February 12, 2016
Stewardship and Building Campaign
Volume 1 Issue 1
IMAGINE HOW MUCH MORE WE CAN HONOR OUR GOD For nearly 68 years, Our Savior Lutheran Church has served as a beacon of God’s love throughout Bettendorf and the surrounding communities. Through the years, thousands of people have come to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ. Much has been accomplished, but there’s more to do. Imagine with us a church where every adult, youth, and child grows even deeper in their walk with God and knowledge of His truth for happy, fulfilling, Gospel-centered lives. Imagine a ministry where every facet of the congregation is organized around the purpose of reaching those who do not know Jesus as their Savior. Imagine a church where every adult, youth, and child feels closely connected to their church family through friendships, groups, roles, and ministries. Now, imagine a church building that continues to glorify God while meeting the amazing potential before us. We are facing a pivotal moment in our history. The functionality and frequent over crowdedness of our facilities is a good problem to have, but a serious one. The fact of the matter is, if we do not do something, we are not only going to start missing the opportunities God is bringing our way, but we risk putting a cap on what He has already been doing among us. All of this means that the necessity to build can not be ignored. Nor can the opportunities for ministry be overlooked. Highlights of the project include: • More education rooms of various sizes for children and adults, and for multi-purpose usage; a new youth room • A large covered portico at the sanctuary entrance for safe, comfortable entry
3775 Middle Road, Bettendorf, IA 52722
• A new fellowship area near the entrance to the sanctuary (narthex), with a welcome/ information center • Sanctuary expansion for more seating • Adequate storage space to reduce clutter • Preschool office renovation and additional conference space for greater efficiency • A volunteer/part-time office work area to accommodate more workers • Additional and upgraded women’s and men’s restrooms To meet this challenge, our goal is to grow in faith and trust in our generous God, with the result being that we as a church family would commit $4.3M to the vision. All of us will be invited to make a threeyear prayer and financial commitment through our “Foundation for Eternity” campaign, one that is over and above our regular giving. There are times in the life of every ministry when extra effort and sacrifice are needed in order to continue reaching more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! That is the bottom line—ministry to more children and families, and more changed lives! In many ways this project is just a continuation of the miracle God has performed in and through our ministry for 68 years. May He, by His Spirit, knit our hearts together as one in purpose so that through us more people would come to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ, believing that God is able to do “immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine.”