Bethany Magazine - August 2021

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Photos courtesy of Jason Jaspersen


Artist and Bethany professor Jason Jaspersen at his home studio.

Highlighting the Scriptures Through Art "You can be on the right path and completely frustrated, but you need to keep going. God has a purpose to this process." - JA S O N JA S PE R S E N


An artist highlights the Scriptures in new ways through his art. Many would say that our truest passions in life emerge in childhood. But as we move into adolescence and adulthood, these interests might be set aside or forgotten. Not for artist Jason Jaspersen ('97). He grew up in a household that was filled with creativity, and from a young age, he loved and appreciated art. As Jason grew up, his love for art didn't wane. And today, he has a portfolio filled with impressive projects that range from public monuments, painted murals, sand animation—and everything in between. Through his work, Jason not only does what he loves, but he's also able to glorify God and discover more about the Scriptures through the process.

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