EDITORIAL A word of encouragement
This year has been difficult for everyone, but through uncertainty we have managed to get to the end of the second semester. The end is in sight, but there is one thing that is holding me back: this feeling of being rundown or completely burnt out. I know a lot of my friends are feeling it, and I am sure most of the college is as well, including faculty and staff. This semester I have had to learn how to prioritize my mental health while still trying to complete everything in front of me. It has not been easy, and I know I have had my ups and downs. We have not had a real break all semester, and I understand why. COVID-19 changed the spring schedule entirely and left students with no real break. The school has done what they can
to help by implementing spring break days, but even these have their faults. With spring break being broken up into one day chunks sprinkled throughout the semester, I have not really had a day off. All of my “days off” have been spent catching up on homework and the million other things that I have not had the motivation or time to do. As an athlete, I have been running six days a week since August with only a week or two off in between seasons. Don’t get me wrong, I love running, which is why I do it, but I am mentally and physically exhausted. Like most sports, I had practice on most of the schedule spring break days. It was hard to find reason or time to take a break especially in the middle of the season. Part of the reason for my burnout has been my own fault. I love being involved around campus, and I often feel like there are more things I want to do or be a part of. I spread myself too thin in uncertain times. I have a heavier workload now than I have had in the past, and all of this is catching up to me. I completed one of my seminars this year, and the
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EMAIL: collegian@bethelks.edu
Word on the Street
process was the most draining thing I have ever done academically. I did not have the time or schedule room to properly manage my time, and instead I found myself having to pull a total of four all-nighters just to complete the project. I thought that, once it was turned in, my stress level would lower, but it has not. Instead, all my other classes have projects and presentations due all within a few days of each other. I have a difficult time deciding which class I should study for and when, and my grades have shown it. Overall, this has been my hardest year both academically and for my mental health. I know I am looking forward to the end of year, and I am doing my best to push forward through it all. For all of you in my shoes or also just feeling extremely burnt out, hold on. The end is in sight, I promise. Charlotte Ehrmann is a junior psychology and history and political science double major. She is also the Copy Editor of the Bethel Collegian.
What is something interesting your hometown does during the summer? Noah Miller
FIRST-YEAR “My favorite is when the community comes out and we have a get together at the town part in the middle of town where the dads are grilling, the moms brought desserts, and the kids are just running around with the other kids in town.”
Matt Hernandez
“One thing my town does every summer is we have a carnival come to town!”
Beth Balzer
“They have programs for kids that include crafting, swimming, and movie watching to get them things to do along with some educational stuff as well.”
Morgan Lantz
SENIOR “We do movies in the park. Every other Saturday they play a movie and have vendors come out, they sell popcorn and burgers and ice cream. It’s usually an all day thing because a farmers market is there before the movie starts so you just go and hang out then watch a movie. It’s usually decorated fun too.”
SGA most recently met on Sunday, April 25 to discuss the following business: - New basketball goals near Voth are up and ready to be used - Pickleball equipment is in, ask student to use it - Continuing processing ISR requests for students - Events for spring fling week will be starting soon, so keep your eye out for email updates on activities If you have any questions, comments, concerns or ideas feel free to reach out to any SGA member
WEBSITE: https://bethelsga.com
EMAIL: sga@bethelks.edu