BETA 2016 competition

Page 1

First stage 28/07/2016

First stage 28/07/2016 etapa 1 / 1. szakasz / prve etape.


Total number of works


Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova

Lucrări predate din România / Beadott pályaművek Romániából / Radovi predati iz Rumunije


Number of works from Hungary*


Lucrări predate din Ungaria / Beadott pályaművek Magyarországról / Radovi predati iz Mađarske

Lucrări predate din Serbia / Beadott pályaművek Szerbiából / Radovi predati iz Srbije



Disqualified works**

Number of works from Romania*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi




disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa





Ambient / Környezet / Ambijent




Cultural / Kulturális / Kultura

Patrimoniu / Épített örökség / Kulturno nasleđe





Infrastructură / Infrastruktúra / Infrastruktura

Lucrări de licență / Diplomamunkák / Diplomski radovi

Viziuni arhitecturale / Építészeti víziók / Arhitektonske vizije

Locuințe unifamiliale / Családi házak/ Jednoporodične kuće


locuințe colective / Társasházak / Kolektivne stambene zgrade




comercial / Kereskedelmi / Komercijalne zgrade

Servicii / Szolgáltatások / Usluge

Instituțional / Intézményi / Ustanove




Number of works from Serbia*

Total number of works entering the competition***

works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.

Distribution of the works entering the competition on categories: Distribuția lucrărilor care intră în concurs pe secțiuni / Versenybe beválogatott pályaművek kategóriák szerinti eloszlása / Distribucija radova u kategorijama



Lucrări care intră în concurs / Versenybe beválogatott pályaművek száma / Ukupan broj radova koji ulaze u konkurs

total number of works entering the competition after the contestation session; total number of works subjected for judging RO numărul total de lucrări care intră în concurs în urma sesiunii de contestații; numărul total de lucrări supuse jurizării. HU Az óvások időszakát követően, a versenyen résztvevő pályaművek száma összesen; a zsűrizésre továbbított pályaművek száma összesen. SRB ukupan broj radova koji ulaze u konkurs nakon perioda za osporavanja; ukupan broj radova koji će biti ocenjeni.




Dezvoltare urbană/rurală / Város - és vídékfejlesztés / Urbani - ruralni razvoj




Spațiu public / Közterület / Javni prostor



Inițiative pentru arhitectură de calitate / Kezdeményezések a minőségi építészetért / Incijative za kvalitetnu arhitekturu

Arta în spațiul public / Köztéri művészet / Umetnost u javnom prostoru






Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova






résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

1. INO03 / Norbert Ianko 2. INO05 / Norbert Ianko 3. PSO03 / Atilla Wenczel 4. SPI05 / Ciprian Cîrstulescu 5. APA41 / Marius Găman


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi

6. TAO03 / Alexandru Buftea 7. TAO18 / Alexandru Buftea 8. VAO16 / Vitamin Architects 9. COD02 / Vitamin Architects 10. AET10 / Raoul Chiricheş 11. ABE15 / Adina Szitar 12. MTS18 / Damian Alexandru, Onci Olimpia


disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa



List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen

works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.








AGA23 1. AMBIJENT SAJAM 23 Aleksandar Gušić /// /// /// Relja Ivanić Beograd

Volume of existence

Životni volumen

We live in the world of information, cut from real experiences, we don’t pay attention to ourselves and even more we lose connection with nature, we become estranged, imprisoned, in physical as well as mental pattern.

Živimo u svetu prepunom informacijama, odsečeni od iskonskinskih doživljaja, neobraćajući pažnju na nas same i sve više gubeći vezu sa prirodom, postajemo otudjeni, zarobljeni, kako u fizičke tako i u mentalne kalupe.

The project is developed as an answer to the existing situation and the requests and wishes of the clients about the new home and new life for new generations that are coming, as there for that represented aspiration for new and clean creative energy, aspiration for different understanding of living and a different space. By putting the wardrobe in the hallway other rooms become flowing free. Pure geometry, proportions and voluntary in combination with light (natural and artificial) emphasized clarity and simplicity, as in the detail, also in the in spatial organization. We let the user resting from unnecessary and needlessly letting him freely to connect with the different volumes, and proportionally recognizing self in that relation. Placing the bathroom and and kitchen as the central elements and as a core in side of the space, that gives a possibility for the circular movement in side of the apartment, all the room are connected with the hallway and the terrace ( with the dark and a light ). Materialization is pure and simple, oak flooring and white wall finishes with the granite tiles 60*60 that are unique module for the volumes of the hallway, bedroom, terrace and kitchen. Natural materials bring as buck to nature in subconscious way. Also each and every volume have a different acoustics depending of a level of these materialization. Living in heritage of the socialism where everyone was equal, we push the boundaries of space by steeping out of a living boxes of same height and geometry giving the space identity and client the chance to grow in side of it. The unique ambient and the atmosphere in space is created with the slope roof geometry and the different height in the rooms (volumes) that gives a space a seance of a modest temple, returning us to Home as a shelter, as a cave, as volume.

Ovaj projekat nastaje kao odgovor na tu situaciju i kao odgovor na zahteve i želje investitora o novom domu i novom životu za nove generacije koje dolaze i kao takav predstavlja težnju za novom i čistom stvaralačkom energijom, težnju za drugačijim poimanjem, težnju za drugačijim prostorom. Postavljanjem celokupnog garderobera u prostor hodnika, ostale prostorne celine postaju rasterećene istih. Pročišćena geometrija i volumetrija u kombinaciji sa svetlom (kako prirodnim tako i veštačkim) i izraženom jasnoćom i jednostavnošću, kako u detalju, tako i u organizaciji samog prostora, odmaraju korisnika od suvišnog i od nepotrebnog, prepuštajući ga jednostavnošću geometrije različitih prostornih celina i kubatura. Sa druge strane funkcionalna povezanost volumena omogućava kontinuirano kretanje kroz sam prostor postavljajući toalet i kuhunju kao centralne elemente organizacije prostora, gde se ostvaruju pristupi terasi i hodniku, kako iz spavaće sobe tako i iz dnevnog boravka. Materijalizacija je jasna i jednostavna, pored parketa i vešto obradjenog furniranog medijapana, sa teksturom i bojom hrasta, belih zidova i plafona, provlače se granitne pločice formata 60*60 smaknute na pola i precizno slagane u celom formatu formirajući dimenzije hodnika, kupatila i terase. Skladnost dislociranog modula i različite visine obloge u pločicama, varira u ovim prostorima doprinoseći i dodajući raznolikosti doživljaja. Takodje, prijatnost atmosfere i samog ambijenta doprinose kosine (u srpskoj arhitekturi u vecini slučajeva nedovoljno razvijen motiv krova), koje pomeraju granice ustaljenih osećaja da živimo u kutijama istih visina, vraćajući nas domu kao skloništu, kao pećini, kao volumenu.



Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova

Családi házak



Jednoporodične kuće

1. PSO07 / Attila Wenczel 3. BMB01 / Ştefan Liviu Duică 4. HOA16 / Vlad Gaivoronschi 5. RGS20 / Ciprian Răcăşan


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi



Locuințe unifamiliale

résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

2. UTR87 / Mihai Mircea Tudose

disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa


List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen

works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.




Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova




Kolektivne stambene zgrade

1. LIO16 / Vlad Gaivoronschi grişanu Răzvan


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi



Locuințe colective

résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

2. IRS12 / Negrişanu Daniela, Ne-

disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa


List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen

works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.







Komercijalne zgrade


Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova

List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

1. CBC16 / Vlad Gaivoronschi 2. DOM13 / Đorđe Mijić 3. HNV16 / Negrişanu Răzvan, Valentin Sumănariu


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi


disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa


works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.


DOM13 4. Komercijalne zgrade / Commercial buildings Poslovni kompleks SINAGOGA / Business complex SINAGOGA Đorđe Mijić Kosta Mijić Vlada Janjatović

Relja Ivanić Sombor, Srbija

As a result of a dynamic growth in the last two decades, wholesale trade company „Sinagoga“ required a new business complex that would combine all of the previously spatially dispersed functions. The new complex project included a redesign of an existing warehouse (3.000 m2), design for a new headquarters building (800 m2), as well as a complete redesign of the company's visual identity. Form and character of the new HQ present the company as strong and successful, while providing a contemporary, light and comfortable working space to it's employees and clients. The complex marks the entrance to the city of Sombor, while the individual buildings – entrance facility, HQ and warehouse each have their own character and position within the complex, based on their purpose. The reconstructed warehouse, with it's simple shape covered in dark gray metal sheets, serves as a neutral background for the Headquarters building, which dominates the surroundings with it's strong, contemporary form and bright colors. The architecture of the office building is made lighter by fully glazed ground floor (showroom), above which the office spaces container is positioned, thus clearly differentiating different spatial functions within the building. Finally, second floor features a big green roof, with a terrace as extension of the second floor canteen. Interior of the office building features a mix of white, wooden and glass partitions, with green accents in furniture and other interior elements. Landscape design is primarily focused on reducing domination of huge asphalt surfaces required for parking of transport vehicles

Dinamičnim rastom kompanija “Sinagoga” (veleprodaja prehrambenih proizvoda i kućne hemije) prerasla je prostorne mogućnosti na više lokacija, pa su u ovom kompleksu na novoj lokaciji u industrijskoj zoni u Somboru objedinnjene sve funkcije u jedinstvenu prostornu celinu. Za ove potrebe urađen je redizajn postojećeg magacina (3 000m2), projekat nove upravne zgrade (800 m2), kao i redizajn kompletnog vizuelnog identiteta. Upravna zgrada svojom formom i karakterom predstavlja investitora kao snažnu i uspešnu kompaniju, a zaposlenima i klijentima pruža savremen, sna svetao i udoban prostor za rad. Kompleks markira ulazak u grad dok pojedinačni objekti, portirnica, upravna zgrada i magacin, shodno svojoj nameni, imaju odgovarajuće oblikovanje i prostorne pozicije. Rekonstruisana magacinska hala svedenog oblikovanja, obložena tamnosivim talasastim limom, predstavlja neutralnu pozadinu za upravnu zgradu, koja dominira bojom i savremenim oblikovanjem. Arhitektura upravne zgrade olakšana je zastakljenim prizemnim delom koji je projektovan kao showroom, a različito primenjena materijalizacija fasade razdvaja funkcije objekta po etažama i uspostavlja komunikaciju sa drugim objektima u kompleksu. Talasasti lim povezuje portirnicu i magacin sa prodajnim delom upravne zgrade, a fasadni omotač prve i druge etaže (sa kancelarijama i salom za satanke), formiraju bele i zelene cementkompozitne ploče naglašavajući vezu sa enterijerom. U okviru druge etaže nalazi se krovna bašta sa terasom kao produžetkom zajedničke trpezarije. Posebna pažnja je posvećena svedenom uređenju enterijera upravne zgrade u kome se prepliću beli, pastelni i prozračni tonovi zidova i zidnih obloga, staklenih pregrada, te nameštaja i elemenata zelenog kolorita. Pažljivim ozelenjavanjem partera umanjena je dominacija velikih asfaltiranih površina neophodnih za pristup i parkiranje transportnih vozila.

5 SER-



Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova






résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

1. BET07 / Adina Szitar 2. LLS38 / Mihai Silvestru, Raluca Paută


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi


disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa



List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen

works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.









Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova

List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

1. PRO19 / Marija Milin Krunić 2. DCX16 / Drăgan Dragomir


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi


disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa


works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.





Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi

disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa



Épített örökség



Kulturno nasleđe

résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs


CUO07 / Anca Timofticiuc

2. AGA12



List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen

works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.


AGA12 project code

(the materials below (images + texts) were sent via post and have been placed by the organizers on the official layout)









Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi


disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa



Dezvoltare urbană/rurală

Város - és vídékfejlesztés



Urbani - ruralni razvoj

works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.

List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

1. DNA15 / Marius Găman


10 PUB-


Spațiu publică




Javni prostor


Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi


disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa


works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.

List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

1. ADM23 / Diana Giurea




Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova

Inițiative pentru arhitectură de calitate SRB Incijative za kvalitetnu arhitekturu

Kezdeményezések a minőségi építészetért


résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

1. SEB35 / Drăgan Dragomir 2. HBR76 / Brânduşa Raluca Havaşi 3. RAC79 / Rudolf Gräf 4. IMA03 / Oana Ţiganea, Marius Barbieri


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi


disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa



List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen

works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.

POA16 project code







(the images and texts below constitute the only available material successfully retrieved from the refistration form and have been placed by the organizers on the official layout)




Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova

Arta în spațiul public

Köztéri művészet



Umetnost u javnom prostoru

résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

1. VNM00 / Vlad Nancă 2. FLI04 / Liliana Popa 3. PEJ39 / Peter Jecza 4. CDF80 / Constantin Flondor


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi


disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa



List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen

works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.


VNM00 12. Arta ĂŽn spaČ›iul public Up and down Vlad Nancă N/A N/A N/A Fundatia Triade, Lucian Marin, Vlad Nanca


O structura simpla, niste trepte "brutaliste" sunt plasate in spatiul public, ca o invitatie spre libera folosire, lasand fuctia obiectului pentru a fi decisa de public. Ea poate fi un loc de odihna (precum se intampla uneori pe trepetele unei cladiri monumentale), un obiect pentru exercitii fizice, un simbol al unui drum sinuos continuu, Sus si jos poate fi orice, dar in contextul timisorean este un omagiu pentru treptele catedralei ortodoxe. Varianta mai finisata, de interior a lucrarii, prezentata ca o sculptura - suport pentru alte lucrari de arta in expozitia lui Nanca de la galeria Calina din Timisoara in toamna anului 2015 subliniaza ideea unei structuri ca un display de obiecte intr-o forma non/ierarhica, care poate fi rasturnata, in functie de locul din care incepe sau se termina. Sus si jos este o scara, un stand, un drum ciclic, o platforma de lansare, orice doreste fiecare sa fie.

A simple, basic "beton brut" stair structure is placed in public space, as an invitation to be used in a free way, living the purpose open to the general public. Be it a resting place (as it sometimes happens with the people resting on the stairs of a monumental building), a tool for exercises, a symbol of a continuous sinuous journey, Up and down can be many things but in the Timisoara context it is an homage to symbol of the stair of the Orthodox Cathedral. Its interior counter part, presented as a sculpture - stand for other art works in Nanca's exhibition at Calina Gallery in Timisoara in 2015, underlines the idea of the structure as a display for objects in a non/hierarchical way, that can be shifted depending of where the beginning or the end stands. Up and down is a stair, a stand, a cyclic path, a platform for launch, anything that one wants it to be.









CDF80 12 Arta in spatiu public Trigona CONSTANTIN FLONDOR FUNDATIA INTERART TRIADE Sorina Ianovici-Jecza ing. dr. Petre Bozac Vlad Cîndea CITY BUSINESS CENTRE

TRIGONA, 1974/2015, stainless steel, 300 x 300 x 300 cm

TRIGONA, 1974/2015, inox, 300x300x300cm

This work is an urban-level transposition of my research in the ‘70’s. My research was subjected to a generic concept: acquainting the creator with “a secret background where the primordial law fuels every process” (Paul Klee).

Lucrarea este o transpunere la dimensiune urbană, a cercetărilor mele din anii ʽ70. Cercetările se subordonau unui generic: apropierea creatorului de un ”fond secret, unde legea primordială alimentează arice proces” (Paul Klee)

In this case, the law emerged, for me, from a question which offered the chance of an “insemination” with the purpose of a formal development, initially unpredictable, but then, a giver of aesthetic surprises, joys and satisfactions. What sort of 3D spatial development is underlying in the articulation-conjoining of triangular or pentagonal prismatic bars? Preliminaries I started with the triangular prismatic bars. The articulation functions determined the form. This determinism was stimulating me. Like some natural phenomena (the combinations of soap membranes, the manner in which bees construct a honeycomb, the formation of clouds, the structure of snowflakes…), my problem was coherently leading me towards one-truth solutions. I needed a creative intelligence which would obey this truth. Soon, I’d reached a number of conclusions. My construction intuitions needed a mathematical confirmation. I found it through my collaboration with Dr. Maria Neumann from the West University of Timișoara The result of this was the publication of a scientific paper by Dr. M. Neumann from the West University of Timișoara in 1979, which was taken over by mathematician Josef Hoschek from Darmstadt (1982) The title TRIGONA Initially, the results of this research bore the name of „triangular prism knot”, „triangular prism combinations” or „spatial ensemble of triangular bars. Due to the analogy of the diamond-shaped sides of the diamond-shaped dodecahedron with the cells of the honeycomb, I ended up using the name „trigona”. It is an encounter between the name in geometry and crystallography and that in the world of various species of bees, „minima trigona”.

În acest caz, legea s-a născut, pentru mine, dintr-o întrebare ce-mi oferea șansa unei provocări, a unei ”însămânțări” în vederea dezvoltării formale, la început imprevizibile, dar apoi dătătoare de mirări, bucurii și satisfacții estetice. Ce dezvoltare spațială 3d este ascunsă-împlicată în articulareaîmbinarea unor bare prismatice triunghiulare sau pentagonale ? Preliminarii Am început cu barele prismatice triunghiulare. Funcțiile de articulare determinau forma. Acest determinism, mă stimula. Asemenea unor fenomene naturale (îmbinările membranelor de săpun, construcția fagurelui de miere la albine, formarea norilor, structura fulgilor de nea...) problema mea mă ducea coerent spre soluții cu un singur adevăr. Aveam nevoie de o inteligență creativă care să asculte de acest adevăr. Ajunsesem curând la câteva concluzii. Intuițiile mele de construcție aveau nevoie de o confirmare matematică. Am găsit-o prin colaborarea cu d-na prof. dr. Maria Neumann de la Universitatea de Vest Timișoara. A rezultat publicarea unei comunicări științifice de către dr.M.Neumann la Universitatea Timișoara (1979) și preluată de către matematicianul Josef Hoschek din Darmstadt (1982). Denumirea ”TRIGONA” Inițial, rezultatele acestei cercetări au purtat denumirea de „nod prisme triunghiulare”, ”îmbinări prisme triungiulare” sau ”ansamblu spațial de bare triunghiulare”. Grație analogiei fațetelor rombice ale dodecaedrului rombic cu celulele fagurelui de miere, am ajuns la denumirea de ”trigona”. Este o întâlnire între denumirea din geometrie și cristalografie, cu cea din lumea speciilor de albine, de ”minima trigona”.



Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi


disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa








works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.

List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

1. FDI31 / Cornel-Gavril Farcaş




Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova

List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs


MIL28 / Milica Petrović


MAS24 / Andreea Sonia Moise


PSX74 / Kitti Károlyfi, Gabriella Lász-


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi


OAV06 / Ágnes Ordasi


CUB32 / George Gabrie Marin


EDU16 / Ioana Mladin


GBF06 / Bianca Felicia Gheorghiţă


JUL24 / Iulia Anghel


ROD42 / Alexandra-Miruna Herpai

10. DDS24 / Delia Sloneanu 11. PMA11 / Patricia Murar 12. SPH90 / Sára Pintér 13. MMN07 / Milica Nešić 14. BTR14 / Dóra Komlóssy 15. NYU22 / Katalin Czigány 16. VMV18 / Mihaela Violeta Vraciu 17. SFM19 / Florin Simidreanu 18. BCN61 / Maria-Alexandra Antal 19. LUK47 / Luka Pavelka 20. BWE59 / Tímea Deichler 21. HRS13 / Anca Teslevici 22. FAB09 / Luca Fabian 23. CNS23 / Costin Niţă 24. AOX90 / Olimpia Onci


disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa



Lucrări de licență




Diplomski radovi

works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.

25. IND08 / Anca-Maria Mureşan 26. MRB01 / Raluca Cristina Alexandra Becheru 27. BBR21 / Valentin Dănilă-Nedelcu 28. HGI12 / Tamás Szögi 29. 8. DAA90 / Eugen Onescu 30. JMM23 / Mihai Mădălin Joldeş 31. PRG13 / Szabina Várnagy 32. LLL11 / Lucian Tofan

MIL28 14. Diplomski radovi Zaštitna konstrukcija iznad Rimskih termi u Viminaciumu Milica Petrović / / / Milica Petrović Viminacium, Serbia

BBR21 1.Lucrări de licență Refunctionalistion former industrial area Vidra Orăștie Dănilă-Nedelcu Valentin

Conceptual Framework

Primăria Municipiului Orăștie; SC oxirom. SRL

Urban Re-cycling - strategy for reorienting the urban development towards the urban center of the city, to facilitate the concentration of different activities in the close proximity of the historic center.

Dănilă-Nedelcu Valentin Oraștie, Județul Hunedoara

The project integrates in the urban fabric of the former industrial zone Vidra, creating a functional mix near the central area of the city. This approach forms near the historic center a modern counterpoint that manages to integrate and enhance the historic center and influence the city as a whole .The two urban centers repell and cooperate with each other, at the same time the tension axis created determins a continuous flux between the two landmarks. The formal approach is based on well-established principles trying to attract residents to the downtown area generating public interaction and to help reduce the migration of the residential areas to the outskirts of the city fabric. The formal relationship between the two urban centers gives continuity to the town, generating reciprocal relationship between the medieval center and the newly created space. The flow of the people migrating from the new to the old is generating a constant stream without creating a spatial difference that will disturb the typical urban view characteristic of the medieval urban fabric. The functions covered by the new neighborhood complements the existing historic area. However, the new area is complementing the existing promenades of the city, the created promenade becomes a bridge between the mineral old market and the natural landscape located in the southeastern part of the city .The promenade is the connector between the different functions, linking the commercial and residential areas with the city fabric .Each society has its own way of using the public space. This project is trying to change the old approach that is based on old spatial enclosed private spaces and facilitate a series of rooms that have various functions that generates an active atmosphere during the whole day . Parceling individual homes in the southern site is based on the concept of Sharing individul spaces for mutual benefit. This private space served for traditional farming. The plots that were used for growing vegetables are now replaced by smaller spaces. These places become positive spaces that form a series of squares and pedestrian paths that generate interaction between neighborhood residents and the whole city. The identity of the former industrial area is kept by transforming the former processing hall into spaces for leasing and the cooling pool that is transformed into a water stream that generates a walking vector and a pleasant human nature interaction.

Proiectul integrează în țesutul urban al orașului fosta zonă industrială Vidra, creând un mix funcțional în apropierea zonei centrale . Acestă abordare formează în zona centrului istoric un contrapunct modern reușind să se integreze și să mărească aria de influență a centrului istoric. Cele două centre conlucrează și se resping în același timp, astfel axul de tensiune creat determină un flux continuu de conlucrare între cele două. Abordarea formală se bazează pe principii bine stabilite care încearcă să atragă locuitorii către zona centrală a orașului generând interacțiune publică, acest lucru ajutând și la slăbirea migrării zonelor rezidențiale către marginea orașului. Relația formală între cele două centre dă continuitate orașului, generând relații reciproce între centrul medieval și cel nou creat, astfel spațiul migrează de la nou la vechi printr-un flux constant fără ca diferențele spațiale să deranjeze, încât pespectivele tipice din țesutul urban medieval sunt evidențiate și întărite. Funcțiunile acoperite de noul cartier completează pe cele existente din zona istorică. Cu toate acestea, noua zonă se transformă într-o completare a promenadelor existente ale orașului, promenada creată devine un element de legătură între piața veche minerală și accesul la apă și natură din sud est a orașului .Promenada este elementul conector între diferitele funcțiuni ale zonei, legând zonele comerciale de cele rezidențiale, ramificându-se în diferite locuri; astfel facilitează și integrează funcțiunile spor tive precum și leagă diferitele zone aflate în proximitatea ei. Fiecare societate se mândrește cu felul în care folosește spațiul public. Această abordare încearcă schimbarea tertipurilor vechi care se bazează pe spații închise și facilitează o serie de spații care au funcțiuni mixte generând o atmosferă activă pe parcursul întregii zile Parcelarea locuințelor individuale aflate în sudul sitului se bazează pe conceptul de “Sharing” a spațiului privat, astfel parcelele tradiționale lungi care serveau pentru creșterea legumelor sunt înlocuite cu parcele mici, spațiul nefolosit fiind împărțit între rezidenții cartierului. Aceste locuri devin spații pozitive care formează o serie de piațete și trasee pietonale care generează interacțiune între locuitorii cartierului precum și al orașului. Astfel, prin acestă regenerare se creează spații primitoare, zona industrială păstrând și din fosta identitate datorită prezenței halei refuncționalizate în spații închiriabile, precum și reamenajarea bazinului de răcire, devenind un vector conector și un traseu plăcut.

Enmeshing- recognizing the urban space fabric of the existing city based on some precise spatial rules of enclosure positioning that relates to the environment and transforming it into a geometric pattern that will relate with the existing fabric creating a link in the memory of the inhabitants.

Re-urbanizing - Every city and every society has a public space related with the way the inhabitants live. Re - urbanization of the city makes possible the introduction of new ways of using the space and instead they transform the way the inhabitants live in the neighborhoods and the social interaction between them. Programs that work best are those that integrate social diversity.

Sharing - Use of the physical principles that govern the sharing of resources in the digital domain, creating a succession of spaces between private and public ones in the proximity.

Used agricultural space Individual housing Unused space

HGI12 14. Diploma Work / Diplomamunkák HÁGI Restaurant and Beergarden / HÁGI étterem és sörkert Szögi Tamás

consultat / konzulens - Major György DLA GroundFloor Overview - Földszinti áttekintő alaprajz Floor plan schemes - Elrendezési sémák

Spatial section - Robbantott metszet

Visual Design / Látványterv Szeged HUNGARY

First Floor Overview - Első emeleti áttekintő alaprajz

Located at a frequented point of Szeged downtown there is a legendary restaurant known by the locals as the Hági, the history of which dates back to the 19th century. The eclectic building was built by the Haggenmacher Brewery for a beer hall in 1896. They established here some retail premises, a restaurant and a beer store, a courtyard garden and 4 apartments. In the 30s the restaurant gained huge popularity, it was a night life centre and a meeting place for the intellectuals. The restaurant, extended significantly several times, was closed in the 90s, and since then it has not been used. s Now in the building there are four large rooms, related terraces with 800 seats, a 1000 portion kitchen, a retail unit and 4 apartments. In the 60s the block was unfurled from the city fabric. The restaurant is directly adjacent to the exhibition hall of the Móra Ferenc Museum, located in the protected historic building of the romantic, neo-gothic Black House. Its garden with a restaurant overlooks an inner park. The value of the area is further increased by the stops of the two busiest tram lines by the front of the two buildings. In the museum yard the Maláta Beer Garden was opened in 2012, which perfectly complements the cultural programs of the exhibition hall taking advantage of the building’s endowments. Thinking further these cultural and catering opportunities, I have planned the revitalization of the restaurant area offering itself for the creation of a cultural block with a joint arcaded entrance to the museum. In its yards can coexist a beer garden, a restaurant terrace, serving counters, and a cube-shaped pavilion, which may serve as an inserted into the external environment venue for cultural events – as the restaurant's terrace or its garden pavilion. The building, each side of which can be opened into the garden, includes a stage level, a rehearsal level and basement serving spaces, creating diverse spatial and functional relations for cultural events. On the first floor of the restaurant at the apartments a 40-bed hostel with separate entrance is housed, which through its bar is organically connected to the restaurant. The steel-framed terrace outgoing from the outside gallery in front of the rooms upstairs creates a kind of a gate for the block above the arched entrance to the garden. It also connects the restaurant and the museum, their common entrance with direct access from the tram stop being located under the gate.

Szeged belvárosának frekventált pontján található a helyiek által csak Hági-ként ismert legendás étterem, melynek története egészen 19. századig nyúlik vissza. Az eredeti eklektikus épületet a Haggenmacher Sörgyár építtette 1896-ban sörcsarnok számára, melyben földszinti üzlethelyiségeket, éttermet és sörárudát, udvari kerthelyiséget, és 4 emeleti lakást létesített. Az étterem a ’30-as évektől hatalmas népszerűségre tett szert, az éjszakai élet központja és az értelmiség találkozóhelye volt. A többször, nagy léptékben bővített étterem a ’90-es évek közepén bezárt, azóta használaton kívül áll. Épületében jelenleg négy nagyterem, kapcsolódó teraszok összesen 800 férőhellyel, 1000 adagos konyha, egy további üzlethelyiség és 4 lakás található. A ’60-as években a háztömböt a városszövetből kibontották, az étterem közvetlen telekszomszédja a városi Móra Ferenc Múzeum kiállítóháza, a műemlékileg védett romantikus-neogót Fekete-ház. Kertje az étteremmel együtt egy belső, kisebb városi parkra néz. A terület értékét tovább növeli, hogy a két épület frontja előtt áll meg a város két legforgalmasabb villamos vonala. A múzeum udvarán 2012-ben megnyílt a Maláta sörkert, mely kihasználva az épület adottságait tökéletesen kiegészíti a kiállítóhely kulturális programjait. Ezt a kulturális és vendéglátási lehetőséget továbbgondolva terveztem meg az egykori étterem területének revitalizációját. A terület adta magát egy a múzeummal közös árkádos bejáratú kulturális tömb létrehozására, melynek udvarain megfér egymás mellett egy sörkert, éttermi terasz, kiszolgáló pultok és egy olyan kockaforma pavilonépület, mely egyben szolgálhat kul turális események, előadások, koncertek, kiállítások külső környezetbe illesztett helyszíneként, mint az étterem terasza, vagy kerti pavilonja. Az egy színpadszintet, próbatermi szintet és pinceszinti kiszolgáló tereket magába foglaló épület minden oldala a kertbe nyitható, a legváltozatosabb térbeli és funkcionális kapcsolatokat teremtve kulturális és közösségi események számára. Az éttermi épület emeleti szintjén a lakások helyén egy külön bejáratú 40 ágyas hostel kapott helyet, mely bárján keresztül szervesen kapcsolódik az étterem tereihez. Az emeleti szobák előtti függőfolyosóból kifutó acélvázas terasz a kert árkádos bejárata felett egyfajta kaput teremt a tömbnek, és egyben összekapcsolja az éttermi és múzeumi tereket, melyek közös bejárata közvetlenül a villamosmegállóból nyílva ezen kapu alatt található.

Facade detail - Homlokzatburkolati csomópont

Stage Floor Plan - Színpad alaprajz


DAA90 1. Bachelor project Extension of Château Purcari Eugen Onescu



Republic of Moldova, r. Stefan Voda, s. Purcari, Château Purcari



Beside of its historical beautiful story, Chateau Purcari is a really important theme due to its capability to involve its visitors into an annual circuit. One of the most inspiring characteristics is the location of Chateau Purcari, very strategic and very romantic. In the far-way plan it has the Black Sea and in the close plan we find the Nistru River, a very picturesque area located in the South-Est of the country, with a remarkable potential developed over years. The value of its location leads to great challenges for valorification and highlighting those perspective directions. The way that Chateau Purcari could transmit to visitors sensations, emotions stimulated by taste, smell, sound or spectacular view (due to its close and far away perspective plans) should represent a great way to increase its touristic attractivity and to develop a progressive cyclic annual circuit. Based on the wine study that I`ve made, the Hamvas`s Bella philosophy’s inspired me the most. His philosophy says that between the base elements of wine and the spiritual component of people there is a strong connection. The project is inspired from those characteristics, such as: the planet of wine is Saturn, the day of wine is Saturday, the color is black, the associated metal is lead, its sound is `H` and its number is 3. Saturn is the symbol for paradisiacal primordial order, that inspired the interior yard with the route similar to the Saturn rings. This planet is strong connected to the number 3, si which represents the symbol of measure. This is precisely why is connected to wine, because it lifts the humanity over the entire agitated word, only to rearrange him into the calm of cosmic world. The tertiary ramification of the stair from the centre of the yard is based on the 3 archaic liquids. Water is the primordial element, from which we were borne and the waterline is the symbol for the great passage. First, water gets into wine and then, wine become blood. Wine is the soul, and wine transforms into blood, which is the symbol of our spirit. From matter to soul, from soul to spirit, this is the double transubstantiation.

Tematizarea Câteau Purcari e necesară, pe lângă povestea lui existentă trebuie dezvoltată naraţiunea discretă care poate să implice activ vizitatorii acestuia într-un circuit anual. Amplasamentul Châteaului extrem de strategic dispune de proximitatea Marii Negre şi de vizibilitatea râului Nistru, zonă pitorească din sud-estul ţării cu potenţial remarcabil obţinut de-a lungul secolelor. Oportunitatea amplasamentului constă în adevărate provocări pentru valorificarea şi marcarea acestor direcţii de perspectivă. Urmarirea atentă a scopului de a pune vizitatorul în centrul unor senzaţii, stimulate de simţuri precum gust, miros, sonor, vizibilitatea spectaculoasă în imediata apropiere cât şi cea de perspectivă îndepărtată pot spori în mod considerabil potenţialul turistic al conacului. Investiţia poate fi justificată doar în cazul în care ea a fost de succes, rezultatul ei fiind sporirea atractivităţii complexului, şi introducerea unui număr considerabil de turişti în circuitul ciclic anual, important este ca acest circuit sa devină ciclic progresiv. In urma studiului efectuat pe tematica vinului am fost inspirat in mod special de cartea-filozofia vinului de Hamvas Bella. Care mentioneaza lagaturile de baza si corespondenta spirituala a vinului. Planeta lui este saturn, ziua vinului este sambata, culoarea negrul, metalul lui e plumbul, sunetul lui e h-ul iar numarul lui e trei. Saturnul e simbolul ordinii paradisiace primordiale-din care a rezultat curtea interioara cu circulatia similara inelelor saturnale. Această planetă e strâns legată de numărul trei, care reprezintă numărul măsurii. Şi de aceea este legată de vin, ce ridică omul deasupra lumii agitate, ca să-l reaşeze în calmul ordinii cosmice. Ramificarea tertiara a scarii din centrul curtii este bazata pe cele trei lichide arhaice. Apa este elementul primordial, din care ne nastem, oglinda de apa este simbolul marii treceri. Mai intai, apa se transforma in vin, dupa aceea vinul se transforma in sange. Vinul este sufletul, care se transforma in sange simbolul spiritului. Din materie suflet, din suflet spirit, aceasta-i dubla transsubstantiere.







Total number of works

Lucrări predate în total / Beadott pályaművek száma összesen / Ukupan broj predatih radova

si 3. SDF02 / Maja Momirov, Slobodan


Disqualified works*

Lucrări descalificate / Kizárt pályaművek / Diskvalifikovani radovi

Építészeti víziók


Arhitektonske vizije

Jović 4. BBO33 / Borjan Brankov 5. FLH12 / Salt&Water 6. CAN06 / CAN Architects - Cseh András, Élő József, Nagy András, Németh Dávid, Román László, Tátrai Ádám 7. PET19 / Bojan Tepavčević 8. ZSZ25 / Snežana Zlatković 9. CDS01 / Vladimir Obradovici, Asociaţia Peisagiştilor din România - AsOP 10. PDA77 / Patricia Eva Buş 11. BDP01 / Diana Carmen Bogdan 12. HDC16 / Marius Găman 13. SLA14 / Marius Găman 14. PEB09 / Patricia Eva Buş 15. DCB02 / Diana Carmen Bogdan



1. SPP28 / Fiedler Tensile Structures, 2. MBT29 / Mihai Bușe, Márton Tövis-

disqualified works after the preliminary analysis by the competition secretariat RO lucrări descalificate în urma analizei preliminare de către secretariatul concursului. HU A verseny titkársága által kizárásra ítélt pályaművek, az előzetes elemzést követően. SRB radovi diskvalifikovani nakon preliminarne analize sekretarijata konkursa

Viziuni arhitecturale

résztvevő pályaművek listája / Spisak radova koji ulaze u konkurs

NUTAU-USP, Studio Papaya



List of the works entering the competition** Lista lucrărilor care intră în concurs / A versenyen

works realized in Romania, Hungary and Serbia (including DKMT euroregion) and works belonging to authors with stable residence in Romania, Hungary and Serbia RO lucrări realizate în România, Ungaria și Serbia (incluzând euroregiunea DKMT) și lucrări aparținând unor autori cu domiciliul stabil în România, Ungaria și Serbia. HU Romániában, Magyarországon és Szerbiában megvalósult pályaművek (a DKMT eurorégiót beleértve) és azon szerzők pályaművei, akik állandó lakhellyel rendelkeznek Romániában, Magyarországon vagy Szerbiában. SRB radovi urađeni u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj i Srbiji (uključujući DKMT euroregiju) i radovi koji pripadaju autorima sa stalnim prebivalištem u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj ili Srbiji.













BBO33 15. Arhitektonske vizije Generički grad- grad bez grada Borjan Brankov

Pančevo, Serbia

This is a project of a small system. System which is by itself self-sufficient and it contains generic values. Idea is to create a vision of developing a system of a city on the edge of Pančevo in Serbia, in the space of city harbor. Generic gives it to have, besides its small dimensions, relations of a genuine city with: production, housing, administration, communication and to be self-sufficient. This city is a compilation the best from the future; it is like the return in forgotten projects from 1960s and 1970s, when no one was wa scared to dream new. The system is conceived of 2 major parts: grid for living and the tubes with production area which links them. That can be infinitely built, but in project there are optimal dimensions. It is created one functional system of city without a city near the water and city harbor with questioning the possible opportunities of the wide traffic communications and continuing the overall structure, the possibility of metro system to Belgrade and creating utopian system in city’s core. Harbor with its communi cations is one of nowadays forgotten aspects of developing Pančevo with water and this system i s slowly collapsing. Project is a provocation with production architecture from 1960s (Archizoom, Archigram etc.). In ages of developing the main land industries in Pančevo in other countries this utopian project were born, now they are one visionary-usable-provocative hole near all, but distant from usual

Ovo je projekat malog sistema. Sistem koji je sam sebi dovoljan i koji u sebi sadrži generičko. Projekat je kreiranje vizije razvoja sistema grada bez grada na obodu Pančeva u Srbiji, tačnije na prostoru luke Pančevo. Generičko mu omogućava da pored svojih malih dimenzija u odnosu na današnji grad poseduje odnose grada: prozvodnju, stanovanje, administraciju, komunikaciju i da bude sebi dovoljan. Ovaj grad je kompilacija onog najboljeg u budućnosti, kao povratak u budućnost u zaboravljene projekte 60-tih 60 i 70-tih godina, kada se niko nije plašio da sanja novo. Grad se sastoji od 2 jake celine stanovanja i cevi i proizvodnje koje ih povezuje. Ta struktura se može nastavljati i u projektu je data optimalna dimenzija. Predstavljen je jedan funkcionalan sistem grada bez grada uz vodu i prostor Luke Pančevo ispitujući širi opseg komunikacija i nastavljanja strukture, prostora luke, mogućnost za sada neostvarivog metroa ka Beogradu i stvaranje utopijskog funkcionišućeg sistema unutar postojeće površine grada. Luka sa dobrim komunikacijama čini jedan od zaboravljenih generatora razvoja Pančeva ka rekama u današnjem vremenu i sada ide ka raspadu i napuštanju. Projekat predstavlja provokaciju ka trenutnom stanju luke inicirajući zaboravljeni sistem proizvodnje i arhitekture nastalih mahom 1960-tih godina (kroz Arhizum, Arhigram i druge). U doba nastajanja teške industrije Pančeva je u drugom delu sveta nastajala utopija arhitekture, sada to se sklapa u jednu vizionarku-korisnu-provokacionu celinu nadomak svega, a daleko od uobičajenog.

RUR11 project code







(the images and texts below constitute the only available material successfully retrieved from the refistration form and have been placed by the organizers on the official layout)



Proposal offers a HOUSING SYSTEM, modest social housing for people in need ‐ refugees, or homeless people. It is proposed without exact location (will be provided by local authorities). System is based on ˝Transport, shipping containers”, as modular “Lego units” (Lego blocks) for further assemblies. System is characterized by:

Predlog nudi sistem za stanovanje, skromno socijalno stanovanje za lјude u nevolјi ‐ izbeglice, ili beskućnicike. Predlog je dat bez konkretne lokacije (biće obezbeđena od strane lokalnih vlasti). Sistem se zasniva na transportnim kontejnerima, kao modularnim “Lego jedinicama” (Lego kocke) za dalјe usložnjavanje I formiranje sistema/sklopova. Sistem karakteriše:

 Reuse of redundant resources ‐ shipping containers (6,00 or 12,00m) as basic structural element, providing primary construction and living module. It is a module for mobile housing units, for use on different sites and locations through time.  High efficiency and rationality of resources (5 ‐ 10.000EUR) per unit,  Possibility of multi‐level and high density dispositioning with several floors/levels,  Dispositioning on locations with various configurations of terrain,  Possible complex configurations enabling HIGHER DENSITY, making sets according to local environment,  Minimal terrain and location disturbance/impact,  Simple and easy site mounting, including possible dismounting,  Highlighted portability, enabling re‐use on different location, and change of locations according to demand (need or redundancy...).  Urban gardening, roof and ground food gardening, providing food production that makes its inhabitants less dependable or independent on governmental support or social funding. That makes them independent and proud cohabitants in our surrounding.  “Garden cooperation” provides a new level of social interaction and cooperation, providing more intensive relations of co‐habitants.

 Recikliranje, ponovna upotreba resursa koji pronalazimo u izobilju: transportni kontejneri (od 6,00m ili 12,00m). Osnovni je konstruktivni I organizacioni element, I konstrukcije I stabnovanja, stambenih jedinica. Moguća je upotreba na različitim lokacijama, prema potrebi.  Visoka efikasnost i racionalnost resursa (5 ‐ 10.000EUR) po jedinici,  Mogućnost formiranja sklopova na više nivoa, sa nekoliko spratova i visokim stepenom gustine stanovanja.  Moguća je dispozicija na lokacijama sa različitim konfiguracijama terena,  Minimalni uticaj na neposredno okruženje I na lokaciju,  Montaža je jednostavna, brza i laka, uklјučujući i moguću demontažu,  Rastavljeno je lako prenosivo, omogućavajući ponovnu upotrebu na drugom mestu,  “Urban baštovanstvo”, proizvvodnju hrane na, krovu i u neposrednom okruženju, obezbeđujući proizvodnju hrane za stanovnike. Oni time postaju manje zavisni, ili nezavisni, od državne podrške i socijalne pomoći. To ih može učiniti nezavisnim i ponosnim članovima našeg zajedničkog okruženja.  "Baštenska saradnja" pruža novi nivo socijalne interakcije i komunikacije, ostvarujući mnogo intenzivnije, punije I kvalitetnije odnose svojih stanovnika I suseda.

System enables: 1) planning of density and displacement approach, 2) “in the city” organization and disposition (according to possible needs), as well as different approaches according to it’s habitants profile, or such. Contextual aspects apply as well. Structural and seismic questions are covered by nature of containers, native building elements, and primary technical and technological solutions depend on local conditions. System also offers almost the possibilities of “container urbanism”... It suggests use of highly economical solutions for used materials ‐ Styrofoam panels for facade and simple acrylic painting (endurable, efficient), and gypsum boards for interior divisions (cost‐ effective, durable). Active additional, or basic, food production and provision [PERMACULTURE GARDENING], provide vegetable production on site, including possible immediate environment. Permanent activity, and basic food provision lead to healthier population, either through positive attitude that it brings (and physical culture), or through higher financial and social level (food provision). “Anastasia, 1‐8”, by Vladimir Megre, explain such way of life... This solution was proposed in 2015 on an international competition organized by “Architects without borders” for Stockholm in Sweden, and received 1st honorable mention (instead of 2nd prize). Until today it is “in production/design” on a location in Obrenovac, city in Serbia, by a private investor as a weekend house.

Sistem omogućava: 1) planiranje gustine i prostiranja sklopova, 2) Organizacija i dispoziciju prema mogućim potrebama grada, kao i različite pristupe prema samim stanovnicima. Konstruktivna i seizmička pitanja pokrivena su prirodom samih kontejnera, te domaćih građevinskih elemenata, gde finalna tehničkia i tehnološkia rešenja zavise od lokalnih uslova. Sistem takođe nudi mogućnosti gotovo za "kontejnerski urbanizam"... Predlaže se korišćenje izrazito ekonomičnih rešenja po pitanju materijala – fasadni paneli stiropora sa jednostavnim fasadnim premazima (izdržlјivo, efikasno), kao i gipsane ploče za unutrašnje podele (ekonomičon, fleksibilno). Aktivna dodatna, ili osnovna(!), proizvodnja hrane u duhu permakulture, obezbeđuje proizvodnju voća i povrća na licu mesta, uklјučujući i moguće neposrednom okruženju. Rešenje nudi stalnu aktivnost stanovnika, hrana dobijena permakuturnim uzgajanjem vodi ka zdravijoj populaciji, bilo kroz pozitivan stav koji ona donosi (psiho‐fizičko zdravlje), ili kroz veću finansijsku i socijalnu slobodu samih stanovnika (kroz pružanje hrane). O tome govore knjige "Anastazija, 1‐8", Vladimir Megre, objašnjavajući takav način života ... Ovo rešenje je predloženo u 2015. godini, na međunarodnom konkursu organizovanom od “Udruženja arhitekata bez granica” u Štokholmu u Švedskoj, i dobilo je "prvi otkup" (umesto druge nagrade). Do danas je "u fazi projektovanja/razrade" za lokaciju u Obrenovcu, i to od strane privatnog investitora kao porodična vikendica.

PET19 15. Architectural visions/Arhitektonske vizije Self-Supported Re-mountable Pavilion / Samonosivi rasklopivi paviljon Bojan Tepavčević Vesna Stojaković, Dejan Mitov, Marko Jovanović, Ivana Bajšanski t

Stefan Ilišković, Dejana Nikolić, Albert Wiltsche, Milica Veljković, Aleksa Janković, Nikolina Janković, Marijana Miljković, Bogdan Kostić Stefan Ivković, Vesna Stojaković Novi Sad

Digital tools brings formal freedom and diverse design strategies in architecture, resulting with emerging complexity of building forms. One of the most important issues for the design and manufacturing such objects is feasible realisation which pertains with streamlined and automated construction and manufacturing process as well as design strategies. However, current design approaches to fabrication of complex 3D shapes is often based on fabrication tools and technologies that can’t provide quality. satisfactory results in terms of fabrication time, cost, scale, and qualit This project present our research results for construction and manufacturing low-cost digitally fabricated structures, based on utilization traditional friction-fit connection assembly system. Interlocking friction-fit structures doesn’t require any special tools or fasteners (glue, nails, screws) in the assembly process and they are able to transfer the loads and to be held together purely through friction between integral attachments. Structure is design on such way to be flat packed and to enable rapid assembly and dis-assembly. In that way innovative design and construction performs easy and adaptive re-use, 100% recyclable temporary structure that is at the same time efficient, sustainable and socially ethical. The entire structure model is made only out from 4mm thick plywood, which was milled along two axes, adding to the cost efficiency of the approach. In order to improve structural performance, the pavilion form is derived from a digital form finding process which generates the geometry of the self-supported structure. Design of free form plywood friction-fit thin shell structures was tested on a 1:5 scale model shown on images. Thin shell plywood pavilion is design on such way to provide views on interior and exterior of space at the same tame from any point, thus, for the visitors who can enters to the one of the 3 entrances. Additionally distribution of openings gradually provide vistas from enclosed space. Pavilion consists of almost equal triangles and connectors that are distributed at the mid-edge of the triangles, providing hexagonal pattern on the overall shape.

Tessellation explorations / istraživanje paterna teselacije

Digitalne tehnologije doprinele su većoj slobodi formalnog oblikovanja i različitim strategijama projektovanja, uticajući na pojavu kompleksnih arhitektonskih formi. Jedna od najvažnijih tema projektovanja i realizacije takvih projekata jeste jeftina realizacija, što je u direktnoj vezi sa strategijom dizajna ali i procesom automatizacije proizvodnje i građenja. Međutim, sadašnji pristupi projektovanja komplesnih arhitektonskih oblika su najčešće bazirani na skupim tehnologijama i vremenski zahtevnom realizacijom. Ovaj projekat prikazuje rezultate arhitektonskog istraživanja digitalno fabrikovanih struktura koje su istovremeno i jeftine, a bazirane na primeni savremenenih strategija dizajna i tradicionalnih pristupa konstruktivnih veza u drvetu koje omogućavaju prenos sila opterećenja, bez dodatnih alata ili veziva (lepak, ekseri, zavrtnji) prilikom sklapanja. Struktura paviljona je projektovana na taj način da je u potpunosti bude upakovan i transportovan u pločama, a istovremeno omogućava brzo sklapanje i rasklapanje bez dodatnih alata. Na taj način inovativni dizajn i konstrukcija omogućava laku i jednostavnu primenu koja se u potpunosti može ponovo koristiti više puta ili reciklirati, što istovremeno utiče na društvenu prihvatljivost i održivost projekta. Čitava struktura je napravljena od šperploče debljine 4mm isečene pomoću CNC glodalice na osnovu 2D crteža što dodatno utiče na ekonomsku prihvatljivost projekta. Konstruktivna stabilnost ljuske slobodne forme dobijena je kroz proces digitalnog generisanja formi samonosivih konstrukcija. Dizajn je testiran na maketi prikazanim na slikama, u razmeri 1:5. Paviljon koji testira nove procese arhitektonskog dizajna, napravljen je od šperploče ima složenu geometriju, kreiran je na takav način da omogući vizure ka spoljašnjosti i unutrašnjosti paviljona istovremeno, bez obzira na bilo koju tačku posmatrača i omogućava pristup iz tri pravca. Dodatno, na pojedinim panelima distribuirani su otvori na takav način da postepeno otvaraju vizure van paviljona. Paviljon se sastoji od različitih ali veoma sličnih trouglova, sa spojnicama pozicioniranim na sredini, koji dodatno formiraju heksagonalni patern.

Plan view / Osnova

BST29 project code

(the images below constitute the only available material successfully retrieved from the refistration form and have been placed by the organizers on the official layout)







BST31 project code

(the images below constitute the only available material successfully retrieved from the refistration form and have been placed by the organizers on the official layout)







BST30 project code

(the images below constitute the only available material successfully retrieved from the refistration form and have been placed by the organizers on the official layout)



















First stage 28/07/2016

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.