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evaluation strategies. Using the five classical canons of oratory (invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery), students will learn to support and refute claims, avoid fallacies, analyze rhetorical situations, and speak with conviction and eloquence. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and CM110 or instructor permission.

CM222* Interpersonal Communication 3 hours

A concentrated study of the principles and skills involved in one-on-one communication. Activities and research stress relational and persuasive skills. Students improve their interpersonal communication competence and gain research skills in interpersonal communication.

CM225* Principles of Journalism 3 hours

This course provides an overview of writing for news outlets using multiple media. Students focus on techniques of news gathering and critique of mediated messages delivered on multiple channels synchronously and asynchronously. Prerequisites: EN101 or ID—W, CM110.

CM323* Intercultural Communication 3 hours

This class examines the challenges of communication between cultures in their many manifestations. Students explore cultural identity, bias and worldview and strengthen their own intercultural skills in a variety of contexts.

CM325* Applied Journalism

Students apply the principles learned in CM225 for the purpose of publication. The course emphasizes interviewing and storytelling techniques in various media. Students compose text, audio, and visual stories. Prerequisites: CM225.

3 hours

CM389* Rhetorical Criticism 3 hours

Authors, speakers, and artists use symbolic language to express thoughts and persuade audiences. Rhetorical theory provides the means to critically analyze those symbols to evaluate messages that may be hidden behind the text. In this course, students study rhetorical acts and create a rhetorical criticism of their own. Prerequisites: Junior or senior or instructor approval.

CM391 Senior Project 3 hours

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop a culminating work that pulls together their course work. A public presentation of the project is required. Prerequisites: Senior standing or permission of the instructor.

Rogers *Alternate year course

CS223* Principles of Programming I 3 hours

A study of problem solving and object oriented programming using a current high-level language prominent in industry. Topics include data representations, selection and repetition control structures, expressions, functions, objects, properties, I/O, file manipulation including databases, arrays, documentation and debugging. Students will complete several programming projects and be involved with the review of others. No prerequisites.

CS260 Data Structures (available at other KICA colleges) 3 hours

A study of elementary data types, dynamic data structures (linked lists, tree structures) with recursive algorithms and algorithm analysis. Prerequisite: CS223.

CS323 Programming for the Web 3 hours

This course will develop a broad knowledge base and skill sets associated with XHTML in cooperation with Javascript known as (AJAX). Development of interactive web pages along with an introduction to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) will be explored. Prerequisite: CS223.

CS333 Web Server Administration 3 hour

Basic knowledge of server platforms and arrays along with web server administration applications will be taught involving the combination of PHP and SQL Server platforms. Prerequisite: CS323

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