HOTEL MAGAZINE | jesen/zima 2013/2014 winter/autumn
iz Zagreba
The best
gift from Zagreb
Intervju / Interview
Čuvar priče o baštini Keeper of the story about monuments
Naš cilj je kvalitetan turistički proizvod
Our goal is a quality tourist product
Magnetska privlačnost
Magnetic attraction
Sedmo izdanje magazina Esplanade View je vani! Ponosan sam na ekipu, ispravak, na mlade dame koje s velikom strašću i entuzijazmom kontinuirano rade na ovom izazovnom projektu. Mnogo je toga što bi se u svakom broju moglo napisati. Ovaj hotel neiscrpna je riznica intrigantnih priča, zanimljivih ljudi i neobičnih događaja. O nekima pišemo, a neke tajne čuvamo među sobom i nikada ih ne otkrivamo. Zaista je nevjerojatan ovaj hotel, za neke od nas pravi magnet koji ni nakon mnogo godina rada ne možemo napustiti. Ima nešto privlačno u njegovu interijeru, dizajnu, fascinantnoj povijesti, ali i ljudima koji ga čine takvim kakav jest. Jedan od njih je i Anton Kirasić, najdulje zaposlen djelatnik koji je ovdje već 43 godine, cijeli moj životni vijek. Reći ćete impresivno, no Anton je u duši još mladić, a svoje iskustvo rada na recepciji hotela u ovom je broju podijelio s nama. Nema tog poznatog gosta s kojim Anton nije razgovarao, a s jednim smo i mi sjeli u bar i doznali kako su tijekom rata preživjele poznate umjetnine i tko su ljudi koji su ih spasili. Slavni pisac Robert M. Edsel s ponosom je otkrio detalje priče na temelju koje je snimljen i film s Georgeom Clooneyjem u glavnoj ulozi. Uz priču o Odredu za baštinu, doznali smo i velike planove razvoja hrvatskog turizma. Ova sezona bilježi pozitivne brojke, baš kao i naš hotel, a relativno nova, pristupačna i simpatična direktorica Hrvatske turističke zajednice ispričala nam je o svojem radnom iskustvu i iznijela viziju razvoja turizma. Ova naša mala zemlja uistinu ima bogatu kulturnu i povijesnu baštinu. Ljepote Hrvatske neosporne su, a dokaz tome su i sve posjećenija Plitvička jezera, čijoj ljepoti nije mogao odoljeti ni Unesco, uvrstivši ih na svoju listu svjetske baštine kao jednu od najljepših prirodnih atrakcija koju svakako valja posjetiti. Osim toga, Hrvatska se zadnjih godina sve više ističe talentiranim modnim dizajnerima. Borna Rajić, Zagrepčanka s pariškom adresom, otkrila je što ju inspirira pri stvaranju originalnih novih kolekcija. Predstavljajući zanimljive ljude i događaje, nismo ni mi propustili priliku pohvaliti se nekim novim uslugama i nagradama. Nadam se da nam nećete zamjeriti i da ćete uživati u laganom i zanimljivom štivu, koje će vas potaknuti da posjetite hotel malo češće.
With immense pleasure, I’m pleased to announce the seventh edition of the Esplanade View is out! I’m genuinely proud of the team, the content, and equally the young ladies who have shared their passion and enthusiasm throughout these pages and continue to work on this challenging project. There is such an abundance that could be told in every edition. This hotel is an inexhaustible treasure chest of intriguing stories, interesting people and unusual encounters. Some we’ve written about, and others remain secrets we’ve kept amongst ourselves! It has become a truly unbelievable place, for some a real magnet, which after so many years of working in, we still can’t part ways with. There is something quite appealing in its interior and design, the fascinating history and of course, the people who make it what it is today. One of them is Anton Kirasić, our longest serving employee, who has been working with us here for 43 years, the duration of my entire lifetime. You’ll say that’s very impressive, however Anton is still young at heart and in this edition, he delightfully shares his experience of working at the hotel reception with us. There isn’t a famous guest who Anton hasn’t spoken with, as a matter of fact, we sat down with one at the bar and discovered how famous works of art survived during the war and who were the people who saved them. The famous writer Robert M. Edsel proudly let us in on the details of the story based on which the film was made with George Clooney in the lead role. Apart from the story about the Heritage Unit, we discovered significant plans for the development of Croatian tourism. This season has seen positive numbers, including our hotel and the relatively new, approachable and pleasant director of the Croatian National Tourist Board informed us of her rich work experience and presented her vision of tourism development. Our small, yet beautiful country truly has a rich cultural and historical heritage. Natural beauties of Croatia are undisputed as underlined by increased visitor numbers at the Plitvice Lakes National Park, whose beauty even UNESCO couldn’t resist, including them on their list of World Heritage Sites as one of the most beautiful natural attractions, which is definitively worth seeing. Additionally, Croatia has really stood out in recent years with an increasing number of talented fashion designers. Borna Rajić, a Zagreb resident with a Paris address reveals what inspires her in creating original new collections. In presenting interesting people and events, we ensured not to miss the opportunity to highlight some of our new services and awards. With that, I hope you’ll have an interesting read and enjoy this edition, which might just inspire you to visit us at the Esplanade, more often.
Ivica Max Krizmanić, generalni direktor
Ivica Max Krizmanić, General Manager
Sadržaj C O
Predstavljamo osoblje hotela Introducing the hotel staff
anton Kirasić
S istim žarom radim svoj posao kao i prije četrdeset godina It is with the same spark that I’m doing this job as I did it forty years ago
92 Dio mene probudi se samo kad sam u Zagrebu
A part of me wakes up only when I’m in Zagreb
Intervju Interview
Meri Matešić
Cilj nam je kvalitetan turistički proizvod Our goal is to have a quality tourist product
30 Intervju Interview
ROBERT M.EDSEL Čuvar priče o baštini Keeper of the story about monuments
BOrNa rajIĆ
PLITVIČKA JEZERA 68 Bajkovita PLITVICE LAKES Fairy tale lakes
53 Savršen spoj umjetnosti i mode Art and fashion in a match made in heaven
Otvorenjem Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj u naš grad stigli su predstavnici te čarobne kraljevine. U samo nekoliko mjeseci očarali su nas svojom bajkovitom zemljom, a hrvatskim su je građanima predstavili na lijep način, putem mode, glazbe, obrtničkih radionica, izložbi, kulinarskih prezentacija i degustacija. With the opening of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Croatia, our city welcomed representatives of this magical kingdom. In just a space of only a few months, they fascinated us with their fabulous country and showcased it in a beautiful way through fashion, crafts workshops, exhibitions, culinary presentations and tasting.
udahnut će novu mladost vašem licu
Božanstvena Immortelle, kolekcija ze potpunu njegu protiv starenja kože, ove jeseni predstavlja njegujuće proizvode s još snažnijom i učinkovitijom anti-ageing formulom te novi jedinstveni prozivod za vaš dnevni ritual njege lica- Božanstveni losion za lice, 200ml.
Božanstveni losion - Losion bogate svi-
lenkaste teksture omekšava kožu, pružajući joj trenutni osjećaj ugode. Koža je osvježena, podatna i pripremljena za daljnju njegu.
It will breathe youthfulness into your face The divine Immortelle’s collection for complete anti-ageing skin care this autumn presents skin care products with even stronger and more effective anti-ageing formula including a new and unique product for your daily facial care ritual – The Divine face lotion, 200 ml.
Divine lotion - This rich silky texture lotion
softens the skin, offering it instantaneous feeling of comfort. The skin is refreshed, supple and ready for further care.
Božanstveni serum - Serum s iznimno
Divine serum - This serum with very high quality concentration of natural active ingredients works effectively in preventing loss of skin elasticity and helps improve the skin ton. The face looks visibly younger.
Božanstveni serum za područje oko očiju - Osvježavajuće i svilenkaste
Devine serum for area around the eyes - This creamy gel of refreshing and silky
visokom koncentracijom prirodnih aktivnih sastojaka učinkovito pomaže u sprječavanju gubitka elastičnosti kože i poboljšava tonus kože. Lice izgleda vidljivo mlađe.
teksture ovaj kremasti gel u potpunosti obnavlja područje oko očiju pružajući mu svježinu i blistavost. Sitne bore, tamni kolutovi i podbuhlost vidjljivo su smanjeni, a područje oko očiju izgleda vidjljivo mlađe.
Izdavač / Editor
Glavna urednica / Editor-in-Chief Ana Gruden
Uredništvo / Editorial board Sanda Sokol, Ivica Max Krizmanić
novinari / Journalist
Prijevod na engleski / Translation to English
Pavuna d.o.o., Nova ulica 4, Javorje, Brdovec (Zaprešić) /
Fotografi / Photographs Hrvoje Serdar, Ines Novković, Matea Smolčić Senčar
Dizajn i prijelom / Design and layout
Produkcija i kreativno vodstvo / Production and creative management: Danira Orešić Fotografkinja / Photograph: Matea Smolčić Senčar Snimljeno u palači Galeriji Klovićevi dvori / Photographed Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Jezuitski trg 4, Zagreb
Bernardić studio
Tisak / Print
Lektura / Proofreading
Grafički zavod Hrvatske
Direktorica marketinga / Marketing manager Danira Orešić
Julijana Jurković
HOTEL MAGAZINE | jesen/zima 2013/2014 winter/autumn
Tihana Korać, Sanja Muzaferija, Željka Plužarić, Tena Štivičić, Jasmina Purić
H OT E L MAG A Z I N E | J E S E N / Z I MA 2 0 1 3 / 2 0 1 4 W I N T E R / AU T U M N | B E S P L AT N I P R I M J E R A K | YO U R P E R SO N A L F R E E CO P Y
Zaposlena d.o.o. 10 000 Zagreb Frankopanska 24 tel: 01/3680 015 fax: 01/3680 016
texture completely regenerates the area around the eyes offering it freshness and radiance. Tiny pores, dark circles and puffiness are visibly reduced and the area around the eyes looks visibly younger.
Intervju / Interview
Čuvar priče o baštini Keeper of the story about monuments
Naš cilj je kvalitetan turistički proizvod
Our goal is a quality tourist product
ISSN 1846-324-X Esplanade Zagreb Luxury Hotel Mihanovićeva 1 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia tel: 01/4566 666 fax: 01/4566 050
o f wo men s a w
REGENERATED SKIN a f t er j us t 4 week s *
ULTIMATE ANTI-AGING SKINCARE L’OCCITANE enhanced the proven anti-ageing power of organic immortelle, the never-fading flower from Corsica. Boosted by a unique complex of 7 naturally derived active ingredients, the new Divine formula breathes vitality into the heart of the cells**. Now with a fifth patent pending, Divine Cream helps correct all signs of ageing and leaves a glow of youthful beauty. L’OCCITANE, a true story.
Zagreb: Arena Centar • Zagreb: Avenue Mall • Zagreb: City Center one West • Zagreb: Cvjetni • Zagreb: Point Shopping Center Split: City Center one • Split: Joker • Zadar: Narodni trg 3 • Zadar: Supernova • Rijeka: Korzo 40 b • Rijeka: Tower Center Rijeka: ZTC • Available also in web shop
*Satisfaction test on 95 women during 6 months. **Of the epidermis.
Dentalna medicina Kozmetologija
Dental medicine
Cosmetology Bolesti i ozljede kraljeĹžnice
Bolesti dojke Breast Ultrasound and Mammography
Spinal Diseases and Injuries
Dermatologija Dermatology Abdominalna kirurgija
Abdominal Surgery
Allergology Proktologija Proctology Fizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija
Interna medicina
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Internal Medicine Estetska kirurgija
Bolesti vena
Plastic Surgery
Venous Diseases
Stacionarna njega Inpatient accommodation
Sistematski pregledi Medical Check-up
Ortopedija Orthopedics
Poliklinika Arithera | BukovaÄ?ka cesta 1 10000 Zagreb | Croatia | Tel: +385 1 230 4074
Poliklinika Arithera kvalitetom, stručnim kadrom i suvremenim medicinskim metodama konkurira najeminentnijim poliklinikama u Europi. U 1500m2 ekskluzivno opremljenog prostora Poliklinike pružamo široki spektar medicinskih specijalizacija i usluga uz individualni pristup liječenju i apsolutnu posvećenost potrebama svakog pacijenta. With its quality, professional staff and modern medical methods Arithera Polyclinic rivals the most famous polyclinics in Europe. In the sophisticatedly equipped polyclinic covering the area of 1500 m2 we offer a wide range of medical specializations and services accompanied by an individual approach to treatments and a complete dedication to every patient’s needs.
Ultrazvučno uklanjanje proširenih vena pjenom UGFS metoda U liječenju bolesti proširenih vena primjenjujemo u svijetu najmoderniju UGFS metodu koju preporučuju najpriznatiji svjetski flebolozi. Za doslovce 1 sat, bez bolova, rezova i ožiljaka trajno rješavamo problem proširenih vena.
Dijagnostika i liječenje bolesti kralježnice Spine Paine Management (SPM) metodama dijagnosticiramo i liječimo bolesti kralježnice. Metode su minimalno invazivne, bezbolne, bez rezova i dugotrajnih oporavaka, trenutno povećavaju pokretljivost i smanjuju bol, a pacijent se već sat vremena nakon zahvata vraća svakodnevnim aktivnostima. Osim SPM metoda primjenjujemo i klasične kirurške metode i napredne tehnike fizikalne terapije i rehabilitacije.
Estetska kirurgija Estetskom kirurgijom i estetskom medicinom korigiramo stanja na koži i tijelu, a specijalizacija onkološke i rekonstrukcijske kirurgije dojke svrstava Polikliniku Arithera u sam vrh hrvatske plastične kirurgije.
Estetska dentalna medicina Za ljepši osmjeh i savršeni izgled vaših zubi pobrinuti će se vrsni dentalni stručnjaci koristeći napredne dentalne tehnike i vrhunske stomatološke materijale.
Ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy for treating varicose veins - UGFS method In treating varicose veins we use the world’s most modern UGFS method recommended by the world’s most renowned phlebologists. We permanently solve the problem with varicose veins in only an hour, without pain, cuts and scars.
Spinal surgery Spine Paine Management (SPM) methods are used to diagnose and treat the spinal diseases and injuries. Those methods are minimaly invasive, painless and without any operations and long-term healing. They immediately increase the mobility and reduce the pain, and the patient can return to everyday activities alerady after one hour. Besides SPM methods, we also use the classical surgical methods and individual rehabilitation programs.
Plastic surgery We improve the condition of the skin and body by plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine. Specialization of oncologic and reconstructive breast surgery makes Arithera Polyclinic one of the top Croatian polyclinics for plastic surgery.
Esthetic dental medicine Proficient dental experts will ensure you have a nicer smile and perfect teeth by using advanced dental techniques and highquality dental materials.
Najbolji dar The best iz Zagreba gift from Zagreb Svaki put kad vas u poštanskom sandučiću dočeka razglednica ili dobijete dar s putovanja, sretni ste jer znate da vas se draga osoba sjetila za vrijeme odmora ili poslovnog puta u drugom gradu ili na drugom kontinentu. Znak pažnje s putovanja razveselit će svakoga bez obzira na njegovu cijenu, veličinu ili grad iz kojega dolazi. Kada sljedeći put krenete na putovanje, svakako se toga sjetite.
ko boravite u Zagrebu tijekom vikenda, bilo poslovno, bilo privatno, nećete se dosađivati, jer Zagreb nudi mnogo toga. Na raspolaganju su različite mogućnosti, poput kazališta, izložbi u muzejima i galerijama te razgledavanje brojnih znamenitosti. Jednako tako, u našem glavnom gradu možete obaviti i odličan šoping!
Darovi su neodvojivo vezani za putovanje Zagrepčani i njihovi gosti znaju da je subotnje jutro pravo vrijeme za šetnju centrom grada i razgledavanje bogate ponude naših dućana. Naši će se sugrađani složiti da je subotnje jutro u Zagrebu vrlo živo, ali istodobno opušteno i zabavno! Osobito ako ste u potrazi za idealnim darom za dragu osobu. Darovi su neodvojivo vezani za putovanje i samim time imaju veliku vrijednost. Služe da djelić uspomena o proživljenome zadržimo što dulje i vjernije u sjećanju. Ono što će biti vrlo prepo-
znatljiv i lijep dar s puta u Zagreb ukrasni su predmeti s crveno-bijelim kockicama. One su, osobito zahvaljujući velikim uspjesima naših sportaša, postale poznate u cijelom svijetu, a možete ih pronaći na šalicama, olovkama, šalovima… Zagrebački šestinski kišobran, pleteri, keramika, odljevi radova hrvatskih kipara, gipsane kućice, slike s motivima Zagreba, kristalni i pleteni predmeti i rukotvorine, kemijska olovka, kravata također su prepoznatljivi darovi koji će turiste podsjećati na boravak u Zagrebu i vrlo su lijep dar s putovanja.
Tradicionalni darovi
Ako želite vjerno prenijeti čari svoga putovanja u Zagreb i razveseliti nekoga tradicionalnim darom, vaš izbor može biti i licitarsko srce. Licitar je šareno ukrašen kolač od medenoga tijesta u obliku srca. Tradicionalno je žarko crvene bolje, a tajna njegove izrade čuva se od davnina u krugovima obiteljskih obrta. Osim jestivih, danas se izrađuju i keramička licitarska srca kao suveniri.
Every time you find a post card in your mail box or you get a souvenir from someone’s trip, you are happy because you know that someone nice has remembered you during their holiday or business trip in another city or on another continent. This small gift will make everyone happy regardless of its value, size or place of origin. Next time you embark on a trip, try and remember that. If you are visiting Zagreb for the weekend, whether for business or privately, you won’t be bored, because Zagreb has many things to offer. There are plenty of opportunities such as theatre, exhibitions in museums and galleries including many other attractions. Moreover, you can get great shopping done in our capital city!
What make really nice and recognisable gifts from Zagreb are decorative objects with red and white squares. They have, thanks by in large to our sports persons, become recognised worldwide and you can find them on cups, pens, scarf, ect. The Zagreb Šestine umbrella, Croatian decorative wattle, ceramics, works by Croatian sculptors, plaster houses, paintings with motifs of Zagreb, crystal and knitted items and handicrafts, fountain pens and neckties are also recognisable gifts, which Zagreb residents and their will not just remind tourists of guests know that Saturday their stay in Zagreb, but also morning is a great time for are a nice travel gift. taking a stroll downtown and for sightseeing the abundance of offers our stores If you want to truly convey have on offer. Our residents the magic of your journey to will agree that Saturday Zagreb and make someone morning in Zagreb is very happy with a traditional gift, vivacious, but also relaxed your choice can also include and fun, especially if you are the Licitarsko (Gingerbread) on a hunt for an ideal gift for Heart. The gingerbread is a colourfully decorated cookie that special someone. Gifts are closely linked to from honey dough in shape of travelling and hence car- a heart. It is traditionally bright ry great value. They serve red in colour and its recipe is so we could keep that bit a secret kept from times long of memory about what we passed in family craft shops. experienced etched in the Besides eatable ones, ceramback of our minds as long as ic gingerbread hearts are also made as souvenirs. we can.
Gifts are closely linked to travelling
Traditional gifts
Ako želite razveseliti dragu osobu trajnim darom, predlažemo nakit, jer što je trajnije od zlata i briljanata?! U Prahir zlatarnici pronaći ćete raznolik izbor nakita za sve prilike. Prahir je hrvatski brend s dugogodišnjom tradicijom izrade vjenčanog i zaručničkog prstenja te modnog nakita, a ističu se vrhunskom kvalitetom i modernim dizajnom If you want to make someone special happy with a long lasting gift, we suggest jewellery, because what lasts longer than gold and emeralds! At Prahir Jewellers you will find a wide array of jewellery for all occasions. Prahir is a Croatian brand with a long lasting tradition of making wedding and engagement rings and other fashion jewellery. Their jewellery is marked by exquisite craftsmanship and a modern design.
Darovi služe da djelić uspomena o proživljenome zadržimo što dulje i vjernije u sjećanju. U potrazi ste za originalnim, umjetničkim nakitom živopisnih motiva u kojima su utkane filozofske poruke najvećih majstora slikarstva? Vaš izbor mogu biti svevremenske kolekcije poznatog brenda Freywille. Ondje možete pronaći nakit, satove, šalove, torbice i pisaći pribor s prepoznatljivim dizajnom. Looking for cheerful, young and modern jewellery and fashion accessories? Your choice can be a piece from the new collection of the famous brand Freywille. You can find jewellery, watches, scarfs, handbags and pens with distinct design.
Ako pak tražite dar za ljubiteljicu kozmetike, nećete pogriješiti s darom iz dućana L’occitane ili Sisley, kozmetikom Guerlain… a tu je i čokoladna čarolija Aida Bečke kavane. If you are however looking for a gift for a makeup lover, you won’t go wrong with a gift from L’occitane’s store or Sisley with Guerlain makeup….of course there is also the magic off chocolate at Aida Beč (Vienna) coffee shop.
animljiv i ukusan dar može biti i paprenjak, tradicionalni hrvatski kolač napravljen od meda i papra. Savršeno upakirane paprenjake možete pronaći i u samom hotelu Esplanade u dućanu Paprenjak. An interesting and delicious gift can also be the pepper cookie, a traditional Croatian cookie made from honey and pepper. The perfectly packaged pepper cookies can be found at the Hotel Esplanade at the ‘’Paprenjak’’ store.
Gifts serve so we could keep that bit of memory about what we experienced etched in the back of our mind as long as we can. Hotel ESPLANADE /
Bilo da ste u Zagrebu dan, vikend, tjedan ili dulje, iz njega nećete otići praznih ruku, jer teško ćete moći odoljeti najnovijim kolekcijama poznatih brendova.
Whether you are in Zagreb for a day, a week or longer, you won’t leave from it empty handed, because you will not be able to resist the newest collection from famous brands.
Ako želite izabrati odjevni predmet iz najnovijih kolekcija luksuznih svjetskih brendova, na raspolaganju su vam dućani poput Max Mare, Porsche Designa, Lancela, Samsonitea, Lacoste i brojni drugi. Idealan dar za mamu, sestru, kćerku ili prijateljicu svakako ćete pronaći u boutiqueu Max Mara, ili butiku CORE, bilo da je riječ o nakitu, odjeći ili cipelama. Savršenu torbicu pronaći ćete u boutiqueu Lancel ili Maras, a glamurozne cipele i čizmice u buticima Karla.
While for men you will find a real gift in the top quality Porsche Design boutique, Lacoste or Boggi boutique, which offers a wide range of clothes, handbags, sun glasses and watches.
If you are looking for a clothing garment from the latest collection of world famous brands, you have stores such as Max Mara, Porsche Design, Lancel, Samsonite, Lacoste and many other at your disposal. The ideal gift for your mother, sister, daughter or friend can definitively be found at Max Mara or CORE boutique whether it be jewellery, clothing or shoes. You can find that perfect bag in the Lancel or Maras boutiques and glamorous shoes or boots in Karla.
Pravi dar za dragu mušku osobu pronaći ćete u boutiqueu vrhunskog brenda Porsche Design, Lacoste ili butiku Boggi, koji u ponudi ima širok izbor odjeće, torbi, sunčanih naočala i satova.
DUBROVNIK, Gundulićeva poljana 1 - ZAGREB, Masarykova 17/Gundulićeva 19 (Franchisees Max Mara)
otel Esplanade ove je godine sudjelovao u Light it up blue kampanji te je na Svjetski dan autizma, 2. travnja 2013., obasjao hotelsko pročelje u plavo – službenu boju autizma. Autism speaks – vodeća svjetska organizacija – prije četiri godine počela je s kampanjom Light it up blue. Tijekom prošlogodišnje kampanje gotovo 3000 konstrukcija u više od 600 gradova i 45 država osvijetljeno je plavom rasvjetom, poput Empire State Buildinga, Tokyo Towera, Opere u Sydneyu i brojnih drugih.
Pročelje u plavom
Facade in blue This year, the Esplanade Hotel participated in the Light It Up Blue campaign. On April 2nd 2013, World Autism Day, the hotel illuminated its facade in blue - the official colour of autism. Autism Speaks - the world’s leading organization, began a campaign entitled “Light It Up Blue” four years ago. During last year’s campaign nearly 3,000 structures and more than 600 cities in 45 countries were illuminated by blue light. Among others, the Empire State Building, the Japanese Tokyo Tower, Sydney Opera House, and many others.
Božićni i novogodišnji blagdani
Hotel Esplanade najavljuje raskošnu blagdansku ponudu za goste hotela, za Zagrepčane te za kompanije i sve one koji su u potrazi za kvalitetnom ponudom, prijateljskom uslugom i prihvatljivim cijenama. Za male tvrtke, event agencije te velike kompanije hotel nudi organizaciju božićnih proslava i otmjenih domjenaka u raskošnim dvoranama koje se mogu prilagoditi individualnim potrebama. Za tvrtke koje žele organizirati uredsku proslavu bez stresa i obveza najjednostavnije rješenje je Esplanade catering. Tijekom prosinca goste očekuju adventske nedjelje u restoranu Zinfandel’s uz raskošan obiteljski ručak. Esplanade lounge & cocktail bar tijekom prosinca poziva goste na druženje i opuštanje uz specijalni blagdanski program Xmas Thursday Night Chill Out.
Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations
The Esplanade Hotel warmly announces a sumptuous Christmas season celebration for our hotel guests, Zagreb residents and all companies in search of a fantastic quality package, friendly service and equally, affordable prices. For business customers, large or small, the hotel is offering fabulous Christmas festivities and fancy parties with receptions in fabulous rooms tailored to individual needs. For companies wishing to organise their long-awaited office party without the stress and hassle - the perfect solution would be Esplanade Catering. During December, guests can look forward to Advent Week at Zinfandel’s and an exquisitely prepared family lunch. The Esplanade Lounge & Cocktail bar invites guests to come and socialise and relax with our special seasonal program Xmas Thursday Night Chill Out.
rateći najnovije svjetske trendove u pružanju luksuznih usluga, hotel Esplanade u svoju je ponudu uveo uslugu PressReader Hot Zone kojom gostima tijekom njihova boravka u hotelu Esplanade pruža mogućnost da uživaju u više od 2300 domaćih i inozemnih dnevnih novina i časopisa iz više od 100 zemalja na 56 jezika – dostupnih besplatno za listanje na vlastitom pametnom telefonu ili tabletu. Svaki gost koji ima vlastiti pametni telefon ili tablet uređaj besplatno se spoji na hotelski bežični internet, potom preuzima PressReader aplikaciju na svoj uređaj na ili putem App Storea, a kad jedanput pokrene aplikaciju, kasnije je jednostavno pokreće unutar PressReader Hot Zone, odabire naslove i uživa u čitanju.
Prestižna priznanja Posljednjih mjeseci hotel je primio čak nekoliko pri-
znanja i nagrada za izvrsnost u poslovanju. Esplanade hotel uvršten je na prestižnu listu najboljih hotela – Expedia Insiders’ Select 2013. To je prestižna godišnja nagrada kojom se odaje priznanje najboljim hotelima dostupnima na globalnom tržištu. Stigla su i priznanja Tripadvisora, najvećeg svjetskog turističkog servisa za ocjenu kvalitete usluga u turizmu. Certificate of Excellence 2013 Winner predana su hotelu za smještaj i uslugu te restoranima Zinfandel’s i Le Bistro za iznimno dostignuće i pozitivne recenzije gostiju u proteklih godinu dana. Uz to, hotelu je predan certifikat vodećeg europskog internetskog portala za ocjenu kvalitete smještaja – Holiday Check Quality Selection 2013. U nizu priznanja valja istaknuti i Great Rail Journeys, koji je i ove godine hotelu Esplanade uručio prestižnu nagradu – ovaj put za kompletno zadovoljstvo gostiju uslugom.
Prestigious acknowledgments In recent months the hotel has proudly received several
acknowledgements and awards for its excellence in business. The Esplanade Zagreb Hotel has been included in the prestigious list of best hotels – the Expedia Insiders’ Select 2013 – this is an influential annual award, acknowledging the best hotels internationally. A further recognition was received from TripAdvisor, the world’s largest tourist service for assessment of quality of tourist services. The hotel was awarded the Certificate of Excellence 2013 Winner for Accommodation and Services, and the restaurants Zinfandel’s and Le Bistro for their excellent achievement and positive guest reviews over the past 12 months. In addition, the hotel also received a certificate from the leading European internet portal for assessment of accommodation quality – HolidayCheck Quality Selection 2013; ranking among the best hotels recommended by travellers. Among the series of awards, Great Rail Journeys should also be highlighted, as it has awarded the Esplanade Hotel this year’s prestigious award – this time for guests complete satisfaction with services provided. Hotel ESPLANADE /
PressReader Hot Zone Following the latest international trends in providing luxury services, the Esplanade Zagreb Hotel has introduced the PressReader Hot Zone service. Simply, an opportunity to enjoy more than 2,300 local and international newspapers and magazines from over 100 countries in 56 languages – available free of charge to scroll through on their Smartphone or tablet. Each guest who owns a Smartphone or a tablet connects free-of-charge to the hotel’s high-speed wireless internet, then downloads the PressReader application to their device from or via the App Store. Once the application is there, they can simply run it within the PressReader Hot Zone, select titles and enjoy reading.
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24.09.13 12:17
Tjedan izraelske kulture
Povodom 65. obljetnice nezavisnosti države Izrael, Veleposlanstvo Izraela u Republici Hrvatskoj u svibnju je organiziralo kulturnu manifestaciju Tjedan izraelske kulture, kojom su Zagrepčanima željeli približiti svoju kulturu, običaje i čaroliju zemlje. U razdoblju od 30. svibnja do 6. lipnja u Le Bistrou održao se Tjedan izraelske kuhinje. Meni je složio poznati izraelski šef kuhinje Shaul Ben Aderet, a jela su pripremljena u suradnji s našom šeficom kuhinje Anom Grgić. Ben Aderet vlasnik je tri restorana u Izraelu i ugostiteljske tvrtke Kimmel. Surađivao je s vodećim kuharima u Izraelu te je radio u Michelinovim restoranima diljem svijeta i pripremao jela za brojne poznate osobe.
Week of Israel Culture To mark the occasion of the 65th anniversary of independ-
ence of the State of Israel, the Embassy of Israel in Croatia organized a cultural event entitled “Week of Israel Culture” during May. The objective was to bring their culture, customs and introduce the magic of their country to Zagreb. From May 30th until June 6th, the ‘’Week of Israel Cuisine’’ unfolded at Le Bistro Restaurant with an intriguing menu created by Israeli chef, Shaul Ben Aderet and various dishes prepared in cooperation with our chef, Ana Grgić. Ben Aderet, owner of three restaurants in Israel and catering company “Kimmel” has worked alongside leading chefs in Israel and in Michelin Star restaurants across the globe, creating mouth-watering masterpieces for numerous celebrities.
Hotel primio Halal certifikat Hotel Esplanade prepoznao je važnost gostiju islamske vjeroispovijesti te je svoje usluge prilagodio gostima koji žive u skladu s tom vjeroispovijesti. Nakon što je ispunio visoko postavljene zahtjeve za implementaciju, hotelu je nedavno uručen Halal certifikat kvalitete – koji gostima garantira uslugu hotelskog smještaja, gastronomije i wellnessa po strogim HALAL standardima. Također, u ponudi restorana Le Bistro i Zinfandel’s gostima je na raspolaganju posebno kreiran halal a la carte menu.
Hotel received Halal certificate The Esplanade Zagreb Hotel recognizes the importance of guests who live in accordance with the Islamic religion and has adapted its services in line with their needs. Having successfully met the high demands for implementation, the hotel was recently awarded the Halal Certificate of Quality – a commitment that guarantees guests the services of hotel accommodation, gastronomy and wellness according to strict Halal standards. In addition, The Le Bistro and Zinfandel’s restaurants offer their guests a specially created halal à la carte menu.
Snažna podrška za međunarodno poslovanje Prijevodi Tečajevi jezika Posredovanje i savjetovanje u međunarodnom poslovanju U Zagrebu se okupio tim ljudi sa željom poticanja hrvatskog gospodarstva za još boljim umrežavanjem s inozemnim poslovnim partnerima. Pitate se što je potrebno za uspješno međunarodno poslovanje? - znanje stranog jezika - prijevodi - pismeno i usmeno predstavljanje poduzeća, proizvoda i usluga - pouzdano pribavljanje ispravnih informacija - uspostavljanje kontakata sa stranim partnerima - poznavanje poslovnih običaja inozemnih partnera - ... Kako bi hrvatskim poduzećima i njihovim suradnicima na inozemnim tržištima, kao i stranim poduzećima i njihovim suradnicima na hrvatskom tržištu olakšali komunikaciju i pristup, stručni tim tvrtke PAVUNA d.o.o. nudi sve potrebne usluge iz jedne ruke: - poslovne, konverzacijske i opće tečajeve jezika (engleski, njemački, hrvatski za strance, talijanski, ruski, francuski, španjolski), mogući i kao online tečajevi - pismene prijevode s mogućnošću ovjere sudskog tumača za više od 30 jezika - usmene prijevode na poslovnim sastancima, putovanjima, sajmovima - pisanje i sastavljanje promidžbenih tekstova i materijala na jezicima potrebnima za dotična tržišta - predstavljanje Vašeg poduzeća te uspostavljanje kontakata i vođenje komunikacije s inozemnim
dobavljačima i klijentima - pribavljanje potrebnih informacija - podrška pri poslovnim aktivnostima na novim tržištima Za poslovnu komunikaciju u međunarodnom poslovanju za Hrvatsku su i dalje najvažniji jezici ENGLESKI i NJEMAČKI.
Tvrtka PAVUNA ponosna je što Vam upravo u tom području nudi jaku podršku!
Ivan Plavec
engleski komunikolog Ivan Plavec odrastao je u Australiji te magistrirao komunikologiju na Sveučilištu u Sydneyu. Njegovo bogato radno iskustvo, od gotovo 10 godina provedenih u području prodaje i marketinga te poslovanja na inozemnim tržištima, čine ga stručnim znalcem i kompetentnim copywriterom i predavačem u području poslovnog engleskog.
A team of highly skilled individuals from various walks of life gathered in Zagreb with the desire to stimulate the Croatian economy by broadening the network of international partners. You might ask what is necessary to achieve success in international business? - Knowing a foreign language - Accurate translations - Being able to orally and in writing present your company, product and service - Reliable information gathering - Making contact with foreign partners - Knowledge of business customs of foreign partners - ... In order to facilitate communication and access for foreign companies and their associates to the Croatian market and for Croatian companies and their associates to foreign markets, the expert team at PAVUNA d.o.o. offers all the necessary services in one place: - Business, conversational and general language courses (Croatian for foreigners, English, German, Italian, Russian, French, Spanish) also available online - Written translations with the option of certified court interpreter stamp for more than 30 languages - Oral interpreting at business meetings, trips and trade shows - Development of promotional texts and material in languages for specific markets - Representation of your company, initiating contact and managing communications with foreign suppliers and clients - Obtaining all necessary information - Support of business activities in new markets
Outstanding support in international business
Translations Language courses International business arrangements and consulting For business communication in international commerce, ENGLISH and GERMAN are still the most important languages. PAVUNA is proud of being able to offer the most professional support to you in that area!
Ivan Plavec
English Communications Specialist
Ivan Plavec grew up in Australia and obtained a Masters in Professional Communications at the University of Wester Sydney. His rich business experience of almost 10 years spent in areas of sales and marketing including business dealings in international markets have made him a complete language expert as well as a proficient copywriter and lecturer in business English.
Alexander Pavuna German Business Administration Graduate
Alexander Pavuna grew up and was educated in Germany. He studied Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg and gained practical experience in several commercial based roles in companies from various industries. Guided by the desire to move to Croatia, he today offers his knowledge to Croatian companies for more simpler and rapid international development.
Sandra Kruljac
Croatian Language Specialist
Sandra Kruljac is the Croatian support beam of PAVUNA. After studying Croatian Language and Literature at the University of Zagreb, she gained experience as a professor and editor of Croatian and today she instructs her colleagues and company clients with international backgrounds in Croatian as well as using her creativity for writing promotional materials in Croatian.
Of course, the PAVUNA team consists of many other associates – language professors, lecturers, translators, court interpreters, native speakers and industry experts who with their knowledge and experience contribute to the outstanding quality of services that PAVUNA offers to clients.
If you require knowledge of a foreign language, translation, or expert support for simpler international business dealings, get in touch with the PAVUNA team where your needs will be heard with enthusiasm and where the best solution will be designed for you, because the PAVUNA motto is:
Your success is our success!
PAVUNA d.o.o. Translations / Courses / Training / Business arrangements and consulting Tel.: +385 (0) 1 33 98 236 E-mail: Web: Offices: Radnička cesta 27, Zagreb Ante Starčevića 11, Zaprešić
Alexander Pavuna – njemački ekonomist
Alexander Pavuna odrastao je i obrazovao se u Njemačkoj. Svoju diplomu ekonomije stečenu na Veleučilištu u gradu Augsburgu zaokružio je praktičnim radnim iskustvom na raznim komercijalnim pozicijama u poduzećima različitih branši. Vođen željom za preseljenjem u Hrvatsku, danas svoje znanje nudi hrvatskim gospodarskim subjektima za njihov jednostavniji i brži međunarodni razvitak.
Sandra Kruljac kroatolog
Sandra Kruljac je hrvatski potporni stup tvrtke PAVUNA. Nakon studija kroatologije na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu i radnog iskustva stečenog kao lektorica i profesorica hrvatskog jezika, svoje suradnike, kao i klijente tvrtke sa stranom pozadinom, podučava hrvatski jezik te svoju kreativnost koristi za pisanje promidžbenih tekstova na hrvatskom jeziku. Naravno, tim tvrtke PAVUNA čine i brojni drugi suradnici – profesori, predavači, prevoditelji, sudski tumači i izvorni govornici kao i stručnjaci struke koji svojim znanjem i iskustvom doprinose kvalitetnoj ponudi tvrtke. Ukoliko Vam je potrebno znanje stranog jezika, prijevod ili stručna podrška za jednostavnije međunarodno poslovanje, javite se timu tvrtke PAVUNA gdje će s radošću saslušati Vaše potrebe i zajedno s Vama skrojiti najbolju uslugu za Vas, jer slogan tvrtke PAVUNA je:
Vaš uspjeh je i naš uspjeh!
PAVUNA d.o.o. Prijevodi / Tečajevi / Edukacije / Poslovno posredništvo i savjetovanje Tel.: +385 (0) 1 33 98 236 E-mail: Web: Poslovnice: Radnička cesta 27, 10 000 Zagreb Ante Starčevića 11, 10 290 Zaprešić
Čuvar priče o baštini Autor knjige Odred za baštinu i osnivač Monuments zaklade u Zagrebu je predstavio svoju knjigu čiji je hrvatski prijevod objavljen je u izdanju Frakture. Ovaj poznati pisac rado se odazvao pozivu za intervju, otkrivši nam kako je otkrio priču o Odredu.
Keeper of the story about monuments Author of “The Monuments Men” and director of Monuments Foundation was in Zagreb promoting his new book that was published by Fraktura. This famous writer revealed for us how he began his research, and how he got involved in the monuments story.
Kad sam shvatio koliko je ova priča velika, počeo sam pisati knjigu i istraživati. Godine 2001. potpuno sam se posvetio priči o Odredu za baštinu, iako nisam do kraja shvaćao što su oni točno učinili i kako.
obert M. Edsel bivši je američki tenisač, nakon toga je imao uspješnu karijeru u tvrtci za naftu i plin, a sada je detektiv za umjetnost i pisac. Nakon što je prodao svoju tvrtku, preselio se u Firencu i počeo prikupljati informacije, dokumente i fotografije o Drugom svjetskom ratu i umjetnosti. Kad je saznao koliko je sve povezano, počeo je istraživanja. Robert je pronašao skrivenu priču o Odredu za baštinu i njihovim djelima tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata. Oduševljen pričom, odlučio ju je podijeliti sa svijetom u knjizi Odred za baštinu. Knjiga je jako dobro prihvaćena od strane čitatelja pa je prevedena na čak 25 jezika. Isto tako, Robert Edsel osnivač je Zaklade Monuments, koja nastoji sačuvati sjećanje i naslijeđe Odreda za baštinu. Na temelju knjige snimljen je i film s Georgeom Clooneyjem u glavnoj ulozi.
obert M. Edsel who was a former American nationally ranked tennis player, then had a successful business career in gas and oil and now is an art detective and author. After he sold his business and moved to Florence, he started gathering information, documents and photographs about World War II and art. He learned that the two are very connected and started his researches. Robert found the hidden story about Monuments Men and their work during World War II. Amazed by the story, Edsel decided to share it with the world through his book ‘’The Monuments Men’’. The book was accepted by the audience and was translated in 25 languages. Robert Edsel is also the founder of the Monuments Foundation, which is trying to preserve memory and legacy of the monument officers. Based on the book, they made a movie with George Clooney in the lead role.
When I saw how big the story was, I started working on writing the book and doing the research. In 2001, I committed 100% of my time working on the Monuments story, although I didn’t fully understand what it is that they did or how it happened.
You had a lot of career changes in your life - successful tennis player, businessman and now writer. Do you need change once in a while? The thing is, I’m driven by my passions. As a young boy I had this ambition to be a professional tennis player and I had a brief experience with that. I just felt like I wasn’t going to be one of the best players, and I like to give it my best shot at everything. There were other things I was interested in so I started a business career. Couple of years later I started my own company. After 16 years I had a chance to sell it. I wasn’t scared of starting over and doing something different. Hard work doesn’t scare me, but when you are doing something you love, it doesn’t seem like hard work. When I sold the business, we settled in Florence. That was a good chance to learn about art and architecture and I also found out some more information about World War II. I had an epiphany on Ponte Vecchio Bridge in Florence, about how all that art survived the war. I wasn’t embarrassed that I didn’t know the answer, but I was hugely embarrassed that it never occurred me to ask the question. When I saw how big the story was, I started working on writing the book and doing the research. In 2001, I committed 100% of my time working on the Monuments story, although I didn’t fully understand what it is that they did or how it happened. I knew I had to learn about who the ‘bad guys’ were and what they did. I thought this was the most exciting story I had ever heard.
Imali ste dosta promjena u karijeri, od uspješnog tenisača, preko poslovnog čovjeka, do pisca. Imate li potrebu za promjenama? Stvar je u tome što sam ja čovjek vođen svojim strastima. Kao mladić imao sam ambiciju biti profesionalni tenisač te sam se kratko bavio time. Osjećao sam da neću biti najbolji, a ja volim biti najbolji u stvarima koje radim. Bio sam zainteresiran i za druge stvari, stoga sam odlučio početi poslovnu karijeru. Osnovao sam vlastitu tvrtku. Nakon 16 godina imao sam je priliku prodati. Nije me strah krenuti ispočetka, ne bojim se teškog rada. Ali kada radite nešto što volite, nemate osjećaj da je to težak rad. Kad sam prodao tvrtku, odlučio sam se preseliti u Firencu. Bila je to odlična prilika da naučim nešto o umjetnosti i arhitekturi te o Drugom svjetskom ratu. Doživio sam prosvjetljenje na mostu Ponte Vecchio u Firenci, zanimalo me kako je sva njihova umjetnost ostala sačuvana tijekom rata. Nije me bilo sram što ne znam odgovor na to pitanje nego me je bilo sram što mi nikad prije nije palo na pamet da ga postavim. Kad sam shvatio koliko je ta priča velika, počeo sam pisati knjigu i istraživati. Godine 2001. potpuno sam se posvetio priči o Odredu za baštinu, iako nisam do kraja shvaćao što su oni točno učinili i kako. Znao sam da moram saznati tko su bili ‘loši dečki’ i što su točno napravili. Tada sam pomislio da je to najuzbudljivija priča koju sam ikad čuo.
Znam da su gradovi u Europi tijekom rata bili razrušeni, a umjetnine su preživjele. Kako se to dogodilo i tko su ljudi koji su ih spasili? Na temelju knjige snimljen je i film. George Clooney igra glavnu ulogu.
O čemu točno govori knjiga Odred za baštinu? Šest godina svi muzeji u Europi bili su zatvoreni. Sva su umjetnička djela u tim muzejima bila evakuirana. U Louvreu 400 tisuća djela, u Aerin’s House 1,1 milijun, itd. Sva su djela premještena u samo nekoliko tjedana. Danas odlazimo u muzeje i gledamo umjetnine, i one izgledaju isto kao i prije rata, a nitko se ne usuđuje postaviti pitanje kako. Znam da su gradovi u Europi tijekom rata bili razrušeni, a umjetnine su preživjele. Kako se to dogodilo i tko su ljudi koji su ih spasili? I to je ono što me privuklo u ovoj priči. Nekoliko časnika Odreda napisalo je knjige odmah nakon rata. Ali one su bile samo o njihovu iskustvu jer nije prošlo dovoljno vremena da bi se cijela priča mogla staviti u širu perspektivu. Nekoliko je knjiga napisano u kasnim osamdesetima i ranim devedesetima. Ali ja sam htio ispričati cijelu priču u jednoj knjizi. Morali smo sve posložiti, najprije kronološki – tko je osnovao Odred, kako su se ljudi priključili Odredu, a zatim smo sve morali posložiti geografski.
Sve je to jedan nevjerojatan događaj. Imamo nevjerojatne glumce, Cate Blanchett, Matta Damona, Johna Goodmana, Jeana Dujardina, Billa Murraya, Hugha Bonnevillea. Velik je bio entuzijazam za ovaj projekt i svi su na setu bili jako pozitivni. To je velika prilika za muškarce i žene u priči da budu prepoznati, ne samo od strane čitatelja knjige nego vjerojatno i od milijarde gledatelja diljem svijeta kad film iziđe. Jako sam uzbuđen zbog toga.
Kako je počela vaša suradnja s Georgeom Clooneyjem? Moja agentica u Los Angelesu pobrinula se da moje knige, Rescuing Da Vinci i The Monuments Men, dospiju do velikog broja ljudi u Hollywoodu. Tajming igra vrlo bitnu ulogu u svemu tome. Tajming je bio pravi 2011. godine. George i njegov partner Grant Heslov, vrlo uspješan umjetnik, bili su entuzijastični i sretni što imaju priliku biti prvi koji će ispričati priču o Odredu za baštinu. Kad sam se prvi put našao s njima, proveo smo sate pričajući im o svemu onome što sam mislio da bi trebali znati, a oni su zatim sami napisali scenarij. Glumci poput Georgea Clooneyja, Cate Blanchett i Mata Damona dobiju dosta projekata. To što su oni izabrali upravo ovaj, te studio, što
What is the book ‘’The Monuments Men’’ about? For six years all the museums in Europe were closed. All the art works in these museums were evacuated, at the Louvre alone 400 thousand art pieces, at the Aerin’s House 1,1 million art pieces and so on. All of them moved in a matter of few weeks. We go to these museums today and see these things and they look like they did before the war, and no one dares to ask. I know that cities in Europe were badly damaged during World War II, yet art pieces still survived. How did that happen and who are the people who saved them? That, of course, is what attracted me to the story. In fact, we have a few monuments officers that wrote books right after the war. It was really just about their experience, because there hadn’t been enough time to put the whole thing into perspective. There were few books written in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. I was going to tell the whole story in one book. We had to break it up chronologically to address who masterminded the plan, how it was created and implemented and who were the people who volunteered, and then break it all up geographically.
You made a movie based on the book. George Clooney plays the lead role. It’s an incredible event. We have an incredible cast - Cate Blanchett, Matt Damon, John Goodman, Jean Dujardin, Bill Murray and Hugh Bonneville. Enthusiasm for the project is enormous, everyone on the set was very positive. It’s a great opportunity for men and women in the story to been known,
I know that cities in Europe were badly damaged during World War II, yet art pieces still survived. How did that happen and who are the people who saved them? not just by book readers, but by probably billions of people around the world when the film comes out. I’m very excited about it.
How did your collaboration with George Clooney begin? My agent in Los Angeles made sure that my books “Rescuing Da Vinci” and “Monuments Men’’ were seen by as many people in Hollywood as possible. Timing had such huge and important role in all of this. The timing was right in 2011. George and his partner Grant Heslov, who is a very accomplished artist himself,
were hugely enthusiastic about the story and had a chance to be first to tell the story about Monuments Men. I went out to meet with them and spent time going through things I felt they needed to know about, after which they developed script themselves. People like George Clooney, Cate Blanchett and Matt Damon see so many projects. For them to choose this one and for the studio to be making a financial commitment like they did, says a lot about it, not just the importance of the story but the opportunity for people to be gripped by the miracle work of these monuments men and women and what they did during World war II to save and preserve cultural treasures we all enjoy today.
What’s your plan for future, do you have more stories to tell? My new book called ‘’Saving Italy’’ is coming out in the States. The book talks about arrival of monument officers in Sicily before the battle in Northern Europe. We really dealt more with how it was created, what was the role of the Germans. It’s a great story, but it’s a different kind of story and a different kind of problem. There is so much research that underwrites more books that I have not yet written about how these things get back from where they got. As you so well know, books don’t sell themselves. People want to see the person who wrote it, they want to know their story and see some passion and commitment. And of course, there’s a film which I am determent to try to enjoy. Also, we have the Monuments foundation, which I created to use all their information to preserve these people’s legacy and put it to good use. We have a chance to find
intervju / interview
People like George Clooney, Cate Blanchett and Matt Damon see so many projects. For them to choose this one it says a lot about it, not just the importance of the story but the opportunity for people to be gripped by the miracle work of these monuments men and women and what they did during World War II to save and preserve the cultural treasures we all enjoy today.
out stories we don’t know and to help find things and get them back to the countries they belong to. In a way, finish the mission of Monuments Men. These men and women never got the credit they deserved. There are only six Monuments officers still alive and their legacy will be preserved. People out there, and particularly their children, have a chance to know about them and the things they did. The story is no longer about Robert Edsel running around telling everybody their story. People everywhere are interested in adopting the story for themselves. I always wanted it to belong to everybody else. With George Clooney and Grant Heslov and their team, the story will be delivered to a billion people. At that stage, everybody in the world will know who Monuments were. I imagine I will write some more books.
Is this your first visit to Croatia? It is and I am very excited to be here because I travelled so much and I’ve been to so many countries and I hadn’t been to Croatia. It’s a country I’ve always wanted to come to. Of course I know about your beautiful see and coastline. As soon as I get all this promotion out of the way, I’ll came back and see the city and all of its glory.
je dao financijsku potporu, govori mnogo, ne samo o važnosti priče nego ljudima daju mogućnost da budu uvučeni u ovaj čudotvoran rad Odreda za baštinu i u ono što su učinili tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata kako bi sačuvali kulturno blago u kojem mi danas uživamo.
Kakav je vaš plan za budućnost, imate li još priča za pričanje? Moja nova knjiga, Saving Italy, izlazi u SADu. Govori o dolasku časnika Odreda na Siciliju, prije bitke u sjevernoj Europi. Više smo se bavili time kako je Odred stvoren i koja je bila uloga Nijemaca. Priča je odlična, ali je drugačija, i s drugačijim problemima. Postoje mnoga istraživanja, materijali za nove knjige koje još nisam napisao, o tome kako su sve stvari vraćene u zemlje iz kojih jesu. No, kao što znate, knjige se ne prodaju same. Ljudi žele upoznati osobu koja ih je napisala, žele čuti njihovu priču i vidjeti njihovu strast i predanost. Tu je naravno i film u kojemu želim uživati. Također imamo i Monuments zakladu, koju sam osnovao da bismo sačuvali naslijeđe tih ljudi. Imamo priliku otkriti priče koje ne znamo i pomoći vratiti stvari tamo odakle su došle. Na neki način nastaviti misiju Odreda za baštinu. Ti muškarci i žene nikad nisu dobili priznanje koje zaslužuju. Samo je šest časnika Odreda još uvijek živo, a njihovo naslijeđe će biti sačuvano. Ljudi, a posebice njihova djeca, imaju priliku saznati nešto više o njima i o stvarima koje su učinili. Više nije stvar samo u tome da Robert Edsel trči okolo kako bi ispričao njihovu priču. Ljudi diljem svijeta su zainteresirani za nju i prihvatili su je. Uvijek sam htio da ona pripada svima. Zahvaljujući Georgeu Clooneyu, Grantu Heslovu i njihovu timu priča će doprijeti do milijarde ljudi. Tada neće biti osobe na svijetu koja neće znati tko su bili časnici Odreda za baštinu. Pretpostavljam da ću napisati još poneku knjigu.
Je li ovo vaš prvi posjet Hrvatskoj? Jest, i jako sam uzbuđen što sam ovdje. Puno sam putovao i posjetio sam mnoge zemlje, ali nisam bio u Hrvatskoj. To je zemlja koju sam oduvijek htio posjetiti. Mnogo sam čuo o vašem prekrasnom moru i obali. Čim završim promociju knjige, vratit ću se kako bih mogao vidjeti grad u njegovu punom sjaju.
Glumci poput Georgea Clooneyja, Cate Blanchett i Mata Damona dobiju dosta projekata. To što su oni izabrali upravo ovaj, te studio, što je dao financijsku potporu, govori mnogo, ne samo o važnosti priče nego ljudima daju mogućnost da budu uvučeni u čudotvoran rad Odreda za baštinu i u ono što su učinili tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata kako bi sačuvali kulturno blago u kojem mi danas uživamo.
Veliko priznanje Ani Grgić
Zabava se vraća u grad
Dugo najavljivan glazbeno-scenski događaj koji su osmislili Soulfingersi s nazivom Tea Time Music održao se u ljetnim mjesecima. Taj ekskluzivan program koji je vratio zabavu u grad održavao se četvrtkom na Oleander terasi. Tea Time Music u Esplanadi bio je nezaobilazno mjesto urbane zabave koja je u vrijeme tradicionalnog ispijanja engleskog čaja okupila sve one koji od života traže dnevni dašak zabave, opuštajuće druženje nakon radnog dana i odličnu glazbu. Društveni događaj ispunjen dobrom energijom trajao je puna četiri sata, za što se uz jedinstvenu izvedbu sjajnih Soulfingersa pobrinuo i DJ Mario Kovač.
Entertainment returns to town
The long awaited musical and scenic event created by the group, Soulfingers entitled Tea Time Music took place within summer the months. This exclusive program that undoubtedly marked the return of entertainment to the city, unfolded each Thursday on the Oleander Terrace of the Zagreb Esplanade Hotel. Tea Time Music at the Esplanade was a must in urban entertainment, kicking-off at 5 o’clock – at the time of a traditional English cup of tea! For all those who were eager for a daily dose of fun, a time to relax and socialize after a hard-day’s work and great music. This social event, packed with good energy, lasted four hours, and besides the unique performance of the great Soulfingers, we also featured DJ Mario Kovac.
Guida Gallo uvrstio Zinfandel’s restoran u novo izdanje tog prestižnog vodiča U prestižnom hotelu Four Seasons u Milanu, talijanska kompanija Riso Gallo, svjetski lider u proizvodnji najkvalitetnijih vrsta riže, svečano je predstavila 9. izdanje vodiča Guida Gallo, u koji je uvrstila selekciju najboljih svjetskih restorana koji poslužuju vrhunski rižoto. Među nekoliko restorana u Hrvatskoj u vodič je uvršteno samo dva – zagrebački Zinfandel’s receptom Ane Grgić te Bistro Apetit. Mlada Chef de cuisine Ana Grgić pripremom svog rižota oduševila je nepce komisije Riso Gallo te se tako restoran Zinfandel’s našao u tom prestižnom vodiču već treći put zaredom.
Great recognition to Ana Grgić In the prestigious Four Seasons hotel in Milan, Italian company Riso Gallo, a world leader in the production of high quality varieties of rice, officially unveiled the 9th edition of the guide Guida Gallo which includes the world’s finest selection of restaurants that serve superb risotto. Among the few restaurants in Croatia, the elite guide features only two - Zagreb Zinfandel’s with a recipe created by Ana Grgić and Bistro Apetit. Young Chef de cuisine, Ana Grgić with her risotto, enthused the Riso Gallo Commission and Zinfandel’s was listed in this prestigious guide for the third time in a row.
Zagreb-Masarykova a 7. Dubrovnik-Široka a ulica uli 2. Rijeka-Tower Centar tar tar
Fotograf Damil Kalogjera - Yac Y ht Croatia
Popis brendova u ponudi pojedinih the Core poslovnica možete pronaći na web adresi-
Cilj nam je kvalitetan turistički proizvod Od Zadranke Meri Matešić turistički sektor mnogo očekuje. U razgovoru za Esplanade View otkrila nam je svoju viziju i planove razvoja hrvatskog turizma. Direktorica Glavnog ureda Hrvatske turističke zajednice
M E R I M at e š i ć
Our goal is to have a quality tourist product The tourism industry expects a lot from the Zadar resident Meri Matešić. In her talk with the Esplanade View she lets us know of her vision and plans for development of Croatia’s tourism. Director of the Croatian National Tourist Board
Iznimno je bitno proći sve stepenice u turizmu kako bi se potpuno razumjela kompleksnost te industrije i kako bi se spremno odgovorilo na sve izazove koje donosi moja trenutačna pozicija
rofesionalni put Meri Matešić vrlo je zanimljiv. Karijeru je počela kao novinarka, da bi se, prije 13 godina, okrenula turizmu. Tu se i pronašla, a, kako sama kaže, trebalo je proći sve stepenice kako bi došla do one najviše – direktorice Glavnog ureda Hrvatske turističke zajednice. Napredovala je od recepcije hotela, prodaje i marketinga, preko mjesta direktorice Predstavništva Hrvatske turističke zajednice u Velikoj Britaniji, sve do današnje pozicije. U vremenima kad se od turizma u našoj zemlji očekuje mnogo, njezina uloga, i uloga njezina tima, vrlo je važna – promicati ugled hrvatskog turizma, predlagati i realizirati promidžbene aktivnosti te podići razinu kvalitete cjelokupne turističke ponude u Hrvatskoj.
Meri Matešić’s
professional path is very interesting. She began her career as a journalist and turned to tourism 13 years ago. That is where she found herself and as she admits, many different obstacles had to be overcome to reach the highest position – Director of the Croatian National Tourist Board. She moved up from the hotel reception, sales, marketing to the position of Director of the Croatian National Tourist Office in London to the position she holds today. In these current times when a lot is expected from tourism in our country, her role, the role of her team is crucial – to promote the image of Croatian tourism, suggest and produce marketing activities and to raise the level of quality of the entire tourism offer in Croatia.
You finished your studies in culture and tourism at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Zadar, but it’s interesting that you began your career as a journalist. At one point you even wrote about crime and accidents. How useful was your journalistic experience in your later career? Experience in journalism has proved to be extremely important in my career. It teaches you to investigate, not to give up, separate the important information and recognise a real story. In journalism I made many professional contacts especially amongst journalists with whom I’ve later cooperated in the hotel industry and the Croatian Tourist Board.
After journalism you turned to tourism. You started from the beginning – firstly as a tourist agency operator and then at the reception of the Puntamika Hotel in Zadar. You moved up step by step all the way to the position of Director of Sales and Marketing at the Falkensteiner Hotel Borik in Zadar. For me hotel management, besides the job I’ve been doing for a few years, is the most attractive and interesting aspect of working in tourism. I started working at the reception and continued in sales and marketing, which are both extremely important branches of tourism, given the fact that you receive direct information from direct contact with guests including their experiences, complements, criticism, which you can later use in order to develop new products and enhance
It is very important to go through all the steps in tourism in order to understand the full complexities of that industry and to adequately respond to the challenges which I currently find myself in
Završili ste studij kulture i turizma na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zadru, ali je zanimljivo da ste karijeru počeli u novinarstvu. Jedno vrijeme ste čak pisali za crnu kroniku. Koliko vam je u kasnijoj karijeri bilo korisno novinarsko iskustvo?
existing ones. It is very important to go through all the steps in tourism in order to understand the full complexity of that industry and to adequately respond to the challenges, which I currently find myself in.
In 2008 you went to London to the position of Director of the Croatian National Tourist Office in the UK, where you spent four years. How did that come about and what has it meant for your career? London represented a new challenge, an opportunity at new learning and new knowledge. The British market experience is very important for me, because I was getting solid feedback from those we spoke to – targeted audiences of a very demanding and specific foreign market. In the last few years we received many accolades and media attention on the British market. The Sunday Times Travel Magazine voted Croatia as one of the top three destinations in Europe in the category of best European destination with beaches. I would also mention the Guardian Observer Travel Awards 2012 where Croatia was voted as the fourth best country
in the category Best European Country. At the trade exhibition World Travel Market in London in October 2012 based on the choice of travel agencies, Croatia was awarded the Travel Agent’s Choice Awards in the category of best up and coming destination for a short holiday. This award rounded up the record 2012 season and affirmed Croatia as a desired destination for guests from the UK.
What is new in the work of the Croatian National Tourist Board since you’ve assumed the position? The head office of CTB is in the process of restructuring and the changes that are going on are a logical answer to the changes happening in the tourism industry globally and at home. They are also in line with trends, changing habits of guests and new channels of communication. Big steps have been made in furthering and simplifying the model of joint advertising for 2014, which we actually began with some years ago in fact, but enhanced its structure and refocused 70% of the funds towards the pre and post season and 30% on the main season. Our goal is to have a quality tourism product and strong quality of communication.
Iskustvo u novinarstvu u mojoj karijeri pokazalo se iznimno važnim. Ono vas nauči istraživati, ne odustajati, izdvojiti bitne informacije i prepoznati pravu priču. U novinarstvu sam ostvarila brojne profesionalne kontakte, posebno među kolegama novinarima s kojima sam kasnije surađivala radeći u hotelijerstvu i Hrvatskoj turističkoj zajednici.
Nakon novinarstva okrenuli ste se turizmu. Krenuli ste od početka – najprije kao djelatnica u turističkoj agenciji, a zatim na recepciji hotela Puntamika u Zadru. Napredovali ste stepenicu po stepenicu, sve do direktorice prodaje i marketinga u Falkensteiner hotelima Borik u Zadru. Za mene je hotelijerstvo, uz ovaj posao koji radim proteklih nekoliko godina, najljepši i najzanimljiviji dio posla u turizmu. Počela sam raditi na recepciji pa nastavila u prodaji i marketingu, a to su dva iznimno važna sektora u turizmu, s obzirom na to da izravnim kontaktom s gostima dobivate izravne informacije, njihova iskustva, pohvale i primjedbe koje kasnije možete primijeniti kako biste mogli kreirati nove proizvode i usavršavati postojeće. Mislim da je iznimno bitno proći sve stepenice u turizmu kako bi se potpuno razumjela kompleksnost te industrije i kako bi se spremno odgovorilo na sve izazove koje donosi moja trenutačna pozicija.
Razvoj kontinentalnog turizma komplementaran je sa strategijom produljenja sezone, budući da kontinent nudi mogućnosti za vikend-odmore, kao što ima i iznimno bogatu kulturnu i povijesnu baštinu
Godine 2008. otišli ste u London na mjesto direktorice Predstavništva Hrvatske turističke zajednice u Velikoj Britaniji, gdje ste proveli četiri godine. Kako je došlo do toga i što je to značilo za vašu karijeru? London je bio pravi izazov, mogućnost novog učenja i novih znanja. Iskustvo s britanskog tržišta iznimno mi je vrijedno jer sam dobivala konkretne povratne informacije od onih kojima se obraćamo – ciljane publike zahtjevnog i specifičnog stranog tržišta. U posljednjih nekoliko godina na britanskom smo tržištu dobili brojna priznanja i medijsku pozornost. Tako je Sunday Times Travel Magazine Hrvatsku proglasio jednom od triju najboljih europskih destinacija u kategoriji Europske destinacije s najboljim plažama. Spomenula bih još i Guardian Observer Travel Awards 2010., gdje je Hrvatska proglašena četvrtom najboljom zemljom u kategoriji Najbolje europske zemlje. Na sajmu World Travel Market u Londonu u studenom 2012. prema odabiru turističkih agenata Hrvatskoj je dodijeljena nagrada Travel’s Agents Choice Awards u kategoriji najbolje nadolazeće destinacije za kratki odmor. Ta je nagrada zaokružila rekordnu sezonu 2012. te potvrdila pozicioniranje Hrvatske kao poželjnog odredišta za goste iz Velike Britanije.
Koje su novosti u radu Hrvatske turističke zajednice otkako ste na toj poziciji? Glavni ured HTZ-a u procesu je reorganizacije, a promjene koje se provode logičan su odgovor na promjene u turističkoj industriji na globalnoj razini, ali i na domaćem terenu te su u skladu s trendovima, promjenama navika gostiju i novim kanalima komunikacije. Veliki pomaci napravljeni su u unapređenju i pojednostavnjenju modela udruženog oglašavanja za 2014. godinu, s čijom smo realizacijom počeli mnogo ranije nego prethodnih godina, ali i poradili na strukturi istih, te smo 70 posto sredstava preusmjerili na predsezonu i postsezonu, a 30 posto na glavnu sezonu. Cilj nam je imati kvalitetan turistički proizvod i još kvalitetniju komunikaciju.
Kad je riječ o turizmu u Hrvatskoj, većina ljudi ponajprije misli na more i turističku ponudu tog dijela države. Je li kontinentalni turizam nepravedno zapostavljen? Hoće li se to promijeniti i, ako da, na koji način? HTZ kontinuirano promovira kontinentalni turizam različitim tržišnim aktivnostima, potporama manifestaci-
When we talk about tourism in Croatia, most people first think of the sea and the tourism offer of that part of the country. Is tourism in the continental region unjustly forgotten? Will that change and in what way? CTB continuously promotes continental tourism through many different activities such as events held on the continent, backing for tourism initiatives and products in underdeveloped tourism areas. We also organise study trips for foreign journalists, print promotional material and produce films, co-fund presentations at expos and trade shows abroad and many other activities. The development of continental tourism coincides with the strategy of extending the season, given the fact that the continent offers more possibilities for weekend getaways, selective types of tourism such as cycling, walking, enogastronomy (wine routes) and hiking, which are very popular in pre and post season, as well as having an extremely rich cultural and historical heritage. There are many good ideas in continental tourism, but it’s important to turn them into concrete projects and to begin implementing them. On top of all this, I believe local tourist boards will continue to use EU funds in order to develop tourism in their regions even more through quality projects.
Croatia has undeniable beauty, yet when it comes to promoting them in the right way to local and foreign guests, we’re a little weak there. What is CTB planning on doing in order to better promote Croatia, which should result in increased tourist numbers? I wouldn’t agree that we are weaker in foreign markets. Operating within the budget we have, the Croatian Tourist Board has in twenty years done quite a lot, we utilise all available channels of promotion and distribution. The beauty of our country is known to many and photos and videos of the amazing landscape have circled the world, but now we have to do the ground work. On the international tourism market we have to position ourselves as a destination, which offers well known and quality tourism activities, experiences and products all year round and also as a country of great diversity.
Croatian citizens see great hope in tourism, especially in time of economic crises and to many it is in fact tourism which could help the country to better see through the crisis. Are you satisfied with the results of the season so far?
The development of continental tourism coincides with the strategy of extending the season, given the fact that the continent offers more possibilities for weekend getaways, as well as having an extremely rich cultural and historical heritage
jama na kontinentu, potporama za turističke inicijative i proizvode na turistički nerazvijenim područjima, organizacijom studijskih putovanja stranih novinara, tiskanjem promidžbenih materijala i snimanjem filmova, sufinanciranjem sajamskih nastupa i prezentacija u inozemstvu, a tu je još i mnogo drugih aktivnosti. Razvoj kontinentalnog turizma komplementaran je sa strategijom produljenja sezone, budući da kontinent nudi mogućnosti za vikend-odmore, selektivne oblike turizma, poput biciklizma, pješačenja, enogastronomije (vinske ceste) i planinarenja, koji su osobito popularni u razdoblju predsezone i postsezone, kao što ima i iznimno bogatu kulturnu i povijesnu baštinu. Dobrih ideja u području turizma na kontinentu svakako ima, potrebno ih je pretočiti u konkretne zaokružene projekte i krenuti u realizaciju. Na kontinentu vidim odličnu priliku za jačanje i razvoj izletničkog turizma. Uz sve spomenuto, vjerujem da će se lokalne zajednice na kontinentu nastaviti koristiti sredstvima iz EU fondova, kako bi kroz kvalitetne projekte dodatno razvili turizam u svojim regijama.
Ljepote koje Hrvatska ima neosporne su, no kad to treba promovirati na odgovarajući način stranim i domaćim turistima, tu smo malo slabiji. Što će HTZ učiniti da bi se Hrvatska bolje promovirala, što bi dovelo i do povećanja broja turista? Ne bih rekla da smo u promidžbi na stranim tržištima slabiji. U sklopu budžeta koji imamo, Hrvatska turistička zajednica u dvadeset je godina učinila uistinu mnogo, koristimo se svim kanalima promidžbe i distribucije. Ljepote naše zemlje mnogima su poznate, a fotografije i snimke zapanjujućih pejsaža obišle su svijet i ostavljaju snažan dojam,
Građani Hrvatske velike nade polažu u turizam, osobito u vrijeme ekonomske krize, i po mnogima je upravo turizam ono što može pomoći državi da lakše prebrodi krizu. Jeste li zadovoljni dosadašnjim rezultatima sezone?
Online oglašavanje vrijedno je sredstvo za privlačenje turista – gotovo svatko prije odluke o tome gdje će provesti godišnji odmor krene pretragom na internetu
no sada trebamo odraditi „terenski posao“. Na svjetskom turističkom tržištu moramo se pozicionirati kao destinacija koja tijekom cijele godine nudi prepoznatljive i kvalitetno oblikovane turističke sadržaje, doživljaje i proizvode, te kao zemlja raznolikosti.
Sezona 2013. nesumnjivo je bila teška s obzirom na gospodarsku krizu u većini europskih zemalja iz kojih nam dolazi većina gostiju, ali i s obzirom na vizni režim za tržišta Ukrajine, Rusije i Turske. Naime, gosti s navedenih tržišta posljednjih su godina bilježili rast turističkog prometa, posebice u pojedinim hrvatskim regijama, poput Istre i Dubrovnika. Pokazatelji za razdoblje siječanj – kolovoz su pozitivni te u tom razdoblju bilježimo rast ukupnih turističkih dolazaka od 5,45 posto. Većina tržišta trenutačno je u plusu, nerijetko i dvoznamenkastom. Posebno su dobri rezultati zemalja Skandinavije. Odlični su i pokazatelji Poljske i Velike Britanije. Većina ostalog tržišta u jednoznamenkastom je plusu, ili na razini pokazatelja sličnih prošlogodišnjima. Rezultati manjeg broja tržišta lošiji su od prošlogodišnjih. Veseli nas činjenica da imamo velik rast s određenih dalekih tržišta, posebno Brazila i SAD-a te tržišta Koreje.
Dio turističke ponude Zagreba je i hotel Esplanade. Volite li dolaziti ovamo? Hotel Esplanade jedan je od najpoznatijih simbola zagrebačkog turizma i kao takav ima važnu ulogu u hotelijerstvu našega glavnog grada i Hrvatske. U Esplanadi se uvijek osjećam ugodno i zaista je lijepo surađivati s gospodinom Maxom Krizmanićem i njegovim timom suradnika.
Online advertising is a valuable tool for attracting tourists – almost everyone spends some time searching the internet before making a decision on which holiday they will go to The 2013 season is undoubtedly difficult given the economic situation in most European countries from where most of our guests come from, but also from Ukraine, Russia and Turkey, countries which require visas for Croatia. Actually, guest numbers from above mentioned markets have increased, especially in regions of Croatia such as Istria and Dubrovnik. Indicators for January to August are positive and as such in that period we’re seeing an increase in total tourist arrivals of 5.45 percent. The majority of markets are showing positive growth sometimes even double digit. Results from Scandinavian countries are quite good, as well as results from Poland and Great Britain. Majority of other markets are experiencing single digit growth or are on a similar level as last year. Results of only a minority of markets are worse than last year. We are encouraged by the fact that we have a sizeable increase from far away markets, especially Brazil, USA and Korea.
A part of the tourist offer of Zagreb is the Hotel Esplanade. Do you enjoy coming here? The Hotel Esplanade is one of the most famous symbols of Zagreb tourism and as such has an important role to play in hospitality of our capital city and Croatia. I always feel very comfortable at the Esplanade find it very pleasant to work with Mr Max Krizmanić and his team of staff.
POTPISI UZ SLIKE Slika gore: Dani kulture, gastronomije i obrtništva Kraljevine Maroko započeli su domjenkom u rezidenciji Kraljevine Maroko. Nouzha Sahel, savjetnica za kulturu i komunikacije Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj, NJ.E. g. Moulay Abbès El Kadiri, veleposlanik Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj i Abdelaziz Tadjousti, prvi savjetnik Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj. Slika sredina: Službeno otvorenje Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj. NJ.E. g. Moulay Abbès El Kadiri, Veleposlanik Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj, dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, ministar vanjskih polova Kraljevine Maroko i Vesna Pusić, ministrica vanjskih i europskih poslova RH. Slika ispod: Obrtničke radionice u šatoru na Oleander terasi. Predsjednik Hrvatskog sabora Josip Leko, ministar vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Maroko dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, predsjednik Republike Hrvatske prof. dr. sc. Ivo Josipović i veleposlanik Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj NJ.E. g. Moulay Abbès El Kadiri.
SIGNATURES WITH PHOTOS PHOTO ABOVE: Days of Culture, Gastronomy and Crafts of the Kingdom of Morocco started with a reception at the residence of the Kingdom of Morocco. Nouzha Sahel, Councillor for Economy and Communications of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Croatia, His Excellency Mr Moulay Abbés El Kadiri, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Croatia and Abdelaziz Tadjousti, First Councillor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Croatia. PHOTO IN THE MIDDLE: Official opening of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Croatia. His Excellency Mr Moulay Abbés El Kadiri, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Croatia, dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco and Vesna Pusić, Minister of Foreign and EU Affairs of the Republic of Croatia. PHOTO BELOW: Craft workshops in a tent on the Oleander terrace. President of the Croatian Parliament Josip Leko, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco, dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, President of the Republic of Croatia prof. dr. sc. Ivo Josipović and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Croatia His Excellency Mr Moulay Abbés El Kadiri.
reportaža / REPORTAGE
Marokanska stoljetna tradicija u hotelu Esplanade Zagreb Otvorenjem Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj u naš grad stigli su predstavnici te čarobne kraljevine. U samo nekoliko mjeseci očarali su nas svojom bajkovitom zemljom, a hrvatskim su je građanima predstavili na lijep način, putem mode, glazbe, obrtničkih radionica, izložbi, kulinarskih prezentacija i degustacija.
eleposlanstvo Kraljevine Maroko s partnerima, marokanskim Domom obrtnika i Nacionalnom turističkom zajednicom, od 9. do 14. travnja organiziralo je Dane kulture, gastronomije i obrtništva Kraljevine Maroko. Bilo je to prvo predstavljanje Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj i idealna prilika svima koji su željeli naučiti nešto više o bogatstvu te zemlje. Vrhunac ma-
nifestacije bila je ekskluzivna modna revija glamuroznih kaftana i gala večer Kraljevine Maroko održana u hotelu Esplanade Zagreb. Modnoj reviji nazočili su i predsjednik Republike Hrvatske prof. dr. sc. Ivo Josipović, predsjednik Hrvatskog sabora Josip Leko, ministar vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Maroko dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, veleposlanik Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj, Njego-
va Ekselencija g. Moulay Abbés El Kadiri i njegov tim, prvi savjetnik Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj Abdelaziz Tadjousti i savjetnica za kulturu i komunikacije Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj Nouzha Sahel te brojni drugi veleposlanici, državni dužnosnici i osobe iz javnog i političkog života.
Centuries old Moroccan tradition at the Hotel Esplanade Zagreb With the opening of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Croatia, our city welcomed representatives of this magical kingdom. In just a space of only a few months, they fascinated us with their fabulous country and showcased their country in a beautiful way through fashion, crafts workshops, exhibitions, culinary presentations and tasting.
he Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco with its partners, the Moroccan Crafts Association and National Tourism Board organised the ‘’Days of Culture, Gastronomy and Crafts of the Kingdom of Morocco˝ which was held between 9 - 14 April. It was the first such showcasing of the Kingdom of Morocco in Croatia and an ideal opportunity for all those wanting to learn more about the riches of this intriguing country. The highlight of the event was the exclusive fashion show of glamorous kaftans
and a gala dinner for the Kingdom of Morocco held at the Esplanade Zagreb. The event was attending by the President of the Republic of Croatia prof. dr. sc. Ivo Josipović, President of the Croatian Parliament Josip Leko, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco, dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Croatia His Excellency Mr Moulay Abbés el Kadiri and his team, First Councillor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Croatia, Abdelaziz Tadjousti and Councillor
for Economy and Communications of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Croatia Nouzha Sahel. Equally, the event brought together many other ambassadors, public statesmen and significant names from public and political life. President Josipović observed with great interest the exhibition of Moroccan crafts, which was held in tents on the Oleander terrace of the Hotel Esplanade Zagreb.
Vrhunac manifestacije bila je ekskluzivna modna revija glamuroznih kaftana i gala večer Kraljevine Maroko održana u hotelu Esplanade Zagreb Predsjednik Josipović sa zanimanjem je razgledao izložbu marokanskog obrtništva koja se iste večeri održavala u šatorima na terasi Oleander hotela Esplanade. Svoje jedinstvene kreacije ispred najviših hrvatskih i marokanskih državnih dužnosnika prikazali su svjetski poznati marokanski dizajner Albert Oiknine i dizajnerica Meriem Belkhayat koji su svojim umjetničkim pristupom proslavili marokanski kaftan diljem svijeta. Oiknine se za svoje kaftane koristi samo najkvalitetnijim materijalima i tkaninama te ih dodatno oplemenjuje Swarovskim kristalima čime ih
World famous Moroccan designer Albert Oiknine and designer Meriem Belkhayat showcased their unique creations in front of esteemed Croatian and Moroccan state representatives. With their artistic approach, they have made the Moroccan kaftan famous worldwide. For his kaftans, Oiknine uses only the highest quality materials and fabric, which he further beautifies with Swarovski crystals transforming them into a highly-desired garment by many women. The recognised designer Meriem Belkhayat follows international fashion trends in her design work and as well as being handmade, she often decorates kaftans with embroideries, sequins, pearls and golden threads.
The highlight of the event was the exclusive fashion show of glamorous kaftans and a gala dinner for the Kingdom of Morocco held at the Esplanade Zagreb
Models from the Talia model agency alluringly strut the cat walk, wearing kaftans with the program hosted by TV presenter Barbara Kolar. The event was further complemented by the music of Moroccan pianist Rita Saher, who with her artistic prowess added extra value to showcasing the Kingdom of Morocco with classical music and traditional Moroccan art.
Morocco’’, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco was officially opened in Zagreb attended by dr. Saad Dino Othamni, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco and Vesna Pusić, Minister of Foreign and EU Affairs of the Republic of Croatia.
As part of the Culture Week of the Kingdom of Morocco, Croats had the opportunity to experience arts and crafts workshops in the attractive tent on the Oleander terrace of the Hotel Esplanade and at the Trade Show on Arts and Crafts at the Zagreb Exhibition Fair. Visitors had the opportunity to discover special Moroccan artistry in making leather, ceramics, silver, jewellery, accessories and household items. Many were impressed by the craftsmen who demonstrated their skills in embroidery, terracotta tile works, copper etching and henna tattoos, among others. During the ˝Days of Culture, Gastronomy and Crafts of the Kingdom of
SIGNATURES WITH PHOTOS LEFT ABOVE: Designer Albert Oiknine / RIGHT: Designer Meriem Belkhayat / RIGHT: Moroccan pianist Rita Saher / BELOW: H.E. Mrs Farida Aiouaze, Ambassador of Algeria to Croatia with an escort / LEFT BELOW: H.E. Mr Burak Özügergin, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Croatia, Mr Moulay Abbés El Kadiri, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Croatia and dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco / RIGHT: President of the Republic of Croatia prof. dr. sc. Ivo Josipović and dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco / BELOW: Tereza Kesovija i Nouzha Sahel, Councillor for Economy and Communications of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Croatia.
reportaža / REPORTAGE
čini jednim od najpoželjnijih odjevnih predmeta većine žena. Priznata marokanska dizajnerica Meriem Belkhayat u svojim dizajnima slijedi svjetske modne trendove pa kaftane najčešće oplemenjuje vezom, šljokicama, perlama i zlatnim nitima, a svi njezini radovi ručne su izrade. U luksuznim kaftanima modnom pistom prošetali su modeli agencije Talia model, a program je vodila televizijska voditeljica Barbara Kolar. Ovu svečanost dodatno je glazbom upotpunila marokanska pijanistica Rita Saher, koja je svojom umjetnošću dala poseban doprinos predstavljanju Kraljevine Maroko, klasične glazbe te tradicionalne marokanske umjetnosti. U sklopu tjedna kulture Kraljevine Maroko hrvatski građani imali su priliku vidjeti i obrtničke radionice u atraktivnom šatoru na Oleander terasi hotela Esplanade te na Sajmu obrtništva na Zagrebačkom velesajmu. Posjetitelji su imali priliku otkriti posebnosti marokanske umjetnosti u koži, keramici, srebru, nakitu, galanteriji i pokućstvu. Mnogi su se divili i obrtnicima koji su prikazali svoje vještine veza, obrade terakota pločica, bakroreza, tetoviranja kanom i slično. Tijekom Dana kulture, gastronomije i obrtništva Kraljevine Maroko u Zagrebu je službeno otvoreno Veleposlanstvo Kraljevine Maroko, kojem su prisustvovali dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, ministar vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Maroko, i Vesna Pusić, ministrica vanjskih i europskih poslova RH.
POTPISI UZ SLIKE: GORE LIJEVO: Dizajner Albert Oiknine / DESNO: Dizajnerica Meriem Belkhayat / DESNO: Marokanska pijanistica Rita Saher / ISPOD: NJ.E. gđa. Farida Aiouaze veleposlanica Alžira u RH s pratnjom / ISPOD LIJEVO: NJ.E. g. Burak Özügergin, veleposlanik Turske u RH, NJ.E. g. Moulay Abbes El Kadiri, veleposlanik Kraljevine Maroko u Hrvatskoj i dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, ministar vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Maroko / ISPOD DESNO: Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske prof. dr. sc. Ivo Josipović i ministar vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Maroko dr. Saad Dine El Otmani / ISPOD: Tereza Kesovija i Nouzha Sahel, savjetnica za kulturu i komunikacije Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Maroko
Dio mene probudi se samo kad sam u Zagrebu Borna Rajić Zagrepčanka je s pariškom adresom. U razgovoru nam je otkrila što je inspirira u radu, što joj je najvažnije pri kreiranju odjeće, te koji su joj planovi.
A part of me wakes up only when I’m in Zagreb. Borna Rajić is a Zagreb resident with a Paris address. During our chat, she told us what inspires her work what is most important when creating clothing and what are her plans. PIŠE > ŽELJKA PLUŽARIĆ FOTO G R A F I J E > TO M I S L AV S M O L JA N OV I Ć
BORNA RAJIĆ modna dizajnerica fashion designer
Svaka kolekcija otvara mi mnogo novih aspekata Što vam je najvažnije pri kreiranju odjeće?
joj je oduvijek bila velika ljubav i strast. Zahvaljujući baki, vrlo je rano naučila šivati i plesti. No kada je došlo vrijeme za studij, Borna Rajić odabrala je ekonomiju pa je kreativni rad pomalo i zanemarila. U međuvremenu je rodila četvoricu sinova i posvetila se njihovu odgoju. Međutim, ljubav prema modi nije nestala. S vremenom je, kaže, osjetila potrebu da se kroz modni dizajn ponovno poveže s kreativnim stvaranjem. Tako je svoj brend Borna&Fils lansirala 2011. godine na Sarajevo film festivalu. Neki su modni kritičari za njezin dizajnerski stil rekli da se nikad ne zna što se može očekivati. A Borna na to kaže da voli iznenađivati druge, ali ponajprije samu sebe. U njezinu radu inspiriraju je putovanja, ali i grad u kojem živi već šest godina. Pariz i francuska kultura fasciniraju je, ali ipak se dio nje probudi samo kada je u Zagrebu. Stoga svoju parišku adresu često zamijeni zagrebačkom. I to adresom hotela Esplanade. Iako joj u Zagrebu stanuje obitelj, svaki put kada dolazi u Hrvatsku Borna odsjeda upravo u tom hotelu i u njemu se, kaže, osjeća baš kao kod kuće.
Najvažnije je da odjeća bude nosiva. Ona je namijenjena da služi vama, a ne vi njoj. Važno mi je također da je savršeno izrađena. Vrlo bitna mi je struktura. Krojevi su uvijek strukturirani i rađeni po mome tijelu. Kreacije nastaju uz rigorozne probe, u kojima se zaista do savršenstva dovodi svaki detalj, sve mora biti savršeno prilagođeno konturama tijela. To je nešto čime se želimo izdvojiti iz ostale mase brendova.
Tko je žena za koju stvarate? Stvaram po uzoru na sebe. Osnovni modeli prilagođeni su mome tijelu, ali i mom trenutačnom stanju duha, mojoj percepciji što žena jest i koju bi poruku trebala odašiljati kada je odjevena u moju odjeću. A ta poruka je da se žena dobro osjeća u svojoj koži i u svome životu.
Postoji li osoba za koju biste voljeli dizajnirati neki odjevni predmet? Voljela bih napraviti haljinu za Mirandu Kerr i za Tildu Swinton. Iako su različite, ima nešto u njihovim osobnostima što me privlači. Miranda Kerr se pojavljuje kao anđeo na modnoj reviji Victoria Secreta, dok je Tilda Swinton vrhunska glumica snažne ličnosti. Moja idealna žena je spoj ta dva ekstrema. Ima dubinu, snagu, može nositi ekstravagantne kreacije i u njima se osjećati vrlo ležerno, ali u njoj ima i nešto lepršavo, djetinjasto.
ashion has always been a big love and passion for her. Thanks to her grandma she learnt early how to sew and knit. When the time came for studies, Borna Rajić chose economics thereby putting her creative work on the backburner. In the meantime she gave birth to four sons and devoted herself to their upbringing. Love towards fashion, however, never fully disappeared. With time, she says, she felt that through fashion design she could connect with her creative side. That’s how she launched her brand Borna&Fils in 2011 at the Sarajevo Film Festival. Some fashion critics have described her design work as something which is always unexpected. Borna responds to that by saying that she likes to surprise others, but first of all herself. Her work is inspired by travelling, but also the city in which she lives in. Paris, together with French culture, fascinates her, but still, a part of her awakens only when she is in Zagreb. That is why she substitutes her Paris address with her Zagreb address quite often. Not to mention the address of the Esplanade hotel. Even though her family lives in Zagreb, every time she comes to Croatia, Borna stays at the Esplanade because, as she says, she feels exactly like at home.
Who is the woman that you create for?
What’s most important for you when creating clothes?
Who is an icon of style for you?
The most important thing is for clothing to be wearable. It is intended for it to serve you and not for you to serve it. It is of course also important to me that it is perfectly made. Structure is extremely important to me. The design is always structured and made to fit my body. Creations are developed from rigorous trials in which every detail is really hammered to perfection and everything has to be perfectly aligned with the contours of the body. This is something that we want to separate us from the other numerous brands.
Sheikha Mozah from Qatar. She is a very beautiful woman who knows how to emphasise her beauty. She is always powerfully and strongly dressed and stands out from the crowd, not so much with eccentricity as with beauty and elegance with turbans. She has a recognisable and distinctive style, which perfectly suits her figure and as an extension of her personality. The style of every woman has to complement her and her personality otherwise you can have the most exclusive clothing garments and look – silly.
I create based on my own impression. Basic models are tailored to my body and also to my current state of mind and soul, my perception of what a woman is and what message it should send when she is wearing my clothes. The message is that a woman should feel comfortable in her own skin and in her life.
Is there a person who you would like to design a piece of clothing for? I’d like to make a dress for Miranda Kerr and Tilda Swinton. Even though they are very different, there is something in their personalities, which attracts me. Miranda Kerr appears as an angel on Victoria’s Secret fashion runaways while Tilda Swinton is a top actress with a strong personality. My ideal woman is a fusion of those two extremes. She has depth, strength, can wear extravagant creations and feel casual in it, but there is also something colourful and childish in her.
Every collection opens many new aspects to me Hotel ESPLANADE /
Najvažnije je da odjeća bude nosiva. Ona je namijenjena da služi vama, a ne vi njoj. Mislite li da se muškarci i žene razlikuju u načinu na koji prevladavaju prepreke s kojima se susreću?
Tko je za vas ikona stila? Sheikha Mozah iz Katara. Ona je iznimno lijepa žena i zna istaknuti svoju ljepotu. Uvijek je odjevena moćno i snažno i odskače od uobičajenoga. Ne ekscentričnošću koliko ljepotom i elegancijom, s turbanima; ima prepoznatljiv, osebujan stil koji savršeno odgovara njezinoj figuri i produžetak je njezine osobnosti. Stil svake žene mora biti komplementaran njoj, njezinoj ličnosti jer u protivnome možete imati najekskluzivnije odjevne predmete i doimati se – smiješno.
Kada se osoba bavi poslom kao što je moda, njezin je rad izložen pohvalama, ali i kritikama, koje nije uvijek jednostavno primiti. Kritike su također dio ovoga posla. Negativne kritike koje su se pojavljivale dolazile su od osoba koje ne smatram objektivnim izvorima modne kritike. S vremenom i kvalitetom rada ti su se glasovi stišali i počeli su dominirati glasovi kompetentnih osoba, koje su prepoznale kvalitetu rada. Morate biti snažna osoba da biste prebrodili razdoblja neprepoznavanja, neprihvaćanja, odbacivanja itd. Uspjeh nikada ne dolazi preko noći, to je protivno principu života. Ne možete preskočiti neke razvojne faze. A to u konačnici treba znati izdržati.
Prepreke s kojima se žene i muškarci susreću u poslu su različite, i tu ponajprije mislim na ravnopravnost. Živimo u društvu koje je još uvijek patrijarhalno. Puno je ženskih pobjeda, no one su još uvijek u kategoriji virtualnih pobjeda. Izboriti se da kao žena imate jednaka prava za neko radno mjesto na prvu djeluje kao da smo izjednačeni. I danas većina žena nosi veću brigu oko doma i djece od svojih supruga. Naravno, ima i iznimaka. S druge strane, istim kriterijima mjerimo obje karijere. Žena mora imati posebnu energiju, poseban trud, poseban napor da bi kompenzirala tu razliku koju odrađuje.
Kako vidite razvoj svog brenda u budućnosti? Planiramo širiti mrežu distribucije jer nam je želja da budemo prepoznatljivi u svijetu kao francuski brend koji radi zanimljivu, kvalitetnu i nosivu odjeću. Za sada imamo butik u Veneciji, imamo distributera u Japanu, a u Hrvatskoj smo prisutni u butiku Mare u Zagrebu.
U Parizu živite šest godina. Nedostaje li vam Zagreb? Jako bi mi nedostajali Zagreb i Hrvatska da ne dolazim ovamo jedanput mjesečno i tako napunim baterije. Što sam zrelija, u meni više postoji potreba da sletim u Zagreb, da dodirnem tlo, da vidim ljude, obitelj, prijatelje koje volim. Dio mene probudi se samo kad sam u Zagrebu. Za mene kao kreativnu osobu, jako je važan i moj život u Parizu. To je jedan prelijep grad koji me fascinira svakodnevno, ljepotom arhitekture, a francuska me kultura kontinuirano nadahnjuje umjetničkom razigranošću u svim aspektima života.
When a person works in an industry such as fashion, their work can be complemented but also criticised, which are not always easy to accept. Criticism is also a part of this job. Negative criticism which appeared came from individuals who I don’t consider objective sources of fashion critique. With time and better quality of work those voices got quieter and the voices of competent persons, who recognised the quality of work, started speaking. You have to be a strong person in order to overcome periods of not being recognised, unacceptance, rejection, etc. Success doesn’t happen overnight, it is in fact contrary to the principles of life. You can’t simply skip over development phases.
Do you think men and women differ in the way they overcome challenges they meet? Obstacles which women encounter in business are different to those encountered by men and here I mainly mean equality. We live in a society which is still patriarchal. There are many female victories. However, they are still in the category of virtual victories. Winning the right for women to have an equal right for a work place at first might seem like we are equal. Today, most women carry the burden of taking care of the home and children more than their husbands. Conversely, we measure both careers with the same criteria. Women have to have special energy and special effort in order to compensate that difference that they put in.
The most important thing is for clothing to be wearable. It is intended to serve you and not for you to serve it. Hotel ESPLANADE /
Uspjeh nikad ne dolazi preko noći, to je protivno principu života. Ne možete preskočiti neke razvojne faze. Koja su vam najdraža mjesta u Zagrebu? Hotel Esplanade jedno je od tih mjesta. To mi je drugi dom. Iako imam obitelj u Zagrebu, koju jako volim, uvijek im pokušavam objasniti da se ne ljute što nisam kod njih, ali zaista imam potrebu biti u Esplanadi. Ona je na neki način odraz naše europske kulture, sa svojom dugotrajnom tradicijom, divnom arhitekturom i duhom koji je i dandanas hotel uspio održati. Ovdje se osjećate kao da ste u centru Europe. S ponosom dolazim u hotel i sretna sam što ga imamo. Tu me svi dobro poznaju pa s pravom mogu reći da sam u Esplanadi zapravo – kod kuće.
How do you see your brand developing in the future? We are planning to expand the network of distribution because it is our wish to be recognisable internationally as a French brand which produces interesting, top quality and wearable clothing. We now have a boutique in Venice, we have a distributor in Japan and in Croatia you can find us in Mare boutique in Zagreb.
Success doesn’t happen overnight, it is in fact contrary to the principles of life. You can’t simply skip over a development phase.
You’ve been living in Paris for 6 years. Do you miss Zagreb?
Which are your favourite places in Zagreb?
I would miss Zagreb and Croatia very much if I wouldn’t come once a month to recharge my batteries. The more I mature, the more I have the desire to fly into Zagreb to touch the ground, to see the people, family and friends I love. A part of me wakes up only when I’m in Zagreb. For a creative person such as I, life in Paris is very important to me. It is a beautiful city, which fascinates me every day with its beautiful architecture, while French culture continuously inspires me with its playful architecture in all aspects of life.
The Hotel Esplanade is one of those places. It is my second home. Even though I have family in Zagreb, which I love very much, I always try and explain to them not to be angry for not staying with them because I really have the need to stay at the Esplanade. It is in a way a reflection of our European culture with its long lasting tradition, beautiful architecture and a spirit, which survives to these days. You feel like you are in the centre of Europe. I come here with so much pride and am happy for having it. Everyone knows me well here and I can rightfully say that at the Esplanade I actually feel – at home.
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Bahlen B E A U T Y
Zagrebački centar mineralne kozmetike i zdravih proizvoda za njegu kože i kose
samom centru Zagreba na adresi Gundulićeva 1 pronaći ćete Bahlen Beauty, studio mineralne kozmetike i najkvalitetnijih proizvoda za njegu kože i kose. Bahlen Beauty portfolio uključuje svjetska imena mineralne kozmetike - Youngblood i Glo minerals, jedne od najboljih proizvoda za njegu kose na bazi keratina - Keratherapy, proizvode s arganovim uljem - Agadir, vrhunsku francusku kozmetičku marku - Matis Paris, jedinstvene serume za obnovu i rast trepavica RevitaLash, te obrva - Billion Dollar Brow, popularnu i veselu kozmetiku The Balm, potpuno prirodnu kozmetiku iz Izraela Gamila Secret kao i još mnogo toga.
Youngblood je izvorno razvijen u suradnji s vrhunskim liječnicima za upotrebu u medicinske svrhe. Stoga možete biti sigurni da je formula svakog proizvoda najkvalitetnija moguća. Osnivačica, Pauline Youngblood, je tijekom svoje karijere kao paramedicinski estetičar svakodnevno bila u kontaktu s pacijentima koji su imali ozbiljna oštećenja kože kao posljedica agresivnih laserskih tretmana, akni i kozmetičkih zahvata. Takvim pacijentima je trebalo oko 6 mjeseci da se koža oporavi, a Pauline nije bila zadovoljna s ponudom kozmetičkih proizvoda za žene s takvim problemima, pa je započela raditi s kemičarima
kako bi razvili kozmetički proizvod koji bi mogao prekrivati upaljenu, bezbojnu i oštećenu kožu istovremeno joj dopuštajući da diše i zacjeljuje. Youngblood proizvodi su savršeni za sve tipove kože i dobne skupine. Jednostavno ih je koristiti, dugotrajni su, odlično podnose vrućine i vlagu.
Matis Paris
Matis Paris, francuska kozmetička marka sa 75 godina iskustva u njezi kože i tradicije u inovacijama, s jednim od najmodernijih istraživačkih centara. Matis Paris je sinonim za francusku kvalitetu i inovativne kozmetičke proizvode visoke kvalitete. Matis laboratorij okuplja tim stručnjaka, kemičara i biologa upoznatih sa svim najnovijim znanstvenim inovacijama. Ovi stručnjaci stvaraju ekskluzivne formule koje kontinuirano poboljšavaju novim aktivnim sastojcima, uz stalnu brigu za kombiniranjem najboljeg od znanosti i prirode. Matis Paris nudi kompletnu linije za njegu svih tipova kože kao i specijaliziranu liniju za muškarce i linija za zaštitu od sunca, te mineralni bazni make-up.
The balm The Balm kozmetika nudi kompletnu liniju šminke, proizvoda za njegu kože, proizvoda za njegu kose. Filozofijom “do ljepote u pet minuta”, The Balomovi višenamjenski, nevjerojatni proizvodi postali
n the centre of Zagreb at No 1 Gundulić Street you will find Bahlen Beauty, a studio for mineral cosmetics and the best quality products for skin and hair care. The Bahlen Beauty portfolio includes world renowned mineral cosmetic brands - Youngblood and Glo Minerals, one of the best products for hair care based on keratin – Keratherapy, products with Argan oil – Agadir, top French cosmetics brand – Matis Paris, Unique serums for regeneration of eyelashes RevitaLash, and eyebrows – Billion Dollar Brow, popular and fun cosmetics brand The Balm, the completely natural cosmetics line from Israel Gamilla Secret and much more.
Youngblood was developed in cooperation with expert physicians for medical purposes. You can therefore rest assure that the formula of every product is of the highest quality. The founder Pauline Youngblood has through her career as paramedical aesthetician been in daily contact with patients who had serious skin damage as a result of aggressive laser treatments for acne and other cosmetic procedures. These patients needed around 6 months for the skin to heal and since Pauline was not satisfied with the offer of cosmetic products for women with such problems, she started working with chemists in order to develop a
The Zagreb centre for mineral cosmetics and health products for skin and hair care Gamila Secret
cosmetic product, which could hide in inflamed, colourless and damaged skin yet allowing it to breathe and heal. Youngblood produces products, which are perfect for all types of skin and age categories. They are simple to use, are long lasting and handle heat and moisture really well.
Matis Paris
Matis Paris is a French cosmetics brand with 75 years of experience in skin care and a tradition in innovation including one of the most modern research centres. Matis Paris is a synonym for French quality and innovative cosmetics products of the highest quality. The Matis laboratory includes a team of experts, chemists and biologists who know and are across all the latest scientific innovations. These experts create exclusive formulas, which are continuously enhanced with new active ingredients with special care devoted to combining the best of science and nature. Matis Paris offers a complete line for all skin types as well as a specialised line for me, a line for sun protection and a mineral base make-up.
The Balm
The Balm cosmetics brand offers a complete make-up line, skin care and hair care products and hair sprays. With the philosophy of ˝beautiful in five minutes˝, The Balm multipurpose and incredible products have become a recognisable brand offering quick repair and miracle solutions for a wide range of needs. Fantastic formulas and colours enable women to free the artist within so they could look and feel fantastic.
A 100% natural cosmetics brand completely free of synthetic ingredients. Gamila Hiar was born on 20 August 1940 in Galilee on the north of Israel. Her dedication to developing products for skin care began at the age of 20 when after all her daily activities she would sacrifice a few hours of sleep every night in order to make soap. After more than 40 years, Gamila Hiar developed a secret recipe for a formula, which is based on her knowledge of nature: Gamila Secret. Gamila Secret products consist of at least 15 completely active wild grasses based on Shea butter and six pure vegetable oils including the first olive oil in stone.
su prepoznatljivost branda, pritom nudeći brze popravke i čudesne rješenja za široki spektar potreba. Fantastične formule i boje omogućuju ženama da oslobode umjetnika u sebi kako bi izgledale i osjećale se fantastično.
Gamila Secret 100% prirodna kozmetika potpuno slobodna od sintetičkih tvari. Gamila Hiar rođena je 20. kolovoza 1940, u Galileji na sjeveru Izraela. Njezina predanost proizvodnji proizvoda za njegu kože započela je u dobi od 20 godina, kada je žrtvovala nekoliko sati sna svake noći kako bi spravljala sapun nakon svojih svakodnevnih poslova. Nakon više od 40 godina, Gamila Hiar razvila je tajni recept za formulu koja se temeljila na njezinom znanju o prirodi: Gamila Secret. Gamila Secret proizvodi sastoje se od najmanje petnaest potpuno aktivnih divljih trava, na bazi shea maslaca i šest čistih biljnih ulja, uključujući i prvo maslinovo ulje u kamenu.
Bahlen Beauty Distribution nudi ekskluzivnu uslugu profesionalnog šminkanja mineralnom kozmetikom u hotelu Esplanade. Bahlen Beauty Distribution offers an exclusive professsional make-up service with mineral cosmetics at the Hotel Esplanade. The make-up appointment must be booked 24 hours in advance by telehephoning: 098/842505 or email to:
Price for applying make-up for guests of the Esplanade Hotel is 200 HRK and payable in cash.
Termin šminkanja je potrebno rezervirati 24 sata unaprije telefonski na broj: 098/842505 ili e-mailom na
Cijena šminkanja za goste hotela Esplanade je 200,00 kn, a plaćanje gotovinom.
Croatia’s largest retailer of luxury shoes, bags and accessories Dubrovnik Rijeka Split Zadar Zagreb Visit us in Zagreb - Frankopanska 20, Teslina 15, Jurišićeva 18, Vlaška 65, Outlet store at Roses Outlet Center
Produkcija i kreativno vodstvo / production and creatve management: Danira Orešić Fotografije / photos: Matea Smolčić Senčar Snimljeno u Galeriji Klovićevi dvori / photographed at Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Jezuitski trg 4, Zagreb Modeli: Roko Bijelica i Magdalena Rupe Frizura / hairstyle: Zrinka Žaja za Paul Mitchell Šminka: Kristina Atletić haljina / dress: Guess by Marciano 2.479,00 kn jakna / coat: Guess by Marciano 1.969,00 kn torba / handbag: Coccinelle 449,00 kn naušnice / earings: Prahir zlatarnica 5.600,00 kn ogrlica / neckless: Prahir zlatarnnica 9.870,00 kn
Savršen spoj umjetnosti i mode Art and fashion in a match made in heaven XYZ - Sportina Group Arena Centar Zagreb, Jaruščica BB, Zagreb PRAHIR zlatarnica Ilica 43, Zagreb, Zagrebačka 56, Velika Gorica, Zagrebačka 57, Velika Gorica
XYZ - Sportina Group, Arena Centar Zagreb, Jaruščica BB, Zagreb MARAS Kaptol centar, Nova ves 17, Zagreb KARLA, Frankopanska 20, Zagreb FREYWILLE Preradovićeva 2, Zagreb
On / He: hlače / trausers: Armani 1.439,00 kn vesta / sweater: Armani 1.849,00 kn cipele / shoes: Armani 3.229,00 kn šal / scarf: Armani 989,00 kn rukavice / gloves: UGG 860,00 kn Ona / She: hlače / trausers: Michael Kors 1.079,00 kn jakna / jacket: Michael Kors 3.955,00 kn rukavice / gloves: Dsquared 3.069,00 kn torba / handbag: Piquadro 3.069,00 kn čizme / boots: Gancarlo Paul 4.980,00 kn narukvice / bracelets: Freywille cijena na upit
XYZ – Sportina Group Arena Centar Zagreb Jaruščica BB, Zagreb KARLA Frankopanska 20, Zagreb PRAHIR zlatarnica Ilica 43, Zagreb Zagrebačka 56 i Zagrebačka 57 Velika Gorica LANCEL Nikole Tesle 15, Zagreb
On / He: kaput / coat: Hugo Boss 3.799,00 kn košulja / shirt: Hugo Boss 789,00 kn hlače / trausers: Hugo Boss 1.119,00 kn kravata / tie: Hugo Boss 539,00 kn cipele / shoes: Armani 3.229,00 kn Ona / She: hlače / trausers: Guess by Marciano 1.539,00 kn jakna / jacket: Guess by Marciano 5.649,00 kn bluza / shirt: Guess by Marciano 1.539,00 kn čizme / boots: Paoli (SGN) 2.690,00 kn torba / handbag: Lancel 10.550,00 kn naušnice / earings: Prahir 520,00 kn ogrlica / neckless: Prahir 543,00 kn narukvica / bracelet: Prahir 360,00 kn prsten / ring: Prahir 4.130,00 kn prsten / ring: Prahir 6.100,00 kn
BOGGI Milano Masarykova 22, Zagreb sako / jacket: Boggi 4.500,00 kn koĹĄulja / shirt Boggi 670,00 kn hlaÄ?e / trausers Boggi 1.150,00 kn remen / belt Boggi 435,00 kn kravata / tie Boggi 380,00 kn maramica / handkerchief Boggi 175,00 kn
BOGGI Milano Masarykova 22, Zagreb sako / jacket: Boggi 3.000,00 kn koĹĄulja / shirt: Boggi 670,00 kn hlaÄ?e / trausers: Boggi 1.150,00 kn remen / belt: Boggi 435,00 kn kravata / tie: Boggi 380,00 kn
MAX MARA Gundulićeva 19 & Masarykova 17, Zagreb PRAHIR zlatarnica Ilica 43, Zagreb, Zagrebačka 56, Velika Gorica, Zagrebačka 57 Velika Gorica haljina / dress: Max Mara 3.899,00 kn torba / handbag: Max Mara 1.679,00 kn naušnice / earings: Prahir 520,00 kn
MAX MARA Gundulićeva 19 & Masarykova 17, Zagreb baloner / raincoat: Galli, Max Mara 4.119,20 kn marama / scarf: Tiglio, Max Mara 807,20 kn torbica / handbag: Nola, Max Mara 1.343,20 kn
MAX MARA Gundulićeva 19 & Masarykova 17, Zagreb KARLA Frankopanska 20, Zagreb PORSCHE DESIGN Kaptol centar, Nova ves 17, Zagreb haljina / dress: Max Mara čizme / boots: Pura Lopez 3.590,00 kn torbica / handbag: Porsche Design, HollyBag Saffiano cijena na upit
MAX MARA Gundulićeva 19 & Masarykova 17, Zagreb PORSCHE DESIGN Kaptol centar, Nova ves 17, Zagreb FREYWILLE Preradovićeva 2, Zagreb haljina / dress: Max Mara rukavice / gloves: Baco, Max Mara 1.191,20 kn torbica / handbag: Porsche Design TwinBag cijena na upit narukvica / bracelet: Freywille cijena na upit
THE CORE Masarykova 7, Zagreb KARLA Frankopanska 20, Zagreb LANCEL Nikole Tesle 15, Zagreb FREYWILLE Preradovićeva 2, Zagreb Sportina XYZ Arena Centar Zagreb, Jaruščica BB, Zagreb
On / He: kaput / coat: Hugo Boss 5.699,00 kn vesta / sweater: Hugo Boss 2.399,00 kn hlače / trausers: Polo Ralph Lauren 999,00 kn šal / scarf: Hugo Boss 649,00 kn rukavice / gloves: Hugo Boss 649,00 kn cipele / shoes: Hugo Boss 1.799,00 kn Ona / She: haljina / dress: Etro 6.899,00 kn jakna / jacket: Versace 8.399,00 kn torba / handbag: Lancel 8.280,00 kn cipele / shoes: Paoli SGN 1.590,00 kn narukvica / bracelet: Freywille cijena na upit
THE CORE Masarykova 7, Zagreb XYZ Sportina Group Arena Centar Zagreb, Jaruščica BB, Zagreb LANCEL Nikole Tesle 15, Zagreb MAX MARA Gundulićeva 19 & Masarykova 17, Zagreb FREYWILLE Preradovićeva 2, Zagreb MARAS Kaptol centar, Nova ves 17, Zagreb On / He: kaput / coat: Hugo Boss 5.699,00 kn sako / jacket: Hugo Boss 4.199,00 kn košulja / shirt: Hugo Boss 999,00 kn kravata / tie: Hugo Boss 799,00 kn hlače / trausers: Hugo Boss 3.299,00 kn remen / belt: Hugo Boss 899,00 kn cipele / shoes: Hugo Boss 2.599, 00 kn Ona / She: bunda / fur coat: Laurel 12.499,00 kn bluza / shirt: Diane von Furstenberg 1.799,00 kn hlače / trausers: Max Mara 1399,00 kn torba / handbag: Lancel 4.150,00 kn kofer / suitcase: Samsonite narukvica / bracelet: Freywille cijena na upit prsten / ring: Freywille cijena na upit
LACOSTE Frankopanska 12, Zagreb On / He: kaput / coat: Lacoste 3.750,00 kn hlače / trouzers: Lacoste 1.050,00 kn cipele / shoes: Lacoste 759,00 kn Ona / She: vesta / sweater: Lacoste 900,00 kn majica / shirt: Lacoste 700,00 kn hlače / trouzers: Lacoste 1.275,00 kn čizme / boots: Lacoste 1.596,00 kn
LACOSTE Frankopanska 12, Zagreb On/He: jakna / jacket: Lacoste 1.800,00 kn vesta / sweater: Lacoste 1.163,00 kn košulja / shirt: Lacoste 975,00 kn hlače / trouzers: Lacoste 1.050,00 kn tenisice / snickers: Lacoste 1.2015,00 kn torba / bag: Lacoste 518,00 kn Ona/She: vesta / sweater: Lacoste 975,00 kn košulja / shirt: Lacoste 750,00 kn hlače / trouzers: Lacoste 1.275,00 kn čizme / boots: Lacoste 1.596,00 kn torbica / handbag: Lacoste 1.311,00 kn
Izložba “Alegorija i Arkadija - antički motivi u umjetnosti hrvatske moderne” održava se u Galeriji Klovićevi dvori. Ova najveća nacionalna Galerija omiljeno je okupljalište ljubitelja likovnih umjetnosti naviklih na vrhunske umjetničke doživljaje koje Klovićevi dvori redovito priređuju svojim izložbama. Izložba “Alegorija i Arkadija” okupila je djela najvećih hrvatskih slikara i kipara nastala na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće s motivima dalekih mitova antičke prošlosti. Predahnite trenutak u arkadijskom ugođaju antičkih mitova o kojima pričaju djela Bukovca, Medovića, Frangeša, Meštrovića i drugih velikih umjetnika te uživajte u vrhunskoj umjetnosti koja svojom ljepotom ostavlja bez daha. The exhibition ˝Allegory and Arcadia - antique motifs in modern Croatian art˝ is being held at the art gallery Klovićevi Dvori. This largest national art gallery is a favourite gathering place for fans of fine art that are used to top artistic experiences, which Klovićevi Dvori regularly hosts as part of its exhibitions. The exhibition ˝Allegory and Arcadia˝ gathers works from the greatest Croatian painters and sculptors made at the turn of the 20th century with motifs depicting myths from ancient past. Take a breather in the Arcadian atmosphere of antique myths from the works of Bukovas, Medović, Frangeš, Meštrović and many other great artists and also enjoy in great art whose beauty is breathtaking.
Non Plus Ultra je individualizirana made-to-measure usluga osnovana od strane zagrebačke tvrtke Sinemora. Non Plus Ultra izrađuje odjeću i dodatke po mjeri za gospodu s istančanim ukusom za odijevanje i njegovanjem osobnog stila. Svi proizvodi su ručno izrađeni u Italiji i Europi. Potpuni individualni pristup i vrhunsku kvalitetu jamče ekskluzivne tkanine, naše znanje i iskustvo te preda-
nost u izradi savršenog odjevnog predmeta. Non Plus Ultra garantira izvrsnost krojačke tradicije, visoku kvalitetu, jedinstvenost proizvoda i diskreciju.
Non Plus Ultra je ponosan na rad s nekim od najcjenjenijih kuća za izradu klasične muške odjeće i dodataka po mjeri.
Ludwig Reiter
Ludwig Reiter je obiteljsko poduzeće iz Beča pod vodstvom četvrte generacije. Osnovano je 1885., a ručno izrađene cipele proizvedene su u bečkim radionicama u nedavno obnovljenom dvorcu Suessenbrunn, koristeći tradicionalnu metodu Goodyear poruba. Proizvodnja para originalnih Ludwig Reiter cipela iziskuje više od 300 koraka. Gotovo 50 visoko specijaliziranih obrtnika proizvodi 30 tisuća pari cipela godišnje tehnikama koje su gotovo nestale iz obućarske prizvodnje diljem svijeta. Hotel ESPLANADE /
Uz bezvremenske klasike muške i ženske obuće, kolekcija se proteže i na legendarni dizajn, takozvani “Maronibrater” i naravno, cipele izrađene prema potrebi kupca. Dugovječnost i ekskluzivnost proizvoda Ludwig Reiter, obiteljsko poduzeće s tradicijom dužom od 125 godina, jamči ne samo jedinstvenom lokacijom u Središnjoj Europi i posebnim metodama proizvodnje, nego i visoko kvalitetnom kožom i odabranim vrstama materijala.
Non Plus Ultra is an individualized made-to-measure service established by the Zagreb based company, Sinemora. Non Plus Ultra creates garments and other accessories for gentlemen with a refined desire to distinguish and express themselves. All products are hand-made in Italy and Europe. Ultimate personalization and absolute quality are guaranteed with exclusive fabrics, experience and passion
for uncompromised perfection. Non Plus Ultra provides excellence of sartorial tradition, quality, uniqueness and discretion for gentlemen that ask for more.
Non Plus Ultra is proud to work with some of the most esteemed makers of classical menswear and men’s accessories.
Ludwig Reiter Ludwig Reiter is a familyowned enterprise manufacturing in Vienna under the management of the fourth generation. Founded in 1885, handmade shoes are produced in the Vienna workshops of the recently renovated Suessenbrunn Manor, using the traditional Goodyear welting method. The manufacture of a pair of genuine Ludwig Reiter shoes requires more than 300 distinct steps. Up to 50 of highly specialised artisans produce 30,000 pairs of shoes annually, craft techniques that have almost vanished from the shoemaking trade world-
wide. Along with the timeless classics of men’s and ladies’ footwear, the collection extends to legendary design classics like the so-called “Maronibrater” (chestnut roaster) and of course shoes made to customer specifications. The long-lasting exclusivity of products made by Ludwig Reiter, a family firm for over 125 years, is guaranteed not only by unique location in Central Europe and the rare manufacturing methods but also by the world-wide sourcing of highquality leathers and selected materials.
De Luca Sartoria Started at the beginning of the twentieth century as a family-owned business, De Luca Sartoria has, in the last 10 years, been able to bring the custom-made garment from its niche to a much bigger market, spreading at the same time the culture of tailor-made suits. De Luca sartorial uses only fabrics from the best Italian and English textile manufacturers, such as: Ermenegildo Zegna, Loro Piana, Fratelli Cerruti, Luciano Barbera, Vitale Barberis Canonico, Holland & Sherry, Scabal and Dormeuil.
Van Laack
Since 1881 van Laack has been synonymous for luxurious shirts. This luxury is manifest in the smallest of details and expresses the personality of the wearer. As the highest form of individual expression, van Laack’s tailor-made shirts offer you a choice from an array of best shirt fabrics and sophisticated details. The selection and customisation offered are what have made the van Laack made-to-measure shirts into a trendsetter among exclusive providers for decades. Its discerning clientele has a choice of no less than 400 select fabrics that mainly come from Italy, 20 collar shapes and 65 colors for embroidered monograms.
De Luca Sartoria Nastala u prvim godinama dvadesetog stoljeća kao obiteljska tvrtka, De Luca Sartoria je u posljednjih 10 godina izradu custom-made odjeće dovela na veliko tržište, šireći kulturu izrade odijela po mjeri. De Luca Sartoria koristi samo tkanine najboljih talijanskih i engleskih proizvođača poput Ermenegilda Zegna, Lora Piana, Fratelli Cerruti, Luciana Barbera, Vitale Barberis Canonica, Holland & Sherry, Scabal i Dormeuil.
Non Plus Ultra redovito organizira trunk shows u Zagrebu i Beogradu za individualne susrete klijenata i Non Plus Ultra partnera kako bi im omogućili narudžbu i izradu željenog made - to measure proizvoda. Bogat izbor pomno odabranih materijala, uzoraka i dodataka bit će ponuđeni klijentu na odabir. Rezervirajte svoj privatni termin ili nas kontaktirajte za dodatne informacije e-mailom na
Van Laack
Od 1881. van Laack je sinonim za luksuzne košulje što se očituje i u najmanjim detaljima, naglašavajući osobnost nosioca. Kao najviši oblik izražavanja osobnosti, van Laack košulje po mjeri mogu se naručiti iz široke lepeze najboljih tkanina i raznih sofisticiranih detalja. Široki izbor i osobni pristup već desetljećima čini van Laack izradu košulja ekskluzivnom među trendsetterima. Zahtjevni klijenti imaju na izbor oko četiristotine pomno odabranih tkanina, najvećim dijelom iz Italije, 20 oblika ovratnika i 65 boja za izvezivanje monograma.
Non Plus Ultra offers regular trunk shows, in Zagreb and Belgrade, where clients meet individually with Non Plus Ultra partners in order to craft the desired garments. A wide, but selected range of patterns, materials and additions are provided for clients to choose at will. Book you private appointment or contact us for any information via e-mail
PLITVICE LAKES Fairy tale lakes
Plitvička jezera su najveći, najstariji i najposjećeniji hrvatski nacionalni park, a sastoje se od 16 jezera. Gornja su jezera veća i dublja te se preko pjenušavih kaskada i slapova ulijevaju u Donja jezera, koja su manja, plića i nastala na vapnenačkoj podlozi. Jezera dobivaju vodu od brojnih rječica i potoka. Sedrene barijere, koje su nastale u razdoblju od desetak tisuća godina, jedna su od temeljnih osobitosti parka. Poseban zemljopisni položaj i specifična klimatska obilježja pridonijela su nastanku mnogih prirodnih fenomena i bogatoj biološkoj raznolikosti. Isto tako, tu se nalazi i najveći slap u Hrvatskoj, Veliki slap, visok 78 metara, koji se, osim svojom visinom, od drugih razlikuje i po tome što nastaje obrušavanjem potoka niz strmu liticu. Šetnja Gornjim jezerima pružit će vam prekrasne prizore, a lijepo vrijeme otkrit će tirkizno plavu boju plitvičkih voda. Najveće Gornje jezero je Kozjak, duboko 47 metara, koje je u središtu turističkih događanja. Kraj njega možete šetati, nešto pojesti i popiti ili kupiti suvenire te se provozati brodom, koji od njega vozi prema Gradinskom jezeru. Ondje počinje niz slapo-
va koji posjetiteljima oduzimaju dah, a posebno su zanimljivi Veliki i Mali prštavac. Osim vodom, Plitvička jezera bogata su šumama koje nastanjuju najveća tri predatora u Europi – smeđi medvjed, vuk i ris. Također, šume su bogate i endemskim biljkama kao što su uskolisno zvonce i žabnjak kolovrc. Endemi su samo dio bogate biljne populacije na Plitvicama, ima 1 146 vrsta, od kojih su 44 zaštićene u Hrvatskoj. Godine 1962. njemačka produkcijska kuća Rialto film snima svoj prvi vestern Winnetou. Radnja filma događa se u pojedinim dijelovima Hrvatske, točnije na Plitvičkim jezerima, u Paklenici, na Zrmanji, a jednim dijelom i na Rastokama. Najvećim dijelom radnja filma događa se upravo na Plitvičkim jezerima gdje je skriveno blago koje na kraju ondje zauvijek i ostaje. Plitvice možete posjetiti i ljeti i zimi i vidjet ćete prekrasne prizore. Proljetno, ljetno i jesensko vrijeme nudi obilje vode i slapova, a zima zamrznute slapove i jezera te bijeli pokrov. Plitvička se jezera sasvim sigurno mogu svrstati među najljepša prirodna bogatstva svijeta i svakako ih treba posjetiti.
Prostrani šumski kompleksi, iznimne prirodne ljepote jezera i slapova, bogatstvo flore i faune, planinski zrak, šumske staze i drveni mostići i još mnogo toga dio su neponovljive cjeline Hotel ESPLANADE /
Wide reaching forest complexes, exceptional natural beauty of lakes and waterfalls, the richness of flora and fauna, mountain air, forest trails and wooden bridges and many more are part of a unique entity Plitvice Lakes are the largest, oldest and most visited Croatian National Park, which consists of 16 lakes. The Upper Lakes are larger and deeper and over effervescing cascades and waterfalls they flow into the Lower Lakes, which are smaller, shallower and which were formed on limestone base. The lakes receive water from numerous smaller rivers and streams. Sedrana stone barriers, which were formed during a period of about ten thousand years, are one of the main characteristics of the park. A unique geographical position and specific climate features have contributed to the formation of many natural phenomena and rich biological diversity. This is also the place where the largest waterfall in Croatia can be found, the Big Waterfall, standing at 78 metres, which besides its height is different from other waterfalls because it is formed by collapsing over a sharp cliff. Walking along side the Upper Lakes will offer you wonderful scenery, while nice weather will reveal a turquoise blue colour of Plitvice waters. The largest Upper Lake is Kozjak, with a depth of 47 metres, which is at the centre of the tourist attraction. You can walk along side it, have something to eat and drink or buy souvenirs and have a boat ride, which sails from it towards Gradinsko Lake. This is where a range of waterfalls begin, which for those visiting take their breath away and of particular interest are the Big and Small Prštavac (sprayer).
Reporta탑a / REPORT
Plitvičkoj ljepoti nije mogao odoljeti ni UNESCO, koji ih je uvrstio na svoju listu svjetske baštine, kao jednu od prirodnih atrakcija
Apart from water, Plitvice Lakes are also rich in forests, which are home to the three biggest predators in Europe – Brown Bear, Wolf and Lynx. The forests are also rich in endemic plants such as Grassy Bells and Ranunculus Thora. Endemic species are only a part of the rich plant population at Plitvice, which consist of 1146 species out of which 44 are protected in Croatia. In 1962 a German production company ‘’Rialto film’’ shoots its first Western, ˝Winnetou˝. The storyline of the movie takes place in certain parts of Croatia, more specifically at Plitvice Lakes, in Paklenica, on the river Zrmanja and one part in Rastoke. The major part of the film actually takes place at Plitvice Lakes, where the hidden treasure is located and where it remains forever. Plitvice can be visited in summer and winter where you will see beautiful sights. Spring, summer and autumn offer plenty of water and waterfalls and winter offers frozen waterfalls and a white cover. Plitvice Lakes can with certainty be included with the most beautiful natural riches of the world and must surely be visited.
Even UNESCO could not resist Plitvice Lakes beauty, which included them on its list of World Heritage Sites as one of the natural attractions
Polyclinic IMED Aesthetic surgery
Estetska kirurgija Doc. dr. sc. Aleksandar Milenović
ažan dio ponude poliklinike Imed čine usluge iz područja estetske kirurgije. Široka lepeza metoda primjenjuje se u različitim kombinacijama, individualno, s naglaskom na prirodnom izgledu pacijenta. „Nastojimo postići da rezultat estetskog zahvata bude prirodan, mlađi i svježiji izgled, želimo izbjeći ‘operative look’ – najveću pogrešku moderne estetske kirurgije“, riječi su doc. dr. sc. Aleksandra Milenovića, voditelja Odjela za estetsku kirurgiju.
Doc. dr. sc. Aleksandar Milenović, dr. med.
maksilofacijalni kirurg, plastični kirurg glave i vrata, specijalizirao je maksilofacijalnu kirurgiju. Paralelno završava i subspecijalizaciju iz plastične i rekonstruktivne kirurgije glave i vrata. Magistrirao je i doktorirao na Stomatološkom fakultetu. Educirao se u svjetskim centrima plastične kirurgije – New Yorku, Glasgowu, Londonu, Beču. Doc. dr. sc. Milenović sudjelovao je i kao predavač na više od 100 domaćih i svjetskih kongresa.
Selska cesta 90A, Zagreb
Facelifting, korekcija vjeđa, korekcija nosa, korekcija uški, podizanje obrva, implantati lica, ortognatska kirurgija, aplikacija filera i botoksa, liposukcija, povećanje grudi, korekcije grudi samo su neki od zahvata koji se izvode u poliklinici Imed.
Aplikacija filera
Konzervativne metode pomlađivanja lica, kao što su fileri hijaluronske kiseline i botoks, mogu se aplicirati već i pri pojavi najmanjih nepravilnosti. U poliklinici Imed aplikacija filera rutinski je zahvat koji traje između 15 i 20 minuta.
Riječ je o kirurškom postupku kojim se koža i potkožno tkivo donjeg dijela lica i vrata pomlađuje. Operativni zahvat izvodi se skrivenim kirurškim rezom iza uha i u vlasištu.
Estetski zahvat na kapcima, blefaroplastika, uklanja neizbježne efekte starenja, korigira spuštene (obješene) kapke, a tim se postupkom uspješno eliminiraju vrećice ispod očiju i rješavaju izražene borice oko očiju koje daju umoran izgled lica.
Important part of the offer of the polyclinic Imed are services from the area of aesthetic surgery. Polyclinic Imed offers a myriad of methods from the area of aesthetic surgery, which are applied in different combinations, individually, with a focus on the natural look of the patients. «What we aim to achieve is for the result of the aesthetic procedure to be a natural, younger and fresher look, and we try to avoid ˝an operative look˝, the biggest mistake of modern aesthetic surgery». These are the words of doc. dr. sc. Aleksandar Milenović, head of the aesthetic surgery department.
Doc. dr. sc. Aleksandar Milenović, dr. med., maxillofacial sur-
geon, plastic surgeon of the head and neck specialised in maxillofacial surgery and is completing his sub-specialisation in plastic and reconstructive surgery of the head and neck. He received his Masters Degree and Doctorate at the Faculty of Dentistry. He was educated in New York, Glasgow, London and Vienna. He has lectured at more than 100 domestic and international congresses.
Facelifting, eyelid corrections, nose corrections, ear corrections, eyebrow lifts, facial implants, orthognathic surgery, filler applications and botox, liposuction, breast enhancements, breast correction are just some of the procedures carried out at the clinic.
Application of fillers
Conservative methods of facial rejuvenation such as hyaluronic acid fillers and botox can be applied at even the first signs of the smallest imperfections. At the Polyclinic Imed application of fillers is a routine procedure lasting between 15 and 20 minutes.
This is a surgical procedure in which the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the lower parts of the face and neck are rejuvenated. The procedure is performed with a hidden surgical incision behind the ear and scalp.
A cosmetic procedure on the eyelids, blepharoplasty removes the unavoidable effects of ageing and corrects drooping (hanging) eyelids. The procedure successfully eliminates bags under the eyes and eliminates pronounced crow’s feet around the eyes that give a tired look of the face.
Luxury & elegance on the new address For more than 130 years, Lancel has supported the emancipation of women by making bold stylish, and practical accessories that have gone on to become essential classic. This strong sense of Parisien chic is rooted in Lancel’s long family tradition.
Luksuz i elegancija na novoj adresi
eć više od 130 godina, Lancel podupire emancipaciju žena stvarajući odvažan, otmjen i praktičan asesoar, koji je postao neophodan klasik. Snažan osjećaj za pariški šik ukorijenjen je u Lancelovoj dugoj obiteljskoj tradiciji. U vrijeme kada su haljine ostajale bez velikih džepova, ženama je zatrebao još jedan asesoar. Angèle Lancel podržala je ovu revoluciju, proizvodeći prve ženske ručne torbice, male luksuzne mrežice vrećastog oblika, novčanike i male torbice. Kao simbol ženske emancipacije, u njima se nosio asesoar za pušenje, puder za lice, i kasnije etui s vizitkama. Ovo je bio dragocjen instrument
u visokom društvu, koji je omogućavao ženama da obznane svoj posjet, i daju svoje vizitke. Njen sin Albert Lancel je definitivno preinačio skroman obiteljski posao u uspješan luksuzni brend kožnog asesoara, pritom pazeći da zadrži ključne vrijednosti brenda koji ruši tabue i osjećaj bezvremenske elegancije. Prve ručne torbice bile su odvažne, sve sofisticiranije i otmjenije. Lancel ostaje uz bok vremenu, nastavljajući tradiciju dugu 130 godina. Kroz sve to vrijeme Lancel je ostao vjeran svom vrlo ženstvenom, vrlo pariškom motu „French Légèreté“. U Zagrebu ćete pronaći Lancel na novoj adresi, u ulici Nikole Tesle broj 15!
At the time when dresses were losing their large pockets, women needed other accessories too. Angèle Lancel supported this revolution by supplying the first handbags, little luxorious reticules in the form of pouches, purses and small bags. Symbolic of women’s emancipation, they were used to carry smoking accessories, face powder and later, card holders. These were a precious tool in high society which enabled women to announce their visits and to give out their calling cards. Her son Albert Lancel would definitively turn the modest family business into a prosperous luxury leather goods brand, taking care to retain its key values of taboo-breaking and a sense of timeless elegance. The first handbags were bold, and increasingly sophisticated and refined. Lancel stays abreast of its times, continuing its 130 year-long tradition. Through that time it has remained faithful to its very feminine, very Parisian motto of “French Légèretè”. In Zagreb, you will find Lancel shop on the new address- Nikola Tesla street no.15!
Lancel Boutique - Nikole Tesle 15 Zagreb, Croatia - Tel: + 385 1 4876 504 LANCEL_BOWLING_205X275_ESPLANADE VIEW MAG_CROATIE.indd 1
23/09/13 16:46
Vaš profesionalni put krenuo je zapravo iz Milana.
DAVOR PERMAN Uživam u osmijehu zadovoljnog klijenta Davor Perman profesionalnu je naobrazbu stekao na frizerskim akademijama u Rijeci i Milanu. Za vrijeme svoga boravka u Milanu radio je u najvažnijim salonima pa ga tako prihvaća međunarodna, izrazito zahtjevna klijentela. Povratkom iz Italije postaje vodeći frizer u Hrvatskoj. Svakoj ženi koja uđe u njegov salon daje glamurozan izgled te stvara avangardne oblike i styling. U svojim salonima oblikuje najprestižnije modne trendove, a sve to koristeći se – prvi put u Hrvatskoj – prestižnom markom proizvoda Aveda. vlasnik salona Perman koncept / owner of the salon Perman koncept
I most enjoy in the smile of a satisfied client Hotel ESPLANADE /
Davor Perman gained his professional training in hair styling academies in Rijeka and Milan. During his stay in Milan he worked in the most prominent hair salons and that is why he is accepted by the international and very demanding clientele. Upon his return from Italy he becomes a leading hairdresser in Croatia. He gives every woman that enters his salon a glamorous look and creates avantgarde shapes and styles. In his salons he shapes the most renowned modern trends, using, for the first time in Croatia – the prestigious brand Aveda.
Tako je. Svoje obrazovanje stekao sam u Milanu prije 25 godina, gdje sam i završio akademiju. Surađivao sam na bezbroj modnih revija i editorijala s vrhunskim dizajnerima i top modelima, ne samo na području Italije već diljem Europe i svijeta. Održavajući edukacije novih trendova, s Milanom sam i dalje povezan. Moj prvi Perman studio otvoren je 1990. u Opatiji, i tu sam oformio tim s kojim radim te pokrećem nove trendove u frizerskom svijetu.
Koji cilj slijedite u poslu?
Ponajprije mi je važna kvalitetna i vrhunska usluga te tim suradnika koji se konstantno educira o novim tehnikama i trendovima. Važno je i održavanje visokokvalitetne usluge, jer je to garancija da će se klijent vratiti.
U čemu najviše uživate u svom poslu?
U osmijehu zadovoljnog klijenta. Volim darivati učinak prirodne sofisticiranosti. Ljubavlju prenositi harmoniju ženstvenosti svakoj dami, koje su za mene sve kraljice.
Što saloni pružaju klijentima?
Perman koncept saloni jesu tim educiranih suradnika koji će svakom klijentu pristupiti na individualan način, njihove
želje i naše znanje pretočiti u obostrano zadovoljstvo kako bi njihova kosa bila njegovana i zdrava. Naš salon u Rijeci, osim frizerskih usluga, nudi i njegu cijeloga tijela. Osim toga, svi saloni su osmišljeni i uređeni tako da se svaki klijent osjeća ugodno i ima svoju zonu privatnosti.
Po čemu se vaši saloni razlikuju od ostalih?
Naša posebnost je u tome što smo uvoznici Aveda proizvoda za Hrvatsku, trenutačno najboljeg proizvoda na tržištu. Sto posto su na prirodnoj bazi, a uz njegu kose imaju i cijelu liniju za njegu lica, tijela te dekorativne kozmetike. Cijela linija Aveda proizvoda može se kupiti u prodajnom dijelu naših salona. Mi smo spa saloni za njegu kose koji će svakom klijentu uz frizuru ponuditi opuštajući Aveda čaj te ugodnu masažu ruku. Avedina i naša misija jest brinuti o svijetu u kojem živimo. Aveda se zalaže za postavljanje primjera u vodstvu i odgovornosti u poštovanju i zaštiti okoliša koji nadmašuje kozmetiku, obuhvaćajući cijeli svijet.
9. rujna 10, Opatija / 051/271-574
Ignacija Henckea 1, Rijeka / 051/323-234
Trg Ante Starčevića 1, Zagreb (nasuprot hotela Esplanade Zagreb / across the Esplanade Zagreb hotel) 01/4577-714
Your professional journey actually started in Milan?
What do salons offer to their clients?
The main goal that you follow in work.
How are your salons different from others in the industry?
That’s right. I acquired my training in Milan 25 years ago, where I finished the academy. I worked on numerous fashion shows and editorials with premium designers and top models, not just in Italy, but throughout Europe and the World. I am tied to Milan even today, keeping up on education of new trends. My first Perman studio was opened in 1990 in Opatija, where I established a team with whom I work and start new trends in the world of hairdressing.
The first thing that is important for me is quality and premium service and a team of experts, which is constantly investing in further training in new techniques and trends. It is also important to maintain the quality of service on a high level because that is the guarantee for a client to return.
What do you enjoy the most in your work?
In the smile of a satisfied client. I like to gift the result of natural sophistication. With love to transfer the harmony of femininity to every lady, who for me is a queen.
Perman koncept salons are a team of highly trained staff who will approach each client individually to merge their wishes and our knowledge into a mutual satisfaction in order to achieve hair that is cared for and healthy. Our salon in Rijeka, apart from hairdressing services, offers care for the entire body. Besides this, all salons are conceived and decorated to make every client feel comfortable and to have their zone of privacy.
Our unique point is in the fact that we are distributors for Aveda products for Croatia, currently the best products, which can be found on the market today. They are 100% natural and apart from hair care they also have a facial care, body care and decorative cosmetics line. The complete Aveda range of products can be purchased in the sales part of our salons. We are spa salons for hair care, which offer every client, apart from hair styling, the relaxing Aveda tea and an enjoyable hand massage. Aveda’s and our mission is to care for the world we live in. Aveda tries to set an example in management and responsibility to respect and protect the environment, which is more important than cosmetics and encompasses the entire world.
Floral event studio specializing in production of floral decorations, decorating of premises, organisation of weddings and special events.
Lela Design Cvjetni event studio specijaliziran za izradu cvjetnih dekoracija, dekoriranje prostora, organizaciju vjenčanja i posebnih događanja.
Weddings / Events / Interiors / Flowers Črnomerec 41 / 10000 Zagreb 01 38 32848 / 091 3877015 / Hotel ESPLANADE /
tudio već više od 15 godina predano vodi vlasnica, Mirela Mikšić Lela. Studio je poznat po izradi originalnih cvjetnih dekoracija i glamuroznih instalacija za evente: konferencije, gala večere, domjenke, dodjele nagrada, otvorenja, primanja, koncerte na pozornicama, ali i posebne privatne proslave kao vjenčanja. Lela i njen uigrani tim iza sebe imaju niz zanimljivih projekata, od privatnih proslava do korporativnih evenata, na raznim lokacijama od zatvorenih prostora ili lokacija na otvorenom, u Hrvatskoj i regiji. Upravo je Lela Design bio angažiran za dizajn interijera i cvjetnih dekoracija za svečanu večeru prilikom proslave hrvatskog ulaska u EU, a Lela je bila i autorica cvjetnih dekoracija prilikom svečanog proglašenja izbora za Ženu godine 2013. održanog na terasi Hotela Esplanade. Lelin dizajn uvijek stilski i tematski prati svrhu događanja i simbolički stvara ili nadopunjuje asocijacije vezane uz tvrtku, temu eventa ili događaj na pozornici. Pri tome, osim prvoklasnog rezanog cvijeća, koriste i veliki izbor dekorativnih elemenata – vaza, ukrasnih posuda, svijećnjaka, postolja, dekora, rasvjetnih tijela i bilja u teglama. Lela Design vodi i jednu od najljepših online cvjećarnica u Zagrebu, gdje u dnevnoj ponudi nudi široki asortiman rezanog cvijeća, buketa, cvjetnih dekoracija i sitnih poklona u fenomenalnim aranžmanima i luksuznim pakiranjima, za sve prigode, dostupno dostavom za područje grada Zagreba. Ako trebate poslati cvijeće, je adresa koju trebate zapamtiti. Svi proizvodi izrađuju se ručno, s ljubavlju i prema Lelinim originalnim idejama. U on line ponudi nalazi se najbolje od dostupnih sezonskih vrsta, ali mogu nabaviti i ekskluzivne vrste i ispuniti posebne zahtjeve. Sve cvijeće odabire i nabavlja Lela osobno, na dnevnoj bazi. Kompletna ponuda Lela Design web shopa mijenja se i obnavlja sezonski, najmanje 4xgodišnje. On line narudžba je jednostavna i sigurna, a dostava cvijeća pouzdana i diskretna.
or over 15 years the studio is under the committed leadership of the owner Mirela Mikšić Lela. The studio is known for producing original floral decorations and glamorous decorations for events such as conferences, gala dinners, lunches, award ceremonies, openings, welcoming events, concerts on stages and other special private celebrations such as weddings. Lela and her well-polished team have many interesting projects behind them ranging from private celebrations to corporate events at various locations in closed spaces or in open locations in Croatia and the region. In fact, Lela Design was selected for designing the interior and floral decorations for the ceremonial dinner in honour of Croatia’s entry into the EU. Lela was also the designer of floral decorations for the ceremonial announcement for the Woman of the year in 2013 held at the terrace of the Hotel Esplanade. Lela’s designs always follow the style and the theme of the type of event being held and symbolically create and enhance associating images tied to the company, theme or an event on stage. Additionally, apart from first class cut flowers, many other decorative elements are in use – vases, decorative dishes, candelabras, stands, décor, lighting and pot plants. Lela Design also runs one of the most beautiful on-line flower shops in Zagreb where on a daily basis there is a large range of cut flowers, bouquets, floral decorations and small gifts on offer in phenomenal arrangements and luxury packaging for all occasions, available by delivery for the entire area of Zagreb. If you need to send flowers, is the web address you need to remember. All products are handmade with love and according to Lela’s original ideas. The online range offers the best of accessible seasonal kinds, but also exclusive kinds as well as fulfilling special requests. All flowers are selected and obtained by Lela personally on a daily basis. The complete Lela Design web shop offer is changing and is renewed seasonally at least 4 times per year. On-line ordering is simple, secure and safe and delivery is reliable and discrete.
CEO Porsche Design
DR. JUERGEN GESSLER izvršni direktor Porsche Designa
Porsche Design je način života Porsche Design is a way of life
Pod vodstvom dr. Gesslera Porsche Design je proširio svoju mrežu po cijelome svijetu. Također, kompanija je ponovno lansirala žensku modnu kolekciju te je nagrađena kao luksuzni brend. U intervjuu nam je otkrio kako je počela suradnja s brendom Adidas i što luksuzni brend Porsche Design planira u skorijoj budućnosti.
Dr. Juergen Gessler is the person who has expanded the Porsche Design brand all around the world. The company also started a woman’s fashion line and was awarded the prize for luxury brand. In this interview he revealed for us how did the collaboration with Adidas started and what the Porsche Design luxury brand plans for a promising future. PIŠE > ANA GRUDEN FOTOGRAFIJE > PORSCHE DESIGN / GETTY IMAGES
In 2009, for the first time, we started with a small collection, dedicated to women Godine 2009. prvi smo put počeli s malom kolekcijom posvećenoj ženama
akon što je završio studij industrijskog inženjeringa s poslovnim studijama, dr. Gessler počeo je raditi kao asistent na Sveučilištu Karlsruhe. Godine 1991., nakon što je doktorirao na Ekonomskom fakultetu, počeo je raditi za Mercedes-Benz u Stuttgarttu, nakon toga radio je za BMW, Chrysler i Jeep. Godine 2002. postao je voditelj marketinga Porschea Njemačka, a za Porsche Design radi od 2007. Njegova vizija i strast za dizajnom učinili su proizvode tog luksuznog brenda svjetski poznatima. Počeo je i s proizvodnjom kolekcije za žene, što je označilo i početak nove ere u Porsche Design Sportu. Dr. Juergen Gessler usredotočen je na potrebe kupca, a u budućnosti planira unijeti inovacije u postojeće kategorije.
Kako to da ste tako drastično promijenili karijeru – od sveučilišnog profesora postali ste poslovni čovjek? Kad sam završio studij, bio sam vrlo mlad. Volio sam podučavati studente i proveo sam tri godine na sveučilištu kao profesor. S vremenom sam shvatio da me više privlači rad s ljudima nego isključivo teoretski pristup poslu. Rad s ljudima iznimno mi je drag.
After he finished his studies in Industrial Engineering with Business Studies, Dr. Juergen started working as an assistant at the University of Karlsruhe. In 1991, after he got his doctorate from the faculty of Economics, Gessler started working first for Mercedes – Benz in Stuttgartt, then BMW, and after that Chrysler and Jeep brands. In 2002 he became the Head of Marketing of Porsche Deutschland GmbH and has been working for Porsche Design since 2007. His vision and design passion made these luxury brand products known worldwide. Porsche Design started a women’s wear collection, which marked a beginning of a new era for Porsche Design Sports. Dr. Juergen Gessler is focused on customer needs and in the future he wants to bring innovation in the existing product portfolio.
asked: “What about us?” At the time we had a lot of unisex products, like glasses and scarves, but we didn’t have a collection for women. So, I realized that there is a demand for women’s products from Porsche Design. In 2009, for the first time, we started with a small fashion collection for woman and with sunglasses dedicated to woman. I had an internal discussion with my marketing team whether we are heading into the right direction. Then, I had a lot of discussions with our partners in the Middle East because that specific region requested a whole collection for women from Porsche Design. Finally we just did it - successfully. Today we have a full women's fashion range and women's sports apparel collection.
How come you changed your career so drastically; from being a professor at the university to becoming a businessman?
We have already worked with Adidas in 2006 when we wanted to combine sneakers and running shoes. Adidas has technology, knowledge and innovation for mechanical suspension and therefore we started our collaboration. The collaboration worked very well. People like products that are of high quality therefore it was obvious to continue the collaboration on women’s products.
When I finished my studies, I was very young. I loved teaching students and so I spent three years at the university as a professor. But, along the way, I have realized that I have more interest in working with people than to have only theoretical approach to my work. I really like working with people.
With you becoming a CEO, Porsche design group re-launched a women’s collection after many years. Yes, I joined the company in 2007 and at this time we only had men’s products. I spent a lot of time in retail and a lot of women came to me and
How come you choose Adidas for your partner?
How do you choose ambassadors to represent your brand? For Porsche Design, we always choose individuals who are very authentic in terms of innovation, behaviour and when there is a possibility to have people working with the brand and being linked to the brand. That is the idea, to have somebody in front of Porsche Design - someone like Daniela Hantuchova and like Jose Mourinho. We choose people whose work is authentic and similar to Porsche Design.
Dirk S
S vama na čelu, Porsche Design grupa je, nakon mnogo godina, ponovno lansirala žensku kolekciju.
Dirk Schoenberger, Elisa Schmidt Saengerin i Juergen Gessler
I’m very much involved in the product development. I’m a person who is thinking of products and of the customers, so this is what drives me through the whole day.
Daniela Hantuchova
Pridružio sam se kompaniji 2007. Tada smo imali samo proizvode namijenjene muškarcima. Provodio sam dosta vremena u maloprodaji, gdje mi je dolazilo mnogo žena s pitanjem: “Što je s nama?” Imali smo mnogo unisex proizvoda, poput naočala i marama, ali kolekciju za žene nismo imali. Tako sam shvatio da je ženska kolekcija Porsche Design naprosto – zahtjev. Godine 2009. prvi smo put počeli s malom modnom kolekcijom za žene kao i sunčanim naočalama posvećenim ženama. S marketinškim timom raspravljao sam o tome idemo li u dobrome smjeru. Zatim su uslijedili pregovori s našim partnerima na Bliskom istoku, s obzirom na to da je ta regija zahtjevala kompletnu Porsche Design kolekciju za žene. Na kraju - uspjeli smo. Danas imamo kompletnu žensku ali i žensku sportsku kolekciju.
Dosta sam uključen u sam razvoj proizvoda. Ja sam osoba koja razmišlja o proizvodima i kupcima, i to je ono što me zapravo vodi tijekom cijelog dana.
Trenutno smo fokusirani na potrebe naših kupaca i zbog toga nastojimo unijeti inovacije u već postojeće kategorije
When people say Porsche, the first association is an expensive sports car. I have been working for Porsche for many years and it’s more than just a car. It’s a way of life. The DNA behind the car or the watch is very similar when it comes to Porsche. But honestly speaking, I understand cars much better, since I’m working for Porsche Design, because I understand much better what Alexander Porsche created with this design. He was a genius.
Do you personally like to wear Porsche Design products? Kako to da ste za partnera izabrali Adidas? Već smo radili s njima 2006., kada smo željeli kombinirati obične tenisice s obućom za trčanje. Adidas ima tehnologiju, znanje i inovativan pristup pa smo tako i počeli suradnju, koja je bila vrlo uspješna. Ljudi vole visokokvalitetne i precizno izrađene proizvode pa je zapravo bilo logično da nastavimo suradnju.
Kako odabirete ambasadore brenda? Za Porsche Design uvijek odabiremo osobu koja je vrlo autentična, u smislu inovativnosti i ponašanja te koja je na neki način povezana s brendom. Ideja je imati nekog ispred Porsche Designa – ženu kao što je Daniela Hantuchova, ili muškarca poput Josea Mourinha. Biramo ljude čiji je rad autentičan i sličan Porsche Designu.
Kada spomenemo Porsche, većini ljudi je prva asocijacija skupi sportski automobil. Radim za Porsche mnogo godina, i to je mnogo više od samog automobila. Porsche je način života. Kada je Porsche u pitanju, DNA u pozadini automobila ili sata je vrlo sličan. Iskreno govoreći, automobile razumijem mnogo bolje otkad radim za Porsche Design jer mnogo bolje razumijem što je Alexander Porsche stvorio. On je bio genij.
Volite li nositi Porsche Design proizvode? Imam mnogo Porsche Design proizvoda. Volim satove i naočale. Bavim se trčanjem pa volim sportsku obuću Porsche Design Sports i Adidas. Volim sve od tog brenda.
Koliko imate godišnjeg odmora? Trudim se na godišnjem odmoru provesti nekoliko tjedana. Tjedan dana volim provesti na skijanju. Sada sam tjedan dana bio na ljetnom odmoru u New Yorku. Ja sam osoba koja uživa provoditi vrijeme u gradovima i bolje se mogu opustiti u središtu grada u kafiću gledajući ljude nego u prirodi.
Postoje li mjesta koja biste voljeli posjetiti? Želio bih otići na put oko svijeta. Svaki grad, svaka država ima svoje posebnosti, koje morate otkriti i koje ćete zavoljeti.
Imate li planove raditi nešto novo, nove proizvode? Sada smo usredotočeni na ono što kupci trebaju. I u te kategorije i u postojeće proizvode želimo unijeti neke inovacije. Plan nije stvarati nove kategorije nego unaprijediti postojeće. Radimo na sunčanim naočalama, satovima, cipelama, dodatnoj opremi i torbama. Danas se tehnologija mijenja i mijenja se naš način života. Kao posljedica, mijenjaju se i proizvodi poput muških torbi. Stoga se trudimo razviti proizvode koji će savršeno odgovarati potrebama naših kupaca.
I have a lot of Porsche Design products. I like watches and glasses. I’m a runner so I love shoes from Porsche Design Sports collaboration with Adidas. I love everything from the brand.
How many days of vacation do you have? I try to spend few weeks on vacation. I like to go skiing for one week. Now I was one week in New York for the summer vacation, and that’s it. I’m a person who very much enjoys towns and I can better recover myself in the middle of the city, sitting at the café and watching people than spending time in nature.
Are there places you would like to see? I would like to take a trip around the world. Every city, every country has a character, which you have to discover, and which you’ll love.
Do you have plans to do something new, like new products? We are now very much focused on the customer needs. And therefore we really want to bring innovation in the categories, which we already have. So my plan is, not to have new categories, but to bring innovation in our existing categories. We are working on sunglasses and watches, on shoes, accessories and bags. Today technology is changing our lifestyle. As a consequence products are changing, especially bags for men changed a lot. Therefore, we want to develop products which perfectly match our customers' needs.
We are now very much focused on the customer needs. And therefore we really want to bring innovation in the categories which we already have. PORSCHE DESIGN SPORT
in Munich presented a new collection Fall / Winter 2013 and the first Sport Woman’s collection The first collection for women and new Fall / Winter 2013 collection, Porsche Design presented at the University of Television and Film in Munich in June 2013. The launch of the Porsche Design Sport Fall / Winter collection once again witnesses a unique fusion of leading sport performance and sophisticated style. While the collection marks the 12th season of collaboration between Adidas and Porsche Design, it also signals a new era for the partnership with a first ever women’s wear collection. Translating its experience in creating high performance menswear, Porsche Design Sport now offers a complete range of engineered luxury sportswear.
u Münchenu predstavio novu kolekciju jesen ⁄ zima 2013. i prvu sportsku liniju za žene Prvu kolekciju za žene i novu kolekciju jesen / zima 2013. Porsche Design predstavio je u lipnju, na Sveučilištu za televiziju i film u Münchenu. Nova kolekcija Porsche Design Sport još je jedanput pokazala vrhunski spoj sportske elegancije i sofisticiranog stila. Nova kolekcija obilježila je 12. sezonu suradnje između Adidasa i Porsche Designa, a ujedno i novu eru u partnerstvu, predstavljajući prvu liniju za žene. Svoje iskustvo u stvaranju visokokvalitetne muške odjeće Porsche Design Sport projicirao je u stvaranje širokog asortimana luksuzne sportske odjeće.
Dašak Beča u Zagrebu
idu je 1913. godine osnovao Josef Prousek u Beču, a poznata je kao najekskluzivniji proizvođač slastica i brend kave u Europi. U 32 poslovnice godišnje se posluži 180 000 šalica kave, a 130 majstora-slastičara proizvode tri tone slastica dnevno. Aida je ujedno i ponosni dobitnik Golden Coffee Bean nagrade 2006. godine za vrhunsku kvalitetu. Svoje prve slastice osnivač je prodavao ispred opere u kojoj se izvodila Verdijeva Aida pa je tako brend i dobio ime. Obiteljski posao u rukama je četvrte generacije koja održava tradiciju i šarm. Zagrepčanima je dostupan velik izbora torti, kolača, poklon paketa te kave. U kavani Aida poslužuje se Bečka kava, proizvedena od najboljih zrna 100% Arabica kave. Riječ je o tradicionalnom načinu pripreme i posluživa-
nja, jedinstvenom na zagrebačkom i hrvatskom tržištu. Aida kvaliteta prepoznata je i kod korporativnih klijenta koji za poslovno darivanje sve češće odabiru Aida poklon pakete. Nudi izradu proizvoda po želji, kućnu dostavu, organiziranje domjenaka i web shop. Individualnim pristupom osigurava da svaki klijent dobije proizvod prema osobnim željama. Aida planira širenje, odnosno stavaranje lanca kavana, ne samo u Zagrebu, nego i u cijeloj Hrvatskoj. U sklopu tog projekta postoje “subfranchise” mogućnosti, gdje zainteresirane tvrtke, odnosno osobe mogu postati dio Aida lanca i otvoriti svoju kavanu.
Aida je mjesto u srcu Zagreba u kojem se može doživjeti Beč!
Zagreb je postao bogatiji za još jedan svjetski brend. Na Trgu bana Josipa Jelačića otvorena je Aida, bečka kavana sa stoljetnom tradicijom. Lijevo: Iva Šulentić / Desno: veleposlanica Republike Austrije u RH, Njezina Ekscelencija Andrea Ikić-Böhm.
A touch of Vienna in Zagreb Zagreb has become famous for yet another world brand. A Vienna style coffee shop, Aida, with a hundred year tradition has opened on Ban Jelačić Square
ida was established in 1913 by Jozef Prousek in Vienna and it is known as the most exclusive producer of sweets and coffee brand in Europe. In its 32 branches it yearly serves 180,000 cups of coffee and its 130 experts produce 3 tons of sweets daily. Aida is also a proud winner of the Golden Coffee Bean Award in 2006 for superior quality. The founder sold its first sweets in front of the opera house in which Verdi’s ˝Aida˝ played at the time, hence how the brand got its name. The family business is now in the hands of the fourth generation maintaining its tradition and charm. Zagreb residents have available to them a great range of cakes, sweets, gift packs and coffee. The Aida quality is also recognized with corporate clients who frequently choose Aida gift packs for business gifts. It also offers tailor made products, home delivery, organizing of receptions and a web shop. Through an individual approach, ensures that every client receives products according to their wishes.
Aida is a place in the center of Zagreb where you can really experience Vienna! Milan Bandić, gradonačelnik Grada Zagreba / Damir Sevlić, direktor i vlasnik Master Franšize Aida za Hrvatsku / Michael Prousek, vlasnik Bečke Aide, treća generacija / Dominik Prousek, vlasnik Bečke Aide, četvrta generacija / Tino Sevlić, direktor i vlasnik Master Franšize Aida za Hrvatsku
Taste of premium coffee and Viennese hand – made sweets in the centre of Zagreb Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 7, Zagreb
Predstavljen šesti broj magazina Esplanade View u novom ruhu Najprestižniji zagrebački hotel Esplanade proljetos je predstavio šesto izdanje hotelskog magazina – u novom ruhu i s novim imenom – ESPLANADE View. Svečanim domjenkom u prostoru The Cluba uz brojne je uzvanike, diplomate i predstavnike medija hotel ujedno proslavio i brojna priznanja koja je primio proteklih mjeseci.
Esplanade View! The new look sixth edition is launched!
Last spring, the most prestigious hotel in Zagreb, the Esplanade, proudly launched the sixth edition of its hotel magazine – with a refreshed new look and a new name – ESPLANADE View. At a formal reception at The Club, together with numerous guests, diplomats and media representatives, the hotel also celebrated a number of awards it received in the past few months. S LIJEVA NA DESNO 1. RED: Zastupnica Max Mare Marina Mazarekić s modelima / Henning von Boddien (Porsche Design) s modelima 2. RED: Etro modna kolekcija / doc. dr. sc. Aleksandar Milenović i Cynthia Hansell Bakić / Martina Jurković, Ivana Maras Pezer, Danira Orešić 3. RED: dr. med. dent. Zdenko Trampuš i Romana Bronić / Marija Lizak, Tomislav Posavčić, Roza Ajduković Vujević / Martina Podgorski
eneralni direktor hotela Ivica Max Krizmanić pozdravio je uzvanike i uzvanice te zahvalio suradnicima i prijateljima hotela
Esplanade. Tom prilikom mnogobrojnim poznatim uzvanicima predstavljene su proljetne modne kolekcije ekskluzivnih modnih brendova Max Mara, Etro i Porsche Design. Max Mara ugodno je iznenadila intenzivnom proljetnom paletom u kojoj dominiraju tirkizna, zelena, ružičasta i narančasta boja. Modeli su jednobojni i potpuno pročišćeni. U drugom izlazu predstavljen je prepoznatljiv modni izričaj svjetskog brenda Etro, koji također slijedi svjetski trend intenzivnih boja, ali ostaje dosljedan sebi i intenzivnom printu sa snažnom ornamentikom. Modeli su bili upotpunjeni torbicama Longchamp i Lancel te cipelama Karla. Porsche Design je hrvatskim modnim znalcima predstavio žensku torbicu Porsche Design Twinbag. Reviju su nosili modeli modne agencije Midikenn. Glavnoj urednici magazina Esplanade View Ani Gruden i direktorici marketinga Daniri Orešić te predstavnicima hotela Esplanade pridružile su se i mnoge poznate osobe iz javnog života te partneri magazina.
The GM of the hotel, Ivica Max Krizmanić, warmly greeted guests and thanked staff and friends of the Esplanade hotel. It was equally an opportunity to showcase the spring fashion collection of various exclusive fashion brands including Max Mara, Etro and Porsche Design. Max Mara surprised us all featuring an intense spring palette of colours, dominated by shades of turquoise, green, purple and orange. Models appeared in one colour with a striking simplistic tone. The second collection to follow was presented by the well-known, world renowned Etro, equally staying close to the international trend of intense colours, yet remaining true to its core values and intense print with strong decorations. Pieces are delightfully complemented by handbags from Longchamp and Lancel as well as Karla shoes. For the first time, Porsche Design showcased the Porsche Design Twinbag to Croatian fashionistas. The full fashion collection was worn by models from the Midikenn agency. The chief editor of the Esplanade View magazine Ana Gurden, Marketing Director Danira Orešić and the Esplanade staff welcomed a number of celebrities from public life as well as magazine partners. The
new collections were seen by: Edita Misirić, Martina Podgorski, Antonija Stupar Jurkin, Iva Balaban, wellknown opera singer Cynthia Hansell Bakić, appraised cosmetic surgeon Aleksandar Milenović, Director of Arithera Polyclinic Arijana Hegediš Došen, Max Mara representative Marina Mazarekić, Maras Marketing Director Ivana Maras Pezer, Director of Ortoimplant Polyclinic Zdenko Trampuš and a host of many others. The famous actress Anita Berisha giftedly hosted the promotion of the sixth edition of the magazine and fashion show, while the duet, Dalawa Stories were responsible for the evening’s music.
During dinner, the first prize lucky winners of the organised prize-draw won themselves a night with breakfast for two in the deluxe room including use of the sauna and gym at the Hotel Esplanade. There were also additional gifts for guests from long time partners and sponsors Polyclinic IMED, Zinfandel’s Restaurant, Esplanade Health Club, Sisley studio, Le Bistro restaurant, Polyclinic Arithera and the Esplanade Bar.
Nove kolekcije razgledali su Edita Misirić, Martina Podgorski, Antonija Stupar Jurkin, Iva Balaban, poznata operna pjevačica Cynthia Hansell Bakić, poznati estetski kirurg doc. dr. sc. Aleksandar Milenović, ravnateljica poliklinike Arithera bacc. physioth Arijana Hegediš Došen, zastupnica Max Mare Marina Mazarekić, direktorica marketinga Maras d.o.o. Ivana Maras Pezer, ravnatelj poliklinike Ortoimplant dr. med. dent. Zdenko Trampuš te mnogi drugi. Svečanu promociju šestog broja magazina i malu modnu reviju vodila je poznata glumica Anita Berisha, a za glazbu je bio zadužen glazbeni duo Dalawa Stories. Tijekom večeri organizirana je i nagradna igra, a glavna nagrada bilo je noćenje s doručkom za dvoje u Deluxe sobi te korištenje saunom i fitnessom u hotelu Esplanade. Uzvanike su darovali i vjerni sponzori i partneri: Poliklinika IMED, restoran Zinfandel’s, Esplanade Health Club, Sisley studio, restoran Le Bistro, Poliklinika Arithera i Esplanade bar. GORNJI RED S LIJEVA NA DESNO: Ana Gruden, Morana Paliković Gruden, Ivica Max Krizmanić, Sanda Sokol / Danira Orešić, doc. dr. sc. Aleksandar MIlenović / Ana Gruden / Davor Meštrović, Senka Meštrović / Antonija Stupar Jurkin, Edita Misirić ISPOD: Duo Dalawa Stories / Ilijana Palčec, bacc. physioth Arijana Hegediš Došen i Lidija Gregurek / Iva Balaban
Anton Kirasić recepcionar hotela Esplanade Zagreb receptionist at the Hotel Esplanade Zagreb
S istim žarom radim svoj posao kao i prije četrdeset godina U hotel Esplanade došao je još 1969. godine i trenutačno je najdulje zaposlen djelatnik. Energije mu ne nedostaje, a sam kaže da hotelu i njegovim gostima može dati još puno toga. Ž e l j k a P l u Ž a r i ć / FOTOGraFije: TOMiSlaV SMOl jaNOVić
I do my job with the same spark as I did forty years ago He arrived at the Hotel Esplanade back in 1969 and stayed for a full 43 years which currently makes him our longest serving employee. A man certainly not lacking in energy, who in fact says he has still lots more to give to the hotel and its guests.
Ako želiš postupiti vrhunski, moraš znati takoreći sve. Dolaze nam i vrlo mladi gosti, od 21, 22 godine, pa se trudim biti u tijeku. Došao kao student, a ostao više od četrdeset godina Dok je kao gimnazijalac prolazio pokraj hotela Esplanade, nije mogao ni zamisliti da će svoj radni vijek provesti ondje. To je bilo kultno mjesto u Zagrebu, koje su mnogi gledali sa strahopoštovanjem. Kao dvadesetogodišnjem studentu, Antonu Kirasiću pružila se prilika za posao u hotelu. S obzirom na to da je planirao uštedjeti nešto novca kako bi kupio automobil, zaposlio se kao bellboy, odnosno nosač. Anton se u hotelu zadržao dulje nego što je planirao. Tadašnji direktor hotela ponudio mu je stalni posao, koji je rado prihvatio, iako je još uvijek studirao. «Ispočetka mi je dobro išlo, radio sam, redovito davao ispite na Filozofskom fakultetu, i tako sve do vojske 1973. Poslije vojske sam sve rjeđe davao ispite. Nije bio problem pronaći vrijeme za učenje nego sam imao osjećaj da sam upisao krivi fakultet. Nisam mogao zamisliti da jednog dana predajem u školi, činilo mi se to dosta statičnim u usporedbi s hotelskom dinamikom i svime što nosi ta sredina», kaže Anton. Nakon što se vratio iz vojske, u hotel je stigao teleks, koji je u ono vrijeme predstavljao «čudo tehnologije». Neko vrijeme Anton je radio na tom uređaju. Početkom osamdesetih počeo je raditi na recepciji, i ondje je ostao do danas. Studij sociologije i filozofije Anton nije završio, ali mu zbog toga nije žao: «Sestra mi je oduvijek govorila da sam studij mogao završiti dok radim u Esplanadi, barem zbog sebe. Ne vidim što bi mi diploma donijela, s obzirom na to da ovaj posao nikada ne bih ostavio», kaže Anton. Ondje je stekao vrijedno iskustvo rada s različitim ljudima, a ono vrijedi kao pet studija, dodaje u šali.
He came as a student and stayed for more than 40 years. As a schoolboy, as he would pass by the Hotel Esplanade, he could never have imagined that he would spend his entire career here. It was a cult location in Zagreb, which many people looked upon in awe. As a twenty-year-old student, Anton Kirasić was given the opportunity to work at the hotel as a bellboy. At the time, he was planning to save some money to eventually buy a car and so, Anton remained at the hotel far longer than he expected. The director of the hotel at the time offered him a full-time job, which he happily accepted even though he was still studying. “At the beginning, things were going well for me - I worked and sat for exams regularly at the Faculty of Philosophy until it was time to do my military service in 1973. Following military service, I attended university less frequently. It’s not that I didn’t have the time to get back into studying, I simply had the feeling that I was studying the wrong degree. I just couldn’t imagine myself one day teaching at a school. It seemed very monotonous compared to the dynamics of working in a hotel and everything that environment had to offer”, says Anton. After he returned from military service, the hotel received a telex, which was a pure “miracle of technology” during those days. Anton worked for some time on that device. At the beginning of the 80s, he started working at the reception and has contently remained there until this day. Despite not finishing his sociology and philosophy degree, Anton certainly has no regrets: «My sister has always told me that I could have finished my studies while working at the Esplanade. I don’t see what a degree could have given me, considering that I would have never left this job”, says Anton. Here, he has gained invaluable experience of working with different people and that is worth as much as five de-
If you want to be top notch at your job, you need to virtually know everything. Equally, we receive very young guests, in their early 20s, so I try to keep up with the trends.
c i t y os fe e cl ius t elnt uf ere le
TEL: +385 1 481 40 51
C A R D !
Esplanada mu je postala drugi dom pa više od kuće ne ide na posao nego ide – drugoj kući i drugoj obitelji.
Komunikacija s gostima iznimno je važna
Nekoliko je puta Anton naglasio kako je komunikacija u njegovu poslu iznimno važna: «Jako je važno osjetiti kada gost ima želju za komunikacijom, a ne forsirati». Također je bitno pronaći i zajedničku temu s gostom. «Ako želiš postupiti vrhunski, moraš znati takoreći sve. Dolaze nam i vrlo mladi gosti, od 21, 22 godine, pa se trudim biti u tijeku, pratiti što se događa, koja je glazba u trendu i slično, kako bih i s njima našao zajedničku temu», kaže Anton. U tome mu zasigurno pomaže i znanje stranih jezika, pa tako osim engleskoga, njemačkoga i talijanskoga, Anton zna ponešto i japanskoga. «Kada su nam počeli dolaziti Japanci, kod kuće sam krenuo učiti ‘kanji’. Nešto sam naučio pa sada naše goste iz Japana budim na njihovu jeziku. Kada se obratite gostu na njegovu jeziku, to je jedna sasvim druga priča, gostima to mnogo znači.»
Umjesto radnog dana – radna noć
Anton Kirasić među rijetkima je koji nemaju radni dan nego radnu noć. Povremeno je noćne smjene radio još kao bellboy, a stalne
grees, he adds jokingly. The Esplanade has become a second home for him, so he no longer actually goes to work but to his second home and his second family.
Communication with guests is extremely important
Several times Anton has mentioned how communication in his work is extremely important: “It’s very important to recognise when the guest has the urge to communicate and not to force it.” It is also important to find a common subject with the guest. “If you want to be top notch at your job, you need to virtually know everything. Equally, we get very young guests, in their early 20s, so I try to keep up with the trends, follow what’s going on, what music is trendy, etc., which lets me find a similar point of interest with them.” Anton explains. It surely helps to know a foreign language, so besides English, German and Italian, Anton even knows some Japanese. “When we began to welcome Japanese guests to the hotel, I started learning Kanji at home. I learnt a few things, so I wake up our Japanese guests in their own language. When I interact with a guest in their own language, it’s a completely different story - it means a lot to guests.“
PRAHIR Jewelry ZAGREB Ilica 43
Tražite savršen poklon za dragu osobu? S nakitom ne možete pogriješiti jer briljanti su vječni. Prahir zlatarnica, hrvatski brend u središtu Zagreba, nudi veliki izbor modnog nakita te vjenčanog i zaručničkog prstenja.
You are looking for perfect present for the person you love? With jewelry you can not go wrong because brilliants are forever. Prahir, Croatian brand in the center of Zagreb, offers a wide selection of fashion jewelry, wedding and engagement rings.
PRAHIR zlatarnica Ilica 43, tel: 01/ 4848 467 VELIKA GORICA
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Gotovo deset godina radi noćne smjene na recepciji, ali to mu nije nikakav problem
Vrijeme je nekada teklo sporije, a gosti su ostajali dulje i bili su više raspoloženi za komunikaciju
noćne smjene počeo je raditi nakon preuređenja Esplanade, 2004. godine. Gotovo deset godina radi noćne smjene na recepciji, ali to mu nije nikakav problem. «Prije četrdesete godine vjerojatno ne bih prihvatio noćne smjene, jer u tim godinama čovjek više izlazi i ima druge aktivnosti. Sada mi nije problem organizirati aktivnosti, za kavu u kvartu uvijek se nađe vremena.» Takav tempo nije mu naporan, bitno mu je samo da spava pet ili šest sati dnevno – ako ima obaveze ujutro – spava poslijepodne, i obrnuto. Hotel zapravo nikad ne miruje, objasnio nam je Anton. Iako se tijekom dana više toga događa, noć također ima svoju dinamiku. «Može se dogoditi da pukne cijev, ili da se uključi alarm. Danju je ovdje puno više osoblja – tehničkoga, pomoćnoga i sl., koji mogu uskočiti, dok noću nemate sve te ljude na raspolaganju i odgovornost je veća. Neki misle da je lakše raditi noću, no ja bih rekao da nije, jer ovisite o drugim ljudima, a osobito o onima koji nisu u hotelu», objasnio nam je Anton. «Noć je doista živa, pa mi se katkad čini da vrijeme noću prolazi brže nego danju.»
Gosti su uvijek na prvome mjestu
Tijekom godina rada u hotelu bilo je mnogo različitih iskustava. Ono što je bilo loše Anton je zaboravio, ali se zato rado prisjeti zanimljivih situacija. «Jednom prilikom je naš bellboy, nakon što je odradio noćnu smjenu, otišao s gostom na željezničku postaju kako bi mu pomogao sa stvarima. S obzirom na to da je bio u uniformi,
Instead of a working day – a working night Anton Kirasić is among the rare breed who do not have a working day, but rather a working night. He occasionally used to work night shifts as a bellboy whereas permanent night shifts became part of his job role following the renovation of the Esplanade in 2004. For almost ten years he has worked the reception’s night shift – which he has always taken in his stride. “Forty years ago, I probably wouldn’t have accepted the night shift, because in those days people would go out more and had other things to do. Now, it’s not a problem to organise activities, as there is always time for a neighbourhood coffee!” This sort of tempo is not difficult for him - it’s important to get five to six hours of sleep during the day – if he has things to do in the morning then he sleeps in the afternoons and vice versa. The hotel actually never sleeps, explains Anton. Even though more things happen during the day, the night has also its own dynamics. “You could have a pipe burst or perhaps an alarm unexpectedly go off. There are more staff here during the day – technical, support staff, etc. who can jump in, while during the night shift you don’t have those people to rely on so the responsibility is far greater. Some think it’s easier to work at night - I would tend to disagree as you depend on other people, especially those who are not at the hotel”, explains Anton. “The night is truly alive so it sometimes gives an impression that nights somehow pass quicker than days.”
Vlasnik branda ÄŒaaaj
prodajno mjesto: Esplanade Zagreb, Mihanovićeva 1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
For almost ten years he has worked the reception’s night shift – which he has always taken in his stride
očekivali smo da će se vratiti u hotel. Međutim, nije se vratio! Javio nam je da se zapričao s gostom, vlak je krenuo, a gost ga je nagovorio da ode s njim u Sarajevo. Budući da se i gost vraćao u Zagreb, vratili su se sljedeći dan, i to skupa.» To i je ono zbog čega je Esplanada posebna: ljudski čimbenik i toplina koju gosti osjete, kaže Anton. «Odnos prema gostima oduvijek je bio takav da su oni na prvome mjestu – kolega je primjerice jednom išao po cvijeće usred noći, a ja kući po gitaru. Naime, gosti su nam bili simpatični Englezi koji su htjeli svirati gitaru. No kako je bila noć, nisu je mogli nigdje kupiti, a nisu je imali sa sobom. Rekao sam im da imam gitaru kod kuće i da ću im je donijeti. Sjeo sam u automobil i otišao po nju! Kada sam se pojavio s gitarom u rukama, nisu mogli vjerovati!» Ne tako davno, u hotelu je bio jedan poznat gost, kojeg se Anton vrlo rado prisjetio – Joe Cocker. «Išli smo zajedno prema sobi i počeli razgovarati. Rekao sam mu da sam kao mladić plesao uz njegovu pjesmu With a little help from my friends, fenomenalnu obradu Beatlesa. Bio je oduševljen, osobito kad sam rekao da još uvijek imam singlicu kod kuće, nakon svih tih godina.»
Još uvijek nisam dao sve Pomalo nostalgično, Anton Kirasić prisjetio se prošlih vremena, kada je bilo više vremena za komunikaciju. Vrijeme je nekada teklo sporije, kaže, a gosti su dulje ostajali i više su bili raspoloženi za komunikaciju. «Nekad mi se čini da se vrijeme počelo ubrzavati s desetljećima i da su godine ovdje prošle nevjerojatno brzo.» Neki ljudi s godinama izgube žar za poslom, ali ne i Anton: «Svoj posao radim s istim žarom kao i prije četrdeset godina. I nakon toliko godina osjećam da još nisam sve dao.» Tome ćemo dodati još samo jedno: takvo što je moguće samo ako doista volite posao koji radite. A tada to više i nije posao.
Previously, time used to pass slowly, guests would stay longer and were more open to communication Guests always come first During numerous years of working in the hotel, there have been many different experiences. The bad ones Anton has forgotten, but that’s why he happily remembers the interesting ones. Once, our bellboy, after working the night shift, accompanied a guest to the nearby railway station in order to assist with his luggage. Given the fact that he was in a uniform, we were expecting him back at the hotel. However, he didn’t come back. He contacted us
and explained that they began talking, the train set-off and the guest convinced him to join him on his journey to Sarajevo. Since the guest was returning the following day, Anton returned with him. This is exactly why the Esplanade is so special: the human factor and the warmth that the guests experience, says Anton “The relationship with the guests has always been a priority – they always come first. For example, during the middle of the night, a colleague once went in search for a bunch of flowers and I went home to fetch a guitar. Our guests were nice English folks who simply wanted to play the guitar and since it was night time it was impossible to buy one and they hadn’t brought one with them. I told them that I had a guitar at home and I’d gladly bring it to them. I jumped in my car, drove home to pick it up and they couldn’t believe it!” Not so long ago there was a famous guest at the hotel, whom Anton fondly remembers – Joe Cocker. “Together we headed towards his room and started talking. I explained that as a young man I would dance to his song With a little help from my friends, a phenomenal cover of the Beatles. He was so thrilled, especially when I told him I still have the single at home after all these years.”
I still have a lot more to give
A little nostalgic, Anton remembers past times, when there was more time for communicating. Previously, time used to pass slowly, guests would stay longer and were more open to communication. “Sometimes it feels that time has accelerated with the passing decades and that years here have incredibly passed by”. Some people lose the spark for their job, but not Anton: “I do my job with the same spark as I did forty years ago. Even after all those years I still feel I have a lot more to give”. We would only add one more thing: This is only possible if you truly love your job - then it’s not even a job any longer.
Pjenušavi raj i čisti gastronomski hedonizam
Glamur i raskoš u NOVOGODIŠNJOJ NOĆI
Predstavnici hotela Esplanade nedavno su od strane Miva trgovine, zastupnika odabranih alkoholnih pića za Hrvatsku, bili pozvani na edukativno eno-gastronomsko putovanje kroz poznatu francusku regiju Champagne. Impresivni, kilometrima dugi podrumi s milijunima butelja vrhunskih šampanjaca koji već desetljećima leže pod čarobnim gradićem Reimsom očarali su i predstavnike restorana Takenoko te Dubravkinog puta, ali i predstavnice časopisa Gloria i Elle. Impresivan popis šampanjskih kuća uključuje Veuve Clicquot, Moët & Chandon, Dom Pérignon te Ruinart. Vrhunac doživljaja bili su boravak i gala večera u Chateau de Saran, koji je prvotno bio lovačka kuća kraljevske obitelji Moët & Chandon, a danas predstavlja hedonistički raj Dom Pérignona samo za goste s pozivnicom i slavne osobe iz svijeta politike i šoubiza.
Blagdanski ugođaj u Esplanadi zaokružuje spektakularna novogodišnja proslava za sve generacije. Crveni tepih, reflektori, vrhunski pjenušac i najfinije delicije samo su dio raskošnog programa koji očekuje goste na proslavi Nove 2014. godine. Jedan od najboljih disco-bendova u regiji, Disco Inferno Magic 70’s, priprema povratak u lude 70-te. Točno u ponoć goste očekuje odbrojavanje uz pjenušac i novogodišnji ples uz valcer. Imate li djecu, ne brinite Esplanade misli na sve, pa i ove godine roditeljima nudi Mini Disco - dječji doček Nove godine pod stručnim vodstvom animatora. Kada se maleni umore od igre i plesa tu je cool spavaonica koju čuva superdadilja.
Sparkling heaven and gastronomic hedonism
Glamour and luxury in the NEW YEAR
Representatives of the Esplanade Hotel were recently invited by Miva stores, official distributors of selected alcoholic beverages for Croatia, on a training course covering the wine and food journey through the famous French region of Champagne. The impressive kilometres long cellars with millions of bottles of premium champagne, which have been nestled for decades under the charming town of Reims, fascinated representatives of Takenoko and Dubravkin Put restaurants and also representatives of Gloria and Elle magazines. The glorious list of champagnes included Veuve Clicqout, Moet & Chandon, Dom Perignon and Ruinart. The highlight of the experience was the gala dinner at Chateau de Saran, which was initially a hunting lodge of the Moet & Chandon monarchy and today represents a hedonistic paradise of Dom Perignon only for guests with an invitation and distinguished celebrities from the world of politics and show business. Hotel ESPLANADE /
Počastite se glamuroznom proslavom i dočekajte Novu 2014. godinu u srcu Zagreba. T.+385 1 45 63 888, e:
The Grande finale of the festive atmosphere at the Esplanade will be the spectacular New Year’s Eve celebration for all generations. We’ll roll out the red carpet, spotlights in place, pop open the premium sparkling wine and prepare some of the finest delicacies – just a taste of the luxurious program awaiting guests at the 2014 NYE celebration. One of the best disco bands in the region, Disco Inferno magic 70s will take us on a rocking ride, grooving back into the seventies. As the stroke of midnight approaches, guests will count down along with sparkling wine and a new year’s waltz. If you have kids – not to worry, as the Esplanade has thought of everything offering parents a fabulous Mini Disco, a kids NYE celebration under the guidance of a special animator! When the little ones get tired, we even have a cool sleeping room looked after by a super nanny! Treat yourself to a truly glamorous celebration! What better way of welcoming the New Year 2014 than in the centre of Zagreb. T.+385 1 45 63 888, e:
Gradski vodič City guide Tvornica kulture 8. PROSINCA 2013. U 21 H
Poznati britanski pop sastav Morcheeba nastupit će u Tvornici kulture 8. prosinca 2013. u 21 h. Morcheeba se na sceni pojavila sredinom 90-ih u vrijeme proboja trip hopa na svjetsku glazbenu scenu. U Zagreb dolazi u sklopu turneje kojom će promovirati svoj novi, sedmi po redu, studijski album Head Up High.
Tvornica culture (Culture Factory) 8 DECEMBER 2013 AT 21 H
The famous British pop band Morcheeba will perform at the Culture Factory on 8 December 2013 at 21 h. Morcheeba first appeared on the scene in the mid 90s when trip hop was breaking through on the international music scene. Morcheeba arrives in Zagreb as part of its tour promoting the new studio album “Head Up High”, their seventh album.
Vatroslav Lisinski
HGM Jazz orkestar Zagreb featuring Miguel Zenon: Live from New York 2. veljače 2014. u 20.00 h
redišnje mjesto ove koncertne sezone HGM Jazz orkestra Zagreb zauzima suradnja s alt saksofonistom, skladateljem, producentom i pedagogom Miguelom Zenonom. Višestruko nominirani glazbenik za diskografsku nagradu Grammy Miguel Zenon predstavlja izabranu grupu glazbenika koji majstorski balansiraju i često kontradiktorne polove inovacije i tradicije. Prepoznat je kao jedan od najutjecajnijih i najinovativnijih saksofonista svoje generacije, a razvio je jedinstven skladateljski jezik u kojemu napore usmjerava na usavršavanje mješavine latinoameričke folklorne glazbe i jazza.
2 February 2014 at 20.00 h The centrepiece of this year’s concert season will feature the HGM Jazz Orchestra Zagreb together with the alto saxophone player, composer, producer and teacher Miguel Zenon. The multiple Grammy award nominee Miguel Zenon represents a selected group of musicians who superbly balance and merge often contradictory innovation and tradition. He is recognised as one of the most influential and most innovative saxophone players of his generation. He also developed a unique composing language in which he focuses efforts on perfecting the fusion of Latin American folk music and jazz.
MuzeJ zA uMJetnost i obrt
Flower in the first person
19. studenoga 2013. – 27. siječnja 2014. Saša Šekoranja autor je prepoznatljive suptilnosti koji se izražava u nizu medija, od temeljnog slikarstva preko crteža, njegove omiljene tradicionalne forme, do kazališnih scenografija, unutarnjeg uređenja i dizajna upotrebnih predmeta, fotografije te ovdje istaknutog izražavanja organskim materijalima – cvijećem i biljem. Izložba Cvijet u prvom licu posvećena je slavljenju cvijeća i njegovoj prolaznosti. Senzibilnošću prema kratkotrajnosti vegetabilnog medija on navodi na razmišljanje o civilizacijskom i kulturološkom problemu zanemarivanja potrebe za prirodom u zagušenom okolišu urbanih cjelina, a posljednjih godina taj je aspekt sve prisutniji i u međunarodnom kontekstu.
19 november 2013 – 27 January 2014. Saša Šekoranja is an author of distinctive subtlety, which reflects various media from base painting to drawings, his favourite traditional form to theatre scenography, interior decoration and design of usable objects, photography and the here mentioned research by way of organic materials – flowers and plants. The exhibition The Flower in the first person is dedicated to celebration of flowers and its transience. By using the sensibility of this vegetative medium, he leads us to think about the civilised and cultural problem of neglecting the need for nature in the congested environment of urban communities, and in recent years this aspect is even more present in the international context.
Plavi ciklus Zagrebačke filharmonije
First Show of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra
22. studenoga 2013. u 19.30 h
22 November 2013 at 19.30 h
U sklopu Plavog ciklusa Zagrebačka filharmonija pod ravnanjem dirigenta Pascala Rophea izvest će Benvenuto Cellini H. Berlioza, Le Chausser Maudit C. Francka i 3. simfoniju u c-molu, op. 78 C. Saint-Saensa.
MuseuM for Arts And CrAfts
Cvijet u prvom licu
As part of the first show, the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra under leadership of conductor Pascal Rophe, will perform “Benvenuto Cellini” H. Berlioza, “Le Chausser Maudit” by C. Franck and “ 3rd Symphony in C-minor, op.78” by C. Saint-Saens.
Chris Bennett Božićni koncert Christmas Concert
18. prosinca 2013. u 20 h U novoj sezoni 2013./2014. Jazz orkestar HRT-a održat će Božićni koncert u Zagrebačkom kazalištu mladih, 18. prosinca 2013. u 20 h. Šef-dirigent Jazz orkestra HRT-a je Saša Nestorović, a vokalna solistica je renomirana umjetnica Chris Bennett.
Retrospektiva Vojina Bakića
Retrospective of Vojin Bakić
Muzej suvremene umjetnosti prikazuje prvu retrospektivu Vojina Bakića, koji se uvrštava među najbolje hrvatske kipare druge polovice 20. stoljeća, a svjetska kritika ubraja ga i u najvažnije europske kipare modernizma. Osim najvažnijih radova, bit će izloženi i crteži, skice, makete spomenika, fotografska uvećanja, projektna i osobna dokumentacija, audio i filmska građa. Bakić je sudjelovao na prestižnim svjetskim umjetničkim smotrama: Bijenalu u Veneciji, Documenti u Kasselu, Bijenalu u Sao Paolu, Bijenalu u Aleksandriji. Premda nije bio aktivan sudionik važnih umjetničkih pokreta EXAT 51 i Nove tendencije, sudjelovao je na njihovim izložbama, a nekoliko je puta izlagao s Piceljem i Srnecom, u Parizu i Londonu. Nije imao mnogo samostalnih izložbi, a posljednja je bila 1988. u Gliptoteci HAZU. Tijekom pola stoljeća neprestanog stvaranja nastao je opus koji odiše velikim intelektualnim i umjetničkim trudom i svrstava se u sam vrh hrvatske i europske modernističke skulpture.
The Museum of Contemporary Art is hosting the first retrospective exhibition of Vojin Bakić who is considered one of the best Croatian sculptors in the second part of the 20th century and world critics consider him one of the most important European modernist sculptors. Apart from his most important works, the exhibition will show his drawings, sketches, monument models, enlarged photos, project and personal documentation and audio and visual work. Bakić participated in prestigious international art shows: Biennial in Venice, Document in Kassel, Biennial in Sao Paolo and Biennial in Alexandria. Even though he was not a part of important art movements such as EXAT 51 and New Tendencies, he participated in their shows and on several occasions he exhibited with Picelj and Srnec in Paris and London. He didn’t have many independent exhibitions and his last one was in 1988 at Gliptoteka in HAZU (Croatian Academy of Arts and sciences). During half a century of continuous creating, a body of work emerged, which breathes great intellectual and artistic effort and which ranks in the top of Croatian and European modernist sculpture.
6. prosinca 2013. – 2. veljače 2014.
06 December 2013 – 2 February 2014
18 December 2013 at 20 h In the new season 2013/2014, the Jazz Orchestra of the Croatian Radio Television (HRT) will hold a Christmas concert at the Zagreb Youth Theatre (Zagrebačko kazalište mladih) on 18 December 2012 at 20:00 h. The Director-Conductor of the Jazz Orchestra is Saša Nestorović and the vocal soloist is renowned artist Chris Bennett.
HOTEL MAGAZINE | jesen/zima 2013/2014 winter/autumn
iz Zagreba
The best
gift from Zagreb
Intervju / Interview
Čuvar priče o baštini Keeper of the story about monuments
Naš cilj je kvalitetan turistički proizvod
Our goal is a quality tourist product