December 1931, costs had reached £1 million, making it the most expensive railway, per mile, ever built. At 2.5 miles per year, the rate of construction was also the slowest ever achieved. During World War II, Bermuda’s railway was heavily used for both passenger and material transport. And while the restricted use of motor vehicles by the various armed forces was permitted during the war, many Bermudians pressed for the general use of motor cars once hostilities terminated in 1945. Anticipating a great reduction in traffic and faced with massive repair bills, the privately-owned Bermuda Railway Company sold out to the Bermuda Government in January 1946 for £115,000. During 1947 the passenger count fell to 662,000. Rather than spend the estimated $850,000 on repairs, the Government decided to sell


A later model 29-ton 300 horse power passenger car is shown on this postcard published by Walter Rutherford and A.J. Gorham. There are no cars or trucks on the road, just horse-and-carriages, some pushbikes and the Queen of Bermuda at the dock on Front Street.

One of the six 20-ton 120 horse power petrol-engined passenger cars on Front Street. Seating capacity was for 16 first class and 26 second class passengers. This postcard was published by the Photogelatine Engraving Co. of Ottawa.

This early aerial colour photograph of Hamilton by Walter Rutherford shows a Bermuda Railway passenger car on Front Street, next to the freight shed. At that time most freight was still brought to Bermuda on sailing vessels.

the Bermuda railway – lock, stock and barrel – to the Government of British Guiana. On 31 December 1947, the last train left for Somerset and dismantling began. Eight months later, the Bermuda Railway, having carried 14 million passengers in its 17-year history, sailed for British Guiana, where it continued to operate between Georgetown and New Amsterdam. Comments: . Spring 2020

A vignette from the Hall of History mural in Commissioner’s House by local artist Graham Foster.

NMB’s Top 3

Must See This Spring Elena Strong, National Museum of Bermuda

The National Museum of Bermuda’s (NMB) collection is as diverse in subject matter as it is in material. With over 85,000 objects, including historic documents, photographs, maps, art, archaeological finds, small watercraft and large cannon, the collection paints a portrait of Bermudian activities spanning over four centuries. Make the most of your visit to NMB by exploring:

1. Shipwreck Island Sunken Clues to Bermuda’s Past in Queen’s Exhibition Hall Queen’s Exhibition Hall

This stunning hall was built in 1850 and was originally used to store the Royal Navy’s gunpowder. With a vaulted ceiling and three-foot thick walls nothing – short of an earthquake – could damage this building. Today, Queen’s Exhibition Hall houses Shipwreck Island: Sunken Clues to Bermuda’s Past: a collection of 16th and 17th century shipwreck artifacts recovered from local waters that tell the story of Bermuda’s discovery, early settlement and history from 1505 to 1684. Bermuda’s earliest wrecks are featured, with more than 1,500 artifacts of international and local significance on display.

Some of the artefacts displayed in Shipwreck Island.

2. Hall of History in Commissioner’s House Commissioner’s House was built in the 1820s and is the world’s first prefabricated cast-iron residential

building. Left derelict in the 1950s, the house went through a 20-year award-winning restoration. Today, Commissioner’s House is home to exhibits displaying the diverse history of Bermuda from fortifications and military history to the history of the slavery in Bermuda to the Island’s connections with the Azores and West Indies. Commissioner’s House also houses the 1,000 square foot Hall of History mural by local artist Graham Foster. Tracing the 500-year human history of Bermuda, the mural has captured the imagination of all ages, telling the island’s story with vibrant detail, irreverent humour and poignant observations. Often described as a “Where’s Waldo” of Bermuda history, the mural includes folklore, characters, traits and traditions from Bermuda’s complex and multi-faceted history. See if you can spot the wreck of the Sea Venture, the building of Commissioner’s House, or even some 16th century bee keeping.

One of the many rampart views, including NMB’s “lamb-scapers”

3. Rampart Walk Take a stroll along the ramparts of Bermuda’s largest fortification, The Keep, and explore its seven bastions which were equipped with heavy guns, including, over the years, 24-pounder and 32-pounder carronades, 8-inch shell guns and 6-inch breech loaders. With spectacular jaw-dropping views, the rampart walk is a must for any photographer. Keep an eye out for our “lamb-scaping crew” of sheep, the Bermuda longtails that nest in the surrounding cliffs, or our resident mouse catcher, “Bastion”. The National Museum of Bermuda is open daily 10am – 5pm (last admission at 4pm). Adults $15, Seniors $12 and Children under 16 FREE. app - free download



Bermuda style with Designer Rebecca Singleton Owner of TABS (The Authentic Bermuda Shorts)

In Bermuda, any colour goes! Go as bold as you dare and you can’t go wrong with one of our crisp white dress shirts with island details. If a tie is required, a complementary or contrasting colour will add a little extra flare to the ensemble. We find that, because of the warmer climate here, customers are nixing the tie and sporting a pocket square in one of our gorgeous island prints (fun fact: out pocket squares match the inside lining of our shorts!). For the socks and blazer I like to keep things simple with the traditional navy. Finish the look with black or brown loafers or dress shoes and a belt to match and you’re good to go. We know that not all visits to Bermuda are about business so here are some must-have items to help you get your leisure on: •

Our Performance Line boasts moisturewicking and UV protection, perfect for outdoor sports. Women’s resort line in tropical prints and flowy fabrics to keep you cool and stylish. Mix and match any of the collection’s polos and shorts for an effortless outfit designed to take you from the clubhouse to the course. Award winning swim shorts with prints by local artists for men and kids.

Visit us at 12 Reid Street in Hamilton and see why Frommer’s describes TABS as “the island’s must-have item.” No matter the occasion, we’ll have you stepping out in true Bermuda style.

I love when customers come to the store and walk out in island style. But what is second nature to locals is uncharted territory to others. A common question is: “How do I wear Bermuda shorts?”

Traditionally, Bermuda shorts are worn as formal attire; mostly as office wear, but the beauty of TABS is that you can dress them up or down.

12 . Spring 2020

Rebecca Singleton Founder & CEO TABS 12 Reid Street Hamilton HM 11 Bermuda

BERMUDA SHORTS. Established by yesterday’s gentleman, embraced by today’s.

12 Reid Street, Hamilton, BERMUDA |

Calendar of Events

April Events - Page 14 May Events - Page 18 June Events - Page 19 Ongoing Events - Page 21

NOTE: The information was correct at print time. Please contact event organizers for postponed event details and possible cancelation.


BUEI Spring Market

Whale Watching Humpback whales make their way past Bermuda’s south shore every spring, heading north to the feeding grounds. Take the opportunity to get a glimpse of these magnificent creatures on a whale watching boat trip.

April 4, 10am to 3pm, BUEI, Crow Lane, Pembroke Local crafters, artisans, jewelers, artists and authors gather for a seasonal market at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute. Join them for a day of shopping, food and family fun including tram rides, photos with the Easter Bunny, Easter activities and more.

Info:, 441-236-1300,, 441-294-0204.

Info:, 441-294-0204.

BUEI Talks: Part 3 of the Voyages of Bob with Alex and Sarah Brooks

April 4, 5pm, BUEI, Crow Lane, Pembroke The Gilbert & Sullivan Society and BUEI present the Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess opera on film. Tickets $40.

April 2, 7:30pm, BUEI, Crow Lane, Pembroke Bermudian Alex Brooks and his partner Sarah spent over three years circumnavigating the globe on their 36 foot sailboat. Join them for a fascinating evening as they introduce you to places visited and lessons learnt on their voyage. This is the 3rd talk in a series of three. Tickets $25, non-members; $20 members; $12 students. Info:, 441-294-0204.

The Met Opera: Live in HD

Info:, 441-294-0204.

Rum Punch Brunch Day Party April 5, 2pm-6pm, Fort Hamilton, City of Hamilton Held at a historic fort perched on a hill in the City of Hamilton, this one of-akind outdoor day party features some of Bermuda’s top DJs spinning R&B, soca and reggae. Tickets $30 Info:,, 441-705-7555.

Summer Street Festival Wednesday Nights 7pm-10pm

May 6 - August 26



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April Events

NOTE: The information was correct at print time. Please contact event organizers for postponed event details and possible cancelation.

City Scavenger Hunt (POSTPONED)

L’Alliance Francaise Des Bermudes Film Night


April 5, 1:30pm-5pm, Queen Elizabeth Park, City of Hamilton Get ready for an afternoon of fun, mystery and adventure while getting to know more about one of The City’s premier green spaces, Queen Elizabeth Park. Either come with your team of four or join a team. This is a free event. Hunt times 1.30 pm and 3.30 pm. Info:, 441-292-1234.

Palm Sunday Walk April 5, 2pm, Tiger Bay, St. George’s Join The Bermuda National Trusio8hgt for the annual Palm Sunday Walk, and take the opportunity to pass through rural areas and parkland. This event will take place rain blow or shine! Not suitable for dogs or baby strollers. Info:, 441-236-6483.

Good Friday Public Holiday April 10 Good Friday is a holiday when Bermudians get together with family and friends to eat fish cakes and hot-cross buns, and fill the sky with kites - many of them traditional home-made kites of sticks and tissue paper. Head to a local sports field or Horseshoe Bay Beach and join in with the holiday fun.

Easter Sunday Brunch at the Unfinished Church April 11, 2pm, The Unfinished Church, Government Hill Road, St. George’s Enjoy island cuisine rich in local food culture specific to the Easter weekend in a unique location - the roofless Unfinished Church. The brunch includes classic codfish and potatoes and fish cakes. Children can learn to build a classic Bermuda kite and play hopscotch and marbles. Tickets $125, children 15 and under $75. Info, 441-296-9200.

April 14, 8pm, BUEI, Crow Lane, Pembroke BUEI and Alliance Francaise des Bermudes present a French feature length film with English subtitles. Tickets $10 members/$15 non-members. Info:, 441-294-0204.

Stately Homes and Government House Tour April 17, 10am, Visitor Service Centre, Front Street, City of Hamilton A rare and up close look at Bermuda’s British influence and stately homes includes a visit to Government House, Verdmont and the Cox family’s private home in Orange Valley. Tickets $59 Info:, 441-296-9200

Commemorative Service for Pilot James Darrell April 18, 5pm, St. Peter’s Churchyard, St. George’s This annual event celebrates Pilot James “Jemmy” Darrell, one of Bermuda’s first King’s Pilots who was born a slave. The service features Bermuda’s Branch Pilots and T.S. Admiral Somers Sea Cadets. Info:, 441-297-2459.

The Met Opera: Live in HD April 19, 5pm, BUEI, Crow Lane, Pembroke The Gilbert & Sullivan Society and BUEI present Handel’s Agrippina opera on film. Tickets $40. Info:, 441-294-0204.

Peppercorn Ceremony April 22, 10:30am, King’s Square, St. George’s Witness the pomp and circumstance of this State Occasion when the Freemasons of Lodge St. George pay their annual rent for use of the State House in the UNESCO World Heritage Site Town of St. George. Info:, 441-297-1532.

16 . Spring 2020






15 min walk from Hamilton or hop on the Bermuda Triangle Tram!

OPEN DAILY: 10 AM - 5 PM last admission: 3:45 PM WE ARE HERE






40 Crow Lane, Pembrokeapp l (441) 294-0204 l - free download


Speakeasy Gala at BUEI

April Events

April 25, 6:30pm, BUEI, Crow Lane, Pembroke Join the BUEI for a gala evening of fine food, fantastic prizes, dancing and fun! Come as a flapper, moonshiner or mobster and support the BUEI Education Campaign. Tickets $300.


Info:, 441-294-0204.

MAY Mother’s Day Market May 2, 11am to 3pm, Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art, Botanical Gardens, Paget A market of specially curated Mother’s Day gifts brought to you by ALL female Bermudian entrepreneurs, many of them are mothers themselves. Info:, 441-299-4000 Bermuda Day Parade

Bermuda International Town Crier Competition (POSTPONED) April 22, 1pm, King’s Square, St. George’s April 23, 10:30am, City Hall, Hamilton April 24, 11am, North Lawn, Royal Naval Dockyard Revel in the pomp and pageantry as Town Criers from around the world vie for top honours as they ‘cry’ across Bermuda in a 3-day international competition. Info:, 441-292-1234.

Bermuda Agricultural Show April 23-25, 9am-6pm, Botanical Gardens, Paget Bermuda’s annual exhibition features floral displays, animal exhibits and equestrian competitions, plus musical performances and food vendors. Entry $15. Seniors and children 15 and under free. Tickets available at Info:, 441-236-4812. NOTE: The information was correct at print time. Please contact event organizers for postponed event details and possible cancelation.


Bermuda End to End May 2, 9am, Town of St. George to Royal Naval Dockyard Walk, ride, swim or row from one end of Bermuda to another in this charitable event sponsored by AXA XL. Info:, 441-292-6992

Cinco de Mayo Happy Hour May 5, 5.30-8pm, Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art, Botanical Gardens, Paget Join Masterworks for a happy hour to commemorate and celebrate the Mexican holiday, with tacos and tequila by Homer’s Café chef Jorge Lucero Navarro. Info:, 441-299-4000

Art in the Park May 9, 2pm-5pm, Victoria Park, City of Hamilton Brush up on your art skills or learn something new as the City hosts free art masterclasses with traditional and unconventional mediums. This event is open to all ages including children, adults and families. Info:, 441-292-1234 . Spring 2020

calendar of events

BUEI Films: Royal Opera House Ballet – Swan Lake May 9, 3pm, BUEI, Crow Lane, Pembroke The Royal Ballet creates a new production of one of the most beloved and classical ballets, including additional choreography by artist Liam Scarlett. Tickets $25, members $20, students $12, from BUEI Gift Shop. Info:, 441-294-0204

L’Alliance Francaise Des Bermudes Film Night May 12, 8pm, BUEI, Crow Lane, Pembroke BUEI and Alliance Francaise des Bermudes present a French feature length film with English subtitles. Tickets $10 members/$15 non-members. Info:, 441-294-0204

Cocktails in the Gardens May 21, 5:30pm-7:30pm, Masterworks Museum of Art, Botanical Gardens, Paget Join Masterworks for the first of a series of summer happy hours in the lovely courtyard of the gallery. Info:, 441-299-4000

The Met Opera: Live in HD May 23, 5pm, BUEI, Crow Lane, Pembroke The Gilbert & Sullivan Society and BUEI present Puccini’s Tosca opera on film. To Be Confirmed. Tickets $40. Info:, 441-294-0204

JUNE Pow Wow 2020 June 6 & 7, 2pm-6pm, St. David’s Cricket Club Field, 52 Great Bay Road, St. David’s The Pow Wow is a bi-annual event when the St. David’s Islanders and Native Community celebrate their Native American Heritage, reunite with their invited East Coast Woodland Tribal cousins and perform ceremonies, dancing and drumming. The Pow Wow will feature Native American dancers and drummers, supported by Wakeby Lake and Storm Boyz Drummers, Special Libation Ceremony, native and local vendors, Warwick Gombeys and a special guest performance by DrumHers. Entry: $10 adults, $5 children. Info: NOTE: The information was correct at print time. Please contact event organizers for postponed event details and possible cancelation.

Bermuda Fun Golf World’s #1 Mini Golf Course.

FEATURING - Incredible ocean views

Bermuda Half Day Marathon Derby

- Spectacular sunsets

May 29, 9am starting line in St. George’s Bermuda’s Half Marathon Derby starts in the east end this year, with runners setting off from Town Square, St. George’s, racing along North Shore and Middle Road, through the City of Hamilton to the finish line in Bernard’s Park.

- The Caddy Shack Bar & Grill serving great food, locally brewed craft beer and classic Bermuda cocktails!

- Glow in the dark night golf


Bermuda Day Parade May 29, 1:30pm, City of Hamilton Cultural groups, schools, service and sports clubs, Gombey troupes, plus many more, will be represented in this annual parade. The theme of this year’s parade is “Celebrating Our Caribbean Connections”.

Open Daily from 10am to 10pm, May through September. Weekends only, November-March.

Info:, 441-292-1681. app - free download



June Events

NOTE: The information was correct at print time. Please contact event organizers for postponed event details and possible cancelation.


and Colour Party, Bermuda Police Service, Bermuda Reserve Police, Bermuda Junior Leaders and Bermuda Sea Cadets Corps. Info:, 441-238-1045

National Heroes Day Public Holiday June 15 The National Heroes Day public holiday honours persons who have been officially designated as National Heroes in Bermuda and acknowledges their courage, outstanding achievements, and noble qualities. Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute


The Met Opera: Live in HD

Edward Cross Comet Race

June 6, 5pm, BUEI, Crow Lane, Pembroke The Gilbert & Sullivan Society and BUEI present Stuarda’s Donizetti opera on film. To Be Confirmed. Tickets $40.

June 15, 11am, start line St. George’s, finish line West End Sailboat Club, 43 Malabar Road, Sandys This annual Comet Class long distance sailing race has taken place since 1944. Spectators can view the race from vantage points along the north shore.

Info:, 441-294-0204

L’Alliance Francaise Des Bermudes Film Night June 9, 8pm, BUEI, Crow Lane, Pembroke BUEI and Alliance Francaise des Bermudes present a French feature length film with English subtitles. Tickets $10 members/$15 non-members. Info:, 441-294-0204

Bermuda Carnival June 12-15, Various Venues and Times An array of carnival and SOCA events including Five-Star Friday, Parade of Bands, and Raft Ups. Be a part of the world’s fastest growing Carnival! Info:, 441-400-4376

Queen’s Birthday Parade

Info:, 441-234-1252

Comet Class International Championship June 18-20, Great Sound Bermuda is hosting the Comet Class Yacht Racing Association’s International Championship for 2020. Bermudian and American sailors compete in the Great Sound with two races on the 18th and 19th and three races on the 20th. Spectators can view the races from the West End Sail Boat Club, 43 Malabar Road, Sandys. Info:, 441-737-2707

June 13, 10am, Front Street, Hamilton The Queen’s Birthday Parade is held annually on Front Street Hamilton at the Flag Pole and celebrates the official birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Organized by the Royal Bermuda Regiment, the Parade features the Regiment Guards

20 . Spring 2020

calendar of events

Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute

Fresh Air Films: Secret Cinema Edition June 27, 5:30-1pm, location to be announced, City of Hamilton The Fresh Air Films series is back with a surprise location. Bring your family and friends to a free movie event under the moonlight. Food and snacks will be available for purchase. Be sure to keep an eye out for the secret location! Popcorn, candy and hot food will be on sale. Info:, 441-292-1234

Ongoing Events Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art Monday - Saturday. Botanical Gardens, Paget Georgia O’Keeffe, Winslow Homer and Henry Moore feature in an impressive collection of over 1,400 pieces of Bermuda inspired art. Stay for a delicious lunch at Homer’s Café or visit the museum’s Arrowroot Gift Shop, full of original art work and prints. Open Monday - Saturday, 10 am - 4pm. Admission: $10; Students 12 – 18 years $5; members & children under 12, free. Closed on public holidays. Wheelchair accessible. Info:, 441-299-4000 NOTE: The information was correct at print time. Please contact event organizers for postponed event details and possible cancelation.

Daily, Crow Lane, Pembroke Come to BUEI and experience Bermuda’s oceans without getting wet! Explore two floors of interactive exhibits which educate and entertain, including the Bermuda Triangle Exhibit. Wheelchair accessible. Open daily from 10am - 5pm (last admission at 3.45pm). Entry $15, seniors $12, child $8. Info:, 441-292-7219

World Heritage Site Walking Tour of St. George’s Monday to Thursday and Saturday, 10.30am, King’s Square, St. George’s Take a walk back in time around Bermuda’s first capital, the historic Town of St. George. Learn about Bermuda’s first settlers, unique architecture and characters from the past. Tickets $15, children under 12, $7.50. Meet your guide in front of Town Hall, King’s Square. Info: 441-333-1830

Re-enactment of a Public Punishment Wednesday, April 1 and Saturday, April 4, Monday - Thursday and Saturday, April 6 through June, 12:30pm, King’s Square, St. George’s. A re-enactment of a public punishment meted out to local gossips and nags at the ducking stool, or drunks at the stockade, takes place in Bermuda’s UNESCO World Heritage Site town at 12.30. Info: 441-297-1532

Botanical Gardens Paget Tel: 441-299-4000

Opening Times Monday-Saturday 10am-4pm Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays Admission: $10 Adults, $5 Students. FREE for Seniors on Mondays, Members & Children under 12 daily app - free download


Ongoing Events

NOTE: The information was correct at print time. Please contact event organizers for postponed event details and possible cancelation.


Sweet P Afternoon High Tea at the Bermuda Perfumery Wednesday and Saturday, 1pm- 4pm. Sweet P’s tiered tea tray features fresh and seasonal treats, adapted every week to reflect the Island’s diverse local ingredients. Expect a variety of finger sandwiches, mini quiches and tea sweets, as well as freshly baked cakes and scones with Chantilly cream, local honey and jam. Reservations required. $35 pp + 15%. Cash only. Info: 441-705-2390, Harbour Nights

Town Crier’s Walking Tour of Hamilton Monday through Friday, 10:30am, City Hall, Church Street, Hamilton Join Hamilton Town Crier Ed Christopher for a fascinating tour around Bermuda’s capital. Free. No tour April 20-24. Info:, 441-777-9738

Dockyard Historical Walk & Reenactment Tour Tuesday and Friday 9:30am, next to the Moongate on the Pier, Royal Naval Dockyard Be guided through the history of Dockyard from the 1800’s to present day in this entertaining and informative tour, suitable for all ages. Free. Info:

Harbour Nights Wednesdays, May & June, 7pm-10pm, Front Street, City Of Hamilton Enjoy food, drinks, unique Bermudian gifts, music and the Gombeys. This is a lively, fun and friendly event for everyone.

Dockyard Living Arts Guided Walking Tour Thursday, 9:30am-10:30am, next to the Moongate on the Pier, Royal Naval Dockyard Join your guide for an interactive experience through Dockyard’s art history, visiting a variety of working studios and meeting resident artists. Info: Free. Hog Penny Entertainment Friday and Saturday, 10 pm to Late, Queen Street, Hamilton Live music in Hamilton’s oldest pub. No cover charge. Info:, 441 292 2534.

Farmers’ Market Saturdays, 8:00am–1pm, JJ Outerbridge Building, Botanical Gardens, Paget Fresh produce, fish, soup, juices, baked goods, smoked meats and handcrafts are available at this seasonal farmers’ market. Info:, 441-599-3276.

Info:, 441-295-4201

22 . Spring 2020


Chat & Surf for less

Share your Bermuda experiences without the cost of roaming PrePaid Data Grab & Go Phones SIM Cards


Achilles Bay

One Communications provides practical and affordable Prepaid data packages, international calling and SMS services, perfect for all visitors.

Ferry Routes Marine Gas Stations

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Hamilton Harbour

Palmetto Rd.

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Tourist Information

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Points of Interest

Whale Bone Bay

Town of St. George and related fortifications, a UNESCO World Heritage Site



One Communications Church St 18 Church Street,+1 (441) 700-7000 One Communications Heron Bay 227 Middle Road, +1 (441) 700-7000 One Communications St. George’s 36 Water Street, +1 (441) 700-7000

Gates Bay

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Golf Courses

Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences


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Royal Naval Dockyard

Bermuda Craft Market National Museum of Bermuda Dolphin Quest Clocktower Mall Fun Golf

k Par


Govn’t . Hill Rd

The Royal Naval Dockyard


Tobacco Bay

St. George’s Island

Visit any of our convenient top-up locations island-wide and we will be happy to help you.


Ship Wrecks

Murray’s Anchorage

Pick up one of our Grab & Go phone packages, or Prepaid SIM Pack to use with your own smartphone or tablet.

Gas Stations

In the Town of St. George Pilot Darrell’s Square St. Peter’s Church St. George’s Historical Society Museum Bermudian Heritage Museum Bermuda National Trust Museum World Heritage Centre Tucker House Museum

Fort St. Catherine

Ch Ea ape se l o Rd f .


HMS Cerebus 1783

Catherine 1763

Kate 1878

The Phoenix Stores is comprised of seven major locations across the island: The Phoenix Centre, Collector’s Hill Apothecary, Paget Pharmacy, Warwick Pharmacy, Clarendon Pharmacy, Woodbourne Chemist and Dockyard Pharmacy. Its commitment to providing quality products and outstanding service makes The Phoenix Stores Ltd. a market leader in a variety of retail segments including prescriptions, health and beauty aids and newsstand publications. Emergency prescriptions are dispensed on the spot and each location stocks an extensive range of over-the-counter medications. The Phoenix Centre 3 Reid St., Hamilton, +1 (441) 279-5451 | Collector’s Hill Apothecary 2 South Rd., Smith’s, +1 (441) 279-5513 Paget Pharmacy Rural Hill Plaza, 130 South Rd., Paget, +1 (441) 279-5511 | Clarendon Pharmacy 31 Victoria, St., Hamilton, +1 (441) 279-5444 Woodbourne Chemist 1 Gorham Rd., Pembroke, +1 (441) 295-2663 | Warwick Pharmacy 49 Middle Rd., Warwick +1 (441) 279-5557 Dockyard Pharmacy Royal Naval Dockyard, Sandys, +1 (441) 279-5410 |

P-Tech is Bermuda’s complete electronics solution and premier provider of consumer electronics. As an authorised dealer for a number of reputable brands, including Bose, Sony, GoPro, RCA, Nikon, Canon and Samsung, P-Tech delivers a wide selection of goods for home, office and travel. 5 Reid Street, City of Hamilton | +1 (441) 295-5496 |

As Bermuda’s exclusive provider of Thomas Sabo and The Body Shop products, Brown & Co. strives to deliver a broad range of pieces that set it apart and make each shopping venture a treasured experience. In-store items include designer fragrances and sunglasses, books, artistic home enhancements, Bermuda gifts and more.

59 Front Street, City of Hamilton | +1 (441) 279-5429 |


Spring In Bermuda

on a spring afternoon. The grand front porch of Rosedon Hotel is the setting for afternoon tea, served daily against a tranquil backdrop of old-world charm in Huckleberry Restaurant. The menu includes finger sandwiches, house-made scones with clotted cream, delicate tea cakes and macaroons, plus a range of specialty teas from Harney & Sons, London. Traditional Afternoon Tea Info: 3pm-4:30pm daily, Rosedon Hotel, Pitts Bay Road, Hamilton. 441-295-1640. $42 + 17% pp.

Look for Longtails along the Coastline The Longtails, or white-tailed tropic birds, are a beautiful feature of our coastline during the spring and summer months when they nest in the soft Bermuda limestone cliffs. At the end of April the female lays one egg in the burrow, or in specially designed “igloos”, and the parents take turns incubating the egg. The chicks fledge in late August and the birds return to the open ocean in September. Longtails are a protected species and are featured on Bermuda’s 25 cent coin and 50 dollar bill.

Explore the Island by Bike Take a guided bicycle tour of the western end of Bermuda’s Railway Trail, stopping at a historic fort, quiet chapel and points of interest to learn about the island’s natural environment and history. Then stop for a refreshing swim! Or take an electric bike tour from historic St. George to beautiful Cooper’s Island Nature Reserve and climb the viewing tower to look for longtails. Bermuda Railway by Bike Info: 3 ½ hour tour departs from the Island Tour Centre, Dockyard. Tickets $80. 441-236-1300

Enjoy Traditional Afternoon Tea The delightful English tradition of tea at four o’clock lives on in Bermuda, and we recommend taking tea on a lovely verandah

Pedego Electric Bike Tour Info: 2 hour tour departs from Hunter’s Wharf, St. George’s. Tickets $75. 441-533-8687 app - free download


Department of Public Transportation

A Great Way To See Bermuda And All Its Attractions Regularly scheduled buses operate at frequent intervals to most of the destinations throughout Bermuda which visitors may find of interest. Bus stops are indentified by pink and blue poles. Poles that are pink indicate service inbound to the City of Hamilton. Poles that are blue indicate service outbound from the City of Hamilton. The table below lists many of the destinations that visitors ask us about most frequently. Alongside each destination is the number of the route(s) serving that destination, the appropriate fare zone, and the times buses leave The Central Terminal in Hamilton. If possible avoid the rush hour. The best time to travel by bus is between 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and after 6:00 p.m. Destination Route Number L.F. Wade International Airport 1,3,10,11 Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo 10,11 Belmont Hills Golf Club 8 Botanical Gardens 1,2,7 Crystal Caves of Bermuda 1,3,10,11 Royal Naval Dockyard 7,8 Elbow Beach 2,7 Gibbs Hill Lighthouse 7 Grotto Bay Hotel 1,3,10,11 Horseshoe Bay 7 Mangrove Bay (Somerset) 7,8 National Museum of Bermuda 7,8 John Smith’s Bay 1 Fairmont Southampton Hotel 7,8 St. George’s 1,3,10,11

Fare Zone* 14 Zone 3 Zone 3 Zone 3 Zone 14 Zone 14 Zone 3 Zone 3 Zone 14 Zone 3 Zone 14 Zone 14 Zone 3 Zone 3 Zone 14 Zone

* See Bus Fare Information for additional details on 3 and 14 Zone fares. ** Departures on the hour and minutes past the hour from The Central Terminal in Hamilton.

Buses Leave Hamilton** 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 15, 30 00, 15, 30, 45 00, 15, 30, 45 (MONDAY - FRIDAY SCHEDULE)

Tokens and passes are available at the Central Terminal, Church Street Hamilton and the Hamilton Ferry, Front Street, Hamilton.

Bus service in Bermuda is operated by the Bermuda Department of Public Transportation (DPT). Bermuda is divided in 14 Zones, each about 2 miles long. Fare Category

3 Zone

14 Zone



$5.00 $2.75 $4.50

Adult Child ages 5 - 16 (All Zones) TOKENS Adult * Exact change only. Dollar bills not accepted. TRANSPORTATION PASSES 1 Day Adult 2 Day Adult 3 Day Adult 4 Day Adult 7 Day Adult

$19.00 $31.50 $44.00 $48.50 $62.00


Child under age of 16 Child under age of 16 Child under age of 16 Child under age of 16 Child under age of 16

$9.50 $16.00 $22.00 $24.50 $31.00

Telephone: (441) 292-3851 Fax: (441) 292-9996 E-Mail: Internet:


26 Palmetto Road, Devonshire DV 05. P.O. Box. HM 443 Hamilton HM BX Bermuda Spring 2020

Be Inspired

Make A Difference Reinvigorate your connection to the ocean while swimming with dolphins and supporting vital marine mammal conservation.

Learn More


Your Dolphin Quest participation supports vital marine mammal conservation, education and scientific study. Dolphin Quest is located at the National Museum of Bermuda app - free download



shopping guide

Arrowroot Gift Shop

MASTERWORKS MUSEUM OF BERMUDA ART The Arrowroot Gift Shop boasts a unique selection of original pieces created in and inspired by Bermuda, in various mediums such as cedar, ceramics and china. Located in Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art, in the lovely Botanical Gardens, the gift shop stocks a wide selection of artists’ prints, cards and books, plus vintage posters, all of which make excellent gifts or holiday keepsakes. Info: 441-299-4000, Bermuda Botanical Gardens, Paget,

Bermuda Blue, Bermuda Breeze and Bermuda Heat BERMUDA FRAGRANCES Capture the essence of a bright spring day, sultry summer evening or warm sea breeze with this trio of Bermuda-inspired fragrances,created to evoke our lush island paradise. Wear them to match your mood and remind you of our unique mid-Atlantic island. Available island-wide Distributed By PDL Limited Info: 441-292-1710,

Fragrance Spotlight

Bermuda Breeze Inspired by Bermuda’s ocean, Breeze is a fruity-floral fragrance capturing the natural essence of wild berries, lemon zest, mandarin, jasmine petals, sandalwood & white musk. Available across the island at Distributed By PDL Limited Info: 441-292-1710,

Alexandra Mosher Studio Jewellery

Brown & Co.

35 FRONT STREET, CITY OF HAMILTON As Bermuda’s exclusive provider of Thomas Sabo Jewellery and The Body Shop products, Brown & Co. strives to deliver a broad range of pieces that set it apart and make each shopping venture a treasured experience. In-store items include designer fragrances and sunglasses, books, artistic home enhancements, Bermuda gifts, apparel and shoes and more. Info: 441-279-5442,

FLAGSHIP STORE & STUDIO, 5 FRONT STREET, CITY OF HAMILTON From sterling silver pendants and charms set with pink sand to rose gold and diamond shell textured engagement rings, and countless delicate designs in between, Alexandra Mosher and her team hand craft designs that reflect natural elements found in the island’s clear blue waters and lush tropical gardens. Flagship Store & Studio tours upon request.

HALLMARK The Hallmark Department of Brown & Co. is Bermuda’s largest gift and greeting card outlet and is the only Hallmark store outside of the United States. THE BOOKMART The Bookmart at Brown & Co. offers the largest selection of local and international books on island and has a fabulous cafe overlooking the Hamilton Harbour.

Info: 441-236-9009,,

26 . Spring 2020

SPRING Shopping Guide


27 YORK STREET, ST. GEORGE’S As an independent operator, Churchill’s sells all brands of spirits, including Black Seal Rum, Mount Gay Rum and Hennessy Pure White Cognac, plus a robust selection of wines, chilled beer, champagne and prosecco. You will also find gifts, cold drinks, snacks and Bermuda’s only walk-in humidor, stocked with Cubans, Dominicans and Bermuda rolled cigars. Don’t forget to look for Churchill’s Cigar Cabana in Dockyard when there is a ship in port. Info: 441-297-1650,

Diamonds International

CLOCKTOWER MALL, ROYAL NAVAL DOCKYARD Experience the VIP treatment and personal attention from the friendly staff at Diamonds International, where you will find the finest selection of diamonds and gemstones, plus exclusive brands like Crown of Light Diamonds, Safi Kilima Tanzanite and Color Me Pretty Gemstones.

Della Valle Della Valle Sandals are handmade sandals that are custom fit to your foot. The all leather soles and straps are from Italy and range from everyday to extraordinary! 19 Queen Street, Hamilton 441-236-7263

Info: 441-234-0500, app - free download


Shopping Guide


Dolphin Quest Gift Shop MARITIME LANE, ROYAL NAVAL DOCKYARD Dolphin Quest is committed to protecting our planet which is why we offer a variety of environmentally-conscious products in our gift shops. There are a variety of icons located in our gift shop placed next to specific retail items indicating that the purchase of that item supports a specific conservation purpose. Info: 441-234-4464,

General Post Office The General Post Office (GPO) Bermuda 56 Church Street, Hamilton, 441-297-7893 Crawl Post Office 42 Radnor Road, Crawl, 441-293-1400 Devonshire Post Office 2 Orange Valley Road, Devonshire Parish The Island Shop features 441-236-0281 original Bermuda-inspired Flatts Post Office designs hand-painted on 65 Middle Road, Smiths Parish. ceramics, linens and more by Bermudian artist Barbara 441-292-0741 Finsness. Mangrove Bay Post Office 3 Queen Street 55 Mangrove Bay Road, Sandy’s Parish. Hamilton 441-234-0423 441-292-5292 Perot Post Office 11 Queen Street, Hamilton. Phone: 441-292-9052 Southampton Post Office Della Valle Sandals 2 Church Street, Southampton Parish. 19 QUEEN ST, CITY OF HAMILTON Phone: 441-238-0253 (next to Par-la-Ville Park/Perot Post Office) St. George’s Post Office From Capri, Italy to Hamilton, Bermuda! Handmade sandals custom fit to your foot. 11 Water Street, St. George’s. Can be ready in an hour! Styles range from Phone: 441-297-1610 Warwick Post Office everyday casual to evening and wedding chic! Also featuring a beautiful, eco-friendly 70 Middle Road, Warwick Parish. Phone: 441-236-4071 line of linen from Italy! Info: 441-236-7263 or Facebook: dvsandals. Contact for private parties and after-hour appointments.

The Island Shop


The South Shores collection

For more details please contact your concierge

6 Water Street, St. Georges, Bermuda • Tel: 411-519-9906 •

28 . Spring 2020

spring Shopping Guide

Fiddlesticks Gift Shop

CRYSTAL & FANTASY CAVES, 8 CRYSTAL CAVES ROAD, HAMILTON PARISH Explore the unique gift shop, Fiddlesticks. Discover a treasure trove of local souvenirs and gifts from around the world. Info: 441-293-0640,

59 Front

35 Front Street, Hamilton Explore a vast array of items from brands including Clarins Paris, Bobbi Brown, Estee Lauder, Jo Malone, Villeroy & Boch, Wedgwood, Waterford, Swarovski, Gucci and Hermes. Info: 441-279-5429

Lili Bermuda Perfumery


Lili Bermuda Boutique

BUTTERFIELD PLACE, 67 FRONT STREET, CITY OF HAMILTON An artistic reflection of Bermuda, where each fragrance represents the island’s natural beauty; from the pure scent of the wind and fresh salt spray of the ocean, to its luscious botanicals such as Bermuda cedar wood, spring freesias and juicy loquats. Every creation is meticulously developed on-island at historic Stewart Hall, under the direction of perfumer Isabelle Ramsay-Brackstone. “Art reflects environment” she says, “and Bermuda’s authenticity is present in every bottle filled by hand.” Find your favorite fragrance at the Lili Bermuda Perfumery in St. George’s, or the Lili Bermuda Boutique in Hamilton.

59 Front

An extensive range of exclusive brands in fine jewellery, china and crystal, designer fragrances, beauty and cosmetics at US retail prices. 35 Front Street, Hamilton 441-279-5429

Info: St. George’s 441-293-0627, Hamilton 441-296-2885,

TABS - The Authentic Bermuda Shorts

WALKER ARCADE, 12 REID STREET, HAMILTON Expertly tailored for a flattering, straightleg fit, the traditional cut is balanced with bold colours and flamboyant linings. Info: 441-704-TABS (8227),

The Island Shop

3 QUEEN STREET, HAMILTON, BERMUDA Original Bermuda-inspired designs hand-painted on ceramics, linens and more by Bermudian artist Barbara Finsness. Whether it’s a hostess gift, for a friend over seas or a gift for the person who has it all, you can’t go wrong with these beautiful hand-painted pieces. Info: 441-292-5292,


Premium Cigars, Fine Wines, Spirits and Gifts 27, YORK STREET, ST. GEORGE’S open daily 8 am to 9 pm CIGAR CABANA, DOCKYARD open when cruise ships are in port app - free download


Shopping Guide


WARWICK PHARMACY, 49 Middle Road, Warwick, 441-279-5557. CLARENDON PHARMACY, 31 Victoria St., Hamilton, 441-279-5444 WOODBOURNE CHEMIST, 1 Gorham Rd., Pembroke, 441-295-2663 DOCKYARD PHARMACY, Royal Naval Dockyard, Sandys, 441-279-5410. Info:

Robertson’s Drug Store

Diamonds International

Diamonds International is the world’s largest duty free jeweler and has locations at every major cruise port throughout the Caribbean. Clocktower Mall Info: 441-234-0500

24 YORK STREET, ST GEORGE’S Alongside all the medicines and toiletries you expect from a pharmacy, you’ll also find unique gifts, many from Britain. There are snorkels, hundreds of toys, a library of books for the kids, plus baby essentials and cute clothes. Then there are the natural candles and skincare, plus a few surprises. Discover many Bermudians’ favourite store. You’ll find what you need as well as something you want. Open Monday to Saturday 8am-7:30pm, Sunday 2pm-6pm. Info: 441-297-1828 or on Facebook.


2 REID STREET, CITY OF HAMILTON P-Tech is Bermuda’s complete electronics solution and premier provider of consumer electronics. As an authorised dealer for a number of reputable brands, including Bose, Sony, GoPro, RCA, Nikon, Canon and Samsung, P-Tech delivers a wide selection of goods for home, office and travel. Info: 441-295-5496,

The Phoenix Stores Ltd.

The Phoenix Stores is Bermuda’s largest pharmacy, comprised of seven convenient locations island-wide: the Phoenix Centre, Collector’s Hill Apothecary, Paget Pharmacy, Warwick Pharmacy, Clarendon Pharmacy, Woodbourne Chemist and Dockyard Pharmacy. Each location dispenses emergency prescriptions and stocks over-the-counter medications, health and beauty aids, postcards and souvenirs, beach and sun-care products, phone cards, snacks and beverages and newsstand publications. THE PHOENIX CENTRE, 3 Reid St., Hamilton, 441-279-5451 COLLECTOR’S HILL APOTHECARY, 2 South Rd., Smith’s, 441-279-5513 PAGET PHARMACY, Rural Hill Plaza, 130 South Rd., Paget, 441-279-5511

Nicest (& only) pharmacy in St. Georges St. George’s Drug (& Gift & Snack & Beach) Store. Drug Store Open 8-7.30, Sun 2-6. Call 297-1828

30 . Spring 2020

spring Shopping Guide

Saltwater Jewellery Design

8 WATER STREET, ST. GEORGE’S Saltwater Jewellery is an elegant boutique specialising in one-of-a-kind hand-crafted jewellery so alluring to the eye. Brilliant colours inspired from the beauty of Bermuda’s turquoise waters, coral pink shores and the daring bright hues across the island. Designers Kelli and Rose Thompson create the jewellery using Bermuda sea glass, pink sand, and semiprecious stones, Venetian glass and freshwater pearls. Info: 441-519-9906,

Oceans Gift Shop

BERMUDA UNDERWATER EXPLORATION INSTITUTE, 40 CROW LANE, PEMBROKE Oceans Gift Shop is a treasure trove of unique gifts, memorable keepsakes, books, toys, t-shirts, artIfact reproductions, Bermuda souvenirs and more! Info: 441-292-7219,

Saltwater Jewellery Designs Inspired by the breath taking turquoise water and the brilliant vast colour hues of our beautiful island paradise, A three-generation family business, Jewellery is handcrafted by Kelli and Roseclair Thompson as well as Kelli’s daughter Mya-Erin Thompson. Water Street, St. George’s 441-519-9906

One Communications

One Communications provides practical and affordable Prepaid data packages, international calling and SMS services, perfect for all visitors. Pick up one of our Grab & Go phone packages, or Prepaid SIM Pack to use with your own smartphone or tablet. Visit any of our convenient top-up locations island-wide and we will be happy to help you. CHURCH STREET LOCATION 18 Church Street, 441-700-7000 HERON BAY LOCATION 227 Middle Road 441-700-7000 ST. GEORGE’S LOCATION 36 Water Street 441-700-7000 app - free download



Ethiopian Orthodox Church

historic churches

16, OLD MILITARY ROAD, ST. GEORGE’S Debre Ganet Emmanuel Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church – which means Immanuel Cathedral of Paradise – was established in 1974 in what was once the garrison chapel for the British military. The Church is celebrated for its beautiful interior of intricately painted icons which were completed by Ethiopian Monk Priest Abbe Gebre Hiwot Wolde Samuel over a period of three years. Info: Sunday worship is at 8.30 am. To make an appointment to view the church, contact 441-747-7227.

Cobbs Hill Methodist Church

Ethiopian Orthodox Church

Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity

CHURCH STREET, CITY OF HAMILTON The original Anglican Church, built where the Cathedral stands today, burned down in 1884. Work began on the present neoGothic structure the following year, and was completed in 1911. Built of Bermuda limestone and imported stone from Nova Scotia, Scotland, Indiana and France, the Cathedral was designed by the Scottish architect William Hay of Edinburgh. Visitors may climb the 155 stairs to the top of the 143-foot high tower for a spectacular panoramic view of the City of Hamilton and nearby parishes - there are a couple of spacious landings to take breaks.

6 MOONLIGHT LANE, COBBS HILL, WARWICK Cobbs Hill Methodist Church is part of Bermuda’s African Diaspora Heritage Trail, a designated part of the UNESCO Slave Route Project. Construction began on the church in 1825, by free men, women and slaves. They toiled in their spare time, mostly in the moonlight, cutting stone from nearby quarries and carrying it on their backs, shoulders and heads to build their church. The building was completed in 1827 and the bell in the tower was added soon after. Info: Sunday service is at 9.30 am. To make an appointment to view the church, contact 441-236-8586.

Info: The Cathedral is open Monday to Friday, 10 am - 4 pm, Saturday, 10 am - 2 pm. There is a fee of $2 to climb the tower. Sunday service is at 10 am.


Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity . Spring 2020

Cobbs Hill Methodist Church

explore bermuda


Nature Reserves Abbots Cliff Nature Reserve

oysters, sponges and algae set up home here. Rare Land Hermit Crabs can be seen here and also protected West Indian Topshells. Take Bus 7 along South Shore

Spittle Pond

Castle Harbour Nature Reserve

Abbots Cliff One of Bermuda’s most impressive sea cliffs is also home to rare native and endemic plants that have disappeared from other parts of Bermuda. Rare species found here include the Toothed Spleenwort, Bermuda Bedstraw, Snowberry and Wild Bermuda Pepper.

Declared a Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Site), Spittle Pond contains important rocky shore habitat, including a limestone pavement formation locally known as ‘the Checkerboard’. Expect to see Bermuda Skink, Longtails, Sally Lightfoot Crabs and Buckeye Butterflys along your journey as you explore a well marked loop along the 64 acre nature reserve. During April you might even catch a glimpse of a migrating whale from the view at Portuguese Rock. Bus 1 and 3 along

South Road.

Enter the nature reserve from North Shore Road via Abbot’s Cliff Drive. Bus 1, 3, 10 or 11

Castle Harbour Located at the south-eastern corner of Bermuda, Castle Harbour contains all of the islands and islets between Tuckers Town and Cooper’s Island. This includes Nonsuch Island, Southampton Island, Charles Island, Castle Island and a number of smaller rocks and islets. The area contains many of Bermuda’s critically endangered endemic species such as the Bermuda Skink and Cahow.

Hungry Bay Nature Reserve

You can rent a boat, kayak or paddle board from Blue Hole Watersports located in Baileys Bay or hire a charter. See more at in our Things To Do section.

Hungry Bay Hungry Bay is the best example of a large coastal mangrove swamp, featuring both the Black and Red Mangrove and relative Buttonwood. Birds, such as herons, visiting songbirds and local endemics like the Whiteeyed Vireo rely on this habitat. Snails, crabs and lizards love living in this habitat and app - free download

Spittle Pond Nature Reserve



historic Forts

Fort Hamilton PEMBROKE Enjoy magnificent views over the City of Hamilton and its harbour. The upper levels and battlements have been landscaped with lawns, which make a fine place for a picnic. Entry is across a wooden bridge over the deep dry-moat and there are plenty of cannons and ramparts inside. If walking from Front Street head east and take a left towards King Street. Walk up the steep incline of Kings Street and turn right to Happy Valley Road. Fort Hamilton is on your right.

Fort St. Catherine

Martello Tower

Bermuda Forts are easy to find and in picturesque areas - you don’t have to be a history buff to enjoy them. Most have been restored, some are in parks, but all have gorgeous views.

Alexandra Battery

ST. GEORGE’S Located next to Frobisher’s Building Bay, where the Deliverance was built in 1610 to take shipwreck survivors on to Virginia. The Battery was completed in the 1860s and features a 9-inch muzzle loader at the southern end. A 30 minute walk from the St.

ST. GEORGE’S Packed with historic exhibits, artifacts, and a well preserved interior, this stone built fort houses a museum and is one of Bermudas most impressive structures and in the old artillery store there is an exhibit of the fort’s development over four centuries. From Kings Square take Duke of York Street, take a left at Somers Super Market towards Duke of Kent Street. Keep going and you will reach Tobacco Bay. Fort St. Catherine is a 5 minute walk from there.

Scaur Hill Fort & Park SOMERSET ROAD, SANDYS This fort was built to defend the Royal Naval Dockyard against the Americans during the war of 1812. Then in the 1940s, American guns defended the fort during WWII. While exploring, look for the deep gun pits and galleries which go deep into the hillside. The ramparts offer spectacular views of Ely’s Harbour and the Great Sound. Bus 7 or 8 (operated between Dockyard and Hamilton)

George’s town square, just past Gates Fort.

Martello Tower

FERRY REACH, ST. GEORGE’S The egg shaped fort was built in 1823 and features a moat, 9-11 foot thick walls of Bermuda stone, and a drawbridge. It is located on a hill at Ferry Reach Park, near Whale Bone Bay, a section of the Railway Trail and other coastal defence sites. Outside viewing only. 30 minute walk along Ferry Road, St. George’s, from bus route 1, 3, 10 or 11.

34 . Spring 2020

Scaur Hill Fort & Park

explore bermuda


Fantasy Cave

Historic CAVES

Fantastic calcite formations make Fantasy Cave a mesmerizing experience. Entire walls of the cave are covered in calcite mineral deposits nature has shaped to resemble majestic waterfalls frozen in time. The deep clear pools reflect the formations and you can see the beginnings of the passageways connecting the caves with the ocean. A state-of-the-art lighting system highlights the intricacies and impressive detail of the formations. Bus 1, 3, 10 or 11. Guided tours take place daily. Visit for details.

Crystal Cave

Crystal Cave Crystal Cave was discovered by accident in 1907 when two teenagers lost their cricket ball. Today it is one of Bermuda’s most popular attractions with its limestone stalactites and stalagmites. Pathways of floating pontoons span the deep, clear underground pools of azure blue water where formations seem to be mere inches below the surface. In fact they are over 50 feet below the surface of the crystal clear water. Bus 1, 3, 10 or 11. Guided tours take place daily. Visit for details.

Walsingham Cave

Walsingham Cave Walsingham Cave is part of Walsingham Nature Reserve, an important ecological site and protected area now part of the Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy. The reserve is home to an extended system of caves, likely formed during the last ice age, which are a biodiversity hotspot. Walsingham Cave can be found in the eastern section of the reserve, is quite deep and has a concrete path and steep stairs leading to it. Swimming in the cave is discouraged, however tours are available with qualified guides. Contact, 441 236 1300. Bus 1, 3, 10 or 11 to entrance of Blue Hole Park.

Fantasy Cave app - free download


36 . Spring 2020


Harbour Ferry Fast Ferry

Traffic Flow


West End/Dockyard Ferry


Paget/Warwick Ferry

Afican Diaspora Heritage Trail Site



Taxi Stand

Bus Stop

Tour Boat

Ferry Stop


Service Centre Visitor Information Centre


Post Office ATM


The Phoenix Stores is a major Cinema pharmacy and retail store, offering Wi-Fi Hot Spots consistent, reliable service all Church across the island. Gas Station P-Tech is Bermuda’s premier Marine Gas provider of consumer electronics, Pharmacy including digital cameras & accessories, MP3 Players and so Supermarket much more. Wheelchair accessible Brown & Co. ranges from books OTHER and designer accessories to artistic Park Land & Nature Reserve home enhancements and more, Yacht/Boat Club making each shopping venture a The Phoenix Stores is a major pharmacy and treasured experience. retail store, offering consistent, reliable

service all across the island. app - free download


Bermuda Fun Golf

ROADS Flow HISTORIC Fort Diaspora Heritage Trail Site TRANSPORT Stand Taxi Stop Bus Boat Tour Stop Ferry


Fast Ferry

WestFlow End/Dockyard Ferry Paget/Warwick Ferry



Heritage VisitorDiaspora Service Centre TrailRestroom Site ATM TRANSPORT TaxiCinema Stand

Marine Gas Pharmacy Supermarket OTHER Water Sports Playground Train (Seasonal)

Wi-Fi Hot Spots

The Phoenix Stores is a major pharmacy and retail store, offering consistent, reliable service all across the island.

Bus Stop

Tour Boat Ferry Stop Fast Ferry West End/Dockyard Ferry Paget/Warwick Ferry AMENITIES Telephone Visitor Service Centre Restroom ATM Cinema Wi-Fi Hot Spots Marine Gas Pharmacy Supermarket OTHER Water Sports Playground Train (Seasonal) The Phoenix Stores is a major pharmacy and retail store, offering consistent, reliable service all across the island.

ROADS Hot Wi-Fi Spots Download our App FREE Church Flow

GasMarine App Free. Whether you’re looking for Download the HISTORIC StationGas activities or nightspots, the Bermuda. shops, restaurants, beaches, Fort com mobile app gives you Pharmacy all the information you need right at your Diaspora Heritage Trail Site fingertips. Download today Supermarket from the APP store or Google Play. TRANSPORT



Stop Bus Boat Tour StopFerry

Wheelchair accessible

OTHER Sports Water Hotel LandPark & Nature Reserve . Spring 2020


John Smith’s Bay


Pink Sand Beaches East to West

Off the beaten track in Smith’s parish, this popular locals’ beach is a little less crowded than the western south shore destinations, but still boasts soft sand and great swimming and snorkeling. The Harrington Hundreds grocery store is just a few minutes away by moped if you want to make your own picnic. Bus route 1

Shelly Bay

A parent’s dream beach, Shelly Bay boasts warm, shallow water, a soft sandy bottom and backs on to a playground and sports field. A favourite for kids and novice swimmers – and close to the bus stop. Bus route 10 or 11

Warwick Long Bay

To truly grasp the beauty of Bermuda’s south shore, walk the length of Warwick Long Bay and clamber across the rocks, or take a detour over the sand dunes, to Jobson Cove and Chaplin Bay. On a quiet day in the spring and summer you will see more longtails than fellow tourists. Bus route 7

Horseshoe Bay

Clearwater Beach

Clearwater Beach

There is a choice of beautiful beaches to choose from on St. David’s Island in the east end: Clearwater Beach is next to a playground and has a seasonal beach house; Turtle Bay is a lovely cove which is great for snorkeling; and the nature reserve boasts stretches of soft sand at the end of every path. Bus 6 from St. George’s

A crescent of soft, pink sand, lapped by clear blue water, fringed by sand dunes and bordered with sandstone cliffs, garnished with swaying palms – Horseshoe, in Southampton Parish, is the mecca of the island’s beaches and a must for every Bermuda visitor. Rum Bum Beach House is open in the spring/summer months. Bus route 7

Church Bay

Swim with shoals of brightly coloured parrot fish among the pristine coral reef that pierce the water just yards from shore at this small south shore bay, widely revered as Bermuda’s best beach for snorkelers. Bus route 7

Tobacco Bay

Famous for its stunning limestone formations – natural sculptures that emerge from the glassy water, this picturesque, sheltered cove is also a snorkelers’ dream. The short walk from the old town of St. George is well worth it. There is a beach house for rentals, food and drink, in the summer months. Takes about 20 minutes to reach Tobacco Bay beach from Kings Square, St. George’s

On Any given day... Find a Bermudaful beach and claim it as your own. Church Bay Beach app - free download


Local Fish

The ocean’s Bounty

wahoo, tuna and mahi-mahi, while others drop their hooks closer to home, seeking rockfish and snapper. Many fishermen have well established relationships with the island’s restaurant chefs, from small family run grills to large hotels, and sell their catch before they tie up the boat at the dock. Delivery of a whole fish is commonplace – it’s not unusual to see a yellowfin tuna or wahoo carried through the restaurant to the kitchen where the chef is sharpening a knife. Every part of the fish will be used: fillets and steaks in the pan or on the grill; the rack, or bones, for fish chowder. Wahoo, a delicious member of the mackerel family, peaks in May, so look for pan-fried or blackened wahoo steaks – great for diners who don’t like their fish to taste too fishy. Yellowfin tuna appears in the spring and fall, and are best served seared and pink in the centre. When grouper, or rockfish, appears on the menu, take advantage! There is a catch limit on the species, along with restricted fishing in areas around the island during their spawning season. The newest fish to appear on plates is the Indo-Pacific lionfish, an invasive species causing havoc on reefs around Bermuda, in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. We now “eat ‘em to beat ‘em” and lionfish fillet has proved delicious; mild and flaky, similar to rockfish, snapper and hogfish.

Barracuda Grill Seafood & Chops - Grilled Tuna

As the waters of the North Atlantic warm up in spring and the local catch begins to increase, Bermuda’s restaurants adjust their menus to include the ocean’s bounty. Commercial fisherman head off shore to Argus and Challenger Banks in search of


Angelo’s Bistro - Rockfish . Spring 2020

Portofino - Wahoo Salad

eat and drink guide

Cottage Cafe - Rockfish Sandwich

To ensure you are eating locally caught fish, order from the specials board, check with your server or enquire when making reservations. Many menus include “Catch of the Day” and offer different preparation options, including the classic Bermudian favourite –pan fried with sautéed bananas and sliced toasted almonds. Delicious! app - free download

Cafe Amici - Wahoo Catch


Eat And drink Guide Bella Vista

Angelo’s Bistro

WALKER ARCADE, CITY OF HAMILTON Experience Italian and global cuisine with a Bermudian twist at Angelo’s Bistro, located at the Walker Arcade in the City of Hamilton. Well-known local chef Angelo Buglione and his wife, Fatima, own and operate this friendly, casual restaurant, open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Start your day with Lavazza Espresso, cappuccino and eggs Benedict try fresh local fish, salads and homemade pastas & Pizza for lunch. The dinner menu specializes in seafood and fresh House Made Pasta along with Chairman`s Reserve Beef & local Rockfish. A full Award winning gluten-free menu is also offered. The bistro has free Wi-Fi and al-fresco dining on the open-air patio. Highly recommended the Chef`s daily Specials. Serving breakfast, lunch & dinner. Free wi-fi. Info: 441-232-1000,,

PORT ROYAL GOLF COURSE, SOUTHAMPTON Set atop one of the World’s finest golf courses; enjoy the west end’s finest food at Bella Vista. The menu is bursting with fresh, innovative Mediterranean flavour. The patio overlooks stunning views of South Shore and its incomparable sunsets, the “19th Hole” is the perfect post-round cocktail spot for golfers and spectators alike. Info: 441-232-0100

Bermuda Bistro at the Beach 103 FRONT STREET, CITY OF HAMILTON Whether you are looking for a tasty, but inexpensive lunch or looking to drink, dine and dance till late into the evening, Bermuda Bistro at the Beach is the place to

FRESH, INNOVATIVE BREAKFAST & LUNCH FAVOURITES 2nd Floor, Washington Mall, Hamilton . Mon - Sat 7:30am to 4pm . 441 292 0880

42 . Spring 2020

eat and drink guide

be. Enjoy ‘al fresco’ dining for breakfast, lunch and dinner, daily happy hour or come enjoy one of your favorite sporting events on one of our five large plasma screen TVs. Info: 441-292-0219 or

Bonefish Bar & Grill

6 DOCKYARD TERRACE, DOCKYARD Join Chef/Owner Livio Ferigo and his team, while enjoying a happy atmosphere, fun music, wonderful indoor/ outdoor bar/dining and views of the waterfront. Live entertainment weekly on the best patio in Dockyard. Open 7 days a week. Info: 441-234-5151,

f o e t s a T A a e S & d Lan BEST PATIO IN DOCKYARD 441 234 5151 BONEFISHBERMUDA.COM

Italian Culture & Cuisine in Dockyard Brew

53 FRONT STREET, CITY OF HAMILTON Featuring part coffee house, part craft brewery, Brew is a totally unique and one of a kind hot new spot on Front Street. Gourmet “ready to eat” quick service sandwiches, salads and pastries sit temptingly on display and don’t forget; specialty coffees both cold and hot. Brew also features Bermuda’s first Wine Wall, sporting 8 selections of wine on tap from specific wine regions such as the Napa Valley. In the mood for a local brew? Brew features 8 of Bermuda’s oldest local brewery ales and beers on tap. Info: 441-542-2739,,


Dine on the Green Dine on the green overlooking the ocean... 441 232 0100 - PORT ROYAL GOLF COURSE SOUTHAMPTON - BELLAVISTAGRILL.COM app - free download


Eat And Drink Guide


Cottage Café and Bistro

Café Amici

CLOCKTOWER MALL, SANDYS Open for breakfast, lunch, dinner and the best Pizza in Dockyard, Café Amici is conveniently located just a short walk from the Cruise Ship Terminal and Ferry Dock. Join family and friends for traditional Italian Cuisine served up just as it is in the back streets of Italy! Dine inside or “al fresco”. Traditional Bermudian Codfish Breakfast is served on Sundays. Info: 441-234-5009,

2ND FLOOR WASHINGTON MALL, CITY OF HAMILTON The Cottage Cafe has a menu filled with fresh breakfast and lunch favourites, and comfort food with a twist. You’ll enjoy unique takes on staples like eggs Benedict, macaroni and cheese, plus fresh, homemade soups, salads and sandwiches. Add to this the daily specials and desserts, and you are spoilt for choice! The 40-seat bistro offers a sophisticated setting with décor featuring exposed brickwork, limestone blocks and vinyl siding reflecting a rustic cottage. You can dine in or take out at The Cottage Café & Bistro and remember, vegetarian and gluten free options are available and they will cater any event. Info: 441-292-0880,

Coconut Rock 20 REID STREET, HAMILTON Enjoy delicious food and creative drinks at Coconut Rock. The bar is open until 2:00am with Take-out available until late. Call for details and the weekly entertainment schedule. Fancy some of Bermuda’s best sushi? Check out Yashi, located inside Coconut Rock. Info: 441-292-1043, Coconut-Rock-Restaurant


25 FRONT STREET, CITY OF HAMILTON Docksider Pub & Restaurant (aka Dockies), a popular hangout for sports enthusiasts, boasts 20 big screen TVs throughout. Come watch your favourite sports, enjoy fine food and drink or choose from several themed nightly events. While you take in Premier League football games on Saturday’s and Sunday’s, enjoy a full Irish breakfast. Happy hour prices from 4pm-8pm daily. Info: 441-296-3333,

44 . Spring 2020

eat and drink guide

Frog & Onion Dockyard Brewing Company

COOPERAGE, 4 MARITIME LN, DOCKYARD This authentic British-style pub, was created in 1992 by a Bermudian and a Frenchman. This historic Cooperage, completed in 1853, was converted to five storehouses in the 1940s. With great comfort food and tasty gastropub-style dishes, Dockyard Brewing Co. is Bermuda’s only microbrewery, and has the distinction of being the only producer of adult beverage that can wear the “Totally Made in Bermuda” stamp. Featuring 8 different types of beers and ales, it is a favourite destination of locals and tourists alike who wish to sample artisanal beverages of exceptional quality.

Hog Penny Restaurant & Pub

5 BURNABY HILL, CITY OF HAMILTON The Hog Penny is Hamilton’s oldest licensed establishment and interestingly is the original inspiration for the Cheers pub in Boston. Featuring fantastic, hearty, pub-style comfort food that has won countless ‘Best of Bermuda’ awards, the Hog Penny continues to be a favourite spot for generations of locals and visitors alike! Info: 441-292-2534,

Info: 441-234-2900,, app - free download


Pickled Onion Restaurant & Bar


53 FRONT STREET, CITY OF HAMILTON The Pickled Onion is a contemporary upscale but casual restaurant, with Bermuda’s best bar and ‘see and be seen’ vibe. Our food is North American focused, with global influences. Join us at our classy and fun Martini style bar, popular with local professionals or those wanting to enjoy a night out on the town. We feature live entertainment seven nights a week in season, and overlook the harbour. Info: 441-295-2263,,

20 BERMUDIANA ROAD, CITY OF HAMILTON At Portofino’s our philosophy is simple; We pride ourselves on excellent food and unrivaled service. For more than four decades, we have been serving exquisite Italian cuisine to locals and tourists alike. Introducing our new head chef, Maximo Villagra, our newly renovated dining room and our new lunch and dinner menus, come and enjoy traditional Italian comfort food and classic décor at its best. We keep it simple, but delicious, using only the freshest ingredients wellexecuted. All of us here at Portofino look forward to serving you soon. Info: 441-292-2375,

Tuesday 9pMThursday UNTIL





CASH PRIZES cash payouts to the winners

Special $10 Menu

Making Your Life Easier and Cheaper!! Eat in or Take it to Go!!

46 . Spring 2020

eat and drink guide

Rum Bum Beach Bar

HORSESHOE BAY BEACH, SOUTH ROAD Heading West after a long day’s work and looking for the perfect place to kick back and relax? We got you covered at RUM BUM Beach Bar at Horseshoe Beach! Come enjoy good food, drinks and entertainment at one of Bermuda’s most calming and beautiful locations. Come enjoy our daily Happy Hour. RUM BUM Beach Bar at Horseshoe Beach is Bermuda’s number one hot spot! Info: 441-238-0088,

Swizzle Inn - Bailey’s Bay

BAILEY’S BAY, HAMILTON PARISH Home of the original rum swizzle, our potent rum and fruit juice cocktail, The Swizzle Inn is Bermuda’s oldest and most famous pub. Established in 1932 in a 17th Century roadhouse, “Swizzle” serves up its namesake cocktail alongside great pub style food and evening entertainment in a setting filled with character and its popular, two-tiered patio. This Bailey’s Bay landmark is fun for all the family, with Live entertainment seasonally and weekly trivia nights. Shop the Swagger Out Gift Shop for souvenirs to take home or drop in for a final cool one on your way to flight check in. Info: 441-293-1854,

87 South Shore, Warwick 441 236 7459

Home of the Rum Swizzle Open daily from 11am and food served all day

3 Blue Hole Hill, Bailey’s Bay 441 293 1854 app - free download


Eat & Drink Guide Continued...

Swizzle Inn - South Shore

Yashi Sushi

87 SOUTH SHORE ROAD, WARWICK This second and equally popular location is situated along South Shore’s beach route. Enjoy the trademark Rum Swizzle and pubstyle favourites, nachos, burgers, salads, sandwiches and sundaes on the patio after a day at the beach. Live entertainment on the patio seasonally. Shop for Swizzle Inn-Swagger Out souvenirs in the gift shop.

20 REID STREET, CITY OF HAMILTON Yashi Sushi Bar serves the freshest Sashimi, Makimonos and other creative signature Sushi dishes such as Shrimp Dumplings and the Tripple-Delight Maki. Yashi is conveniently off Reid Street. Not only is Yashi known for the island’s best Sushi but their decor and non-smoking atmosphere is sure to compliment your dining experience.

Info: Swizzle Inn South Shore 441-236-7459,

Info: 441-292-1043 or

48 . Spring 2020

FREE Pearl Studs




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