The Seven Secrets of Success With Brokerville™ Most financial professionals have never taken formal sales training. Sales is the process of talking to another person so that they get what they want from the conversation. Most sales people are not very good because they talk to people attempting to get what the sales person wants. So when you call your prospect to make an appointment, you need to find out what they want. You find out what your prospect wants by asking questions. That means you don’t talk, you ask questions and the prospect talks.
Secret #1—Know what to say. We have documented the questions you want to ask the prospect when you call them in a short booklet called “How to Follow Up on Your Prospects.” To assist you further, we’ve recorded these follow up conversations so that you can hear them. Both of these resources are found in the Advisor Center.
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Not only are most people in sales not very good because they talk too much and don’t ask the right questions, but when the prospect responds, they don’t listen. If you listen to the prospect’s
words, that’s incorrect. If you listen to your prospect correctly, then Secret #2 will be nothing new to you.
Secret #2—Don’t listen to a prospect’s words, listen to their concerns. If a prospect says they did not order the booklet (i.e. they don’t recall it) or they were on a web site to win a prize, this is irrelevant information that says nothing about their concerns. You want to know their concerns so you ask, “What would have motivated you to order a booklet about long term care insurance?” Top producers don’t listen to what people say. They ask questions that have prospects reveal their concerns and then use those concerns to set a reason to meet. Once you focus on asking questions using the resources in the Brokerville Back Office and listening to prospect concerns, you don’t make a big deal out of the easy steps involved: 1. You log into your Back Office each day and get your new leads (don’t rely on emails because the average email goes through six “nodes” on the Internet. The email we send you can get lost in any one of those nodes). 2. You print the booklet from the Back Office and send it to your prospect. 3. You call the prospect in two days and set an appointment to meet, using secrets 1 and 2 above. Which leads us to:
Secret #3—Don’t make a big deal about simple things. Converting these prospects to appointments is a three step process. If it’s difficult for you to figure out, then hire an assistant, ask your kids to help you, contact if you need computer help, or take your photo and booklet down to Kinkos if you don’t know how to get your picture on the booklet. But like Nike says “Just Do it.” One of the advisors using the Brokerville system invested $4,500 with us over four weeks and purchased 250 prospect matches. From that investment, he earned $70,000 in commissions. That’s a very good return on investment. This will not happen to most advisors that use the Brokerville system because they don’t realize:
Secret #4—If you think small, you’ll get lousy results. We have advisors that want to start with five leads and we tell them forget it, not to waste their time. It’s possible the first five people you talk to will be “lost causes”. Perhaps you’ve heard of the law of large numbers. It says that you won’t get the true probability of success unless you make enough attempts. If you flip a coin 10 times, it may
come up heads every time. But if you flip it 1000 times, you will get very close to 500 heads and 500 tails. If you want to do anything in a small way, don’t bother. You need to talk to enough prospects because the first nine could be useless and the tenth might be the biggest client you ever had. Now this last secret has in it the seeds of the next secret. If you crave success, then you want to know exactly how the advisor mentioned on the last page turned his investment of $4,500 into $70,000 of income. What did he sell? Did he do anything different than the instructions we provide? What time of day did he call? If he got the prospect’s voice mail, then what did he do? If these questions did not come to mind, you may not be thinking in a successful manner because successful people know:
Secret #5—Copy what successful people do. In the Advisor Center and on our web site at, we’ve captured the audio comments of dozens of advisors who make a lot of money using Brokerville. You want to listen to these people, not once or twice, but several times so that you brainwash yourself for success. Copy what successful people do. We’ve left the easiest item until last but it’s the one that most people resist. Not just financial advisors but everyone. It’s a secret that sounds so simple, people actually hate hearing it and will resist it so much, that resistance has actually killed many people. In fact, in high school, my girlfriend’s father was lighting the outdoor grill and he resisted this rule I will explain in a minute. He had the charcoals somewhat lit and to hasten the progress, he sprayed lighter fluid on the charcoals, which ignited a flame that traveled back up the stream of fluid to the can and exploded the can. He spent several weeks in the hospital recovering from his burns. The instructions on the lighter fluid can say not to do what he did.
Secret #6—Follow the instructions. We’ve been running the Brokerville program for six years and made many advisors very rich. We know what makes you successful so we’ve developed instructions to insure your success. Most people ignore these instructions and then blame us that the service is no good or the leads are not of good quality or any excuse that they can find to alleviate the truth. If the service were not good, then no one would make money but hundreds have and do. The people who don’t succeed do not use the resources we provide or follow the instructions. Please don’t be like them. Use everything available to you, follow the instructions, and become wealthy instead! Assume we match you with twenty prospects in your area in the first ten days. What are your expectations? That all twenty will answer their phone? That ten of the twenty will become clients? Those expectations are unreasonable. There is no prospecting system
that will have 50% of the prospects become buyers. The rule of thumb across all industries is that of every ten prospects you identify, one will become a client—a 10% close ratio of prospects to clients. Brokerville results are double this, as advisors tell us their results are two appointments for every ten prospects we match to them (see “Appointment Ratio” section of this page And thus we have our last secret provided by a famous man:
Secret #7—“Expectation is the root of all heartache” —William Shakespeare. Most importantly, if you have unreasonable expectations, you will be miserable. For every ten prospects, you get two appointments and one becomes a client, you will have earned, say $3000 for a $200 investment. Is that pretty good? If you average even half that, you have a 700% return on your investment, so you need to keep this in mind when evaluating your success. Consulting calls: Join us as often as you like with specific questions or just to listen. Time: Every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 am Pacific Audio: 712-432-9998 Video: There is also a video recording of the Consulting Call after you log in under “My Resources/Consulting Call”. Follow the system exactly-and have a profitable day. Sincerely, The Brokerville Team