Return to School Plan for the 2020-2021 Academic Year As of July 17 , 2020
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction............................................................................................................................... 3 Important Dates........................................................................................................................4 About Our Approach................................................................................................................ 5 Guiding Principles..................................................................................................................... 6 The Important Role of Families................................................................................................ 7 Community Expectations......................................................................................................... 8 Berwick Return to School Playbook........................................................................................ 9 Color Codes............................................................................................................................. 10 Health and Safety Measures...................................................................................................12 Accommodations and Support............................................................................................... 14 Investments In Safety, Financial Aid and Our Community.................................................16 Berwick Return to School Committee...................................................................................19 Additional Considerations..................................................................................................... 20 See You Soon.......................................................................................................................... 20
INTRODUCTION The emergence of the novel coronavirus pandemic in late 2019 and its global spread through early 2020 compelled Berwick Academy, like other schools around the world, to reevaluate nearly every aspect of its educational practices. Across the School, teachers, staff, parents, and students have demonstrated extraordinary resilience. Our faculty have adopted creative and innovative solutions that have enabled our students to thrive. With all that we have learned about the virus and how it is transmitted and managed, we believe it is possible to bring our students, faculty, and staff back together this fall. It will take all of us working together to make this successful. We understand that this transition back to school may come with concerns and complexities, and we are committed to reorienting your children to the new school year in the safest and most supportive way possible.
Initial Return to School Plan released
July 13
Zoom Session with Ryan Feeley and Jim Hamilton
Week of August 10*
Return to School Plan update
Week of August 17
Parent Zoom meetings with Division Directors and Head of School
September 2
First day of school (opening week schedule will be modified to allow for smooth re-entry for students)
* While we are typically able to provide class placements and schedules, the student handbook, and event calendar in early August, we anticipate that these will come out in mid to late August.
ABOUT OUR APPROACH Berwick Academy believes that the ideal teaching and learning environment is one in which students and teachers are able to interact with each other in person on our campus. We also recognize the vital importance of creating a campus environment that addresses the health and safety concerns of our students, faculty, and staff. Our Return to School Plan seeks to do both, providing a roadmap for our community to follow in the months ahead. This plan represents the thoughtful work of the Berwick Return to School Committee, a task force of 25 including faculty, staff, administrators, and parents. It is a plan that invests heavily in a set of stringent health and safety measures. It is also a plan that is designed to allow the School to adapt to the changing conditions of the pandemic and still provide educational continuity for our students.
GUIDING PRINCIPLES Berwick Academy has defined four guiding principles that help to inform our decisions as we return to school. These principles speak to our Mission, Vision, and Commitment to Community. They are also aligned with what we have gained from our experience with remote learning this spring and the feedback from our recent parent survey.
Health & Safety Berwick Academy’s highest priority is the health and well-being of its community. We believe that a healthy environment is ultimately a secure environment, one in which students, teachers, and staff are able to thrive. We also believe that we have an obligation to support the health of the broader community – from our own Berwick Academy families to those around the Seacoast. At all times, we will seek to align our measures with guidance from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, The Maine Department of Education, The Association of Independent Schools of New England (AISNE), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Given our constituency, we are also closely monitoring guidelines from Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
On-Campus Instruction Berwick Academy believes that the optimal learning environment for children is one in which they are learning from their teachers and fellow students in person. We also recognize the value of the unique role our campus plays in the education of our students. To the best of our ability and in accordance with official health guidelines, we will seek to provide as much on-campus instruction as possible for all students.
Academic Excellence and Continuity Berwick Academy believes in the pursuit of academic excellence in any context and that a continuous educational experience is vitally important to achieving this end. While health circumstances may necessitate certain changes or restrictions to student life, our ultimate goal is to support our students’ learning and development as seamlessly as possible.
Community and Social Emotional Learning We appreciate that this is a unique and challenging time for all of our students. We continue our commitment to supporting our students in age-appropriate ways to care for themselves and others. We know that we do this best through our community programming and through the connections our faculty make with our students. As we did this spring, no matter what our learning environment is this year, there will be an emphasis on community programming and the connections that happen beyond the classroom.
THE IMPORTANT ROLE OF FAMILIES Families play a vital role in maintaining safety on campus. The number one safety measure is to keep a child home if they are sick. We want to work with families to support their child’s adherence to safety measures while they are on campus as well as at home. To support this effort, prior to the start of school, we will provide informational materials and videos to help students and families understand safety expectations. We understand that there are families with higher risk members in their households. As a community that prioritizes health and safety, we must all do our part to adhere to state health recommendations and regulations to control transmission and potential future outbreaks. Moreover, there may be times when we ask families to comply with broader safety measures, and we greatly appreciate your cooperation in this regard. We also expect you will have questions and welcome your feedback and suggestions. We are eager to listen to and help each family navigate any concerns they may have. Please feel free to contact Assistant Head of School for Academic Affairs Ryan Feeley or School Nurse Karen Chiang
COMMUNITY EXPECTATIONS All members of the Berwick Academy community have a shared responsibility to prevent the spread of illness when they are aware or suspect that they have contracted a communicable disease. It is imperative that all members of our school community remain committed to the safety policies and procedures listed in this and future communications to help keep students, staff, and faculty safe. By enrolling your child at Berwick Academy, you agree to the following requirements: Follow Federal, State, and Local Orders. All families are expected to adhere to the directives of applicable federal, state, and local government health departments, including the CDC, regarding physical distancing in public and other measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. COVID-19 Testing and Notification. If your child or someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19, you must notify School Nurse Karen Chiang at 207-384-2104,, as soon as possible. Stay Home if Sick. If your child is sick, you are expected to keep them home from school. Further details regarding our sick policy will be shared later this summer. Stay Home if Exposed. If anyone in your household has been in contact with an individual infected with COVID-19, you are asked to notify School Nurse Karen Chiang 207-384-2104, kchiang@ Based on the circumstance, you may be asked to keep your child home from school for 14 days.* Travel. Families are urged to avoid all unnecessary travel and to notify the school of plans to travel commercially outside of New England. In the event of such travel, students may be asked to self-quarantine upon their return for 14 days.* Health Checks. The School will require daily self-health checks before arrival to campus. If your child has a temperature that is higher than 100.4 F, you are required to keep your child home. Hygiene. Practice and reinforce good hygiene practices at home, in particular, the importance of frequent handwashing. Students’ Personal Items. Limit the items your child brings onto campus each day and reinforce policies around the sharing of food, supplies, and other items with other students. Medical Forms; Emergency Contacts. Parents must complete and submit all required student medical forms prior to August 1. Parents must review and update their emergency contact list (via Magnus) to identify those who are able to promptly pick up your child from the School if your child presents with a temperature or becomes ill during the school day. *Any time a student is required to quarantine, provisions will be made to support continuity of learning from home.
BERWICK RETURN TO SCHOOL PLAYBOOK The Administrative team is monitoring health indicators reported by the local agencies as well as our school community daily. This group is and will continue to actively work to pivot our programming with as little disruption to our students as possible. Our goal is to communicate regularly and efficiently with our families. Our overall goal will be to calibrate our school operations and instruction to the public health conditions present at the time. Berwick Academy will issue an update to the overall health risk status of the School and our operational plan in the form of a four-tiered Color Code system.
The Color Code will be shared on the Berwick Academy School website, and any changes in status (e.g. Green to Yellow or Yellow to Orange) will be communicated to families. At all times, we will strive to provide families with as much preparation time as possible for any potential changes to our operational and risk status. Depending on health conditions at the time, Berwick Academy may open the school year at an elevated level of alert. We may also choose to begin school with more stringent safety protocols in an effort to orient our community to the new safety standards.
COLOR CODES Berwick Academy will use a four-tiered color-coded system to help define the health status of our campus environment. These tiers provide general guidelines for activities on and off campus. Further details will be shared in the Student Handbook addendum later this summer. Level of Alert GREEN
General Conditions
Learning Environment
• No new infections in • Campus is open Maine, New Hampshire, • All students on campus and Massachusetts • Open all days
Daily Schedule • Daily academic schedule remains the same as in the fall and winter of the 2019-20 school year
• We will return to the pre-pandemic structure of the school day
Full Return to On-Campus Learning
• School sports and activities, both during and after school, recommence
Without Restrictions
• After Care runs as normal
• Infections low but present in the Seacoast area
• Campus is open • All students on campus • Open all days
• Elevated safety measures and PPE
Full Return to On-Campus Learning
• Use of nontraditional classroom space to meet safe physical distancing recommendations
With New Safety Requirements (based on current
• Select school sports and activities, both during and after school, recommence with modifications to meet health guidelines
conditions, this is the most likely scenario for September)
• After Care available with modifications to meet health guidelines
• Middle and Upper School use a sevenday rotation in the same structure as the schedule from fall and winter of the 201920 school year easily transferable to remote model if needed • Lower School uses a five day schedule easily transferable to remote model if needed • All three divisions have modified period lengths, increased arrival time, more structured recess and free periods, and classroom spaces will be assigned to allow for safe distancing based on section size
Level of Alert ORANGE
General Conditions
Learning Environment
• Government requirement or recommendation to increase physical distancing beyond 6 feet
• Campus is open • Pre-K–Grade 6 on campus every day/all day • Grades 7-12 enter a blended half on campus and half remote learning
All students follow the Berwick Low-
• All school sports and activities either canceled or significantly modified to allow for increased physical distancing
Density Blended Learning Plan
• After Care may not be available
All students follow the Berwick Remote Learning Plan
• The public health situation in the Seacoast significantly worsens due to an escalation of the pandemic
• Campus is closed except for essential faculty and staff
• State Health Department, Mayor or Governor has issued stay-at-home orders or otherwise closed all schools
• All school sports and activities canceled (unless it is possible for these to continue online)
• Remote learning for all students
Daily Schedule • Pre-K–Grade 6 follow a full on campus schedule every day • Grades 7-12 follow a hybrid schedule featuring a blend of on campus and remote classes • All three divisions have modified period lengths, increased time for check-in in the morning, more structured recess and free periods, and classroom spaces will be assigned to allow for safe distancing based on section size • Students in all divisions follow a remote schedule modified from the schedule used in our yellow (moderate) scenario • Students in Middle and Upper Schools have three synchronous and two asynchronous classes daily
HEALTH AND SAFETY MEASURES The health and safety of our community is our highest priority. The following is a list of safety measures that we are planning to put in place, regardless of our alert level. Further details about these and other safety measures will be shared in our upcoming student handbook.
Face coverings All students and faculty will maintain physical distancing when possible. Students* and faculty will be required to wear approved face coverings. There will be “mask breaks� at certain times, such as meals. Coverings include disposable and cloth masks, neck gaiters, and face shields. (Face coverings policy updated on July 17, 2020) * More details to follow about grade specific requirements especially as it relates to the lower school.
Physical distancing Movement on campus and between classes will be controlled and directed to maintain physical distancing for students. In classrooms, students will be seated with spacing to minimize transmission risk.
Hand hygiene Students and faculty will be expected to wash their hands as often as possible throughout the day. Hand sanitizer dispensers will be available in every classroom and at every building entrance to ensure regular access.
Enhanced cleaning/disinfection schedule Daily cleaning practices will be compliant with CDC recommendations, including the types of cleaning products used and the frequency of cleaning. Special attention will be paid to the cleaning of high touch surfaces throughout the day.
Health screening Families are asked to monitor their household members for symptoms, including fever, and avoid bringing children to school who have experienced a fever within the past 48 hours or exhibited COVIDrelated symptoms. Regular health-check self-screenings will be required for all students, employees, and visitors prior to coming to campus. Students who develop symptoms during the day will be separated from others, and parents/guardians will be contacted to arrange pick-up.
Foodservice Currently, we are evaluating our options in regard to safely providing lunch service. It is our goal to continue to provide a healthy and delicious lunch for our students.
Other safe classroom practices Teaching methods will be adjusted to minimize shared equipment or learning materials between students; classroom practices will reduce the transfer of objects between home and school and touching of other students’ personal belongings.
Self-care and well-being Our holistic approach will continue to pay close attention to student mental health and well-being to build resilience and cope with the stress or anxiety students may experience in this pandemic context.
Student or employee tests positive for COVID-19 If a student or employee has a COVID-19 infection, school officials will perform contact tracing and enforce quarantining of those infected and their contacts. Provisions will be made to support continuity of learning from home during quarantine periods.
ACCOMMODATIONS AND SUPPORT While it is our hope that as many of our students and faculty are able to begin the school year together in person, we recognize that there are situations where a student, teacher, or staff member has a personal health situation that puts them at particular risk for COVID-19. We support the health and wellness of all of our community members and will do our best to accommodate the unique needs of individual students and employees. If your child is immunocompromised or you have particular concerns about their presence on our campus, we ask that you notify your child’s Division Director as soon as possible.
Field trips All off-campus field trips are currently suspended.
Visitors on campus All visitors to campus, including parents, will be asked to complete a self-screen upon arrival. In elevated states of alert, visitors may be required to make an appointment prior to arrival. (These provisions will not apply to parents simply picking up children.)
Spaces on campus Berwick is fortunate to have an expansive and robust physical plant that allows for creativity in how we use space. We are reassigning classrooms, converting larger spaces across campus into classroom space, and using outdoor spaces during warmer months. Spaces will be assigned based on square footage to accommodate physical distancing.
Late-start Thursdays Due to the complexities of transportation and drop off, we will be removing late-start Thursdays from our scheduling for the year.
Bus transportation to school We are committed to providing transportation to and from school for our students. However, the bus ride will look different this year. Seating will be limited and spaced for physical distancing. Students will be assigned a seat. Bus cleaning and sanitizing will be increased. Students will be expected to wear a mask while on the bus. Unfortunately, at this time we are not able to accommodate occasional-use riders.
INVESTMENTS IN SAFETY, FINANCIAL AID AND OUR COMMUNITY As we navigate the current health crisis and its related financial impact, Berwick Academy is committed to three important goals: to provide safe, in-person instruction for all students; to keep all of our students (both new and returning) enrolled; and to retain all of our employees to the best of our ability. The pursuit of these goals requires that Berwick Academy make significant financial investments across a broad range of efforts, including:
ENHANCED HEALTH AND SAFETY MEASURES With safety as our highest priority, Berwick Academy is investing significantly in enhanced COVID-19 safety measures. Measures include, but are not limited to the following: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for all employees Plexiglass barriers and partitions on desks in classrooms Hand sanitizer stations in all entrances, classrooms, and offices Touchless water fountains/water filling stations Amplified cleaning practices and increased cleaning staff Increased filter rotation on all air handling units 25,000 square foot climate controlled tent for additional space
The daily schedule and our classrooms are also being reimagined with additional larger teaching spaces and, in some cases, smaller classes. This planning for safety and durability will require Berwick Academy to invest financial resources in additional staffing for continual supervision and monitoring throughout the day.
With larger teaching spaces needed, ALL classrooms and other areas are being reviewed and prepped to ensure that all students will have the best learning experience. Given the uncertainty of the health situation in our community and on campus, faculty will be equipped with additional technology, including remote camera set-ups to allow students who may be required to learn from home for a period of time to view a live or recorded class. While this situation is not ideal and not our preference, it will enable students to remain as connected as possible.
INCREASED FINANCIAL AID While Berwick Academy currently invests $4.7 million in financial assistance resources on an annual basis, we have committed to support families who are adversely affected by COVID-19. This need-based emergency support will allow us to continue to provide access to a Berwick Academy education for all of our currently enrolled and newly admitted students. Financial aid funds come from the generosity of our donors, many of whom have given directly to our Berwick Fund for Financial Aid. We are profoundly grateful for their support. We understand that these are difficult times and are committed to doing our very best to help families who may be adversely impacted by these circumstances. If your family is experiencing financial difficulty, please contact Colleen Meader at
AN EMPHASIS ON THE PEOPLE WHO DELIVER OUR MISSION Berwick Academy is above all things a community, which extends to our faculty and staff. We remain committed to retaining all of our employees to the best of our ability. To accomplish this, we have made financial sacrifices, such as an across-the-board salary freeze, deferrals of many capital projects, and significant cuts to non-essential operational expenses. We believe these are necessary steps to take in order to keep our community whole and intact.
Professional Development Our faculty are committed to innovating their practice to accommodate the changing needs of our students. Thanks to the generosity of the Berwick Parent Community, our faculty will be increasing their commitment to professional development during the summer months.
Tuition and Fees If we are required to enter into an extended period of remote learning we will credit fees that fall outside of tuition (i.e., bus, After Care). If the period extends beyond four weeks we will also consider the feasibility of tuition credits.
BERWICK RETURN TO SCHOOL COMMITTEE Our planning effort has been guided by the thoughtful work of the Berwick Return to School Committee, composed of faculty, staff, and parents representing the entire campus:
Program Subcommittee •
Ryan Feeley, Assistant Head of School for Academic Affairs/Middle School Director
Amy Smucker, Assistant Head of School for External Affairs
Joel Hawes, Lower School Director
Ted Smith, Upper School Director
Raegan Russell, Director of Visual and Performing Arts
Rob Quinn, Athletic Director
Kim Kryder, Director of Wellness
Lucy Pollard, Upper School Dean of Community
Cassie Warnick, 5th and 6th Grade Dean of Students
Kelly Martin, Lower School Faculty
Health & Safety Subcommittee •
Jonathan Douglas, Chief Financial Officer
Colleen Meader, Executive Assistant to the Head of School/Director of Financial Aid
Jason Murray, Director of Facilities
Karen Chiang, School Nurse
Sarah Feldman, Lower and Middle School Counselor
Kelly McGowan, Berwick Parent Community President
Lem Randall, Upper School Faculty
Professional Development & Resources Subcommittee •
Jim Hamilton, Head of School
Michael Buensuceso, Director of Cultural Competency
Jen Wing, Director of Enrollment Management
Pete Lassey, Upper School Dean of Student Affairs
Krysta Ibsen, Middle School Faculty
Mary Condon, Upper School Academic Support Coordinator
Bill Clapp, PK-12 Curriculum Coordinator, Upper School Faculty
Brad Belin, History Department Chair, Middle School Faculty
ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS We understand that you may likely have additional questions that have not been answered in this initial plan. Rest assured that more information will be forthcoming in our Return to School Update, which we will send to you in August. These documents will share further details about the school schedule, pick-up and drop-off, busing, food services, sick policies and self-quarantining, the start of school, requirements regarding personal protective equipment, and more.
SEE YOU SOON We can’t wait to see you! We’ve really missed having everyone on campus and are looking forward to the start of the new school year! Please be sure to monitor school communications for updates and additional information. If you have any questions or concerns about the return to school plan, please contact Ryan Feeley at