BIS Magazine USA October - November 2022

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Best in Show

Officially summer is over and we can start enjoying beautiful Autumn. For some reason Autumn outdoor shows are my favorite, days are still long, we still have lots of sunny days but way cooler than few weeks ago, plus we are getting closer to Montgomery County K.C. or The Greatest Terrier show in the world. This year we will again celebrate Terriers together with Articles and Interviews about them including 2 great Miniature Schnauzer breeders Carma Ewer and Terrie Houck, also Scottish Terrier breeder Vandra Huber. Also we had a great honor interviewing one of the most successfull Terrier Handlers Allison Sunderman.

Besides Terriers, we are welcoming Mr. Eugene Blake and great world of Sighthounds, Lila Holberg - number 1 Junior Handler and Alyssa Janiszak as a very talented photographer and her 2 show reports from the Midwest. We would like to thank to all advertisers for supporting our work and we are working hard on being able to print and distribute more with each edition!

Till Orlando!

Stay safe.

DANILOVIC Editor in Chief CHRISTIAN RANGEL Marketing Director MARY MARSHALL Copy Editor LEE GROGAN Colaborator JUSTYNA SKROBISZEWSKA Social Media DJORDJE DANILOVIC Social Media BONNIE GUGGENHWEIM Sales Department 352-362-3863 BISCREATIVE.COM Art Department • •
Breeder/Owner/Handlers: The Basenji Sisters (Kathy & Julie Jones) Co-Owner: Ming Chua Our sincere gratitude to every judge that has pointed to Captain. 2 Months 8 Specialties 6 Best In Specialty Awards 2 Select Dog Awards CaptainCaptain is America’s #1 Basenji*
*CC Breed and All-Breed Systems thru August 2022 (GCh, DC Jasiri-Sukari WinTinTin SC x GCh, DC Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning SC) GCh Jasiri-Sukari Cap-Tin GChObvious Jasiri-Sukari Cap-Tin Obvious Multiple Specialty, Multiple Group & Reserve Best in Show Winning


Eugene Blake

Tell our readers about your early beginnings and how your love for dogs developed?

I was born in Louisiana, and my parents moved to Houston, Texas when I was just a little kid in 1941. I was born in 1936.

We lived in Houston up to 1945, after the war was over. The housing that we lived in ended up being given to the returning G.I.s by the government. My father could not find a place to live so as a result we ended up moving back to Louisiana to the farm where my father grew up. He was a sharecropper who also trained gundogs.

My father was an outdoors person and trained gundogs for a lot of rich people in the area. He mostly trained Pointers because that is what they hunted quail with down there. He also trained some English Setters. Back in the day rich people like the Irish Setters because they were flashy and glamorous, but not the best for hunting. We would hunt quail on horseback, and I always went out with him. My father taught me a lot about wildlife, and we lived in the country, there were gamebirds everywhere.

My family stayed in Louisiana, but my father realized he could not make enough of a living to support the family. He went on the road working for a pipe-laying company. He was on the road a lot and did not enjoy it. Mom and dad got a divorce when I was fourteen. I come from a large family. My mother had fifteen kids and at one time there were twelve of us. I went to school in Houston, but during the summer I went back to the farm—bailing hay, driving the tractor. I really loved the country life. I was never a city kid.


What was your first job working with dogs beyond the farm?

I worked in construction for a while, a gas station pumping gas, and went to work for a drugstore. None of these options were for me. A friend of mine mentioned that there was a woman who needed someone to bathe her dogs, and all you had to do was pretend that you liked dogs. Well of course I liked dogs but was used to the country dogs that slept outside and never walked on a leash. I went to the Poodle grooming shop, applied, and got the job. The woman who owned the grooming shop was named Hazel Hamm. I call her my other mother in dogs because she really took an interest in me. Back then we did not have all the grooming tools available, and we used these small hand dryers. Mom and Pop Hamm lived behind the grooming shop. I would get the dogs bathed, and Pop would dry them. Hazel

saw how interested I was in working with the dogs and asked if I would like to do some clipping on a Standard Poodle named Pierre. I trimmed his feet and it looked pretty good, so they let me work on a Miniature Poodle named Fifi. Back in the day Poodles had tassels on their ears, so after I finished trimming her feet I moved on to the ears. I had seen Hazel trim the ears and wanted to do just as good a job as she did. Well, I accidently nicked Fifi’s ear and I was so upset.

Hazel assured me that I had not cut off Fifi’s ear but I was so upset that I just quit. Around Thanksgiving Hazel and Jimmy Andrews, the other groomer, stopped by the drugstore where I was working and encouraged me to come back to the shop. “We think you have potential,” Hazel said, “Please come back.” I take great pride in what I do, so eventually I quit the drugstore and started working at the Poodle Shop again.



Tell our readers about your early mentors and how they influenced your career?

Hazel Hamm and Jimmy Andrews are responsible for my career in dogs. They saw my desire to work with dogs, and my potential. I give them the credit for giving me the encouragement and support to what I consider a dream job. And it really is not a job for me for me in the respect that I absolutely love every aspect of working with dogs. From bathing dogs to judging the Hound Group at Westminster Kennel Club dog show. There are so many people that I have drawn knowledge from and who have mentored me on learning breeds. To this day, my favorite place to be is ringside observing judging, and hopefully sitting with someone that we can discuss the breed in the ring. When I think of Langdon Skarda, Dorothy Nickles, Bob Smith, Michele Billings, Glen Fancy, Wally Pead, Ned Kaufmann, Ed Bracy, Gerda Kennedy, Bob Waters, I could keep going and not begin to credit all the judges who I was blessed to learn from. These people passed on knowledge to me, that is forever valuable. When I first started showing dogs there were so many professional handlers that were influential in my development. Norman Austin, Frank Sabella, Maxime Beam, Anne Clark, and of course Jimmy Andrews.

What breeds of dogs are your favorite to handle? What was your specialty?

I enjoyed showing many breeds of dogs, but I always gravitated to sighthounds.

How did your mentors influence what you do today?

I have already spoke about my early mentors. But I

would like to say that they taught me by example. They were true professionals, the dogs came first, you always gave 110% and with sportsmanship. Judges were respected and treated with respect. Exhibitors displayed the same respect for each other and judges.


Q. You have had a legendary career as a show handler with an amazing resume of BIS wins, which victory stands out as your most memorable win and why?

Karim winning Best in Show at the Louisville Centennial Show. That was a night to remember. Each group winner was a top winning dog, and to receive the Best in Show blanket of roses from legendary judge Robert Waters was unforgettable. That was in 1986 and Karim won BIS from the Veterans class. Youhavehandledsomeofthemostfamoussighthounds in the sport, who are some of your favorite dogs that you have handled?

My first top dog, who put me on the map was Apollo, Ch. Khayam’s Apollo, by winning the Hound Group at Westminster in 1973. I wish I would have known then what I knew 20 or 30 years later when I had Apollo. Duringthosetimestopdogswereownedbythosewho could afford to campaign a dog. Apollo was owned by Dr.DoyleRogers,andhesoldhimtoanAfghankennel, with a young talented handler. At that time, I could not afford to buy Apollo but certainly wished that I could have. I showed many Best in Show winning

Afghans, and notably several of the males went on to become very influential sires and top producers. Karim, Am., and Can. Ch. Karim Zahab Al Bokay was a Saluki that I was able to purchase at 13 months old, and I gave him to Julie as a gift. Julie was recovering from a near fatal car accident and Karim proved to be the best healing medicine. He is the foundation for all the Aurora Salukis. He defeated more dogs in competition than any other Saluki to compete in the USA. Karim was bred by Bob and Kathy Clemenson, of Bokay Saluki fame, and he was the first Saluki to ever be ranked in the Top Ten All Breed Rankings for a year. He won the national specialty three times, two of those from the veteran’s class, 30 All Breed Best in Shows, and 197 Hound Group wins. This was during a time when at any given show, the Hound Group would be steeped with Best in Show winners, so winning the Hound Group was very tough to say the least. To this day, I wish that I owned an Afghan Hound and would be able to compete. I am a purist at heart, and the presentation (grooming) of the Afghan Hound is defined very clearly in the AKC breed standard as “shown in its natural state, the coat not clipped or trimmed.” Grooming is an art and preparing an Afghan Hound for the show ring takes patience, time and a respect for the AKC standard. Amongst all the Best in Show winning Afghan Hounds I have handled, two are very notable. Ch. Elmo’s Tutankhamun and Ch. Jorogz Heartbreaker, both dogs are still having a great influence on the breed today and are top producers.

My last Best In Show winner was Ch. Jubilan’s Oclelot, a multiple Best in Show winner and top specialty winner. This was during a time when specialty entries for Afghan Hounds averaged around one hundred dogs, if not more.

LIVING LEGEND · EUGENE BLAKE EugeneBlake,CharlesNashandJimShontzunderjudgeMr.LangdonSkarda


What was your favorite breed to show?

A good representative of the breed, a dog I felt had good breed type. Allow me to elaborate further. Just because a dog finishes their championship that dog does not automatically become a special. Yes, they are a champion, but to be campaigned a dog needs to possess exceptional qualities and not necessarily to be campaigned, but to be shown in the Best of Breed competition class. When a breed is being judged for the final selection of Best of Breed every judge wants to have top quality to select from. I have always said that a special should win the breed at least 75% of the times he or she competes for Best of Breed.

What made you decide to become a judge, and how long have you been one?

Judging was always the goal in my career with purebred dogs. I revel in judging dogs. My thinking is just this, a club hires me for the day to judge, and

whatever they assign me or ask me to judge, I am happy to do. I love judging dogs, regardless of the assignment.

What is your favorite dog show to judge?

Truly and honestly, any show. Of course, the super prestigious shows are exciting beyond words, but being at any show judging is a honor and a privilege. It is especially rewarding to me to judge a national specialty or specialty and be told after that all my winners are related. I also enjoy judging in other countries and having the opportunity to see and judge their dogs.

How do you prepare a Saluki for a show?

Better ask Julie this question! Julie is a perfectionist, as am I. Her background started in Poodles with her mother Arlene, under the Aurora prefix and we have carried that through with the Salukis.


Do you prefer judging at an all-breed show or specialties?

Judging a national specialty or a regional is a great honor. Be it an all-breed show, or a specialty, I am always looking forward to any judging assignment.

How do you prepare to judge new breeds in the miscellaneous class? Is it difficult to separate the best of the best in a class full of different new breeds?

This is no different than the preparation for judging any breed. Know your standard and apply that to the dogs presented to you to judge. I judge dogs against the standard and the competition in the ring. I learned from spending time with the greats of the past, sitting ringside and watching judging. I still am learning and hope to keep increasing my knowledge of pure-bred dogs.

Asacareerall-breedhandlerandjudgewhat,ifanything, would you change about showing dogs?

In showing dogs, nothing. Breeders, professional handlers, and owner-handlers keep our sport moving forward. The owner-handler competition added to shows has been very successful, along with the grand champion title. This has given new life to dogs shows and given an incentive for many exhibitors and owners to further compete. Breeders are the backbone of our sport, without breeders, our sport would perish.

What advice would you give an owner-handlerbreeder?

Do not think that you are not on a level playing field with the professional handlers. Because you are. You are only defeating yourself when you use the excuse

LIVING LEGEND · EUGENE BLAKE EugeneBlakeandDorothyNickles2008 BISCHELMO’STUTANKHAMUN“Tut” Owner-MaryHendricks,Breeder-PeterBelmont,Handler-EugeneBlake

that you lost because the judge put up a professional handler. Many times, we look at our dogs through rose colored glasses and with loving eyes, and not objectively. And our friends will tell us what we want to hear because they do not want to hurt our feelings. Have someone video you while you are in the ring showing your dog. Is your presentation great? Is my dog groomed excellently? And the most important question you should ask yourself, is my dog a good representative of the breed? If you answer no to any of these questions, you have work to do. If you are not winning with your dog, all the judges cannot be wrong. Find a mentor or a judge that can guide you in the right direction, help put you in contact with a good breeder. Ask a professional handler in your breed to help you with grooming. If you want to approach a judge, ask the steward to help connect you or ask them if they have some free time to talk. The same for the handlers, ask them when they have time to help you, I am sure they will be happy to help.

What advice would you give young aspiring handlers just starting out in the world of showing dogs?

Showing dogs is a commitment first to the care of the dogs. The most important aspect of your job is to ensure the health, safety and happiness of your dogs. If a win is more important than the dog, than you have chosen the wrong profession. Know the breed(s), learn the AKC breed standard and present a worthy dog presented as the standard calls for. You will gain a reputation of respect from the judges and your peers.

How do dog shows influence your life? Were there a lot of sacrifices you had to make over the years?



that I would not have had without the dog world. When I first started showing dogs, it was against the law for whites and Black people to compete in sports. I was not allowed to stay at hotels, eat in restaurants with my friends after the shows and segregation was accepted as the normal. However, I never let that stop me from moving forward and doing what I loved to do, show dogs. I did not let other people’s prejudices change my thinking or make me angry. I really did not understand their hate for someone who they did not know, and to this day, I still do not understand that thinking. We all make our own way in this world, and I was just trying to do the best in mine. I did sacrifice time with my family, traveling every weekend to dog shows, which I regret, but I had no other choice. That


isthelifeofaprofessionalhandler.Itmakesmehappy to see so many handlers now involving their children in our sport. No one is successful in life without the help and guidance of others and making sacrifices. Julie has been my partner for over 45 years, and we are both dedicated to pure bred dogs.

Have you judged at any shows outside of the USA? If not do you wish to visit some of them?

I have judged all over the world in many different countries. Each experience was fascinating and educational.

When you have some free time, what else do you like to do?

Golfing and fishing.

What advice would you give to those who aspire to become a judge?

I do not think that most people realize how physically demanding judging can be. I believe that if you truly dedicated to purebred dogs and are wanting to contribute to the betterment of purebred dogs, forge ahead and stay the course. Surround yourself with good dog people you can learn from. And most of all, be true to yourself.

For those who are interested in showing their dogs what advice would you give?

Connect with good dog people. Do not get caught up in gossip or game playing. Concentrate on your dog and doing the very best that you can. Do not ever think you know it all, keep learning and growing in our sport. Stop looking at your phone at the dog show, and look in the ring at the dogs being judged. Do not leave the show as soon as you are done showing, stay and educate yourself by talking to someone you know is successful in a breed, hopefully while that breed is being judged. If you want to be successful, put the time in learning and taking every opportunity to increase your knowledge.

I want to thank the Best in Show magazine for inviting me to do this interview. I wish you continued success with your magazine and

I wish all your readers success with healthy and happy dogs. Thank you. Respectfully yours, Eugene Blake.


JAIME Vasquez

Please tell our readers how you got involved in the world of pedigreed dogs, and what breed of dogs you have shown over the years.

I got involved in having show dogs in 2008. I had a pet Bulldog that developed health problems and ultimately died from heart issues. I was very upset over the loss of my Bulldog Lila Mae!

When the time came to adopt another baby, I researched healthy Bulldogs and found a local breeder in Dallas area. I got educated about the Bulldog breed during this investigative phase. Once I saw the puppy, I loved her from the getgo. The breeder described to me that she was a show prospect, and that the puppy would have to be shown at dog shows for AKC conformation and hopefully become a champion. I thought about it as it was all foreign to me, so I said if I did not have to show the puppy that was

fine. The breeder said they would show her. My life partner, Randy and I named her Sally Mae. He took Sally to classes to get used to showing with the breeder and other dogs. As time went on Randy said that he wanted to show her. So, he did and was able to put points on her toward her championship. I got excited for him and thought that maybe I could do it as well. I took classes from a professional handler in the area and took her to the ring myself. Between us we finished her without the breeder having to do it. Since then, I was hooked in the sport. We decided to




breed her eventually and we came up with our kennel name. Since Randy was a marathon runner, we decided on Frontrunner Bulldogs. Then we bred her and had our first litter. Sally went on to have three litters and became a Bulldog Club of America Hall of Fame Bitch due to having four champion babies! More gasoline to my stoked fire of the dog show ring.

Where did you get your foundation dogs and what breeders do you work with today?

I developed most of my foundation learning of Bulldogs from many different bulldoggers. Bulldog people help each other. The most influential guidance came from Lucky and Donna Watson. They were superb mentors. They took their time and energy to help us with our breeding program and continue the success with our other Bullies we bred and showed.

How difficult or easy do you find fitting dog shows into your everyday life?

Fitting dog shows into our life has been relatively easy. The dogs are our children and part of the family. Yes, it takes hard work in the care and maintenance but anything great in life you must work hard for. I have no regrets.

Would you rather win an all-breed or specialty best in show?

I enjoy being able to win all breed and specialty. Both carry much esteem and accomplishment. The specialty shows are very gratifying since it is our peers judging our dogs. What is more assuring than getting praises from our fellow breeders. I


enjoy the all-breed shows as well. Going to groups and ultimately to Best in Show is a wonderful feeling. Especially if there are professional handlers and you become just as competitive as they are.

Do you believe there are too many all-rounder judges judging your breed and not enough breed or group specialists?

In the Bulldog specialty shows, there are plenty of breed judges. Most all arounders are also knowledgeable of the breed due to education and seminars. I feel that both types of judges are welcomed in our breed and acknowledging the standard of the Bulldog.

Please share with out readers some of your highlights in the show ring.

There are many highlights in the show ring for me through the years. I have many fond memories I will hold close to my heart. Probably the most

significant was getting the Award of OwnerHandler of the Year at the Westminster Dog Show. The nomination alone was fulfilling but getting voted by my peers is something I will always cherish and be humbled for.

Please mention some of your most successful dogs owned or bred by you.

Some of my most successful dogs include Don Juan and Gambler. I did not breed these dogs, but it was an honor to have them at the end of my lead. Both became the number one Bulldog in the nation during their campaign years. Gambler helped me obtain Handler of the Year with his dedication to me in the show ring.

What is your favorite show to attend, anywhere in the world and why?

I love Westminster and the National AKC show. I also love the feel of the Santa Barbara Kennel Club show.



Would you rather show at specialties or all-breed shows? Please give reasons for your preference.

It is hard to say what people are getting out of showing their dogs. As a breeder, I feel that it is important to have judges evaluate your breeding stock. I know that some financial backers participate to have the number one dog each year. That is fine and dandy for them, but the next year people will forget the ranking and you end up paying for the high cost of the intense campaign. The new number one ranking could be a second or third and that is fine with me.

How do you feel competing with professional handlers?

I enjoy showing with professional handlers and like the competition. At the end of the day, I have accomplished my very best.

Many shows in Europe have a breed class and stakes where breeders compete with a team of dogs bred by them. Would you like to see this class introduced at general championship shows in the USA?

I am not familiar with European judging, so I have no comment on a team of dogs. Sounds very interesting. Changing is okay with me and I can accommodate.

What are your hobbies outside of the world of dogs?

I do not have many hobbies outside of dog showing andbreeding. Iamafull-timephysiciansothatkeeps me busy enough. I also take care of my 95-year-old mother at home, and she is understanding when I attend dog shows on weekends.



Do you judge, and if not, would you like to judge some day?

I have only judged sweeps for Bulldogs and French Bulldogs. I have not applied to become a judge as of today. Perhaps in the future, but I love showing.

Is there any advice you would like to give to judges, owner-handlers, and professional handlers?

My advice to all show people is breed and show to the standard of every breed. Always show the dog to its best and understand you cannot win every

time. Everyone deserves their day in the spotlight. Remember we are doing this for the sport and our wonderful dogs.

Is there a judge that made a big impact on your life?

I am devastated our beloved Barbara Alderman passed. From the moment I met her I knew she was a special soul. She was a breath of fresh air. She represented everything in the sport of dog showing that it should be with class, honor, respect, and admiration. She was always smiling and showing her glow to everyone. I will miss her dearly. She left a beautiful imprint in my heart forever.









Allison Sunderman

How did you become involved in the world of dog showing?

When I was growing up my mother always insisted that we have purebred dogs. I started showing our miniature poodle, Perry, in 4-H. He was not show quality, but he was a good obedience dog and a great family pet. He got a Dog World Award for his CD which was a big accomplishment in the 1970’s. I was soon hooked on going to dog shows. I was supposed to get another Poodle, but the bitch missed. One of the 4-H leaders said I should raise a Leader Dog for the Blind puppy. He was a wonderful black Lab. When I was taking him to training class, I met my first Welsh Terrier and I thought she was the best breed ever. I bought her and from then on, my heart belonged to terriers.


When and why did you decide to become a professional dog show handler?

During high school I went to as many dog shows as I could and worked for handlers. I met my longtime friend Beth Cloven of Benscot Scotties and we went to many shows together. After high school I went to nursing school and became a registered nurse. I continued showing dogs and eventually started showing for other people. When I was twenty-one, I had an opportunity to start showing dogs fulltime. I did not like working as a nurse, but I did like showing terriers so that is what I did!

Who where your mentors when starting out?

I had many prominent people that helped me when I first started showing dogs. I always say I grew up in George Ward’s backyard. He was very tough, but when he knew you were serious and dedicated, he would help you. Bobby Fisher was also willing to share his knowledge, which is vast. Wood Wornall and his assistants at the time, Robert Milano, and Louie Criscione also helped me with trimming.

Who inspires you to this day?

My husband Joe inspires me! I would not have been able to show dogs without him. He gets up early every morning and makes sure the dogs are taken care of and the kennel is clean. He is very intelligent. He graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science. That has helped us in so many ways in taking care of the dogs. He can fix anything, is a great cook, and is a master at trimming. We went to shows together for many years. When our oldest child started school, he started staying home to care for both of our children whenever I was away at dog shows.

Please share some of your most special dog show memories with our readers.

One of my best dog show memories would have to be going Best in Show with my Welsh Ch. Cory Ridge Talisman and going Best Brace in Show with Ch. Cory Ridge Talisman and my first homebred champion Ch. Kymric Bounce the Rock in the same day in 1981. Another great memory is going Best in Show from the classes with the Russell Terrier GCHG Goldsand’s Columbus. He went on to win 34 BIS and 38 RBIS in less than 18 months. He is still the top winning Russell of alltime.Thereweremany otherspecialmomentswith Columbus with memorable wins under well respected judges.

Some other special moments were with Irish Terrier Ch. Kickerry Harmony of Kalaney going BOB at the national specialty under judge Anne Rogers Clark, BOB at Montgomery under judge Edd Bivin (I was 7 1/2 months pregnant at the time), BIS under judge Lydia Coleman Hutchinson as well as many other wins.



This year was the first time I competed in a Top 20 Competition and my Scottie special GCHS Anstamm Auld Tartan Tradition won! There have been so many special moments with so many dogs and people that I could write a book!

With your busy schedule, do you find time to breed dogs of your own? If yes, please tell our readers about your breeding program.

I have owned and bred Welsh Terriers since 1976. My husband has owned and bred Welsh Terriers since 1983. We have bred/owned many champions, national specialty and best in show winners. We bred several champion Norfolk’s with our daughter Lydia. I bred several champion Airedales. I also co-bred and coowned national specialty and Best in Show winning Lakeland Terriers with my client Claire Atkins.

Do you feel that there are currently too many dog shows each week in North America?

There are too many shows. It disperses the entries and causes there to not be points in many breeds. It also disperses the quality. There are a high number of shows with less than five hundred dogs entered.

Have you shown dogs outside of North America? If yes please elaborate on your experience, if no, would you like to and where would you like to exhibit?

I have attended several World Dog Shows and some specialties in other countries. I showed a Welsh at one World Show in Amsterdam. He was Best Male.

What is your favorite show of the year to attend? Montgomery of course!

Would you rather win an all-breed best in show or a specialty best in show? Please explain the reasoning for your choice.

I would rather win a specialty. Usually, specialties are judged by a breeder judge or breed specialist so the win is more important for your dog.

What do you hope to teach your assistants during their time with your team?

Proper care and control of dogs is the most important thing to teach assistants. Clean water, quality food and


as much exercise as possible. We also hope to teach them coat care and trimming, which is very extensive in terriers. I do not have full time assistants anymore; it is difficult to find people that want to work the long hours that are required. My children Matt and Lydia worked as assistants when they were younger. Nicole Williams worked full time for us several years ago. She continues to work the important shows and is a longtime friend. I have been lucky to have several friends that have consistently helped at different shows.

Many around the world are noticing the trend of handlers (professional and owner) running faster and faster with breeds who are not supposed to move so fast (as per the standard.) Why do you believe this is happening and how would you suggest some handlers could learn how to show dogs at the appropriate speed for their breed?

Some people think it is a race! Handlers should know standards of the breeds they are showing so they

can understand how the dog should be moved. They should have other people move the dogs so they can see what the correct speed is for that dog. Many judges tell handlers/owners to slow down.

There are many talented groomers in North America. We see so many dogs that have every single hair conditioned to the last. Do you believe sometimes the grooming is taken too far on certain breeds?

There are breed standards that are specific about over grooming. Judges are supposed to be picking breeding stock, but it is a dog “show.” Everyone tries to trim to trim their dog to look the best that it can, but they should consider what the dog was bred for. Scissoring legs is one of my biggest peeves.

Do you believe you are showing dogs to too many allrounder judges and not enough breeder judges?

We are showing to too many all-rounder judges. Most of the clubs cannot afford to hire breeder judges. They must hire judges that can judge multiple groups so they can judge multiple days in a cluster. The smaller entry groups like terriers are affected the most. It is completely understandable, but it hurts entries when the same all-around judges are hired all the time.

Is there a special breed you just adore handling?

I adore handling many terriers, but my favorite breed is Welsh Terriers! I have loved and owned them for 46 years.

Is there any breed you find challenging?

most terriers are challenging. Terriers are supposed to be independent, so you think that you have them trained, but you never know what they will do next.


The coats are always a challenge, too. Many hours of hard work and you cannot cut corners!

If you had the opportunity to handle three dogs from any point in history, what three would you choose, and why?

Welsh Terrier Ch. Anasazi Annie Oakley, I thought she was gorgeous with a beautiful coat and type. Scottish Terrier Ch. Braeburn’s Close Encounter, another beautiful typey bitch full of personality. Also, Jimmy’s Mose’sGermanShepherdManhattanwasanincredible dog that I loved to watch.

The purpose of dog showing was, and still should be, to evaluate and “show off” breeding stock, do you think for some breeders/owners it is becoming more about ribbons and rankings?

Most people that show dogs are competitive, so naturallytheywanttowinribbonsandrankings.There are so many ranking systems now. I do think that they encourage people to enter more shows. Shows are supposed to be about judging breeding stock, but It is also difficult to show off your breeding stock when you are mostly showing to judges that have never owned one, shown one, or groomed one.

Would you like to become a judge one day? If so, what breeds/groups would you like to judge?

I might judge in the future. I would like to judge terriers, of course, and hounds.

What are your hobbies/pastimes outside of the world of dogs?

Any time that I have outside of dogs is spent with my husband, children, and grandchildren. We have five grandchildren that all live in Michigan. Our youngest two grandchildren only live a few miles away with our daughter Lydia and husband Zack. I love and adore all of them.

Most that show dogs understand the importance of being sufficiently caffeinated, what are your coffee orders?

I hate coffee, unfortunately. My caffeine source is coca cola and unsweetened iced tea.

What are your future goals/wishes in the sport of pedigreed dogs?

In the future I hope to show more of my own dogs. I also plan to join a few all-breed clubs. Most clubs need more workers!



Talking about
SCHNAUZER 86 Terrie Houck DESTINEEZ Miniature Schnauzers 98 Carma Ewer CARMEL Miniature Schnauzers



Terrie Houck & Destineez Schnauzers

Please tell our readers how you got involved in the world of pedigreed dogs, the Miniature Schnauzer and dog showing.

While everyone has an interesting answer, I think you will agree mine is indeed unique. My father was a fighter pilot in the United States Air Force, and we lived in many different states and many foreign countries. We always had purebred dogs growing up, a Dalmatian named Prissy, a Miniature Poodle named Jacque, and then we were introduced to the Miniature Schnauzer. We did not know about show breeders when I was young, but we lucked out with our first mini, Willie. He made us fall in love with this breed. Looking back, he would not have made it in the show ring, but he had the best personality, and was super smart.

In 1970 my dad was transferred to England. Due to the quarantine law back then, we did not take Willie with us. Instead, we gave him to my grandfather. Our first Christmas there, we received a new Miniature Schnauzer puppy as a Christmas gift. We named our new puppy, Nikki, and he became our constant companion. I started taking Nikki to obedience classes in the small village nearby. One evening the instructor pulled me aside and complimented me on Nikki’s conformation. I was only thirteen and had no idea what that meant, after explaining conformation to me, he said he was a judge at Crufts (something else he had to explain to me) and he showed me the attributes that would make Nikki a successful show dog.

Well, that conversation with that gentleman never left my mind. I just knew one day I would have a show dog, and the only breed I wanted to show was a Miniature Schnauzer.

My kennel name, Destineez, was established in 1991. I wanted Destin to always be a part of my imagined success in conformation, because she was my heart dog, and the beginning of it all. I dreamed I would be destined for a bright future. Destineez is a play on the word Destiny.

Where did you get your foundation dogs and what breeders do you work with today?

Twenty-five years after the conversation with the Crufts judge, I purchased a bitch from a local breeder in Charlotte, NC. I did not purchase Destin as a show dog, nor did I have any intention of breeding her. I stumbled upon a dog show and met my first mentor, Norma Carver (Nor-Fran Miniature Schnauzers).



She evaluated Destin for me and concluded that she could have been shown. She encouraged me to breed her to one of her champion males, and my very first show dog came from that breeding. Her name was CH Destineez By Invitation Only – Stomi.

There are many breeders who I have admired and have enjoyed working with. I made it a point to meet as many successful breeders as I could. In the beginning I was like a sponge and wanted to learn, be competitive, and groom like the greats. In addition to my original mentor, I have had the honor of learning from Kurt Garmaker - Repitition Miniature Schnauzers, and Kate McMillan – Minuteman Miniature Schnauzers. They both taught me a great deal about the breed standard and breed type, they also taught me how to properly groom and present a Miniature Schnauzer. I built my breeding program around their dogs, and although I do not breed out

too much anymore, when I do I look for similar dogs in the pedigrees and qualities that I choose.

Did you have a mentor when first starting out, do you currently have a mentor or network of other breeders you can discuss future breeding’s with?

Norma Carver (she is now deceased), Kurt Garmaker, and Kate McMillan. While I do not collaborate with them closely currently, I will always appreciate what they taught me. I certainly would not be the breeder and handler I am today without their early guidance.

I have a core group of breeder friends, for whom I also show dogs. We do a lot of breeding’s and have great discussions about the dogs that are being shown currently and who we think could improve our current breeding program. Sometimes we agree, and sometimes we do not, but that is what makes each kennel unique and important. As with many other breeds, the Miniature Schnauzer gene pool is small, in fact it is based on eleven dogs. So, getting input from those you respect, and trust is important.

Which breeder/breeders do you respect most, anywhere in the world?

Obviously, we would not be where we are today without appreciating from where we came. History in any breed is important. The breeders who made the early breeding decisions established and protected the characteristics. They developed the American Miniature Schnauzer breed standard, educated the first judges, and chose to mentor new exhibitors/ breeders. I think those of us who call ourselves preservation breeders have made a commitment to carry this history forward. At the end of the day, all



you have is your reputation and integrity. I want to be remembered for being a breeder who worked hard to try to make the most informed breeding decisions I could make based on the information available to me.

With the availability of social media, the internet, and multiple dedicated canine publications available to use as research, where do you believe your breed is currently strongest?

I have enjoyed social media and the access to what is happening with dog breeds around the world. I have developed close friendships with people in other countries, and I really enjoy that aspect as well. The breed looks quite different in Europe, and Russia, than it does in North America, Mexico, and Asia. The first difference you will see in most countries outside of North America, Mexico, and Asia is, they can no longer crop ears and dock tails. This has dramatically changed our silhouette in those countries. I am not a fan of the undocked tails. The American Miniature Schnauzer Club has worked hard to keep our breed as it was established. Our standard has some of the harshest wording when it comes to the undocked tail. To date, we still have about five dogs who have finished with an undocked tail in the USA. That is far less than other breeds, who were once totally a docked breed. The Miniature Schnauzer is the strongest in the USA and Asian countries.


I do not believe you can make an informed decision about a dog you are considering bringing into your breeding program without seeing him in person or at least talking with someone who has had their hands on the dog. I would never choose a stud dog strictly



from a photograph no matter how beautiful the dog was portrayed in the ad.

What in your opinion makes a respectable preservation breeder?

A respectable preservation breeder is one who strives to improve and protect their breed, with every litter. Not only in conformation, but health, temperament, important breed traits and characteristics, and purpose. The Miniature Schnauzer is not a rare breed, but we do have to continue to educate the public regarding the odd colors that are popping up like merle and liver. The American Miniature Schnauzer breed standard only recognizes three colors, salt/pepper, solid black, and black/silver. In other countries around the world, solid white is also considered acceptable.

How has the breed changed since you first started showing/breeding? This can be in quality and or presentation. Do you think the breed has changed for the better or worse?

I have been showing and breeding about thirty years. During my time, I do not think they have changed all thatmuch.Sometimepriortotheearly1990sthebreed went from very sparse furnishings like other wire coated terriers to very fancy scissored furnishings. Our ring prep takes approximately 45 minutes per dog. It is not a breed that you can throw back into a crate once they are groomed and pull them out, fluff them up and go to the ring. That is why you see more Miniature Schnauzer handlers concentrating on the breed. You rarely see all breed handlers with a set up full of minis. It is a lot of work at the show, as well as at home. Looking back at the dogs in days gone by, I


believe our dogs have improved. I would much prefer to show the contemporary minis of today.

What is your proudest achievement?

I co-bred a dog with Kate McMillan (Minuteman Miniature Schnauzers) named American MBIS MBISS GCHP/Canadian BIS CH Destineez Wild Blue Yonder –George. He was named in honor of my late dad who was a fighter pilot in the US Air Force. George was the number one Miniature Schnauzer in AKC breed and all breed standings in 2016 and 2018 (he took a year off in 2017). Since he was my dog, I financed his entire show career. I used the tag line, “No power, no money, just a girl and her dog.” His final time in the ring was at the AKC/Royal Canin Championships, and he placed second in that power packed group. The judge, Dr. Jerry Klein said to me while getting our photo taken, “This is a Miniature Schnauzer, and I have no idea who you are.” To this date that is the greatest compliment I have received. George has also produced 20 Champions to date.

Please mention your most successful dogs, owned, or bred by you.

Prior to George, there was bitch I bred named CH Destineez Smoooth Jazz – Billie. She was ranked as the number two for the breed in 2006. She never won an actual national Best of Breed, but she did win the breed a few times during national weekends. Billie was not fancy, but she was a particularly good mini. Her greatest accomplishment was in the whelping box, she produced 16 AKC Champions and is tied for the most produced by a single bitch in our breed. I co-bred a Billie daughter, CH Mystique’s All That Jazz – Roxxie, she ended up as the top bitch in 2008,

and these many years later I consider her one of the best representations in the history of the breed. Roxxie won Best of Breed from the classes during our national weekend, over all the top specials in the country. BIS MBISS GCHS Lonestar’s Wicked GoodElle, 3-time AMSC National Specialty winner and the number one for the breed in 2010 in AKC breed points. I did not breed Elle, but she was the first dog I won an All-Breed BIS with, so she is super special. I cannot leave my last special out either, BIS MRBIS MBISS GCHP Mystique’s Knock Out – Rocky, twotime national specialty winner, and the number one dog in AKC breed points, and number two Miniature Schnauzer in AKC all breed points.

What is your most favorite show to attend, anywhere in the world and why?

I have two shows that I always look forward to, and that is Montgomery County in October, because it is our national specialty, and the AKC National Championships in December, because it is a venue in which to show case all the beautiful dogs from all over the world. Not to mention the vendors! It is just a wonderful way to end the year.


Do you judge? Who is the greatest Miniature Schnauzer you have ever had the pleasure of judging/seeing?

I do not judge and have no plans to. I personally feel like the AKC makes getting a judging license too difficult and too expensive. Except for about a dozen judges, how does one get back all those expenses in the form of judging fees? Like our breeders and exhibitors, our judges are getting up there in age and not many new ones coming along to take their places. After a master’s degree I have no desire to go through the process. I am enjoying my second profession as a Miniature Schnauzer handler too much to spend time studying again.

What do you wish all judges knew about the Miniature Schnauzer before they judge them?

That although they are in the terrier group, they are

working dogs. North America is the only place you will find Miniature Schnauzers in the Terrier Group.

The front-end assembly is so different, as are their gaits. Miniature Schnauzers should be robust, with rib spring, and deep bodies. They should resemble their larger cousin, the Standard Schnauzer. A mini should gait with reach and drive. Also, a pet peeve of mine is how long some of the heads are getting in our breed. Always remember that a mini is a moderate breed. They should not have heads that look like a Wire Fox Terrier.

If you could go back in time and use one dog at stud who would it be and why would you use him?

ItwouldhavetobeCHSkyline’sStar-SpangledBanner – Banner or Skyrocket’s Bound To Win. They were both born in the1970s, but both dogs would easily be competitive in the ring today. They exuded breed type and showmanship, and they were the beginning of the modern minis.

What words would you personally use to describe a Miniature Schnauzer?

I describe the ideal mini as robust, moderate, square, confident, intelligent, with a great silhouette.

What are your future goals/wishes in the sport of pedigreed dogs?

I hope to continue to breed dogs who are pretty, sound, healthy, and make great companions. I want to show minis who are having fun, and who want to be in the ring. I am competitive, so I will be looking for that next great special, one that can win no matter who they are up against so when they walk into the ring, they catch the judge’s eye immediately.




Carma Ewer & Carmel Minis

Please tell our readers how you got involved in the world of pedigreed dogs, the Miniature Schnauzer, and dog showing.

My husband and I were newlyweds, and he gave me a Miniature Schnauzer puppy for Valentines Day. At that time, people still listed and searched for dogs for sale in the newspapers classified ads. Because we were poor college students at the time, he found the cheapest litter available. Of course, we named her Heidi. She was a wonderful pet, but of very poor quality and extremely naughty. So off to obedience school she went. We decided to enter her in a local obedience trial, and I won a trophy for highest scoring terrier, and we were hooked. I had grown up in Nebraska showing sheep and cattle in 4-H, so showing dogs was a natural fit for me.

After a few years, we met some wonderful mentors in Dallas, Texas. They helped us find a show quality female, and we started showing in conformation and did a small bit of breeding. That was in 1974. Through the years, we had multiple cross country moves because of work. We raised our children, and now loving our grandchildren while still showing and breeding Miniature Schnauzers on a limited basis. Our last move was to Salt Lake City, Utah where we retired and have continued our love of the breed. I can’t imagine our household without at least a few Schnauzers.

Our Kennel name is Carmel. Taken from my name and middle initial. Back in the early days, we tried a few other breeds: a Giant Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer, Lakelands, Smooth Fox, and a Pug. Our hearts always were with the Miniature Schnauzers. Once we became successful breeder-owner handlers we devoted our limited space and energy to them.

Where did you get your foundation Mini and what breeders do you work with today?

Our very first foundation dog came from the old kennel Aljamar. Her name was Aljamar Honey Delite. A beautiful salt and pepper out of a black Italian import. We will always be grateful to Marilyn Lashinski and Janice Rue for giving two young college students a chance with a well-bred puppy. We were so lucky to have Shirley Reynolds (Far Hills) as a mentor in Texas. We were fortunate to have met and learned from many long-time breeders and handlers. We were that young couple who came to the dog show with our puppy, set up by the best handler/groomer we


could find, and just watched and did whatever they did when grooming. I remember using my sewing scissors for trimming and carrying my grooming supplies in an overnight case. Those early days were full of fun, excitement, and lots of learning.

Did you have a mentor when first starting out, do you currently have a mentor or network of other breeders you can discuss future breeding’s with?

We have learned from so many people over the years. Moving across the country for Galen’s job gave us the opportunity to meet many Miniature Schnauzer breeders and handlers. Most everyone active in Miniature Schnauzers has helped us at some point in time either by example, comment, friendship, or competition. We have formed a nice circle of friends throughout the country and enjoy talking dogs and Schnauzer breeding with them all. Plus, and more importantly they are our friends, and we share in the news of their lives and families. I value the advice of my longtime friends and breeders, past and present. I hear them in my head sometimes - when showing or breeding by remembering their advice.

Which Mini breeder/breeders do you respect most, anywhere in the world past or present?

Shirley Reynolds, Geri Kelly, Penny and Lanny Hirstein, and Bev Verna for what they have done for the breed.

With the invention of social media, the internet and multiple dedicated dog related publications available to use as research, where in the world do you believe your breed is currently strongest?

A: I still believe the dogs in the USA are the best. While we have many good breeders throughout the world, most of their original show stock came from the US. Although the grooming styles, different levels of competition, laws on cropping/docking have made some changes in our breed, well-bred Schnauzers anywhere in the world are very similar. Our dogs are still robust, hardy, happy, hard coated terriers.

What in your opinion makes a respectable preservation breeder?

Breeding to the standard of their country. Always being mindful of health problems and being



forthcoming with other breeders about any problems they have had over the years and having the health and welfare of the breed first and foremost.

How have Minis changed since you first started showing/breeding? This can be in quality and or presentation. Do you think the breed has changed for the better or worse?

I believe we have really become masters in presentation. Dogs in the ring today are in much better physical condition and the grooming is much better than when we started. I also believe that our breed is better and healthier than when we started. Mostly the result of dedicated breeders trying to do their best when it comes to health and quality.

What is your proudest achievement in the world of Minis?

Of course, we are very proud of Twink, the breed’s record holder for Best in Show titles and the list of number one dogs that we have had a part in their breeding or showing. I believe I am most proud when I get a note from a family, who is thanking me for the companion dog they got from us, that provided their family with love and joy for many years. Those are the things that keep me going through hard times.

Sometimes I think that being a breeder and exhibitor is like playing golf. You work hard for that one sweet shot that boosts you up to try and try again.

Please mention some of your most successful dogs, owned or bred by you.

GCHP2 Carmel Sky High Wish Upon A Star “Twink”, (Jacobs, Lande, Soos-Kazel, Phelps, Ewer)

#1 all systems 2019, 2020, 2021. #1 Bitch 2018 all systems, Top Winning Mini in AKC history, threetime Westminster winner

CH Carmel Race to Kelvercrest, “Trace” (Potiker), #1 2007 & 2008

GCHG Allaruth Carmel Still Kidding V Sole Baye, “JJ” (Zeigler, Phelps, Ewer), #1 all systems 2015, #1 All Breed 2016

GCH Hi-Line’s Carmel With A Twist, “Cooper” (Ewer), sire and grand sire of multiple BIS, national specialty winning, Westminster winning offspring

GCHP Allaruth Just Kidding V Sole Baye, “Justin” sired by Cooper, (Ziegler,Phelps), # 1 dog all systems 2012 & 2013, and the top winning male Miniature Schnauzer in AKC history

GCHP Carmel Just in Case, “Casey” (Iscovich, Ewer), Purina Mini Schnauzer of the Year, 2018

GCHB Carmel Sky High Stargazer, “Gazer” (Lande, Jacobs, Ewer), Our newest special, a Westminster breed winner, with multiple group wins, and currently the #1 male Miniature Schnauzer All Breed for 2022

What is your most favorite show to attend, anywhere in the world and why?

I love going to dog shows and spending time with my friends, and all things included in a dog show. We all love it more when we are winning, but Westminster, Montgomery County, Royal Canin or our wonderful local shows. Competing and enjoying time with friends and dogs. That’s what it is all about for us.




Do you judge? Who is the greatest Schnauzer you have ever had the pleasure of judging/seeing?

I do not judge, nor would I ever wish to judge. I’m happy on the other side of the table. I remember when we were a very young couple, going to one of our first dog shows, we saw CH Penlan Peter Gunn and CH Hughcrest Hugh Hefner in the breed ring. Wow - what fabulous dogs they were and what an impression they left with us.

What do you wish all judges knew about the Mini before they judge them?

I wish more judges would remember form and function of our breed. You don’t need a flying side gait to pull a rat from hole, but you do need a ribcage long enough to protect the organs and a short loin. While coats and presentation are important, you can always pull a long coat out and grow a better one. You can’t fix improper movement or structure by growing new hair. These are living beings - not statues. Their hair grows, and although proper coat and conditioning should be considered, it’s not more important than structure and correct movement.

If you could go back in time and use one dog at stud who would it be and why would you use him?

CH Penlan Peter Gunn. I think he had so much to offer the breed then and now. For sentimental reasons I would also like to use my heart dog - GCH Hi-Line’s Carmel With A Twist. Cooper was a fabulous dog who is the real backbone of our best dogs.

What words would you personally use to describe a Miniature Schnauzer?

Robust, active, happy, outgoing, mischievous, and fabulous!

What are your future goals and wishes in the sport of pedigreed dogs?

To continue to compete at the highest level, breed fabulous family companions and show my own dogs to the best of their advantage--or until I am too old to make those left turns around the ring.



to breed my pet Scottie to one of her dogs. She had a Wheaten which I had not seen before. I asked that if she ever bred a Wheaten bitch again, I would like to get one. She did a breeding two years later to Ch. Sandgreg’s Second Edition. I got a bitch from this breeding.

I work primarily with Rebecca Cross and her mother Dorene Cross. I met both when they ventured down to Washington State from Alaska to show at the Scottish Terrier Roving Specialty. Rebecca who was just 16 years old, went best of winners with her dog. As I liked working with young people, I had to meet them and this young woman with talent. The rest is history. We have bred together ever since. Since Rebecca got out of the Air Force, she has been my primary handler. However, I have also used Christian Rangel, Amy Rutherford, Linda Wells, and Maripi Woolridge

Please tell our readers how you got involved in the world of pedigreed dogs, the Scottish Terrier, and dog showing.

I have always loved dogs but never was able to own one. When I graduated from college, my present to myself was a pet Scottish Terrier. She accompanied me to graduate school but died due to parvo before a vaccine was available.

Where did you get your foundation Scottish Terrier and what breeders do you work with today?

Once I completed graduate school and was teaching at Cornell University, I found a small breeder in upstate New York named Ginger Middleton. She allowed me

Did you have a mentor when first starting out, and do you currently have a mentor or network of other breeders you can discuss future breeding’s with?

I was on my own – particularly in the early years. A coupleofbreedersinUtahwhonolongerbreedhelped me link me up with Maripi Woolridge as a handler. In the early years, she was my primary adviser. I also did a lot of reading on my own (no internet to share information or research pedigrees). I also went to specialties across the country and checked off dogs that I liked. I then tried to introduce myself to the breeders of those dogs.

I believe it is essential to have a breeding family of individuals with whom you can discuss potential matings and information on health challenges.



Which Scottie breeder or breeders do you respect most, anywhere in the world?

I respect those breeders who health test their breeding stock, understand the standard and breed to it and guarantee their dogs. Honesty about health and conformation are essential to the breeding of quality dogs and the preservation of the breed. I do not respect those who do not health test, back up their dogs for life while not taking responsibility or “owning up to” the issues associated with their lines.

With the invention of social media, the internet and multiple dedicated dog related publications available to use as research, where in the world do you believe your breed is currently strongest?

From a conformation perspective, Scottish Terriers in the USA are strong in their front assembles.

Top lines have improved with most being strong and

level. Heads are variable and often lack the

balance and breadth necessary to snap the head of a rodent. The Scottish Terrier Club of America, relative to breed clubs in other countries, has made strides in encouraging health testing to the degree possible. Unfortunately, not as many breeders as I would like (including several well-known kennels) are not setting good examples in that they do not even conduct the barest number of testing. We also need to require more testing on hips.

Social media and canine magazines have helped as well as hindered responsible breeding. Social media has allowed individuals to view dogs from around the world, view dog shows in real time and dogs being shown at important shows. While online viewing does not replace hands on, it does help a breeder identify dogs they may wish to investigate further. Magazines have also contained useful information on breeding and breed specific information. I have learned a lot through Zoom and Facebook presentations. I like finding out show results in real time.

What in your opinion makes a respectable preservation breeder?

Honesty and knowledge sharing top my list. A respectable preservation breeder also has deep smarts about the breed generally and their breeding stock specifically and a willingness to share their knowledge with companion buyers, members of their breeding family, and individuals who want to learn.

How have Scottish Terriers changed since you first started showing and breeding? This can be in quality and or presentation. Do you think the breed has



changed for the better or worse?

Scottish Terriers have stayed consistent in profile and type through the years. Whether it is 1930, 1950 or 2022, the silhouette is recognizable. Right now, we have larger dogs than called for in the standard. This is in part due to the influx of English and European dogs. The FCI standard allows for an inch greater in height than the US standard. It also does not emphasize parallel head planes. The look and size of the dog has changed somewhat with international breeding.

What is your proudest achievement in the world of Scottish Terriers?

I have three items that I am proud to have achieved: Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show with Am. Can. GCHG CH. Gaelforce Postscript aka Peggy Sue, Best in Show at Crufts, and the Euro Asia World Show with Am. Eng. Russ. GCHG CH. McVan’s To Russia with Love aka Knopa. I have become the first and only breeder of Scottish Terriers to attain the rank of American Kennel Club Platinum Breeder of Merit with more than 160 champions. As a breeder I have also won the STCA national specialty fourteen times and have won the breed at Crufts with four different dogs.

Please mention some of your most successful dogs, owned or bred by you.

Some of my most successful Scottish Terriers include:

• BIS WW 2012/Int/Am. GCHG/Mex/Can CH McVan’s Be Bop Baby, aka Betsy, who won more specialties in the USA than any other Scottish Terrier in the history of the breed including the STCA’s national specialty


and BOB at Crufts. She produced two brothers, BIS GCH. CH McVan’s Big Bopper at Beameups, aka Bopper, and GCH McVan’s Be Bop Boy at Chyscott, aka Blake. Both of these boys are American national specialty winners. Betsy and Bopper were handled by Rebecca Cross and Blake was handled by Krissy and Whitney Shaffer.

• BIS GCHG CH McVan’s Stardust, aka Dusty Rose, who was the number one Scottish Terrier all systems in 2021 and is now the proud mother of four puppies. She was handled by Christian Rangel.

• Peggy Sue who won more national specialties – a total of six – than any other Scottish Terrier in the history of the breed. She was shown by Maripi Woolridge.

• Three of my stud dogs have done well. They include Am. Can. Ch. McVan’s Light My Fire, ROMX, aka Jimmy, GCHB CH McVan’s Big Bopper at Beameup,

• Two of my bitches have been significant producers. They are Am. Can. Ch. Beameups McVan Gold Digger ROMX aka Anna Nicole and GCH Am. Can. CH McVan’s Super Nova ROMX aka Nova who produced fourteen and eight champions, respectively.

What is your most favorite show to attend, anywhere in the world and why?

I am a traditionalist when it comes to shows. It has to be Montgomery County. The air is crisp, the season colorful, and the dogs magnificent.

Do you judge? If so, who is the greatest Scottish Terrier you have ever had the pleasure of judging or seeing?

A:IhavejudgedScottishTerriersfor25years.Ihadthe pleasure of seeing BIS Ch. Braeburn’s Close Encounter and I got to judge BIS Ch. Roundtown Mercedes of

ROMX, and Am. Can. GCH CH McVan’s Flash Gordon ROMX aka Flash



Maryscot. Both of these bitches exemplified lovely breed type. Still, my all-time breed favor was Ch. Carmichael’s Fanfare, aka Mamie.

What do you wish all judges knew about the Scottish Terriers before they judge them?

We are not a head breed. Body matters most. Scotties should be of correct size about 10 inches at the withers to fit in a burrow and be able to drag a badger out of a hole. This requires strong lungs (as much out front) and strong rears (similar amount behind). They should stand their ground with a heads up, tails up attitude.

If you could go back in time and use on dog at stud that is no longer alive who would it be and why would you use him?

A: I really cannot answer this question. It is important to me to get hands on any stud dog I am considering using and see and go over his offspring when possible. What words would you personally use to describe a Scottish Terrier?

Compact, like a carthorse. They must be powerful, tenacious, loyal, and off-square. As much out front as behind, and balanced. They must stand up to all comers with a heads up, tails up attitude.

What are your future goals and wishes for the sport of pedigreed dogs?

As I could not have human children, my dogs are my legacy. One long-standing goal is to mix up the gene poolforScottishTerriersbyplacingdogsfrommyline in other countries. To date, McVan Scottish Terriers

are in the following countries, namely Australia, Chile, Denmark, Japan, Singapore, the Netherlands, Italy, China, Thailand, Brazil, and Russia.

My hopes as a judge would be to be on the panel minimally and judge at the group level ideally at Westminster, Royal Canin, and Crufts. Finally, I would like to judge the Scottish Terrier Club of America

Specialty at Montgomery once again – hopefully without rain, mud, straw, and cardboard on the ground.





Please tell our readers how you got involved in the world of showing pedigreed dogs?

I have always been someone that loves competition. Always looking for a new challenge. I am a first-generation handler, and I started five years ago. My parents originally rescued a Pointer named Sunny, and a Lab-GWP mix named Angus a few years before I was born, and they hunted with them. My


parents decided to change breeds and got a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, named Finn, so that they could have a more versatile hunting dog for our colder winters. When I was five, Sunny and Angus passed away from cancer and Finn was so lonely and needed a friend in the household. My parents decided to adopt an older Griffon andmetbreedersLisaBoyerMillerandLisaDurand,who happenedtohaveagreatdogavailableforare-home.His name was Indy, and we flew him from his previous home, on the East Coast, to Seattle! He had a great attitude, very lovable, and would do anything you asked him to do. We loved him so much that we adopted his littermate Blaze the following year and officially became a Griff family.

I did not know anything about dog shows or have any interest in showing myself until I attended my first show. We went to watch the AWPGA National Specialty in Helena, Montana, when I was eight and both our breeders encouraged my sister Emily to try junior showmanship with Indy. I remember watching Amy Rutherford, with the Griff special she had out at the time, that she piloted to Best of Breed. She won this beautiful ribbon and at once, I knew I wanted to be like Amy. I watched her all week and was in awe at how well she handled the different dogs, small to big, with grace. It inspired me to get involved in the sport. As my sister tried it out, she soon learned it was not for her. With her not showing, I took over showing Indy who absolutely loved the ring. It could not have worked out any better! From then on, I practiced and trained Indy to be my junior’s dog, and soon my first show came around. I loved every second of my first show and was ready for the next one. The rest is history!

What handlers inspire you and who do you work for as an assistant?

Terri Erickson, who I work for, inspires me every day for sure! We spend days, and sometimes even weeks togethertravelingfromoneshowtoanother.Something about Terri in particular stands out to me, is how she does her job. She always puts the needs of the dogs first, stays focused on her goals, and is always trying to educateherselffurther.Shealwayssays,“Youmustlearn atleastonenewthingaday.Thatisourruleinthesetup.

If you stop learning, I am not doing my job correctly.” Every person has something new to teach or a different skill set to provide. Terri also has great sportsmanship. She walks out of the ring, win, or lose, with grace and always congratulates the competitors. Something I think everyone should strive to do, no matter your placement. She is always willing to help others and is all-around an incredibly kind person and a hard worker. Lori Wilson-



Paust, Tiffany Skinner, Valerie Nunes-Atikson, Amy Rutherford,andAndyLintonareallhandlersthatinspire me as well. Each one of them are phenomenal at their craft and the knowledge they have is utterly amazing. The presentation of dogs they highlight to the fancy is a masterpiece. I would be so lucky to learn under any single one of them.

OnoccasionwhenLoriWilson-PaustandIareatthesame show, I will work for her as well.

What breeds have you shown?

I show Pointers, Whippets, Wirehaired Pointing Griffons, andBorzoi.Iworkwithalotofhoundsandsportingdogs, and some working and herding breeds.

Can you share a memory from your first dog show that sticks out in your mind?

I would like to think I did well for my first dog showconsidering how intimidating it can be for any

newcomer. It was Seattle KC 2017, and I had just turned nine. I was super nervous, did not feel prepared, and felt like everything I had practiced for had left me. There were so many people watching (the show had an entry of over sixty kids) and it felt like all eyes were on my dog and me. My number was being called several times and I was fumbling with my lead and was the last kid in the ring. The judge smiled and asked if this was my first show and of course it was. The entire time I was in the ring, I rushed. I did not place that day, but I was okay with it, as I had gotten my first day out of the way! I told my mom I wasgoingtobepreparedandreadytogointhenextday. I received fourth place in a large class the next day and I was ecstatic! Totally hooked!

Wouldyouliketobeabreederoneday?Whatbreedswould you like to establish a breeding program with?

Iwouldlovetobeabreederinthefuture.Icanseemyself breeding Whippets and Pointers.

Do you have a mentor?

Yes!Iamsoluckytolearnfromsomeoftheabsolutebest in both breeds. In Whippets I get mentored under Lori Wilson, Terri Erickson, and Lori Lawrence. In Pointers, Lydia Frey and Tina McDonnell mentor me. Even though theyarelocatedontheEastCoast,andmyfamilyandIon the West Coast, they are always a text or call away. They were also kind and lent their Pointer Fidele to come live with us and be my junior’s dog. I am forever grateful for the opportunities Tina and Lydia have provided.

Would you like to be a judge one day? If so, what breeds/ Groups would you like to judge?

I would love to judge juniors after I age out. I would also love to get approved to judge the Hound and Sporting




Groups later down the road.

Do you find it difficult to balance schoolwork and dog showing?

I do not find it difficult to balance school and showing because school is the number one priority. Showing comes second. I take my education very seriously as it is the foundation for my future interests, whether it is in dogs or not.

What dog from the past do you wish you could have handled?

I always love hearing stories about legendary dogs from the past. The famous Whippet bred by Lori and Carey Lawerance, Chanel, BIS BISS GCHP Starlines Chanel, JC, handled from 2009-2012 by Lori Wilson is most definitely one I wish I could have handled. Her resume is truly outstanding. She went on to win the group at the prestigious shows AKC/Eukanuba Invitational and Westminster Kennel Club. She also won Best in Show at major venues such as Morris and Essex, Devon Dog Association, and the Palm Springs Kennel Club. She accumulated over three hundred group one wins, 72 BIS, and numerous BIS specialties. She achieved the status of number five all-breeds and number one hound from 2010-2011. All accomplishments breeders dream of achieving. It would have been an incredible experience to be at the end of her lead.

What dog currently in the ring would you love to handle if given the opportunity?

A dog currently in the ring that I would love to handle if given the opportunity would be the Standard Schnauzer, Bogart, MBIS MBISS GCHG Crivitz Humphrey Bogart

Von Diable, handled to perfection by Tiffany Skinner. Although it would be amazing to handle Bogart, more thananything,IjustlovetowatchTiffanyandhiminthe ringtogetherandIadmirehowwelltheyworkasateam.

His condition, grooming, and presentation is flawless. I am fortunate enough to get to see them every weekend he is out showing, as we live in the same area.

Which professional handler would you hire to show your dog?

Hands down, Tiffany Skinner.

When you finish school, what career would you like to pursue? If not, dog related, do you hope to always find time for dog shows in life?

I am not sure right now. I do however think I am in the sport for the long run. I have many goals just waiting to be achieved. I hope to participate in the fancy for many years to come.

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What have been some of your most special memories in the ring?

A special memory I can recall is my first time qualifying for Westminster when I was eleven. A goal that I had set for myself when I was ten. All of 2019, I worked hard to fine tune my presentation of dogs and worked on being just as polished as any of the older kids. I watched and asked questions on what I could do to improve. Indy and I received our final seventh best junior win, one weekend beforethecutoffdateatanall-breedshowinBoise,Idaho.

Another incredibly special memory is the moment I was chosen as a finalist at Westminster this year with my Pointer.

Do you find the transition from the junior showmanship ring to the breed ring difficult?

I would say they are different. The goals you set for the junior’s ring differ from those you set in the breed ring.

Do you find the more mature members of the dog show world treat you with respect and offer advice to help you on your dog show journey?

Absolutely. So many have reached out for guidance and tips on how to improve and excel. I love all the support from the fancy.

What in your opinion is the purpose of dog shows?

To evaluate and highlight the conformation of purebred dogs that will later be potentially used in breeding programs.

What breeds (other than your own) would you love to learn how to present to perfection?

I would love to learn how to present a Briard. They are such a stunning breed.

What would be your dream win at a dog show?

A dream win, and a personal goal would be winning Best Junior Handler at the famous Westminster Kennel Club dog show. I had the honor of being sent to the finals this year at Westminster with my Pointer, Fidele, and have been invited again this next year. I’ve consecutively qualified for the Garden four times starting when I was eleven.

Have you any goals inside and outside of the world of dogs?

A goal I have for this year is to finish out the year as number one junior in the country, all-breeds. I have maintained number one the entire year so far and have a strong lead. I am very thankful that I have been able to set and achieve this goal at such an early age. I also just started high school and I am up for the challenge of balancing academics with my favorite sport.

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