Design Portfolio

Page 1

BerniceShum Educati on Carleton Uni versi ty

[ bachelorofarchi tecturalstudi es-i n progress]

EarlHai g SecondarySchool

[ ontari o secondaryschooldi ploma2013]

experi ence Azri eliSchoolofArchi tecture& Urbani sm, blog 22

[ photoj ournali st,graphi c desi gner]September2015-current

Habi tatforHumani ty

[ bui ld si tevolunteer]Summer2015

Azri eliSchoolofArchi tecture& Urbani sm DouglasCardi nal ’ sAbori gi nalCentreI nstallati on Mesbur& Smi th Archi tects

[ research assi stantforprofessormanuelbaez]Summer2014 [ i ntern archi tecturalassi stant,j uni ori nteri ordesi gner]Summer2013,2014

professi onalski lls autocad rhi noceros revi t sketchup 3DSMax

i nterests photography sketchi ng traveli ng musi c urban planni ng

contact berni ceshum. cmai l. carleton. ca 318HolmesAvenueToronto,Ontari o m2n 4n3 [ 613]2189698

photoshop i llustrator i ndesi gn mi crosoftoffi ce hand drafti ng & modelli ng

Body ,Mi nd,Spi ri t Bo o k s t o r e , He a l t h&We l l n e s sCe n t r e St ud i o3,Wi n t e rSe me s t e r


NI GHTTI MERENDER ofbookstoreand plaza

archi tecturaldrawi ngs

earlyfacadestudi es

north wallfacaderepresenti ng perforated metal

perspecti valvi ew

north facadewi th parti alvi ew ofresi denti alspace

perforati onsdetai l

phenomenologi calstudi es

mai n levelwherecafei slocated and spi ral stai rcaseleadsto second floor

second floorwhereyogastudi o,male,femaleand handi capwashroom i slocated aswellasstorageand changerooms

materi ali tystudi es archi tecturalconcepts: 1.contrastofli ghtand darknessthrough aspati alexperi ence 2.thetransi ti onalstatesofmi nd ascendi ng and descendi ng through spaces 3.thei deaoforangi c form through arelati onshi pbetween man and nature

materi alstudyofwood i nteri ors

rhi noceros5. 0di gi talmodel

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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b o d y , m i n d , s p i r i t

doubleexposurewatercolour pai nti ng

submi ssi on forMi chael ’ sFi neArtsCompeti ti on,15”x22. 5” august2015

Di gi taland I nksketches Summer2015

AlexandraBri dge( OttawaGati nea) Photograph march 2014

TheCanadi an BankofCommerce( Toronto) photograph may2015

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