ICED* Magazine March

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ICED* magazine

Contact 016 363 1341 or 072 617 1421 57 Pierneef rd Corgi setrum Meyerton





This is our 40th Issue, yes our 40th issue!! And sitting here and watching the ICED* crew put yet another issue together, I’m yet again reminded how much sweat, blood and tears it take us every month to put an issue together! I’m also reminded at how lucky I am to have such a courageous, skilled and dedicated group of people working for ICED*! We started ICED* with just 2 people and lots of ideas, we’ve grown a lot since Issue 1, and done lot of trial and errors but always with the same goal in mind, to bring you a magazine that delivers quality information on work & play in and around the Vaal. A magazine that actually has content in it that you can read and find informative or it can just leave you with a smile. We are still a small magazine (compared to where I see us in the next few years) but even so, we have grown in such popularity that we’re being invited to some exclusive events and functions in and outside the Vaal. Our Facebook page ICED* Magazine Vaal, has also grown quite extensively with over 6100 genuine “Likes”, we’re in the top 4 in local publications Facebook ranking, which include national magazines and newspapers! So if you think we’ve grown a lot in 40 issues, wait till you see our next 40 issues!!! Take care of yourself and each other and always remember to party responsibly!

ICED* Competition Lemé - G.I. Jane Food Court

p. 03 p. 03 p. 05

Tobie Jooste

p. 07

Movie Review Modder en Bloed English Bloke Game Review Daniel Baron Ninya van Zyl

p. 07 p. 10 p. 12 p. 14 p. 16 p. 18 p. 15



Pierre Lamont Sport write-up

Directory Sports Fixtures RED & BID

p. 20 p. 21 - 23



OWNER & EDITOR: Franc Dos Santos PHOTOGRAPHERS: Alwyn van der Berg, Janneman Landman. WRITERS: Adam Boyd, Cory Roets, Ninya Van Zyl, Keith Van Bochove, Pierre Lamont, Maryka Pretorius. DESIGNERS: Pocket Rocket / Copy & Paste SALES: Franc 076 9666 764 EMAIL: Janneman - 072 4493 151 EMAIL: INFORMATION & Enquiries : EMAIL: COMPETITIONS: EMAIL:

VEREENIGING: Slaters, Tip Top, Stamp & Sign, Douglas Paton Designs, Jack se Plek, Bon Hotel Riviera THREE RIVERS: River Square ( Foto First, Leather & Leasure, Tip Top, Musica, Dragon Fire Game over, Blades, weisenhoff ) Slaters, Sker Complex Purple Blue Boutique, At My Table, Bon Hotel Riveria, River walk liquor City, Got-t’s, Barnyard, Magic Tavern, Tuscany, Dazzl, Soma Sense, Dorado’s, Chasers, Fudgee’s, Lighthouse, Arcopark Liqor Legends, Sarel se Vleis Paleis, Hot Shots, Veld & Vlei, Dean’s Log Inn, Wood Cutters, Lords Signature Hotel MEYERTON: Multi-Save Supermarket, Model Bottlestore & wholesaler, Cancun Spur, Corgi Supermarket & Hardware, HENLEY ON KLIP: Scotty’s, Montaque’s, Sherry’s old Haunt WALKERVILLE: Johnny Walker VANDERBIJL PARK: NWU, M-Café, Emerald Resort & Casino, Liquor City, Chicago’s, Villa Verdi, Eleven, Rafterz, Stonehaven, Vaal Mall, APF Hall, J&B , CTI Campus, Riverview Spar, 90.6FM, Andantes,Palm Shopping center, Full Throttle, President Hyper, Franco’s Little Italy, Coopers, SASOLBURG: Redwoods, Guns & Roses, Slaters SEBOKENG: Buti’s Inn,

SALES: Franc , 076 9666 764, Email: Janneman, 072 4493 151, Email: INFORMATION: COMPETITIONS :

COVER DETAILS Location: Three Rivers Lodge, Villa Anna Sophia. Photographer: Janneman Landman. Models: Lisa Jansen van Vuuren, Judith Kea & Simonè Bronkhorst. Hair: Bonnie Smith & Xenishia du Randt. Make-Up: Xenishia du Randt.

COMPETITION TERMS & CONDITIONS No Persons under the age of 18 may enter. You may not enter if you have won anything from ICED* Magazine within the last 3 months. We disqualify any entry that paid to get “likes” on Facebook. Only one photo per person. The judge’s decision is final. This competition is open to the Vaal Area only. No voting from outside South Africa. We expect mutual respect and understanding between people entering the competition and ourselves. By emailing us your entry you agree to the terms and conditions.

DISCLAIMER: ICED* Magazine is published in good faith and cannot be held responsible in any way for inaccuracies in articles or advertising that appear in this publication and the views of the contributors may not be the those of the editors. Interviews, reviews, articles, adverts and advertisers appearing in ICED* Magazine carry no implied recommendation from the magazine or the publishers. While precautions have been take to ensure the accuracy of the contents of our magazine, neither the editors, publisher’s advertisers, or its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise there from. Please note that the information in this magazine, including all articles, videos, audios and photos does not make any claims. Any information offered is expressly the opinion of the creator/author of that material. It is respectfully offered to you to explore, in the hope and with the intention that exploring this material will be entertaining and helpful to you. All adverts & photos are printed in this magazine are with the permission of the event or venue. We support responsible alcohol consumption & behavior. The opinions expressed in ICED* Magazine are not necessarily the views of the publisher or of ICED* Magazine, but of the individual writers. All rights reserved. The contents are copyright of ICED* Magazine. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent. All information is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of going to press. ICED* Magazine cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. All letters, photos, entries, articles, press releases and adverts sent to & taken, written or published by ICED* Magazine will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and as such are subject to edit and comment editorially. Please ensure that all photos have credits attached, and that copies are sent NOT originals, as we are not able to return any unsolicited photographs.

Lemé G.I. Jane Die sprankelende sangeres Lemé se splinternuwe album – G.I. Jane – is ‘n eiesoortige, vars en verfrissende toevoeging aan ‘n dikwels vervelige musiekmark. Met die eerste blik beloof die kreatiewe omslag sommer klaar opwinding. Die ontwerp bind die liedjietitels in tematiese eenheid: so onvoorspelbaar soos die goeddeurdagte lirieke, verwerkings en albumkonsep. Sedert haar debuut in 2011 met die album Eerste tree, het sy musiekliefhebbers se harte verower. Haar treffers Woordeloos, Eerste tree, Draai na jou, Voel hoe klop my hart, Onvergeetbaar en Waar jy ook al gaan het verskeie radiostasies se speellyste gehaal. Woordeloos was weke agtereenvolgens op Top10-radioranglyste en was onder meer die sewende mees afgelaaide treffer van 2011 op KykNet se DKNT en was in die tiende plek, gegrond op CDverkope, met die laaste uitsending van die programreeks. Die invloed van die styl van die tagtigerjarige skitter ook in die prikkelende verwerkings van haar oorspronklike In 2015 spog haar musiekvideo’s met amper 100 000 kykslae; musiek. Haar gunsteling hierop is die roerende snit Vadwaarvan Voel hoe klop my hart oor die 60 000 keer beloer is. erlandsliefde, wat die gewapende rooftog beskryf, waarin sy ‘n slagoffer was. Lemé het egter besluit om as oorwinOm egter die regte koördinate vir die nuwe missie te verse- naar uit daardie angswekkende ondervinding te styg. ker, is daar twee jaar lank gesweet om die twaalf snitte hierop te vervolmaak. Elsjé Heunis, Lemé se ma, het tien oorspronk- Lemé is sterker, beter, trots en vasberade. like nuutskeppings – musiek en liriek - gelewer. Die moderne Die lewe en die musiekbedryf wink blink – verseker. verwerkings en kitaargedrewe produksie is deur die bekroonde musiekvervaardiger Byron Kuntz behartig.





Nie te lank gelede nie was daar ’n plaasseun in die Groot Karoo met sterre in sy oë en musiek in sy hart. In die klein dorpie waarin hy gewoon het, was die bronne wat hy benodig het maar skaars; hy moes twee jaar lank vir ’n klavieronderwyseres wag. Boonop was daar geen musiekinstrumente in die huis nie. Dit het hom egter nie gestuit nie, want sy droom was groot en sy deursettingsvermoë onkeerbaar. Hy’t ’n plan gemaak deur ’n ry A3-papiere aanmekaar te plak, die klavier se note op skaal daarop af te teken en sy stem as plaasvervanger vir hamer teen snaar te gebruik. Vandag is daardie seun die talentvolle Tobi Jooste – suksesvolle sanger, model, TV-aanbieder, sakeman en skrywer – en sy sesde album, ’n Man se Hart, is pas uitgereik.

Daar is ’n Eiffeltoring in Sy Bedoel, was gedurende 2014 die 4e beste Afrikaanse verkoper in Suid-Afrika. Dié boek is pas in sy tweede druk vrygestel en word boonop oorweeg as voorgeskrewe boek by skole. ’n Derde boek is ook in die pyplyn vir vanjaar. organisasie in te samel en vir meer as 100 000 mense warm Nog iets wat Tobi na aan die hart lê is liefdadigheidswerk. Hy het as nasionale ambassadeur van die Afrikaanse Christelike Vroue Vereeniging (ACVV) gehelp om al meer as R1 miljoen vir die klere in te samel. Wanneer hy nie aktief by die ACVV betrokke is nie, hoop hy om deur middel van sy musiek na ander uit te reik. “Ek wil hê my musiek moet mense se harte raak. Dit moet ’n mens se siel oopmaak,” vertel hy. . Tobi se stokperdjie is om te reis en hy het al in van die wêreld se grootste katedrale gesing. Soms voor ‘n gehoor, soms net hy alleen as toeris. Dit verduidelik die tema en titel van hierdie DVD. Hierdie DVD kan ook as ‘n produksie in jou kerk aangebied word. Net Tobi alleen, of indien moontlik, sommer sy hele span! Hoop jy geniet hierdie reis van hom met van die mooiste geestelike liedere van gister tot nou net soos hy en die span wat dit vervaardig het.

“Om goed te wees met dit wat jy doen is nie genoeg nie. Dit is “Die enigste opvolger wat Gé Kosten dalk ooit mag hê!” – hóé jy dit doen en met hoeveel grasie en liefde jy dit aanpak, Die Burger wat die verskil maak,” meen Tobi. Met hierdie filosofie het hy al baie bereik. Sy tweede boek, “Tobi Jooste is in ‘n klas van sy eie!” - Vrouekeur


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Modder en bloed Die epiese nuwe Anglo-Boereoorlog film, Modder en Bloed, word op 1 April 2016 in fliek teaters landswyd uitgereik! In 1901, terwyl die Anglo-Boeroorlog in Suid-Afrika woed, word Boere-kryger Willem Morkel (Stian Bam) se vrou en engiste kind deur Britse soldate vermoor. Willem word gevange geneem en verban na die eiland van St. Helena waar ander Boere ook as krygsgevangenes aangehou word. Daar is geen genade vir hulle nie, onder verskriklike omstandighede word elke dag ’n stryd om oorlewing, maar dit wakker die kameraadskap onder die mans aan, en hul word soos familie. Kolonel Swannell (Grant Swanby) is in beheer van die konsentrasiekamp en het ’n vurige haat vir die Afrikaner, en hy maak hul bestaan so moeilik as moontlik. Dan aanvaar Willem ’n aanbod wat sal lei tot die belangrikste stryd van die Boere se lewens… “Willem is ’n groot rol. Ikonies in aard. So is Modder en Bloed ook epies in skaal en omvang, dít was duidelik met die eerste deurlees van die teks. Min kry jy die geleentheid om so ’n rol te kan speel en deel te kan wees van so ’n film. So daar was geen twyfel toe Sean my vra om Willem te speel nie. Ook wou ek baie graag met Sean werk en ek is baie dankbaar ek het die geleentheid gekry. Ek het ongelooflike respek vir hom. Sy werksetiek is ongeëwenaard, hy is by uitstek ’n ‘akteurs-regisseur’ en die manier hoe hy met mense om hom werk is ongelooflik.” – Stian Bam Modder en Bloed se indrukwekkende ensemble-rolverdeling sluit Suid-Afrikaanse en Britse spelers in. Verskeie plaaslike akteurs soos Deon Lotz, Edwin van der Walt, Albert Maritz, Altus Theart, Jacques Bessenger, Bok van Blerk, Michael Richard en David Louw verskyn in die film, terwyl die Britse rolverdeling Charlotte Salt (Katherine

Sterndale), Patrick Connolly, Nick Cornwall en Josh Myers insluit. “Dit was ’n groot voorreg om saam met die internasionale akteurs te werk. Charlotte is onselfsugtig en die mees vrygewigste aktrise. Aanvanklik was ek baie op my senuwees om teenoor haar te speel, maar sy is so gemaklik dat een van my gunstelingtonele van die film saam met haar is. En dan Patrick. Wat ’n ongelooflike mens en akteur. Ek sou nie Willem sonder Patrick kon skep en deurvoer nie. Hy was maar my vangnet.” – Stian Bam “Katherine Sterndale is losweg gebaseer op die historiese figuur, Emily Hobhouse, so dit was regtig interessant om daarin te kon delf. Dit was wonderlik om die rol van so ’n sterk vrou te vertolk en om ’n voorstander van vrouestemregte te kon uitbeeld; iemand wat baie menslikheid het en die wreedheid om haar raakgesien het en iets daaroor wou doen. Twitter: @bloodglorymovie Instagram: bloodglorymovie #ModderEnBloedMovie #OpgeeNooit


English Bloke: Jozi’s uncovered street wear diamond. I managed to sit down with upcoming fashion designer Tauriq Samodien, an upcoming trendsetter from Johannesburg. His range of street wear and trendy apparel is the talk of the town and is gaining momentum with celebrities and socialites around Jozi. How did you first get into fashion? I first got into fashion as a kid. I followed trends and within my community dressing well was a popular thing. As a kid in South Africa, I looked forward to Muslim holidays such as Eid. It is a tradition to wear your best clothing on that day. I fell in love with the feeling of wearing new clothes and that alone inspired me to dream about getting into the fashion industry. Over the years my love for fashion grew. Within my community it was portrayed as a feminine trait so I gave up my on my dreams. However, a young lady (Sarah Omar) came along and inspired me to chase my dreams and follow my passion and I finally created English Bloke(Pty) Ltd. Are there any prominent celebrities that are currently sporting your clothing? There are a few celebrities that are wearing my clothing such as: Shelton Forbez (VUZU – Presenter), Gemaen Jordan Taylor (Socialite), Dylan King AKA Blayze (Hip hop artist). Where do you draw inspiration from? I draw inspiration from a number of sources but mostly from street fashion. I follow what’s happening within the European Fashion market, international celebrities and from a number of English Street brands such as CHICHI MASON clothing, Good For Nothing, Sik Silk and the well-known boys in paris - Champ Parisse. What is the next step for English Bloke? The next step for English Bloke (Pty)Ltd is to open a store within the heart of Johannesburg as well as to increase my distribution to at least 40 retailers nationwide. I’d love the business to grow internationally within the next 3 years. What does “style” mean to you? To me, style is an attitude, a way of life. Style is where you take fashion and make it unique unto yourself. Be an individual but also allow others to identify with you. Style is and always will be about elegance and class. Style is about the abandonment of conformity and restrictions and predicting future trends. To me having a sense of style makes you look and feel good. It’s an expression of who you are without having to say a word. Are there any designers that you would particularly like to collaborate with? I’d like to collaborate with Swede and Crowe or Augustine in the near future. I am open to learning from their experiences within the South African Fashion industry. If you could use 1 word to summarize your clothing line. What would that be? Trendsetting Support Local. Why? Cause It’s lekker! Join English Bloke on Instagram and Facebook.

Interview by: Adam Boyd



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Award-winning singer Daniel Baron releases first Afrikaans single The popular South African chart-topping king, Daniel Baron, released his first Afrikaans single, HART, on 22 January 2016 on iTunes. This single also released to radio stations countrywide on 25 January 2016 and immediately started entering the charts. Undoubtedly a ground-breaking move in his career, Baron describes HART as “a meaningful ballad about a long distance relationship and how true love will never fade no matter how far apart you are from the one you love.” While the multi-chart-topping singer and songwriter treads into new territory with his first Afrikaans single, Baron’s distinctive sound, unmistakeable voice and profound lyrics are bound to give listeners goose-bumps. “I’m a huge fan of Afrikaans music and although I am an English artist, I have always wanted to write and produce my own Afrikaans song.”Daniel Baron is one of the most popular South African singers both locally and internationally, especially in America and Britain. His hit song, Indestructible from his latest album Apollo, released to critical acclaim last year.

Despite several other nominations, Baron has won a Wawela Award for Best Male Artist and Songwriter and was nominated as Best Songwriter and Artist for Best Soundtrack of a Feature Movie or Theatrical Documentary for the movie Stuck. Now, as he enters the Afrikaans market, everyone’s looking forward to the new heights he’ll achieve.

Baron concludes: “For a while my fans have also been challenging me to record an Afrikaans song, and I am so excited to finally release it!” Shortly after his triumph with Indestructible, Baron achieved Follow Daniel Baron on social media: more success with the song Say What You Want that he recorded with the always-popular Afrikaans pop group ADAM (Hugo Website: Ludik, Kyle Grant and Reynardt Hugo). This song forms part Facebook: of the EP Young and Wild that released towards the end of 2015 YouTube: and was also included as part of the soundtrack for the film, Vir Twitter: @DanielBaronSA, screening nationwide in South Africa from 12 February SA Instagram: @DanielBaronSA 2016.



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A Short Collection of Unconventional Ideas on Life... Life and love generally has a way of hitting rock bottom at times, or has a way of testing a person’s will either by having nothing happen at all, or by having everything happen at once. So here I will give you a short collection of unconventional ideas to remind you why life is beautiful and worth it!

Your Family and Friends Respect your elders. Get to know your parents, you never know when they will be gone for good. Don’t ever let your partner make you chose between themselves or your parents, because if you can do this to your parents, you could do it to a partner. Having both is a gift and shouldn’t be a choice! Be nice to your siblings, even if they irritate you. Now that in life friends will come and go, but for a precious few you should hold onto. If you friendship has lasted for more than seven years, it will most probably last a life time. You Career Potential is good when you are 15, after that you need to start doing something. A year after you leave college, no one will care what your GPA was. You are not a bad person if you want to do something for yourself or make something of yourself. It doesn’t always take money to make money! There is always more than one way to accomplish something. Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life, the most interesting people still don’t know. Save for your retirement.

Your Spirit Don’t take yourself too seriously, no one else does. Don’t compare your life to others, you have no idea what their journey is all about. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood, but the second one is up to you to accomplish and no one else. What other people think of you is none of your business... Burn those candles, wear fancy lingerie, because today is special! What doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger. Ask yourself if you can you disappoint another to be true to yourself? Know what will sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. Believe in miracles! Do some things that scares you! Yield. Dance anywhere, everywhere, anytime. Travel as often as you can. Cry, it cleanses the soul. Never stop dreaming! Your Heart If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it. Remember the way you win someone is the way you will lose them. All that truly matters in the end is that you are loved Inspired by all my favourite poems.... and have been loved. Keep old love letters. Remember to never Live out Life - March forward! stop silently loving those you once loved out loud. Forgive the ones who have broken your heart, if you succeed in doing this, you can tell me how? Keep breaking your heart until it opens. Dare yourself to dream of meeting your hearts longing. Risk looking like a fool for love, because you will always regret more of the things you haven’t done, then the ones you have. Be deliriously in love, because if you have loved you haven’t lived.

With the Super 18 starting on 26 February, let’s have a look on what the South African team’s chances are to contest for winning the cup. We will start with the new boys, The Kings. I feel really bad for the players with all the problems in the union, due to financial troubles. Cheeky Watson is also not helping their cause. The Kings will probably struggle to keep away from the bottom of the table. The Cheethas have a lot of potential and love spreading the ball around, but they always struggle in the competition, with moments of brilliance, they just need more consistency. I hope they find their form. But I think they The Stormers is a wild card for me, they have a strong will probably feature in the bottom half of the table. squad but also under performed last year. With new coaching staff, they should do well this season. They have The Lions worry and excite me the most. They had one been quite of their best Super rugby seasons last year and dominat- successful in the Super rugby competition. The ed the Currie Cup. Johan Ackerman and Swys de Bruin have turned this team around with absolute no superstars The Bulls have to return to what made them so successful but maybe that is what makes them so good. I think they in previous Super rugby seasons. Plagued with injuries, should be able to finish in the top half and have a shot at especially at fly half, that is a crucial position in every rugmaybe the semifinals. by team. I cannot make up my mind what their chances are, they The Sharks have made some good signings in the off sea- will either be very strong or struggle in the mid table batson and arguably had their worst season last year with tle. some dismal performances. I know rugby is not played on paper but I just have a gut feeling that the Sharks have the Who do you think has the best chances out of all the SA quality to turn things around from last year. teams? By Pierre Lamont



SPORTS FIXTURES Super Rugby 05 Chiefs v Lions FMG Stadium Waikato tbc 05 Bulls v Rebels Loftus Versfeld 15:00 05 Cheetahs v Stormers Free State Stadium 17:10 05 Sharks v Jaguares Growthpoint Kings Park tbc 12 Highlanders v Lions Forsyth Barr Stadium tbc 12 Sunwolves v Cheetahs Singapore National Stadium 12:55 12 Kings v Chiefs Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium 15:05 12 Stormers v Sharks DHL Newlands tbc 18 Bulls v Sharks Loftus Versfeld tbc 19 Crusaders v Kings AMI Stadium tbc 19 Lions v Cheetahs Emirates Airlines Park 17:05 19 Stormers v Brumbies DHL Newlands tbc 25 Hurricanes v Kings Westpac Stadium tbc 26 Sunwolves v Bulls Singapore National Stadium 12:55 26 Cheetahs v Brumbies Free State Stadium 15:05 26 Sharks v Crusaders Growthpoint Kings Park 17:15 26 Jaguares v Stormers Estadio Jose Amalfitani tbc

Proteas 4 6 9 18 20 25 28

South Africa South Africa South Africa England South Africa South Africa South Africa

v v v v v v v

Australia Australia Australia South Africa Qualifier B1 West Indies Sri Lanka

T20 T20 T20 T20 T20 T20 T20

Sahara Stadium Kingsmead, Durban Bidvest Wanderers Stadium, Johannesburg PPC Newlands, Cape Town Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai

18:00 14:30 18:00 16:00 11:30 Vidarbha Cricket Association Stadium, Jamtha, Nagpur 16:00 Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi tbc

ABSA Premiership Tuesday 01 March Ajax Cape Town v Chippa United Athlone Stadium 19:30 SuperSport United v Mamelodi Sundowns Lucas Moripe Stadium 19:30 Wednesday 09 March Platinum Stars v Kaizer Chiefs Royal Bafokeng Stadium 19:30 Polokwane City v Bidvest Wits Old Peter Mokaba Stadium 19:30 Friday 11 March Maritzburg Utd v Golden Arrows Harry Gwala Stadium 20:00 Saturday 12 March Black Aces v University of Pretoria Mbombela Stadium 15:30 Orlando Pirates v Jomo Cosmos Orlando Stadium 20:15 Sunday 13 March Bloem Celtic v Free State Stars Dr Molemela Stadium 15:30 Tuesday 15 March Kaizer Chiefs v Jomo Cosmos FNB Stadium 19:30 Wednesday 16 March University of Pretoria v Ajax Cape Town Tuks Stadium 19:30 Mamelodi Sundowns v Bloem Celtic Lucas Moripe Stadium 19:30 Bidvest Wits v Orlando Pirates Bidvest Stadium 19:30 Saturday 19 March Golden Arrows v SuperSport United Chatsworth Stadium 15:30 Chippa United v Maritzburg Utd Buffalo City Stadium 15:30 Sunday 20 March Free State Stars v Polokwane City Goble Park 15:30 Platinum Stars v Black Aces Royal Bafokeng Stadium 15:30

Moto GP 20 March Grand Prix of Qatar Losail International Circuit

Formula 1 20 March Australia Grand Prix Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit


01 Tuesday

@ Andante`s

7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free

@ Got-t`s

DBL Richelieu and coke for R20

@ Linger

Happy Hour!!! Half Price on all Beer and Ciders From 6-7pm.

02 Wednesday

@ Andante`s

Half Price on all our SUSHI

@ Lighthouse

DBL Richelieu and coke R20.

@ Linger

DBL Richelieu/Wellington with mix R 26 and DBL Hairier/Olofberg with mix R25 R6.00 Shooters.

Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free. Buy any DBL spirit and get Your mix for free.

Live Sport Screening

@ Lighthouse

@ Linger

@ Redwoods

Live entertainment from 8-12 pm. @ Open Tap Craft Beer House Buy one and get one for FREE 6-7pm

@ Linger

@ Andante`s

Half price Sushi Come and Enjoy The Best Sushi in the VAAL.. Build a Burger, Come and build your own burger... Open Mic, Open to all.

@ The Pint Half Price on shooters from 8-10pm @ Open Tap Craft Beer House Buy one and get one for FREE 6 to 7pm

03 Thursday

@ Andante`s

Karaoke and Dance night, open pool comp R22 Entry fee Winner takes all

@Light house

DBL Richelieu/Wellington with mix R26 DBL Harrier/Olofberg with mix R 25. Karaoke kompitiesie lekker man!!!

@ Got-T`s

DBL Richelieu and Coke for R20.00 from 10: 00 to 18:00

@ Linger

Happy Hour!!! Half prices on “Hardehout” from 6-7pm -BEER PONG Championship @ R30 p/p entry fee Winner takes it ALL... @ Redwoods Half price on all our Cocktails from 6-7pm

04 Friday

@ Andante`s

DJ Babs in the HOUSE, Live Sport Screening, 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free. KAndi Promo, with prizes and prom girls

@ Johnny`s Pub

Be your own DJ with our Jukebox!!! Redsquare Promo buy any 3 Redsquare Ice for R50

05 Saturday

DJ Babs on deck Big screen sport. 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free. Red Square Bucket Promo with prizes and promo girls.

@ Redwoods

Half Price on ALL our COCKTAILS from 6-7pm

@ Johnny`s

Lekker worsbroodjie fresh from the braai available !!!

@ Got-t`s

Resident DJ on Decks, Kandi Promo wit prizes and promo girls

@ Lighthouse

Live Entertainment and Sport screening. @ Lighthouse Deneysville OPENING WEEKEND with lots of specials.

@ Linger

Breakfast Special receive a complementary Juice or Coffee with each Breakfast you order.... Happy Hour !!! Half price on all drinks except on shooters cocktails and Pedro`s from 6-7pm. @ The Pint R45 for our Mixed Grill Breakfast

06 Sunday

@ Lighthouse

Open mike from 12pm Sunday Pool Competition.

@ Redwoods

Sunday Buffet R 120.00 per person includes Dessert and kids under 10 eat for free

@ Andante`s

Karaoke and Dance Potjie Kos on selected sundays keep an eye on our social media

@ Linger

Join us for a Sunday Lunch. Friends and family welcome.

@ Linger

@ Got-t`s

HAPPY HOUR From 19:30 to 20:30 DBL Captain Morgan and coke for R20.00 from 10:00 -18:00

DEEJAY DEAN on deck,DBL Captain Morgan and coke for only R20 10am - 6pm. Johnnie Walker Red Label and Ginger Ale Promo

Crazy/varkie Wednesday Buy 1 and get 1 free

DBL Richelieu and Coke for R20.00 from 10: 00 to 18:00

@ Andante`s

07 Monday

@ Got-t`s

@ Lighthouse :

@ Got-T`s

@ Andante`s

Karaoke & Quiz night with DJ Babs. 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free

@ Got-t`s

DBL Richelieu/Wellington with mix R26 DBL Harrier/Olofberg with mix R 25. Karaoke kompitiesie lekker man!!!

Happy Hour!!! Half prices on “Hardehout” from 6-7pm -BEER PONG Championship @ R30 p/p entry fee Winner takes it ALL... @ Redwoods Half price on all our Cocktails from 6-7pm

Regional - Entertainment - Directory

@ Redwoods

@Light house

Pool Competition, Registration 6-7pm @ R30 p/p Winner takes it all. @ Open Tap Craft Beer House 15% of on your bil if its over a R100

08 Tuesday

@ Andante`s

7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free

@ Got-t`s

DBL Richelieu and coke for R20

@ Linger

Happy Hour!!! Half Price on all Beer and Ciders From 6-7pm.

09 Wednesday

@ Andante`s

Karaoke & Quiz night with DJ Babs. 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free

@ Got-t`s

HAPPY HOUR From 19:30 to 20:30 DBL Captain Morgan and coke for R20.00 from 10:00 -18:00

@ Lighthouse :

Crazy/varkie Wednesday Buy 1 and get 1 free

@ Redwoods

Half price Sushi Come and Enjoy The Best Sushi in the VAAL..

@ Linger

Build a Burger, Come and build your own burger... Open Mic, Open to all.

@ The Pint Half Price on shooters from 8-10pm @ Open Tap Craft Beer House Buy one and get one for FREE 6 to 7pm

10 Thursday

@ Andante`s

Karaoke and Dance night, open pool comp R22 Entry fee Winner

11 Friday

DJ Babs in the HOUSE, Live Sport Screening, 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free. Promo, with prizes and prom girls

@ Johnny`s Pub

Be your own DJ with our Jukebox!!!

@ Redwoods

Half Price on all our SUSHI

@ Got-t`s

DEEJAY DEAN on deck,DBL Captain Morgan and coke for only R20 10am - 6pm. Red Square Promo 3 Energizers for R60

@ Lighthouse

Live Sport Screening

@ Linger

Live entertainment from 8-12 pm. @ Open Tap Craft Beer House Buy one and get one for FREE 6-7pm

12 Saturday

@ Andante`s

DJ Babs on deck Big screen sport. 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free. Red Square Bucket Promo with prizes and promo girls.

@ Redwoods

Half Price on ALL our COCKTAILS from 6-7pm

@ Johnny`s

Lekker worsbroodjie fresh from the braai available !!!

@ Got-t`s

Resident DJ on Decks, Kandi Promo wit prizes and promo girls

@ Lighthouse

Live Entertainment and Sport screening. @ Lighthouse Deneysville OPENING WEEKEND with lots of specials.

@ Linger

Breakfast Special receive a complementary Juice or Coffee with each Breakfast you order.... Happy Hour !!! Half price on all drinks except on shooters cocktails and Pedro`s from 6-7pm.

13 Sunday

@ Lighthouse

Open mike from 12pm Sunday Pool Competition.R 1000 for the winner

@ Redwoods

Sunday Buffet R 120.00 per person includes Dessert and kids under 10 eat for free

@ Andante`s

Karaoke and Dance Potjie Kos on selected sundays keep an eye on our social media

@ Linger

Join us for a Sunday Lunch.

14 Monday

@ Andante`s

Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free.

@ Got-t`s

DBL Richelieu and coke R20.

@ Lighthouse

DBL Richelieu/Wellington with mix R 26 and DBL Hairier/Olofberg with mix R25 R6.00 Shooters.

@ Linger

Pool Competition, Registration 6-7pm @ R30 p/p Winner takes it all. @ Open Tap Craft Beer House 15% of on your bil if its over a R100

15 Tuesday @ Andante`s

7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free

@ Got-t`s

DBL Richelieu and coke for R20

@ Linger

Happy Hour!!! Half Price on all Beer and Ciders From 6-7pm.

16 Wednesday

@ Andante`s

17 Thursday

@ Andante`s

@Light house

@ Redwoods

@ Got-T`s

@ Andante`s

Karaoke and Dance night, open pool comp R22 Entry fee Winner takes all

Open mike from 12pm Sunday Pool Competition.R 1000 for the winner

DBL Richelieu/Wellington with mix R26 DBL Harrier/Olofberg with mix R 25. Karaoke kompitiesie lekker man!!!

Sunday Buffet R 120.00 per person includes Dessert and kids under 10 eat for free

DBL Richelieu and Coke for R20.00 from 10: 00 to 18:00

Karaoke and Dance Potjie Kos on selected sundays keep an eye on our social media

@ Linger

Happy Hour!!! Half prices on “Hardehout” from 6-7pm -BEER PONG Championship @ R30 p/p entry fee Winner takes it ALL... @ Redwoods Half price on all our Cocktails from 6-7pm

18 Friday

@ Andante`s

DJ Babs in the HOUSE, Live Sport Screening, 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free.

@ Johnny`s Pub

Be your own DJ with our Jukebox!!!

@ Redwoods

Half Price on all our SUSHI

@ Got-t`s

Join us for a Sunday Lunch.

21 Monday

@ Andante`s

Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free..

@ Got-t`s

DBL Richelieu and coke R20.

@ Lighthouse

DBL Richelieu/Wellington with mix R 26 and DBL Hairier/Olofberg with mix R25 R6.00 Shooters.

@ Linger

Pool Competition, Registration 6-7pm @ R30 p/p Winner takes it all. @ Open Tap Craft Beer House 15% of on your bil if its over a R100

22 Tuesday @ Andante`s

Live Sport Screening Red Square Promo with prom girls snd prizes

@ Got-t`s

@ Lighthouse @ Linger

Live entertainment from 8-12 pm. @ Open Tap Craft Beer House Buy one and get one for FREE 6-7pm

19 Saturday

@ Lighthouse :

@ Redwoods

@ Redwoods

@ Johnny`s

Crazy/varkie Wednesday Buy 1 and Half Price on ALL our COCKTAILS get 1 free from 6-7pm

@ Linger

@ Linger

DEEJAY DEAN on deck,DBL Captain Morgan and coke for only R20 10am - 6pm.

Karaoke & Quiz night with DJ Babs. 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and @ Andante`s get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits DJ Babs on deck Big screen sport. and receive you mix for free 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and @ Got-t`s get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits HAPPY HOUR From 19:30 to 20:30 and receive you mix for free. Red DBL Captain Morgan and coke for Square Bucket Promo with prizes R20.00 from 10:00 -18:00 and promo girls.

Half price Sushi Come and Enjoy The Best Sushi in the VAAL..

20 Sunday

@ Lighthouse

Lekker worsbroodjie fresh from the braai available !!!

@ Got-t`s

Build a Burger, Come and build Resident DJ on Decks, Kandi Promo your own burger... Open Mic, Open wit prizes and promo girls to all. @ Linger Breakfast Special receive a @ The Pint complementary Juice or Coffee Half Price on shooters from with each Breakfast you order.... 8-10pm Happy Hour !!! Half price on all @ Open Tap Craft Beer House drinks except on shooters cocktails Buy one and get one for FREE and Pedro`s from 6-7pm. 6 to 7pm @ The Pint R45 for our Mixed Grill Breakfast

7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free DBL Richelieu and coke for R20

@ Linger

Happy Hour!!! Half Price on all Beer and Ciders From 6-7pm.

23 Wednesday @ Andante`s

Karaoke & Quiz night with DJ Babs. 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free

@ Got-t`s

HAPPY HOUR From 19:30 to 20:30 DBL Captain Morgan and coke for R20.00 from 10:00 -18:00

24 Thursday @ Andante`s

Karaoke and Dance night, open pool comp R22 Entry fee Winner takes all

@Light house

DBL Richelieu/Wellington with mix R26 DBL Harrier/Olofberg with mix R 25. Karaoke kompitiesie lekker man!!!

@ Got-T`s

DBL Richelieu and Coke for R20.00 from 10: 00 to 18:00

@ Linger

Happy Hour!!! Half prices on “Hardehout” from 6-7pm -BEER PONG Championship @ R30 p/p entry fee Winner takes it ALL... @ Redwoods Half price on all our Cocktails from 6-7pm

25 Friday @ Andante`s

DJ Babs in the HOUSE, Live Sport Screening, 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free. Red Square Promo wit Prom girls and Prizes

@ Johnny`s Pub

Be your own DJ with our Jukebox!!! Kandie Promo Buy 2 Get 1 Free

@ Redwoods

Half Price on all our SUSHI

@ Got-t`s

DEEJAY DEAN on deck,DBL Captain Morgan and coke for only R20 10am - 6pm.Phonchos promo with prizes and promo girls

@ Lighthouse

Live Sport Screening Red Square Promo with prom girls snd prizes

@ Linger

Live entertainment from 8-12 pm. @ Open Tap Craft Beer House Buy one and get one for FREE 6-7pm

26 Saturday

@ Andante`s

DJ Babs on deck Big screen sport. 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and Crazy/varkie Wednesday Buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free. Red get 1 free Square Bucket Promo with prizes @ Redwoods and promo girls. Half price Sushi Come and Enjoy @ Redwoods The Best Sushi in the VAAL.. Half Price on ALL our COCKTAILS @ Linger from 6-7pm Build a Burger, Come and build your own burger... Open Mic, Open @ Johnny`s Lekker worsbroodjie fresh from to all. the braai available !!!

@ Lighthouse :

@ The Pint Half Price on shooters from 8-10pm @ Open Tap Craft Beer House Buy one and get one for FREE 6 to 7pm

@ Got-t`s

Resident DJ on Decks, Kandi Promo wit prizes and promo girls

@ Lighthouse

Live Entertainment and Sport screening.

@ Linger

Breakfast Special receive a complementary Juice or Coffee with each Breakfast you order.... Happy Hour !!! Half price on all drinks except on shooters cocktails and Pedro`s from 6-7pm. @ The Pint R45 for our Mixed Grill Breakfast

27 Sunday

@ Lighthouse

Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free. Buy any DBL spirit and get Your mix for free.

@ Got-t`s

DBL Richelieu and coke R20.

@ Lighthouse

DBL Richelieu/Wellington with mix R 26 and DBL Hairier/Olofberg with mix R25 R6.00 Shooters.

29 Tuesday

Open mike from 12pm Sunday Pool Competition.R 1000 for the winner

@ Andante`s

Sunday Buffet R 120.00 per person includes Dessert and kids under 10 eat for free

@ Got-t`s

@ Redwoods

@ Andante`s

Karaoke and Dance Potjie Kos on selected sundays keep an eye on our social media

@ Linger

@ Andante`s

@ Andante`s

7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free DBL Richelieu and coke for R20

@ Linger

Happy Hour!!! Half Price on all Beer and Ciders From 6-7pm.

30 Wednesday

@ Linger

28 Monday

Build a Burger, Come and build your own burger... Open Mic, Open to all.

Pool Competition, Registration 6-7pm @ R30 p/p Winner takes it all. @ Open Tap Craft Beer House 15% of on your bil if its over a

6 to 7pm

Join us for a Sunday Lunch.

@ Linger

@ The Pint Half Price on shooters from 8-10pm @ Open Tap Craft Beer House Buy one and get one for FREE


23 Wednesday Identety

@ Soul Shock Tattoos For all your tattoo needs contuct us 076 189 4904 @ Model The best liquor deal in the Vaal. 016 363 1128 @ Slaters Come and find your perfect body with us. Three Rivers 016 932 4330 Vereeniging 016 422 1555 Vanderbijlpark 016 981 4077 Sasolburg 016 976 5364. @ Dazzl Let us dassl you with our excellent service and good priced. 016 428 5878 @ Foto-First For all your photo printing needs contact us. 016 423 4412 @ Swan Save on your print cartridges with us. 016 971 2925

Karaoke & Quiz night with DJ Babs. 7-9pm Shooter special buy 1 and get 1 for free, buy any DBL Spirits and receive you mix for free

@ Got-t`s

HAPPY HOUR From 19:30 to 20:30 DBL Captain Morgan and coke for R20.00 from 10:00 -18:00

@ Lighthouse :

Crazy/varkie Wednesday Buy 1 and get 1 free Half price Sushi Come and Enjoy The Best Sushi in the VAAL..

31 Thursday

@ Andante`s

Karaoke and Dance night, open pool comp R22 Entry fee Winner takes all

@Light house

DBL Richelieu/Wellington with mix R26 DBL Harrier/Olofberg with mix R 25. Karaoke kompitiesie lekker man!!!

@ Linger

Happy Hour!!! Half prices on “Hardehout” from 6-7pm -BEER PONG Championship @ R30 p/p entry fee Winner takes it ALL... @ Redwoods Half price on all our Cocktails from 6-7pm

Business Information Directory

25 FridayEntertainment 30 Wednesday @ Chicago`s Restaurant & Bar New Owners New Prices New Vibe. 082 551 5584 @ Dean`s Log Inn German / Austrian Restaurant. 016 424 2013 @ Dorado`s Best seafood in the Vaal. 016 42 6470 @ Got-t`s Party like a “Boss” Cnr Houtkop & King Street @ Open Tap Craft Beer House explore the wild side with our viriaty of craft BEER @ Johnny`s Pub Maak Hierdie Jou Plek. C/o Umtata & Assegaai str.

Franc Dos Santos 076 966 6764

@ Redwoods


@ Andante`s 20 Ericsson str. Vanderbijlpark

Contact Us:

Janneman Landman 072 449 3151 Facebook: Iced Magazine Vaal Iced Magazien Jo Burg Iced Moments Iced Design Iced Clasifeids

27 Commerce Sunday

@ ICED* Magazine For your spot in the ICED* Magazine contact us. 076 966 @ Redwoods Restaurant 6764 or 072 449 3151 Fine dining and the best Sushi Bar @ ICED* Moments in town. 016 976 2532 Let us freeze your perfect moment. 072 449 3151 @ Scotty`s @ 3@1 Up Yer Kilt! 071 576 8972. 016 931 0894 Business Express @ DC Network & Computer @ Lighthouse Pub Services. Shop 17, Wavell Street Duncanville. 082 851 7598 Installation, Networking, Repairs, Sale and Services. 016 @ Linger 423 7725 Where every night has a Memory @ Douglas Paton 016 932 1404, Top Level Centre We dress you for success so shop 10 Fitzsimons Straat talk to us for the right dress. 082 814 4706 @ Buti`s Inn @ Liquor City For Special Requests and BookCome and see what we have to ings call 084 243 1501 offer. 016 932 2158 @ Club Guns and Roses @ House Of JM Design The Best Club in the vaal Embroidery, Screen Printing Come and enjoy our fun vibes... and Custom Made Garments. 079 688 9784 016 362 0350 @ Rafterz

the place to meet. 016 982 5556

R 1 24 . 9 9




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