2 minute read

Keeping Berwick Safe


All youth and instructors will maintain physical distancing when possible. Youth and instructors will be required to wear approved face coverings. There will be “mask breaks” at certain times, such as snack/lunch. Approved face coverings can be disposable or cloth masks. Disposable face masks should be 3-ply and cloth face coverings should be 2-ply. Gaiters, 1-ply masks, and face shields are not permitted. Cloth face coverings should be laundered nightly.


Movement on campus will be controlled and directed to maintain physical distancing. While indoors and outdoors, youth will be seated with spacing to minimize transmission risk. Youth are expected to maintain a 6 foot distance when possible.


Youth and instructors will be encouraged to wash their hands as often as possible throughout the day. Hand sanitizer dispensers will be available in every room and outdoor location to ensure regular access.


Visitors and parents are asked to remain in their cars while on campus. Should the need arise for a campus visit, parents and any other visitors should contact Margot Harrington at margot.harrington@berwickacademy.org or 207-384-6199


If your child is staying home because they are sick, please contact Margot Harrington at margot.harrington@berwickacademy.org or 207-384-6199.

4Summer on the Hilltop 2021 • Unmasked photos were taken pre-COVID-19


Daily cleaning practices will be compliant with CDC recommendations, including the types of cleaning products used and the frequency of cleaning. Special attention will be paid to the cleaning of high touch surfaces throughout the day.


Families are asked to monitor their household members for symptoms, including fever, and avoid bringing children to the Hilltop who have experienced a fever within the past 48 hours or exhibited COVID-related symptoms. Daily self-health checks will be required for all prior to coming to campus. Youth who develop symptoms during the day will be separated from others, and parents/guardians will be contacted to arrange pick-up. A link to the self-health screening will be sent with a registration confirmation email one week prior to the start of the program.


Each indoor space has been outfitted with an air purification system designed to filter the air in each space 4x per hour. These units utilize exterior, carbon, and HEPA filters. Additionally, buildings with air handling systems have been upgraded to a more robust MERV-13 filter, far exceeding state guidelines.


Our primary focus will be on safely delivering our summer programs to the youth. Given the complexity of keeping the community safe, we will not host in-person family events that correspond with your child’s program.

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