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CH360 Biochemistry 3 hours

Constitution and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, action and constitution of vitamins, enzymes and hormones, chemistry of respiration and tissues, energy relationships, inorganic metabolism, and other topics. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in CH331 Organic Chemistry II or equivalent. Normally offered every Fall.

CH360L Biochemistry Laboratory 1 hour

This course is a laboratory that will study some of the techniques used in biochemistry laboratories. It will emphasize protein and enzyme chemistry involving techniques such as separation, identification, and kinetics. The student will produce well-written, formal laboratory reports. Normally offered every spring. Prerequisite: CH331

LeGault, Miller *Alternate year course

CM101* Human Communication

After an introduction on basic theories of human communication, students survey the theory and practice of human communication in various contexts including interpersonal, mass media, and intercultural.

3 hours

CM105* Writing for Digital Media 3 hours

This course provides the foundational theory and production skills required for writing in various digital media through the layering of multiple communicative modes. Students investigate, rhetorically examine, and compose digital media texts to explore the unique contributions of the written word, audio, and visual media. No prior knowledge of specialized technology or software is required.

CM110 Public Speaking 3 hours

An introduction to speech communication with an emphasis on preparing and delivering public speeches. The course also develops listening and critical thinking skills.

CM210* Mass Media and Society 3 hours

A survey of the development and current state of mass media including print media, broadcasting, film, and digital media. Students explore both the economic and social significance of the mass media. Students create a mass media project of their choice as a way of demonstrating understanding.

CM212 Oral Interpretation of Literature 3 hours

The steps in preparing a piece of literature for public presentation are introduced: selection of literature, analysis of literature, rehearsal and performance. Vocal and physical techniques of expression are developed and the student gains poise and confidence in the public presentation of self through oral readings of prose, poetry, drama, and other forms of literature.

CM213* Argumentation and Deliberation 3 hours

Reasonable argumentation involves statements supported by valid evidence leading to desired conclusions. Public deliberation seeks to present and understand judicious arguments from diverse perspectives concerning controversial issues in the hopes of finding peaceful solutions to complex issues. In this course, students write and publicly present valid arguments, identify and refute common fallacies, explore the differences between debate and deliberation, and seek to understand and respect diverse perspectives. Prerequisites: sophomore standing, EN101 or ID—W, and CM110.

CM215* Persuasion in the Media Age 3 hours

Advertising, corporate image campaigns, political slogans, and public-health efforts: persuasion is everywhere. In this course, students will survey the theory and practice of communication designed to influence people’s beliefs and actions. Students study theories of persuasion from Aristotle to modern psychology to improve their practice and critique of persuasive messages. Anyone who must improve their own persuasive messages, written or spoken, or be able to recognize and evaluate persuasive appeals will benefit from this course.

CM220* Intermediate Public Speaking 3 hours This course focuses on the theory and practice of public address in a range of contexts. The course builds on previous speaking experience by emphasizing specific presentational skills, creating more sophisticated arguments, and strengthening analytical

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