Kikai Shien Robotto 2019 - [THESIS]

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Design Proposition

Kikai Shien Robotto Ecological Theme Park

by Bernice Lim Xin Yin












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The populations of poverty are everywhere in the current world. ‘There are 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population, more than 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty, less than $1.25 a day.’ (11 Facts About Global Poverty, 2019) In the current world, the demand of people can have the ability to enjoy very well in living the lifestyle they want and advanced technologies around them. Innovative technologies become part of important assets that people extremely rely on. There are video games that can amuse people, dishwashers rinse their plates in home, smart phones link them to people around the world, and aircrafts transport them across the globe. Technology are tent to uses more on just entertainment and convenience as people know in the current global.

However, do we realize that there are some people around the world who desire of living a better life like people in demand, able to work hard to get everything possible and fulfil what they want in life but just because of the reality they are facing now, it actually restricted them in terms of hopes and dreams? They are the global poverties. They are the populations that currently left behind in the aspects of social and economics, but trying very hard to escape from living in a poverty life. The population of poverties includes jobless and homeless people, privilege people, illegal immigrant, refugees and so on. Based on the article from (The top 9 causes of global poverty, 4 February 2019), there are more than 11% of approximately 800 million people in the world, lives in extreme poverty. Suffering from limited access to clean water and nutritious food, livelihoods and jobs, education, infrastructure, climate change, reserves, resources, conflict, gender inequality, and limited capacity of the government as well.

In the industrial revolution until today, the creation of inventions and technologies becomes unlimited and slowly it become the trends in the industry. Not just only majority apply in entertainment and convenience, but started to move forward to a worthwhile direction in helping the poverties and to perform as efficient solutions to reduce the issues that causes people to live extremely poverty. Based on The Borgen Project, one of the organizations that helps to fight for poverties in developing countries, there are some innovative inventions that currently exist to improve the living situations of the poorest people in the globe. Like Maya Pedal technology, Life Straw invention, RUTF, Kite Patch, Uniject, and Life Sack created to help the poverties to live a better life. Hence, throughout the industrial revolution of different inventions created for poverty population, it become the international current trend in the world. Therefore, there are more and more wonderful inventions and products that currently working on in creation, developing, and utilizing by global organizations and business to help the poverty in the globe. They are currently working each other to boost the society, nation, community and governmental awareness on way to improve the life of the people who are strive to survive. Anyone.

a meaningful yet unlimited future together with innovative technologies and inventions inside, to concurrently adjust a better life for poverties by authorizing and furnishing them. The futuristic assistive machines in robotics will act as a series of entertainment and convenience for the current poverty to live in a better life and advanced lifestyle in future, bringing in the experience of happiness, implementing with effective solution on global poverty issues, and together to help them to escape from reality! Thus, the following space concept and direction for the topic of the project will be, ‘futuristic assistive machines in robotics, to let the community deeply connect to poverties’ – a world of amusement park with assistive machines in robotics, to connect the people together, letting the community to deeply connect to poverties, understand the issue causes and together to contribute a helping hand to reduce life of poverty through ‘the desire of living a better life’ in the aspects of economic and social.

In conclusion, the topic is about a new world that brimming with futuristic assistive machines in robotics, to enlighten people’s heart on life as a poverty in the world, helping them to live a better life and escape from reality.’ We know that life is not always fair, but we believe that Therefore, a new world that overwhelmed the Assistive Robotics in the future can be fair’. with futuristic assistive machines in robotics, create

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How do we describe Poverty and how does the Poverty being formed? The word of Poverty, is a vocabulary that came from the word ‘poverte’ in French, meaning ‘poor’. ‘In scientific terms, a person or household in Britain is ‘poor’ when they have both a low income and a low standard of living. They are ‘not poor’ if they have a low income and a reasonable standard of living or if they have a low standard of living but a high income. Both low income and low standard of living can only be accurately measured relative to the norms of the person’s or household’s society.’ (Gordon 2006, p.39). People may think that poverty is the reason that causes a person to suffer from hunger, couldn’t access to clean water and achieve any standard of basic needs in living. Like shelter, clothing, food and any other condition. This is not wrong at all. But as a matter of fact, water insecurity and hunger, lacking access to job opportunity, education, healthcare, and infrastructure are the main and important reason that causes people to live in poverty and struggle to run away from the poor life .

In the current century, the economic and social are overwhelmed with unknown advanced technologies and inventions that are becoming as part of current trends and situation in the demand all around the world. There are people who are able to and manage to keep up-to-date and improve themselves in terms of lifestyles, finances, jobs, seek and their basic needs. Meanwhile, there are also people in worldwide, being left behind when comes to couldn’t achieve the basic need of satisfaction in their economy and social. There’re the people who unable to achieve any standard of average income and live a standard life of living. Different people have different approaches in their daily life. Some of them want to earn a minimum level of income or average income, and some of them have low income that their basic needs cannot met. It was hard to specifically define the meaning of poverty because there are many reasons behind that causes people to live in extreme poverty.

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How do we describe Poverty and how does the Poverty being formed? The word of Poverty, is a vocabulary that came from the word ‘poverte’ in French, meaning ‘poor’. Based on the article ‘RM33 a day for a family of four, is that not poverty?’ (Nathaniel Tan, 2019), in Malaysia, the government define Malaysians as living in poverty when there was 0.4% of Malaysians or a total of 24,700 households living as a threshold of poverty that was absurdly low.

‘In scientific terms, a person or household in Britain is ‘poor’ when they have both a low income and a low standard of living. They are ‘not poor’ if they have a low income and a reasonable standard of living or if they have a low standard of living but a high income. Both low income and low standard of living can only be accurately measured relative to the norms of the person’s or household’s society.’ (Gordon 2006, p.39).

Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal,2019. Image retrieved from https://www. id=UlVlbUxzUWo0L3FEaWZmUVg4ZFQzZz09

‘In 2012, the monthly household income mean in rural areas was RM3, 080. Findings from the Household Income Survey 2012 showed that the mean monthly household income for Malaysia increased 7.2% annually from RM4,025 in 2009 to RM5,000 in 2012. Household income in urban areas increased at the rate of 6.6% per annum from RM4,705 in 2009 to RM5,742 in 2012 while in rural areas, it increased by 6.4% per annum from RM2,545 in 2009 to RM3,080 in 2012.’ (Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal, 2019).


Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal,2019. Image retrieved from https://www. id=UlVlbUxzUWo0L3FEaWZmUVg4ZFQzZz09

‘Chinese household acquire the highest income mean for 2012 at RM6, 366. The mean monthly household income for Bumiputera grew by 6.9% per annum from RM3,624 to RM4,457, for Chinese it increased at the rate of 8% from RM5,011 to RM6, 366 and for Indians at the rate of 9% per annum from RM3,999 to RM5,233.’ (Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal, 2019).




People may think that poverty is the reason that causes a person to suffer from hunger, couldn’t access to clean water and achieve any standard of basic needs in living. Like shelter, clothing, food and any other condition. This is not wrong at all. But as a matter of fact, water insecurity and hunger, lacking access to job opportunity, education, healthcare, and infrastructure are the main and important reason that causes people to live in poverty and struggle to run away from the poor life. In the current century, the economic and social are overwhelmed with many advanced technologies and inventions that are becoming as part of current trends and situation in the demand all around the world. There are people who are able to and manage to keep up-todate and improve themselves in terms of lifestyles, finances, jobs, seek and their basic needs. Meanwhile, there are also people in worldwide, being left behind when comes to couldn’t achieve the basic need of satisfaction in their economy and social. There’re the people who unable to achieve any standard of average income and live a standard life of living. Different people have different approaches in their daily life. Some of them want to earn a minimum level of income or average income, and some of them have low income that their basic needs cannot met. It was hard to specifically define the meaning of poverty because there are many reasons behind that causes people to live in extreme poverty.

There are different population of people lives in extremely poverty. From jobless to homeless, illegal immigrants, refugees, privilege people and so on. Thus, these people exist in different countries. There are 0.4% of Malaysians which are the amount of 24,700 Malaysian households are actually living in extreme poverty today (Nathaniel Tan, 2019). Besides Malaysia, ‘Nigeria has become the poverty capital of the world’ (Yomi Kazeem, 25 June 2018). There are majority population of poverties living in Nigeria (46.7 million), Democratic Republic of Congo (77 million), Ethiopia (23.4 million), Tanzania (35 million), Mozambique (61.8 million), Kenya (30 million), Uganda (34.2 million), South Africa (24.6), South Sudan (93 million), Zambia (57.2 million) and India. And based on news ‘The future for refugees in Malaysia’ (Eric Paulsen, 16 June 2019), there are majority population of refugees living in Afghanistan, Myanmar, Somalia, Sri Lanka and Syria as well. Source: Kazeem, Y. (2019). Nigeria has become the poverty capital of the world. Image retrieved from https://

Besides, there are six different categories of poverty in the aspects of economic, social and political in global. From rural poverty to, urban poverty, relative poverty, absolute poverty, generational poverty and situational poverty.

Source: Adapted from the book “Teaching with Poverty in Mind” by Eric Jensen, November 2019.

RESEARCH ISSUE 問題 Image retrieved from

Based from the articles ‘Tourism and Poverty 111, defined themselves as living in poverty’ (Harrison & Schipani 2007, pp.217–18) and ‘Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain’, (Gordon 2006, p. 31), the common fact that causes people living in extremely poverty are separated into two. Former and latter. Former facts included lacking of basic human needs like; lacking access to any foods like rice and other therapeutic foods; lacking access to safe drinking water or water insecurities; lacking access to healthcare; lacking access to shelters; lacking access to educations; lacking access to information; lacking access to hygiene facilities; and lacking access to infrastructures because they only have a small boat. The latter facts that cause people to live in extremely¬ poverty included lack of income to secure supportable livelihoods - financial uncertainty and unpredictable income; lack of labour and job opportunities and beneficial resources to secure supportable livelihoods; lack of education and other basic assistances; suffer from starvation; suffer from health disease and illness; increased fatality from disease; increased homeless and insufficient housing; suffer from unreliable environment; suffer from social inequity, injustice and intolerance; suffer from social forbiddance and elimination - inability to face social burden and being apart; suffer from social conflict; and suffer from unpredictable climate change. Therefore, the facts above are the big reasons that lead people to live in extremely poverty and suffer in escaping from poverty as well.

Throughout living the life in extremely poverty since the beginning, it may lead people into health and safety issues, mental lags, intense and deep-rooted stressors, and emotional and social threats. With worst come to worst situation, all these conceptions may cause to death as well. The figure below shows the example of negative childhood experiences living in poverty can actually be the reason to set off from negative conceptual threats to early death.

Source: Adapted from “Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study,” by V. J. Felitti, R. F. Anda, D. Nordenberg, D. F. Williamson, A. M. Spitz, V. Edwards, et al., 1998, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14(4), pp. 245–258.

Figure on the left shows the visual that carries out the definitions, issues and precedent studies about poverties that happen in the global.


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Based on the article from ‘What is Poverty and its types’ (Gaurav Kumar, 11 April 2018), poverty is an all-rounded perception of together with the environmental needs and aspects of economic, social and political. This happe ned when comes to the situation that poverty is consider as an economic category when insufficiency or absence of some assets like wealth, finance, fund, object and stuffs of a person in life, are being experienced by the people. Many of them having limitations while wanting to pursue the ideal of environmental needs and basic needs for living. Unfortunately, there are plenty of issues that having right now and being faced by them, are making them hard to run away from life of poverty.

‘There are thousands of other organizations that are working to do their part on local and international scales. These groups are all increasing standards of living and fighting poverty in developing countries.’ By Josh Ward. They are The Borgen Project, Oxfam, Concern Worldwide, The Hunger Project, World Bank Group, The Earth Institute, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and more. Working together on many projects, trying hard to fight and lessen the issue and population of people living in extremely poverty, and helping them to live better in developing countries. However, the limitation is, even it

could bring benefits to poverties in few different countries that consist of high range of poverties, but not to all of the countries in the global. And, this could not be guaranteed that it is the best solutions that able to help out 100 percent of poverties in global and ensure that everyone does not have any financial, environmental, standard living, economic, social and political issue and helping them to escape from their reality. Hence, these organisations could not could not work alone without interpretation of community that are deeply connected the poverties, together to help and fighting for poverties. It is also a new challenge on how to bring up the culture among the community that allows everyone to deeply connected to the

poverties, willing to help out the poverties without any hesitations, willing to automatically contribute their helping hand in a cheerful way and so on. Since, the poverty that happen in the world count on all-rounded and complex elements like country, era and generation in the time period of history, geological situation, event, incidents and more. Hence the scope of research in the area will be the causes of living in extremely poverty due to the economic issues, social issues, lacking of basic standard environmental needs and lacking of deep connections between the community and poverties. In the current century, the economic and social are overwhelmed with unknown

advanced technologies and inventions that are becoming as part of current trends and situation in the demand all around the world. There are people who are able to and manage to keep up-to-date and improve themselves in terms of lifestyles, finances, jobs, seek and their basic needs. Meanwhile, there are also people in worldwide, being left behind when comes to couldn’t achieve the basic need of satisfaction in their economy and social. There’re the people who unable to achieve any standard of average income and live a standard life of living. Different people have different approaches in their daily life. Some of them want to earn a minimum level of income or average income, and some of them have low income that their basic

needs cannot met. It was hard to specifically define the meaning of poverty because there are many reasons behind that causes people to live in extreme poverty.

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THEORITICAL HYPOTHESIS 研究 If the Assistive Robotics in machines become a trend all around the world in future, it will act as a platform to enlighten the community’s heart, by bringing them together to deeply connected to poverty, understand the experience and needs of poverty throughout the gamification of activities that consist of the elements of adventure, fun and play, cheerful and curiosity while in contact with the inventions and technologies designed in the place. In the end, to generate the outcome of ‘Through the Assistive Robotics, it will become a future of poverty eradication, to help poverty to escape from reality and achieve the desire of living a better life in a futurist future.’

RESEARCH QUESTIONS 研究に関する質問 Image retrieved from

The aim and objective for this topic is to propose an amusement park to bring in the community and let them to deeply connected to the current life situation, needs and understand the possibility of solution that can help to reduce the population of people are living in extremely poverty, throughout the plays and activities that implement with futuristic assistive machines in robotics inside the space.

How to relate ‘the futuristic assistive machines in robotics’ and ‘bringing the community together and deeply connected to poverty’? Or, how to let the community understand about poverty from old school method into a new and innovative gamification method?



How can the futuristic assistive machines in robotics in the space able to bring out the fun experience to the community during the activities, at the same time to carry out the deep meaning and story behind about poverty, and learning outcome after each level of game?

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Why is it important for the community need to understand or deeply connected to poverty?

How can the community contribute to the poverty in voluntary, charity and donation through an innovative way of games and activities happening in the adventure park?


How to generate the final outcome of the place? How to make the people to understand more about this place? How to maintain and manage the operating and business in a long time?

SIGNIFICANCE OF RESEARCH 研究の意義 Image retrieved from 0/?type=3&theater

The significance of research will be the ideal gamifications that can let the community deeply connected with the poverties, understand the story behind of each game and having the strong hints for them to understand the learning outcome from each game. Also, the consideration of built-in assistive machines in robotics and the theme of the amusement park to consistently update or change per every half year to maintain the business and curiosity of the return customers. Furthermore, the methods of interactive guidance from the staffs, instructors, visual information the show in the space and instructions and rules of game

that consistently happen during the whole programme without any confusions by the community, are also the one of the significant research as well. In conclusion, by using futuristic assistive machines in robotics that integrated with gamifications, it can act as a tool to bring benefits to the social aspects – to connect the people together, to let the people to deeply connected to the poverty, understand the issues that causes poverty to happen and together to contribute in economic and social and help to reduce the issue that causes the poverty happened, through influencing the community by using the world of mouth.

LIMITATION OF RESEARCH 研究の制限 Image retrieved from

Last but not least, the limitation would be it’s great to have ideas to design futuristic assistive robotics and machines but there’s limitations of human interaction to it. Because there’s various limitation of technology support in the international industry right now. Besides, it can help to reduce the issues that cause the population of poverties in economic aspects, but there are limitations of solving the issues in social aspects like conflicts, violence, emotion of selfesteem, prevent poverty from depressions and early death and so on. Also, it’s possible to help the poverty through donations and charities, but it can’t completely help them to escape from poverty life or transform them from poverty to rich.





‘Through the Assistive Robotics, it will become a future of poverty eradication, to help poverty to escape from reality and achieve the desire of living a better life in a futurist future.’

The objective of the topic proposal for this project is about creating an ecological theme park, like a new world that brimming with futuristic Assistive Robotics and Machines, becoming a first leading place to carry out a bright future of poverty eradication in a futurist future. The proposal will also act as a platform to enlighten the community’s heart, bringing people together to deeply connected to poverty, understand the current living situation, experience and needs of poverty through the gamification of activities designed with the elements of adventure, fun and play, cheerful and curiosity when interacting with the inventions and technologies designed in the place. In the end, throughout the activities the people play in the games of each spaces, it will generate an income and end product for the poverty to take it back home from this place. In other words, it is a place to generate a learning outcome when the community playing during activities, at the same time to turning it into an out source to give the poverty, to help them to live a better life and achieve their desire and also to reduce the population of people living in poverty in the aspect of social and economic, in the futurist future.

’We know that life is not always fair, but we believe that the Assistive Robotics in the future can be fair.’

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V The topic of this project is about Assistive Robotics. Well, before understand the definition of Assistive Robotics, lets understand what defines a Robot first.

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WHAT DEFINES A ROBOT ? Based on ‘The Perspectives in Assistive Technology’ (David L. Jaffe, MS, Professor Drew Nelson, and John Thiemer, 2012), a robot is an automated and fundamental intelligent assistant or an electro-mechanical machine that able to perform a duty automatically or with instructions, typically by sensor, remote control, computer and electronic programming. Robots are not just can be remotely control, but it can be autonomous and semi-autonomous. Based on the innovations and technologies nowadays, there are different range existed in robots like servicing robots, mobile robots, military

robots, industrial robots, swarm robots, nano robots, ASIMO and TOPIO. Besides, there are few characteristics are part of requirement for robots. For example, ability to move – orbit, swim, burrow, fly, wheels and legs; ability to sense – sight, sound, texture and taste; ability to manipulate – fingers, hands and arms; ability to mimic – human tasks and appearance; ability to communicate – analog, digital, voice, sounds and expressions; ability to think – mechanical mechanism, computer, and self-awareness; ability to operate - remotely, program control, autonomously; ability to react and respond to different situations and do something useful.


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WHAT DEFINES AN ASSISTIVE ROBOTS IN THIS PROJECT ? There’s something related and similar between Robotics and Assistive Robotics which are both are consist of the integration of technologies, machinery, innovations and inventions. ‘Assistive Robotics is defined as a device that used increasingly, process sensory information and perform actions to enhance the independence and quality of life of persons with disabilities.’ (Brose Steven W, 2010). The topic of Assistive Robotics in this project proposal will be define as a new world of futurist invented innovations, technologies and machines that helps to fight for people living in extremely poverty, helping them to improve their quality of life based on their desire needs in easy access to clean water, nutrition foods, lights and power electricity. The Assistive Robotics in this topic proposal will also define as the

advance technology and machinery system that generate as a gamification of activities in the adventure park for people come and play, and letting people to understand the learning outcome behind of each game station – ‘The hardship and needs of people living as poverty in the aspect of economy’, in behind is to generate the clean water, nutrition foods, lights and power electricity which Malaysian poverty needed the most, free for them to come and collect back home. In last, during the activities of games that people play in each station in the adventure park, the Assistive Robotics in the space will also act as a social motivator by deliver games of instructions, words of encouragement and complementation to facilitate the community who complete each game and poverty who come and collect free things.

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THE ORIGINS WATER THAT IS IMPORTANT TO HUMAN Earth is the only planet with seas of fluid water on its surface, which is necessary for living and life. Because earth have a perfect distance away from Sun , so that water will not lost away to create global greenhouse effect. However, the water on Earth will freeze if the temperature is too low. Therefore, water is the most important sources that human need in their life. Water can act as important tools to help human in primitive survival skills. Also, by drinking water, it will keep them heathy by providing more oxygen to their brain and body, flushing out toxic substance and wastage from body, circulate blood, and regulate body temperature.


THE ORIGINS LIGHT THAT IS IMPORTANT TO HUMAN ‘In nature, human delight in the first ray of the sunrise, the midday sun beating down, the glorious spectacle of sunset, the bonfires that they sit around when night falls, the twinkling of stars, the benevolent moon, the bioluminescence of sea creatures, fireflies and other insects.’ (MK Illumination, 2019). The reason why human need light is because they evolved to need light. How does the natural light originally camefrom? Earth is a planet on which they have sometime of brightness and darkness, and our circadian rhythms are greatlycontrolled by the sun. Human are not just only to love light, but also need light. Because they can see best in the light and have restricted sight in the dimness.Daily exposure to light will keep us lively, and the role of light can by act in various remedial applications. Besides, since time started, light has enabled us to live gainful lives, staying away from darkness, and has functionality in giving warmth, a way for cooking and even a greater secure.

THE ORIGINS FOOD THAT IS IMPORTANT TO HUMAN Food can be found from different aspects in Earth. For example, manmade – manufactured food; and nature from living things like animal and plants from the ocean, jungle and sky. Food is needed from human for supplying energy, keeping themselves warm, grow and recover. Besides, there are many nutrients needed for them to stay healthy in their daily routine. In order for human to stay healthy, they need a balance diet of food nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.

APPLICATION OF THEORIES TOWARDS SPACE 宇宙への理論の応用 The theories applied into the space is a bright and warm color scheme bringing with rustic and metallic texture to the character of poverty in the environment with the mode of exciting, cheerful and happiness. Besides, the overall interior space will look like a new world that full of futuristic assistive robotics, machineries and technologies creating an unique atmosphere and user experience in the adventure park, meanwhile to produce the outcome of human needs such as clean water, nutrition foods, solar power energy and electrical energy that giving out for poverty for free, in order to help them to achieve their desire of living a better life and escape from reality in economic aspect.

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CLIENT クライアント

The client of this project is The Street Feeders in Malaysia. Street Feeders is a grassroots people’s movement that aims to reach out the helping hands to help and empowering the homeless and urban poverty in various cities in Kuala Lumpur. Through certain amount of people, reaching out the helping hand to help the poors by providing foods, waters, clothes and other necessary needs to the poverty in the days that rarely held in every year is not enough. Not enough in really empowering the poverty to live a better life or reduce the population of poverty In Malaysia per month. The poverty is out there everywhere, but through only counting on the Street Feeders themselves to help the poverty to fight for their life is not enough. As people who live in extremely poor, a wealthy lifestyle does not completely define as living a life that fulfil with the perfect materialistic, resources, facilities and finance that can support their livelihood, but by having a good health, able to access clean water, nutrition foods, lights and power electricity easily are what they actually need to live a wealthy life every day in the economy aspects. Therefore, this project is born. A place that can easily connects people together,

providing the daily needs for poverty to collect back home, , and helping them to life a better daily life. Besides, the Street Feeders can help to sustain the space financially through collecting the donations of money and other necessary item needs given by the rich and wealthy people in every month as part of donation to this project Vfor support. Besides, in order to generate income, sustaining the business of this project and attract the audience to visit this place, the Street Feeders will interview the community regarding on their overall experiences in this place, feedbacks, suggestion of improvement and do they recommend it to the people around, then make it into a video as part of marketing and advertisement to promote this place to the people around the world through social media. Also, the Street Feeders will also collaborate with The Borgen Project, UNDP and OCHA which are the global organisations to help poverty to fight for their life, to invest on this project proposal and sponsoring the space, resources, and assistive technologies and robotic that required in the place.


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The target audience aim for this project will be the communities from 12 years old above to 50 years old, and poverty in Malaysia. As part of future plan, this proposal will be launch in other countries as wellto spread the brightside of this platform to the rest of the world.

THE COMMUNNITY People in the current century are being intoxicated with a wealthy and luxurious lifestyle they having in their daily life. A good life that never missed out any good things like innovative home smart systems, gadgets, electronics and devices that entertain and bring so much convenience in their daily routine. Through enjoying and get used to the good things they had in life in the aspect of economics, people started to forget the importance, precious and valuable of clean water, therapeutic foods, lights and power electricity that they can access easily everyday, by producing a lot of huge amount wasting on clean water, leftover foods, lights and power electricity by forgetting to switch off when is not use are also part of the bad habit that is form in their daily life. People did not realise that the moment they are wasting all these, in other perspective, it is part of valuable

needs that people who live in extremely poverty desperately want to live with it or wanting to access these resources in their daily life. Therefore, this project proposal is designed to act as an adventure park to gather the community to come and play, but the allegory behind of this purpose is to let the community to deeply connected and understand the poverty regarding to the current living situations, hardship of life experiences and the needs that they desire and wish to have it easily in their daily routine. Through experiencing the games in every station, they can learn something from it. Hence, in the end, they will realize that through every game, they are actually contributing a helping hand to help the poverty by producing clean waters, nutritious foods and power energy through their will in this adventure park.

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THE POVERTY The population of poverty are the second target audience in behind the scene but generate a big impact by this place, to help them to live for a better life. In this proposed place – the adventure park, there are also a secret tunnel for poverty to come in and collect the end product for free in every station, like clean water, nutritious foods, lights and power electricity that proudly produce by the community who play through games in the adventure park. Different stations will produce a different outcome or needs for the poverty to take it back home freely. It’s just like a place that carry out the moral values of ‘Receive and Give’. This project in the place can gathers the community together, meanwhile generate income, produce the end product and giving it to the poverty as a gift, donation and charity to help then to live a better life from poverty in the aspect of economy.


ACTIVITIES アクティビティ The activity begins when the players started to register themselves. The idea of registration and check in into the space is to filling up their information, number of players and selecting the package of activities through games displayed by the screen of Retro Arcade Game Machine. By the community coming to this adventure park, they shall already know that what they are playing in each station, is contributing their will and helping hand to generate the outcome to give poverty. Therefore, after registration, each player will get a Kikai Shien Mi Band and Kikai Shien AR Eyewear rented for them, as the tickets to enter into the adventure park.

This activity exist when the players going to access from the current station to the next station. They need to walk through the horizontal machinery pathway generated by human energy. There are 2players required to manually spin the pedals beside the machine continuously to generate kinetic energy for the machinery pathway to move, to fetch the other players from the current station to the next station. When the players reach at the new station, any 2 from the players there are required to spin the pedals beside the machine continuously, to fetch the previous 2 players from the past station at the end to the new station where they are at. The learning outcome of this activity is to strengthen the unity and spirit of team work of the team. In the end, through the kinetic energy generated during the game, it will produce the source of light energy for poverty to charge their light bulb in the place.

The idea of this game station is a team of 4-5 players are required to fetch the weight of 3 kg of Seaweed-based Water Bubbles by infrastructure that integrated with assistive technologies and robotics without bursting it, travelling in 1 metre distance. Throughout the game, the value of rational thinking skills, patience and determination of the individual players will be develop, at the same time, they can start to understand that life is much more easier when there are infrastructures, gadgets, assistive robotics and technologies helping them and bring convenience in their daily life. As the outcome of this station, the players are actually helping out the poverty to get clean and drinkable water, the Seaweed-based Water Bubbles for free in the space.

The game of this activity is to let the players to find the exact location of the water resources in few different areas of this machine. They can find the location of the resources by using the AR mapping guidance available on the Kikai Shien Mi Band. This band is implemented with the future innovative technologies with AR application in it, invested by Xiaomi company. It also act as a ticket rent for each players throughout the whole game. Enhancing the better experience of playing games while interacting with the assistive technologies they have. Also, this ‘ticket’ is provided for them after their registration in the beginning. There are few repetitive of this machinery structures in same station in order to increase the difficulty of finding the location of clean water. Each player are given a baket to collect the water with their energy and fetch it to the end of this station. The group of players are considerd as completing the station game when they collect 10 litre of water, per group. The allegory of learning outcome it to pet the community to understand the hardship of inconvenience and life experience of global poverty required to travel about 12km from home, to fetch a 20 litre of water per day. Without infrastructure or transportation to fetch them or lessen their burden every day. Through the hours of travelling in far distance per day, the poverty can actually save up these times to go for school or look for jobs to support their family and livelihood. In the end of this station games played by community, the water they collected will be donated to the poverty to collect and take back home, using the Livesaver Cube invented by OCHA organisation in practice.

This is the assistive robotics and machinery structures, act as an elevator that helps to transport the players in different floor levels. The idea behind of this activity is to let them to understand the gender inequality in life. In South Africa, male can get more benefits in education and jobs than female. In this space, male and female players are both divided into 2 different random elevator structures. There are AR sensor built-in system to detect the gender of players of the group, the benefit is priority given to the group of male players, not depending on the number of players consist in the groups. Hence, a group of male players will reach the destination first, compare to the group of female players.

This station is about life of education with and without any resources. The education will be focusing mathematics using the capability of mindcalculations. There are 2 rounds of game in this station. The multiplication mathematic questions will be display on the huge solar screen in the space. During the first round, the team are required to solve the first 5 multiplication mathematic questions using their mind-calculation. They are allowed to use calculator available in Kikai Shien Mi Band to help them to solve the problem. In the second round, they are not allowed to depend on any calculators as they are required to complete 10 multiplication mathematic questions using their complete mindcalculation. Therefore, before round 2 begin, a 2 minutes of a short video tutorial will be project out or play by the AR from the Kikai Shien Mi Band, to guide them ways to solve multiplication mathematic questions using Japanese Multiplication Methods for a faster mind-calculation. Therefore, for the learning outcome, the players will realize that people who lives extremely poor are having a better primitive survival skills and more independent when living a life compare to themselves. Because they have not much choices of infrastructors, facilities, resources, gadgets and technologies available for them to choose to live with. As for the output, the assistive machine structure in this station act as a solar power energy receiver to use on the huge solar power display screen for players to interact with it during the game, also a solar power bank station for poverty to charge their Kikai Shien Power Bank to collect the power sources for multiple purpose during the daytime, and bring it back home. Hence, shorter the time duration for the team players to complete this game station, the greater the amount of power source the poverty can charge or collect it into Kikai Shien Power Bank.

‘natural disaster’ and reach the destination faster compare to walking on the shaky bridge. The learning outcome was to let people to understand life is so much easier and convenient when they can live with assistive technology and infrastructures. In last, through players cycling in the Maya Pedal cable car using kinetic energy, a huge amount of power electricity sources will be generated by the assistive robotic structure to let poverty to charge their Kikai Shien Electricity Power Bank freely in the space, and bring back home.

The aim of the activity in this station game is to let people to experience life when a natural disaster happen in sudden and assistive infrastructure helping them to lessen the burden. The experimental of this idea will be divided into 2 games. At first, the players is required to cross the shaky bridge without any prediction to know the moment of water splashing on them. The role of the shaky bridge act as an unstable livelihood of poverty in daily life, and the water splash act as the natural disaster coming out of sudden without people knowing. The allegory of this activity is to let people understand that many povertycouldn’t respond in advance to prevent the flood from happening in their village, caused by the nature disaster. Take Nigerian poverty for example. This is because there is not much facilities, resources, infrastructures and technologies available in their place, acting as an assistant for them to understand the daily weather, allowing them to prepare earlier to escape if they can predict the natural disaster is going to happen in few days later. Sadly, there are not much technology being supported in their country. Hence, when natural disaster happen, because of unpredictable, it became one of the big reason that poverty couldn’t escape from their poor life, and causing them to become more poor. The second game was about travelling from a destination to another destination by cycling in a Maya Pedal cable car at a higher level in the adventure park. Allowing the people to see the overall world of adventure park in a bird eye level. Through this game, the player can avoid from the

This assistive robotic structure is an iconic and center-hearted technology of the adventure park in the whole space. It helps to collect the rain water on top of the roof and helps to transform the air humidity outside from the building into water droplets, by using the Maya Pedal activity that contributed by the team players who cycle for 20 minutes during the game, in the end generating the power of the machinery structure to purify, filter and produce clean and drinkable water. The clean water will be transport to the ground floor of the space to let the poverty to collect and take it back to home. The moral value of this game station that trying to carry out is ‘Nothing will come for free, you have to work hard to make it happen to fulfil what you want to achieve in your life.’

The clean water that produce from the past station, will be automatically transport tothis station. The assistive robotics in this station act as a role to produce Kikai Shien reusable and recyclable lunch box, Seaweed-based Water Bubbles and food in pills that made by different flavours of compressed nutrition and therapeutic foods. The community and poverty can take it back to home. Hence, in order to get the products, players are required to cycle the tricycle for 3 big rounds to get it.


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The mechanism and particular technology to be used in the space work is Maya Pedal Technology. Maya Pedal is an idea of technology that uses any cycling and pedal method to act as different tools like blenders to make shampoos, soups, foods products; water pumps, grinders, nut sheller, tile makers, trikes, threshers, trailers and more. This invention is inspired from Guatemalan NGO organisation in San Andrés Itzapa. In this project, the mechanism of assistive robotics and machineries will be made by recycle and reusable

China, breaking down into different compartments to build a range of pedal powered machines. This Maya Pedal technology is free from carrying out energy cost, easy to maintain, deliver the experience of healthy exercise meanwhile none of any pollution will be produce. Besides, through the pedal, cycling or spinning energy done by the community during the game activities in adventure park, it will generate the output source of power electricity, solar electricity, light electricity and produce clean water and nutrition foods as part of charity donating to poverty, helping them to live a better life.



LOGO Definition of Kikai ShienRobotto: Assistive Robotics in machinery. The main color: To represent the identity of poverty. Bumblebee yellow, to carry out the identity of skin tones of most poverty population, yellow mud, and the environment they in contact with mostlyevery single day.

The identity of machinery: To represent Assistive Robotics and technologiesin the place. Allegory: ‘Assistive Robotics, is the future of poverty eradication in a futurist future.’ To help poverty to escape from reality and achieve the desire of living a better life.

’We know that life is not always fair, but we believe that the Assistive Robotics in the future can be fair.’














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This is anTheme Park ‘Osteria ai Pioppi’ that completely constructed manually by a man named Bruno in year 1970. It is located at a forest area at Battaglia in northern Italy, which is close to Bruno and his family’s restaurant in order to attract the customers. There are nearly 40-50 rides in this park and everything works manually without electricity because there’s no motor. All was built completely by hands with gravity, bicycle cranks and pulleys. Therefore, if a person wants to play, he needs to push, swing, cycle and sweat. Through using a human’s physical energy to general the kinetic energy to make the rides move. Bruno known this place as Ecological Park instead of Theme Park. Because, all of his works was often inspired the elements, patterns and movements that could be found in nature, so he applied his inspirations into his ‘wildly varied rides’. It tooks for more than 40 years of time for Bruno to build this park from stretch. And all of the rides have different designs and uniqueness, so through playing with different rides, it will provide the people with different kinds of fun and beautiful memories. Hence, these is what makes this park beautiful and special. Image retrieved from

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The Malaysian poverty is the main audience who will be benefit the most from the services offer in the proposed project ‘Kikai ShienRobotto’ Theme Park. Because, the main objective of this project designed, is to help poverty to fight for their life, and reduce the population of poverty in Malaysia. Therefore, the benefit that poverty can get from this place is, they can just come for free to collect unpurifiedwater source, clean water, light and solar power energy and electrical energy that is necessary but hard to access in their daily life. Besides, there are a team of people from Worldwide Organisation working in Kikai ShienRobotto Theme Park, to recognise the poverty from the community and assist them during the whole activity in the space. Regarding to poverty are able to collect things from the space and bring back it back, there are some merchandise and products like brandings are designed, act as gifts for

poverty to help them to charge energy source and collect unpurifiedwater, clean water, light and solar power energy and electrical energy. The merchandise and products included Kikai Shien Solar Power Bank, Kikai Shien AC Portable Power Bank (with electrical and solar generator supplier), Kikai Shien USB Light Bulb Lamp Charger, Kikai Shien Reusable Lunch Box (to put seaweed-based water bubble and therapeutic food), Kikai Shien LIFESAVER Bottle, Kikai Shien LIFESAVER Cube and Kikai Shien LifeStraw (to directly drink any water source from the park). In last, throughout the income that Kikai ShienRobotto Theme Park earn from the business from time to time, the client ‘Street Feeders’ will use it to purchase the necessary living items for donations, andorganise charity eventsto feed the street poverty in Kuala Lumpur and other states.


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COMPLIMENTARY: THE COMMUNITY The community who come and play in Kikai ShienRobotto Theme Park, are also another audience that will be benefit from the service offered from there. Because throughout the whole programming activities they play in the theme park, even they will not get as much benefit that poverty will get, but they can still get a free Kikai Shien T-shirt, Kikai Shien Participation Certificate, Kikai Shien Reusable Lunch box, Kikai Shien Seaweed-based Water Bubble and Therapeutic Food for free. Due to other Kikai Shien merchandise and products, they can get it by converting the points they collected during the games. One point equal to RM 1. If the points are not enough to exchange the merchandise they want, they can add on the balancing cash to convert it into points or just purchase the merchandise right away. Besides, they can also keep the remaining points to use it during the next time they come for visit, if they have membership card of Kikai ShienRobotto Theme Park. A membership card is cost about RM50 per person. The advantage of the membership card is not just only hels to collect and keep the points earn in the theme park, and also act as a Touch N Go and Alipay card wherever and whenever they go. Last but not least, instead of having fun while playing in Kikai Shien Theme Park, their interpersonal and social skills will be improved, and it will allow them to deeply connected to poverty through the learning outcome they learn in each station games.

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Throughout the advantages and benefits that Kikai ShienRobotto Theme Park provide to community and poverty, it will attract more publics (locals and tourist) to visit this place. Meanwhile, to generate more income to maintain the facilities and launch charity events to help the poors in Kuala Lumpur and other states.

CITE SELECTION CRITERIA サイト選択基準 Image retrieved from

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BEAUTIFUL OPENING SPACE + TALL SKYLIGHT Skylight is needed for Kikai ShienRobotto Theme Park, to allow nature sunlight enter into the space and let the assistive robotics, machinery and technology to receive more solar energy from the sunlight above. The cleaner the structure of the skylight on top of the roof, the better.

SITE LOCATION More to the landed cities that are near to the tourist area in Kuala Lumpur. Because of locating the site near traffic area and places that publics mostly pass by, it’s easier to attract their attention. Besides, the famous tourist area like Pasar Seni, City Centre and Central Market in Kuala Lumpur are places that near to where street poverty lives.

SPACIOUS INTERIOR Another criteria of the site is the interior of the building has to be spacious, clean, empty and huge. The lesser and cleaner the construction beams and column inside the space, the more the advantage of interior space. Because it’s easier to design the interior architecture of the Kikai ShienRobotto Theme Park.

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SAFETY Safety is the main requirement for Kikai ShienRobotto Theme Park because there will be a lot of floating structures in the interior. Therefore by considering how can the public access from a structure to another structure at empty space on upper floors is very crucial. By thinking of having spiral stairs, floating pathways, hanging bridges, cycling cable cars, slides, stairs and poumatic lift are also method of access. Therefore, the construction of the interior structures and pathways has to be sturdy and safe.

ENOUGH SPACE FOR STATION ACTIVITIES Besides, it’s also important to make sure that spaces of each interior structures and open area for the station games are enough to fit the target audience and the programming activities.

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The first potential site I would like to pick for my project is Skytropolis Funland. It is an Indoor Theme Park Located at Genting Highland Malaysia. The reason why is it being selected because the location of the site itself is one of the most visit place by tourist and local in Malaysia. Besides, what I found interesting about this site is there’s a high volumn of ceiling and and large space in the theme park for me to develop my project. Image retrieved from


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BERJAYA TIMES SQUARE THE INDOOR THEME PARK @ KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA The second potential site I would like to pick for my project is Berjaya Times Square Indoor Theme Park located at Jalan Imbi, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The site is located in Berjaya Times Square Shopping Mall. The reason why this site being selected because the location of the site itself is tourist attraction area. What I found interesting about this site is the height of the interior space of the site is close to a total amount of 5 floors, and there are high voluumn of fixed window to allow natural sunlight coming into the space. However, the weekness of the site is, the parking fees is expensive.


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ENERZ THE INDOOR EXTREME PARK @ SUBANG MALAYSIA The third potential site I would like to pick for my project is EnerZ Extreme Park, located at Subang area, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The location of the site itself provide plenty of parking spaces and the public wouldn’t have to feel worry about couldn’t find parking at all. What I found interesting about this site is the height of the interior space of the site is tall enough for me to develop my design ideas (project) and there are skylight on top to allow nature sunlight to come into the space.






LOGO PROJECT NAME Kikai Shien Robboto 機械支援ロボット

PROJECT ABOUT Ecological and Energy Renewable Theme Park


To help the poverty to live a better life in economic aspects in a futurist future. (water, solar, and power electricity)




‘Through the Assistive Robotics in Ecological and Energy Renewable Theme Park, it will become a future of poverty eradication, to hep poverty to escape from reality and help them to achieve the desire of living a better live in a futurist future.’


‘We now that life is not always fair, but we believe that the Assistive Robotics in the future can be fair.’

‘Kikai Shien Robotto’ is an Ecological and Energy Renewable Theme Park with a hidden allegory of helping the poverty to live a better life in a futurist future. Kikai Shien Robotto is a new era of Ecological and Energy Renewable Theme Park that brimming with futuristic Assistive Robotics and Machines, become the top influencer to carry out a bright future for people who lives in extremely poverty in this world. Besides, it also act as a platform to bring the community together and enlighten their heart by letting them to realize the hidden allegory of Kikai Shien Robotto after finish all the whole programming of station games that consist of the elements of adventure, fun and play, cheerful and curiosity.

to help them to fight for their life through producing something from the space and donate it to them.

The uniqueness of this Ecological and Energy Renewable Theme Park is, the entire built-in structures of interior architecture design are consist of the mix and match of nature and manmade. Which is the camouflage of the nature and greens implemented with assistive robotics and technologies to generate ecological and renewable energy to help the poor. Hence, there are different learning outcome is designed for community to learn - regarding to ecological and renewable energy on assistive technologies and machines in each game station, and end products such as water, solar and power electricity that are produced from the station games in Kikai Shien Robotto. Therefore, through producing water, solar and power electricity by Kikai Shien Robotto, it will become a free product and merchandise for poverty who actually just come into the space to collect it and take it back. In last, these are what Kikai Shien Robotto Theme Park are doing to help the poverty to live a better life by supplying necessary basic needs in economic aspect to help them to escape from reality in futurist future. With the uniqueness and the brightside of this project, ‘Kikai Shien Robotto’ - the Ecological and Energy Renewable Theme Park will become a local and tourist attraction place for the public to visit in the country.

Due to other Kikai Shien merchandise and product like Kikai Shien Solar Power Bank, Kikai Shien AC Portable Power Bank (with electrical and solar generator supplier), Kikai Shien USB Light Bulb Lamp Charger, Kikai Shien Reusable Lunch Box (to put seaweed-based water bubble and therapeutic food), Kikai Shien LIFESAVER Bottle, Kikai Shien LIFESAVER Cube and Kikai Shien LifeStraw, they can get it by converting the points they collected during the games or purchase it right away. Besides, membership card for Kikai Shien Robotto Theme Park are also available for community to apply, to not just only collect and keep the points they earn, but also act as a Touch N Go and AliPay card whenever and wherever they go.

Furthermore, the reason for Kikai Shien Robotto is born, because there are many people out there in this world are still living in extremely poor even it’s already 21 century right now. Many poverty are having difficulties in maintaining their livelihood, or living a better life or escape from their reality, most of it was came from a bigger picture of economic issue. They are lacking access of economic basic needs such as clean water, electricity, infrastructure, resources, education and so on. Therefore, this Ecological and Energy Renewable Theme Park is born

Besides, Kikai Shien Robotto Theme Park is targeting the community as audience, and also poverty who can actually get benefits from the products, services and outcome that produce by the space. For the community, instead of playing the games regarding to ecological and energy renewable to produce water, solar and power electricity, they can also get extra benefits like receiving free Kikai Shien T-shirt, Kikai Shien Participation Certificate, Kikai Shien Reusable Lunch box, Kikai Shien Seaweed-based Water Bubble and Therapeutic Food.

Moreover, since the purpose of Kikai Shien Robotto is to help poverty to fight for their life, they can just come for free to collect unpurified water source, clean water, light and solar power energy and electrical energy that is necessary but hard to access in their daily life. There are a team of people from Worldwide Organisation working in Kikai Shien Robotto Theme Park, to help recognise them from the community and assist them during the whole activity in the space. Besides there are merchandise and products as mentioned before, are giving to them to charge energy source and collect un-purified water, clean water, light and solar power energy and electrical energy. Hence, throughout the income that Kikai Shien Robotto Theme Park earn from the business from time to time, the client ‘Street Feeders’ will use it to purchase the necessary living items for donations, and organise charity events to feed the street poverty in Kuala Lumpur and other states. In the end, the Street Feeders will help to

sustain the space financially through collecting the donations of money, business income, launch charity events , promote Kikai Shien Robotto Theme Park to the social media to attract the public to visit, looking for sponsorship and so on. They will collaborate with The Borgen Project, UNDP and OCHA which are the global organisations to help poverty to fight for their life, to invest on this project proposal and sponsoring the space, resources, and assistive technologies and robotic that required in the place.


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