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Temporary intersection and street treatment reclaiming space from cars and allocating it to pedestrians in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Many permanent solutions get tested out with a pop-up installation.

CAREGIVER A person who is very closely attached to the child and responsible for their daily care and support. Primary caregivers include parents, pregnant women, families, and other people who are directly responsible for the child at home. Note that secondary caregivers such as frontline workers are not included in this definition.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT The early childhood period encompasses several quite distinct phases: from conception to birth and from birth to 3 years, with emphasis on the first 1,000 days (from conception to 24 months), followed by the preschool and pre-primary years (3 years to 5 or 6 years, or the age of school entry), and finally the period from 6 to 8 years of age.
CYCLING NETWORK A network of safe cycling routes including designated cycleways, slow streets (safely shared between cycles and motor vehicles because vehicle speeds are under 30 km/h [20 mph]), and pedestrian-priority streets (safely shared by pedestrians, cycles, and motor vehicles because vehicle speeds are under 15 km/h).
PEDESTRIAN BLOCK A block defined by public walkways demarcated by block line separating adjoining properties from the public access.
PEDESTRIAN REALM Public or publicly accessible areas dedicated to, or prioritized for, pedestrian activity. The pedestrian realm includes walkways, safe crossings, shared streets and spaces, plazas, and parks.