2 minute read
Family Bonding with Martial Arts
Expert Contributor article by Lou Marvil, Owner of Level Up Black Belt Academy
How often do you have the opportunity to participate in the same activity as your child other than volunteering at school or sporting events? Even then, does your child feel the positive impact of your presence or is it something that is just done to be part of the “community”?
As many experts have declared, martial arts training is an excellent choice for children. A great martial arts school will provide them the training that will improve their discipline, respect, confidence, self-esteem, and fitness and also develop their ability to protect themselves. Each of these is an excellent reason to get your child involved in the martial arts.
Something that training in the martial arts provides that other sports and activities do not is the opportunity to train, improve and advance together as a family. There is no better way to show your child just how involved you are in their martial arts journey than by joining them in class. Families that train together develop a stronger bond that lasts a lifetime, as common goals are set and learning to help and encourage each other to reach the next level becomes a daily routine.
Parents and siblings develop greater respect for one another as they inspire and support each other through their training. The family motivation factor pushes each member to reach higher goals than they would most likely reach on their own. There are always achievements to celebrate together, but some of the most important moments are when children see parents deal with and overcome challenging moments during their training. Family time at home can now include supporting each other while practicing together and preparing for the next rank.
During your journey, you will share the fun and have the opportunity to develop great family memories in addition to getting into better shape and improving your health while reducing stress. You will develop self-defense skills that provide a whole new level of confidence about being able to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Earning a black belt is certainly an amazing accomplishment, but earning one as a family is life changing! Look for a martial arts school that offers family classes, and set up a time to speak with the instructor about getting your family started today.
Expert Contributor Lou Marvil, Owner of Level Up Black Belt Academy
Martial Arts Programs for Children & Adults • Fitness Kickboxing training for adults • Gain improved flexibility, strength, confidence & overall well-being • Train with Newtown Square’s Grand Master & Martial Arts Champion
3609 Chapel Road, Newtown Square