Our Awesome Guide To Apples!

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They are excellent for fresh eating & good for sauces.

Sweet, tart and very juicy.

Choosing: Look for apples that are fully red and appear very ripe, avoiding those that appear bruised.

Description: Also know as the sparten apple. They are a cross between Mcintosh and Orange Pippin.


Contrary to popular belief, fuji apples are named for fujisaki town, not for mount fuji.

Developed at Cornell at the start of the 20th century as a cross between Mcintosh and Ben Davis.

Profile: Semi-sweet Mcintosh type, more fragrant than the parent. Tender flesh with a mild sweet honey flavor. Sweet and tart.

Choosing: Best eaten fresh before it’s flavor and crispness diminish.

Description: Good choice for salads and snacks, as it browns slower than most varieties.


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