Here we are, thrilled to introduce the inaugural Canadian edition of Best in Show Magazine. Following successful runs in Europe and the USA, we are excited to launch the Canadian version of BIS Magazine. Our aim with this magazine is to share compelling stories, insightful interviews, captivating articles, and stunning photography, all crafted to become cherished keepsakes.
Best in Show Magazine will be available both digitally and in print. This year, we have planned four digital editions packed with exclusive interviews, engaging stories, thought-provoking articles, and vibrant advertisements. In December, we will unveil our highly anticipated printed edition, just in time to make a perfect Christmas present!
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us thus far. Your encouragement means the world to us, and we are eager for you to dive into the rich content we have prepared. We hope you find inspiration, enjoyment, and a sense of community within the pages of Best in Show Magazine.
Happy reading!
Vanderbilt ‘N Printemp’s Lucky Strike
Owned by Correen F. Pacht & Marc Ralsky and Judi & Blair Elford
Bred by Judi Elford and Mengru Wu
111 AKC All Breed Bests in Show
58 Canadian All Breed best in Shows
Judi: As a puppy, Striker always had that “X Factor”. He’d scan the room to see who was looking at him, then would lock onto your eyes and start wagging his tail to draw you in. Always the charmer, he ran out at the end of his lead looking for the next adventure. Striker was in a litter of just 3 puppies (all boys), and although the other two were lovely, he was always “the one”!
What qualities or characteristics did you look for when choosing a puppy for show potential?
Judi: We start by looking for a correctly sized dog of international breed type that could win anywhere in the world. The just-off-square outline, beautiful shape, gorgeous tail, and a sweet head – and of course, the Sammy Smile! To that, we have always demanded powerful working dog movement from all angles, which is the icing on the cake.
Judi: Striker went just about everywhere with us and started showing early in the baby class. His natural charisma and curiosity made it easy to train and show him. He loved it and would start barking like crazy when we pulled into a dog show venue parking lot. He could be a bit of a spectacle at airports and hotels because he’d get so excited, and, umm, rather “verbal,” shall we say, that people were always staring at him. But it’s what he wanted, so all was good. I always booked a hotel room with two beds because every evening when we returned
from a show, Striker demanded a game of “musical beds,” jumping to and from each bed repeatedly, then retrieving stuffed toys for about 20 throws before he’d had enough and curled up under the desk to sleep solidly for the night. He was very routine-oriented, and the next morning he’d gently wake you up with insistent kisses and tail wags, his eyes sparkling – ready and eager to do it all again.
At what point did you realize Striker had the potential to achieve such high accolades in the show world?
Judi: I think we realized pretty early on that Striker was going to make an impact on the breed. He had so many correct details per the standard and a personality that sold the static outline to a lot of fanciers and judges. But it was when he moved that the sum of his parts and personality was most evident. He was so powerful, and you had to be able to fly with him at his pace because he was always out front, eager to meet every horizon. Striker was extraordinary enough that some even questioned his correctness, but we feel his doubling (+1) of the breed’s previous US BIS record with Laura speaks for itself – and that’s not counting the 58 Canadian BIS he won before heading stateside.
Can you share any memorable anecdotes or moments from Striker’s puppyhood or early show career that stood out to you?
Judi: I think the biggest thing that stands out to me were two consecutive Canadian
show weekends when Striker was about 8 months old. The first was in Quebec where he finished his CAN CH title on the last day. We then drove about 18 hours to a show in Northern Ontario where he was moved up to Best of Breed/Specials because, of course, he had been entered in the 6-9 month puppy class. The first show was a Working Dog/Group 3 specialty, and Striker won Group 1st. The next show was an allbreed where he took Best In Show (and Best Puppy In Show). That was pretty astonishing to us, but turned out to be a harbinger of what was to come.
charismatic, and a team player. Physically, he had that correct size/breed type outline that can win anywhere in the world, and indeed, he won many Bests in Show under foreign judges. On the move, his head extension with a long, well-timed powerful stride was uncommon in a Samoyed, so typey. He also had in spades the smaller details that can set a dog apart -correct heavier bone, exquisite almond-shaped and obliquely set eyes on a gorgeous head with perfect ears and expression; that classic “Sammy Smile” and a certain controlled intensity to be in the moment with whoever was handling him.
“Striker was born with an X-Factor. He was engaging, charismatic, and a team player.”
How important was the breeder’s role in selecting Striker and providing support throughout his development?
N/A. I, Judi, was Striker’s co-breeder along with Mengru Wu. Selecting puppies in a litter is a whole other article!
What qualities do you think set Striker apart from others in his breed?
Judi: As previously mentioned, Striker was born with an X-Factor. He was engaging,
How did you and why choose Laura King to be on the other side of the leash?
Correen and Marc: We had been working with Laura and Robin Novack on several of our Siberian Husky’s campaigns, for example, “Amaze” - Nanook’s This Girl is on Fire, which ended her career in the top 10 of All Breeds in the USA and held the record for the all-time BIS’s awarded to a Siberian and is still the top-winning bitch in AKC breed history. We knew Laura & Robin were the right choice for a working dog. Laura is very athletic and could move with Striker, and she has a natural, God-given talent to connect with a dog, knowing what
they need. An iconic and internationally well-respected judge said this to us –Laura is the consummate professional. That pretty much says it all.
Can you tell us about your journey with Striker to becoming the number 1 dog in the USA?
Correen and Marc: No journey to #1 among All Breeds in the USA is short; it is lengthy and has many twists and turns filled with emotions and decision-making. We all truly put our heads down and got to work – we didn’t fly Striker anywhere in the USA; all the shows Striker attended were by driving and not out of Laura and Robin’s usual catchment of shows.
We realized Striker was making an impact in
mid-summer 2020 when the shows started back up in the south (during Covid lockdowns) – Striker began winning groups and Bests when all the top dogs were in the same place at the same time. Remember, there were no other shows to go to. I think on one of those circuits, he was BIS all 4 days, with all the top dogs in the groups and Best in Show line-ups –it was the start of a brilliant career.
We made a pact that if we decided to go to a show – if we went and it didn’t work in Striker’s favor, that we would never say “we should have gone to X,” and that helped to keep tensions low. There were never any arguments, disagreements, or tensions among any of us. We each stayed in our lanes – we stuck
with what we were each responsible for in terms of his campaign. We all got along and enjoyed the ride! It was truly fun, exciting, and memorable – all of it amazing!
What has been the most memorable moment in Striker’s career so far?
Laura King: His first group win at WKC and going into Best in Show – that whole experience, the tunnel, and the breed announcement – he was on fire and moved like a dream. The crowd was behind him, and it was a dream – a true goosebump moment. While Lyndhurst was outstanding,
my biggest regret in his career was that the two of us didn’t have the experience of going around the ring at Madison Square Garden. I just know the crowds would have gone wild! Correen and Marc: I think there were many memorable moments, but the most unforgettable ones etched in our memories are, of course, the two breed and group wins at Westminster Kennel Club in ’21 and ’22, as well as winning all the working groups in Orlando in that final year of showing, culminating in being awarded Best in Show in Orlando over so many thousands of dogs. It was overwhelming. All the judges at these
prestigious shows truly changed his career, and we will never forget all these awards. Winning his 111th All Breed Best in Show was his final ribbon. There were many breed and group judges throughout his career whom we all respected and dreamed of having go over Striker and then award him so highly. Most of those dreams came true! Mr. Shelton awarding Judi and Striker the
group in Orlando (Dec 2018) was truly the start of it all! We sat ringside and went to Judi right afterward and said he is spectacular – “You know, we should all work together and campaign him.” Little did we know!!
His “celebrity status” was unexpected and brought much positive attention both to us and the breed.
Judi: There are so many memorable moments it’s hard to single out just one. Two that come to mind are Striker and I going BIS under a South American judge at Canada’s largest show in Spruce Meadows, Alberta (Alberta Kennel Club) during our 2019 Canadian campaign. The second was me flying into the US
for Westminster 2021 amid COVID restrictions. Traveling alone and telling no one I was there, I watched both the breed and the group covertly from ringside. Striker had also shown at Westminster in 2018 and 2019 and hadn’t gotten out of the breed. We knew this show was a hard nut to crack, so we took nothing for granted. It was such a thrill to see these wins live due to missing most of his US campaign because of the US-Canada border closure during the pandemic. I wasn’t able to be there to witness his second WKC breed and group wins in 2023 due to being at the longplanned WDS in Madrid; however, I did set an alarm to get up in the middle of the night to watch the livestream!
Can you tell us about your journey with Striker to becoming the number 1 dog in the USA?
Correen and Marc: No journey to #1 among All Breeds in the USA is short; it is lengthy and has many twists and turns filled with emotions and decision-making. We all truly put our heads down and got to work – we didn’t fly Striker anywhere in the USA; all the shows Striker attended were by driving and not out of Laura and Robin’s usual catchment of shows.
We realized Striker was making an impact in mid-summer 2020 when the shows started back up in the south (during Covid lockdowns) –Striker began winning groups and Bests when all the top dogs were in the same place at the same time. Remember, there were no other shows to go to. I think on one of those circuits,
he was BIS all 4 days, with all the top dogs in the groups and Best in Show line-ups – it was the start of a brilliant career.
We made a pact that if we decided to go to a show –if we went and it didn’t work in Striker’s favor, that we would never say “we should have gone to X,” and that helped keep tensions low. There were never any arguments, disagreements, or tensions among any of us. We each stayed in our lanes – we stuck with what we were each responsible for in terms of his campaign. We all got along and enjoyed the ride! It was truly fun, exciting, and memorable – all of it amazing!
Can you share any special training or grooming routines that contribute to Striker’s success?
Laura: I fed him, did his feet trimming, and grooming – really all his care – when he first came to us. It was just me – I did everything for him. I knew he needed to connect with one person. That had to be me! We became like Velcro! He is so agreeable – he let us do what we needed, he never complained.
Correen & Marc: He hands you his paws to get his nails and feet trimmed like he is at a manicurist, and he will lay down and nap while you comb and dry his coat, then turn over for the other side. Laura and Robin worked on that with him – it became his habit! He is a dream to groom. Marc takes 4.5 hours to groom Striker from start to finish, or he goes to see Laurie Campbell since Marc had a few surgeries.
How has owning and showing this dog impacted your life personally?
Correen & Marc: Our life has been focused on dogs for 30 years (as we have no kids –they are our kids). So, we have had retired dogs come live with us after their careers and have kept pets from breedings that we were part of to come, stay, and live here. The sport of dogs is all-encompassing if you let it – we have been good at balancing it with vacations that are non-dog related and have other hobbies. When we campaigned Striker, as most of it was during Covid, it was a daily conversation! It kept us focused on things that were not about sickness and restrictions.
Judi: Striker is one dog in an active breeding program but one that captured the imagination of so many people both in and out of the purebred dog world. His “celebrity status” was unexpected and brought much positive attention both to us and the breed. I mean, how many dogs are well-known enough to have a Jeopardy Game Show question? A book written about their journey (Dogland/Tomlinson)? A New York Times
Sports editorial cover? And NYT Photo winner for Year in Review for April 2023?
Now that Striker is retired from the show ring, how is he spending his time? What activities does he enjoy most in his retirement?
Correen & Marc: He lives with us here in Toronto. He loves to hang out – dutifully follows his Siberian Husky wife “Awesome” around the house and yard. He loves his walks and believes everyone he encounters is there to meet him. He has several new doggie friends from our walks, and we have found a few of his kids and grandkids that live in the immediate area! He has the best life and fills our days with smiles. He is the easiest dog to live with – he doesn’t do anything wrong. Well, the only thing we would change is the early morning wake-up howl, barking, paws in the face, and kisses to get up – as soon as the sun is up, he thinks it is time to get up!!!!! Otherwise, we’d say he is perfect!
Judi: Blair and I love having Striker so close where we can drop in and visit him. He still goes wild when he sees us – a testament to the deep bond he develops with “his people”. We can tell that Striker is still hoping that at one of our visits, we’ll have a girlfriend in tow for him, and that remains a possibility that we haven’t ruled out. Currently, Striker’s grandkids and great-grandkids are making their marks in rings around the world, and we’re so grateful for the power of his genetics that happily, we perpetuated before he left on his US campaign. He is indeed a Once in a Lifetime dog and our “Lucky Strike” in more ways than one!
Could you share with us the story of how your journey with dogs began? We know you come from a fourth-generation background in the field, but what was the defining moment that led you to choose dogs as your path forward?
My great-grandparents raised Collies. My grandfather had Welsh and Boston Terriers, while my Nana owned Cocker Spaniels. They did not breed often, only showing dogs one at a time as family companions. My parents started with Maltese, then moved on to breeding and raising top-winning Lhasa Apsos. My first Best in Show award was with a Lhasa bred by Keke Blumberg Khan and Barbara Hamon. As a child, I wanted an Airedale but wasn’t allowed. Eventually, my parents agreed to an Afghan Hound, which became my first dog finished in both Canada and the USA. It was fifty years ago when I met Dennis Sprung, Michael Canalizo, Roger Rechler, and the Afghans of Grandeur— it was just the perfect fit, and they became the family I chose for myself. I finally got my first Airedale Terrier twenty-five years ago, and my passion for the breed continues to this day under the “Accolade” prefix.
Out of all the Hounds, Terriers, and Toys you’ve shown successfully, which breed did you find most rewarding to exhibit and condition? Could you highlight some of the top dogs you’ve handled in your career?
I would have to say that getting the new Afghans of Grandeur ready for my mentor, Michael Canalizo, was by far my greatest love. Am. Can. Ch. Tryst of Grandeur was an honor to work with. When she came back to me, she had very little, if any, chance to survive, let alone thrive, due to a very unfortunate situation while not in our care.
I worked day and night with her. Upon returning to Grandeur, she won the Hound group from the classes her first day back on USA soil, and the rest is history: 161 All Breed Best in Shows and the top hound of all time internationally.
Am. Can. Ch. Yours Truly of Grandeur was a wonderful dog I owned with Roger. I piloted him to #4 All Breeds in Canada, and Michael Canalizo made him #1 Afghan Hound in the USA—all in limited showing.
My favorite Airedale to date has been Am. Can. Ch. Accolade’s Black Caviar—she is the only Airedale Terrier in Canadian history to ever place in the top ten of all breeds. She also was #4 All Breeds in Canada, always breeder-owner handled.
We have two lovely daughters of hers and now four young grandchildren to continue with!
You have judged all over the world. What have been some of your most memorable assignments both in and out of North America?
I have to say AKC shows in Orlando and Westminster are among my favorites—two very different events, but both exciting. My favorite moment at WKC was awarding Kaz Hosaka and his lovely Sage their last variety award. She went on to Best in Show, and it was a once-in-a-lifetime performance and such a thrill to watch! I love judging around the world. Colombia is always a wonderful assignment that I look forward to!
What do you wish every judge knew about the Airedale Terrier before assessing them in the ring?
I wish that all-round judges who acquire the Terrier group as one of their last steps to attain all-breed status would consider their decisions carefully. Terriers are an art form, and Airedales are one of the most difficult breeds to trim by far! Terrier people are passionate about their dogs because it takes hours a day to hand strip and properly condition them. A judge who has little interest or comfort level in this group does a disservice to themselves in the ring. They are
evaluating breeding stock—how can they understand the nuances and subtleties if they have never owned, bred, or trimmed one?! The breeders know, and even the dogs react differently to improperly placed hands. Kneeling in front of a Terrier, back brushing jackets, or using baby talk is cringeworthy. Attending Montgomery week and immersing oneself in all that is Terrier would at least be a good start. Education should be ongoing and a lifelong passion in our sport!
What do you feel are some of the biggest differences in breeds shown outside of North America, whether general or breedspecific?
My observations have been that dogs are often not as consistent in type and not always in pristine condition. We see topquality dogs working with their handlers as a team. I understand that we are evaluating breeding stock, but form follows function, and I appreciate top-quality dogs in top form.
What three dogs from the past do you wish you could have judged or owned, specifically Airedale Terriers?
(1) Ch. Stirling Cool Hand Luke – Lucas and his son Ch. Tierra De Churubusco Y Chubasco –Carlos
(2) Ch. Longvue Jackpot - Jax
(3) Ch. Stirling Take A Walk On The WildsideMarcus
The purpose of dog showing was (and should still be) to evaluate and “show off” breeding stock. Do you think for some breeders/ owners it is becoming more about ribbons and rankings?
No question. The top dog ranking often has very little to do with the best dogs being rewarded. There are some dogs being campaigned that are so far removed from the origin of the breed standard or the form and function of the breed. They are caricatures. It is beyond frustrating to watch show ponies awarded by those whom you believe should know better.
In your observation, are there specific regions in the world where Terriers exhibit exceptional quality and strength?
A: I have observed and judged great quality Terriers from all parts of the world.
Who are some judges that have significantly influenced your decision to judge and your approach to judging? What qualities do you admire most in their judging style?
Mr. Edd Bivin, Ms. Roz Kramer, Ms. Virginia Lyne, Mr. Dana Cline, Mr. Desi Murphy, and Mr. Michael Canalizo. They control their ring well, are a wealth of knowledge as mentors, and are awesome humans. I respect them greatly!
What do you like to do most to relax and unwind?
Trim Airedales, garden, and travel.
What is your favorite meal to make and which one are you always excited to order in a restaurant?
Everyone loves my fusilli Alfredo and chicken Parmesan. When ordering out, I love sushi!
Lastly, amidst your judging experiences, have there been any humorous or lighthearted moments that stand out and you’d be willing to share?
There have been so many over the years! I love having fun in the ring. I take my assignments seriously, but we are not solving world peace
or curing cancer, and it makes the day much easier if everyone is having a pleasant time. One moment that still makes me laugh to this day is Jay Hafford’s partner, Jim Blanchard, almost lying flat out in my specialty ring trying to hold onto their bitch that I had awarded winners earlier— shown to perfection by Jay. As I walked down the line, Jim was nearly on his stomach in the grass,
and their bitch was jumping on him like she was shaking her prey. I asked if everything was okay, and he rolled his eyes and replied, “NO, I have her tie in my mouth!” He meant to say she had HIS tie in HER mouth! Clearly, she was done standing still for the day and was giving him a hard time. The fact that he described his situation backwards made it even funnier!
British Columbia: A Travel Guide
Langley, British Columbia, situated in the picturesque Fraser Valley, blends rural charm with urban amenities. Whether you’re a food aficionado, outdoor enthusiast, or history buff, Langley offers a diverse array of experiences. Here’s a curated travel guide to help you navigate restaurants, sightseeing, and travel tips for your visit.
1. **Fortitude** - Located in Fort Langley, Fortitude offers a cozy dining experience with a menu that highlights local ingredients and West Coast flavors. Don’t miss their seafood dishes and craft cocktails.
2. **S+L Kitchen & Bar** - Known for its upscale casual dining, S+L Kitchen & Bar features a diverse menu that includes gourmet burgers, steak, and seafood. The modern ambiance and extensive wine list make it a popular choice.
3. **Trading Post Eatery** - Situated in downtown Langley, Trading Post Eatery is a brewery and restaurant offering a rotating selection of craft beers and a menu inspired by locally sourced ingredients. Enjoy their patio in warmer months.
4. **Beatniks Bistro** - A favorite among locals, Beatniks Bistro offers a cozy atmosphere with a menu that combines global influences with West Coast cuisine. Their weekend brunch is especially popular.
5. **Ouisi Bistro** - For a taste of New Orleans in Langley, visit Ouisi Bistro. Enjoy Cajun and Creole dishes in a vibrant setting, complete with live music on select evenings.
1. **Fort Langley National Historic Site** - Explore the birthplace of British Columbia at Fort Langley, a Hudson’s Bay Company fur trading post turned national historic site. Discover exhibits, costumed interpreters, and historic buildings.
2. **Campbell Valley Regional Park** - Escape into nature at Campbell Valley Regional Park, offering trails for hiking, cycling, and horseback riding. Visit the Campbell Valley Nature House to learn about local wildlife.
3. **Krause Berry Farms & Estate Winery**Indulge in farm-fresh produce, homemade pies, and wines at Krause Berry Farms. Enjoy berry picking in season and relax on their patio overlooking the vineyards.
4. **Langley Centennial Museum** - Delve into Langley’s history at the Langley Centennial Museum, featuring exhibits on local heritage, including First Nations artifacts and pioneer life.
5. **Thunderbird Show Park** - Experience world-class equestrian events at Thunderbird Show Park, a premier venue for show jumping competitions and events.
Langley, BC, invites visitors to explore its rich history, natural beauty, and culinary delights. Whether you’re sampling local cuisine, discovering historic sites, or enjoying outdoor adventures, Langley offers a memorable experience for every traveler. Plan your itinerary to make the most of your visit to this vibrant part of British Columbia.
ALBERTA KENNEL CLUB (Summer Classic) - Foothills, Alberta
Start date. August 2, 2024
End date. August 5, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 08, 2024
4 All Breed Shows / Limited Breed Shows for Group 2, 3, 6, 7 / 4 Obedience Trials / 5 Rally Obedience Trials
Societe Canine de Quebec - Saint-Agapit, Quebec
Start date. August 2, 2024
End date. August 4, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 17, 2024
3 All Breed Shows / Limited Breed Shows for Group 1, 3 & 5 / 4 Obedience Trials / 5 Rally Obedience Trials
Campbell River Dog Fanciers Society - Campbell River, BC
Start date. August 3, 2024
End date. August 5, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 17, 2024
3 All Breed Shows / 4 Rally Obedience Trials
Barrie Kennel & Obedience Club - Thornton, Ontario
Start date. August 3, 2024
End date. August 5, 2024
Closing date. July 19, 2024 SHOW CALENDAR AUGUST ‘24
Premium list. YES
3 All Breed Shows / Limited Breed Shows for Group 1, 3 & 7
Grey-Bruce Kennel & Obedience Club - Owen Sound, Ontario
Start date. August 6, 2024
End date. August 8, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 22, 2024
Alberni Valley Kennel Club - Courtenay, BC
Start date. August 6, 2024
End date. August 8, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 17, 2024
Details. 5 All Breed Shows
3 All Breed Shows / 1 Obedience Trial / 3 Rally Obedience Trials
Edmonton Kennel Club - Edmonton, Alberta
Start date. August 8, 2024
End date. August 11, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 15, 2024
4 All Breed Shows / 3 Obedience Trials / 6 Rally Obedience Trials
North Shore Dog Club - Thunder Bay, Ontario
Start date. August 9, 2024
End date. August 11, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 24, 2024
Details. 5 All Breed Shows
Glacier View Kennel Club - Courtenay, BC
Start date. August 9, 2024 End date. August 11, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 24, 2024
Details. 3 All Breed Shows
Kilbride & District Kennel Club - Caledonia, Ontario
Start date. August 9, 2024 End date. August 12, 2024
Premium list. NO
Closing date.
Details. 4 All Breed Shows / Limited Breed Shows for Groups 1, 3, 5 & 7
Conception Bay Kennel Club - Harbour Grace, Newfoundland
Start date. August 10, 2024 End date. August 11, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 29, 2024
Details. 4 All Breed Shows
Societe Canine Beauceronne - Saint-Gilles, Quebec
Start date. August 10, 2024 End date. August 11, 2024
Premium list. NO
Closing date.
Details. 4 All Breed Shows
Manitoba Canine Association - East St. Paul, Manitoba
Start date. August 15, 2024
End date. August 18, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 24, 2024
4 All Breed Shows / Limited Breed Show for Group 6 / 2 Obedience Trials / 2 Rally Obedience Trials
St. Catharines & District Kennel & Obedience Club -Welland, Ontario
Start date. August 16, 2024
End date. August 18, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 31, 2024
3 All Breed Shows / Limited Breed Shows for Group 5, 6 & 7 / 3 Obedience Trials / 3 Rally Obedience Trials
New Brunswick Kennel Club - Saint John, New Brunswick
Start date. August 16, 2024
End date. August 18, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 29, 2024
Details. 4 All Breed Shows
Thousand Islands Kennel & Obedience Club - Athens, Ontario
Start date. August 16, 2024
End date. August 18, 2024
Premium list. NO
Closing date.
3 All Breed Shows / Limited Breed Shows for Group 3, 6, 7 / 6 Rally Obedience Trials
West Kootenay Kennel Club - Castlegar, BC
Start date. August 17, 2024 End date. August 19, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. July 31, 2024
Markham Kennel Club - Pickering, Ontario
Start date. August 19, 2024 End date. August 20, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. August 01, 2024
Details. 5 All Breed Shows
Details. 4 All Breed Shows
Elgin County Kennel Club - Dorchester, Ontario
Start date. August 22, 2024 End date. August 25, 2024
Premium list. NO
4 All Breed Shows / Limited Breed Shows for Group 1, 3, 5, 6 Closing date.
Cranbrook & District Kennel Club - Cranbrook, BC
Start date. August 23, 2024 End date. August 25, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. August 07, 2024
3 All Breed Shows / 3 Limited Breed Shows for Groups 1, 3 & 4
Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Dog Association - Maxville, Ontario
Start date. August 23, 2024 End date. August 26, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. August 07, 2024
4 All Breed Shows / Limited Breed Shows for Group 5, 6, Ye Olde Group 3 / 5 Obedience Trials / 7 Rally Obedience Trials
Prince Albert Kennel & Obedience Club - Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
Start date. August 27, 2024
End date. August 29, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. August 07, 2024
Details. 6 All Breed Shows
Cornwall District Kennel Club - Ingleside, Ontario
Start date. August 29, 2024 End date. September 1, 2024
Premium list. NO
4 All Breed Shows / Limited Breed Shows for Group 3, 5, 7 & Retrievers / 3 Obedience Trials / 2 Rally Obedience Trials Closing date.
Windsor All Breed Training & Tracking Club - Kingsville, Ontario
Start date. August 29, 2024 End date. August 31, 2024
Premium list. NO
4 All Breed Shows / 2 Rally Obedience Trials Closing date.
Start date. August 30, 2024
End date. September 1, 2024
Premium list. YES
Closing date. August 09, 2024
3 All Breed Shows / 3 Obedience Trials / 3 Rally Obedience Trials
Skaha Kennel Club - Summerland, BC
Premium list. YES
Start date. August 30, 2024
End date. September 02, 2024
Closing date. August 14, 2024
4 All Breed Shows / Ltd Breed Show for UK Breeds / 4 Obedience Trials / 4 Rally Obedience Trials
Halifax Kennel Club - Lantz, Nova Scotia
Start date. August 30, 2024
End date. September 01, 2024
Premium list. NO
Closing date.
4 All Breed Shows / 2 Obedience Trials / 2 Rally Obedience Trials
Essex County Kennel Club - Kingsville, Ontario
Start date. August 31, 2024
End date. September 01, 2024
Premium list. NO
Closing date.
4 All Breed Shows