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International Virtual Show 2021

Boulview McKenzie (P)
Entered by AJ, TR & EJ Fogden, Loxton SA 1st Female Over 36 months class
Valley View CHA Chiffon Landis (AI)(ET)(P)(R/F)
Entered by Cheyanne Everingham, McKee’s Hill NSW 1st Female Under 12 months class

Implications of the global pandemic saw several of the scheduled World Charolais and Charbray gatherings rescheduled. In lieu of not being able to gather physically the committee of the Charolais Charbray International Association offered breeders around the world an opportunity to promote their cattle via a Virtual show. Each entry was videoed, weighed, and entered into the appropriate age class. Entry videos were loaded to Youtube offering a global audience to view the entrants.
A show book was produced and was available online and all entries competed in a People’s Choice judging on Facebook. The showbook contained links to all animals entered and can be viewed on the Charolais Charbray International website.
Entries were open from February to November to allow producers in the different environments to enter their animal when conditions were most favourable. Entries were received from France, Estonia, Czech Republic, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador and Australia. The subtle differences betwen global breeding programs are very interesting. These are not surprising and are driven by different environments and market specifications
The appointed judging panel originated from four continents with three judges in each section, Full French, Purebred and Charbray. The organising committee assembled an impressive panel with a vast judging history to sort the classes. Australia was well represented here with David Bondfield and John Mercer judging in the Full French and Charbray classes. Judging was conducted independent of each other judge and results compiled. Two entries were received from junior members in Australia. Valley View CHA Chiffon Landis (AI)(ET)(P)(R/F) entered by Cheyanne Everingham, McKees Hill NSW and Boulview McKenzie (P) entered by Alizah, Eleni and Thomas Fogden, Loxton SA. Both of these females won their respective age classes with Boulview McKenzie in the final consideration for the Purebred Female People’s Choice.
The People’s Choice Bull Champion from each division competed for the aggregate. These were Full French: Montblanc, Elevage Vannier, France; Purebred: High Bluff JJ 85J, High Bluff Stock Farm, Canada and Wattlebray Pin Up, Trevor and Lolita Ford, Australia. The Canadian entry prevailed with HIGH BLUFF JJ 85J, exhibited by High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, Manitoba selected as the overall champion. The People’s Choice Bull was sponsored by the Canadian Charolais Association.
The People’s Choice Female Champion from each division competed for the aggregate. These were Full French: EMA Z MOKRÝŠOVA, Leoš Slavík, Czech Republic; Purebred: Steppler Gabby 546H, Steppler Farms Ltd., Canada, and Charbray: RFG Leona-MG80505 CHY, Ing. Reynaldo Farias de la Garza, Mexico. Steppler Gabby 546H, Steppler Farms Ltd., Miami, Manitoba was chosen as the Champion Female in the overall judging sponsored by the Charolais Society of Australia.
The Virtual show offered breeders a global audience and the organising committee were extremely pleased with the interaction especially in the judging of People’s Choice awards. Congratulations to our Australian Youth members that entered on their success. When the event is next scheduled hopefully we can attract a larger Australian entry.
Jimmy Wilson (Scotland), Dr Robert Williams (USA), Lee & Dawn Wilson (Canada)

Grand Champion Purebred Bull
sponsored by Charolais Charbray Herdbook of Mexico HIGH BLUFF JJ 85J, High Bluff Stock Farm, Canada
Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Bull
sponsored by Charolais Society of Australia DS PROVIDENCIA H22, Ganaderia Laprovidencia, Mexico
Grand Champion Purebred Female
sponsored by Davis Rairdan International STEPPLER GABBY 546H (P), Steppler Farms Ltd., Canada
Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Female
sponsored by Davis Rairdan International TALUTULU MUUSIKA A, Talu Ja Tulu Oü, Estonia
Full French Charolais
Hugo Retailleau (France), David Benson (United Kingdom), David Bondfield (Australia)

Grand Champion Full French Bull
sponsored by Charolais Charbray Herdbook of Mexico SEX SYMBOL, Gaec Micaud, France
Reserve Grand Champion Full French Bull
sponsored by Herd Book of France MONTBLANC, Elevage Vannier, France
Grand Champion Full French Female
sponsored by Herd Book of France MARTINIQUE, Gaec Clame-Andriot, France
Reserve Grand Champion Full French Female
sponsored by Canadian Charolais Assoc. EMA Z MOKRÝŠOVA, Leoš Slavík, Czech Republic
Dr Maury Dorta De Souza Jnr (Brazil), Ing. José Manuel (Pepe) Medina Chapa (Mexico), John Mercer (Australia)

Grand Champion Charbray Bull
sponsored by Charolais Charbray Herdbook of Mexico WATTLEBRAY PIN UP, Trevor and Lolita Ford, Australia
Reserve Champion Charbray Bull
sponsored by the American International Charolais Assoc. MJM JUST DO IT E3073, Arnulfo De La Garza Montemayor, Mexico
Grand Champion Charbray Female
sponsored by American International Charolais Assoc. RFG LEONA-SM 305-5 CHY, Ing. Reynaldo Farias de la Garza, Mexico