EDITORIAL Pronouns are empowering
This past year I came out as agender, which means I don’t identify as either a man or woman, and I am essentially genderless. I have asked people to start using they/them pronouns when referring to me. As a result, my friends and I have started to make an effort towards being more aware of people’s preferred pronouns and using non-gendered language. Let us start with some basic LGBTQ+ terms that pertain to gender identity and expression. My gender identity falls under non-binary or genderqueer, which means not specifically male or female. Rather than a man or woman, I would be called an enby. Non-binary and genderqueer fall under the transgender umbrella, as in not cisgender. Cisgendered means your gender identify is the same
as the sex you were assigned at birth. Gender expression is something entirely different from gender identity. Someone can look masculine, feminine or androgynous, but that does not mean that they are a man, woman or enby. I can wear a suit or a dress, or look feminine or masculine, and that does not make me any less genderless. In the English language, common honorifics such as Mr., Mrs. and Ms. are gender specific terms. However, a genderneutral honorific does exist: Mx. (pronounced “mix”). A lot of people think that there is not a gender neutral term for nieces and nephews. However, there is a gender neutral term that is also the plural form: nibling. This word is derived from sibling, and we can take it one step further and call aunts and uncles piblings, which indicates the siblings of your parents. A common way to address crowds is by saying “ladies and gentlemen...” Some fun alternatives include, but are not limited to: “distinguished guests,” “gentlefolk,” “homo sapiens,” “guys, gals and nonbinary pals” or just a simple “everyone.” Many professions tend
to put “man” or “woman” after their job title. It can be an easy fix to be more inclusive and replace “man” or “woman” with person or a more appropriate job description. Some common replacements could be: business person instead of businesswoman/ man, member of congress instead of congresswoman/man, mail carrier or postal worker instead of mailman, salesperson or sales attendant instead of saleswoman/man, etc. People who use other pronouns besides she or he can still be in romantic relationships. We just wouldn’t be a girlfriend/ boyfriend or a wife/husband. Using gender neutral terms like partner, significant other, spouse or enbyfriend are very important to many enbys. It can be beneficial to be aware of gendered language not just for non-binary or transgender people, but also to be aware of everyday sexism in the words we use. Take an extra second to ask someone their preferred pronouns and use more inclusive language.
Word on the Street
International Students: How does your opinion of American politics differ from your initial impression? Joaquin Pluis
I have always thought that the ex-president was someone who spoke his mind, but did a lot of show and always tried to be polemic. Since I arrived here, I was able to watch the transition from Trump to Biden and how that evolved, and Trump’s attitude made me reaffirm what I originally thought.
Julio Quiroga
SPAIN Now that I have been here for over a semester, I think that maybe only having two major political parties with such a different view can be problematic to society. If there were more parties involved, maybe there could be an adjustment in law that can benefit almost all citizens.
Tomas Quercia
I believe that Donald Trump wasn’t made for a being U.S. president. Although I don’t know too much about politics, that is my opinion about it. In Argentina we have several political parties but in the U.S., it is just Republicans and Democrats. I liked how the country is organized.
Milan Bucek
CZECH REPUBLIC The thing that stuck out for me was Trump’s approach after the election when he did not want to give up a presidential post followed by the Capitol’s attack. Politics in America are almost the same as in the Czech Republic. We also have a democracy, so there is not a big difference in the political system.
Capri Bisom is a junior chemistry and art double major. They are also the design/layout editor for the Bethel College Collegian.
SGA resumed meetings for the 2020-2021 session beginning January 24. Goodville Mutual Casualty Company provided $7,000 in funding for
and put the money towards initiatives that interest students: talkaphone tower and water fountain additions.
SGA is working on updating the outdoor recreation area near Voth including a turf field, and new adjustable
The Bethel Collegian will accept letters of up to 250 words. The editor
basketball hoops (Thanks Maintenance!). Each committee of SGA is also starting their respective projects for
reserves the right to reject or edit letters for purposes of clarity, good
the upcoming semester. The Committee on Finance has been working on processing several ISR requests
taste and accuracy, and to prevent libel. Letters attacking a private
capital improvements to campus. President Gering feels strongly about the safety and well-being of campus
for students. The Committee on Academic Affairs is looking to start a book-share program and purchase school supplies for the CAD in the upcoming semester. The Committee on Student Life has been working with maintenance throughout this school year to come up with ways to improve lighting on campus, and they worked to start this column to provide more consistent updates from SGA. Speaker Wiles confirmed that the mural project for this school year is in progress, and will be designed by Adam Kroeker and Oscar Gonzalez. Lastly, Junior Sandy Dao was appointed to the senate as SGA’s newest member.
individual will not be permitted. Anonymous letters also will not be accepted. Letters must include a signature, address, and phone number.
EMAIL: collegian@bethelks.edu