From the Head of School
Snowy Candy Land activity during Winter Carnival
reetings from the Hilltop. As I write this, we have been blessed with a great stretch of late winter weather. The combination of temperatures above freezing and a healthy covering of snow on the ground has allowed our winter carnival activities to extend over a number of days. Recently, I have witnessed sled races, broomball, sledding, curling, and even a life-sized version of the board game “Candy Land.” These activities, and the joy they bring to all involved, remind me of how critical it has been for us to be together here on campus for as much of this year as possible. Our faculty and staff, who are heroes for their efforts, have provided our students with an incredible program both inside and outside the classroom. I continue to be thankful for all of our community members’ efforts, which have allowed us to have such a successful year on campus. While the snow is still somewhat fresh, spring is certainly in the air. My morning walks with our dog, Coco, mostly in the dark for the past couple of months, now include
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