FALL 2005
Bethany report
the magazine of bethany lutheran college
4 Vienna Boys’ Choir performs at Bethany 8 Student called up for duty in Iraq 10 First athletic seniors compete
from the president
Alumni recruiters A
lumni and friends of Bethany Lutheran College are important to our recruitment process. I hear, quite often, from friends of the institution about a student that would be a good fit for Bethany. Often, the referral of an alumnus/a or friend leads to the enrollment of a new BLC student. I thank each of you who discuss Bethany with family and friends. Your words of support mean a great deal to this institution. Enrollment numbers for the fall of 2005 are again encouraging. Our junior and senior classes continue to grow—indicating that most students who enroll as freshman do so with the intention of staying at Bethany to earn their bachelor’s degree. It is interesting to note that, while students come to Bethany from twenty-six different states, nearly 76% of our student body comes from just two states—Minnesota and Wisconsin. America’s demographics are changing as well as those of the Lutheran Church. Changing demographics indicate that institutions like Bethany need to be more strategic than ever in finding students who seek out an institution that offers excellent academics in a Christian environment. Minnesota is no exception to national demographic trends. Each year more new faces and nationalities are becoming Minnesotans. Why is this important to talk about? Many of our students are from areas that are changPresident Dan Bruss ing the most. Rural Minnesota has changed considerably. The growth that has occurred in rural Minnesota comes from a new population that doesn’t know about Bethany Lutheran College. But, I believe that we have much to offer, not only to those that know us well, but also to those that may never have heard of Bethany Lutheran College. The Bethany campus is changing too. If you haven’t been to Bethany recently, it may look a little different from what your mind recalls. The boundaries have changed and new buildings adorn the landscape. While Bethany’s physical appearance has changed, the essence of the institution has not. A recently-produced video about the college focused on the attributes that make Bethany Lutheran College unique. Students interviewed mentioned the unique atmosphere at Bethany that fosters both academic and spiritual growth. If you haven’t been to Mankato in a while please come and visit. We’d like to reacquaint you with Bethany Lutheran College. And for those that know us well, I encourage you to spread the word about Bethany to someone you might not have considered telling before. Your words speak volumes about Bethany, and yes, you are some of our best recruiters!
Bethany report editor | Lance Schwartz design, photography | David Norris proofreaders | Sarah Harstad Jon Kovaciny Elayne Luiken Shannon Reichel Tami Tillman contributors | Adrian Lo Lyn Merseth Shannon Reichel Lance Schwartz Please direct all correspondence, letters, news, corrections, and comments to: Bethany Lutheran College Bethany report 700 Luther Drive Mankato, MN 56001-6163 Email: alumni@blc.edu | www.blc.edu 507.344.7000 | 800.944.3066 FAX: 507.344.7417 ISSUE: CIII The Report is published quarterly by the Bethany Lutheran College public relations office and distributed free of charge to the college’s students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends. All contents © COPYRIGHT 2005 Bethany Lutheran College. Articles, images or photographs may not be reproduced without written permission. Mission: Bethany Lutheran College, owned and operated by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, is a private, residential, liberal arts college committed to the teachings of the Bible as set forth in the Lutheran Confessions. Bethany provides studies culminating in a bachelor of arts degree. The college serves Lutherans and others by offering a challenging, student-centered approach to education that fosters spiritual development, intellectual and creative growth, self-understanding, and responsible citizenship. In keeping with its heritage, Bethany aspires to produce students with a clear understanding of Christian vocation, which calls for people to make the most of their Godgiven talents in whatever walk of life they pursue. Bethany Lutheran College Board of Regents: Rev. John A. Moldstad, Sr., Chair Harold A. Theiste, Vice Chair Rev. Kenneth V. Schmidt, Secretary Willis Anthony, Ph.D. Rev. Mark Bartels Jon C. Bruss Paul T. Chamberlin Rev. Herbert C. Huhnerkoch James Minor Roland Reinholtz Rev. J. Kincaid Smith, D.Min. Rev. Joel Willitz Advisory Members: Pres. Dan R. Bruss, Ph.D. Rev. Lawrence A. Burgdorf Lyle Fahning Rev. John A. Moldstad, ELS President William Overn
On the cover: Sophomore Leslie Bremer went for the kill against a player from Augsburg on October 3, 2005. Bethany won the match three games to one. (Photo by SportPiX)
report | fall 2005
from the chapeL October 7, 2005 Luke 19:1-10—And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. And behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not for the crowd, because he was of short stature. And he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” And he made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. And when they saw it, they all murmured, saying, “He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner.” And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore to him fourfold.” And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham, for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Maybe you sang the song in Sunday school as I did— Rev. Erling Teigen “Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he; he climbed up in the sycamore tree, the Lord he hoped to see.” Then it goes on to tell the story. That little ditty permanently etched into my mind the picture of this Gospel lesson, with the short little fellow Zacchaeus, up in the tree above the crowds lining the street, looking out so that he could see Jesus. But to fully comprehend the meaning of this Gospel, to penetrate the real Gospel message here, we need to go beyond that childhood verse, and look rather to the somber words this hymn verse, e.g.: When sinners see their lost condition, And feel the pressing load of sin; And Jesus cometh on his mission, To heal the sin-sick heart within, All grief must flee before his grace, And joy divine will take its place
may very well say in itself that he was a crook of the highest order. The publicans were not well loved. They were Jews who represented the Roman government. Many of them were less than honest and kept for themselves more than they were entitled to. And yet, Jesus sees Zacchaeus—not only the Zacchaeus up in the tree, but the Zacchaeus inside the heart—and calls him down and says, “I’m staying at your house tonight.” And it is there that the most illuminating point in our Gospel comes. What was it that Jesus saw in Zacchaeus’ heart? First he saw the blackest sin—this guy was the pits. Inside his heart—he was probably far worse than he seemed even on the outside. On the outside he was at least rich. Probably well dressed. Maybe affluent, and probably not a slob or destitute in appearance. But on the inside he was completely poverty-stricken. He had nothing at all to offer, and nothing to stand on. Jesus sees that not only in Zacchaeus. He can see that in our hearts as well. But what Jesus saw more so in Zacchaeus, small up there in his little perch, but big as the world, was the same song sung by St. Paul: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst.” He saw the same humility as was in the heart of his mother Mary, “He has exalted Me, of low degree.” Jesus comes to bad people—me; you. He comes to all people, all of us, who in our hearts have nothing good, and who do nothing good. “In me, that is, in my flesh,” says St. Paul, dwelleth no good thing.” “The good that I would that I do not, but the evil which I do not want to do, that I do.” But of all those hearts before which Jesus stands, only one kind has room for him. And the difference is not found in whether one is good people or bad people. It is found in something else. The heart that knows that it is sinful, the heart which can say, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst”—only that heart has room for Jesus. The heart which will not acknowledge its sin, which sees itself as sufficient for itself, which thinks it deserves an ”A” for effort, not an “F” for its failure; there lies the “I”, and the self deceptions and lies that occupy the space where Jesus wants to come and enter. But where the voice of another publican says,
Zacchaeus shows us how we are to see ourselves. Zacchaeus was a publican—and a rich one, which
Chapel continued on page 5
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
campus news
Schwan Center sold to Thrivent
Vienna Boys’ Choir performs at Bethany
he Marvin M. Schwan Retreat and Conference Center has been sold. Diligent efforts were made to find a buyer that would use the facility for a similar purpose to the college’s original plan. The college administration was pleased when Thrivent Financial for Lutherans agreed to purchase the center. The Board of Regents of Bethany Lutheran College and the Board of Trustees of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod approved the sale and the closing occurred on October 14, 2005. While owned by Bethany, the center was the site of many college and Evangelical Lutheran Synod functions. Thrivent will be contracting with a national management firm for the operation of the Schwan Center.
Photo by David Norris
The renowned Vienna Boys’ Choir performed to a sold-out audience in Bethany’s Trinity Chapel on Wednesday, November 16, 2005. The group was founded in 1498 as part of the Vienna Hofmusikkapelle by Emperor Maximilian I to perform for private masses and concerts for the court. In 1921 the Boys’ Choir was turned into a private organization and has been giving concerts around the world since 1926. This was the group’s first-ever performance at Bethany Lutheran College.
Reformation lectures focus on Luther and Education
Photo by David Norris
Presenters at this year’s annual Reformation Lectures were (from left) Mark Lenz, Paul Lehninger, and Dennis Marzolf.
ethany Lutheran College and Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary hosted the 38th Annual Reformation Lectures on October 27-28, 2005. The theme of the 2005 lectures was Luther and Education. Presenters included Professor Paul Lehninger, Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, whose essay was called “Luther, Lutherans, and Liberal Arts Education.” Professor Mark Lenz, Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minnesota, spoke on the theme “Luther and Religious Education” and Professor Dennis Marzolf of Bethany Lutheran College presented the topic of “Luther and Music Education.” Copies of the lectures may be purchased by calling the Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary office at 507-344-7354.
report | fall 2005
Chapel continued from page 3
student news
Academic scholarships awarded
he top academic awards at Bethany Lutheran College are in the form of two prestigious scholarships. The Marvin G. Meyer and Dr. S.C. Ylvisaker scholarships are awarded to six of the top academically-prepared students who enroll at Bethany. The Meyer Scholarship covers the entire cost to attend Bethany—tuition, room, and board. The Ylvisaker Scholarship is valued at $7500 per academic year. The recipients of this year’s awards are: Marvin G Meyer: David Buchs, Rochester, Minnesota Dr. S.C. Ylvisaker: Christopher Breske, Elk River, Minnesota; Leah Fehr, North Sioux City, Iowa; Karyn Lussky, La Crescent, Minnesota; Kristen Scislow, Lakeville, Minnesota; and Anna Seidl, Volga, South Dakota
David Buchs
Christopher Breske
Leah Fehr
Karyn Lussky
Kristen Scislow
Anna Seidl
“God be merciful to me a sinner,” or the cry is heard “I am not worthy of the least of all they mercies,” —there that most basic lie and deception of self worth is shown and there-and-only-there is room for Jesus. It is not a matter of inviting him into your heart. Out of curiosity, Zacchaeus climbed up into a tree. But he did not cry out to Jesus to come to stay at his house. The invitation did not come from Zacchaeus. It came from Jesus himself, who said simply “I must stay at your house.” And that is how he comes to us today as well. By grace, he comes to us by the Word of God, and in grace, he comes into the heart where the lies of self-deception and self-importance are crowded out by the law of God. And then it can be announced, and proclaimed from the heights, “Today salvation has come to this house.... For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” To him alone be the glory now and forever. Amen
Wollin receives Minnesota Twins Scholarship Lance Schwartz Director of Marketing and Public Relations
helsea Wollin, Bethany freshman from Waterville, Minnesota, is a recipient of the Minnesota Twins Community Fund Diamonds and Dreams Scholarship Award. Nineteen college-bound students from Minnesota high schools received the scholarship. Wollin will be playing softball for the Vikings. The Diamonds and Dreams Scholarship Program is designed to support Upper Midwest youth in their pursuit
of post-secondary education. The Minnesota Twins Community Fund, a nonprofit organization formed in 1994 to lead Minnesota Twins community work, sponsors the award. Recipients of the award have participated with a baseball or softball team (high school or organized recreation league), have been involved in community service and/or volunteer work, and received leadership awards and honors in school and community activities.
Bethany freshman Chelsea Wollin. education that lasts beyond a lifetime
faculty news
Faculty updates and new employees Chris Johnson (Communication) hosted three sessions at the annual conference of Communication and Theatre Association of Minnesota (CTAM) held in Mankato. About 250 Minnesota college and high school teachers attended CTAM. Dr. Tom Kuster (Communication) finished his three-year period of service to CTAM (president-elect, president, and past president) at this year’s conference. Kuster also attended the week long “Hope at Luther” conference in Decorah, Iowa, in July 2005. The conference, sponsored by the National Communication Association, exists to enable faculty from smaller colleges to engage with some of the field’s foremost scholars. Linda Loge (Admissions) is co-chair for the Minnesota Admission Practices Committee. The primary function of this committee is to review a Statement of Principles of Good Practice in relation to current practices and procedures in college admission. This past summer, the results of Dr. Ryan MacPherson’s (History) research completed under a 2004 Faculty Development Grant, were published: “Natural and Theological Science at Princeton, 1845-1859: ‘Vestiges of Creation’ Meets the Scientific Sovereignty of God,” Princeton University Library Chronicle 65, no. 2 (2004): 184-235. (Though dated “2004,” the issue didn’t go to press until August 2005.) Dennis Marzolf (Music) was invited to the ELS Historical Society meeting in June to present a paper regarding the Germanic influences on the worship life of the Norwegian Synod. In July 2005 he presented a paper for the WELS National Conference on Worship, Music, and the
Arts held at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota. The paper explored the influence of the Liturgical Movement on the worship forms and practices of American Lutheranism. Tim Tollefson (Music) spent the summer on the East Coast where he took a class called “Advanced Analysis of Tonal Music” towards his music composition D.M.A. (at the Hartt School in Hartford, Connecticut). He was given an “insider’s” tour of the Yale campus by Dr. Kerala Snyder, who has been at Bethany twice speaking about the music of Buxtehude.
New faculty and staff Jennifer Wosmek (Psychology) Wosmek hails from Brownton, Minnesota. She has attended Augustana College and earned degrees from Temple University and the University of Kansas in Lawrence. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in developmental and child psychology through the University of Kansas. Wosmek has been married to her husband, Brad, for six years. The couple has two children. Sarah Harstad (Advancement) Harstad will direct the college’s annual fund efforts. Recently married to Bethany alumnus Derek Harstad, the former Sarah Madsen is a 2004 graduate of Bethany Lutheran College. Peter and Julie Kjeer – (Science and Mathematics) Both Peter and Julie Kjeer have taught at Bethany for a number of years and are now full-time faculty members. Both Peter and Julie hold advanced degrees from Minnesota State University, Mankato. The Kjeers have two children.
Karl Fager (Athletic Director) Fager earned his undergraduate degree in physical education from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville and then went on to complete his master’s degree at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Fager and his wife, Nancy, have four children. Brian Bartelt – Bartelt is a senior communication major at Bethany and is also a full-time employee of the college’s security department. He is originally from Onalaska, Wisconsin, and is engaged to be married in May 2006. Shannon Reichel – (Advancement) Reichel is a 2001 graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato. She provides support for the advancement office team. Her husband, Brandon, is a commerical painter. Dr. Robert C. Hanna (Secondary Education) Hanna’s primary responsibilities are to work with the Minnesota State Department of Education in order to add a secondary education major at BLC. For the past ten years, Hanna has served on the faculty at Hillsdale College in Hillsdale, Michigan, where he held the position of Director of Teacher Education for both elementary and secondary licensure. Hanna and his wife Leslie have two daughters. Kurt Paulsen (Communication Studio) Paulsen is a 2005 Bethany graduate who worked part-time in the communication studio before becoming a full-time employee in July 2005. In his role as media communication specialist, Paulsen works with students in broadcasting studies and manages on-campus media and archival needs. His wife of three years, Sheri, is an obstetric nurse in Mankato.
report | fall 2005
fine arts
theatre physics Peter Bloedel Theatre
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
Photos by Denice Woller
he 12th annual performance of Theatre Physics took place during Bethany’s Fall Festival, September 23-25, 2005. Theatre Physics was expanded to five performances over the Fall Festival weekend. Theatre Physics is Bethany’s annual vaudeville revue. Every year the show is different, but one thing has remained the same, that is simply: the cast and directors are given two and one half weeks to create a show that is original, very physical, and usually steeped in comedy. This year the show included: audience flossing; a menacing tribal blowgun warrior; a Napoleonic character taking target practice into the audience using a large trebuchet; a percussion routine using stools, garbage cans, and whistle tubes; a series of magical mishaps with a rope; talking and singing cereal boxes; a military family who communicate by using walkie-talkies only; people stacking; a man-eating couch; operatic diva cats; and finally a film noir “private eye” scenario in which most of the dialogue was comprised of lyrics or titles to Beatles songs. This year’s cast was extremely innovative and continued to generate great ideas right up to performance time. The success of this show is a huge testament to the creativity, flexibility, and dedication of both the cast and the crew for this project. The house was full for each performance and the cast and crew energetically met the challenge of entertaining the largest audience the show has ever seen. 7
call duty
the of
By Lydia Norman | Senior Liberal Arts Major
uke Hendricks joined the Minnesota Army National Guard to further his education, but that goal has recently been postponed. Hendricks is now serving his country overseas.
Hendricks was born in Mankato, Minnesota, but claims McDonough, Georgia, as his home. He is twenty-two years old and has studied three years at Bethany. He is a communication major with a pre-seminary emphasis and religious studies minor. After college, Hendricks plans to enroll at Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary to train for the public ministry. Hendricks has completed nearly two years of National Guard service. As a National Guard member, Hendricks is required to serve his country for one weekend a month and two full weeks a year. Hendricks followed in his father’s footsteps (Richard Hendricks ’82) and enlisted as a chaplain’s assistant. When he visited the recruiter’s office to complete the necessary paperwork he spent just fifteen minutes signing the myriad of forms. “I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I knew exactly where I wanted to go, I knew exactly which unit I wanted to be in. My dad really helped me in doing that, he really streamlined the process,” said Hendricks. As the chaplain’s assistant he is part of the Religious Support Team (RST). “Our mission is to provide for the free exercise of religion for all soldiers, family members, and authorized civilians,” said Hendricks. It is also the RST’s job to brief the commander on mission-specific religious information, such as which buildings hold religious significance. The chaplain is an ordained minister and serves his own denomination by providing Bible studies and church services for the soldiers. As chaplain’s assistant, Hendricks’ job is to do things such as set up the chapel service—something Hendricks is familiar with. As a student he often helps with similar duties as Bethany’s Trinity Chapel. In the military, the Hendricks continued on page 9
report | fall 2005
campus news
National Bethany Auxiliary meets Andrea Bush Junior Biology Major
Photos by David Norris
Bethany student Luke Hendricks will be a chaplain’s assistant while serving in Iraq.
Hendricks continued from page 8
assistant is not ordained and is an enlisted combat-trained soldier. Part of the assistant’s job is to protect the chaplain. The chaplain and assistant are a team and stick together as much as possible. Under the Geneva Convention the chaplain is a non-combatant and should not be engaged by the enemy. He is, therefore, not allowed to carry a weapon. Hendricks’ unit was activated in October. Active service means that he will be called to federal duty full time. His unit will be moving in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Hendricks pointed out that this is the largest deployment of Minnesota troops since WWII. Hendricks will be on duty for eighteen months. The first six months is all stateside training. The overseas deployment phase lasts one year. Before leaving, Hendricks made time to visit all of his family on the West Coast. He also made a point to spend time with his friends. “I’m a “people person” so friendships and relationships mean a lot, so that’s probably what I’ll miss the most,” said Hendricks. Hendricks also met frequently with Bethany Chaplain Don Moldstad to education that lasts beyond a lifetime
prepare himself spiritually. Hendricks said, “I have anxieties because I have plans that I want to accomplish. But I know where my home is and I trust in Christ completely.” Hendricks advice to those who know soldiers is to pray for them. “The greatest and most effective support that can be given is to pray for all the soldiers that God’s will be done and that He bring us home safe,” said Hendricks. Phone cards are also a great way to support troops. They offer an inexpensive way to keep in contact with home. “To be able to hear your loved one’s voice is a great gift,” said Hendricks. Supporting your troops can also take the form of letters and care packages. Hendricks says that written letters are more personal than emails. “Written letters are a lot better and just bring a greater smile than emails.” Hendricks invites letters and emails. His email address is lucas.hendricks@blc.edu. He plans to send weekly or bi-weekly updates to anyone who wants to be on an email list. He is also willing to share his mailing address and hopes to send return notes to anyone who sends him a letter. His mailing address can be requested via email. God’s blessings be with Luke Hendricks and all servicemen and servicewomen.
n Monday September 26, 2005, the National Bethany Auxiliary visited the Bethany Lutheran College campus. The day was filled with chapel, speakers, tours, recitals, and a luncheon. Participants travel from throughout the Midwest to enjoy a day on the Bethany campus. “It (the Women’s Auxiliary) formed as something called the Paint and Varnish Club in the 1920s. At that time, the group did just as the name suggests—they painted and helped ready the campus for the school year,” said Lance Schwartz, Bethany’s Director of Marketing and Public Relations. Through the years, the scope of the group’s work has changed. The National Auxiliary now raises funds for the school in order to support the Dorothy Theiste Auxiliary Scholarship Fund. Theiste was a life-long member of the group and a committed Bethany supporter before her passing. As an organization, the Auxiliary also helps purchase needed items for Bethany and its students. Schwartz said, “They’ve purchased furniture for residence halls and The Lab, bought artwork for the campus, items for the kitchen, and provided scholarship dollars just to name a few.” The Auxiliary is a group of Bethany supporters from Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) and certain Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) churches. Robin Ouren, from Norseland, Minnesota is the current Auxiliary president. Other officers include: Vice President Ruth Smith, Pine River, Minnesota; Secretary Cyndy Johnson, Scarville, Iowa; and Treasurer Becky DeGarmeaux, Mankato, Minnesota. 9
First senior night held at Bethany By Adam Holtz Assistant Sports Information Director
ot long ago, many of Bethany’s alumni may have had a hard time imagining such an event occurring at their alma mater. But on October 26, senior night became a reality at Bethany Lutheran College, when the Vikings Britt Rinne honored Britt Rinne (St. James, Minnesota), the volleyball program’s first senior. Two other seniors, Oliver Lundquist (Mankato, Minnesota; men’s soccer) and Brittany Bowman (Amery, Wisconsin; women’s soccer) also closed out their fouryear athletic careers at Bethany this fall. Senior night likely will become a fixture at Bethany, now that the program has begun membership in the National Oliver Lundquist Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Athletic director, Karl Fager, is excited about the upcoming changes and what they mean for the Bethany community. “There’s a lot of things that need to be taken care of during the first couple years,” Fager said, “but the benefit of putting in hard work now will definitely pay dividends in the long term for our students Brittany Bowman and the college itself.” The 2005-06 academic year is Bethany’s first as a provisional member of the NCAA at the Division III level. During the fouryear provisional period, Bethany, both as an athletic department and as an institution, must demonstrate to the NCAA that it can be a member in good standing. Fager recently traveled with President Dan Bruss and Vice President for Student Affairs Steve Jaeger to the Division III meetings in Indianapolis, Indiana. The mid-October meetings gave them a “flavor of what Division III is all about,” Fager said. Fager is working with Bethany’s coaches and administration to make sure that the college is able to fulfill the Division III membership guidelines during this first year of the provisional term. After the second provisional year (2006-07), the NCAA will evaluate Bethany’s progress toward membership guidelines. If Bethany can meet those guidelines, a waiver may be granted to allow full membership in 2007-08. This would permit Bethany to compete for NCAA national championships one year sooner than first anticipated. Some new titles have been created as part of the transition.
Photo by David Norris
NCAA compliance coordinator and head baseball coach Ryan Kragh (left), will work closely with athletic director Karl Fager, who will make sure Bethany fulfills its Division III membership guidelines.
Ryan Kragh has added the title of NCAA compliance coordinator to those of baseball coach and coordinator of the Sports and Fitness Center. Tiffany Young Klockziem has taken on the role of senior women’s administrator in addition to coaching women’s basketball and teaching in the health and human performance division. The NCAA has also assigned Bethany a mentor to help with the transitional period. Another major development in the athletic department is the creation of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). The SAAC is made up of one or two athletes from each varsity sport, and will help all student-athletes voice their concerns, as well as engage in community service projects both on and off campus. Kragh and Young Klockziem serve as advisors to the SAAC, which elects its own officials and has drawn up its own
Seniors continued on page 11 report | fall 2005
Seniors continued from page 10
constitution. “It’s a great honor for students to be selected to serve on the committee,” says Young Klockziem. “It provides them with opportunities to develop leadership qualities both now and for the future.” Kragh agrees. “It’s the student athletes’ voice within the athletic department; it’s up to them to take the SAAC as far as they want it to go, and they’re taking complete ownership of the group. It’s an honor to be part of the SAAC.” Bethany isn’t the only school making transitions, however. Many of the other schools in the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference (UMAC) are going through the same changes, making a transition to Division III membership as well. By the time Bethany completes its provisional period, the UMAC and its member schools are scheduled to be accepted into full membership, which will allow for the conference champion in many sports to receive an automatic bid into NCAA national tournaments. Another exciting change at Bethany will be the return next fall of Homecoming during Fall Festival, a weekend filled with activities involving alumni and athletics. In addition to Viking home games, the weekend will feature a Parents’ Day for all athletes and their families, as well as a ceremony to induct new members into the Bethany Athletics Hall of Fame. “Homecoming is going to be an exciting time,” Fager said with anticipation. “It will be great to see so many alumni back on campus.” Fager is convinced that in the near future, Bethany will be competing for conference championships in every sport, and even for the UMAC’s prestigious Kruse Award, given to the school whose athletic teams accumulate the most points based on conference standings in all sports. “It’s only a matter of time,” said Fager. “We have always had quality student athletes at Bethany; having them for four years will make us competitive in the conference very soon.” education that lasts beyond a lifetime
campus news
Edgewood Place
Photos by David Norris
President Dan Bruss made the official cut at the ceremony. Greater Mankato Chamber members and members of the Bethany community helped in declaring Edgewood Place officially open.
he Greater Mankato Chamber of Commerce conducted an official ribbon cutting ceremony on August 18, 2005, on the Bethany campus. The ceremony marked the opening of Edgewood Place, the new on-campus apartments for upperclasswomen.
Junior and senior women are enjoying the spacious apartment living quarters.
Annual Report The Bethany Lutheran College Annual Report for the fiscal year 2004-05 is now available for download on our Web site at www.blc.edu/annualreport. The publication includes a financial report, listings of alumni gifts, general gifts, memorial gifts, Partners in Annual Giving, and Heritage Society gifts.
By John P. Boubel, Ph.D. History
ethany often describes itself as a Christian Liberal Arts college. What could be more central to the liberal arts than history? Its importance as a cornerstone of a liberal arts education is many-sided. As the Report of the Commission on the Humanities mentioned in 1964, “History offers us certain original and indispensable ways of looking at human experience.” “It contrasts what is ...with what has gone before...” In doing so it frees us from the narrow confines of the present and enables us History continued on page 13
report | fall 2005
History continued from page 12
to see a larger perspective. At Bethany, we place history in the humanities division because it teaches the relevance of beliefs, the role of personalities, and the morality of choices made by individuals that make up the record of humanity. The study of history can be a force to make mankind more humane, counteracting demagoguery and ethical relativism. History is also a link to the social sciences and other disciplines. This is why the history major was developed simultaneously with the interdisciplinary broad field social studies (BFSS) major. This major will serve as the academic basis for those seeking licensure as secondary teachers, once Bethany obtains such certification from the Minnesota Department of Education. One distinguishing aspect of Bethany’s history and BFSS majors is the philosophy that future teachers are considered first scholars in history and social studies before they are teachers. In many other institutions, future teachers are taught within colleges of education and are not considered history or social studies majors. As a Christian institution, Bethany has an opportunity in its history and BFSS majors to demonstrate that there are absolutes in values that influence the choices people make. The condition of a fallen human is copiously illustrated throughout history. In our courses we have the chance to reveal this condition and point to the only final remedy in our Savior Jesus Christ. There is also the opportunity to show the role of civic righteousness, something so necessary in the non-Christian world down through the millennia. While teaching is a career choice of many history majors, there are many other options open to our graduates. Politics and government service, museum and archival work, business and industry are all possibilities. Our graduates are not only well grounded in historical information, education that lasts beyond a lifetime
Dr. Ryan MacPherson (left) along with Dr. John Boubel (far right) join Bethany’s first history major graduate (from left) Christopher Nelson, and first broad field social studies graduates, Jerome Wardlow, and Andrew Zondervan for a moment after graduation in May 2005.
but know how to carry out research to find answers to important questions, use critical thinking in the evaluation of sources, are able to effectively organize information, and write and speak well. These are all skills sought after by employers today. Bethany’s history graduates are also well prepared for graduate work, particularly in history, law, and seminary studies. Besides courses to hone these skills, this year our upper-division students had the opportunity to develop these skills by attending the Northern Great Plains History Conference in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Through the generosity of several alumni and the college, who underwrote the cost of attending, our students were able to experience the diverse topics about which history scholars, museum directors, and professors are writing about today. It was also an excellent time for fellowship and for building department solidarity through meals and travel.
Bethany’s history department is staffed by two full-time faculty members and supplemented by adjunct faculty with special expertise. I received my Ph.D. from Marquette University in 1989 and taught for nine years at Concordia University-Wisconsin and several other institutions before coming to Bethany in 1998. I teach the world history courses, many European courses, and research courses. Our newer member, Dr. Ryan MacPherson, an alumnus of Bethany, received his Ph.D. from Notre Dame in May 2003 and joined the Bethany faculty the following fall. Dr. MacPherson teaches the American history courses. I am confident that we will continue to grow as a major and that our philosophy towards the study and teaching of history will attract more and more students. But above all, we hope our graduates will take with them the knowledge of God’s gracious will and the saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. 13
Not your ordinary summer break Lance Schwartz Director of Marketing and Public Relations
or most college students, summers are spent earning money to pay for next year’s textbooks and tuition. And summer jobs aren’t always the most exciting—stocking shelves, bussing tables, and flipping burgers. For a couple of Bethany Lutheran College students their summer was filled with hard work, but it was anything but ordinary. The summer of 2005 for Jessica Kruse and Monica Kovaciny was spent traveling the upper-Midwest with five other college students helping developmentally disabled adults understand the story of the Gospel and the love of Jesus. The program they participated in is part of the Summer Ministry Experience and Jesus Cares Ministry—a project of the Lutheran Home Association, Belle Plaine, Minnesota. Kruse and Kovaciny, together with students from Martin Luther College and Wisconsin Lutheran College, traveled throughout Minnesota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin attending camps, Bible school events, and fellowship nights for clients of Jesus Cares Ministries programs. Jessica Kruse is a senior psychology major from Allegan, Michigan, and Monica Kovaciny, Reedsburg, Wisconsin, is a senior majoring in history and English. Neither of the two knew exactly what they were going to be doing for Jesus Cares Ministries when they were hired, but they were excited to be doing something different from most of their friends. The sense of mystery about their work was perhaps a little unnerving, but they both readily admit the work they did was extremely satisfying, fulfilling, and heartwarming. Much of the group’s travels were done in their own cars, they often ate on the run and each week was spent in a different 14
Photo courtesy of Jessica Kruse
Jessica Kruse enjoyed a fulfilling summer interning with Jesus Cares Ministry.
location. Most of the accommodations were adequate but far from plush. The students would sometimes stay with host families—a welcome change from fast food and camp living. The group helped at Camp Philip and Camp BASIC (Brothers and Sisters in Christ), both located in Wisconsin. Their work ranged from writing and performing a Bible story lesson in drama format to taking a group of clients to the store to do some shopping. Another highlight for the students was the opportunity to see the clients at work. Many of them performed what most would consider mundane tasks. The clients were paid for their work and sometimes had the opportunity to go out and spend their hard-earned money—a highlight for the student interns and the clients. Kovaciny enjoyed the time she was able to be in the public eye with the Jesus Cares clients. “I was proud to be doing things where others could see me with the clients,” said Kovaciny. “It is sometimes hard for people to understand those that aren’t like them and the tendency is to
stare, but knowing these people as children of God was great and I was proud to be the one that helped them understand the love of Jesus, or just helped them go shopping,” said Kovaciny. Kruse adds, “The work was sometimes challenging, but the interactions made me smile and I was able to keep the love they have for God inside my heart every day.” Both Kovaciny and Kruse were struck by the clients’ eagerness to learn about God’s Word. “They’re enthusiasm to learn all they could about Jesus was so obvious. They really wanted to know all there was to know about God and heaven,” said Kovaciny. “One particular client—he couldn’t get to sleep at night before we told him the story for the next day.” Kovaciny even had the opportunity to meet a relative who was a client of Jesus Cares. The client, a distant cousin, spent most of his days drawing crosses and spelling out JESUS. “It was a comfort to me to know that one of my relatives, who I didn’t know before last summer, was exposed to Jesus because of the work I was doing on my summer break.” report | fall 2005
campus news
Former senator makes visit to Bethany
Registrar Bethany Lutheran College, invites applications for the position of Registrar. The Registrar reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and is responsible for the administrative and operational activities of the Registrar’s Office.
Photo by David Norris
Former Minnesota United States Senator David Durenberger visited the Bethany campus on October 11, 2005. Durenberger is a member of the communication program’s advisory committee. Durenberger visited several classes during his trip to Bethany and offered advice and input to a group of students during a special luncheon.
Alumni band members invited
oin the Bethany Band for the Third Annual Bethany Alumni Band Invitational on Saturday, March 18, 2006, for an afternoon of classic band music, fun, and fellowship. The Bethany Band extends a special invitation to former band members to join us in playing classic band repertory such as Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever, the Holst Second Suite for Band, John Zdechlik’s Psalm 46, and The Light Eternal by James Swearingen. Please bring family and friends. Participants will rehearse, catch up with news from all over, and then perform. The rehearsal will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. in Trinity Chapel with a performance to follow at 4 p.m. Reception
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
and refreshments will served be in the Band Room (111) in the Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center. Call (507) 344-7372 or send an e-mail to alo@blc.edu if you have any questions, or if you would like to request a rehearsal copy of the music.
Primary responsibilities include: • overseeing the registration process, including advising and registration, course and final exam schedules, and classroom assignments. • preparing the academic catalog, graduation documents, advisor and international student handbooks, and federal and state reports. • maintaining student records (directory, majors, etc.). Candidates must be a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) or Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) or be willing to join one of the two synods. Additional qualifications: • master’s degree plus four years experience in higher education • knowledge of appropriate federal laws and mandates related to students • experience working with an integrated student information system (such as Jenzabar, Banner, or Datatel) • excellent interpersonal and written communication skills Application review will begin January 2, 2006, and continue until the position is filled. Please visit our Web site at www.blc.edu/jobs for the full position description and minimum qualifications and our application process.
alumni news
alumni news 1949 Betty (Mau) Kietzer has two greatgrandchildren: Zachary Zernechel (3) and Traedan Kietzer (7 mos).
1953 On June 26, 2005, at their long-time rural home in Holly, Michigan, the Rev. Elmer Boniek (’53) and his wife, Sharon,
America, pilot and Alaska/Montana hunting guide; Ruth O’Neill (’82) of Texas, mother of three, homeschool teacher, airline dispatcher, and church volunteer; and Mani Boniek (’85) of Colorado, father of four, lighting and sound technician and event manager with his wife, Patrisha, for national festivals, political summits, Focus on the Family, and Presidential tours. All of them rejoice in the many blessings the Lord has showered upon them. The reunion was a week-long event highlighted with the preaching of the Word of God, and the baptism of a great-granddaughter by Pastor Boniek. A Hawaiian luau marked the observance of the golden anniversary.
1957 Norman Madson (‘57), Delores (Rambler) Cassidore (‘56), and Amanda (Tjernagel) Madson (‘56) met
celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary and fifty-two years of ministry. Observing the great milestones with them were their seven children and their respective spouses, their twenty-five grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Among the family are numerous Bethany alumni, including Mary Burel (’77) of Florida, mother of five children, grandmother of two, homeschool teacher, and pilot; Sarah Bachmann (’82) of Switzerland, mother of five children, homeschool teacher, artist, writer, and political advisor; Elisa Londgren (’79) of Michigan, mother of six children, homeschool teacher, artist and designer, and her husband, the Rev. Jeffrey Londgren (’79) ELS pastor in East Jordan and Rogers City, Michigan, and three of their children currently enrolled at Bethany, Brandon, Jerusha and Trevor; Martin Boniek (’81) of Colorado, father of two, professor of aviation technology and summer flight-see pilot in Wrangell Mts. of Alaska; Joel Boniek (’87) of Montana, evangelist in Mongolia, Laos, Africa, Europe, Sri Lanka and South 16
Arizona. They had not seen each other since 1958 when Amanda and Norman were married.
1960 Vivian (Unseth) Weseloh has six grandsons and three granddaughters. The youngest grandchild, Grace Ann Lenore Weseloh was born September 8, 2005, weighing nine pounds, five ounces. Grace’s parents are Christian and Wendy Weseloh. They reside in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
1965 William Kudirka has two sons. His oldest son, Daniel, is a captain with U.S. Airways and his youngest son, Michael, is completing his master’s degree in classical guitar at the California Institute of the Arts. Gary Parker is doing well and working for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans in Grand Island, Nebraska.
1972 Sue Hopfensperger and her husband Ralph reside in Nashville, Tennessee. Sue works at Belmont University and Ralph works at the Nashville CarMax. Sue can be reached at shopfens@richmond.edu.
at a WELS pastor’s conference in San Carlos, Arizona. Norman retired in 2001. Since retirement, he has taught Lutheran classes in Sophia, Bulgaria, and Naju City, South Korea. At the time of the photo, he was serving a vacancy at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Scottsdale, Arizona. Delores is married with six children. She has her master’s degree in teaching and is working in San Carlos. Amanda (Tjernagel) Madson (’56), Janelle (Jungeman) Myers (’56), and Jeri (DeWall) Ward (‘56) also reunited in Scottsdale,
Audrey Helbling is a freelance writer residing with her family in Faribault, Minnesota. She recently finished a story about her father who fought in the Korean War. The story was published in a book titled “God Answers Prayers” Military Edition. The book is composed of true stories written by people who served in the military and friends and family of those who served in the military.
1981 Sarah Garcia recently lost her job of seven years at Madelia Public Schools. She is looking for a job that puts her writing skills and creativity to use.
report | fall 2005
alumni news 1983
John Wold submitted his name for nomination on the Thrivent Board of Directors. He was on the voting ballot for the election in November 2005. He was interested in running because he wants to offer a perspective to the Thrivent Board that he believes many members of the ELS and WELS share.
Nate (’93) and Sara (Goehring ’94) Birkholz reside in Rochester, Minnesota.
Theological Seminary in preparation for the pastoral ministry. He is taking two New Testament classes.
1996 Sara Merseth married Greg Traylor in May 2004. They reside in St. Paul, Minnesota. Sara is a registered nurse case
1984 Barbara (Brewer) Eisen and her husband Scott have four children: Paul (20), Tanner (13), Dillon (6), and Nicole (4). Barb received her master’s degree in business administration—graduating Sigma Beta Delta from Texas Women’s University in May 2005. She is working as a senior compliance investigator for Texas Health Resources in Northern Texas.
1985 Kate Olsen has three children ages 8,11, and 14. She is teaching art in the Madison, Wisconsin, Metro School District. Kate can be reached at kate.o@mac.com.
1986 Linda (Heintz) Smith lives in Ortonville, Minnesota, where her husband Ray serves as vicar to Trinity Lutheran Church. They have one son, Jason (15) and one daughter, Bonnie (12).
1989 Rebecca (Langr) Klaeui and her husband, Markus, announce the birth of a baby girl, Silvia Grace Klaeui, on May 15, 2005.
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
They have a son, Nathaniel, born November 26, 2004. They also have a three-yearold daughter, Salem.
1994 Tiffany Young-Klockziem is teaching at Bethany in the Health and Human Performance Department. She also is the senior women’s athletic administrator and the head women’s basketball coach. She is pursing her doctorate in health promotion and education.
manager for Optioncare and Greg is a route salesman/relief driver for Old Home Foods. In their free time Sara and Greg cook for their small catering company Black Eyed Greens.
Amy Stafford resides in Lengby, Minnesota, with her husband Shawn and her children Solveig (5) and Jonah (3). Amy graduated with a master’s degree in anthropology from Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2004. She is working as a city treasurer for the city of Lengby. Anne (Hansen) Mundt and her husband Andrew reside in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Anne is a speech-language pathologist in the Milwaukee Public Schools and Andrew is a professor of chemistry at Wisconsin Lutheran College. Ryan and Marie MacPherson are expecting the birth of their first child in March 2006. Marie, an elementary education major, is presently student teaching and plans to complete her degree as a fulltime mother/part-time student, probably graduating in 2007. Meanwhile, Ryan has enrolled part-time at Bethany Lutheran
Kelsi (Turner) Tjernagel ran the Country Music Half-Marathon in Nashville, Tennessee, in April 2005 and the Chicago Marathon in October 2005. She resides outside Lexington, Kentucky, with her husband Jonathan. Kelsi can be reached at kttjernagel@yahoo.com Tricia (Dale) Linn and her husband Jeremy reside in Conger, Minnesota. They have one daughter, Megan (4), and are expecting another child in early December 2005. Linda Schrader married Benjamin Rodriguez in June 2003. Linda graduated from Sister Rosalind’s Schools and Clinics of Professional Massage in April 2005. Linda and Benjamin reside in Waseca, Minnesota.
alumni news Mark Sielaff is an active member of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He is currently spending many hours witnessing and counseling others using God’s word as his guide. Carrie Ketel earned her doctorate degree in June 2005 from the University of Minnesota. Andre Waller is a chemical dependency counselor in Nebraska. He is married and has a baby girl. Denice (Fetzer) Woller and her husband, Eric (’92), welcomed their second daughter, Olivia Margaret Woller, into the world on June 1, 2005. Olivia is constantly smiling and joins her big sister Rylee in creating never-ending entertainment for her parents.
1998 Gillian Kavinsky was diagnosed with leukemia in April 2005. She received a bone marrow transplant in September 2005. She would love to hear from her Bethany friends. Gillian can be reached at tylie517@hotmail.com. Tammy (Reichert) Donahue and her husband Mick had a baby boy, Marshall Mickelean Donahue, on July 2, 2005. He weighed six pounds, nine ounces and was nineteen-and-a-half inches long. Brenda Falde graduated from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, in 2001 with a bachelor’s degree in studio art. She was married on September 3,
2005. Brenda and her husband reside in Plymouth, Minnesota, where she is a bridal consultant. Brenda can be reached at bjfalde@yahoo.com
Daniel Jorgenson married Miaja Flaig in May 2005. Parents of the couple are
1999 Emily Van Hee married Jesse Berg on December 18, 2004 in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. The Bergs reside on a farm near Clements, Minnesota. Emily is the principal at St. Michael’s Catholic School in Morgan, Minnesota, and Jesse is the superintendent of a local golf course. Melissa Mann married Brent Allen on April 6, 2005 at St. John The Baptist
Darwin and Beth Jorgenson of Janesville, Minnesota, and Randy and Ruthie Flaig of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Bethany alumni in the wedding party were Braulio Vega (’00), Dean Natto (‘00), and Katie Jorgenson (’04). Dan is a certified public accountant and Miaja is a surgical technologist.
2001 Catholic Church in Mankato, Minnesota. A reception was held at the Best Western Hotel in Mankato. Bethany alumni in the wedding party included Tina (Nelson) Jacobson (’99) and Amy (Stolt) Becker (’99). The Allens reside in North Mankato, Minnesota. Melissa is a third and fourth grade teacher at All Saints Catholic School in Madison Lake, Minnesota, and Brent works for the Mankato Golf Club.
2000 Lisa (Waldschmidt) Kiel and her husband Christian had a baby girl, Ella, on May 5, 2005. Ella was baptized on May 29, 2005, in Crookston, Minnesota. Lisa and Christian also have a two-year-old son, Noah.
Elisia Weitzel married Nate Fuller on June 10, 2005. Elisia and Nate reside in New Prague, Minnesota, with their baby boy, Ethan Thomas Fuller.
2002 Sarah Kenney gave birth to a baby girl, Katherine Elizabeth Kenney, on March 3, 2004. Sara and her daughter reside in Pflugerville, Texas.
2003 Paul Agenten (’03) and Christine Marozick were married June 2003 in Cottage Grove, Wisconsin. They reside in Bozeman, Montana, where Christine is pursuing a degree in fish and wildlife management and working for Prudential Realty. Paul is working for Arbor Medic, a lawn care and landscaping company.
report | fall 2005
alumni news
2006 History Tour of South England
Aaron Soule (’02), Matt Wiechmann (’04), and current BLC student Andrew Greibrok.
with Dr. John Boubel July 31 – August 10, 2006 Tour features: • Roundtrip air service: Minneapolis to London via Reykjavik; return from London via Reykjavik, on Icelandair. • Three-star hotel accommodations: 3 nights in London; 2 nights in Bury St. Edmunds; 2 nights in Kent; 2 nights in Southhampton. • Meals: breakfasts daily and evening dinners per itinerary. • Porterage: hotel baggage handling, 1 bag per person, in/out. • Private coach transportation: Heathrow airport to hotel with escort to London hotel; half-day tour of Hampton Court with guide. Touring coaches throughout the tour with local guides. • Entrance fees provided to attractions • Tour Price: inclusive tour price is $3675 per person based on double occupancy (single supplement $325). The price is based on costs of airfare, accommodations, ground transportation, escorts, included meals, entrance fees, and is based on the value of the dollar in relation to foreign currency. It is subject to change with currency fluctuations. • Not included in the tour price –lunches, beverages, extra entrances, gratuities, dinners not scheduled, and items of a personal nature such as passport fees, telephone/ fax expenses, laundry, etc. For more information, you may contact Dr. John Boubel by calling the college at 800-944-3066, via email at jboubel@blc.edu, or tour counselor Paul Helland at 651-890-4200.
education that lasts beyond a lifetime
Photo by Denice Woller
Oh, baby Kathy Bruss invited the new faculty and staff babies and moms to a party at the president’s residence. From left: Isaiah Heins, Grant Wangsness, and Olivia Woller. Not pictured: Jalen Hayes, Malory Hermanson, Faith Johnson, and Anna Schwartz.
Brian Cliff is working as an assistant golf professional at Breezy Point Resort in Two Harbors, Minnesota. He spent the past winter at Desert Highlands Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona, as an outside professional. Justine Rude married Joel Johnson on July 26, 2003. They reside in New Ulm, Minnesota. Justine works from their home as a medical records coder for Lake City Medical Center.
Joni (Dukleth) Moldstad and her husband, Matt (’02), are the proud parents of a baby boy. Christian Erik Moldstad was born on November 10, 2005, and weighed six pounds, three ounces.
In memoriam Sarah (Marth) Olson passed away Aug. 15, 2005. Sarah graduated from Sturgeon Bay High School (Wisconsin) in 1955 and then attended Bethany. She was an accompanist for the Choraliers for many years. She also was on the Board of Directors for the Community Concerts doing publicity for twenty years. She was an active member at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Door County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, Retired Persons Activity Club, and the Historical Society.
2004 Laura Ribbe is attending Minnesota State University, Mankato as a secondyear graduate student studying health promotion. She is working at Buffalo Wild Wings and Midwest Wireless Civic Center in Mankato, Minnesota. Sarah (Madsen) Harstad and Derek Harstad (’05) were married July 23, 2005. Amanda Madsen (’00) was the maid of honor and Christopher Harstad (’01) was the best man. Bridesmaids included Joni (Dukleth) Moldstad (’05), current BLC student Karina Harstad, Steph (Kiel) Merseth (’02), and Aleaha Cummings (’04). The personal attendant was Katie (Schwartz) Bushman (’02). Groomsmen included Joe Tyrrell (’05), Matt Moldstad (’02), and Matt Bindert (’04). Ushers included
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700 Luther Drive Mankato, Minnesota 56001-6163 education that lasts beyond a lifetime
Calendar of Events december 10 Admissions Open House campus wide, 2:30 p.m. 10 Men’s Basketball @ Carleton College Northfield, Minn., 3 p.m. 12 Men’s Basketball vs. UW-Stout SFC, 7 p.m. 13 Fall Semester Honors Recital Trinity Chapel, 7 p.m. 14 Organ Vespers, Trinity Chapel, 5:30 p.m. 16 Women’s Basketball @ North Central Minneapolis, Minn., 5:30 p.m. 16 Men’s Basketball vs. UW-River Falls SFC, 7 p.m. 17 Men’s Basketball vs. Luther, SFC, 7 p.m. 27-29 Women’s Basketball @ SW University Tournament, Georgetown, Texas
january 6 Women’s/Men’s Basketball vs. Crown SFC, 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. 7 Women’s/Men’s Basketball vs. Northwestern, SFC, 3 & 5 p.m. 13 Women’s/Men’s Basketball @ St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minn. 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. 14 Men’s/Women’s Basketball @ Northland Ashland, Wisc., 5 & 7 p.m. 15 Faculty Organ Recital featuring Judith Kresnicka, Trinity Chapel, 2 p.m. 20 Women’s/Men’s Basketball @ UM-Morris Morris, Minn., 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. 21 Women’s/Men’s Basketball @ Presentation, Aberdeen, S. Dak. 3 & 5 p.m 24 Women’s/Men’s Basketball vs. Martin Luther, SFC, 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. 27 Women’s/Men’s Basketball vs. Northland SFC, 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. 28 Women’s/Men’s Basketball vs. St. Scholastica, SFC, 3 & 5 p.m 31 TCFL #4 - Normandale Comm. College Bloomington, Minn., 2 p.m. For more calendar events, visit: www.blc.edu
Visiting Opportunities Bethany Lutheran College is offering a number of opportunities for prospective students to visit the campus this year. Open House events will include a PowerPoint presentation and a tour of the campus with one of our students. Open House dates are: Saturday, December 10, 2005 Wednesday, February 1, 2006 There will also be a Get Away Weekend on the Bethany campus. High school juniors and seniors will be able to experience college life in the residence halls, visit classes and attend activities. Buses will pick up students throughout Wisconsin and students from all locations are invited to attend. The Get Away Weekend date is: February 2-5, 2006 For more information on any of these events call the admissions office at 1-800944-3066 or visit the Web site at www.blc. edu/admissions.
About Bethany Lutheran College Bethany Lutheran College, owned and operated by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, is a private, residential, liberal arts college with a commitment to the teachings of the Bible as set forth in the Lutheran Confessions. The college serves Lutherans and others by offering a challenging, student-centered approach to education that fosters spiritual development, intellectual and creative growth, selfunderstanding, and responsible citizenship. In keeping with its heritage, Bethany aspires to produce students with a clear understanding of Christian vocation, which calls people to make the most of their God-given talents in whatever walk of life they pursue. Location: Bethany is located in Mankato, Minnesota, an area of approximately 52,000 residents (eighty miles southwest of Minneapolis/St. Paul). Campus: Overlooking the beautiful Minnesota River Valley, the campus occupies fifty acres with thirteen buildings and two athletic fields. Enrollment: While Bethany is continually growing, the average full-time enrollment is 515 students, with approximately thirty additional part-time students. Bachelor of Arts degree: Sixteen majors and seventeen minors are offered. For more information, please visit www.blc.edu.
Key: SFC – Sports and Fitness Center; YFAC – Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center. Dates and times are subject to possible changes. Please call in advance to confirm dates and times of events before traveling: 800.944.3066 or 507.344.7000.
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